def my_special_gamma(n):
  # return gamma(n/2)
  if n % 2 == 0: # n/2 is an integer
    return math.factorial(n / 2 - 1)
    root_pi = math.sqrt(math.pi)
    return root_pi * ss.factorial2(n-2) / math.pow(2.0, (n-1) / 2.0)
Пример #2
    def norm_prim_cart(self):
        r"""Return the normalization constants of the Cartesian Gaussian primitives.

        For a Cartesian primitive with exponent :math:`\alpha_i`, the normalization constant is:

        .. math::
           N(\alpha_i, \vec{a}) = \sqrt {
           \frac{(4\alpha_i)^{a_x + a_y + a_z}}{(2a_x - 1)!! (2a_y - 1)!! (2a_z - 1)!!}}

        norm_prim_cart : np.ndarray(L, K)
            The normalization constants of the Cartesian Gaussian primitives.
            `L` is the number of contracted Cartesian Gaussian functions for the given angular
            momentum, i.e. :math:`(\ell + 1) * (\ell + 2) / 2`
            `K` is the number of exponents (i.e. primitives).

        exponents = self.exps[np.newaxis, :]
        angmom_components_cart = self.angmom_components_cart[:, :, np.newaxis]

        return ((2 * exponents / np.pi)**(3 / 4) * (
            (4 * exponents)**(self.angmom / 2)) / np.sqrt(
       * angmom_components_cart - 1), axis=1)))
Пример #3
def test_rank_one(n):
    """Test the hafnian of rank one matrices so that it is within
    10% of the exact value"""
    x = np.random.rand(n)
    A = np.outer(x, x)
    exact = factorial2(n - 1) *
    approx = hafnian(A, approx=True, num_samples=10000)
    assert np.allclose(approx, exact, rtol=2e-1, atol=0)
Пример #4
def ME_to_inverse_half_life(ME, Jinit, lam, Ediff, EM):
        ME = (Jfinal || O^lam || Jinit)
        EM: "E" or "M"
        inverse life time (additive quantity)
        ln2 / T_1/2
    if (abs(ME) < 1.e-10): return 0
    hc = physical_constants["Planck constant over 2 pi times c in MeV fm"][0]
    if (EM == "E"):
        return 5.498e22 * (ediff / hc)**(2 * rank + 1) * (rank + 1) / (
            rank * factorial2(2 * lam + 1)**2) * BEM(ME, Jinit)
    if (EM == "M"):
        return 6.080e20 * (ediff / hc)**(2 * rank + 1) * (rank + 1) / (
            rank * factorial2(2 * lam + 1)**2) * BEM(ME, Jinit)
Пример #5
    def normalisation(self):
        """Calculates normalisation constant for the primitive gaussian and stores in self.normalisation once called.

        self.normalisation_memo : float

        if self.normalisation_memo is None:
            l, m, n = self.integral_exponents
            out1 = factorial2(2 * l - 1) * factorial2(2 * m -
                                                      1) * factorial2(2 * n -
            out2 = (pi / (2 * self.exponent))**(3 / 2)
            out3 = (4 * self.exponent)**(l + m + n)
            self.normalisation_memo = 1 / sqrt((out1 * out2) / out3)
        return self.normalisation_memo
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, l, coeffs, zetas):
     super().__init__() = torch.tensor(get_cartesian_angulars(l))
     anorms = 1.0 / np.sqrt(factorial2(2 * - 1).prod(-1))
     self.register_buffer('anorms', fp_tensor(anorms))
     rnorms = (2 * zetas / np.pi)**(3 / 4) * (4 * zetas)**(l / 2)
     self.register_buffer('coeffs', rnorms * coeffs)
     self.register_buffer('zetas', zetas)
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, epsilon, cutoff, na, q, minSize, maxSize):
     self.epsilon = epsilon
     self.cutoff = cutoff
     self.minSize = minSize
     self.maxSize = maxSize = na
     self.q = q
     self.coeffs = []
     for index in range(0, q + 1):
         first_expr = np.power(
             -1, index + 1) / (factorial2(2 * q - 2 * index, exact=True) *
                               factorial2(2 * index, exact=True))
         second_expr = factorial2(10 + 2 * q,
                                  exact=True) / (factorial2(8, exact=True) *
                                                 (10 + 2 * index))
         third_expr = np.power(cutoff, -(10 + 2 * index))
         self.coeffs.append(first_expr * second_expr * third_expr)
Пример #8
 def normalize(self):
     a = np.array(self.a)
     N = (2 / np.pi) ** (3 / 4) * 2 ** np.sum(a) * \
         self.alpha ** ((2 * np.sum(a) + 3) / 4) / \
         np.sqrt( * a - 1)))
     self.N = N
     self.n_primitives = len(self.alpha)
Пример #9
def FACTDOUBLE(number: func_xltypes.XlNumber) -> func_xltypes.XlNumber:
    """Returns the double factorial of a number.
    if number < 0:
        raise xlerrors.NumExcelError('Negative values are not allowed')

