Пример #1
def sound_hard_circle(k, rad, plot_grid):
    x = np.vstack((plot_grid[0].ravel(), plot_grid[1].ravel()))
    points = x
    fem_xx = points[0, :]
    fem_xy = points[1, :]
    r = np.sqrt(fem_xx * fem_xx + fem_xy * fem_xy)
    theta = np.arctan2(fem_xy, fem_xx)
    npts = np.size(fem_xx, 0)
    a = rad

    n_terms = np.int(30 + (k * a)**1.01)
    k0 = k

    Nx = plot_grid.shape[1]
    Ny = plot_grid.shape[2]

    u_inc = np.exp(1j * k0 * fem_xx)
    n_int = np.where(r < a)
    u_inc[n_int] = 0.0
    u_plot = u_inc.reshape(Nx, Ny)

    u_sc = np.zeros((npts), dtype=np.complex128)
    for n in range(-n_terms, n_terms):
        bessel_deriv = jv(n - 1, k0 * a) - n / (k0 * a) * jv(n, k0 * a)
        hankel_deriv = n / (k0 * a) * hankel1(n, k0 * a) - hankel1(
            n + 1, k0 * a)
        u_sc += -(1j)**(n) * (bessel_deriv/hankel_deriv) * hankel1(n, k0*r) * \

    u_sc[n_int] = 0.0
    u_scat = u_sc.reshape(Nx, Ny)
    u_tot = u_scat + u_plot

    return u_tot
Пример #2
def sound_soft_circle(k, rad, plot_grid):
    # from pylab import find
    from scipy.special import jv, hankel1
    import numpy as np
    x = np.vstack((plot_grid[0].ravel(), plot_grid[1].ravel()))
    points = x
    fem_xx = points[0, :]
    fem_xy = points[1, :]
    r = np.sqrt(fem_xx * fem_xx + fem_xy * fem_xy)
    theta = np.arctan2(fem_xy, fem_xx)
    npts = np.size(fem_xx, 0)
    a = rad

    n_terms = np.int(30 + (k * a)**1.01)
    k0 = k

    Nx = plot_grid.shape[1]
    Ny = plot_grid.shape[2]

    u_inc = np.exp(1j * k0 * fem_xx)
    n_int = np.where(r < a)
    u_inc[n_int] = 0.0
    u_plot = u_inc.reshape(Nx, Ny)

    u_sc = np.zeros((npts), dtype=np.complex128)
    for n in range(-n_terms, n_terms):
        u_sc += -(1j)**(n) * (jv(n, k0*a)/hankel1(n, k0*a)) * \
                hankel1(n, k0*r) * np.exp(1j*n*theta)

    u_sc[n_int] = 0.0
    u_scat = u_sc.reshape(Nx, Ny)
    u_tot = u_scat + u_plot

    return u_tot
Пример #3
    def em_sca_coef_my(self):
        calculates self.an and self.bn scattering coefficients
        a[k], b[k] correspond to order k+1

        m = np.sqrt(self.eps_t) * np.sqrt(
            self.mu_t) / (np.sqrt(self.eps_m) * np.sqrt(self.mu_m))
        x = self.k * self.a

        nmax = int(round(x + 4 * x**(1. / 3.) + 2.))
        self.nmax = np.round(max(nmax, np.abs(m * x)) + 16)

        besx = np.zeros(self.nmax, dtype=np.complex)
        dbesx = np.zeros(self.nmax, dtype=np.complex)
        dbesx2 = np.zeros(self.nmax, dtype=np.complex)
        hanx = np.zeros(self.nmax, dtype=np.complex)
        dhanx = np.zeros(self.nmax, dtype=np.complex)
        besmx_e = np.zeros(self.nmax, dtype=np.complex)
        dbesmx_e = np.zeros(self.nmax, dtype=np.complex)
        besmx_m = np.zeros(self.nmax, dtype=np.complex)
        dbesmx_m = np.zeros(self.nmax, dtype=np.complex)

        sqx = np.sqrt(0.5 * pi / x)
        dsqx = -0.5 * np.sqrt(0.5 * pi / x**3)
        sqmx = np.sqrt(0.5 * pi / (m * x))
        dsqmx = -0.5 * np.sqrt(0.5 * pi / (m * x)**3)
        for n in range(1, self.nmax + 1):
            besx[n - 1] = sp_spec.spherical_jn(n, x)
            dbesx[n - 1] = sp_spec.spherical_jn(n, x, True)
            hanx[n -
                 1] = sqx * sp_spec.hankel1(n + 0.5, x)  # sph. hankel 1st kind
            dhanx[n -
                  1] = sqx * sp_spec.h1vp(n + 0.5, x) + dsqx * sp_spec.hankel1(
                      n + 0.5, x)  # d. sph. hankel 1st

            n1 = np.sqrt(n * (n + 1) * self.eps_t / self.eps_r + 0.25) - 0.5
            besmx_e[n - 1] = sqmx * sp_spec.jv(n1 + 0.5, m * x)
            dbesmx_e[n - 1] = sqmx * sp_spec.jvp(
                n1 + 0.5, m * x) + dsqmx * sp_spec.jv(n1 + 0.5, m * x)

            n2 = np.sqrt(n * (n + 1) * self.mu_t / self.mu_r + 0.25) - 0.5
            besmx_m[n - 1] = sqmx * sp_spec.jv(n2 + 0.5, m * x)
            dbesmx_m[n - 1] = sqmx * sp_spec.jvp(
                n2 + 0.5, m * x) + dsqmx * sp_spec.jv(n2 + 0.5, m * x)

        self.an = ((self.mu_m * m**2 *
                    (besx + x * dbesx) * besmx_e - self.mu_t * besx *
                    (besmx_e + m * x * dbesmx_e)) /
                   (self.mu_m * m**2 *
                    (hanx + x * dhanx) * besmx_e - self.mu_t * hanx *
                    (besmx_e + m * x * dbesmx_e)))
        self.bn = ((self.mu_t *
                    (besx + x * dbesx) * besmx_m - self.mu_m * besx *
                    (besmx_m + m * x * dbesmx_m)) /
                   (self.mu_t *
                    (hanx + x * dhanx) * besmx_m - self.mu_m * hanx *
                    (besmx_m + m * x * dbesmx_m)))
def rootsAnnSec(m, rMin, rMax, aMin, aMax):
    f0 = lambda k: ivp(m, η * k) * hankel1(m, k) / η + iv(m, η * k) * h1vp(
        m, k)
    f1 = (lambda k: ivp(m, η * k, 2) * hankel1(m, k) + c * ivp(m, η * k) *
          h1vp(m, k) + iv(m, η * k) * h1vp(m, k, 2))

    A = AnnulusSector(center=0.0, radii=(rMin, rMax), phiRange=(aMin, aMax))
    z = A.roots(f0, df=f1)
    return z.roots
Пример #5
def sears_fun(kg):
    Produces Sears function

    S12 = 2. / np.pi / kg / (scsp.hankel1(0, kg) + 1.j * scsp.hankel1(1, kg))
    S = np.exp(-1.j * kg) * S12.conj()

    return S
Пример #6
def GaussianPulseDR(epsilon, Bx, c0, zm, zs, LOG='no'):
    ''' Analytical Propgation of a gaussion pulse near a rigid boundary.
    epsilon : amplitude of the gaussian
    Bx : width of the gaussian
    c0 : celerity of wave
    zm : location of the microphone
    zs : location of the source
    LOG : if LOG=='log', display complementary informations

    ext = 10
    Nfreq = 2**12
    Npadd = 2**14
    B = np.sqrt(Bx**2/np.log(2))
    k0 = np.sqrt(2)/B
    fmin = 0.00001
    fmax = k0*c0/(2*np.pi)
    r1 = abs(zm-zs)
    r2 = abs(zm+zs)

