Пример #1
def exact(k, R1, R2, derivs):

    if (derivs):
        # Bessel evaluated at R1
        J0_1 = special.j0(k * R1)
        Y0_1 = special.y0(k * R1)
        J1_1 = special.j1(k * R1)
        Y1_1 = special.y1(k * R1)

        # Bessel evaluated at R2
        J0_2 = special.j0(k * R2)
        Y0_2 = special.y0(k * R2)
        J1_2 = special.j1(k * R2)
        Y1_2 = special.y1(k * R2)

        # d Z1(k r)/dr = k*Z0(k r) - Z1(k r) / r
        Jprime_1 = k * J0_1 - J1_1 / R1
        Jprime_2 = k * J0_2 - J1_2 / R2
        Yprime_1 = k * Y0_1 - Y1_1 / R1
        Yprime_2 = k * Y0_2 - Y1_2 / R2

        Jprime_1 = special.jvp(1, k * R1, 1)
        Jprime_2 = special.jvp(1, k * R2, 1)
        Yprime_1 = special.yvp(1, k * R1, 1)
        Yprime_2 = special.yvp(1, k * R2, 1)

    # F(k r) = J'_m(kr R1) * Y'_m(kr R2) - J'_m(kr R2) * Y'_m(kr R1) = 0
    return Jprime_1 * Yprime_2 - Jprime_2 * Yprime_1
Пример #2
def g_int_lamarche(x, tt, Rt, rt, kt, gam, v):
    # tt = Fourier number
    # re = outer radius of the equivalent tube for concentric cylinders
    # rb = borehole radius
    # ks = soil thermal conductivity
    # kg = grout thermal conductivity
    # als = soil thermal diffusivity
    # alg = grout thermal diffusivity

    zeta1 = (1 - v * Rt * x**2) * y1(x) - v * x * y0(x)
    zeta2 = (1 - v * Rt * x**2) * j1(x) - v * x * j0(x)

    psi = (zeta2 * (j0(x * rt * gam) * y1(x * rt) -
                    j1(x * rt * gam) * y0(x * rt) * kt * gam) - zeta1 *
           (j0(x * rt * gam) * j1(x * rt) -
            j1(x * rt * gam) * j0(x * rt) * kt * gam))

    phi = (zeta1 * (y0(x * rt * gam) * j1(x * rt) -
                    y1(x * rt * gam) * j0(x * rt) * kt * gam) - zeta2 *
           (y0(x * rt * gam) * y1(x * rt) -
            y1(x * rt * gam) * y0(x * rt) * kt * gam))

    I = (1 - exp(-x**2 * tt)) / (x**5 * (phi**2 + psi**2))

    return I
Пример #3
def cutoffHE1(b):
    a = rho * b
    i = ivp(1, u1 * a) / (u1 * a * i1(u1 * a))

    X = (1 / (u1 * a)**2 + 1 / (u2 * a)**2)

    P = j1(u2 * a) * y1(u2 * b) - y1(u2 * a) * j1(u2 * b)
    Ps = (jvp(1, u2 * a) * y1(u2 * b) - yvp(1, u2 * a) * j1(u2 * b)) / (u2 * a)

    return (i * P + Ps) * (n12 * i * P + n22 * Ps) - n32 * X * X * P * P
Пример #4
def cutoffHE1(b):
    a = rho * b
    i = ivp(1, u1*a) / (u1*a * i1(u1*a))

    X = (1 / (u1*a)**2 + 1 / (u2*a)**2)

    P = j1(u2*a) * y1(u2*b) - y1(u2*a) * j1(u2*b)
    Ps = (jvp(1, u2*a) * y1(u2*b) - yvp(1, u2*a) * j1(u2*b)) / (u2 * a)

    return (i * P + Ps) * (n12 * i * P + n22 * Ps) - n32 * X * X * P * P
Пример #5
    def tetmConstants(self, ri, ro, neff, wl, EH, c, idx):
        a = numpy.empty((2, 2))
        n = self.maxIndex(wl)
        u = self.u(ro, neff, wl)
        urp = self.u(ri, neff, wl)

        if neff < n:
            B1 = j0(u)
            B2 = y0(u)
            F1 = j0(urp) / B1
            F2 = y0(urp) / B2
            F3 = -j1(urp) / B1
            F4 = -y1(urp) / B2
            c1 = wl.k0 * ro / u
            B1 = i0(u)
            B2 = k0(u)
            F1 = i0(urp) / B1
            F2 = k0(urp) / B2
            F3 = i1(urp) / B1
            F4 = -k1(urp) / B2
            c1 = -wl.k0 * ro / u
        c3 = c * c1

