Пример #1
def test_lambertw_ufunc_loop_selection():
    # see https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/4895
    dt = np.dtype(np.complex128)
    assert_equal(lambertw(0, 0, 0).dtype, dt)
    assert_equal(lambertw([0], 0, 0).dtype, dt)
    assert_equal(lambertw(0, [0], 0).dtype, dt)
    assert_equal(lambertw(0, 0, [0]).dtype, dt)
    assert_equal(lambertw([0], [0], [0]).dtype, dt)
Пример #2
def minimum_Ns(x,arg='mutation'):
    if arg=='variance':
        var = x
        guess = sqrt(2*var/lambertw(2*var)).real
        return newton(lambda x: condition(x,var), guess)
    elif arg=='mutation':
        NUd = x
        guess = NUd/lambertw(NUd).real
        return newton(lambda x: condition(x,NUd*x), guess)
Пример #3
def find_N(spar, cond_num):
    """ Find the datasize for which the HHL is more convenient wrt the Conjugate Gradient,
        according to Lambert W solution"""
    from scipy.special import lambertw
    import numpy as np
    w = lambertw(-np.log(2) / (spar * cond_num * np.sqrt(cond_num)), k=-1)
    return (-spar * cond_num * np.sqrt(cond_num) * w / np.log(2))
Пример #4
def calculate_delta_hoeffding(t_bound_coeff, W, K, alpha):
    delta_term_coeff = t_bound_coeff * K * 2  # this * log(1/delta) * delta is the result of union bound over time and arms
    alpha_term = alpha / delta_term_coeff  # this must equal log(1/delta) * delta
    log_delta = np.real(
        lambertw(-alpha_term, -1)
    )  # two real solutions on branches 0 and -1, the one with larger delta requires t < 1 so use smaller
    assert (log_delta < np.real(lambertw(-alpha_term, 0)))

    delta = math.exp(log_delta)
    print("delta:", delta)

    max_t = alpha / (delta * 2 * K)
    assert (max_t >= 20)
    print("t cannot be more than", max_t)

    return delta
Пример #5
def exp_prof(r, totflux=1, Reff=1):
    from scipy.special import lambertw
    #the parenthetical below is non-trivial, but it's ~1.67835
    rs = Reff / -(lambertw(-1/2/np.exp(1),-1).real+1.)
    rs = Reff/1.67835
#    print rs
    return totflux*np.exp(-r/rs)/np.pi/2./rs/rs
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, dens_gen):
        self.dgen = dens_gen
        cen = self.dgen.size // 2

        # Maximum res_edge for LLM limits
        self.res_max = float(1. / max(self.dgen.qrad[0, cen[1], cen[2]],
                                      self.dgen.qrad[cen[0], 0, cen[2]],
                                      self.dgen.qrad[cen[0], cen[1], 0]))

        # u-vectors for LLM
        uvox = np.linalg.inv(self.dgen.qvox.T) / self.dgen.size
        #x, y, z = self.dgen.x, self.dgen.y, self.dgen.z
        x, y, z = np.indices(self.dgen.qrad.shape)
        x -= self.dgen.qrad.shape[0] // 2
        y -= self.dgen.qrad.shape[1] // 2
        z -= self.dgen.qrad.shape[2] // 2
        self.urad = cp.array(
                                  np.array([x, y, z]).reshape(3, -1)),

        self.abc = tuple([
            int(_) for _ in self.dgen.config.get(
                'parameters', 'rlatt_vox', fallback='0 0 0').split()

        self.slimits = [
                        -(1.e-3 * special.factorial(n))**(1. / n) / n, k=0)) *
                np.sqrt(n) * -1j) for n in range(1, 150)
        self.slimits = np.array(self.slimits)
Пример #7
def depth_dependent_clearance(I, k, c, swim_speed, min_vis):
    """ k specifies the attenueation rate, c is the light detection threshold, I specifies the light level"""
    D = 2 * special.lambertw(1 / 2 * k**2 * np.sqrt(
        (c * I + c * k) / (I * k**2)) * (1 / c - k / (c * (I + k))))
    beta = swim_speed * D**2 + swim_speed * min_vis**2

    return beta
 def F(v=None,z=None):           
     if v is None: return 0,matrix(0.0,(m,1))
     u = -D.T*v #compute u
     #===define some auxilary variables===
     W=matrix(np.real( lambertw(mul((Y2/rho),exp(-z1/rho))) ))
     h_opt= W +(z1/rho)
     #===define some auxilary variables===
     #====compute f===
     f=sum( mul(u,h_opt)-mul(ki,h_opt)-z2-(rho/2)*(h_opt-alpha)**2 )
     #====compute f===
     #===compute Jacobian===     
     Df = -df_to_du.T*D.T
     if z is None: return f, Df                 
     #===compute Jacobian===    
     #===compute Hessian===
     #===compute Hessian===
     return f, Df, H 
Пример #9
def q_(sb, sd, u, k, i):

