Пример #1
def exact(k, R1, R2, derivs):

    if (derivs):
        # Bessel evaluated at R1
        J0_1 = special.j0(k * R1)
        Y0_1 = special.y0(k * R1)
        J1_1 = special.j1(k * R1)
        Y1_1 = special.y1(k * R1)

        # Bessel evaluated at R2
        J0_2 = special.j0(k * R2)
        Y0_2 = special.y0(k * R2)
        J1_2 = special.j1(k * R2)
        Y1_2 = special.y1(k * R2)

        # d Z1(k r)/dr = k*Z0(k r) - Z1(k r) / r
        Jprime_1 = k * J0_1 - J1_1 / R1
        Jprime_2 = k * J0_2 - J1_2 / R2
        Yprime_1 = k * Y0_1 - Y1_1 / R1
        Yprime_2 = k * Y0_2 - Y1_2 / R2

        Jprime_1 = special.jvp(1, k * R1, 1)
        Jprime_2 = special.jvp(1, k * R2, 1)
        Yprime_1 = special.yvp(1, k * R1, 1)
        Yprime_2 = special.yvp(1, k * R2, 1)

    # F(k r) = J'_m(kr R1) * Y'_m(kr R2) - J'_m(kr R2) * Y'_m(kr R1) = 0
    return Jprime_1 * Yprime_2 - Jprime_2 * Yprime_1
Пример #2
    def tetmConstants(self, ri, ro, neff, wl, EH, c, idx):
        a = numpy.empty((2, 2))
        n = self.maxIndex(wl)
        u = self.u(ro, neff, wl)
        urp = self.u(ri, neff, wl)

        if neff < n:
            B1 = j0(u)
            B2 = y0(u)
            F1 = j0(urp) / B1
            F2 = y0(urp) / B2
            F3 = -j1(urp) / B1
            F4 = -y1(urp) / B2
            c1 = wl.k0 * ro / u
            B1 = i0(u)
            B2 = k0(u)
            F1 = i0(urp) / B1
            F2 = k0(urp) / B2
            F3 = i1(urp) / B1
            F4 = -k1(urp) / B2
            c1 = -wl.k0 * ro / u
        c3 = c * c1

        a[0, 0] = F1
        a[0, 1] = F2
        a[1, 0] = F3 * c3
        a[1, 1] = F4 * c3

        return numpy.linalg.solve(a, EH.take(idx))
Пример #3
def cutoffTE(b):
    # EXP: 2.4220557071361126
    a = rho * b
    return (i0(u1 * a) *
            (j0(u2 * b) * yn(2, u2 * a) - y0(u2 * b) * jn(2, u2 * a)) -
            iv(2, u1 * a) *
            (j0(u2 * a) * y0(u2 * b) - y0(u2 * a) * j0(u2 * b)))
Пример #4
def cutoffTM(b):
    # EXP: 2.604335468618898
    a = rho * b
    return (n22 / n12 *
            (j0(u2 * b) * yn(2, u2 * a) - y0(u2 * b) * jn(2, u2 * a)) +
            (n22 / n12 - 1 + iv(2, u1 * a) / i0(u1 * a)) *
            (j0(u2 * b) * y0(u2 * a) - y0(u2 * b) * j0(u2 * a)))
Пример #5
def g_int_lamarche(x, tt, Rt, rt, kt, gam, v):
    # tt = Fourier number
    # re = outer radius of the equivalent tube for concentric cylinders
    # rb = borehole radius
    # ks = soil thermal conductivity
    # kg = grout thermal conductivity
    # als = soil thermal diffusivity
    # alg = grout thermal diffusivity

    zeta1 = (1 - v * Rt * x**2) * y1(x) - v * x * y0(x)
    zeta2 = (1 - v * Rt * x**2) * j1(x) - v * x * j0(x)

    psi = (zeta2 * (j0(x * rt * gam) * y1(x * rt) -
                    j1(x * rt * gam) * y0(x * rt) * kt * gam) - zeta1 *
           (j0(x * rt * gam) * j1(x * rt) -
            j1(x * rt * gam) * j0(x * rt) * kt * gam))

    phi = (zeta1 * (y0(x * rt * gam) * j1(x * rt) -
                    y1(x * rt * gam) * j0(x * rt) * kt * gam) - zeta2 *
           (y0(x * rt * gam) * y1(x * rt) -
            y1(x * rt * gam) * y0(x * rt) * kt * gam))