        a[0, 0] = F1
        a[0, 1] = F2
        a[1, 0] = F3 * c3
        a[1, 1] = F4 * c3

        return numpy.linalg.solve(a, EH.take(idx))
Пример #6
def gendata(X):
    l = '%5s%23s%23s%23s%23s%23s%23s\n' % ('x', 'J0', 'J1', 'J2', 'Y0', 'Y1',
    for i, x in enumerate(X):
        l += '%5.2f%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n' % (x, sp.j0(
            x), sp.j1(x), sp.jv(2, x), sp.y0(x), sp.y1(x), sp.yn(2, x))
    return l
Пример #7
    def tetmConstants(self, ri, ro, neff, wl, EH, c, idx):
        a = numpy.empty((2, 2))
        n = self.maxIndex(wl)
        u = self.u(ro, neff, wl)
        urp = self.u(ri, neff, wl)

        if neff < n:
            B1 = j0(u)
            B2 = y0(u)
            F1 = j0(urp) / B1
            F2 = y0(urp) / B2
            F3 = -j1(urp) / B1
            F4 = -y1(urp) / B2
            c1 = wl.k0 * ro / u
            B1 = i0(u)
            B2 = k0(u)
            F1 = i0(urp) / B1
            F2 = k0(urp) / B2
            F3 = i1(urp) / B1
            F4 = -k1(urp) / B2
            c1 = -wl.k0 * ro / u
        c3 = c * c1

        a[0, 0] = F1
        a[0, 1] = F2
        a[1, 0] = F3 * c3
        a[1, 1] = F4 * c3

        return numpy.linalg.solve(a, EH.take(idx))
Пример #8
def load_date():
    start = 10
    end = 2000
    data = pd.DataFrame({
        "x": [x / 100 for x in range(start, end)],
        "y": [2 * x / 100 + 42 for x in range(start, end)],
        "z": [y1(x / 100) for x in range(start, end)]
    return (data)
Пример #9
 def test_bessely_larger(self, dtype):
   x = np.random.uniform(1., 30., size=int(1e4)).astype(dtype)
     from scipy import special  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
         special.y0(x), self.evaluate(special_math_ops.bessel_y0(x)))
         special.y1(x), self.evaluate(special_math_ops.bessel_y1(x)))
   except ImportError as e:
     tf_logging.warn('Cannot test special functions: %s' % str(e))
Пример #10
def green2dpar(k, r, z):
	Return the 2-D Green's function for the parabolic wave equation for a
	total distance r, wave number k, and a distance z along the propagation
	axis. This formulation omits the exp(-ikz) factor present in Levy
	(2000) that converts the wave field into a slowly-varying function in
	z. Consequently, steps in z should be small with respect to wavelength.
	h1 = spec.j1(k * r) + 1j * spec.y1(k * r)
	return 0.5j * k * z * h1 / r
Пример #11
 def _z(self, omega):
     f = omega / (2. * np.pi)
     return np.sqrt(2. * self.c0 / self.h) \
             * (1j * special.j0(4. * np.pi * f / self.alpha
                                * np.sqrt(2. / (self.h * self.c0)))
             + special.y0(4. * np.pi * f / self.alpha
                          * np.sqrt(2 / (self.h * self.c0)))) \
             / (special.j1(4. * np.pi * f / self.alpha
                           * np.sqrt(2. / (self.h * self.c0)))
             - 1j * special.y1(4. * np.pi * f / self.alpha
                               * np.sqrt(2. / (self.h * self.c0))))
Пример #12
def G_int_sp(x_in):
    """Special function solution of G(x) (Coulomb integral)
    Defined in Eq. (17b) Mares and Chuang, J. Appl. Phys. 74, 1388 (1993)

    Keyword arguments:
       x_in -- Normalized 2|ze-zh|/lambda

    G = x_in*(sp.pi/2.0*(sps.struve(1,x_in)-sps.y1(x_in))-1)
    G[x_in <= 1.0E-8] = 1.0    
    return G
Пример #13
def gentable(X):