    mk = m_(sb, sd, u, k)
    q_kk = (-1. / mk) * lambertw(-mk * np.exp(-mk)).real

    if i > k:
        return 1.
    if k == i:
        return q_kk
        m_i = m_(sb, sd, u, i)
        q_ki = (-1 / m_i) * lambertw(-m_i * np.exp(
            -m_i * (1 + sum([((u**(j - i)) / factorial(
                (j - i), exact=True)) * (1 - q_(sb, sd, u, k, int(j)))
                             for j in np.arange(i + 1, k + 1, step=1)])))).real
        return q_ki
Пример #10
def rho_calculator(av_w,agg=False,indist=False,M=1,**kwargs):
        Computes the lagrange multiplier for the case of fixed k and a desired average existing weight av_w = T/<E> (where T is the total number of events).
        It does so by inverting the equation:
            <t | t>0 > (rho) -> rho(av_w) according to each case.
            av_w: total number of events divided by total number of binary edges.
            agg: Set to true to analyze the case of aggregation of binary networks
            indist: Set to true to analyze the case of weighted networks 
            M: Number of aggregated layers (ignored for the ME case)
            rho: Lagrange multiplier for the generation of random network ensembles.
    av_w = 1.0*av_w
    if not indist and not agg: # case ME, fully analytical
        from scipy import special
        x = -av_w*np.exp(-av_w)
        rho = (special.lambertw(x,0)+av_w).real
        from scipy import optimize as opt
        if indist:
            if M==1: # fully analytical
                rho = 1. - 1/av_w
            else: # must solve equation numerically
                rho = opt.brentq(rho_ZINB,1e-16,1-1e-14,args=(av_w,M),**kwargs)
            if M==1:  # fully analytical
                rho = 1 #pretty absurd, it is a binary network!
            else:  # must solve equation numerically
                rho = opt.brentq(rho_ZIB,1e-12,2e20,args=(av_w,M),**kwargs)
    return rho
Пример #11
 def get_min_d_n(self):
     for n in range(self.number_of_user):
         w = (self.tasks[n].local_to_remote_size * math.log(2) /
              (self.W * self.tasks[n].DAG.D / 100)) - 1
         d = 0.000005
         x = d * math.pow(self.tasks[n].H[self.id], 2) / (
             self.get_ch_number(n) * self.N_0 * np.exp(1)) - 1 / np.exp(1)
         current = lambertw(x, 0)
         while current.real < w:
             d = d + 0.000005
             x = d * math.pow(self.tasks[n].H[self.id],
                              2) / (self.get_ch_number(n) * self.N_0 *
                                    np.exp(1)) - 1 / np.exp(1)
             current = lambertw(x, 0)
             # print(d, current.real, w)
         self.d_n_min[n] = d
Пример #12
def dimension_uniform_sphere(py, alphas):
    %Gives an estimation of the dimension of uniformly sampled n-sphere
    %corresponding to the average probability of being inseparable and a margin
    %   py - average fraction of data points which are INseparable.
    %   alphas - set of values (margins), must be in the range (0;1)
    % It is assumed that the length of py and alpha vectors must be of the
    % same.
    %   n - effective dimension profile as a function of alpha
    %   n_single_estimate - a single estimate for the effective dimension 
    %   alfa_single_estimate is alpha for n_single_estimate.

    if len(py) != len(alphas[0, :]):
        raise ValueError('length of py (%i) and alpha (%i) does not match' %
                         (len(py), len(alphas[0, :])))

    if np.sum(alphas <= 0) > 0 or np.sum(alphas >= 1) > 0:
        raise ValueError([
            '"Alphas" must be a real vector, with alpha range, the values must be within (0,1) interval'

    #Calculate dimension for each alpha
    n = np.zeros((len(alphas[0, :])))
    for i in range(len(alphas[0, :])):
        if py[i] == 0:
            #All points are separable. Nothing to do and not interesting
            n[i] = np.nan
            p = py[i]
            a2 = alphas[0, i]**2
            w = np.log(1 - a2)
            n[i] = np.real(lambertw(-(w / (2 * np.pi * p * p * a2 *
                                           (1 - a2))))) / (-w)

    n[n == np.inf] = float('nan')
    #Find indices of alphas which are not completely separable
    inds = np.where(~np.isnan(n))[0]
    if len(inds) == 0:
            'All points are fully separable for any of the chosen alphas')
        return n, np.array([np.nan]), np.nan

    #Find the maximal value of such alpha
    alpha_max = max(alphas[0, inds])
    #The reference alpha is the closest to 90 of maximal partially separable alpha
    alpha_ref = alpha_max * 0.9
    k = np.where(
        abs(alphas[0, inds] - alpha_ref) == min(abs(alphas[0, :] -
    #Get corresponding values
    alfa_single_estimate = alphas[0, inds[k]]
    n_single_estimate = n[inds[k]]

    return n, n_single_estimate, alfa_single_estimate
Пример #13
 def current(self, volts, temp, flux):
     V = volts
     T = temp
     k = self.k
     q = self.q
     n = self.n
     I_L = self.isc * flux / 1000
     V_T = k * T / q
     ns = self.nseries  # number of cells in series
     Vc = V / ns  # cell voltage
     Rs = self.Rs
     Rsh = self.Rsh
     I0 = self.a_parameter * self.area * exp(-self.eg / V_T)
     if Rs == 0:
         Iout = I_L - I0 * (exp(Vc / (n * V_T)) - 1) - Vc / Rsh
         term1 = ((I_L + I0) - Vc / Rsh) / (1 + Rs / Rsh)
         term2 = -n * V_T / Rs
         term3 = I0 * Rs / (n * V_T * (1 + Rs / Rsh))
         term4 = Vc / (n * V_T)
         term5 = (1 - Rs / (Rs + Rsh))
         term6 = (I_L + I0) * Rs / (n * V_T * (1 + Rs / Rsh))
         Iout = term1 + term2 * np.real(
             lambertw(term3 * exp(term4 * term5 + term6)))
     return Iout
Пример #14
def _rand_pdf(n_in, em_gain, x_max, size):
    """Draw samples from the EM gain distribution."""
    x = np.random.random(size)

    # Use exact solutions for n_in == 1 and 2
    if n_in == 1:
        n_out = -em_gain * np.log(1 - x)
    elif n_in == 2:
        n_out = -em_gain * special.lambertw(
            (x - 1) / np.exp(1), -1).real - em_gain
        # For n > 2 use CDF approximation
        # Use x values ranging from 0 to maximum allowable x output
        x_axis = np.arange(0, x_max).astype(float)
        x_axis[0] = np.finfo(float).eps  # Use epsilon to avoid divide by 0
        cdf = _get_cdf(n_in, em_gain, x_axis)

        if cdf is None:
            # If cdf maxes out, return maximum value
            n_out = np.ones_like(x) * x_max
            # Draw random samples from the CDF
            cdf_lookups = (cdf.max() - cdf.min()) * x + cdf.min()
            n_out = x_axis[np.searchsorted(
                cdf, cdf_lookups)]  # XXX This could be made more accurate

    return np.round(n_out)
Пример #15
def function_h_minus_one(x):
    r""" The inverse function of :math:`h(u)`, that is :math:`h^{-1}(x) = u \Leftrightarrow h(u) = x`. It is given by the Lambert W function, see :func:`scipy.special.lambertw`:

    .. math:: h^{-1}(x) = - \mathcal{W}(- \exp(-x)).