    I = (1 - exp(-x**2 * tt)) / (x**5 * (phi**2 + psi**2))

    return I
Пример #6
    def tetmConstants(self, ri, ro, neff, wl, EH, c, idx):
        a = numpy.empty((2, 2))
        n = self.maxIndex(wl)
        u = self.u(ro, neff, wl)
        urp = self.u(ri, neff, wl)

        if neff < n:
            B1 = j0(u)
            B2 = y0(u)
            F1 = j0(urp) / B1
            F2 = y0(urp) / B2
            F3 = -j1(urp) / B1
            F4 = -y1(urp) / B2
            c1 = wl.k0 * ro / u
            B1 = i0(u)
            B2 = k0(u)
            F1 = i0(urp) / B1
            F2 = k0(urp) / B2
            F3 = i1(urp) / B1
            F4 = -k1(urp) / B2
            c1 = -wl.k0 * ro / u
        c3 = c * c1

        a[0, 0] = F1
        a[0, 1] = F2
        a[1, 0] = F3 * c3
        a[1, 1] = F4 * c3

        return numpy.linalg.solve(a, EH.take(idx))
Пример #7
 def _tecoeq(self, v0, nu):
     u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq = self.__params(v0)
     (f11a, f11b) = ((j0(u1r1), jn(2, u1r1)) if s1 > 0 else
                     (i0(u1r1), -iv(2, u1r1)))
     if s2 > 0:
         f22a, f22b = j0(u2r2), y0(u2r2)
         f2a = jn(2, u2r1) * f22b - yn(2, u2r1) * f22a
         f2b = j0(u2r1) * f22b - y0(u2r1) * f22a
     else:  # a
         f22a, f22b = i0(u2r2), k0(u2r2)
         f2a = kn(2, u2r1) * f22a - iv(2, u2r1) * f22b
         f2b = i0(u2r1) * f22b - k0(u2r1) * f22a
     return f11a * f2a - f11b * f2b
Пример #8
		def tau_binf (a, c):
			# numerator :
			integrand = lambda x, a,c: (1-np.exp(-x**2/(4*a**2*c**2))) / x**3 * (ss.y0(x/a)*ss.j0(x)-ss.j0(x/a)*ss.y0(x)) / (ss.y0(x)**2+ss.j0(x)**2) - log(1/a)/(2*a**2*c**2*π) / (1 + 4/π**2 * (np.euler_gamma+np.log(x/2))**2) / x
			                         # |------------------- g1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|   |-------------------------- g2 -----------------------------------------|
			cutoff = 100*max(1,c)
			I = sint.quad( integrand, 0, cutoff, args=(a,c), epsrel=1e-5, limit=1000 )[0]
			int_num = I + log(1/a)*int_2_rem(cutoff)/(4*a**2*c**2)
			# denominator :
			integrand = lambda x, a,c: ( np.exp(-x**2/(4*a**2*c**2)) * (ss.y0(x/a)*ss.j0(x)-ss.j0(x/a)*ss.y0(x)) / (ss.y0(x)**2+ss.j0(x)**2) - 2/π * log(1/a) / (1 + 4/π**2 * (np.euler_gamma+np.log(x/2))**2) ) / x
			                         #   |----------------- f1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------|   |-------------------------- f2 -------------------------------|
			cutoff = max(10,2*c**2)
			I = sint.quad( integrand, 0, cutoff, args=(a,c), epsrel=1e-7, limit=1000 )[0]
			den = 1 - 2/π * (I + log(1/a)*int_2_rem(cutoff))
			return 8*a**2/π * int_num / den
Пример #9
def gendata(X):
    l = '%5s%23s%23s%23s%23s%23s%23s\n' % ('x', 'J0', 'J1', 'J2', 'Y0', 'Y1',
    for i, x in enumerate(X):
        l += '%5.2f%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n' % (x, sp.j0(
            x), sp.j1(x), sp.jv(2, x), sp.y0(x), sp.y1(x), sp.yn(2, x))
    return l
Пример #10
 def E(self, x, y, z, t):
     w = self.pulsation
     k = self.wavenum
     r = (x**2 + y**2)**0.5
     ez = 0.5*spec.j0(k*r)*np.cos(w*t) + \
     return 0, 0, ez
Пример #11
def plotrcfte():
    V = numpy.linspace(1, 7)
    rho = 0.5