    # header
    l = '%5s  %18s  %13s  %13s  %13s  %13s  %13s\n' % (
        'x', 'J0(x)', 'J1(x)', 'J2(x)', 'Y0(x)', 'Y1(x)', 'Y2(x)')

    # table
    for i, x in enumerate(X):
        l += '%5.2f  %18.15f  %13.10f  %13.10f  %13.10f  %13.10f  %13.10f\n' % (
            x, sp.j0(x), sp.j1(x), sp.jv(2, x), sp.y0(x), sp.y1(x), sp.yn(
                2, x))
        if (i + 1) % 5 == 0:
            l += '\n'
    return l
Пример #14
def transfRadMat(x, k, k_eq, eta_eq):
	x = tiempo conforme
	k = modo (fijo)
	k_eq = tamanio del horizonte al momento de desacople
	eta_eq = tiempo conforme del desacople'''

    a = A(k, eta_eq)
    b = B(k, eta_eq)

    term1 = a * j1(k * x)
    term2 = b * y1(k * x)

    return eta_eq / x * (term1 * term2)
Пример #15
 def _tmcoeq(self, v0, nu):
     u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq = self.__params(v0)
     if s1 == 0:  # e
         f11a, f11b = 2, 1
     elif s1 > 0:  # a, b, d
         f11a, f11b = j0(u1r1) * u1r1, j1(u1r1)
     else:  # c
         f11a, f11b = i0(u1r1) * u1r1, i1(u1r1)
     if s2 > 0:
         f22a, f22b = j0(u2r2), y0(u2r2)
         f2a = j1(u2r1) * f22b - y1(u2r1) * f22a
         f2b = j0(u2r1) * f22b - y0(u2r1) * f22a
     else:  # a
         f22a, f22b = i0(u2r2), k0(u2r2)
         f2a = i1(u2r1) * f22b + k1(u2r1) * f22a
         f2b = i0(u2r1) * f22b - k0(u2r1) * f22a
     return f11a * n2sq * f2a - f11b * n1sq * f2b * u2r1
Пример #16
 def _CHS(u, Fo, p):
     CHS_integrand = 1./(u**2*pi**2)*(np.exp(-u**2*Fo) - 1.0) / (j1(u)**2 + y1(u)**2) * (j0(p*u)*y1(u) - j1(u)*y0(p*2))
     return CHS_integrand
Пример #17
b = 0.5 * P['C']
a = -1.0
w = 2. * np.pi * P['F']
t = np.asarray(P['T'])
RHO = P['RHO']
U = np.absolute(P['V0'])
PHI = P['PHI']

k = w * b / np.absolute(P['V0'])
k2 = np.pi * P['F'] * P['C'] / np.absolute(P['V0'])
St = 2. * P['F'] * P['HEAVE_MAX'] / np.absolute(P['V0'])

F = (j1(k) * (j1(k) + y0(k)) + y1(k) * (y1(k) - j0(k))) / ((j1(k) + y0(k))**2 +
                                                           (y1(k) - j0(k))**2)
G = -(y1(k) * y0(k) + j1(k) * j0(k)) / ((j1(k) + y0(k))**2 +
                                        (y1(k) - j0(k))**2)

L = -RHO * b**2 * (
    U * np.pi * THETA_MAX * w * np.cos(w * t + PHI) - np.pi * HEAVE_MAX * w**2
    * np.sin(w * t) + np.pi * b * a * THETA_MAX * w**2 * np.sin(w * t + PHI)
) - 2. * np.pi * RHO * U * b * F * (
    U * THETA_MAX * np.sin(w * t + PHI) + HEAVE_MAX * w * np.cos(w * t) + b *
    (0.5 - a) * THETA_MAX * w * np.cos(w * t + PHI)
) - 2. * np.pi * RHO * U * b * G * (
    U * THETA_MAX * np.cos(w * t + PHI) - HEAVE_MAX * w * np.sin(w * t) - b *
    (0.5 - a) * THETA_MAX * w * np.sin(w * t + PHI))

Cl = np.real(L) / (0.5 * P['RHO'] * np.absolute(P['V0'])**2 * P['C'])
Пример #18
    T_b_uls[i] = T_g + (q/(2*m.pi*k_g))*I_int[i] 

