Пример #1
def min_call(S1, S2, K, r, delta1, delta2, sigma1, sigma2, t, T, rho):
    tau = T - t
    sigma = sqrt(sigma1**2 + sigma2**2 - 2 * rho * sigma1 * sigma2)
    d = (log(S1 / S2) +
         (delta2 - delta1 + 0.5 * sigma**2) * tau) / (sigma * sqrt(tau))

    y1 = D(S1, K, r, delta1, sigma1, t, T)
    y2 = D(S2, K, r, delta2, sigma2, t, T)
    rho1 = (sigma1 - sigma2 * rho) / sigma
    rho2 = (sigma2 - sigma1 * rho) / sigma
    mean1 = np.zeros(2)

    cov1 = np.array([[1, -rho1], [-rho1, 1]])
    x1 = [y1, -d]
    N1 = multivariate_normal.cdf(x1, mean=mean1, cov=cov1)
    B1 = S1 * exp(-delta1 * tau) * N1

    cov2 = np.array([[1, -rho2], [-rho2, 1]])
    x2 = [y2, d - sigma * sqrt(tau)]
    N2 = multivariate_normal.cdf(x2, mean=mean1, cov=cov2)
    B2 = S2 * exp(-delta2 * tau) * N2

    cov3 = np.array([[1, rho], [rho, 1]])
    x3 = [y1 - sigma1 * sqrt(tau), y2 - sigma2 * sqrt(tau)]
    N3 = multivariate_normal.cdf(x3, mean=mean1, cov=cov3)
    B3 = K * exp(-r * tau) * N3

    return B1 + B2 - B3
Пример #2
def RSO_call(S, H, K, r, delta, sigma, t, T1, T2):
    tau1 = T1 - t
    tau2 = T2 - t
    tau12 = T2 - T1
    B1 = S * exp(
        -delta * tau1) * norm.cdf(-D(S, H, r, delta, sigma, t, T1)) * A(
            r, delta, sigma, tau12)

    tau2 = T2 - t
    rho = sqrt(tau1 / tau2)
    cov1 = np.array([[1, rho], [rho, 1]])
    mean1 = np.array([0, 0])
    x = np.array(
        [D(S, H, r, delta, sigma, t, T1),
         D(S, K, r, delta, sigma, t, T2)])
    N2 = multivariate_normal.cdf(x, mean=mean1, cov=cov1)
    B2 = S * exp(-delta * tau2) * N2

    y = np.array([
        D(S, H, r, delta, sigma, t, T1) - sigma * sqrt(tau1),
        D(S, K, r, delta, sigma, t, T2) - sigma * sqrt(tau2)
    N3 = multivariate_normal.cdf(y, mean=mean1, cov=cov1)
    B3 = K * exp(-r * tau2) * N3

    return B1 + B2 - B3
Пример #3
def callMin2NoStrike(S0, S1, r, T, vol1, vol2, vol3):
    vol = [vol1, vol2, vol3]
    S = [S0, S1]
    cmin = 0
    cmin += S[0] * multivariate_normal.cdf(x=d2Prime(1, 0, S, vol))
    cmin += S[1] * multivariate_normal.cdf(x=d2Prime(0, 1, S, vol))
    return cmin
Пример #4
def PP(S, K1, K2, r, delta, sigma, t, T1, T2, a, b, epsilon):
    S_star = reverse_BS_put(a, b, K2, r, delta, sigma, T1, T2, K1, epsilon)

    tau1 = T1 - t
    tau2 = T2 - t
    mean1 = np.array([0, 0])
    rho = sqrt(tau1 / tau2)
    cov1 = np.array([[1, -rho], [-rho, 1]])

    B1 = K1 * exp(-r * tau1) * norm.cdf(
        D(S, S_star, r, delta, sigma, t, T1) - sigma * sqrt(tau1))

    x = [
        D(S, S_star, r, delta, sigma, t, T1) - sigma * sqrt(tau1),
        -D(S, K2, r, delta, sigma, t, T2) + sigma * sqrt(tau2)

