Пример #1
    def baseDerivative(self, xdata, params):
        Return the derivative df/dx at each xdata (=x).

            z = ( x - p1 + 1j * p3 ) / ( p2 * sqrt2 )
            z0 = 1j * p3 / ( p2 * sqrt2 )

            vgt = p0 / wofz0 * re( wofzz )
            dvdx = dvdz * dzdx

            dvdz = p0 / wofz0 * dwdz
            dwdz = 2j / sqrt(pi) - 2 * z * wofzz

            dzdx = 1 / ( p2 * sqrt2 )

        xdata : array_like
            values at which to calculate the result
        params : array_like
            values for the parameters.

        sigma = params[2] * math.sqrt(2.0)
        gamma = params[3]
        z0 = 1j * gamma / sigma
        z = (xdata - params[1]) / sigma + z0

        wofz0 = numpy.real(special.wofz(z0))
        wofzz = special.wofz(z)
        dwdz = 2j / math.sqrt(math.pi) - 2 * z * wofzz

        return numpy.real(params[0] * dwdz / (wofz0 * sigma))
Пример #2
def voigt(mu, fwhm, shape, x):
    Evaluates a Voigt absorption profile across the `x`
    values with a given local continuum.

    V(x,sig,gam) = Re(w(z))/(sig*sqrt(2*pi))
    z = (x+i*gam)/(sig*sqrt(2))

    :param mu:
        The centroid of the line.

    :param fwhm:
        The full-width half-maximum of the Gaussian profile.

    :param shape:
        The shape parameter.

    :param x:
        An array of x-points.
    n = len(x) if not isinstance(x, float) else 1

    profile = 1. / wofz(np.zeros((n)) + 1j * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) * shape).real
    return profile * wofz(2*np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) * (x - mu)/fwhm \
        + 1j * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0))*shape).real
Пример #3
    def _efieldn_mit(x, y, sig_x, sig_y):
        '''The charge-normalised electric field components of a
        two-dimensional Gaussian charge distribution according to
        M. Bassetti and G. A. Erskine in CERN-ISR-TH/80-06.

        Return (E_x / Q, E_y / Q).

        Assumes sig_x > sig_y and mean_x == 0 as well as mean_y == 0.
        For convergence reasons of the erfc, use only x > 0 and y > 0.

        Uses FADDEEVA C++ implementation from MIT (via SciPy >= 0.13.0).
        # timing was ~0.522 ms for:
        # x = np.arange(-1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-8)
        # y = np.empty(len(x))
        # sig_x = 1.2e-6
        # sig_y = 1e-6
        sig_sqrt = TransverseGaussianSpaceCharge._sig_sqrt(sig_x, sig_y)
        w1 = wofz((x + 1j * y) / sig_sqrt)
        ex = exp(-x**2 / (2 * sig_x**2) +
                 -y**2 / (2 * sig_y**2))
        w2 = wofz(x * sig_y/(sig_x*sig_sqrt) +
                    y * sig_x/(sig_y*sig_sqrt) * 1j)
        val = (w1 - ex * w2) / (2 * epsilon_0 * np.sqrt(pi) * sig_sqrt)
        return val.imag, val.real
Пример #4
def voigt_profile(x, parameters, continuum):
    """Evaluates a Voigt absorption profile across the `x`
    values with a given local continuum.

    V(x,sig,gam) = Re(w(z))/(sig*sqrt(2*pi))
    z = (x+i*gam)/(sig*sqrt(2))

    x : `np.array`
        The values to evaluate the Voigt profile for.

    parameters : list (length 4)
        The input parameters for the profile:

            [pos, fwhm, amp, shape]

    continuum : `np.array` or callable function
        The continuum over the given region.

    pos, fwhm, amp, shape = parameters

    # Is the continuum call-able?
    if hasattr(continuum, '__call__'): continuum = continuum(x)
    n = len(x) if not isinstance(x, float) else 1

    profile = 1 / wofz(np.zeros((n)) + 1j * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) * shape).real
    profile = profile * amp * wofz(2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) *
                                   (x - pos) / fwhm +
                                   1j * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) * shape).real