    - Example:

    >>> np.random.seed(105)
    >>> y = np.random.randn() ** 2
    >>> print(f"y = {y}")
    y = 0.060184682907834595
    >>> x = function_h(y)
    >>> print(f"h(y) = {x}")
    h(y) = 2.8705220786966508
    >>> z = function_h_minus_one(x)
    >>> print(f"h^-1(x) = {z}")
    h^-1(x) = 0.060184682907834595
    >>> assert np.isclose(z, y), "Error: h^-1(h(y)) = z = {z} should be very close to y = {}...".format(z, y)
    if x <= 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Error: the function h inverse only accepts values larger than 1, not x = {}"
    sol = root_scalar(lambda u: function_h(u) - x, x0=x, x1=2 * x)
    if sol.converged:
        return sol.root
        z = -lambertw(-exp(-x))
        return z.real
Пример #16
def solve_chareq_rate_boxcar(branch, k, tau, W_rate, width, delay):
    Solve the characteristic equation for the linearized rate model for
    one branch analytically.
    Requires a spatially organized network with boxcar connectivity profile.

    branch: float
        Branch number.
    k: float
        Wavenumber in 1/mm.
    tau: float
        Time constant from fit in s.
    W_rate: np.ndarray
        Weights from fit.
    width: np.ndarray
        Spatial widths of boxcar connectivtiy profile in mm.
    delay: float
        Delay in s.

    eigenval: complex

    delay, tau must be floats, W,
    width is vector

    M = W_rate * p_hat_boxcar(k, width)
    xi = determinant(M)

    eigenval = -1./tau + 1./delay * \
        lambertw(xi * delay/tau * np.exp(delay/tau), branch)
    return eigenval
Пример #17
def d_time_to_ground(initial_velocity, initial_position):
    K = (initial_velocity.z - A) / DECAY
    const_A = (K - FPS * (initial_position.z - BALL_RADIUS)) / A
    W = lambertw((DECAY * K * math.e**(DECAY * const_A)) / A)

    ret = const_A - (W / DECAY)
    return ret.real / FPS
Пример #18
    def envelope_circuit(signal, cap=220e-12, res=50):
        v_c = 0
        v_out = []

        r_d = 25
        i_s = 3e-6
        n = 1.06
        v_t = 26e-3

        charge_exp = np.exp(-signal.dt/(res*cap))
        discharge = i_s*res*(1-charge_exp)
        lambert_factor = n*v_t*res/r_d*(1-charge_exp)
        frac = i_s*r_d/n/v_t

        lambert_exponent = np.log(frac) + frac

        for v_in in signal.values:
            a = lambert_exponent + (v_in - v_c)/n/v_t
            if a>100:
                b = np.log(a)
                lambert_term = a - b + b/a
                lambert_term = np.real(lambertw(np.exp(a)))
                if np.isnan(lambert_term):
                    lambert_term = 0
            v_c = v_c*charge_exp - discharge + lambert_factor*lambert_term

        return pyrex.Signal(signal.times, v_out,
Пример #19
    def calculate_jcell(self, vcell, params):
        """ calculate current density as a function of cell voltage (vcell)
        according using using the exact expression of the jV curves
            jph     -- photocurrent density (A/cm^2)
            jnot    -- dark-saturation current density (A/cm^2)
            Rs      -- series resistance (Ohm.cm^2)
            Rsh     -- shunt resistance (Ohm.cm^2)

        returns cell current density (jcell in A/cm^2).
        qE = CHARGE_ELEM
        T = self.temperature