    N1 = multivariate_normal.cdf(x, mean=mean1, cov=cov1)
    B2 = K2 * exp(-r * tau2) * N1

    y = [
        D(S, S_star, r, delta, sigma, t, T1), -D(S, K2, r, delta, sigma, t, T2)
    N2 = multivariate_normal.cdf(y, mean=mean1, cov=cov1)

    B3 = S * exp(-delta * tau2) * N2

    return B1 - B2 + B3
Пример #5
def CC(S, K1, K2, r, delta, sigma, t, T1, T2, a, b, epsilon):
    S_star = reverse_BS_call(a, b, K2, r, delta, sigma, T1, T2, K1, epsilon)

    tau1 = T1 - t
    tau2 = T2 - t
    tau12 = T2 - T1
    mean1 = np.array([0, 0])
    rho = sqrt(tau1 / tau2)
    cov1 = np.array([[1, rho], [rho, 1]])

    x = [
        D(S, S_star, r, delta, sigma, t, T1),
        D(S, K2, r, delta, sigma, t, T2)
    N1 = multivariate_normal.cdf(x, mean=mean1, cov=cov1)
    B1 = S * exp(-delta * tau2) * N1

    y = [
        D(S, S_star, r, delta, sigma, t, T1) - sigma * sqrt(tau1),
        D(S, K2, r, delta, sigma, t, T2) - sigma * sqrt(tau2)
    N2 = multivariate_normal.cdf(y, mean=mean1, cov=cov1)
    B2 = K2 * exp(-r * tau2) * N2

    B3 = K1 * exp(-r * tau1) * norm.cdf(
        D(S, S_star, r, delta, sigma, t, T1) - sigma * sqrt(tau1))

    return B1 - B2 - B3
Пример #6
def callMin2(S, K, r, T, corr1, corr2, corr3):
    cmin = 0
    cmin += S[0] * multivariate_normal.cdf(
        x=np.array([d2Prime(1, 0), d1(0)]), cov=corr1)
    cmin += S[1] * multivariate_normal.cdf(
        x=np.array([d2Prime(0, 1), d1(1)]), cov=corr2)
    cmin -= K * np.exp(-r * T) * (multivariate_normal.cdf(
        x=np.array([d2(0), d2(1)]), cov=corr3))
    return cmin
Пример #7
def callMax2(S, K, r, T, corr1, corr2, corr3):
    cmax = 0
    cmax += S[0] * multivariate_normal.cdf(
        x=np.array([-d2Prime(1, 0), d1(0)]), cov=corr1)
    cmax += S[1] * multivariate_normal.cdf(
        x=np.array([-d2Prime(0, 1), d1(1)]), cov=corr2)
    cmax -= K * np.exp(-r * T) * (
        1 - multivariate_normal.cdf(x=np.array([-d2(0), -d2(1)]), cov=corr3))
    return cmax
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, prior, clutter, Dy, sy, alpha=1):
        # prior: mixed gaussian prior object
        # clutter: mixed gaussian prior object (models noise)
        # Dy: input diagram, given as an np.array where each entry are points in a PD
        # sy: covariance magnitude of stochastic kernel, given as a numeric
        # wscalars: components of w^y, given as a list
        # Qs: Q values from paper, given as a list
        # pmeans: posterior means, given as an np.array
        # psigmas: posterior sigmas, given as a list
        # alpha: alpha parameter from paper, given as a numeric