    return continuum - profile
Пример #5
def rautian(
    x0=0,  # centre
    S=1,  # integrated value
    # nfwhmL=None,          # maximum Lorentzian widths to include
    # nfwhmG=None,          # maximum Gaussian widths to include -- pure Lorentzian outside this
    # yin = None            # set to add this line in place to an existing specturm of size matching x
    """Rautian profile. E.g,. schreier2020, 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.107385"""
    # if ζ == 0:
    # return voigt(x,x0,S,ΓL,ΓG)
    from scipy import special
    b = 0.8325546111576  # np.sqrt(np.log(2))
    γG, γL = ΓG / 2, ΓL / 2  # FWHM to HWHM
    if γG == 0:
        ## hack to prevent divide by zero
        γG = 1e-10
    x = b * (x - x0) / γG
    y = b * γL / γG
    z = x + 1j * y
    ζ = b * νvc / γG
    retval = (special.wofz(z) /
              (1 - np.sqrt(constants.pi) * ζ * special.wofz(z))).real
    ## normalise and scale
    retval = retval / (1.0644670194312262 * ΓG) * S
    return retval
Пример #6
def voigt(x, amp, fwhm, pos, shape, B):
    tmp = 1/special.wofz(np.zeros((len(x))) \
    tmp = tmp*amp* \
          special.wofz(2*np.sqrt(np.log(2.0))*(x-pos)/fwhm+1j* \
    return tmp + B
def eps_material(mat, waverange, numosc=5):
    pen = np.divide(1239.84193E-9, waverange)
    if numosc <= 0:
        numosc = 1
    m = mats.get(mat)
    #free electron eps
    epsf = 1 - np.divide(np.power(np.sqrt(m.get('f')[0]) * m.get('wp'), 2),
                         np.multiply(pen, pen + 1j * m.get('g')[0]))
    #bound electron eps
    epsb = 0 + 1j * 0
    for i in range(np.min([(m.get('f').size) - 1, numosc])):
        a = np.sqrt(
            np.power(pen, 2) + np.multiply(1j * m.get('g')[i + 1], pen))
        epsb += np.multiply(
                1j * np.sqrt(np.pi) * m.get('f')[i + 1] *
                m.get('wp') * m.get('wp'),
                np.multiply(2 * np.sqrt(2) * m.get('s')[i + 1], a)), (wofz(
                                          m.get('w')[i + 1]),
                              np.sqrt(2) * m.get('s')[i + 1])) + wofz(
                                  np.divide(a + m.get('w')[i + 1],
                                            np.sqrt(2) * m.get('s')[i + 1]))))
        #complex dielectric function
    return (epsf + epsb)
Пример #8
def two_voigt(x,
    """1 dimensional voigt function.
    see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voigt_profile
    # Penalize negative values
    if sigma <= 0:
        amp = 1e10
    if sig2 <= 0:
        amp = 1e10
    if gamma <= 0:
        amp = 1e10
    if gam2 <= 0:
        amp = 1e10
    if amp <= 0:
        amp = 1e10
    if amp2 <= 0:
        amp2 = 1e10
    z = (x - cen + 1j * gamma) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2.0))
    z2 = (x - cen2 + 1j * gam2) / (sig2 * np.sqrt(2.0))
    return amp * wofz(z).real / (sigma * np.sqrt(
        2 * np.pi)) + c + a * x + amp2 * wofz(z2).real / (sig2 *
                                                          np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
def voigt(x,amp,fwhm, pos,shape,B):
     tmp = 1/special.wofz(np.zeros((len(x))) \
     tmp = tmp*amp* \
           special.wofz(2*np.sqrt(np.log(2.0))*(x-pos)/fwhm+1j* \
     return tmp+B
Пример #10
def xs_from_res(ap, A, res_E, J, gn, gg, gfa, gfb, temp, energy, reaction, comp='all'):
    sigma_pot = 4*pi*ap**2
    k_b = 8.6173e-5 #[ev/K]
    xs = 0
    for i in range(len(res_E)):
        g_tot = gn[i]+gg[i]+gfa[i]+gfb[i]
        r = 2603911/res_E[i]*(A+1)/A
        q = 2*(r*sigma_pot)**0.5
        x = 2*(energy-res_E[i])/g_tot
        if temp==0:
            psi = 1/(1+x**2)
            chi = x/(1+x**2)
            xi = g_tot*(A/(4*k_b*temp*res_E[i]))**0.5
            psi = pi**0.5*np.real(xi*wofz((x+1j)*xi))
            chi = pi**0.5*np.imag(xi*wofz((x+1j)*xi))
            if comp=='psi':
                chi = 0
            if comp=='chi':
                psi = 0
            if comp=='pot':
                chi = 0
                psi = 0
        if reaction=='capture':
            res_xs = gn[i]*gg[i]/g_tot**2*(res_E[i]/energy)**0.5*r*psi
        elif reaction=='elastic':
            res_xs = (gn[i]/g_tot)**2*(r*psi+g_tot/gn[i]*q*chi)
        xs += res_xs
    if reaction=='elastic' and comp!='psi' and comp!='chi':
        xs += sigma_pot
    return xs
    def zeta_from_grid(self, grid):
        q2 = self.axis_ratio ** 2.0
        ind_pos_y = grid[:, 0] >= 0
        shape_grid = np.shape(grid)
        output_grid = np.zeros((shape_grid[0]), dtype=np.complex128)
        scale_factor = self.axis_ratio / (self.sigma * np.sqrt(2.0 * (1.0 - q2)))

        xs_0 = grid[:, 1][ind_pos_y] * scale_factor
        ys_0 = grid[:, 0][ind_pos_y] * scale_factor
        xs_1 = grid[:, 1][~ind_pos_y] * scale_factor
        ys_1 = -grid[:, 0][~ind_pos_y] * scale_factor

        output_grid[ind_pos_y] = -1j * (
            wofz(xs_0 + 1j * ys_0)
            - np.exp(-(xs_0 ** 2.0) * (1.0 - q2) - ys_0 * ys_0 * (1.0 / q2 - 1.0))
            * wofz(self.axis_ratio * xs_0 + 1j * ys_0 / self.axis_ratio)