    f = j0(V) * yn(2, V*rho) - y0(V) * jn(2, rho*V)
    pyplot.plot(V, f)
Пример #12
def plotrcfte():
    V = numpy.linspace(1, 7)
    rho = 0.5

    f = j0(V) * yn(2, V * rho) - y0(V) * jn(2, rho * V)
    pyplot.plot(V, f)
Пример #13
 def _tmcoeq(self, v0, nu):
     u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq = self.__params(v0)
     if s1 == 0:  # e
         f11a, f11b = 2, 1
     elif s1 > 0:  # a, b, d
         f11a, f11b = j0(u1r1) * u1r1, j1(u1r1)
     else:  # c
         f11a, f11b = i0(u1r1) * u1r1, i1(u1r1)
     if s2 > 0:
         f22a, f22b = j0(u2r2), y0(u2r2)
         f2a = j1(u2r1) * f22b - y1(u2r1) * f22a
         f2b = j0(u2r1) * f22b - y0(u2r1) * f22a
     else:  # a
         f22a, f22b = i0(u2r2), k0(u2r2)
         f2a = i1(u2r1) * f22b + k1(u2r1) * f22a
         f2b = i0(u2r1) * f22b - k0(u2r1) * f22a
     return f11a * n2sq * f2a - f11b * n1sq * f2b * u2r1
Пример #14
 def test_bessely_larger(self, dtype):
   x = np.random.uniform(1., 30., size=int(1e4)).astype(dtype)
     from scipy import special  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
         special.y0(x), self.evaluate(special_math_ops.bessel_y0(x)))
         special.y1(x), self.evaluate(special_math_ops.bessel_y1(x)))
   except ImportError as e:
     tf_logging.warn('Cannot test special functions: %s' % str(e))
Пример #15
 def _z(self, omega):
     f = omega / (2. * np.pi)
     return np.sqrt(2. * self.c0 / self.h) \
             * (1j * special.j0(4. * np.pi * f / self.alpha
                                * np.sqrt(2. / (self.h * self.c0)))
             + special.y0(4. * np.pi * f / self.alpha
                          * np.sqrt(2 / (self.h * self.c0)))) \
             / (special.j1(4. * np.pi * f / self.alpha
                           * np.sqrt(2. / (self.h * self.c0)))
             - 1j * special.y1(4. * np.pi * f / self.alpha
                               * np.sqrt(2. / (self.h * self.c0))))
Пример #16
def keldysh_interaction(radius, radius_0, ep12):
    Keldysh Interaction.
    :param radius: Distance from centre
    :param radius_0: Scale distance corresponding to inherent screening.
    :param ep12: average of top and bottome dielectric constants.
    :return: interaction
    term_arg = (radius / radius_0) * ep12
    struve_term = spec.struve(0, term_arg)
    bessel_term = spec.y0(term_arg)
    interaction = keldysh_prefactor / radius_0 * (struve_term - bessel_term)
    return interaction
Пример #17
def gentable(X):

    # header
    l = '%5s  %18s  %13s  %13s  %13s  %13s  %13s\n' % (
        'x', 'J0(x)', 'J1(x)', 'J2(x)', 'Y0(x)', 'Y1(x)', 'Y2(x)')