        # unpack other parameters
        jph, jnot, m, Rs, Rsh = params
        # calculate jcell as a function of vcell through exact analytical
        # expression of diode model equation
        jcell = (qE * vcell + (-lambertw(-qE * Rs * jnot * Rsh * \
            np.exp(Rsh * qE * (Rs * jph+Rs*jnot-vcell) / (m * kB * \
            T * (Rsh + Rs))) / (-Rs * m * kB * T-Rsh * m * kB * T)).real + \
            Rsh * qE * (Rs * jph + Rs * jnot - vcell)/(m*kB * T * \
            (Rsh + Rs))) * m * kB * T) / (qE * Rs)
        return jcell
 def rhs_sce_alpha(self, w, adim=False):
     Right-hand side of the self-coherent equation for w in the alpha model.
     w_tmp = w
     if not adim:
         w_tmp = w/self.dimW if isinstance(w, float) else w.copy()/self.dimW
     w_min = self.w_minus(adim=True)
     cst = self.EL + self.Ie - self.Vr
     cst2 = self.c*self.k*np.e*self.ts
     if isinstance(w, float):
         if np.isclose(w, w_min):
             w_tmp = np.nextafter(w_min, w_min+1.)
         w_tmp[np.isclose(w_tmp, w_min)] = np.nextafter(w_min, w_min+1.)
     # test
     shift = self.EL + self.Ie - w_tmp
     Vd = shift + (self.Vr - shift)*np.exp(-self.d)
     # between d and d+4\tau_s
     I = self.c*self.k*np.e / 4.
     V_int =  Vd + 4*self.ts*(self.Ie + I -Vd + self.EL - w_tmp)
     LW = np.real(lambertw(-np.exp(shift), -1))
     DT, Vth = self._param["Delta_T"], self._param["V_th"]
     rhs = cst + np.exp(self.d)*(LW + cst2)/(4*self.ts-1)
     return rhs if adim else rhs*self.dimW
Пример #21
def estimate_library_complexity(nseq, ndup, nopticaldup=0):
    """Estimate library complexity accounting for optical/clustering duplicates
    nseq : int
        Total number of sequences
    ndup : int
        Total number of duplicates
    nopticaldup : int, optional
        Number of non-PCR duplicates, by default 0
        Estimated complexity
    nseq = nseq - nopticaldup
    if nseq == 0:
        logger.warning("Empty of fully duplicated library, can't estimate complexity")
        return 0
    ndup = ndup - nopticaldup
    u = (nseq - ndup) / nseq
    if u == 0:
            "All the sequences are duplicates. Do you run complexity estimation on duplicates file?"
        return 0
    seq_to_complexity = special.lambertw(-np.exp(-1 / u) / u).real + 1 / u
    complexity = float(nseq / seq_to_complexity)  # clean np.int64 data type
    return complexity
Пример #22
def exp_prof(r, totflux=1, Reff=1):
    from scipy.special import lambertw
    #the parenthetical below is non-trivial, but it's ~1.67835
    rs = Reff / -(lambertw(-1 / 2 / np.exp(1), -1).real + 1.)
    rs = Reff / 1.67835
    #    print rs
    return totflux * np.exp(-r / rs) / np.pi / 2. / rs / rs
 def distance_before_contraction(self, x, d_2):
     # d_1 = self.beta_inv_(self.eta, self.circle.radius, self.gamma, d_2)
     l = lambertw(
         self.eta * self.gamma *
         np.exp(self.circle.radius - self.gamma * d_2)).real
     d_1 = l / self.gamma + d_2
     return d_1
Пример #24
def computePSPnorm(tauMem, CMem, tauSyn):
    a = (tauMem / tauSyn)
    b = (1.0 / tauSyn - 1.0 / tauMem)
    t_max = 1.0 / b * (-lambertw(-exp(-1.0 / a) / a, k=-1).real - 1.0 / a)
    return exp(1.0) / (tauSyn * CMem * b) * (
        (exp(-t_max / tauMem) - exp(-t_max / tauSyn)) / b -
        t_max * exp(-t_max / tauSyn))
Пример #25
    def voltage(self, current, temp, flux):
        I = current
        T = temp
        k = self.k
        q = self.q
        n = self.n
        ns = self.nseries  # number of cells in series
        V_T = k * T / q
        I_L = self.isc * flux / 1000
        I0 = self.a_parameter * self.area * exp(-self.eg / V_T)
        Rs = self.Rs
        Rsh = self.Rsh

        term1 = (I_L + I0) * Rsh
        term2 = -I * (Rs + Rsh)
        term3 = -n * V_T
        term4 = I0 * Rsh / (n * V_T)
        term5 = (I_L + I0 - I) * Rsh / (n * V_T)
            Vout = ns * (term1 + term2 +
                         term3 * np.real(lambertw(term4 * exp(term5))))
            print('Ignoring shunt resistance')
            Vout = ns * (n * V_T * log((I_L - I) / I0 + 1) - I * Rs)
        return Vout
Пример #26
def my_i_from_v(resistance_shunt, resistance_series, nNsVth, voltage,
                saturation_current, photocurrent):
    Internal function to estimate module output current at a given voltage. 

    * Slightly adapted from PVLIB to better fit my use case

    TODO: Add citation to PVLib

    **Should be hidden**

    # This transforms Gsh=1/Rsh, including ideal Rsh=np.inf into Gsh=0., which
    #  is generally more numerically stable
    conductance_shunt = 1./resistance_shunt

    # Ensure that we are working with read-only views of numpy arrays
    # Turns Series into arrays so that we don't have to worry about
    #  multidimensional broadcasting failing
    Gsh, Rs, a, V, I0, IL = (conductance_shunt, resistance_series, nNsVth,
                            voltage, saturation_current, photocurrent)

    # LambertW argument, cannot be float128, may overflow to np.inf
    argW = Rs*I0/(a*(Rs*Gsh + 1.)) * np.exp((Rs*(IL + I0) + V) / (a*(Rs*Gsh + 1.)))

    # lambertw typically returns complex value with zero imaginary part
    # may overflow to np.inf
    lambertwterm = lambertw(argW).real

    # Eqn. 2 in Jain and Kapoor, 2004
    #  I = -V/(Rs + Rsh) - (a/Rs)*lambertwterm + Rsh*(IL + I0)/(Rs + Rsh)
    # Recast in terms of Gsh=1/Rsh for better numerical stability.
    I = (IL + I0 - V*Gsh) / (Rs*Gsh + 1.) - (a/Rs)*lambertwterm

    return I
Пример #27
 def equations(p):
     v, f = p
     return (
         ((p_delta * 2 * R * 2) / (length * density * f))**(1 / 2) - v,
         (1 /
          (0.838 * lambertw(0.629 *
                            (2 * v * R * density) / viscosity)))**2 - f)
Пример #28
def incubation_time(sb, sd, u, B, infection_nb, c=400):
    kk = K(sb, sd, u)

    states = stateSpace(B, kk)
    n = states[infection_nb]

    for i in range(kk + 1):
        if n[i] != 0:
            k_0 = i

    p_k = [clickProba(sb, sd, u, k, n)
           for k in range(k_0, kk + 1)] + [extinctionProb(sb, sd, u, n)]

    k = np.random.choice(list(range(k_0, kk + 1)) + [100],
                         p=np.array(p_k) / sum(p_k))
    mk = m_(sb, sd, u, k)
    qk = (-1. / mk) * lambertw(-mk * np.exp(-mk)).real

    if k == 100:
        return 0, k

    if k == k_0:
        n_t = n[k]
        prob_l = []
        for l in range(1, n_t + 1, 1):
            prob_l.append((comb(n_t, l, exact=False) * ((1 - qk)**l) *
                           (qk**(n_t - l))) / (1 - qk**n_t))

        l = np.random.choice(range(1, n_t + 1), 1, p=prob_l)[0]