        output_grid[~ind_pos_y] = np.conj(
            * (
                wofz(xs_1 + 1j * ys_1)
                - np.exp(-(xs_1 ** 2.0) * (1.0 - q2) - ys_1 * ys_1 * (1.0 / q2 - 1.0))
                * wofz(self.axis_ratio * xs_1 + 1j * ys_1 / self.axis_ratio)

        return output_grid
Пример #12
 def voight(x, alpha, gamma):
     sigma = alpha / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))
     max_v = np.real(wofz(
         (1j * gamma) / sigma / np.sqrt(2))) / sigma / np.sqrt(
             2 * np.pi)
     return np.real(wofz(
         (x + 1j * gamma) / sigma / np.sqrt(2))) / sigma / np.sqrt(
             2 * np.pi) / max_v
Пример #13
def voigt(x,amp,pos,fwhm,shape):
    # Computes Voigt spectral profile.
    tmp = 1/wofz(np.zeros((len(x))) \
    tmp = tmp*amp* \
        wofz(2*np.sqrt(np.log(2.0))*(x-pos)/fwhm+1j* \
    return tmp
Пример #14
		def geteps(lambda0):
			epsf = 1 - omegap**2/(omega*(omega+gamma0*1.0J))
			aj = sqrt(omega**2 + 1.0J*omega*gammaj)
			zplus = (aj+wj)/(sqrt(2)*sigmaj)
			zminus = (aj-wj)/(sqrt(2)*sigmaj)
			epsb = (1.0J*sqrt(pi)*fj*wp**2/(2*sqrt(2)*aj*sigmaj))*(wofz(zplus)+wofz(zminus))
			eps = epsf + sum(epsb)
			return eps
		def geteps(lambda0):
			epsf = 1 - omegap**2/(omega*(omega+gamma0*1.0J))
			aj = sqrt(omega**2 + 1.0J*omega*gammaj)
			zplus = (aj+wj)/(sqrt(2)*sigmaj)
			zminus = (aj-wj)/(sqrt(2)*sigmaj)
			epsb = (1.0J*sqrt(pi)*fj*wp**2/(2*sqrt(2)*aj*sigmaj))*(wofz(zplus)+wofz(zminus))
			eps = epsf + sum(epsb)
			return eps
Пример #16
def model_voigt_norm(x, alpha, gamma):
    Return the Voigt line shape at x with Lorentzian component HWHM gamma
    and Gaussian component HWHM alpha.

    sigma = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * alpha)
    #sigma = alpha / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))
    return np.real(wofz((x + 1j * gamma) / sigma / np.sqrt(2))) / np.real(
        wofz((1j * gamma) / sigma / np.sqrt(2)))
Пример #17
    def __init__(self, name='', pos=None, ampl=None, fwhm=None, shape=None):
        pp, pa, pf, psh = self._init_params(name, self.param_names, locals())
        # amplitude and fwhms should be positive
        self.params[1].finalize = abs
        self.params[2].finalize = abs
        self.params[3].finalize = abs

        self.fcn = lambda p, x: \
            p[pa] / wofz(1j*sqrt(log(2))*p[psh]).real * \
            wofz(2*sqrt(log(2)) * (x-p[pp])/p[pf] + 1j*sqrt(log(2))*p[psh]).real
Пример #18
        def hnew(gam1, gam2, gam3, t, tp, wofznu, nu, nu2):
            c1_1 = 1. / (gam2 + gam1)
            c1_2 = 1. / (gam3 + gam1)

            tp_lq = tp / lq
            t_lq = t / lq
            dif_t_lq = t_lq - tp_lq
            #egam1tp = np.exp(-gam1*tp)
            gam1tp = gam1 * tp
            egam2t = np.exp(-gam2 * t)
            egam3t = np.exp(-gam3 * t)
            #squared exponentials
            #edif_t_lq = np.exp(-dif_t_lq*dif_t_lq)
            dif_t_lq2 = dif_t_lq * dif_t_lq
            #et_lq = np.exp(-t_lq*t_lq)
            t_lq2 = t_lq * t_lq
            #etp_lq = np.exp(-tp_lq*tp_lq)
            tp_lq2 = tp_lq * tp_lq
            ec = egam2t * c1_1 - egam3t * c1_2

            #Terms of h
            A = dif_t_lq + nu
            temp = np.zeros(A.shape, dtype=complex)
            boolT = A.real >= 0.
            if np.any(boolT):
                wofzA = wofz(1j * A[boolT])
                temp[boolT] = np.exp(np.log(wofzA) - dif_t_lq2[boolT])
            boolT = np.logical_not(boolT)
            if np.any(boolT):
                dif_t = t[boolT] - tp[boolT]
                wofzA = wofz(-1j * A[boolT])
                temp[boolT] = 2. * np.exp(nu2[boolT] +
                                          gam1[boolT] * dif_t) - np.exp(
                                              np.log(wofzA) - dif_t_lq2[boolT])

            b = t_lq + nu
            wofzb = wofz(1j * b)
            e = nu - tp_lq
            temp2 = np.zeros(e.shape, dtype=complex)
            boolT = e.real >= 0.
            if np.any(boolT):
                wofze = wofz(1j * e[boolT])
                temp2[boolT] = np.exp(np.log(wofze) - tp_lq2[boolT])
            boolT = np.logical_not(boolT)
            if np.any(boolT):
                wofze = wofz(-1j * e[boolT])
                temp2[boolT] = 2. * np.exp(nu2[boolT] -
                                           gam1tp[boolT]) - np.exp(
                                               np.log(wofze) - tp_lq2[boolT])
            return (c1_1 - c1_2)*(temp \
                - np.exp(np.log(wofzb) - t_lq2 - gam1tp))\
                - ec*( temp2 \
                - np.exp(np.log(wofznu) - gam1tp))
Пример #19
def voigt(x, amp, pos, fwhm, shape):
    voigt profile