    # Axes
    k = np.linspace(2*np.pi*fmin/c0, ext*k0, Nfreq)
    f = np.linspace(fmin, ext*fmax, Nfreq)
    df = f[2] - f[1]
    wtime = np.linspace(0, 1/df, Npadd)

    # Puissance de la source % omega
    Sw = 1j*k*np.pi*epsilon*B**2*np.exp(-k**2*B**2/4.)/c0

    # Pression dans le domaine freq.
    Pdw = -1j*Sw*hankel1(0, k*r1)/4.
    Prw = -1j*Sw*hankel1(0, k*r2)/4.

    Ai = fmax*Nfreq/(2*np.pi)
    Pdt = Ai*ifft(Pdw, Npadd)[::-1]
    Prt = Ai*ifft(Prw, Npadd)[::-1]

    if LOG == 'log':
        print('Max. frequency : ' + repr(fmax))
        pl.figure('Source Strenght')
        pl.plot(f, abs(Sw), 'k')
        pl.ylabel('Strength $S_w$')
        pl.plot(f, abs(Pdw), 'k', label='Direct')
        pl.plot(f, abs(Prw), color='0.5', label='Reflected')
        pl.ylabel(r'Pressure $\tilde{p}(r,w)$')
        pl.plot(wtime, Pdt.real/Pdt.real.max(), color='0.8', label='Direct')
        pl.plot(wtime, Prt.real/Prt.real.max(), color='0.5', label='Reflected')
        pl.plot(wtime, Pdt.real/Pdt.real.max() + Prt.real/Prt.real.max(), 'k--', linewidth=4, label='Sum')
        pl.ylabel(r'Pressure $\tilde{p}(r,t)$')

    return Pdt+Prt, Pdt, Prt, f, wtime
Пример #7
def sMatrixElementCoefficients(k, n1, n2, m):
    A = -n1 * hankel2(m, n2 * k) * jvp(m, n1 * k) + n2 * jn(m, n1 * k) * h2vp(
        m, n2 * k)
    B = n1 * hankel1(m, n2 * k) * jvp(m, n1 * k) - n2 * jn(m, n1 * k) * h1vp(
        m, n2 * k)
    Ap = -n1 * n1 * jvp(m, n1 * k, 2) * hankel2(m, n2 * k) + n2 * n2 * jn(
        m, n1 * k) * h2vp(m, n2 * k, 2)
    Bp = n1 * n1 * jvp(m, n1 * k, 2) * hankel1(m, n2 * k) - n2 * n2 * jn(
        m, n1 * k) * h1vp(m, n2 * k, 2)
    return A, B, Ap, Bp
Пример #8
def exact_soln(r, theta, terms=30, r0=1, k=2 * np.pi):
    r = np.array(r)
    theta = np.array(theta)
    sln = np.zeros((len(r), len(theta)), dtype=np.complex128)
    for n in xrange(terms):
        eps = 2 if n else 1
        sln += eps * 1j**n * np.outer(
            jn(n, k * r0) / hankel1(n, k * r0) * hankel1(n, k * r),
            np.cos(n * theta))
    return -sln
Пример #9
    def __get_extended_matrix(self, Rmn, kb, an, NX, NY):
        """Return the extended matrix of Method of Moments.

            Rmn : :class:`numpy:ndarray`
                Radius matrix.

            kb : float or :class:`numpy:ndarray`
                Wavenumber [1/m]

            an : float
                Radius of equivalent element radius circle.

            Nx, Ny : int
                Number of cells in each direction.

            G : :class:`numpy:ndarray`
                The extent matrix.
        if isinstance(kb, float) or isinstance(kb, complex):

            # Matrix elements for off-diagonal entries (m=/n)
            Gmn = 1j*np.pi*kb*an/2*spc.jv(1, kb*an)*spc.hankel1(0, kb*Rmn)
            # Matrix elements for diagonal entries (m==n)
            Gmn[NY-1, NX-1] = 1j*np.pi*kb*an/2*spc.hankel1(1, kb*an) - 1

            # Extended matrix (2N-1)x(2N-1)
            G = np.zeros((2*NY-1, 2*NX-1), dtype=complex)
            G[:NY, :NX] = Gmn[NY-1:2*NY-1, NX-1:2*NX-1]
            G[NY:2*NY-1, NX:2*NX-1] = Gmn[:NY-1, :NX-1]
            G[NY:2*NY-1, :NX] = Gmn[:NY-1, NX-1:2*NX-1]
            G[:NY, NX:2*NX-1] = Gmn[NY-1:2*NY-1, :NX-1]


            G = np.zeros((2*NY-1, 2*NX-1, kb.size), dtype=complex)

            for f in range(kb.size):

                # Matrix elements for off-diagonal entries (m=/n)
                Gmn = (1j*np.pi*kb*an/2*spc.jv(1, kb[f]*an)
                       * spc.hankel1(0, kb[f]*Rmn))
                # Matrix elements for diagonal entries (m==n)
                Gmn[NY-1, NX-1] = (1j*np.pi*kb[f]*an/2*spc.hankel1(1, kb[f]*an)
                                   - 1)

                G[:NY, :NX, f] = Gmn[NY-1:2*NY-1, NX-1:2*NX-1]
                G[NY:2*NY-1, NX:2*NX-1, f] = Gmn[:NY-1, :NX-1]
                G[NY:2*NY-1, :NX, f] = Gmn[:NY-1, NX-1:2*NX-1]
                G[:NY, NX:2*NX-1, f] = Gmn[NY-1:2*NY-1, :NX-1]

        return G
Пример #10
def penetrable_circle(k0, k1, rad, plot_grid):
    # from pylab import find
    from scipy.special import jv, hankel1
    import numpy as np
    x = np.vstack((plot_grid[0].ravel(), plot_grid[1].ravel()))
    points = x
    fem_xx = points[0, :]
    fem_xy = points[1, :]
    r = np.sqrt(fem_xx * fem_xx + fem_xy * fem_xy)
    theta = np.arctan2(fem_xy, fem_xx)
    npts = np.size(fem_xx, 0)
    a = rad

    n_terms = np.max([100, np.int(55 + (k0 * a)**1.01)])