    # table
    for i, x in enumerate(X):
        l += '%5.2f  %18.15f  %13.10f  %13.10f  %13.10f  %13.10f  %13.10f\n' % (
            x, sp.j0(x), sp.j1(x), sp.jv(2, x), sp.y0(x), sp.y1(x), sp.yn(
                2, x))
        if (i + 1) % 5 == 0:
            l += '\n'
    return l
Пример #18
def fpt_2d_free_survival (R, t, D, Rtol, σ, regularize=True, split_domain=True):
	if σ == 0:
		a = Rtol/R
		c = R/np.sqrt(4*D*t)
		f = lambda x, a,c: np.exp(-x**2/(4*a**2*c**2)) / x * (ss.y0(x/a)*ss.j0(x)-ss.j0(x/a)*ss.y0(x)) / (ss.y0(x)**2+ss.j0(x)**2)
		if regularize:
			# regularization of the divergence of f at x=0 by substracting the leading-order term,
			# which is, amazingly, integrable analytically; this allows the integrator to better behave;
			# splitting the domain in two does improve the result a tiny bit;
			# (but this method seems to lead to a slight overestimation of the survival proba, if the langevin simulations are accurate)
			f_reg = lambda x, a,c: f(x,a,c) - 1/x * 2/π * log(1/a) / (1 + 4/π**2 * (np.euler_gamma+np.log(x/2))**2)
			if split_domain: ps0 = lambda a,c: 2*log(1/a) + 2/π * ( sint.quad(f_reg, 0, 1, args=(a,c), epsabs=1e-6, limit=1000)[0] + sint.quad(f_reg, 1, +np.inf, args=(a,c), epsabs=1e-5, limit=1000)[0] )
			else:            ps0 = lambda a,c: 2*log(1/a) + 2/π * ( sint.quad(f_reg, 0, +np.inf, args=(a,c), epsabs=1e-5, limit=1000)[0] )
			# splitting the domain in two (one near zero where there is a singularity, the other to infinity)
			# allows to use to integration methods, one on the finite domain which treats the singularity well
			# and the other which treats the rest of the infinite domain without singularity
			if split_domain: ps0 = lambda a,c: 2/π * ( sint.quad(f, 0, 0.1, args=(a,c), epsabs=1e-4, limit=1000)[0] + sint.quad(f, 0.1, +np.inf, args=(a,c), epsabs=1e-6, limit=1000)[0] )
			else:            ps0 = lambda a,c: 2/π * sint.quad(f, 0, +np.inf, args=(a,c), epsabs=1e-5, limit=1000)[0]
		return np.vectorize( lambda a,c: (ps0(a,c) if a < 0.999 else 0.) )(a,c)
		# just a convolution of a guassian with the σ=0 curve
def h0(s):
    return j0(s) + 1j * y0(s)
Пример #20
	def new_func(x):
		if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
			dtype = type(F(1))
			sel = x > 1e-10
			out = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=dtype)
			out[sel] = F(x[sel])
			out = 0.0 if x < 1e-10 else F(x)
		return out
	return new_func

H0 = FG(lambda x: struve( 0, x), 1e-10, 10)
H1 = FG(lambda x: struve(-1, x), 1e-10, 10)
H2 = FG(lambda x: struve(-2, x), 1e-10, 10)
H3 = FG(lambda x: struve(-3, x), 1e-10, 10)
Y0 = FG(lambda x: y0(x),         1e-10, 10)
Y1 = FG(lambda x: yn(1, x),      1e-10, 10)
Y2 = FG(lambda x: yn(2, x),      1e-10, 10)

Test how to do biharmonic FMM using cloud of points...

def random3(N):
	a1 = np.random.rand(N)-0.5
	a2 = np.random.rand(N)-0.5
	a3 = np.random.rand(N)-0.5
	return a1, a2, a3

# number of points to compute for
N = 100
Пример #21
def fdbf(shotGather,

    # Ensure that min_velocity is greater than zero for numerical stability
    if min_vel < 1:
        min_vel = 1

    # Spatiospectral correlation matrix.........................................
    R = np.zeros(((shotGather.n_samples / 2 + 1), shotGather.n_channels,
                  shotGather.n_channels), complex)
    for m in range(shotGather.n_channels):
        for n in range(shotGather.n_channels):
            freq, R[:, m, n] = signal.csd(shotGather.timeHistories[:, m],
                                          shotGather.timeHistories[:, n],
                                          fs=1.0 / shotGather.dt,

    # Remove frequencies above/below specificied max/min frequencies and downsample (if required by zero padding)
    fminID = np.argmin(np.absolute(freq - min_frequency))
    fmaxID = np.argmin(np.absolute(freq - max_frequency))
    freq_id = range(fminID, (fmaxID + 1), shotGather.multiple)
    R = R[freq_id, :, :]
    freq = freq[freq_id]