    V(x,sig,gam) = Re(w(z))/(sig*sqrt(2*pi))
    z = (x+i*gam)/(sig*sqrt(2))
    tmp = 1 / special.wofz(
        N.zeros((len(x))) + 1j * N.sqrt(N.log(2.0)) * shape).real
    tmp = tmp * amp * special.wofz(2 * N.sqrt(N.log(2.0)) * (x - pos) / fwhm +
                                   1j * N.sqrt(N.log(2.0)) * shape).real
    return tmp
Пример #20
def voigt(x, amp, pos, fwhm, shape):
    voigt profile

    V(x,sig,gam) = Re(w(z))/(sig*sqrt(2*pi))
    z = (x+i*gam)/(sig*sqrt(2))
    tmp = 1 / special.wofz(
        N.zeros((len(x))) + 1j * N.sqrt(N.log(2.0)) * shape).real
    tmp = tmp * amp * special.wofz(
        2 * N.sqrt(N.log(2.0)) * (x - pos) /
        fwhm + 1j * N.sqrt(N.log(2.0)) * shape).real
    return tmp
Пример #21
def Upsilon(t, t2, gam, l_scale, eval_gradient=False):
    Describe me without a reference?
    # array axes ordering [ t , t2 , gamma, length scales]

    # pwd of times
    Dt = t[:, None] - t2[None, :]

    # u1 = 2exp(arg1)
    arg1 = .25 * gam[:, None]**2 * l_scale[None, :]**2
    arg1 = arg1[None, None, ...] - \
           Dt[..., None, None] * gam[None, None, :, None]

    # u2 = exp(arg2) * wofz(1j * zrq)
    zrq = Dt[..., None, None] / l_scale - \
          .5 * gam[None, None, :, None] * l_scale  # easy b.-casting over last axis

    arg2 = -(Dt**2)[..., None, None] / l_scale**2

    # u3 = exp(arg3) * wofz(-1j * zrq0)
    zrq0 = -t2[None, :, None, None] / l_scale - \
           .5 * gam[None, None, :, None] * l_scale

    arg3 = -(t2**2)[None, :, None, None] / l_scale**2 -\
           t[:, None, None, None] * gam[None, None, :, None]

    if eval_gradient:

        # gradient of arg1 wrt gam
        darg1_g = .5 * gam[:, None] * (l_scale**2)[None, :]
        darg1_g = darg1_g[None, None, ...] - \
                  Dt[..., None, None]

        u1 = 2 * np.exp(arg1)  # for clarity.
        du1 = u1 * darg1_g

        u2 = np.exp(arg2) * wofz(1j * zrq)
        du2 = -.5 * 1j * wofz_grad(1j * zrq) * np.exp(arg2) * l_scale

        u3 = np.exp(arg3) * wofz(-1j * zrq0)
        du3 = np.exp(arg3) * \
              (-t[:, None, None, None] * wofz(-1j * zrq0) + \
               .5 * 1j * wofz_grad(-1j * zrq0) * l_scale)

        return u1 - u2 - u3, du1 - du2 - du3

        return 2*np.exp(arg1) - \
               np.exp(arg2)*wofz(1j*zrq) - \
Пример #22
def Upsilon(t, t2, gam, l_scale, eval_gradient=False):
    Describe me without a reference?
    # array axes ordering [ t , t2 , gamma, length scales]

    # pwd of times
    Dt = t[:, None] - t2[None, :]

    # u1 = 2exp(arg1)
    arg1 = .25*gam[:, None] **2 * l_scale[None, :] ** 2
    arg1 = arg1[None, None, ...] - \
           Dt[..., None, None] * gam[None, None, :, None]

    # u2 = exp(arg2) * wofz(1j * zrq)
    zrq = Dt[..., None, None] / l_scale - \
          .5 * gam[None, None, :, None] * l_scale  # easy b.-casting over last axis

    arg2 = - (Dt**2)[..., None, None] / l_scale**2

    # u3 = exp(arg3) * wofz(-1j * zrq0)
    zrq0 = -t2[None, :, None, None] / l_scale - \
           .5 * gam[None, None, :, None] * l_scale

    arg3 = -(t2**2)[None, :, None, None] / l_scale**2 -\
           t[:, None, None, None] * gam[None, None, :, None]

    if eval_gradient:

        # gradient of arg1 wrt gam
        darg1_g = .5*gam[:, None] * (l_scale ** 2)[None, :]
        darg1_g = darg1_g[None, None, ...] - \
                  Dt[..., None, None]

        u1 = 2 * np.exp(arg1) # for clarity.
        du1 = u1 * darg1_g

        u2 = np.exp(arg2) * wofz(1j * zrq)
        du2 = -.5*1j * wofz_grad(1j * zrq) * np.exp(arg2) * l_scale

        u3 = np.exp(arg3) * wofz(-1j*zrq0)
        du3 = np.exp(arg3) * \
              (-t[:, None, None, None] * wofz(-1j * zrq0) + \
               .5 * 1j * wofz_grad(-1j * zrq0) * l_scale)

        return u1 - u2 - u3, du1 - du2 - du3

        return 2*np.exp(arg1) - \
               np.exp(arg2)*wofz(1j*zrq) - \
Пример #23
def voigt(xarr,amp,xcen,Gfwhm,Lfwhm):
    voigt profile

    V(x,sig,gam) = Re(w(z))/(sig*sqrt(2*pi))
    z = (x+i*gam)/(sig*sqrt(2))

    Converted from
    from scipy.special import wofz
    tmp = 1.0/wofz(np.zeros((len(xarr)))+1j*np.sqrt(np.log(2.0))*Lfwhm).real
    tmp = tmp*amp*wofz(2*np.sqrt(np.log(2.0))*(xarr-xcen)/Gfwhm+1j*np.sqrt(np.log(2.0))*Lfwhm).real
    return tmp
Пример #24
def qvoigt(x, amp, pos, fwhm, gam):
    analytic approximation for a voigt profile.

    V(x,sig,gam) = Re(w(z))/(sig*sqrt(2*pi))
    z = (x+i*gam)/(sig*sqrt(2))

    tmp = 1 / special.wofz(
        np.zeros((len(x))) + 1j * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) * gam).real
    tmp = tmp * amp * special.wofz(
        2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) * (x - pos) / fwhm + 1j *
        np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) * gam).real
    return tmp
Пример #25
def voigt(x, x0, FWHM, G):
    """Calculate an unnormalized Voigt lineshape using Scipy's Faddeeva function

    `Link to Voigt article on Wikipedia`__

    __ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voigt_profile

    x : array_like or number
        Input array.
    x0 : array_like or number
        Center of lineshape.
    FHWM : array_like or number
        Full-width-at-half-maximum of Gaussian part of lineshape.
    G : array_like or number
        Half-width-at-half-maximum of Lorentzian part of lineshape.

    array_like or number
        Voigt lineshape.
    c = FWHM / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
    arr = (x - x0 + 1j * G) / (c * np.sqrt(2))
    w = wofz(arr)
    return np.real(w) / (c * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
Пример #26
def _wofz(x):
    """Return the fadeeva function for complex argument.

    wofz = exp(-x**2)*erfc(-i*x)

    return wofz(x)
Пример #27
def add_voigt(d,DoppTemp,atomMass,wavenumber,gamma,voigtwidth,
	xpts = len(d)
	npts = 2*voigtwidth+1
	detune = 2.0*pi*1.0e6*(arange(npts)-voigtwidth) #Angular detuning
	wavenumber =  wavenumber + detune/c #Allow the wavenumber to change
	u = sqrt(2.0*kB*DoppTemp/atomMass)
	ku = wavenumber*u
	a = gamma/ku
	b = detune/ku
	y = 1.0j*(0.5*sqrt(pi)/ku)*wofz(b+0.5j*a)
	ab = y.imag
	disp = y.real
	#interpolate lineshape functions
	f_ab = interp1d(detune,ab)
	f_disp = interp1d(detune,disp)
	#Add contributions from all transitions to user defined detuning axis
	lab = zeros(xpts)
	ldisp = zeros(xpts)
	for line in xrange(ltransno+1):
		xc = lenergy[line]
		lab += lstrength[line]*f_ab(2.0*pi*(d-xc)*1.0e6)
		ldisp += lstrength[line]*f_disp(2.0*pi*(d-xc)*1.0e6)
	rab = zeros(xpts)
	rdisp = zeros(xpts)
	for line in xrange(rtransno+1):
		xc = renergy[line]
		rab += rstrength[line]*f_ab(2.0*pi*(d-xc)*1.0e6)
		rdisp += rstrength[line]*f_disp(2.0*pi*(d-xc)*1.0e6)
	return lab, ldisp, rab, rdisp
Пример #28
def _voigt_profile(x, alpha, mu, sigma, gamma):
    """Private function to fit a Voigt profile.

    x : ndarray, shape (len(x))
        The input data.

    alpha : float,
        The amplitude factor.

    mu : float,
        The shift of the central value.

    sigma : float,
        sigma of the Gaussian.

    gamma : float,
        gamma of the Lorentzian.

    y : ndarray, shape (len(x), )
        The Voigt profile.