    Nx = plot_grid.shape[1]
    Ny = plot_grid.shape[2]

    u_inc = np.exp(1j * k0 * fem_xx)
    n_int = np.where(r < a)
    n_ext = np.where(r >= a)
    u_inc[n_int] = 0.0
    u_plot = u_inc.reshape(Nx, Ny)

    u_int = np.zeros(npts, dtype=np.complex128)
    u_ext = np.zeros(npts, dtype=np.complex128)
    for n in range(-n_terms, n_terms):
        bessel_k0 = jv(n, k0 * rad)
        bessel_k1 = jv(n, k1 * rad)

        hankel_k0 = hankel1(n, k0 * rad)

        bessel_deriv_k0 = jv(n - 1,
                             k0 * rad) - n / (k0 * rad) * jv(n, k0 * rad)
        bessel_deriv_k1 = jv(n - 1,
                             k1 * rad) - n / (k1 * rad) * jv(n, k1 * rad)

        hankel_deriv_k0 = n / (k0 * rad) * hankel_k0 - hankel1(n + 1, k0 * rad)

        a_n = (1j**n) * (k1 * bessel_deriv_k1 * bessel_k0 -
                         k0 * bessel_k1 * bessel_deriv_k0) / \
                        (k0 * hankel_deriv_k0 * bessel_k1 -
                         k1 * bessel_deriv_k1 * hankel_k0)
        b_n = (a_n * hankel_k0 + (1j**n) * bessel_k0) / bessel_k1

        u_ext += a_n * hankel1(n, k0 * r) * np.exp(1j * n * theta)
        u_int += b_n * jv(n, k1 * r) * np.exp(1j * n * theta)

    u_int[n_ext] = 0.0
    u_ext[n_int] = 0.0
    u_sc = u_int + u_ext
    u_scat = u_sc.reshape(Nx, Ny)
    u_tot = u_scat + u_plot

    return u_tot
Пример #11
 def func(x):
     r = p - x
     R2 = np.dot(r, r)
     R = np.sqrt(R2)
     drdudrdn = -np.dot(r, vecq) * np.dot(r, vecp) / R2
     dpnu = np.dot(vecp, vecq)
     c1 = 0.25j * k / R * hankel1(1, k * R) - 0.5 / (np.pi * R2)
     c2 = 0.50j * k / R * hankel1(1, k * R) - 0.25j * k2 * \
         hankel1(0, k * R) - 1.0 / (np.pi * R2)
     c3 = -0.25 * k2 * np.log(R) / np.pi
     return c1 * dpnu + c2 * drdudrdn + c3
Пример #12
    def prep_operator(self, k, Tint):
        A = np.eye(self._N, dtype='complex128')
        dv = self.x - self.x[:, None]
        d = np.abs(dv)
        np.fill_diagonal(d, 1)
        self.costheta = np.real(np.conj(self.normals) * dv)/d
        d *= k

        # $$ \dfrac{\partial H_n^{(1)}(z)}{\partial z} =
        # \dfrac{n H_n^{(1)}(z)}{z} - H_{n+1}^{(1)}(z)$$

        # Kapur-Rokhlin correction

        # filling diagonal with 0s as per KR quad scheme
        D = -1j/4*fns.hankel1(1, d) @ self.costheta
        np.fill_diagonal(D, 0)
        # print("weights shape: %s"%str(self.weights.shape))
        D = D * self.sp * self.weights

        S = 1j/4*fns.hankel1(0, d)
        np.fill_diagonal(S, 0)
        S = S * self.sp * self.weights
        # print(S)

        # implementing a 6th order correction scheme here

        # taken from Alex Barnett's MPSPack lib
        g6 = [4.967362978287758, -16.20501504859126, 25.85153761832639,
              -22.22599466791883, 9.930104998037539, -1.817995878141594]

        corrections = np.ones((self._N, self._N))
        for i in range(self._N):
            for j in range(1, 7):
                corrections[i][i-j] = g6[j-1]
                corrections[i][(i+j) % self._N] = g6[j-1]

        S *= 2*corrections
        D *= 2*corrections

        A += S @ Tint.astype('complex128') - D

        self.S = S
        self.D = D
        self.A = A

        self.Text = np.linalg.inv(S) @ (D-np.eye(len(D))/2)

        # eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(A)
        # plt.scatter(eigvals.real, eigvals.imag)
        # plt.xlabel("Re($\lambda$)")
        # plt.xlabel("Im($\lambda$)")
        # plt.show()

        return A
Пример #13
def computeScatteredWaveElement(kvec, p0, p1, point):
    Scattered wave contribution from a single segment
    @param kvec incident wave vector
    @param p0 starting point of the segment
    @param p1 end point of the segment
    @param point observer point
    @return complex value

    # xdot is anticlockwise
    xdot = p1 - p0

    # mid point of the segment
    pmid = 0.5 * (p0 + p1)

    # segment length
    dsdt = numpy.sqrt(xdot.dot(xdot))

    # normal vector, pointintg inwards and normalised
    nvec = numpy.array([
    nvec /= numpy.sqrt(nvec.dot(nvec))

    # from segment mid-point to observer
    rvec = point - pmid
    r = numpy.sqrt(rvec.dot(rvec))

    kmod = numpy.sqrt(kvec.dot(kvec))
    kr = kmod * r

    # Green functions and normal derivatives
    g = (1j / 4.) * hankel1(0, kr)
    dgdn = (-1j / 4.) * hankel1(1, kr) * kmod * nvec.dot(rvec) / r

    # contribution from the gradient of the incident wave on the surface
    # of the obstacle. The normal derivative of the scattered wave is
    # - normal derivative of the incident wave.
    scattered_wave = -dsdt * g * gradIncident(nvec, kvec, pmid)

    # shadow side: total wave is nearly zero
    #              => scattered wave amplitude = -incident wave ampl.
    # illuminated side:
    #              => scattered wave amplitude = +incident wave ampl.
    shadow = 2 * ((nvec.dot(kvec) > 0.) - 0.5
                  )  # +1 on the shadow side, -1 on the illuminated side
    scattered_wave += shadow * dsdt * dgdn * incident(kvec, pmid)

    return scattered_wave
Пример #14
def dshaf11(m, z):
    This function is based on information given in "Vibration and Sound",
    by Philip M. Morse, 2nd Edition., pp. 316-317.

    if m == 0:
        y = - sqrt(0.5 * pi /z) * hankel1(1.5, z);
        y = (m / (2*m+1)) * sqrt(0.5 * pi /z) * hankel1(m - 0.5, z)
        t = ((m+1) / (2*m+1)) * sqrt(0.5 * pi /z) * hankel1(m + 1.5, z)
        y -= t
    return y
Пример #15
def two_dim_g(k0, X, Y):
    r = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
    g = 0.25j * hankel1(0., k0 * r)
    max_pix = 0j
    dx = _get_dx(X, 0)
    dy = _get_dx(Y, 1)
    for _ in range(100):
        r = np.sqrt((dx * np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5))**2 +
                    (dy * np.random.uniform(-0.5, +0.5))**2)
        max_pix += 0.25j * hankel1(0., k0 * r)
    max_pix = max_pix / 100.
    g = np.where(np.isnan(g) | np.isinf(g), max_pix, g)
    return g
Пример #16
def test_cylindrical_hankel_1():
    order = np.random.randint(0, 6)
    value = np.random.rand(1).item() * 10
    assert (roundComplex(complex(NumCpp.cyclic_hankel_1_Scaler(order, value)), NUM_DECIMALS_ROUND) ==
            roundComplex(sp.hankel1(order, value), NUM_DECIMALS_ROUND))

    shapeInput = np.random.randint(20, 100, [2, ])
    shape = NumCpp.Shape(shapeInput[0].item(), shapeInput[1].item())
    order = np.random.randint(0, 6)
    value = NumCpp.NdArray(shape)
    valuePy = np.random.rand(shape.rows, shape.cols) * 10
    assert np.array_equal(roundComplexArray(NumCpp.cyclic_hankel_1_Array(order, value), NUM_DECIMALS_ROUND),
                          roundComplexArray(sp.hankel1(order, valuePy), NUM_DECIMALS_ROUND))
Пример #17
def test_hankel_01_complex(ctx_factory, ref_src):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    if not has_double_support(ctx.devices[0]):
        from pytest import skip
        skip("no double precision support--cannot test complex bessel function")