    # Weighting matrices........................................................
    W = np.zeros(np.shape(R))
    # Sqare root of distance from source
    if str.lower(weightType) == 'sqrt':
        W[:, :, :] = np.diag(
            np.sqrt(abs(shotGather.offset) + shotGather.position))
    # 1/|A(f,x)|, where A is Fourier Transform of a(t,x)
    elif str.lower(weightType) == 'invamp':
        freqFFT = np.concatenate([
            np.arange(0, shotGather.fnyq + shotGather.df, shotGather.df),
            np.arange(-(shotGather.fnyq - shotGather.df), 0, shotGather.df)
        Af = np.fft.fft(shotGather.timeHistories, axis=0)
        for bb in range(len(freq)):
            freq_id = np.argmin(np.absolute(freqFFT - freq[bb]))
            weight = 1.0 / np.absolute(Af[freq_id, :])
            W[bb, :, :] = np.diag(weight)
    # No weighting
        W[:, :, :] = np.eye(shotGather.n_channels)

    # Beamforming...............................................................
    v_vals = np.linspace(min_vel, max_vel, numv)
    # Pre-allocate variables for efficiency
    power = np.zeros((numv, len(freq)), complex)
    pnorm = np.zeros(np.shape(power), complex)
    v_peak = np.zeros(np.shape(freq))
    # Loop through all frequency values, compute power at all trial wavenumbers
    for m in range(len(freq)):
        # Convert trial velocities to wavenumbers (set equal to 0 for k > kres)
        k_vals = 2 * np.pi * freq[m] / v_vals
        alias_id = np.where(k_vals > shotGather.kres)[0]
        # Weighting matrix for current frequency
        Wf = W[m, :, :]
        for k in range(numv):
            # Steering vector
            if str.lower(steeringVector) == 'cylindrical':
                pos = shotGather.position
                # If x[0]=0, set equal to arbitrarilly small number for stability
                if pos[0] == 0:
                    pos[0] = 1e-16
                H0 = special.j0(
                    k_vals[k] * pos) + 1j * special.y0(k_vals[k] * pos)
                expterm = np.exp(1j * np.angle(H0))
                expterm = np.exp(1j * k_vals[k] * shotGather.position)
            # power[k,m] = expterm' * Wf * R[m,:,:] * Wf' * expterm
            power[k, m] = np.dot(
                    np.dot(np.dot(np.conj(expterm).transpose(), Wf),
                           R[m, :, :]), Wf.transpose()), expterm)
            power[alias_id, m] = 0
        # Index of wavenumber corresponding to maximum power at freq[m]
        max_id = np.argmax(np.abs(power[:, m]))
        # Normalize all power values at freq[m] by the maximum power at freq[m]
        pnorm[:, m] = np.abs(power[:, m]) / np.max(np.abs(power[:, m]))
        pnorm[alias_id, m] = float('nan')
        # Wavenumber corresponding to max power at freq[m]
        v_peak[m] = v_vals[max_id]

    # Create instance of DispersionPower class
    dispersionPower = dctypes.DispersionPower(freq, v_peak, v_vals, 'velocity',
                                              shotGather.kres, pnorm)
    return dispersionPower
Пример #22
def green2d(k, r):
	Evaluate the 2-D Green's function for a distance r and wave number k.
	return 0.25j * (spec.j0(k * r) + 1j * spec.y0(k * r))
def true_func(x):
	return struve(0, x) - y0(x)
Пример #24
def _hankel2_0(x):
    """Wrapper for Hankel function of the second type using fast versions
       of the Bessel functions of first/second kind in scipy"""
    return special.j0(x)-1j*special.y0(x)
Пример #25
def cutoffTE(b):
    # EXP: 2.4220557071361126
    a = rho * b
    return (i0(u1*a) * (j0(u2*b) * yn(2, u2*a) - y0(u2*b) * jn(2, u2*a)) -
            iv(2, u1*a) * (j0(u2*a) * y0(u2*b) - y0(u2*a) * j0(u2*b)))
Пример #26
def Y0(s):
    """ Returns the value of the bessel funciton of the first kind in s """
    if s<0.001:
        s=0.001   # Y0(0)=-inf
    return sp.y0(s)
Пример #27
def base_gf(x):
    Y = y0(x)
    H = struve(0, x)
    return 0.25 * (H - Y)
Пример #28
 def _CHS(u, Fo, p):
     CHS_integrand = 1./(u**2*pi**2)*(np.exp(-u**2*Fo) - 1.0) / (j1(u)**2 + y1(u)**2) * (j0(p*u)*y1(u) - j1(u)*y0(p*2))
     return CHS_integrand
Пример #29
def _hankel2_0(x):
    """Wrapper for Hankel function of the second type using fast versions
       of the Bessel functions of first/second kind in scipy"""
    return special.j0(x)-1j*special.y0(x)
Пример #30
# Evaluerer sylindersluk-løsningen