    # Define z
    z = ((x - mu) + 1j * gamma) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2))

    # Compute the Faddeva function
    w = wofz(z)

    return alpha * (np.real(w)) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi))
		def voigtianFunc(x, args, useNp=False):
			if not useNp: x = float(x[0])
			a, b = float(args[0]), float(args[1])
			sig, mean = float(args[2]), float(args[3])
			w, s = float(args[4]), float(args[5])

			if sig <= 0 or s <= 0 or w <= 0:
				if useNp:   return [0 for x in range(len(x))]
				else:	   return 0

			coef = -0.5/(s*s)
			arg = x-mean

			# Voigtian
			c = 1.0/(np.sqrt(2.0)*s)
			a_ = 0.5*c*w
			u = c*arg

			# die RooFit implementation
			z = 0
			if useNp:   z = [complex(i, a_) for i in u]
			else:	   z = complex(u, a_)
			v = special.wofz(z)

			return a*(x-mean) + b + \
Пример #30
def _wofz(x):
    """Return the fadeeva function for complex argument.

    wofz = exp(-x**2)*erfc(-i*x)

    return wofz(x)
Пример #31
def voigt_fwhm(x, A, mu, fwhm, gamma):
    Voigt function using FWHM
    sigma = fwhm/2./np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)) #Convert FWHM to sigma
    z = ((x-mu) + 1j*gamma) / (sigma *np.sqrt(2.0))
    return A * np.real(wofz(z))
Пример #32
def cutoff_denominator(list_x,tol):
    z   = list_x/tol

    #den = N.imag(SS.wofz(list_x))/tol
    den = -1j*SS.wofz(z)/tol*N.sqrt(N.pi)

    return den
Пример #33
def DopplerWind(Temp, FreqGrid, Para, wind_v, shift_direction=False):
    u"""#doppler width
    #Para[transient Freq[Hz], relative molecular mass[g/mol]]"""
    # step1 = Para[0]/c*(2.*R*gct/(Para[1]*1.e-3))**0.5
    # outy = np.exp(-(Freq-Para[0])**2/step1**2) / (step1*(np.pi**0.5))
    #wind_v = speed[:,10]
    #FreqGrid = Fre_range_i[0]
    wind = wind_v.reshape(wind_v.size, 1)
    FreqGrid = FreqGrid.reshape(1, FreqGrid.size)
    deltav = Para[0] * wind / c
    if shift_direction is 'Red' or 'red' or 'RED':
        D_effect = (deltav)
    elif shift_direction is 'Blue' or 'blue' or 'BLUE':
        D_effect = (-deltav)
        print('Set Direction, red shift or blue shift')

    #    step1 = Para[0]/c*(2.*R*Temp*np.log(2.)/(Para[1]*1.e-3))**0.5  # HWHM
    #    outy = np.exp(-np.log(2.)*(FreqGrid-Para[0])**2/step1**2) *\
    #                 (np.log(2.)/np.pi)**0.5/step1
    #    outy_d = np.exp(-np.log(2.)*(FreqGrid+D_effect-Para[0])**2/step1**2) *\
    #                   (np.log(2.)/np.pi)**0.5/step1
    GD = np.sqrt(2 * k * ac / Para[1] * Temp) / c * Para[0]
    step1 = GD
    outy_d = wofz(
        (FreqGrid + D_effect - Para[0]) / GD).real / np.sqrt(np.pi) / GD
    #plot(FreqGrid, outy)
    #plot(FreqGrid, outy_d[:,0])
    return outy_d
Пример #34
def voigt(x, a=1, xc=0, wg=1, wl=1, y0=0):
    Voigt Function.

    x : 1d-ndarray
        Input data.
    a : float
    xc : float
    wg : float
        FWHM of gaussian.
    wl : float
        FWHM of lorentzian.
    y0 : float

    result : 1d-ndarray
        Output data.
    sigma, gamma = wg / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))), wl / 2
    y1 = special.wofz((x - xc + 1j * gamma) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2)))
    return y0 + a / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.real(y1)
Пример #35
def voigt_shape(x, a):
    Real part of Faddeeva function, where    
    w(z) = exp(-z^2) erfc(jz)
    z = x + 1j * a
    return wofz(z).real
Пример #36
def ResolutionVectorAsymetric(Q, dQ, points, dLambda, asymmetry, range_=3):
      Resolution vector for a asymmetric wavelength distribution found in
      neutron experiments with multilayer monochromator.
    Qrange=max(range_*dQ, range_*dLambda*Q.max())
    Qres=Q+(arange(points)-(points-1)/2)[:, newaxis]*Qstep
    Quse=transpose(Q[:, newaxis])

    return (Qret, weight)
Пример #37
    def voigt_wofz(self, a, u):

        ''' Compute the Voigt function using Scipy's wofz().

        # Code from https://github.com/nhmc/Barak/blob/\
        Explanation: https://nhmc.github.io/Barak/generated/barak.voigt.voigt.html#barak.voigt.voigt

        a: float
          Ratio of Lorentzian to Gaussian linewidths.
        u: array of floats
          The frequency or velocity offsets from the line centre, in units
          of the Gaussian broadening linewidth.