    return factorial2(int(number), exact=True)
Пример #10
 def func_temp(ws):
     k, kp = ws[0], ws[1]
     O1 = binom(n_p, kp) * binom(n, k)
     O2 = H(n_p - kp, 0) * H(n - k, 0)
     O3 = ((2 * np.sqrt(alphap))**kp) * ((2 * np.sqrt(alpha))**k)
     if (k + kp) % 2 != 0:
         return 0.
         return O1*O2*O3*factorial2(int(k+kp-1))\
Пример #11
def __S(e1, e2, R1, R2, ang1, ang2):
    S = (np.pi/(e1+e2))**(3/2)
    P = (e1*R1+e2*R2)/(e1+e2)
    for i in range(3):
        s = 0
        for k in range(0, int((ang1[i]+ang2[i])/2)+1):
            s += __ck(2*k, ang1[i], ang2[i], P[i]-R1[i], P[i]-R2[i]) * \
                special.factorial2(2*k-1, exact=True) / (2*(e1+e2))**k
        S *= s
    return S
Пример #12
def KaulaF(n, q, p, j):
    Series coefficient in the Taylor expansion of the
    Kaula inclination function F_{nqp}(I).
    See, e.g., Kaula (1962,1966) or Ellis & Murray (2000).

    The function returns the jth term of the Taylor
    expansion in the variable s = sin(I/2). I.e.
        KaulaF(n,q,p,j) = (1/j!) d^j F{nqp}/ ds^j

    This implementation is based on the Mathematica
    package by Fabio Zugno available at:

    n : int

    q : int
    p : int
    j : int

    if q == 0 and 2 * p == n:
        return (-1)**(j + n) * binom(n, j) * binom(
            n + j, j) * factorial2(n - 1) / factorial2(n)
    if n - 2 * p - q < 0:
        if n - q < 0: return 0
        return (-1)**(n - q) * factorial(n + q) * KaulaF(n, -q, n - p,
                                                         j) / factorial(n - q)
    numerator = (-1)**j * factorial2(2 * n - 2 * p - 1)
    numerator *= binom(n / 2 + p + q / 2, j)
    numerator *= threeFtwo([-j, -2 * p, -n - q],
                           [1 + n - 2 * p - q, -(n / 2) - p - q / 2])
    if p < 0: return 0.
    denom = factorial(n - 2 * p - q) * factorial2(2 * p)
    return numerator / denom
def compute_Si(lA, lB, PA, PB, gamma):
    Calculate the i-th coordinate contribution to the matrix element S[A,B].
    Si = 0.0
    for k in range(
            int((lA + lB) / 2) + 1
    ):  # note range is up to add INCLUDING floor of (lA+lB)/2, hence +1
        Si += compute_ck(2*k, lA, lB, PA, PB) * np.sqrt(np.pi / gamma) * \
              (special.factorial2(2*k-1,exact=True) / (2*gamma)**k)
    return Si
Пример #14
def pn_leading_order_amplitude(ell, m, x, mass_ratio=1.0):
    """Return the leading-order amplitude of r*h/M in PN theory

    These expressions are from Eqs. (330) of Blanchet's Living Review (2014).