Fo = np.zeros(n)        # Fourier-tallet
G = np.zeros(s)         # Sylindersluk-funksjonen
T_b_uss = np.zeros(s)   # Temperatur ved borehullveggen for uss løsningen 

for i in range(n):
    # Fouriertallet
    Fo[i] = (a_g/(r_b**2))*tid[i]
    # Beregner integralet i sylindersluk-funksjonen
    G[i] = integrate.quad(lambda h:((np.exp(-(h**2)*Fo[i]))-1)*((sp.j0(h)*sp.y1(h) 
    - sp.y0(h)*sp.j1(h))/((h**2)*((sp.j1(h)**2)+(sp.y1(h)**2)))),0,m.inf)
    # Temperatur ved borehullveggen
    T_b_uss[i] = T_g + q/(k_g*(np.pi**2))*G[i]

# Temperaturprofilen ved borehullveggen for de ulike modellene

line1, = ax1.plot(tid_skala, T_b_pyg,'k-', lw=1.5, label='Pygfunction' )
line2, = ax1.plot(tid_skala, T_b_uls[:,0], 'r-', lw=1.5, label='u_linjesluk')
line3, = ax1.plot(tid_skala, T_b_uss[:,0], 'y-', lw=1.5, label='u_sylindersluk')

plt.legend(handler_map={line3: HandlerLine2D(numpoints=4)}, loc=4)
Пример #31
def phi(lam, r):
    phir = (j0(lam * r) * y1(lam)) - (j1(lam) * y0(lam * r))
    return phir
Пример #32
from function_generator import standard_error_model, relative_error_model, new_error_model
import time
from scipy.special import k0, struve, y0, hankel1
import numba

n = 1000 * 1000 * 10
approx_range = [1e-10, 1000]
test_range = [1e-10, 999]
tol = 1e-14
order = 8

# functions to test evaluation of
true_funcs = [
    lambda x: k0(0.1 * x),
    lambda x: k0(0.1 * x),
    lambda x: y0(x),
    lambda x: hankel1(0, x),
    lambda x: np.log(x),
    lambda x: 1 / x**8,
    lambda x: 1 / np.sqrt(x),
    lambda x: x * x,
    lambda x: np.sin(1 / x),
true_func_disp = [
    'k0(x/10); Using relative error model, relative error should be good',
    'k0(x/10); Using standard error model, relative error not guaranteed',
    'y0(x); Using standard error model, relative error not guaranteed',
    'hankel1(0, x); Using standard error model, relative error not guaranteed',
    'np.log(x); Using standard error model, relative error not guaranteed',
    '1/x**8; Using relative error model, relative error should be good',
    '1/sqrt(x) Using relative error model, relative error should be good',
Пример #33
def djv_dv(x):
    return pi / 2 * spec.y0(x)
Пример #34
def cutoffTM(b):
    # EXP: 2.604335468618898
    a = rho * b
    return (n22 / n12 * (j0(u2*b) * yn(2, u2*a) - y0(u2*b) * jn(2, u2*a)) +
            (n22 / n12 - 1 + iv(2, u1*a) / i0(u1*a)) *
            (j0(u2*b) * y0(u2*a) - y0(u2*b) * j0(u2*a)))
Пример #35
b = 0.5 * P['C']
a = -1.0
w = 2. * np.pi * P['F']
t = np.asarray(P['T'])
RHO = P['RHO']
U = np.absolute(P['V0'])
PHI = P['PHI']

k = w * b / np.absolute(P['V0'])
k2 = np.pi * P['F'] * P['C'] / np.absolute(P['V0'])
St = 2. * P['F'] * P['HEAVE_MAX'] / np.absolute(P['V0'])

F = (j1(k)*(j1(k)+y0(k)) + y1(k)*(y1(k)-j0(k))) / ((j1(k)+y0(k))**2 + (y1(k)-j0(k))**2)
G = -(y1(k)*y0(k) + j1(k)*j0(k)) / ((j1(k)+y0(k))**2 + (y1(k)-j0(k))**2)