        self.prior = prior
        self.clutter = clutter
        self.Dy = np.array(Dy)
        self.sy = sy
        self.wscalars = [
            self.prior.weights[i] * mvn.pdf(x=self.Dy[j],
                                            cov=self.prior.sigmas[i] + self.sy)
            for i in range(len(self.prior.weights))
            for j in range(len(self.Dy))
        self.pmeans = [(self.prior.sigmas[i] * np.array(Dy[j]) +
                        self.sy * np.array(self.prior.mus[i])) /
                       (self.prior.sigmas[i] + self.sy)
                       for i in range(len(self.prior.mus))
                       for j in range(len(self.Dy))]
        self.psigmas = [
            (self.prior.sigmas[i] * self.sy) / (self.prior.sigmas[i] + self.sy)
            for i in range(len(self.prior.sigmas)) for j in range(len(self.Dy))
        self.Qs = [
            1 -
                [float('inf'), 0], mean=self.pmeans[i], cov=self.psigmas[i]) -
                 [0, float('inf')], mean=self.pmeans[i], cov=self.psigmas[i]))
            + mvn.cdf([0, 0], mean=self.pmeans[i], cov=self.psigmas[i])
            for i in range(len(self.pmeans))
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.cluts = [self.clutter.eval(y)
                      for y in self.Dy] * len(self.prior.mus)
        self.wQs = list(np.multiply(self.wscalars, self.Qs))
        self.Csums = [
            sum(self.wQs[i::(len(self.Dy))]) for i in range(0, len(self.Dy))
        ] * len(self.prior.mus)  # sum every len(prior.mus) entry
        self.Cs = [
            w / (c + s)
            for w, c, s in zip(self.wscalars, self.cluts, self.Csums)
Пример #9
    def cdf(self, X, Y):
        """ Predicts the conditional cumulative probability p(Y<=y|X=x). Requires the model to be fitted.

         X: numpy array to be conditioned on - shape: (n_samples, n_dim_x)
         Y: numpy array of y targets - shape: (n_samples, n_dim_y)

         conditional cumulative probability p(Y<=y|X=x) - numpy array of shape (n_query_samples, )

        assert self.fitted, "model must be fitted to compute likelihood score"
        assert hasattr(
            self, '_get_mixture_components'
        ), "cdf computation requires _get_mixture_components method"

        X, Y = self._handle_input_dimensionality(X, Y, fitting=False)

        weights, locs, scales = self._get_mixture_components(X)

        P = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
        for i in range(X.shape[0]):
            for j in range(self.n_centers):
                P[i] += weights[i, j] * multivariate_normal.cdf(
                    Y[i], mean=locs[i, j, :], cov=np.diag(scales[i, j, :]))
        return P
Пример #10
 def func(correlation, x, target_probability):
     """The objective function to minimise."""
     correlation_matrix = [[1, correlation], [correlation, 1]]
     probability = multivariate_normal.cdf(x,
                                           mean=[0, 0],
     return abs(probability - target_probability)
Пример #11
def callMax2(S0, S1, K, r, T, corr, vol1, vol2, vol3):
    vol = [vol1, vol2, vol3]
    S = [S0, S1]
    corr1 = np.array([[1, rho(1, 2, 0, vol)], [rho(1, 2, 0, vol), 1]])
    corr2 = np.array([[1, rho(0, 2, 1, vol)], [rho(0, 2, 1, vol), 1]])
    corr3 = np.array([[1, corr], [corr, 1]])
    cmax = 0
    cmax += S[0] * multivariate_normal.cdf(x=np.array(
        [-d2Prime(1, 0, S, vol), d1(0, S, vol)]),
    cmax += S[1] * multivariate_normal.cdf(x=np.array(
        [-d2Prime(0, 1, S, vol), d1(1, S, vol)]),
    cmax -= K * np.exp(-r * T) * (1 - multivariate_normal.cdf(
        x=np.array([-d2(0, S, vol), -d2(1, S, vol)]), cov=corr3))
    return cmax
Пример #12
def Gaussian(
):  #   -1 <= r <=1 ; -1 for opposite, 1 for indep and 1 for perfect

    if r is 0:
        C = pi()
        return Copula(C.cdf, Gau, 0)
    if r is -1:
        C = W()
        return Copula(C.cdf, Gau, -1)
    if r is 1:
        C = M()
        return Copula(C.cdf, Gau, 1)

    x = np.linspace(0, 1, num=steps)
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, x, indexing='ij')