    Note that `x` is just the orbital angular velocity to the (2/3) power.

    from scipy.special import factorial, factorial2

    if m < 0:
        return (-1)**ell * np.conjugate(
            pn_leading_order_amplitude(ell, -m, x, mass_ratio=mass_ratio))

    if mass_ratio < 1.0:
        mass_ratio = 1.0 / mass_ratio
    nu = mass_ratio / (1 + mass_ratio)**2
    X1 = mass_ratio / (mass_ratio + 1)
    X2 = 1 / (mass_ratio + 1)

    def sigma(ell):
        return X2**(ell - 1) + (-1)**ell * X1**(ell - 1)

    if (ell + m) % 2 == 0:
        amplitude = (((-1)**((ell - m + 2) / 2) / (2**(ell + 1) * factorial(
            (ell + m) // 2) * factorial(
                (ell - m) // 2) * factorial2(2 * ell - 1))) * np.sqrt(
                    (5 * (ell + 1) *
                     (ell + 2) * factorial(ell + m) * factorial(ell - m)) /
                    (ell * (ell - 1) * (2 * ell + 1))) * sigma(ell) *
                     (1j * m)**ell * x**(ell / 2 - 1))
        amplitude = (((-1)**((ell - m - 1) / 2) / (2**(ell - 1) * factorial(
            (ell + m - 1) // 2) * factorial(
                (ell - m - 1) // 2) * factorial2(2 * ell + 1))) * np.sqrt(
                    (5 * (ell + 2) *
                     (2 * ell + 1) * factorial(ell + m) * factorial(ell - m)) /
                    (ell * (ell - 1) * (ell + 1))) * sigma(ell + 1) * 1j *
                     (1j * m)**ell * x**((ell - 1) / 2))

    return 8 * np.sqrt(np.pi / 5) * nu * x * amplitude
Пример #15
def Nrun(basisset):
    # Normalize primitive functions
    for i in range(len(basisset)):
        for j in range(len(basisset[i][5])):
            a = basisset[i][5][j][1]
            l = basisset[i][5][j][3]
            m = basisset[i][5][j][4]
            n = basisset[i][5][j][5]

            part1 = (2.0 / math.pi)**(3.0 / 4.0)
            part2 = 2.0**(l + m + n) * a**(
                (2.0 * l + 2.0 * m + 2.0 * n + 3.0) / (4.0))
            part3 = math.sqrt(
                scm.factorial2(int(2 * l - 1)) *
                scm.factorial2(int(2 * m - 1)) *
                scm.factorial2(int(2 * n - 1)))
            basisset[i][5][j][0] = part1 * ((part2) / (part3))
    # Normalize contractions
    for k in range(len(basisset)):
        if len(basisset[k][5]) != 1:
            l = basisset[k][5][0][3]
            m = basisset[k][5][0][4]
            n = basisset[k][5][0][5]
            L = l+m+n
            factor = (np.pi**(3.0/2.0)*scm.factorial2(int(2*l-1))*scm.factorial2(int(2*m-1))*scm.factorial2(int(2*n-1)))/(2.0**L)
            sum = 0
            for i in range(len(basisset[k][5])):
                for j in range(len(basisset[k][5])):
                    alphai = basisset[k][5][i][1]
                    alphaj = basisset[k][5][j][1]
                    ai     = basisset[k][5][i][2]*basisset[k][5][i][0]
                    aj     = basisset[k][5][j][2]*basisset[k][5][j][0]
                    sum += ai*aj/((alphai+alphaj)**(L+3.0/2.0))
            Nc = (factor*sum)**(-1.0/2.0)
            for i in range(len(basisset[k][5])):
                basisset[k][5][i][0] *= Nc
    return basisset
Пример #16
    def S(self, orb):
        Overlap integral
        Page 2315
        assert isinstance(orb, pgto)
        l1, m1, n1 = self.pow
        l2, m2, n2 = orb.pow
        a1 = self.exp
        a2 = orb.exp