# Evaluerer sylindersluk-løsningen

Fo = np.zeros(n)        # Fourier-tallet
G = np.zeros(s)         # Sylindersluk-funksjonen
T_b_uss = np.zeros(s)   # Temperatur ved borehullveggen for uss løsningen 

for i in range(n):
    # Fouriertallet
    Fo[i] = (a_g/(r_b**2))*tid[i]
    # Beregner integralet i sylindersluk-funksjonen
    G[i] = integrate.quad(lambda h:((np.exp(-(h**2)*Fo[i]))-1)*((sp.j0(h)*sp.y1(h) 
    - sp.y0(h)*sp.j1(h))/((h**2)*((sp.j1(h)**2)+(sp.y1(h)**2)))),0,m.inf)
    # Temperatur ved borehullveggen
    T_b_uss[i] = T_g + q/(k_g*(np.pi**2))*G[i]

# Temperaturprofilen ved borehullveggen for de ulike modellene

line1, = ax1.plot(tid_skala, T_b_pyg,'k-', lw=1.5, label='Pygfunction' )
line2, = ax1.plot(tid_skala, T_b_uls[:,0], 'r-', lw=1.5, label='u_linjesluk')
line3, = ax1.plot(tid_skala, T_b_uss[:,0], 'y-', lw=1.5, label='u_sylindersluk')
Пример #19
def synth_flats(projData3D_clean, source_intensity, source_variation,
                arguments_Bessel, specklesize, kbar, sigmasmooth, jitter,
    the required format of the input (clean) data is [detectorsX, Projections, detectorsY]
    source_intensity - source intensity which affects the amount of Poisson noise added to data
    source_variation - constant which perturbs the source intensity leading to ring artifacts etc.
    arguments_Bessel - tuple of 4 Arguments for 2 Bessel functions to control background variations
    specklesize - speckle size in pixel units for background simulation
    kbar  - mean photon density (photons per pixel) for background simulation
    jitter - a random jitter to the speckled background given in pixels
    sigmasmooth - Gaussian smoothing parameter to blur the speckled backround (1,3,5,7...)
    flatsnum - a number of flats to generate
    [DetectorsDimV, projectionsNo, DetectorsDimH] = np.shape(projData3D_clean)
    flatfield = np.zeros((DetectorsDimV, DetectorsDimH))
    blurred_speckles = np.zeros((DetectorsDimV, DetectorsDimH))
    blurred_speckles_res = np.zeros((DetectorsDimV, DetectorsDimH))
    flats_combined3D = np.zeros((DetectorsDimV, flatsnum, DetectorsDimH))
    projData3D_noisy = np.zeros(np.shape(projData3D_clean), dtype='float32')
    source_intensity_var = source_intensity * np.ones(
        (DetectorsDimV, DetectorsDimH))
    source_intensity_variable = source_intensity_var
    maxProj_scalar = np.max(projData3D_clean)

    # using spherical Bessel functions to emulate the background (scintillator) variations
    func = spherical_yn(
    func = func + abs(np.min(func))
    func2 = y1(
    func2 = func2 + abs(np.min(func2))

    for i in range(0, DetectorsDimV):
        flatfield[i, :] = func2

    for i in range(0, DetectorsDimH):
        flatfield[:, i] += func

    if (specklesize != 0.0):
        # using speckle generator routines to create a texture in the background
        modes = 1
        speckle_background = simulate_speckles_with_shot_noise(
            [DetectorsDimV, DetectorsDimH], modes, specklesize, kbar)
        #blur the speckled background and add to the initial image with the Bessel background
        blurred_speckles = gaussian_filter(speckle_background.copy(),

    for i in range(0, flatsnum):
        # adding noise and normalise
        if (jitter != 0.0):
            horiz_shift = random.uniform(
                -jitter, jitter)  #generate random directional shift
            vert_shift = random.uniform(
                -jitter, jitter)  #generate random directional shift
            blurred_speckles_res = shift(blurred_speckles.copy(),
                                         [vert_shift, horiz_shift])
            blurred_speckles_res = blurred_speckles
        flat_combined = flatfield + blurred_speckles_res
        flat_combined /= np.max(flat_combined)
        # make source intensity variable if required
        if (source_variation is not None or source_variation != 0.0):
            source_intensity_variable = noise(source_intensity_var,
                                              source_variation *