    n = 10**6
    z = (
        np.logspace(-5, 2, n)
        * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(n)))

    def get_err(check, ref):
        return np.max(np.abs(check-ref)) / np.max(np.abs(ref))

    if ref_src == "pyfmmlib":
        pyfmmlib = pytest.importorskip("pyfmmlib")
        h0_ref, h1_ref = pyfmmlib.hank103_vec(z, ifexpon=1)
    elif ref_src == "scipy":
        spec = pytest.importorskip("scipy.special")
        h0_ref = spec.hankel1(0, z)
        h1_ref = spec.hankel1(1, z)

        raise ValueError("ref_src")

    z_dev = cl_array.to_device(queue, z)

    h0_dev, h1_dev = clmath.hankel_01(z_dev)

    rel_err_h0 = np.abs(h0_dev.get() - h0_ref)/np.abs(h0_ref)
    rel_err_h1 = np.abs(h1_dev.get() - h1_ref)/np.abs(h1_ref)

    max_rel_err_h0 = np.max(rel_err_h0)
    max_rel_err_h1 = np.max(rel_err_h1)

    print("H0", max_rel_err_h0)
    print("H1", max_rel_err_h1)

    assert max_rel_err_h0 < 4e-13
    assert max_rel_err_h1 < 2e-13

    if 0:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as pt
        pt.loglog(np.abs(z), rel_err_h0)
        pt.loglog(np.abs(z), rel_err_h1)
Пример #18
 def G1(self, facous, z_ff=10):
     """compute G matrix used in HIE, 1st kind"""
     G = np.zeros((self.xaxis.size, self.xaxis.size), dtype=np.complex_)
     kc = 2 * pi * facous / self.c
     nfi = 2 * pi * facous * self.d_ae / np.real(self.c) < z_ff
     ffi = np.bitwise_not(nfi)
     nfi[np.diag_indices_from(nfi)] = False
     G[nfi] = -1j / 4 * hankel1(0, kc * self.d_ae[nfi])
     z = kc * self.d_ae[ffi]
     c = self.c
     G_str = '-1j / 4 * sqrt(2 / (pi * z)) * exp(1j * (z - pi / 4))'
     G[ffi] = ne.evaluate(G_str)
     g_diag = hankel1(0, kc * self.DX / (2 * e)) / (4j)
     G[np.diag_indices_from(G)] = g_diag
     return G
def f0(x, v):
    if v == 0:
        return f(x)
    elif v == 1:
        return spec.jn(10, x)
    elif v == 2:
        return spec.hankel1(0, x)
    elif v == 3:
        return spec.hankel1(10, x)
    elif v == 4:
        return spec.hankel2(0, x)
    elif v == 5:
        return spec.hankel2(10, x)
        return spec.airy(x)
Пример #20
def test_hankel_01_complex(ctx_factory, ref_src):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    if not has_double_support(ctx.devices[0]):
        from pytest import skip
            "no double precision support--cannot test complex bessel function")

    n = 10**6
    z = (np.logspace(-5, 2, n) * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(n)))

    def get_err(check, ref):
        return np.max(np.abs(check - ref)) / np.max(np.abs(ref))

    if ref_src == "pyfmmlib":
        pyfmmlib = pytest.importorskip("pyfmmlib")
        h0_ref, h1_ref = pyfmmlib.hank103_vec(z, ifexpon=1)
    elif ref_src == "scipy":
        spec = pytest.importorskip("scipy.special")
        h0_ref = spec.hankel1(0, z)
        h1_ref = spec.hankel1(1, z)

        raise ValueError("ref_src")

    z_dev = cl_array.to_device(queue, z)

    h0_dev, h1_dev = clmath.hankel_01(z_dev)

    rel_err_h0 = np.abs(h0_dev.get() - h0_ref) / np.abs(h0_ref)
    rel_err_h1 = np.abs(h1_dev.get() - h1_ref) / np.abs(h1_ref)

    max_rel_err_h0 = np.max(rel_err_h0)
    max_rel_err_h1 = np.max(rel_err_h1)

    print("H0", max_rel_err_h0)
    print("H1", max_rel_err_h1)

    assert max_rel_err_h0 < 4e-13
    assert max_rel_err_h1 < 2e-13

    if 0:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as pt
        pt.loglog(np.abs(z), rel_err_h0)
        pt.loglog(np.abs(z), rel_err_h1)
Пример #21
 def Ez_scat_deserialized_worker(self, params):
     i = params[0]
     j = params[1]
     return self.I_aux[j] * special.hankel1(
         self.k * math.sqrt((self.x_obs[i] - self.x_aux[j])**2 +
                            (self.y_obs[i] - self.y_aux[j])**2))
Пример #22
def H0(s):
    """ Computes and returns the value of the Hankel function in s """
    if s<0.01:
        s = 0.01   #H0(0) = -inf
    value = sp.hankel1(0, s)
    # theoretical_value = J0(s) + 1j*Y0(s)
    return value
Пример #23
def coeff_w_m(η, m, k):
    M = np.array(
        [[sp.iv(m, η * k), -sp.hankel1(m, k)], [sp.ivp(m, η * k) / η, sp.h1vp(m, k)]]
    V = np.array([[sp.jv(m, k)], [-sp.jvp(m, k)]])
    S = np.linalg.solve(M, V)
    return (S[0, 0], S[1, 0])
Пример #24
def det_M1(η, m):
    c = η + 1 / η
    return lambda z: (
        sp.ivp(m, η * z, 2) * sp.hankel1(m, z)
        + c * sp.ivp(m, η * z) * sp.h1vp(m, z)
        + sp.iv(m, η * z) * sp.h1vp(m, z, 2)
Пример #25
 def Anl_worker(self, params):
     return special.hankel1(
         self.k * math.sqrt(
                 self.decim_indices[params[0]] -
                 self.decim_indices[params[1]], 2) + self.h_aux2))
Пример #26
    def effective_coated_N0(self, filling, polarization):
		Calculate effective medium parameters using the
		coated cylinder model
        R = self.radius
        k = self.k_host
        mu_h = 1.0

        R2 = R / np.sqrt(filling)

        # bessel functions
        J0 = special.jv(0, k * R2)
        H0 = special.hankel1(0, k * R2)
        JD0 = special.jvp(0, k * R2)
        HD0 = special.h1vp(0, k * R2)

        aa0 = self.coeff(0, polarization)
        if polarization in ['H', 'TE']:
            numer = JD0 + HD0 * aa0 + 0j
            denom = (J0 + H0 * aa0) + 0j
            term = -2. * mu_h / (k * R2)
            return term * numer / denom + 0j
            aa0 = self.coeff(0, polarization)
            numer = JD0 + HD0 * aa0 + 0j
            denom = (J0 + H0 * aa0) + 0j
            term = -2 * self.host_eps / (k * R2)
            return term * numer / denom + 0j
Пример #27
    def effective_coated_order(self, filling, polarization, order):
		Calculate effective medium parameters using the
		coated cylinder model
        R = self.radius
        k = self.k_host
        mu_h = 1.0

        R2 = R / np.sqrt(filling)

        # bessel functions
        J0 = special.jv(order, k * R2)
        H0 = special.hankel1(order, k * R2)
        JD0 = special.jvp(order, k * R2)
        HD0 = special.h1vp(order, k * R2)
        m = order