        A     = self.origin
        B     = orb.origin
        gamma = a1+a2
        P     = (a1*A+a2*B)/(a1+a2)
        AB_sq = dot(A-B, A-B)
        PA    = sqrt(dot(P-A, P-A))
        PB    = sqrt(dot(P-B, P-B))
        ## fj(l,m,a,b)
        f = lambda l,m,a,b,j,i : comb(l,i)*comb(m,j-i)*a**i*b**(j-i) 

        # Sum over 0 <= i <= j for all possible j <=l1+l2
        fj = []
        for j in range(l1+l2+1):
            fj_temp = []
            for i in range(j+1):
                fj_temp.append(f(l1, l2, PA, PB))
            #end for
        #end for
        ## fj complete

        # start integral
        pre = (pi/gamma)**3./2*exp(-a1*a2*AB_sq/gamma)

        int_out = 0
        for q in [l1+l2, m1+m2, n1+n2]:
            int_in = 1
            for i in range(int(ceil(0.5*(q)))):
                int_in *= f[2*i]*factorial2(2*i-1)/(2*gamma)**i
            #end for
            int_out += int_in
        #end for
        result = pre*int_out
        return result        
Пример #17
    def __init__(self, n_max):
        """Initialize class.

        n_max : int
            Maximum angular momentum.

        self.binomials = [[binom(n, i) for i in range(n + 1)] for n in range(n_max + 1)]
        facts = [factorial2(m, 2) for m in range(2 * n_max)]
        facts.insert(0, 1)
        self.facts = np.array(facts)
Пример #18
def low_rank_hafnian(G):
    r"""Returns the hafnian of the low rank matrix :math:`\bm{A} = \bm{G} \bm{G}^T` where :math:`\bm{G}` is rectangular of size
    :math:`n \times r`  with :math:`r \leq n`.

    Note that the rank of :math:`\bm{A}` is precisely :math:`r`.

    The hafnian is calculated using the algorithm described in Appendix C of
    *A faster hafnian formula for complex matrices and its benchmarking on a supercomputer*,

        G (array): factorization of the low rank matrix A = G @ G.T.

        (complex): hafnian of A.
    n, r = G.shape
    if n % 2 != 0:
        return 0
    if r == 1:
        return factorial2(n - 1) *
    poly = 1
    x = symbols("x0:" + str(r))
    for k in range(n):
        term = 0
        for j in range(r):
            term += G[k, j] * x[j]
        poly = expand(poly * term)

    comb = partitions(r, n // 2)
    haf_val = 0.0
    for c in comb:
        monomial = 1
        facts = 1
        for i, pi in enumerate(c):
            monomial *= x[i]**(2 * pi)
            facts = facts * factorial2(2 * pi - 1)
        haf_val += complex(poly.coeff(monomial) * facts)
    return haf_val
Пример #19
def fcint(v1, v2):
    aa = 0.0
    for k1 in range(v1 + 1):
        for k2 in range(v2 + 1):
            if (k1 + k2) % 2 == 0:
                ik = factorial2(k1 + k2 - 1) / (a1 + a2)**((k1 + k2) / 2)
                ik = 0
            aa += comb(v1,k1)*comb(v2,k2)*eval_hermite(v1-k1,b1)\
    bb = aa * A * exp(-S) / 2**(v1 + v2) / factorial(v1) / factorial(v2) * aa
    #bb = A*exp(-S)/2**(v1+v2)
    return bb
Пример #20
def F(n, x):  #calculate Boys function value by numerical integration
    if x < 1e-7:
        return 1 / (2 * n + 1)
    if n == 20:
        res1 = 1 / (2 * n + 1)
        #if x < 1e-7:
        #    return res1
        for k in range(1, 11):
            res1 += (-x)**k / factorial(k) / (2 * n + 2 * k + 1)
        res2 = factorial2(2 * n - 1) / 2**(n + 1) * np.sqrt(
            np.pi / x**(2 * n + 1))
        res = min(res1, res2)
        return res
    return (2 * x * F(n + 1, x) + np.exp(-x)) / (2 * n + 1)
Пример #21
def test_evaluate_construct_array_contraction():
    """Test gbasis.evals.eval.Eval.construct_array_contraction."""
    test = GeneralizedContractionShell(1, np.array([0.5, 1, 1.5]),
                                       np.array([1.0, 2.0]),
                                       np.array([0.1, 0.01]))
    answer = np.array([
            np.array([[2, 3, 4]]),
            np.array([0, 0, 0]),
            np.array([0.5, 1, 1.5]),
            np.array([0.1, 0.01]),
            np.array([1, 2]),
                (2 * 0.1 / np.pi)**(3 / 4) * (4 * 0.1)**(1 / 2) /
                np.sqrt( * angmom_comp - 1))),
                (2 * 0.01 / np.pi)**(3 / 4) * (4 * 0.01)**(1 / 2) /
                np.sqrt( * angmom_comp - 1))),
        ) for angmom_comp in test.angmom_components_cart
    ]).reshape(3, 1)
    assert np.allclose(
        Eval.construct_array_contraction(points=np.array([[2, 3, 4]]),
                                         contractions=test), answer)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Eval.construct_array_contraction(points=np.array([[2, 3, 4]]),
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Eval.construct_array_contraction(points=np.array([[2, 3, 4]]),
                                         contractions={1: 2})
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Eval.construct_array_contraction(points=np.array([2, 3, 4]),
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Eval.construct_array_contraction(points=np.array([[3, 4]]),
Пример #22
def gauss_integral(n):
    Solve the integral
    \int_0^1 exp(-0.5 * x * x) x^n dx