    X = np.array([xx.flatten(), yy.flatten()])
    cdf = mvn.cdf(norm.ppf(X.transpose()), mean=[0, 0], cov=[[1, r], [r, 1]])
    cdf = cdf.reshape(steps, steps)

    cdf[0, ] = 0
    cdf[:, 0] = 0  # Grounds C

    return Copula(cdf, Gau, r)
Пример #13
def EBV_reduction(cMu, newMvar, cMvar):
    cov_red = np.zeros(cMu.shape)
    for i in range(cov_red.shape[0]):
        cov_red[i] = mvn.cdf([l, l],
                             mean=[cMu[i], cMu[i]],
                             cov=np.array([[cMvar[i], cMvar[i] - newMvar[i]],
                                           [cMvar[i] - newMvar[i], cMvar[i]]]))
    return (cov_red)
Пример #14
    def cdf(self, d):
            returns the cumulative distribution
            d = (U1, ..., Un)

        y = norm.ppf(d, 0, 1)

        return multivariate_normal.cdf(y, mean=None, cov=self.corrMatrix)
Пример #15
def CH(S, Kc, Kp, r, delta, sigma, t, T1, Tc, Tp, a, b, epsilon):
    S_star = reverse_call_put(a, b, Kc, Kp, r, delta, sigma, T1, Tc, Tp,

    tauc = Tc - t
    taup = Tp - t
    tau1 = T1 - t
    mean1 = np.zeros(2)
    rhoc = sqrt(tau1 / tauc)
    rhop = sqrt(tau1 / taup)
    covc = np.array([[1, rhoc], [rhoc, 1]])
    covp = np.array([[1, rhop], [rhop, 1]])

    x = [
        D(S, S_star, r, delta, sigma, t, T1),
        D(S, Kc, r, delta, sigma, t, Tc)
    N1 = multivariate_normal.cdf(x, mean=mean1, cov=covc)
    B1 = S * exp(-delta * tauc) * N1

    y = [
        D(S, S_star, r, delta, sigma, t, T1) - sigma * sqrt(tau1),
        D(S, Kc, r, delta, sigma, t, Tc) - sigma * sqrt(tauc)
    N2 = multivariate_normal.cdf(y, mean=mean1, cov=covc)
    B2 = Kc * exp(-r * tauc) * N2

    z = [
        -D(S, S_star, r, delta, sigma, t, T1) + sigma * sqrt(tau1),
        -D(S, Kp, r, delta, sigma, t, Tp) + sigma * sqrt(taup)
    N3 = multivariate_normal.cdf(z, mean=mean1, cov=covp)
    B3 = Kp * exp(-r * taup) * N3

    m = [
        -D(S, S_star, r, delta, sigma, t, T1),
        -D(S, Kp, r, delta, sigma, t, Tp)
    N4 = multivariate_normal.cdf(m, mean=mean1, cov=covp)
    B4 = S * exp(-delta * taup) * N4

    return B1 - B2 + B3 - B4
Пример #16
    def acquire(self, X: NDArray, surrogate: object, f_hat: float) -> NDArray:
        # Turn 1d vector into 1 x d vector
        if X.ndim < 2:
            X = X[np.newaxis, :]
        mu, std = surrogate.predict(X, return_std=True)
        if mu.ndim > 1:
            mu = mu[:, 0]

        # Avoid divide by zero error
        std += self.epsilon

        return multivariate_normal.cdf((mu - f_hat) / std)
Пример #17
    def cdf(self, u, v, rho):
            returns the cumulative distribution
            d = (U1, ..., Un)

        y1 = norm.ppf(u, 0, 1)
        y2 = norm.ppf(v, 0, 1)