        #aa0 = self.coeff(1,polarization)
        if polarization in ['H', 'TE']:

            aa1 = self.coeff(m, 'TE')
            denom = JD0 + HD0 * aa1 + 0j
            numer = (J0 + H0 * aa1) + 0j
            sum_ = m * numer / denom
            term = self.host_eps / (k * R2)
            return term * sum_ + 0j

            aa1 = self.coeff(m, 'TM')
            denom = JD0 + HD0 * aa1 + 0j
            numer = (J0 + H0 * aa1) + 0j
            sum_ = numer / denom / m
            term = self.host_mu / (k * R2)
            return term * sum_ + 0j
Пример #28
    def Mcyl(self, field, order, rho, phi, component, freq_index):

        n = order

        # bessel functions

        if field == "inc":
            k = self.kR_host[freq_index] / self.radius
            z1 = k * rho
            J1 = special.jv(order, z1)
            JD1 = special.jvp(order, z1)
            m_r = -order * k * J1 * np.sin(order * phi) / z1
            m_phi = -k * JD1 * np.cos(order * phi)
        elif field == "sc":
            k = self.kR_host[freq_index] / self.radius
            z1 = k * rho
            H1 = special.hankel1(order, z1)
            HD1 = special.h1vp(order, z1)
            m_r = -n * k * H1 * np.sin(order * phi) / z1
            m_phi = -k * HD1 * np.cos(order * phi)
            #print m_r, m_phi
        elif field == "int":
            q = self.kR_cyl[freq_index] / self.radius
            z2 = q * rho
            J2 = special.jv(order, z2)
            JD2 = special.jvp(order, z2)
            m_r = -order * q * J2 * np.sin(order * phi) / z2
            m_phi = -q * JD2 * np.cos(order * phi)

        if component in ['r', 'rho']:
            return m_r
        elif component in ['phi']:
            return m_phi
            return np.array([m_r, m_phi])
Пример #29
    def G2(self, facous, z_ff=10, mask=None, is_L=False):
        """compute G matrix used in HIE, 2nd kind"""
        G = np.zeros((self.xaxis.size, self.xaxis.size), dtype=np.complex_)
        nfi = 2 * pi * facous * self.d_ae / np.real(self.c) < z_ff
        ffi = np.bitwise_not(nfi)

        # only compute left triangle
        if is_L:
            nfi = np.tril(nfi)
            ffi = np.tril(ffi)

        # Apply travel time mask
        if mask is not None:
            nfi = np.bitwise_and(nfi, mask)
            ffi = np.bitwise_and(ffi, mask)

        nfi[np.diag_indices_from(nfi)] = False
        G[nfi] = -1j * pi * facous * self.cos_ae[nfi]\
                * hankel1(1, 2 * pi * facous * self.d_ae[nfi] / self.c) \
                / (2 * self.c)
        z = 2 * pi * facous * self.d_ae[ffi] / self.c
        cae = self.cos_ae[ffi]
        c = self.c
        G_str = '-1j * pi * facous * cae * sqrt(2 / (pi * z))' \
              + '* exp(1j * (z - 3 * pi / 4)) / (2 * c)'
        G[ffi] = ne.evaluate(G_str)
        G[np.diag_indices_from(G)] = -self.zpp_wave \
                                   / (4 * pi * self.grad_h ** 2)
        return G
Пример #30
def G_pseudo(beta0, kc, L, rsrc, rrcr, l_max, qmax):
    """Compute the psuedo-periodic greens function from rsrc to rrcr"""
    dx = rrcr[0] - rsrc[0]
    dz = rrcr[1] - rsrc[1]

    kr = kc * np.sqrt(dx**2 + dz**2)
    theta = np.arctan2(-np.abs(dx), -np.abs(dz))

    # compute lattice sum coefficents
    s_arr = [S_Kummer(beta0, kc, L, 0, qmax)]
    for l in range(1, l_max + 1):
        Seven, Sodd = S_Kummer(beta0, kc, L, l, qmax)
    s_arr = np.array(s_arr)

    eps = np.full(s_arr.size, 2)
    eps[0] = 1
    orders = np.arange(l_max * 2 + 1)
    jterms = jv(orders, kr)
    costerms = np.cos(orders * (pi / 2 - theta))

    g = hankel1(0, kr) + (eps * s_arr * jterms * costerms).sum()
    g *= -1j / 4

    return g
Пример #31
 def get_dirichlet_bc(self, n):
     '''TODO: docstring'''
     return -(
               self.get_wavenumber() * self.get_cylinder_radius()) /
                    self.get_wavenumber() * self.get_cylinder_radius()))
Пример #32
def evaluate_T(mesh,k):
    px = mesh.sourceVals[0].reshape(-1,1)
    py = mesh.sourceVals[1].reshape(-1,1)
    qx = mesh.sampVals[0].reshape(1,-1)
    qy = mesh.sampVals[1].reshape(1,-1)
    r = np.sqrt( (qx-px)**2 + (qy-py)**2 )
    drdn = ( (qx-px)*mesh.sampNormals[0] + (qy-py)*mesh.sampNormals[1] ) / r
    return 0.25j * k * drdn * hankel1(1,k*r)
Пример #33
def get_potentials(xy,mesh,k,incAmp,incDir):
    incident = incAmp * np.exp( 1j*k*np.dot(xy.T,incDir) )
    r = np.sqrt( (x-sourcex)**2 + (y-sourcey)**2 )
    scattered = np.sum(0.25j * mesh.amplitudes * hankel1(0,k*r),axis=1)
    return scattered + incident.reshape(-1,)
Пример #34
def Alternative_MFS(mesh,plotx,ploty,k,incDir,incAmp=1.0,tau=10,frac_samp=2,offset=0.15):