        See the notes for `voigt` for more details.
             from scipy.special import wofz
        except ImportError:
             s = ("Can't find scipy.special.wofz(), can only calculate Voigt "
                  " function for 0 < a < 0.1 (a=%g)" % a)  
             return wofz(u + 1j * a).real
Пример #38
    def eval(self, x):
      Evaluate the Voigt profile at the specified coordinates range.

      x: 1D float ndarray
          Input coordinates where to evaluate the profile.

      v: 1D float ndarray
          The line profile at the x locations.
        if self.hwhm_L / self.hwhm_G < 0.1:
            sigma = self.hwhm_G / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))
            z = (x + 1j * self.hwhm_L - self.x0) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2))
            return self.scale * ss.wofz(z).real / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))

        # This is faster than the previous algorithm but it gets inaccurate
        # and breaks down for HWHM_L / HWHM_G ~< 0.1:
        X = (x - self.x0) * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / self.hwhm_G
        Y = self.hwhm_L * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / self.hwhm_G

        A, B, C, D = self._A, self._B, self._C, self._D
        V = np.sum((C * (Y - A) + D * (X - B)) / ((Y - A)**2 + (X - B)**2),
        V /= np.pi * self.hwhm_L

        return self.scale * self.hwhm_L / self.hwhm_G * np.sqrt(
            np.pi * np.log(2)) * V
Пример #39
def voigt(x, amp=1, cen=0, sigma=1, gamma=0):
    """1 dimensional voigt function.
    see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voigt_profile
    from scipy.special import wofz
    z = (x - cen + 1j * gamma) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2.0))
    return amp * wofz(z).real / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
Пример #40
    def evaluate(self, x):
        Evaluates the model for current parameter values.

        x : array
            Specifies the points at which to evaluate the model.

            z = ((x - self["mu"]) + (1.j) * abs(self["al"])) / \
                (numpy.sqrt(2.0) * abs(self["ad"]))
            y = self["A"] * numpy.real(sps.wofz(z))
            y /= (abs(self["ad"]) * numpy.sqrt(2.0 * numpy.pi))
            y += x * self["lin"] + self["off"]

            y[numpy.where(numpy.isnan(y))] = 0.0
        except FloatingPointError as fpe:
            raise (PE.PyAFloatingPointError(
                "The following floating point error occurred:\n  " + str(fpe) +
                "\n" + "Current Parameter values:\n" + str(self.parameters()),
                    "Try to rescale/shift your abscissa. For instance, put" +
                    "the spectral line you try to fit at position `0`."
        return y
Пример #41
def voigt(x, FWHM=1, gamma=1, center=0, scale=1): 
    Voigt peak. 
    The voigt peak is the convolution of a Lorentz peak with a Gaussian peak. 
    The formula used to calculate this is:: 
        z(x) = (x + 1j gamma) / (sqrt(2) sigma) 
        w(z) = exp(-z**2) erfc(-1j z) / (sqrt(2 pi) sigma) 
        V(x) = scale Re(w(z(x-center))) 
     gamma : real 
      The half-width half-maximum of the Lorentzian 
     FWHM : real 
      The FWHM of the Gaussian 
     center : real 
      Location of the center of the peak 
     scale : real 
      Value at the highest point of the peak 
    Ref: W.I.F. David, J. Appl. Cryst. (1986). 19, 63-64 

    Note: adjusted to use stddev and HWHM rather than FWHM parameters 
    # wofz function = w(z) = Fad[d][e][y]eva function = exp(-z**2)erfc(-iz) 
    from scipy.special import wofz
    sigma = FWHM / 2.3548200450309493
    z = (np.asarray(x)-center+1j*gamma)/(sigma*math.sqrt(2)) 
    V = wofz(z)/(math.sqrt(2*np.pi)*sigma) 
    return scale*V.real
Пример #42
def voigt(x, amp=1, cen=0, sigma=1, gamma=0):
    """1 dimensional voigt function.
    see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voigt_profile
    from scipy.special import wofz
    z = (x-cen + 1j*gamma)/ (sigma*np.sqrt(2.0))
    return amp * wofz(z).real / (sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
Пример #43
 def return_voigtfunc(x):
     realvalue = np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / gamma_D * (x - wn)
     imagvalue = np.sqrt(np.log(2)) * gamma_L / gamma_D
     complexvalue = realvalue + imagvalue * 1j
     faddeeva = np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / gamma_D / np.sqrt(
         np.pi) * special.wofz(complexvalue)
     return faddeeva.real
Пример #44
def voigt_fwhm(x, A, mu, fwhm, gamma):
    Voigt function using FWHM
    sigma = fwhm / 2. / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))  #Convert FWHM to sigma
    z = ((x - mu) + 1j * gamma) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2.0))
    return A * np.real(wofz(z))
Пример #45
    def voigt(cls, a, u):
        from scipy import special

        x = np.asarray(u).astype(np.float64)
        y = np.asarray(a).astype(np.float64)

        return special.wofz(x + 1j * y).real
Пример #46
    def evaluate(self, x):
        Evaluates the model for current parameter values.

        x : array
            Specifies the points at which to evaluate the model.

            z = ((x - self["mu"]) + (1.j) * abs(self["al"])) / \
                (numpy.sqrt(2.0) * abs(self["ad"]))
            y = self["A"] * numpy.real(sps.wofz(z))
            y /= (abs(self["ad"]) * numpy.sqrt(2.0 * numpy.pi))
            y += x * self["lin"] + self["off"]

            y[numpy.where(numpy.isnan(y))] = 0.0
        except FloatingPointError as fpe:
            raise(PE.PyAFloatingPointError("The following floating point error occurred:\n  " + str(fpe) + "\n" +
                                           "Current Parameter values:\n" +
                                           solution=["Try to rescale/shift your abscissa. For instance, put" +
                                                     "the spectral line you try to fit at position `0`."]))
        return y
Пример #47
def Z(arg):
    Return Plasma Dispersion Function : Normalized Fadeeva function
    Plasma dispersion function related to Fadeeva function
    (Summers & Thorne, 1993) by i*sqrt(pi) factor.
    return 1j * np.sqrt(np.pi) * wofz(arg)
Пример #48
def _voigt_profile(x, alpha, mu, sigma, gamma):
    """Private function to fit a Voigt profile.