        return multivariate_normal.cdf((y1, y2),
                                       cov=[[1, rho], [rho, 1]])
Пример #18
def cifar_10_classify_mvn(f, train_data, train_labels, ms, cov_matrices, p):
    #test = cifar_10_features(f)
    prob = []
    for i in range(0, 10):
        mus = ms[i]
        idx = np.where(train_labels == i)
        cov_mat = cov_matrices[i]
        mv = mvn.cdf(f, mus, cov_mat) * (1 / 10)
    mx = max(prob)
    idx = prob.index(mx)
    return idx
    def joint_cdf(self, data, mu=None):
        # The entire CDF is zero if at least one coordinate is 0
        if self.family.lower() == "gaussian":
            if mu is None or mu.size == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "You must provide a non-empty NumPy array for mu")
            dim = data.shape[1]
            num_dim = data.shape[0]
            cov = self.cov
            if cov is None:
                cov = skd.make_spd_matrix(dim)
            second_arr = []
            for i in range(num_dim):
                second_arr.append(norm.ppf(self.cdf(data[i], mu[i])))
            cdfs = np.array(second_arr)
            arr = multivariate_normal.cdf(cdfs.T, mean=mu, cov=cov)
            return arr
        elif self.family.lower() == "clayton":
            if mu is None or mu.size == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "You must provide a non-empty NumPy array for mu")
            dim = data.shape[1]
            num_dim = data.shape[0]
            arr = np.zeros(dim)
            gau = 1e-3

            for j in range(data.shape[0]):
                cdf = self.cdf(data[j], mu[j])
                raised_to_power = [
                    np.maximum(x, gau)**-self.alpha for x in cdf
                ]  # TODO: fix the zero-raised-to-negative-power issue
                arr = np.add(arr, raised_to_power)
            arr = 1 - num_dim + arr
            arr = np.maximum(arr, gau)  # get rid of all the zero values
            pow = np.power(arr, (-1 / self.alpha))
            neg_alpha = -1 / self.alpha
            return np.array([y**neg_alpha for y in arr])
        elif self.family.lower() == "gumbel":
            dim = data.shape[1]
            num_dim = data.shape[0]
            arr = np.zeros(dim)
            for i in range(num_dim):
                cdf = self.cdf(data[i], mu[i])
                u = [-np.log(u_i)**self.alpha for u_i in cdf]
                # log_u = np.array([(- np.log(x)) ** self.alpha for x in cdf])
                arr = np.add(arr, u)

            arr = -(arr**(1 / self.alpha))
            arr = np.exp(arr)

            return arr
Пример #20
def exceedance_probability(distribution: rv_continuous,
                           n_samples: Optional[int] = None):
    """ Calculates the exceedance probability of a random variable following a continuous multivariate distribution.
    Exceedance probability: φ_i = p(∀j != i: x_i > x_j | x ~ ``distribution``).

    :param distribution: the continuous multivariate distribution.
    :param n_samples: the number of realization sampled from the distribution to approximate the exceedance probability.
                      Default to ``None`` and numerical integration is used instead of Monte Carlo simulation.
    :return: the exceedance probability of a random variable following the continuous multivariate distribution.
    if n_samples is None:  # Numerical integration
        from scipy.stats._multivariate import dirichlet_frozen, multivariate_normal_frozen
        if type(distribution) is multivariate_normal_frozen:
            # Speekenbrink, M., & Konstantinidis, E. (2015). Uncertainty and exploration in a restless bandit problem.
            # https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/tops.12145: p. 4.
            distribution: multivariate_normal_frozen
            μ, Σ = distribution.mean, distribution.cov
            n = len(μ)
            φ = np.zeros(n)
            I = -np.eye(n - 1)
            for i in range(n):
                A = np.insert(I, i, 1, axis=1)
                φ[i] = (mvn.cdf(A @ μ, cov=A @ Σ @ A.T))
        elif type(distribution) is dirichlet_frozen:
            # Soch, J. & Allefeld, C. (2016). Exceedance Probabilities for the Dirichlet Distribution.
            # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.01439.pdf: p. 361.
            distribution: dirichlet_frozen
            α = distribution.alpha
            n = len(α)
            γ = [gammaln(α[i]) for i in range(n)]

            def f(x, i):
                φ_i = 1
                for j in range(n):
                    if i != j:
                        φ_i *= gammainc(α[j], x)
                return φ_i * exp((α[i] - 1) * log(x) - x - γ[i])

            φ = [
                integrate.quad(lambda x: f(x, i), 0, np.inf)[0]
                for i in range(n)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Numerical integration not implemented for this distribution!')
        φ = np.array(φ)
    else:  # Monte Carlo simulation
        samples = distribution.rvs(size=n_samples)
        φ = (samples == np.amax(samples, axis=1, keepdims=True)).sum(axis=0)
    return φ / φ.sum()
Пример #21
def get_bivargauss_cdf(vals, corr_coef):
    Computes cdf of a bivariate Gaussian distribution with mean zero, variance 1 and input correlation.