    >>> ans = gauss_integral(3)
    >>> np.allclose(ans, 2)
    >>> ans = gauss_integral(4)
    >>> np.allclose(ans, 3.75994)
    factor = np.sqrt(np.pi * 2)
    if n % 2 == 0:
        return factor * factorial2(n - 1) / 2
    elif n % 2 == 1:
        return factor * norm.pdf(0) * factorial2(n - 1)
        raise ValueError("n must be odd or even.")
def lpKernel(N, freq):
    # Lowpass filter 1D MAXFLAT kernel generator
    # N is the filter half-size, must be odd
    # freq is the normalised cutoff frequency
    # Returns the filter kernel of size (2N+1)
    num = 2 * N + 1
    result = np.zeros((num, 1))
    for n in range(N + 1):
        i = n + N
        im = N - n
        if (n == 0):
            result[i] = freq
            p = n % 2
            val = (ss.factorial2(N)**2 * np.pi**(p - 1) *
                   np.sin(n * np.pi * freq)) / (2**p * n * ss.factorial2(i) *
            result[i] = val
            result[im] = val
    return result / np.sum(result)
Пример #24
def gaussian_moment(p):
        Computes the moments of the standard normal distribution. Used
        when training via the method of moments.

        p: int

        the pth moment of the standard Gaussian.
    if p % 2 == 0:
        return factorial2(p - 1)
        return 0
    def test_gauss_quadrature(self):
        degree = 4
        alpha = 0.
        beta = 0.
        ab = jacobi_recurrence(degree + 1,

        x, w = gauss_quadrature(ab, degree + 1)
        for ii in range(degree + 1):
            if ii % 2 == 0:
                assert np.allclose(**ii, w), 1. / (ii + 1.))
                assert np.allclose(**ii, w), 0.)

        x_np, w_np = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(degree + 1)
        assert np.allclose(x_np, x)
        assert np.allclose(w_np / 2, w)

        degree = 4
        alpha = 4.
        beta = 1.
        ab = jacobi_recurrence(degree + 1,

        x, w = gauss_quadrature(ab, degree + 1)

        true_moments = [1., -3. / 7., 2. / 7., -4. / 21., 1. / 7.]
        for ii in range(degree + 1):
            assert np.allclose(**ii, w), true_moments[ii])

        degree = 4
        rho = 0.
        ab = hermite_recurrence(degree + 1, rho, probability=True)
        x, w = gauss_quadrature(ab, degree + 1)
        from scipy.special import factorial2
        assert np.allclose(**degree, w), factorial2(degree - 1))