    x : ndarray, shape (len(x))
        The input data.

    alpha : float,
        The amplitude factor.

    mu : float,
        The shift of the central value.

    sigma : float,
        sigma of the Gaussian.

    gamma : float,
        gamma of the Lorentzian.

    y : ndarray, shape (len(x), )
        The Voigt profile.


    # Define z
    z = ((x - mu) + 1j * gamma) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2))

    # Compute the Faddeva function
    w = wofz(z)

    return alpha * (np.real(w)) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi))
Пример #49
def voigt(x, x0, fwhm_g, fwhm_l):
    Normalised voigt profile
    sigma = voigt.Va * fwhm_g
    z = ((x - x0) + 0.5j * fwhm_l) / (sigma * voigt.Vb)
    return wofz(z).real / (sigma * voigt.Vc)
def voigt2(a,u):
    x = u/a                                                    #Define parameters for U function
    t = 1/(4.0*a**2)                                           # 
    z = (1 - complex(0,1)*x)/(2.0*np.sqrt(t))                  #
    U = np.sqrt(math.pi/(4.0*t))*special.wofz(complex(0,1)*z)  #Plug into U(x,t)
    H = U/(a*math.sqrt(math.pi))                               #Voight function
    return H
Пример #51
def voigt(freq, j, height, vib, HWHM, sigma):
    '''Return a Voigt line shape over a given domain about a given vib'''

    # Define what to pass to the complex error function
    z = ( freq - vib[j] + 1j*HWHM[j] ) / ( SQRT2 * sigma[j] )
    # The Voigt is the real part of the complex error function with some
    # scaling factors.  It is multiplied by the height here.
    return ( height[j].conjugate() * wofz(z) ).real / ( SQRT2PI * sigma[j] )
Пример #52
def voigt(x, amplitude=1.0, center=0.0, sigma=1.0, gamma=None):
    """1 dimensional voigt function.
    see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voigt_profile
    if gamma is None:
        gamma = sigma
    z = (x-center + 1j*gamma)/ (sigma*s2)
    return amplitude*wofz(z).real / (sigma*s2pi)
Пример #53
 def model(self, params=None, x=None, **kws):
     if params is None:
         params = self.params
     amp = params['amplitude'].value
     cen = params['center'].value
     sig = params['sigma'].value
     z = (x-cen + 1j*sig) / (sig*SQRT2)
     return amp*wofz(z).real / (sig*SQRT2PI)
Пример #54
def voigt(x, y):
	# The Voigt function is also the real part of 
	# w(z) = exp(-z^2) erfc(iz), the complex probability function,
	# which is also known as the Faddeeva function. Scipy has 
	# implemented this function under the name wofz()
	z = x + 1j*y
	I = special.wofz(z).real
	return I
Пример #55
def voigt(x,amp,pos,fwhm,shape):
  from scipy import special
  Voigt profile

  V(x,sig,gam) = Re(w(z))/(sig*sqrt(2*pi))
  z = (x+i*gam)/(sig*sqrt(2))


  tmp = 1/special.wofz(np.zeros((len(x))) \
  tmp = tmp*amp* \
        special.wofz(2*np.sqrt(np.log(2.0))*(x-pos)/fwhm+1j* \
  return tmp
Пример #56
def fit_voigt(xx, a, nu, sigma, gamma):
    """Fit a Voigt function to the line."""
    # The Voigt function:
    #   V(x;sigma,gamma) = Re[w(z)] / (sigma * sqrt(2 pi))
    #   where w(z) = exp(-z**2) * erfc(-i * z), the Faddeeva function
    #   evaluated for z = (x + i*gamma) / (sigma * sqrt(2))
    #   Use wofz() from scipy
    z = ((xx - nu) + 1j*gamma) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2.))
    return a * np.real(wofz(z)) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi))
Пример #57
def Voigt(x, alpha, gamma):
    Return the Voigt line shape at x with Lorentzian component HWHM gamma
    and Gaussian component HWHM alpha.

    sigma = alpha / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))
    return np.real(wofz((x + 1j*gamma)/sigma/np.sqrt(2))) / sigma\
Пример #58
def _voigt(x, y):
   The Voigt function is also the real part of
   w(z) = exp(-z^2) erfc(iz), the complex probability function,
   which is also known as the Faddeeva function
   z = x + 1j*y
   I = wofz(z).real
   return I
Пример #59
    def cutoff_denominator(self,list_x,fadeeva_width):
        This function returns an approximation to 1/(x+i delta) using the Faddeeva function
        z   = list_x/fadeeva_width

        den = -1j*SS.wofz(z)/fadeeva_width*N.sqrt(N.pi)

        return den