    for d in mesh.dList:
        d.numSource = int(np.ceil(tau*k*d.length()/(2*np.pi)))
        d.numSamp = int(frac_samp*d.numSource)
        source = np.linspace(0,d.length(),d.numSource,endpoint=False)
        samp = np.linspace(0,d.length(),d.numSamp,endpoint=False)
        for e in d.eList:
            xi = np.where((low<=source)==(source<high))
            xi = e.limits[0] + (e.limits[1]-e.limits[0])*(source[xi]-low)/e.length()
            e.sourceNormals = e.normals(xi)
            e.sourceVals = e.vals(xi) + offset*e.sourceNormals
            xi = np.where((low<=samp) == (samp<high))
            xi = e.limits[0] + (e.limits[1]-e.limits[0])*(samp[xi]-low)/e.length()
            e.sampVals = e.vals(xi)
            e.sampNormals = e.normals(xi)
        d.sourceVals = np.hstack([e.sourceVals for e in d.eList])
        d.sourceNormals = np.hstack([e.sourceNormals for e in d.eList])
        d.sampVals = np.hstack([e.sampVals for e in d.eList])
        d.sampNormals = np.hstack([e.sampNormals for e in d.eList])
    mesh.sourceVals = np.hstack([d.sourceVals for d in mesh.dList])
    mesh.sourceNormals = np.hstack([d.sourceNormals for d in mesh.dList])
    mesh.sampVals = np.hstack([d.sampVals for d in mesh.dList])
    mesh.sampNormals = np.hstack([d.sampNormals for d in mesh.dList])    
    # A 
    qx = mesh.sourceVals[0].reshape(1,-1)
    qy = mesh.sourceVals[1].reshape(1,-1)
    px = mesh.sampVals[0].reshape(-1,1)
    py = mesh.sampVals[1].reshape(-1,1)
    npx = mesh.sampNormals[0].reshape(-1,1)
    npy = mesh.sampNormals[1].reshape(-1,1)
    r = np.sqrt( (qx-px)**2 + (qy-py)**2 )
    drdn = ( (qx-px)*npx + (qy-py)*npy ) / r
    A = 0.25j * k * drdn * hankel1(1,k*r)    
    # b vector
    phi = incAmp * np.exp(1j*k*np.dot(mesh.sampVals.T,incDir))
    b = -(1j*k*np.dot(mesh.sampNormals.T,incDir)*phi).reshape(-1,1)
    mesh.amplitudes,residuals,rank,s = np.linalg.lstsq(A,b,rcond=1e-10)
    mesh.amplitudes = mesh.amplitudes.reshape(-1,)
    return get_potentials(np.vstack([plotx,ploty]),mesh,k,incAmp,incDir)
def Bescoef(k,r,a,n):
    The calculates the Bessel and Hankel function coef for the 
    incident and scattered wave solution.
    spec.jv(v,z) - Bessel Func of the first kind of order v
    spec.jvp(v,z) - first derivative of BF of the first kinda of order v
    spec.h1vp(v,z) - first derivative of Hankel Func of order v
    spec.hankel1(v,z) - Hankel func of the first kind of order v
    kr , ka = k*r , k*a  
    coef = -(spec.jvp(n,ka,n=1)/spec.h1vp(n,ka,n=1))*spec.hankel1(n,kr)
    return coef
Пример #36
def linton_evans_coeffs(k,incAng,numCylinders,centres,radii,M):
    # Four-cylinder problem
    #if k<=20:
    #    M=40
    #elif 20<k<=40:
    #    M=80
    #elif 40<k<=60:
    #    M=120
    #elif 60<k<=120:
    #    M=180
    #elif k>120:
    #    M=300
    N = numCylinders
    origin = centres
    a = radii

    i = np.arange(0,N).reshape(-1,1)
    j = np.arange(0,N).reshape(1,-1)
    R = np.sqrt((origin[j,0]-origin[i,0])**2+(origin[j,1]-origin[i,1])**2)
    alpha = np.angle((origin[j,0]-origin[i,0]) +1j*(origin[j,1]-origin[i,1]))

    q = np.repeat(np.arange(N),2*M+1).reshape(-1,1) # rows
    p = np.repeat(np.arange(N),2*M+1).reshape(1,-1) # cols
    m = np.repeat([np.arange(-M,M+1)],N,axis=0).reshape(-1,1) # rows
    n = np.repeat([np.arange(-M,M+1)],N,axis=0).reshape(1,-1) # cols

    # Right-hand vector
    Iq = np.exp(1j*k*(origin[q,0]*np.cos(incAng)+origin[q,1]*np.sin(incAng)))
    exponential1 = np.exp(1j*m*(np.pi/2-incAng))
    RHS = - Iq * exponential1
    # Left-hand side matrix
    Znp = jvp(n,k*a[p]) / h1vp(n,k*a[p])
    exponential2 = np.exp(1j*(n-m)*alpha[p,q])
    Hnm = hankel1(n-m,k*R[p,q])
    LHS = Znp * exponential2 * Hnm

    Identity = np.identity(2*M+1)
    for cyl in range(N):
        LHS[cyl*(2*M+1):(cyl+1)*(2*M+1),cyl*(2*M+1):(cyl+1)*(2*M+1)] = Identity

    # Solve for values of Anq

    return A
Пример #37
def hankel1(n, z):
    """Bessel function of third kind (Hankel function) of order n at kr.
    Wraps scipy.special.hankel1(n, z)

    n : array_like
    z: array_like

    H1 : array_like
       Values of Hankel function of order n at position z
    return scy.hankel1(n, z)
Пример #38
def ddn_helmholtz_fs(k, D_a, x):
	""" (float, Antenna, numpy.array) -> numpy.array
	We assume that x is a single 2-vector not on the Antenna D_a.
	Returns a D_a.n_points() by 1 array (shape = (D_a.n_points(), ))representing the values dPhi/dn(y,x) for each value y on the antenna array D_a.
	assert x.size==2 and k > 0
	x = np.reshape(x,2) #makes sure that x has shape (2,)
	#need to compute normal vectors to each boundary of antenna array
	y = D_a.get_boundary() #y.shape = (2, D_a.n_points())
	nu = D_a.nu() #shape = (2, D_a.n_points())
	ynu = np.sum(y*nu, 0) #Ynu.shape = (D_a.n_points(),)
	xnu = np.dot(nu.T, x) #xnu.shape = (D_a.n_points(),)
	nu_diff_mat = ynu - xnu #nu_diff_mat.shape = (D_a.n_points(),)
	dist_array = np.linalg.norm(y-np.reshape(x,(2,1)), axis=0) #dist_array.shape = (D_a.n_points(),)
	return -(1j*k/4)*nu_diff_mat/dist_array*hankel1(1,k*dist_array)
Пример #39
def helmholtz_fs(k, x, y):
	""" (float, numpy.array, numpy.array) -> numpy.array
	Compute the value of the fundamental solution to the Helmholtz equation with wave number k. 
	x is a 2 by D_c.n_points() array of points along a particular ControlRegion object. 
	y is a 2 by D_a.n_points() array of points along the boundary of an Antenna object. 
	Output is an D_a.n_points() by D_c.n_points() array of values. 
	The columns correspond to a fixed point in the control region (x) while varying the point on the antenna array (y)
	assert x.shape[0]==2 and y.shape[0]==2 and k > 0
	nc = x.shape[1]
	na = y.shape[1]
	result = np.zeros((nc,na), dtype=complex)
	for i in range(nc):
		result[i,:] = 1j/4*hankel1(0,k*np.linalg.norm(np.reshape(x[:,i],(2,1))-y, axis=0))
	return result.T #shape is (na, nc)
Пример #40
	def computeScatteringMatrix(self,Mmax):
		# -- Prepare scattering matrix. 
		scatMat = np.zeros((2*Mmax+1,2*Mmax+1), dtype=np.complex)

		for n in range(2*Mmax+1):
			m = n-Mmax
			# -- Prepare the vector and matrix
			b = np.zeros((self.nTriangles), dtype=np.complex)
			M = np.zeros((self.nTriangles,self.nTriangles), dtype=np.complex)
			for i in range(self.nTriangles):
				b[i] = jn(m, self.k*np.linalg.norm(self.centerPoints[i]))*np.exp(1j*m*user_mod(np.arctan2(self.centerPoints[i,1],self.centerPoints[i,0]),2*np.pi))
				for j in range(self.nTriangles):
					if (i!=j):
						d = self.k*np.linalg.norm(self.centerPoints[i]-self.centerPoints[j])
						phi1 = user_mod(np.arctan2(self.centerPoints[i,1],self.centerPoints[i,0]),2*np.pi)
						phi2 = user_mod(np.arctan2(self.centerPoints[j,1],self.centerPoints[j,0]),2*np.pi)
						M[i,j] = self.potential*self.k*self.k*1j*hankel1(0, d)*self.areas[j]/4.0
			x = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(self.nTriangles,self.nTriangles, dtype=np.complex)-M,b)
			fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(3,3))
			ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111)
			plt.tripcolor(self.points[:,0], self.points[:,1],self.triangulation.simplices, np.abs(x))
			plt.savefig("intensityTest-%s.pdf" %(self.N))