        :param vals: arguments for bivariate cdf (μi, μj).
        :param corr_coef: correlation coefficient of biavariate Gaussian (Λij).

        :return: Φ2([μi, μj], Λij)
    cov = np.eye(2)
    cov[1, 0], cov[0, 1] = corr_coef, corr_coef
    cdf = mnorm.cdf(vals, mean=[0., 0.], cov=cov)
    return cdf
Пример #22
def RSO_put(S, H, K, r, delta, sigma, t, T1, T2):
    tau1 = T1 - t
    tau2 = T2 - t
    tau12 = T2 - T1
    mean1 = np.zeros(2)
    rho = sqrt(tau1 / tau2)
    cov1 = np.array([[1, rho], [rho, 1]])
    A_ptau12 = A_p(r, delta, sigma, tau12)

    B1 = S * exp(-delta * tau1) * norm.cdf(D(S, K, r, delta, sigma, t,
                                             T1)) * A_ptau12

    x = [
        -D(S, H, r, delta, sigma, t, T1) + sigma * sqrt(tau1),
        -D(S, K, r, delta, sigma, t, T2) + sigma * sqrt(tau2)
    N2 = multivariate_normal.cdf(x, mean=mean1, cov=cov1)
    B2 = K * exp(-r * tau2) * N2

    y = [-D(S, H, r, delta, sigma, t, T1), -D(S, K, r, delta, sigma, t, T2)]
    N3 = multivariate_normal.cdf(y, mean=mean1, cov=cov1)
    B3 = S * exp(-delta * tau1) * N3

    return B1 + B2 - B3
Пример #23
    def prob_dg(self, vs, g_idx, xs, pdf_on=False, cdf_on=False, **kargs):
            vs: 2D array (num_vs, ndim)
            g_idx: integer index of an axis
            xs: scalar or 1D array(num_vs) or 2D array (num_xs, num_vs)
            pd: None or scalar or 1D array (num_xs), p(dg(v) = x(vi))
            prob: None or scalar or 1D array (num_xs), P(dg(v) < x(vi))
        vs = np.atleast_2d(vs)
        dg_mean, dg_cov = self.posterior_dg(vs, g_idx)

        pd = mvnnorm.pdf(xs, dg_mean, dg_cov) if pdf_on else None
        prob = mvnnorm.cdf(xs, dg_mean, dg_cov) if pdf_on else None

        return pd, prob
Пример #24
def dV(x, eta, x0, y0, theta, periodic=False):
    x must be 1-d array (single point) or array of length d
    x0 must be k-d array
    y0 must be k-1 array or array of length k
    returns : vector of length d

    if len(x.shape) == 1:
        x = x.reshape((1, -1))
    if len(y0.shape) == 1:
        y0 = y0.reshape((-1, 1))

    assert len(x.shape) == 2 and x.shape[0] == 1
    assert len(x0.shape) == 2 and x0.shape[1] == x.shape[1]
    assert len(y0.shape) == 2 and y0.shape[0] == x0.shape[0] and y0.shape[1] == 1

    sigma = theta[5] if len(theta) == 6 else 0.0
    E0 = np.eye(x0.shape[0])

    x = x.reshape((1, -1))  # x is a single  sample
    mu0 = theta[4] * np.ones(y0.shape)

    mi, Ci = get_moments(x, x0, y0, theta)

    # Kx0K00Inv = kernel(x, x0, theta).dot(np.linalg.inv(kernel(x0, x0, theta) + sigma ** 2 * E0))
    K00Inv = np.linalg.inv(kernel(x0, x0, theta, periodic) + sigma ** 2 * E0)