        x_sp, w_sp = sp.roots_hermitenorm(degree + 1)
        w_sp /= np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
        assert np.allclose(x_sp, x)
        assert np.allclose(w_sp, w)
Пример #26
def gint(m, center1, exponent1, n, center2, exponent2
         ):  #calculate one electron integral of two gaussian primitives
    newcenter = (exponent1 * center1 + exponent2 * center2) / (exponent1 +
    newexponent = exponent1 + exponent2
    tempexponent = exponent1 * exponent2 / (exponent1 + exponent2)
    e12 = np.exp(-tempexponent * (center1 - center2)**2)
    res = 0
    for i in range(m + 1):
        for j in range(n + 1):
            if (i + j) % 2 == 0:
                res += (np.sqrt(np.pi / newexponent) * comb(m, i) *
                        comb(n, j) * factorial2(i + j - 1) /
                        (2 * newexponent)**((i + j) / 2) *
                        (newcenter - center1)**(m - i) *
                        (newcenter - center2)**(n - j))
    res = e12 * res
    return res
Пример #27
def gob_cart_normalization(alpha: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Compute normalization of exponent.

        Gaussian basis exponents
        Cartesian subshell angular momenta

        The normalization constant for the gaussian cartesian basis.

    return np.sqrt((4 * alpha)**sum(n) * (2 * alpha / np.pi)**1.5 /
          * n - 1)))
Пример #28
def correction_factor(snrval, Nch):
    # Calculate the channel-dependent and SNR-dependent correction factor
    CONSTFACTOR = math.sqrt(0.5 * math.pi)  # Constant
    snrval_squared = snrval * snrval
    # SNR squared
    confluent = hyp1f1(-0.5, float(Nch), -0.5 *
                       snrval_squared)  # confluent hypergeometric function
    confluent_squared = confluent * confluent  # squared confluent hypergeometric function
    Nch_minus_one = Nch - 1  # Number of channel reduced by one
    betaval = float(factorial2(2 * Nch - 1)) / float(
        (float(factorial(Nch - 1)) * float(2**Nch_minus_one))
    )  # Factor beta in equation 18, Koay and Basser, JMR (2006), 179, 317-322
    factorval = CONSTFACTOR * float(betaval)  # One more scaling required
    factorval_squared = factorval * factorval  # Square the factor
    corrfact = 2 * float(
    ) + snrval_squared - factorval_squared * confluent_squared  # Final correction factor
    return corrfact
Пример #29
def muthat_expansion(mu,sig,order):
    Calculates the expansion for mu_{\hat{T}} based on mu_D and sigma_D.
    The expansion calculates the average of 1/X where X ~ N(mu_D,sigma_D^2):
        E[1/X] \approx 1/mu * sum_{k=0}^N (sigma/mu)**2k * (2k-1)!!
    Because 1/mu is lumped into Teq after the call to this function, it is
    not necessary to multiply the result of the for loop by 1//mu.
        - mu, sig: expected value and standard deviation of X
        - order: order of the expansion

    sigomu = sig/mu
    sigomu2 = sigomu**2
    approx = 0
    for k in range(order):
        approx += sigomu2**k * factorial2(2*k-1)
    return approx
Пример #30
def G_q2d(n, m):
    if n == 0:
        num = factorial2(2 * m - 1)
        den = 2**(m + 1) * factorial(m - 1)
        return num / den
    elif n > 0 and m == 1:
        t1num = (2 * n**2 - 1) * (n**2 - 1)
        t1den = 8 * (4 * n**2 - 1)
        term1 = -t1num / t1den
        term2 = 1 / 24 * kronecker(n, 1)
        return term1 + term2  # this is minus in the paper
        # nt1 = numerator term 1, d = denominator...
        nt1 = 2 * n * (m + n - 1) - m
        nt2 = (n + 1) * (2 * m + 2 * n - 1)
        num = nt1 * nt2
        dt1 = (m + 2 * n - 2) * (m + 2 * n - 1)
        dt2 = (m + 2 * n) * (2 * n + 1)
        den = dt1 * dt2

        term1 = num / den  # there is a leading negative in the paper
        return term1 * gamma(n, m)
Пример #31
 def _mom(self, k):
     return .5*special.factorial2(k-1)*(1+(-1)**k)