        #adding Poisson noise to the flat fields
        flat_noisy = np.random.poisson(
            np.multiply(source_intensity_variable, flat_combined))
        flats_combined3D[:, i, :] = flat_noisy

    for i in range(0, projectionsNo):
        # make source intensity variable if required
        if (source_variation is not None or source_variation != 0.0):
            source_intensity_variable = noise(source_intensity_var,
                                              source_variation *
        # adding noise and normalise
        if (jitter != 0.0):
            horiz_shift = random.uniform(
                -jitter, jitter)  #generate random directional shift
            vert_shift = random.uniform(
                -jitter, jitter)  #generate random directional shift
            blurred_speckles_res = shift(blurred_speckles.copy(),
                                         [vert_shift, horiz_shift])
            blurred_speckles_res = blurred_speckles
        flat_combined = flatfield + blurred_speckles_res
        flat_combined /= np.max(flat_combined)
        projData3D_noisy[:, i, :] = np.random.poisson(
                np.multiply(source_intensity_variable, flat_combined)) *
            np.exp(-projData3D_clean[:, i, :] / maxProj_scalar))

    return [projData3D_noisy, flats_combined3D]
Пример #20
# aksegrenser
ax1.set_xlim([0., 20.])
ax1.set_ylim([-1, 1.1])
# ticks
ax1.grid(color='k', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.1)
# Justering av plottvindu

# x - verdier
x = np.linspace(0, 20, num=500)

# Bessel-integral av 1. orden
J0 = special.j0(x)
J1 = special.j1(x)

# Bessel-integral av 2. orden
Y0 = special.y0(x)
Y1 = special.y1(x)

# Tegner Besselfunksjoner av 1. og 2. orden
line1, = ax1.plot(x, J0, 'r-', markersize=0.5, label='J0')
line2, = ax1.plot(x, J1, 'k-', markersize=0.5, label='J1')
line3, = ax1.plot(x, Y0, 'y-', markersize=0.5, label='Y0')
line4, = ax1.plot(x, Y1, 'b-', markersize=0.5, label='Y1')

plt.legend(handler_map={line4: HandlerLine2D(numpoints=4)}, loc=1)
Пример #21
def ddphi(lam, r):
    ddphir = -lam * ((Jp(1, lam * r) * y1(lam)) - (j1(lam) * Yp(1, lam * r)))
    return ddphir
Пример #22
def dphi(lam, r):
    dphir = -lam * ((j1(lam * r) * y1(lam)) - (j1(lam) * y1(lam * r)))
    return dphir
Пример #23
def phi(lam, r):
    phir = (j0(lam * r) * y1(lam)) - (j1(lam) * y0(lam * r))
    return phir
Пример #24
def synth_flats(projData3D_clean, source_intensity, source_variation,
                arguments_Bessel, strip_height, strip_thickness, sigmasmooth,
    the required format of the input (clean) data is [detectorsX, Projections, detectorsY]
    source_intensity - a source intensity which affects the amount of Poisson noise added to data
    source_variation - a constant which perturbs the source intensity leading to ring artifacts etc.
    arguments_Bessel - a tuple of 4 Arguments for 2 Bessel functions to control background variations
    strip_height - a value between (0,1] which controls the height of the background stripes
    strip_thickness - a value in pixels which controls the width of stripes
    sigmasmooth - a smoothing parameter for a stripe image with noise (1,3,5,7...)
    flatsnum - a number of flats to generate
    [DetectorsDimV, projectionsNo, DetectorsDimH] = np.shape(projData3D_clean)
    flatfield = np.zeros((DetectorsDimV, DetectorsDimH))
    flats_combined3D = np.zeros((DetectorsDimV, flatsnum, DetectorsDimH))
    projData3D_noisy = np.zeros(np.shape(projData3D_clean), dtype='float32')
    source_intensity_var = source_intensity * np.ones(
        (DetectorsDimV, DetectorsDimH))
    source_intensity_variable = source_intensity_var
    maxProj_scalar = np.max(projData3D_clean)