L = -RHO * b**2 * (U * np.pi * THETA_MAX * w * np.cos(w * t + PHI) - np.pi * HEAVE_MAX * w**2 * np.sin(w * t) + np.pi * b * a * THETA_MAX * w**2 * np.sin(w * t + PHI)) - 2. * np.pi * RHO * U * b * F * (U * THETA_MAX * np.sin(w * t + PHI) + HEAVE_MAX * w * np.cos(w * t) + b * (0.5 - a) * THETA_MAX * w * np.cos(w * t + PHI)) - 2. * np.pi * RHO * U * b * G * (U * THETA_MAX * np.cos(w * t + PHI) - HEAVE_MAX * w * np.sin(w * t) - b * (0.5 - a) * THETA_MAX * w * np.sin(w * t + PHI))

Cl = np.real(L) / (0.5 * P['RHO'] * np.absolute(P['V0'])**2 * P['C'])

expCsv = np.genfromtxt('forces.csv', delimiter=',')

#P['SW_KUTTA'] = True
#impCsv = np.genfromtxt('forces.csv', delimiter=',')

#Determine Error
Пример #36
def g_int(x, Fo, rt):
    num = exp(-Fo * x**2) - 1
    den = x**2 * (j1(x)**2 + y1(x)**2)
    I = num / den * (j0(rt * x) * y1(x) - y0(rt * x) * j1(x))

    return I
Пример #37
		def tau_b (a, b, c):
			A1 = lambda a,b: sint.quad( lambda z, a,b: z * exp(-b**2/2-z**2/2) * ss.i0(b*z) * log(z/a/b), a*b, 10+b, args=(a,b), epsrel=1e-10, limit=1000 )[0]
			# numerator :
			integrand = lambda z,x, a,b,c: z * exp(-b**2/2-z**2/2) * ss.i0(b*z) * (  (1-exp(-x**2/(4*a**2*c**2)))/x**3 * (ss.y0(x*z/a/b)*ss.j0(x)-ss.j0(x*z/a/b)*ss.y0(x)) / (ss.y0(x)**2+ss.j0(x)**2)  -  log(z/a/b)/(2*a**2*c**2*π) / (1 + 4/π**2 * (np.euler_gamma+log(x/2))**2) / x  )
			cutoff = 100*max(1,c)
			I = sint.dblquad( integrand, 0, cutoff, lambda x:a*b, lambda x:10+b, args=(a,b,c), epsrel=1e-8 )[0]
			int_num = I + A1(a,b)*int_2_rem(cutoff)/(4*a**2*c**2)
			# denominator :
			integrand = lambda z,x, a,b,c: z * exp(-b**2/2-z**2/2) * ss.i0(b*z) * (  exp(-x**2/(4*a**2*c**2)) / x      * (ss.y0(x*z/a/b)*ss.j0(x)-ss.j0(x*z/a/b)*ss.y0(x)) / (ss.y0(x)**2+ss.j0(x)**2)  -  log(z/a/b) * 2/π           / (1 + 4/π**2 * (np.euler_gamma+log(x/2))**2) / x  )
			cutoff = max(10,2*c**2)
			I = sint.dblquad( integrand, 0, cutoff, lambda z:a*b, lambda z:10+b, args=(a,b,c), epsrel=1e-8 )[0]
			den = 1 - 2/π*(I + A1(a,b)*int_2_rem(cutoff))
			# F1 = lambda a,b,x: exp(-b**2/2) * sint.quad(lambda z,a,b,x: z * exp(-z**2/2) * ss.y0(x*z/a/b) * ss.i0(b*z), a*b, 10+b, args=(a,b,x), epsrel=1e-8, limit=10000)[0]
			# F2 = lambda a,b,x: exp(-b**2/2) * sint.quad(lambda z,a,b,x: z * exp(-z**2/2) * ss.j0(x*z/a/b) * ss.i0(b*z), a*b, 10+b, args=(a,b,x), epsrel=1e-8, limit=10000)[0]
			# integrand = lambda x, a,b,c: exp(-x**2/(4*a**2*c**2))/x * ( F1(a,b,x)*ss.j0(x) - F2(a,b,x)*ss.y0(x) ) / ( ss.j0(x)**2 + ss.y0(x)**2 )
			# den = 1 - 2/π*sint.quad( integrand, 0, cutoff, args=(a,b,c), epsrel=1e-5, limit=200 )[0]
			return 8*a**2/π * int_num / den