    Kx0Grad = d_kernel(x, x0, theta, periodic)
    dCi = -2 * Kx0Grad.dot(K00Inv).dot(kernel(x0, x, theta, periodic))
    dmi = Kx0Grad.dot(K00Inv).dot(y0 - mu0)

    # Ci must be positive semidefinite
    Ci = np.maximum(Ci, 0)

    # Phi = multivariate_normal.cdf(eta, mean=mi, cov=Ci, allow_singular=True)
    # N = multivariate_normal.pdf(eta, mean=mi, cov=Ci, allow_singular=True)

    out = dmi * multivariate_normal.cdf(
        eta, mi, Ci, allow_singular=True
    ) - 0.5 * dCi * multivariate_normal.pdf(eta, mi, Ci, allow_singular=True)

    assert len(out.shape) == 2 and out.shape[0] == x.shape[1] and out.shape[1] == 1

    return out.flatten()
Пример #25
def V(x, eta, x0, y0, theta):
    Eq. (8)
    x must be 1-d array
    x0 must be k-d array
    y0 must be k-1 array
    rho must be an array of length S
    theta must be an array of length >= 4

    x = x.reshape((1, -1))  # x is a single  sample

    mi, Ci = get_moments(x, x0, y0, theta)

    Phi = multivariate_normal.cdf(eta, mean=mi, cov=Ci, allow_singular=True)
    N = multivariate_normal.pdf(eta, mean=mi, cov=Ci, allow_singular=True)

    return eta + (mi - eta) * Phi - Ci * N
Пример #26
def mvstdnormcdf(lower, cov):
    """integrate a multivariate gaussian on rectangular domain


    lower: array
        the lower bound of the rectangular region, vector of length d

    upper: array
        the upper bound of the rectangular region, vector of length d

    mu: array
        the average of the multivariate gaussian, vector of length d

    cov: array
        the covariance matrix, matrix of shape (d, d)

    n = len(lower)

    if n == 1:
        return 1 - multivariate_normal.cdf(lower, cov=cov)

    upper = [np.inf] * n
    lowinf = np.isneginf(lower)
    uppinf = np.isposinf(upper)

    infin = 2.0 * np.ones(n)

    np.putmask(infin, lowinf, 0)
    np.putmask(infin, uppinf, 1)
    np.putmask(infin, lowinf * uppinf, -1)

    correl = cov[np.tril_indices(n, -1)]
    options = {'abseps': 1e-20, 'maxpts': 6000 * n}
    error, cdfvalue, inform = kde.mvn.mvndst(lower, upper, infin, correl,

    if inform:
        print('something wrong', inform, error)

    return cdfvalue
Пример #27
    def __sample_gamma_hyperparameters(self):

        # Initial Condition
        X = np.array([self.a0, self.b0])

        # Proposal Distribution Sigma
        sigma2_a = (self.prop_scale)**2
        sigma2_b = (self.prop_scale)**2

        # Proposal Distribution
        logQ = lambda z, mu, Sig: np.log(
            multivariate_normal.pdf(z, mean=mu, cov=Sig)) - np.log(
                multivariate_normal.cdf([0, 0], mean=-mu, cov=Sig))

        # Target Distribution
        logP = lambda z, x: (z[0] - 1) * np.sum(np.log(x)) - z[1] * np.sum(
            x) - x.size * (np.log(gamma(z[0])) - z[0] * np.log(z[1]))

        # Step
        step_fail = True
        reject = True
        for ii in range(10):
            a0_prop = np.random.normal(self.a0, sigma2_a)
            b0_prop = np.random.normal(self.b0, sigma2_b)
            if (a0_prop >= 0) & (b0_prop >= 0):
                Y = np.array([a0_prop, b0_prop])
                step_fail = False

        if step_fail == False:
            Sigma = np.array([[sigma2_a, 0], [0, sigma2_b]])
            ratio = np.exp(
                logP(Y, self.lambdas) - logP(X, self.lambdas) +
                logQ(X, Y, Sigma) - logQ(Y, X, Sigma))
            A = min(1, ratio)
            if np.random.uniform() <= A:
                self.a0 = a0_prop
                self.b0 = b0_prop
                reject = False