        Wk = np.random.gamma(shape=l, scale=1 / (1 - qk))

        if Wk > c * np.exp(-u / sd):
            return 0, 100

        return np.ceil((np.log(c) - np.log(Wk) - (u / sd)) / np.log(mk)), k
    elif k > k_0:
        sum_ = 0
        for i in range(k_0, k + 1):
            sum_ += ((n[i] * m_(sb, sd, u, i) *
                      (u**(k - i))) / factorial(k - i, exact=True)) * (
                          1 + q_(sb, sd, u, k, i) *
                          ((1 - q_(sb, sd, u, k, k)) /
                           (q_(sb, sd, u, k - 1, i) - q_(sb, sd, u, k, i))))

        n_t = int(np.ceil(sum_))
        prob_l = []
        for l in range(1, n_t + 1, 1):
            prob_l.append((comb(n_t, l, exact=False) * ((1 - qk)**l) *
                           (qk**(n_t - l))) / (1 - qk**n_t))

        l = np.random.choice(range(1, n_t + 1), 1, p=prob_l)[0]

        Wk = np.random.gamma(shape=l, scale=1 / (1 - qk))
        if Wk > c * np.exp(-u / sd):
            return 0, 100

        return np.ceil((np.log(c) - np.log(Wk) - (u / sd)) / np.log(mk)) + 1, k
Пример #29
def kEG1(beta, tau):
    k = np.real(-beta * lambertw(-np.exp(-(beta + tau) / beta), k=-1) - beta -
    if np.isscalar(k):
        k = k if k > 0 else 0
        k[k < 0] = 0
    return k
Пример #30
	def test_value(self):
		z = np.random.uniform(high=10, size=(100,))
		ssw = ss.lambertw(z)
		w = lambertw(z)
		with tf.Session() as sess:
			w = sess.run(w)

		np.testing.assert_allclose(w, ssw)
Пример #31
def ionised_bondi(r):
    global r_ion, v2, cs_i, cs2_i, bondi_r_i, rho2
    omega = -(v2 / cs_i)**2 * (r_ion / r)**4 * \
            np.exp(4. * (bondi_r_i / r_ion - bondi_r_i / r) - v2**2 / cs_i**2)
    v = -cs_i * np.sqrt(-lambertw(omega, -1).real)
    rho = r_ion**2 * v2 * rho2 / r**2 / v
    P = cs2_i * rho
    return rho, v, P, rho * 0.
Пример #32
 def get_tmax(self, p, cutoff=None):
     # approximate formula for tmax
     if cutoff is None:
         cutoff = self.cutoff
     rho = p[1]
     cS = p[2]
     k0rho = k0(rho)
     return lambertw(1 / ((1 - cutoff) * k0rho)).real * cS
Пример #33
def SM(x, km, vmax):
    implementation of the Schnell-Mendoza equation using the scipy lambertw function
    t = x[0]
    so = x[1]
    z = so / km * np.exp(so / km - vmax / km * t)
    return km * lambertw(z)
Пример #34
def lambertDecay(t, alpha, tau, sigma_21, n, n20):

    arg = -alpha*sigma_21*n20*exp(-(t+alpha*sigma_21*n20*tau)/tau)

    # Check that result is real
    assert min(arg) >= -1/e, \
    'Lambert W Argument will give an imaginary result.'

    return -lambertw(arg).real/(alpha*sigma_21)
Пример #35
    def _evalf_(self, n, z, parent=None, algorithm=None):

            sage: N(lambert_w(1))
            sage: lambert_w(RealField(100)(1))

        SciPy is used to evaluate for float, RDF, and CDF inputs::

            sage: lambert_w(RDF(1))
            sage: lambert_w(float(1))
            sage: lambert_w(CDF(1))
            sage: lambert_w(complex(1))
            sage: lambert_w(RDF(-1))  # abs tol 2e-16
            -0.31813150520476413 + 1.3372357014306895*I
            sage: lambert_w(float(-1))  # abs tol 2e-16
        R = parent or s_parent(z)
        if R is float or R is RDF:
            from scipy.special import lambertw

            res = lambertw(z, n)
            # SciPy always returns a complex value, make it real if possible
            if not res.imag:
                return R(res.real)
            elif R is float:
                return complex(res)
                return CDF(res)
        elif R is complex or R is CDF:
            from scipy.special import lambertw

            return R(lambertw(z, n))
            import mpmath

            return mpmath_utils.call(mpmath.lambertw, z, n, parent=R)
Пример #36
    def lambertloc(self, rss, numtx=0):
        """Inverse function of the RSM. Returns estimated range in [cm].

        Keyword arguments:
        :param rss -- received power values [dB]
        :param numtx  -- number of the tx which rss is processed. Required to use the corresponding alpha and gamma-values.
        z = 20 / (np.log(10) * self.__alpha[numtx]) * lambertw(
            np.log(10) * self.__alpha[numtx] / 20 * np.exp(-np.log(10) / 20 * (rss + self.__gamma[numtx])))
        return z.real  # [mm]
Пример #37
def lambertDecayPopInv(t, *p):
  Lifetime for population inversion regime.
  sigma_21 = 1
  tau = 10
  alpha, n20 = p

  arg = -alpha*sigma_21*n20*exp(-(t+alpha*sigma_21*n20*tau)/tau)
  return -lambertw(arg).real/(alpha*sigma_21)
Пример #38
def lambert_model(V, mu, eta):
    Model for diodes using lambert W function

    @param V: Voltage
    @param mu: Fit parameter
    @param eta: Fit parameter
    @return: Fit evaluated at V with parameters mu and eta

    return mu * lambertw(eta * V)
Пример #39
def invgamma(x):
    Inverse gamma function.