			# -- We compute the corresponding line of the scattering matrix.
			for k in range(2*Mmax+1):
				mp = k-Mmax
				Smm = 0.0
				for h in range(self.nTriangles):
					d = self.k*np.linalg.norm(self.centerPoints[h])
					phi = user_mod(np.arctan2(self.centerPoints[h,1],self.centerPoints[h,0]),2*np.pi)
					Smm += self.potential*jn(mp,d)*np.exp(-1j*mp*phi)*x[h]*self.areas[h]

				Smm = self.k*self.k*1j*Smm/2.0
				Smm += (1.0 if mp==m else 0.0)
				scatMat[k,n] = Smm

		return scatMat
Пример #41
def ddn_helmholtz_fs_j(k, D_a, x, j):
	""" (number, PolarArray, numpy.array, int) -> numpy.array
	This is a more compartmentalized version of ddn_helmholtz_fs (works only for PolarAntennaArray).
	Here we just want to output the values of the normal derivative for y on the boundary of
	the jth antenna where j ranges from 0 to a.n_antennas-1.
	Again we expect that x is a 2-vector (i.e. x.size = 2). k is also positive.
	assert isinstance(D_a, (antenna.PolarArray, antenna.Polar))
	assert x.size==2 and k > 0
	x = np.reshape(x,2) #makes sure that x has shape (2,)
	nu = D_a.nu_j()
	y = D_a.get_boundary_j(j)
	ynu = np.sum(y*nu, 0) #Ynu.shape = (n,)
	xnu = np.dot(nu.T, x) #xnu.shape = (n,)
	nu_diff_mat = ynu - xnu #nu_diff_mat.shape = (n,)
	dist_array = np.linalg.norm(y-np.reshape(x,(2,1)), axis=0) #dist_array.shape = (n,)
	return -(1j*k/4)*nu_diff_mat/dist_array*hankel1(1,k*dist_array)
Пример #42
def cylinder(wavenumber,xPlotPoints,yPlotPoints,radius=1.0):
    """ Analytical potential on hard cylinder with [1,0] incident wave (Jones)"""
    x = xPlotPoints
    y = yPlotPoints
    theta = np.arctan2(y,x)
    numPoints = len(x)

    N = 100
    while any(nans)==False:
        N += 50
        n = np.arange(0,N)
        neumann = 2*np.ones(N); neumann[0]=1

        dJ = jvp(n,wavenumber*radius,1)
        H1 = hankel1(n,wavenumber*radius)
        dH1 = h1vp(n,wavenumber*radius,1)
        nans = np.isnan(dJ) + np.isnan(H1) + np.isnan(dH1)
    dJ = dJ.compress(np.logical_not(nans))
    H1 = H1.compress(np.logical_not(nans))
    dH1 = dH1.compress(np.logical_not(nans))
    neumann = neumann.compress(np.logical_not(nans))
    n = n.compress(np.logical_not(nans))

    total = (-neumann * (1j**n) * dJ * H1 / dH1).reshape(-1,1)

    cosines = np.cos(n.reshape(-1,1)*theta)

    total = total * cosines

    incPotential = np.exp(1j*wavenumber*x).reshape(numPoints)
    fullPotential = np.sum(total,axis=0) + incPotential
    return fullPotential
def Bn(k,r0,n):
    b=complex(spe.jv(n, k*r0))
    a=complex(spe.hankel1(n, k*r0))
    return -A*b/a
def Field_scat(k,r0,r,alpha,theta,N):
    F=Bn(k,r0,0)*spe.hankel1(0, k*r)
    for n in range(1,N+1):
        F+=Bn(k,r0,n)*spe.hankel1(n, k*r)*2*np.cos(n*(theta-alpha))
    return F
Пример #45
def hankel1d(n, z):
    """Derivative of hankel1 (from Wolfram MathWorld)"""
    return (n * hankel1(n, z) / z) - hankel1(n+1, z)
Пример #46
def sMatrixElementCoefficients(k,n1,n2,m):
  A = -n1*hankel2(m,n2*k)*jvp(m,n1*k)+n2*jn(m,n1*k)*h2vp(m,n2*k)
  B = n1*hankel1(m,n2*k)*jvp(m,n1*k)-n2*jn(m,n1*k)*h1vp(m,n2*k)
  Ap = -n1*n1*jvp(m,n1*k,2)*hankel2(m,n2*k)+n2*n2*jn(m,n1*k)*h2vp(m,n2*k,2)
  Bp = n1*n1*jvp(m,n1*k,2)*hankel1(m,n2*k)-n2*n2*jn(m,n1*k)*h1vp(m,n2*k,2)
  return A, B, Ap, Bp
Пример #47
 def __call__(self,x,y,nx=None,ny=None):
     return 1j/4*hankel1(0,self.k*absdiff(x,y))
Пример #48
 def hankel1_ratio(m, x):
     "Calculates the ratio of Hankel functions: hankel_ratio = hankel1'(m,x)/hankel1(m,x)"
     br = x * hankel1(m - 1, x) / hankel1(m, x) - m
     if any(isnan(br)) or any(isinf(br)):
         logging.error("Nan in Scipy Bessel: compile bessel module")
     return br
Пример #49
    def Assemble_Helmholtz_CBIE_Element(self, e, quadrature):

        px, py = self.mesh.collocation_points
        px = px.reshape(-1, 1)
        py = py.reshape(-1, 1)

        # Change of integration interval to element local coordinate limits
        xi = (quadrature.xi * 0.5 * (e.limits[1] - e.limits[0]) + 0.5 * (e.limits[0] + e.limits[1])).reshape(-1)
        Jacobian = quadrature.w * 0.5 * (e.limits[1] - e.limits[0])

        # Create integration subdivisions for large elements ( > lambda/4 )
        length = e.length()
        if length > (2 * np.pi / self.k) / 4:
            S = int(np.ceil(2.0 * self.k * length / np.pi))
            s = np.arange(0, S).reshape(-1, 1)
            xi = ((xi - e.limits[0] + (e.limits[1] - e.limits[0]) * s) / S + e.limits[0]).reshape(-1)
            Jacobian = np.repeat([Jacobian], S, axis=0).reshape(1, -1)
            Jacobian /= 1.0 * S

        # It is possible to use e.vals, e.normals and e.J to find the integration
        # coordinates, their normals and Jacobians.
        # However, it is more efficient to evaluate the shape functions here
        # and use them to find qx,qy,nq,Jxi as the same shape functions are
        # multiplied by the planewave enrichment in a few lines ...
        # However, this does not work for my PU-BEM simulations as these values
        # are hard-coded into the elements are nothing to do with the shape
        # functions.
        # Hence, we check for an 'ExactElement' element to determine
        # the best method

            e.ExactElement = False

        if e.ExactElement:
            qx, qy = e.vals(xi)
            nq = e.normals(xi)
            Jxi = e.J(xi)
            ShapeFunctions = e.shape_functions(xi)
            # Shape functions and derivatives at xi coordinates
            ShapeFunctions = e.shape_functions(xi, 1)
            # Integration coordinates
            qx, qy = np.dot(e.P, ShapeFunctions[:, :, 0].T)
            Jxi = np.dot(e.P, ShapeFunctions[:, :, 1].T)
            nq = np.vstack([Jxi[1, :], -Jxi[0, :]]) / np.sqrt(np.sum(Jxi ** 2, axis=0))
            Jxi = np.sqrt(np.sum(Jxi ** 2, axis=0))