        return reject, ratio
Пример #28
def _get_prob(rho, threshold1, threshold2):
    # 计算列联表的二元正态分布累计概率
    len1 = len(threshold1)
    len2 = len(threshold2)
    p1 = norm.cdf(threshold1)
    p2 = norm.cdf(threshold2)
    threshold_pd = np.array(list(product(threshold1, threshold2)))
    bi = multivariate_normal.cdf(threshold_pd,
                                 cov=np.array([[1, rho], [rho, 1]]))
    if isinstance(bi, float):
        bi = np.array([[bi]])
        bi.shape = len1, len2
    bi = np.column_stack((np.zeros(len1), bi, p1))
    temp = np.zeros(bi.shape[1])
    temp[-1] = 1
    temp[1:-1] = p2
    bi = np.row_stack((np.zeros(bi.shape[1]), bi, temp))
    pi = bi[1:, 1:] - bi[1:, :-1] - bi[:-1, 1:] + bi[:-1, :-1]
    pi[pi <= 0] = 1e-200
    return pi
Пример #29
    def sample_trunc(self):
        sigma = scpla.cho_solve(scpla.cho_factor(self.sigma_inv),
        # sigma = np.diag(np.diag(sigma))
        rejection_sampling = False

        if self.use_rejection_sampling:
            cdf_u = multivariate_normal.cdf(self.bounds[1],
            ### THIS IS NOT WORKING ###
            cdf_l = [

            # As long as there is a 5 percent chance that a sample from a regular normal is in the bounds, 200 rejection
            # sampling iterations have only a chance of 0.003% of failing
            if cdf_u - sum(cdf_l) >= 0.05:
                rejection_sampling = True

        if rejection_sampling:
            if LOG_LEVEL == "all":
                print("Rejection sampling")
            samples = self.sample_rejection(self.mean,
                                            self.min_mcmc_steps *

            self.act = None
            self.context_samples = np.reshape(
                samples, (self.min_mcmc_steps, self.ensemble_size, -1))
            if LOG_LEVEL == "all":
                print("Sampling with MCMC")
            burn_in = 500
            n_step = 100000
            if self.act is not None:
                burn_in = 0
                n_step = max(self.min_mcmc_steps + 1, 200 * self.act)

            chain, self.act = self.sample_mcmc(

            self.context_samples = chain[
                min(-self.min_mcmc_steps, int(-2 * self.act)):, :, :]

        self.context_samples_torch = torch.from_numpy(self.context_samples)

        # Generate a random permutation for sampling
        self.idxs = np.random.permutation(
        self.sample_count = 0
Пример #30
df2['loss'] = df2['portfolio'] - portfolio_init
VaR = -df2['loss'].quantile(0.05)  # VaR is positive

# ==== Q3 =====
Yes, for the analytical solution of Q2-1, we have the joint distribution, so Prob = F(S1<log(S1*0.95/S), S2<log(S2*0.95<S2)).

Likewise, we have the covariance matrix of log return and the weight of portfolio, so we can calculate analytical VaR.
mu = -0.5 * T * np.array([sigma_S1**2, sigma_S2**2])
cov_matrix = T * np.array([
    sigma_S1**2, rho * sigma_S1 * sigma_S2, rho * sigma_S1 * sigma_S2, sigma_S2
]).reshape(2, 2)
Prob_analytical = multivariate_normal.cdf(
    [np.log(0.95), np.log(0.95)], mu,
    cov_matrix)  # log(0.95 * S/ S) = log(0.95)

S1_frac = S1_init / portfolio_init
S2_frac = 10 * S2_init / portfolio_init

frac_vec = np.array([S1_frac, S2_frac])

x = np.dot(cov_matrix, frac_vec.T)
x = np.dot(frac_vec, x)
log_ret_VaR = np.sqrt(x) * norm.ppf(0.05)

VaR_analytical = -(np.exp(log_ret_VaR) * portfolio_init - portfolio_init
                   )  # restore from return_VaR to price_VaR

# ==== summarize solutions =====