    See: http://mathoverflow.net/a/28977
    k = 1.461632
    c = 0.036534
    L = np.log((x+c)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
    W = special.lambertw(L/np.exp(1))
    return L/W + 0.5
Пример #40
def lambertDecay(t, alpha, tau, sigma_12, sigma_21, n, n20):

    B = 1 + alpha*sigma_12*n
    A = (alpha*(sigma_12+sigma_21)) / B

    arg = -A*n20*exp(-(t/(B*tau))-(A*n20))

    # Check that result is real
    assert min(arg) >= -1/e, \
    'Lambert W Argument will give an imaginary result.'

    return -lambertw(arg,-1).real/A
Пример #41
 def distance_to_base(self,percentage):
     #here is the calibration code that may use self.parameters
     # The inverse function is I = 1/(b*c)(-c*W((a*b/c)*exp((b/c)*P+a))+b/P+ba)
     # Where W is the product log (Lambert W) function
     amps = 1.0/(self.parameters['b']*self.parameters['c']) \
     *(-self.parameters['c']*lambertw((self.parameters['a']*self.parameters['b']/self.parameters['c'])*exp((self.parameters['b']/self.parameters['c'])*(percentage+self.parameters['a']))) \
     +self.parameters['b']*percentage \
     volts = amps/ self.parameters['current_cal']
     return (volts > 0) * abs(volts)
Пример #42
def lambertDecay(t, tau, sigma_12, sigma_21, n, n20, r, rho, d):

    # alpha = r/2
    alpha = (1+r/2)
    A = alpha*rho*d*(sigma_12+sigma_21)
    B = 1 + alpha*rho*d*sigma_12*n

    x = (t/(B*tau)) + (A*n20)
    arg = -A*n20*exp(-x)/B

    # Check that result is real
    assert min(arg) >= -1/e, \
        'Lambert W Argument will give an imaginary result.'

    return -B*lambertw(arg).real/A
def JVdiode(vv, Rs, Rp, m, i0):
    kT    = __main__.kT
    log_ii_teo  = []
    for v in vv:
        r      = (v-i0*Rp)/(Rp+Rs)
        a0     = (Rp+Rs)/(i0*Rp)*np.exp(-v/(m*kT))
        c      = Rs/(m*kT)
        z      = c/a0*np.exp(-c*r)
        i      = r+(1/c)*special.lambertw(z)
        if(abs(i.real) > abs(i0)):
    return nlog_ii_teo
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Estimates parameter for scheduled sampling.")
    parser.add_argument("--value", type=float, required=True,
                        help="The value the threshold should achieve.")
    parser.add_argument("--step", type=int, required=True,
                        help="Step when you want to achieve the value.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    x = args.step
    c = args.value

    coeff = c * np.exp(lambertw((1 - c) / c * x)) / (1 - c)

Пример #45
def shell_max(amplitude, radius, ratio):
    Compute the amplitude of the gaussians given the requested
    amplitude of the shell.

    small_rad = radius
    large_rad = ratio * radius

    # Solve for the position of the maximum. Verified with Wolfram Alpha.
    lamb_arg = (small_rad*large_rad)**2 / (large_rad**2 - small_rad**2)
    x = 0.5*(small_rad * large_rad) * \
        np.sqrt(lambertw(lamb_arg).real / (large_rad**2 - small_rad**2))

    func_val = np.exp(-0.5 * x**2 / large_rad**2) - \
        np.exp(-0.5 * x**2 / small_rad**2)

    return amplitude / func_val
Пример #46
        def max_energy_to_temperature(energy):
            """ Converts the peak energy to the peak. 

                This formula is derived noting that the funcional dependence
                is in the term x^2/(Exp[x]-1) where x=E/kT.

                From mathematatica, we find:

                In[0]:= ArgMax[x^2/(Exp[x] - 1), x]
                Out[13]= 2 + ProductLog[-(2/E^2)]

                Which is approximately 1.59362

                So the peak energy is at x ~ 1.6, or kT~E/1.6

                Implementation Note: ProductLog in Mathematica is 
                the Lambert W function (scipy.special.lambertw) """
            print 'fix documentation'
            return energy/float(2 + lambertw(-2/exp(2)))
Пример #47
def I_from_V(Rsh, Rs, nNsVth, V, I0, IL):
    calculates I from V per Eq 2 Jain and Kapoor 2004
    uses Lambert W implemented in wapr_vec.m
    Rsh, nVth, V, I0, IL can all be DataFrames
    Rs can be a DataFrame, but should be a scalar
        from scipy.special import lambertw
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError('The I_from_V function requires scipy')
    argW = Rs*I0*Rsh*np.exp(Rsh*(Rs*(IL+I0)+V)/(nNsVth*(Rs+Rsh)))/(nNsVth*(Rs + Rsh))
    inputterm = lambertw(argW)

    # Eqn. 4 in Jain and Kapoor, 2004
    I = -V/(Rs + Rsh) - (nNsVth/Rs) * inputterm + Rsh*(IL + I0)/(Rs + Rsh)
    return I.real
Пример #48
def lambertDecay(t, *p):
    Lifetime for general regime.
    alpha, n20 = p

    tau = 10
    n = 1
    sigma_12 = 1 
    sigma_21 = 1

    B = 1 + alpha*sigma_12*n
    A = (alpha*(sigma_12+sigma_21)) / B

    arg = -A*n20*exp(-(t/(B*tau))-(A*n20))

    # Check that result is real
    assert min(arg) >= -1/e, \
    'Lambert W Argument will give an imaginary result.'

    return -lambertw(arg).real/A
Пример #49
    def __init__(self,m,n,iterations):
        self.n = n
        self.m = m
        phi0 = 1.*m/n
        smallPores = [m]
        for i in range(1,iterations):
            if (uniform(0,smallPores[-1] + n) < n):
        self.smallPores = array(smallPores)
        self.simphi = double(smallPores)/n