    # using spherical Bessel functions to emulate the background (scintillator) variations
    func = spherical_yn(
    func = func + abs(np.min(func))
    func2 = y1(
    func2 = func2 + abs(np.min(func2))

    for i in range(0, DetectorsDimV):
        flatfield[i, :] = func2

    for i in range(0, DetectorsDimH):
        flatfield[:, i] += func

    # Adding stripes of varying vertical & horizontal sizes
    maxheight_par = round(strip_height * DetectorsDimV)
    max_intensity = np.max(flatfield)
    flatstripes = np.zeros(np.shape(flatfield))

    for x in range(0, DetectorsDimH):
        randind = random.randint(
            0, DetectorsDimV)  # generate random index (vertically)
        randthickness = random.randint(
            0, strip_thickness)  #generate random thickness
        randheight = random.randint(0, maxheight_par)  #generate random height
        randintens = random.uniform(0.1, 2.0)  # generate random multiplier
        intensity = max_intensity * randintens

        for x1 in range(-randheight, randheight):
            if (((randind + x1) >= 0) and ((randind + x1) < DetectorsDimV)):
                for x2 in range(-randthickness, randthickness):
                    if (((x + x2) >= 0) and ((x + x2) < DetectorsDimH)):
                        flatstripes[randind + x1, x + x2] += intensity

    for i in range(0, flatsnum):
        # adding noise and normalise
        flatstripes2 = flatstripes.copy()
        #blur the result and add to the initial image with the Bessel background
        blurred_flatstripes = gaussian_filter(flatstripes2, sigma=sigmasmooth)
        flat_combined = flatfield + blurred_flatstripes
        flat_combined /= np.max(flat_combined)
        # make source intensity variable if required
        if (source_variation is not None or source_variation != 0.0):
            source_intensity_variable = noise(source_intensity_var,
                                              source_variation *

        #adding Poisson noise to the flat fields
        flat_noisy = np.random.poisson(
            np.multiply(source_intensity_variable, flat_combined))
        flats_combined3D[:, i, :] = flat_noisy

    for i in range(0, projectionsNo):
        # make source intensity variable if required
        if (source_variation is not None or source_variation != 0.0):
            source_intensity_variable = noise(source_intensity_var,
                                              source_variation *
        projData3D_noisy[:, i, :] = np.random.poisson(
                np.multiply(source_intensity_variable, flat_combined)) *
            np.exp(-projData3D_clean[:, i, :] / maxProj_scalar))

    return [projData3D_noisy, flats_combined3D]
Пример #25
b = 0.5 * P['C']
a = -1.0
w = 2. * np.pi * P['F']
t = np.asarray(P['T'])
RHO = P['RHO']
U = np.absolute(P['V0'])
PHI = P['PHI']

k = w * b / np.absolute(P['V0'])
k2 = np.pi * P['F'] * P['C'] / np.absolute(P['V0'])
St = 2. * P['F'] * P['HEAVE_MAX'] / np.absolute(P['V0'])

F = (j1(k)*(j1(k)+y0(k)) + y1(k)*(y1(k)-j0(k))) / ((j1(k)+y0(k))**2 + (y1(k)-j0(k))**2)
G = -(y1(k)*y0(k) + j1(k)*j0(k)) / ((j1(k)+y0(k))**2 + (y1(k)-j0(k))**2)

L = -RHO * b**2 * (U * np.pi * THETA_MAX * w * np.cos(w * t + PHI) - np.pi * HEAVE_MAX * w**2 * np.sin(w * t) + np.pi * b * a * THETA_MAX * w**2 * np.sin(w * t + PHI)) - 2. * np.pi * RHO * U * b * F * (U * THETA_MAX * np.sin(w * t + PHI) + HEAVE_MAX * w * np.cos(w * t) + b * (0.5 - a) * THETA_MAX * w * np.cos(w * t + PHI)) - 2. * np.pi * RHO * U * b * G * (U * THETA_MAX * np.cos(w * t + PHI) - HEAVE_MAX * w * np.sin(w * t) - b * (0.5 - a) * THETA_MAX * w * np.sin(w * t + PHI))

Cl = np.real(L) / (0.5 * P['RHO'] * np.absolute(P['V0'])**2 * P['C'])

expCsv = np.genfromtxt('forces.csv', delimiter=',')

#P['SW_KUTTA'] = True
#impCsv = np.genfromtxt('forces.csv', delimiter=',')

#Determine Error
Пример #26
def g_int(x, Fo, rt):
    num = exp(-Fo * x**2) - 1
    den = x**2 * (j1(x)**2 + y1(x)**2)
    I = num / den * (j0(rt * x) * y1(x) - y0(rt * x) * j1(x))

    return I
Пример #27
def G(a, gamma):
    if abs(gamma) < 1.0e-9:
        return 1.0
        x = 2 * abs(gamma) / a
        return x * (np.pi / 2 * (sp.struve(1, x) - sp.y1(x)) - 1)