        Jacobian *= Jxi

        r = np.sqrt((qx - px) ** 2 + (qy - py) ** 2)
        drdnq = ((qx - px) * nq[0] + (qy - py) * nq[1]) / r

        # Evaluate kernel
        Kernel = -1j * self.k / 4 * hankel1(1, r * self.k) * drdnq
        InterpolationBasis = np.repeat(ShapeFunctions[:, :, 0], e.shapeFunList[0].M, axis=1)  # Assumes global M !!!!
        InterpolationBasis = np.asarray(InterpolationBasis, np.complex)  # Make InterpolationBasis a complex matrix
        InterpolationBasis *= np.vstack([dof(qx, qy) for s in e.shapeFunList for dof in s.DegreesOfFreedomList]).T

        return np.dot(Kernel, Jacobian.reshape(-1, 1) * InterpolationBasis)
Пример #50
if __name__ == '__main__':
	mesh = [25, 50, 100, 200, 300,500,1000,2000]
	convergence = np.zeros((0,2))
	for nPoints in mesh:
		y = homoCircle(nPoints, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1)
		scatMat = y.computeScatteringMatrix(y.Mmax)
		analScatMat = np.zeros(2*y.Mmax+1, dtype=complex)
		zc = y.nc*y.k
		zo = y.no*y.k
		eta = y.nc/y.no
		for i in range(2*y.Mmax+1):
			m = i-y.Mmax
			num = -(eta*jvp(m,zc)*hankel2(m,zo)-jn(m,zc)*h2vp(m,zo))
			den = eta*jvp(m,zc)*hankel1(m,zo)-jn(m,zc)*h1vp(m,zo)
			analScatMat[i] = num/den
		err = np.amax(np.abs(np.diag(analScatMat)-scatMat))

		# -- Mean areas of triangles
		convergence = np.insert(convergence, len(convergence), [np.mean(y.areas), err],axis=0)

	fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(5,3))
	ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
	plt.plot(convergence[:,0],convergence[:,1], ls='--', marker='o', label=r"Numerical Error")

	p = np.polyfit(np.log(convergence[:,0]),np.log(convergence[:,1]),1)
	ynew = np.exp(np.polyval(p,np.log(convergence[:,0])))
	plt.plot(convergence[:,0],ynew, label=r"Power-law fit: $\alpha=%0.2g$" %(p[0]))
Пример #51
	def trace(self, D_c, k):
		""" (controlregion.ControlRegion) -> numpy.array
		x = D_c.get_boundary()
		return (1j/4)*hankel1(0,k*np.linalg.norm(x - np.reshape(self.x0, (2,1)), axis=0))
Пример #52
def hankel1p(m, z):
    return hankel1(m - 1, z) - hankel1(m, z) * m / z
Пример #53
def hankel(j, nu, z):
    if j==1:
        return hankel1(nu, z)
    elif j==2:
        return hankel2(nu, z)
    raise ValueError("j must be either 1 or 2")
Пример #54
    def Green2D(self, r):
        'Model the 2D Green\'s function'

        # Correct: -0.5j * hankel2(0, self.k*r)
        return self.scaleterm * self.rho * (-0.5j * hankel1(0, self.k*r))
Пример #55
    def Green2D(self, r):

        # Correct: -0.5j * hankel2(0, self.k*r)
        return self.scaleterm * (-0.5j * hankel1(0, self.k*r))
Пример #56
 def rfn(self, n, x):
     return ss.hankel1(n,x)
Пример #57
 def __call__(self,x,y,nx=None,ny=None):
     return -self.k*1j/4*hankel1(1,self.k*a)*(nx[0]*w[0]+nx[1]*w[1])/a
Пример #58
def findBestAng(freq,dx):
    '''for a particular frequency, find the best PML complex angle 
    Universal for both te, tm models, but calculates based on the TE model
    import te 
    print 'blast -- recalculating proper PML for f = ' + repr(freq)
    # set some internal parameters
    nx = 99
    ny = nx
    dy = dx
    # this means free space
    eHS = 1.0
    sHS = 0
    # need basic constants
    epso = 8.854e-12
    muo = 4.0*np.pi*1e-7
    c = 1/np.sqrt(muo*epso)
    # to calculate the Greens function, the true spatial locations are needed
    x = np.array(range(nx))*dx - dx*(nx/2)
    Y,X = np.meshgrid(x, x);
    dist = np.sqrt(Y**2+X**2) 
    k = (2*np.pi)/(c/freq)
    bbx = dx*dx*(1j/4)*spec.hankel1(0,k*dist)
    mdpt = nx/2
    # the center contains a singularity, but we'll  be forgiving and finite
    bbx[mdpt,mdpt] = 0.25*bbx[mdpt+1,mdpt] + 0.25*bbx[mdpt-1,mdpt] + 0.25*bbx[mdpt,mdpt+1] + 0.25*bbx[mdpt,mdpt-1]
    # create a mask so that PML effects don't adversely affect the quality of the solutions
    mask = np.ones(bbx.shape)
    mask[:15,:] =0
    mask[(nx-15):(nx),:] = 0
    mask[:,(nx-15):(nx)] = 0
    lo = 0
    hi = 5
    # do two loops over different ranges to get a more precise estimate
    for tune in range(2):
        localError = np.zeros(50)
        angChoice = np.logspace(lo,hi,50)
        for i in range(50):    
            # Create a single new object on frequency
            # use the te routine for this
            bce = te.solver(freq,0.0,'TE')
            bce.setmats(eHS, sHS, nx/2)
            bce.pointSource(49, 49)
            u = bce.parseFields(bce.sol[0])
            localError[i] = np.linalg.norm((u[0] - bbx)*mask,'fro')
            # print 'ang = ' + repr(angChoice[i]) + ' local error ' + repr(localError[i])
        minIdx = np.argmin(localError)
        lo = np.log10(angChoice[max(0,minIdx-1)])
        hi = np.log10(angChoice[min(50,minIdx+1)])
        # print lo
        # print hi
#     bce = fwd(freq)
#    bce.setspace(nx,ny,dx,dy)
#    bce.setmats(eHS, sHS, nx/2)
#            # pmc = 22.229964825261945
#            # angChoice[minIdx]
#    bce.makeFD(31.2759)
#    bce.point_source(nx/2, ny/2)
#    bce.fwd_solve(0)
    # M = bce.nabla2
    # matOut.matlab.savemat('bstN', {'M':M})
    #do some representative plots
#    plt.figure(1)
#    plt.plot(angChoice, localError)
#    # do some plotting
#    plt.figure(13)
#    plt.subplot(221)
#    plt.imshow((bce.sol[0].real*mask))
#    plt.colorbar()
#    plt.subplot(222)
#    plt.imshow((bbx.real*mask))
#    plt.colorbar()
#    plt.subplot(223)
#    plt.imshow((bce.sol[0].imag*mask))
#    plt.colorbar()
#    plt.subplot(224)
#    plt.imshow((bbx.imag*mask))
#    plt.colorbar()
#    lkl = bce.sol[0]
#    plt.figure(44)
#    plt.plot(np.arange(nx), lkl[49,:].real, np.arange(nx), bbx[49,:].real)
#    plt.figure(4)
#    plt.subplot(121)
#    plt.imshow((bce.sol[0]-bbx).real)
#    plt.colorbar()
#    plt.show()
    return angChoice[minIdx]
Пример #59
def ratioHankelFunctions(m1, m2, z):
  return hankel2(m2,z)/hankel1(m1,z)