        T = 1.0*iterations/n
        simphi = double(smallPores)/n
        self.simp = simphi/(1.+simphi)
        self.sims = r_[0:T:iterations*1.j]
        self.s = r_[0:T:1000j]

        c = log(phi0*exp(phi0))
        self.phi = lambertw(exp(-self.s+c)).real
        self.p = self.phi/(1.+self.phi)
Пример #50
def solvfun(x,y,z): # help function to simulate default times
    return np.real((x*z-y*z+spec.lambertw(y*z*np.exp(-x*z+y*z)))/z);
Пример #51
def test_ufunc():
        lambertw(r_[0., e, 1.]), r_[0., 1., 0.567143290409783873])
Пример #52
 def w(x, y):
     return lambertw(x, y.real.astype(int))
Пример #53
def test_values():
    assert isnan(lambertw(nan))
    assert_equal(lambertw(inf,1).real, inf)
    assert_equal(lambertw(inf,1).imag, 2*pi)
    assert_equal(lambertw(-inf,1).real, inf)
    assert_equal(lambertw(-inf,1).imag, 3*pi)

    assert_equal(lambertw(1.), lambertw(1., 0))

    data = [
        (0,0, 0),
        (0+0j,0, 0),
        (inf,0, inf),
        (0,-1, -inf),
        (0,1, -inf),
        (0,3, -inf),
        (e,0, 1),
        (1,0, 0.567143290409783873),
        (-pi/2,0, 1j*pi/2),
        (-log(2)/2,0, -log(2)),
        (0.25,0, 0.203888354702240164),
        (-0.25,0, -0.357402956181388903),
        (-1./10000,0, -0.000100010001500266719),
        (-0.25,-1, -2.15329236411034965),
        (0.25,-1, -3.00899800997004620-4.07652978899159763j),
        (-0.25,-1, -2.15329236411034965),
        (0.25,1, -3.00899800997004620+4.07652978899159763j),
        (-0.25,1, -3.48973228422959210+7.41405453009603664j),
        (-4,0, 0.67881197132094523+1.91195078174339937j),
        (-4,1, -0.66743107129800988+7.76827456802783084j),
        (-4,-1, 0.67881197132094523-1.91195078174339937j),
        (1000,0, 5.24960285240159623),
        (1000,1, 4.91492239981054535+5.44652615979447070j),
        (1000,-1, 4.91492239981054535-5.44652615979447070j),
        (1000,5, 3.5010625305312892+29.9614548941181328j),
        (3+4j,0, 1.281561806123775878+0.533095222020971071j),
        (-0.4+0.4j,0, -0.10396515323290657+0.61899273315171632j),
        (3+4j,1, -0.11691092896595324+5.61888039871282334j),
        (3+4j,-1, 0.25856740686699742-3.85211668616143559j),
        (-0.5,-1, -0.794023632344689368-0.770111750510379110j),
        (-1./10000,1, -11.82350837248724344+6.80546081842002101j),
        (-1./10000,-1, -11.6671145325663544),
        (-1./10000,-2, -11.82350837248724344-6.80546081842002101j),
        (-1./100000,4, -14.9186890769540539+26.1856750178782046j),
        (-1./100000,5, -15.0931437726379218666+32.5525721210262290086j),
        ((2+1j)/10,0, 0.173704503762911669+0.071781336752835511j),
        ((2+1j)/10,1, -3.21746028349820063+4.56175438896292539j),
        ((2+1j)/10,-1, -3.03781405002993088-3.53946629633505737j),
        ((2+1j)/10,4, -4.6878509692773249+23.8313630697683291j),
        (-(2+1j)/10,0, -0.226933772515757933-0.164986470020154580j),
        (-(2+1j)/10,1, -2.43569517046110001+0.76974067544756289j),
        (-(2+1j)/10,-1, -3.54858738151989450-6.91627921869943589j),
        (-(2+1j)/10,4, -4.5500846928118151+20.6672982215434637j),
        (pi,0, 1.073658194796149172092178407024821347547745350410314531),

        # Former bug in generated branch,
        (-0.5+0.002j,0, -0.78917138132659918344 + 0.76743539379990327749j),
        (-0.5-0.002j,0, -0.78917138132659918344 - 0.76743539379990327749j),
        (-0.448+0.4j,0, -0.11855133765652382241 + 0.66570534313583423116j),
        (-0.448-0.4j,0, -0.11855133765652382241 - 0.66570534313583423116j),
    data = array(data, dtype=complex_)

    def w(x, y):
        return lambertw(x, y.real.astype(int))
    FuncData(w, data, (0,1), 2, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-13).check()
Пример #54
def computePSPnorm(tauMem, CMem, tauSyn):
    a = (tauMem / tauSyn)
    b = (1.0 / tauSyn - 1.0 / tauMem)
    t_max = 1.0 / b * (-lambertw(-exp(-1.0 / a) / a, k=-1).real - 1.0 / a)
    return exp(1.0) / (tauSyn * CMem * b) * ((exp(-t_max / tauMem) - exp(-t_max / tauSyn)) / b - t_max * exp(-t_max / tauSyn))
Пример #55
def planckPeak(T):  # [J] energy location of peak in Planck function
    return np.real((5 + special.lambertw(-5 / np.e ** 5)) * sp.k * T)  # [J]
Пример #56
 def test_lambertw(self):
     assert_mpmath_equal(lambda x, k: sc.lambertw(x, int(k)),
                         lambda x, k: mpmath.lambertw(x, int(k)),
                         [Arg(), IntArg(0, 10)])
Пример #57
    def __init__(self, T, beta, lambda0, alpha, fnorm, wavenorm=500.0,
                 noalpha=False, opthin=False):

        T : float
          Temperature/(1+z) in K

        beta : float
          Extinction slope

        lambda0 : float
          Wavelength where emission becomes optically thick * (1+z), in

        alpha : float
          Blue side power law slope

        fnorm : float
          Normalization flux, in mJy

        wavenorm : float
          Wavelength of normalization flux, in microns (def: 500)

        noalpha : bool
          Do not use blue side power law

        opthin : bool
          Assume emission is optically thin

        self._T = float(T)
        self._beta = float(beta)
        if bool(noalpha):
            self._hasalpha = False
            self._alpha = None
            self._hasalpha = True
            self._alpha = float(alpha)

        self._fnorm = float(fnorm)
        self._wavenorm = float(wavenorm)

        if bool(opthin):
            self._opthin = True
            self._lambda0 = None
            self._opthin = False
            self._lambda0 = float(lambda0)

        if self._hasalpha and alpha <= 0.0:
            errmsg = "alpha must be positive.  You gave: {:.5g}"
            raise ValueError(errmsg.format(self._alpha))
        if self._beta < 0.0:
            errmsg = "beta must be non-negative.  You gave: {:.5g}"
            raise ValueError(errmsg.format(self._beta))

        # Some constants -- eventually, replace these with
        # astropy.constants, but that is in development, so hardwire for now
        self._hcokt = h * c / (k * self._T)

        # Convert wavelengths to x = h nu / k T
        if not self._opthin:
            self._x0 = self._hcokt / lambda0
        self._xnorm = self._hcokt / self._wavenorm

        # Two cases -- optically thin and not.
        #  Each has two sub-cases -- with power law merge and without
        if self._opthin:
            if not self._hasalpha:
                # No merge to power law, easy
                self._normfac = self._fnorm * math.expm1(self._xnorm) / \
                    self._xnorm**(3.0 + beta)
                # First, figure out the x (frequency) where the join
                # happens.  At frequencies above this (x > xmarge)
                # are on the blue, alpha power law side
                # The equation we are trying to find the root for is:
                #  x - (1-exp(-x))*(3+alpha+beta)
                # Amazingly, this has a special function solution
                #   A = (3+alpha+beta)
                #   xmerge = A + LambertW[ -A Exp[-A] ]
                # This has a positive solution for all A > 1 -- and since
                # we require alpha and beta > 0, this is always the case
                a = 3.0 + self._alpha + self._beta
                self._xmerge = a + lambertw(-a * math.exp(-a)).real

                # Get merge constant -- note this is -before- flux
                # normalization to allow for the case where wavenorm is
                # on the power law part
                self._kappa = self._xmerge**(3.0 + self._alpha +
                                             self._beta) / \

                # Compute normalization constant
                if self._xnorm > self._xmerge:
                    self._normfac = self._fnorm * self._xnorm**self._alpha / \
                    self._normfac = self._fnorm * math.expm1(self._xnorm) / \
                        self._xnorm**(3.0 + self._beta)

            #Optically thick case
            if not self._hasalpha:
                self._normfac = - self._fnorm * math.expm1(self._xnorm) / \
                    (math.expm1(-(self._xnorm / self._x0)**self._beta) *
                # This is harder, and does not have a special function
                # solution.  Hence, we have to do this numerically.
                # The equation we need to find the root for is given by
                # alpha_merge_eqn.

                # First, we bracket.  For positive alpha, beta
                # we expect this to be negative for small a and positive
                # for large a.  We try to step out until we achieve that
                maxiters = 100
                a = 0.1
                aval = alpha_merge_eqn(a, self._alpha, self._beta, self._x0)
                iter = 0
                while aval >= 0.0:
                    a /= 2.0
                    aval = alpha_merge_eqn(a, self._alpha,
                                           self._beta, self._x0)
                    if iter > maxiters:
                        errmsg = "Couldn't bracket low alpha merge point for "\
                                 "T: {:f} beta: {:f} lambda0: {:f} "\
                                 "alpha {:f}, last a: {:f} value: {:f}"
                        raise ValueError(errmsg.format(self._T, self._beta,
                                                       self._alpha, a, aval))
                    iter += 1

                b = 15.0
                bval = alpha_merge_eqn(b, self._alpha, self._beta, self._x0)
                iter = 0
                while bval <= 0.0:
                    b *= 2.0
                    bval = alpha_merge_eqn(b, self._alpha, self._beta,
                    if iter > maxiters:
                        errmsg = "Couldn't bracket high alpha merge point "\
                                 "for T: {:f} beta: {:f} lambda0: {:f} "\
                                 "alpha {:f}, last a: {:f} value: {:f}"
                        raise ValueError(errmsg.format(self._T, self._beta,
                                                       self._alpha, a, aval))
                    iter += 1

                # Now find root
                args = (self._alpha, self._beta, self._x0)
                self._xmerge = scipy.optimize.brentq(alpha_merge_eqn, a, b,
                                                     args=args, disp=True)

                #Merge constant
                # Note this will overflow and crash for large xmerge, alpha
                self._kappa = - self._xmerge**(3 + self._alpha) * \
                    math.expm1(-(self._xmerge / self._x0)**self._beta) / \

                #Normalization factor
                if self._xnorm > self._xmerge:
                    self._normfac = self._fnorm * self._xnorm**self._alpha / \
                    expmfac = math.expm1(-(self._xnorm / self._x0)**self._beta)
                    self._normfac = -self._fnorm * math.expm1(self._xnorm) / \
                        (self._xnorm**3 * expmfac)
Пример #58
 def test_lambertw(self):
     # python-list/2010-December/594592.html
     xxroot = fixed_point(lambda xx: np.exp(-2.0*xx)/2.0, 1.0,
             args=(), xtol=1e-12, maxiter=500)
     assert_allclose(xxroot, np.exp(-2.0*xxroot)/2.0)
     assert_allclose(xxroot, lambertw(1)/2)