def __init__(self, scenario_flag = "Freeway_Free"): """ Totally five scenarios are supported here: Freeway_Night, Freeway_Free, Freeway_Rush; Urban_Peak, Urban_Nonpeak. The PDFs of the vehicle speed and the inter-vehicle space are adapted from existing references. """ if scenario_flag == "Freeway_Night": self.headway_random = expon(0.0, 1.0/256.41) meanSpeed = 30.93 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.2 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Freeway_Free": self.headway_random = lognorm(0.75, 0.0, np.exp(3.4)) meanSpeed = 29.15 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.5 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Freeway_Rush": self.headway_random = lognorm(0.5, 0.0, np.exp(2.5)) meanSpeed = 10.73 #m/s stdSpeed = 2.0 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Urban_Peak": scale = 1.096 c = 0.314 loc = 0.0 self.headway_random = fisk(c, loc, scale) meanSpeed = 6.083 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.2 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Urban_Nonpeak": self.headway_random = lognorm(0.618, 0.0, np.exp(0.685)) meanSpeed = 12.86 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.5 #m/s else: raise self.speed_random = norm(meanSpeed, stdSpeed)
def main(options): """ The main function. """ with open(options.results, 'rb') as fd: results = pickle.load(fd) for key in results.keys(): print '=' * 80 print key, ':' print str(results[key]) print '=' * 80 if options.catalysis is None: return log_q = results['log_q'] print 'Median\t95\% Interval' for i in xrange([1]): mu =[0, i] s = np.sqrt(log_q.C[0, i, i]) if i ==[1] - 1: rv = stats.lognorm(s, scale=np.exp(mu)) else: rv = stats.lognorm(s, scale=np.exp(mu)/180.) I = rv.interval(0.95) print '{0:1.4f} & ({1:1.4f}, {2:1.4f}) \\\\'.format(rv.median(), I[0], I[1])
def plot_multiplicative(self, T, npaths=25, show_trend=True): """ Plots for the multiplicative decomposition """ # Pull out right sizes so we know how to increment nx, nk, nm = self.nx, self.nk, self.nm # Matrices for the multiplicative decomposition nu_tilde, H, g = self.multiplicative_decomp() # Allocate space (nm is the number of functionals - we want npaths for each) mpath_mult = np.empty((nm*npaths, T)) mbounds_mult = np.empty((nm*2, T)) spath_mult = np.empty((nm*npaths, T)) sbounds_mult = np.empty((nm*2, T)) tpath_mult = np.empty((nm*npaths, T)) ypath_mult = np.empty((nm*npaths, T)) # Simulate for as long as we wanted moment_generator = self.lss.moment_sequence() # Pull out population moments for t in range (T): tmoms = next(moment_generator) ymeans = tmoms[1] yvar = tmoms[3] # Lower and upper bounds - for each multiplicative functional for ii in range(nm): li, ui = ii*2, (ii+1)*2 Mdist = lognorm(np.asscalar(np.sqrt(yvar[nx+nm+ii, nx+nm+ii])), scale=np.asscalar( np.exp( ymeans[nx+nm+ii]- \ t*(.5)*np.expand_dims(np.diag(H @ H.T),1)[ii]))) Sdist = lognorm(np.asscalar(np.sqrt(yvar[nx+2*nm+ii, nx+2*nm+ii])), scale = np.asscalar( np.exp(-ymeans[nx+2*nm+ii]))) mbounds_mult[li:ui, t] = Mdist.ppf([.01, .99]) sbounds_mult[li:ui, t] = Sdist.ppf([.01, .99]) # Pull out paths for n in range(npaths): x, y = self.lss.simulate(T) for ii in range(nm): ypath_mult[npaths*ii+n, :] = np.exp(y[nx+ii, :]) mpath_mult[npaths*ii+n, :] = np.exp(y[nx+nm + ii, :] - np.arange(T)*(.5)*np.expand_dims(np.diag(H @ H.T),1)[ii]) spath_mult[npaths*ii+n, :] = 1/np.exp(-y[nx+2*nm + ii, :]) tpath_mult[npaths*ii+n, :] = np.exp(y[nx+3*nm + ii, :] + np.arange(T)*(.5)*np.expand_dims(np.diag(H @ H.T),1)[ii]) mult_figs = [] for ii in range(nm): li, ui = npaths*(ii), npaths*(ii+1) LI, UI = 2*(ii), 2*(ii+1) mult_figs.append(self.plot_given_paths(T, ypath_mult[li:ui,:], mpath_mult[li:ui,:], spath_mult[li:ui,:], tpath_mult[li:ui,:], mbounds_mult[LI:UI,:], sbounds_mult[LI:UI,:], 1, show_trend=show_trend)) mult_figs[ii].suptitle( r'Multiplicative decomposition of $y_{%s}$' % str(ii+1), fontsize=14) return mult_figs
def estimate_distribution(self,index_stats,queries,qrel=None): self._estimate_para(index_stats,queries,qrel) for qid in self._run.ranking: self._rel_distribution[qid] = lognorm(self._sigma1[qid],scale = math.exp(self._mu1[qid])) self._non_rel_distribution[qid] = lognorm(self._sigma0[qid],scale = math.exp(self._mu0[qid]))
def test__validate_input(): """Testing validation of inputs.""" # valid inputs must be an instance of the Input class invalid_workers = stats.lognorm(s=1.0) invalid_firms = stats.lognorm(s=1.0) with models.Model('positive', invalid_workers, invalid_firms, production=valid_F, params=valid_F_params)
def __init__(self, gamma=2, beta=0.95, alpha=0.90, sigma=0.1, grid_size=100): self.gamma = gamma self.beta = beta self.alpha = alpha self.sigma = sigma # == Set the grid interval to contain most of the mass of the # stationary distribution of the consumption endowment == # ssd = self.sigma / np.sqrt(1 - self.alpha**2) grid_min, grid_max = np.exp(-4 * ssd), np.exp(4 * ssd) self.grid = np.linspace(grid_min, grid_max, grid_size) self.grid_size = grid_size # == set up distribution for shocks == # self.phi = lognorm(sigma) self.draws = self.phi.rvs(500) # == h(y) = beta * int G(y,z)^(1-gamma) phi(dz) == # self.h = np.empty(self.grid_size) for i, y in enumerate(self.grid): self.h[i] = beta * np.mean((y**alpha * self.draws)**(1 - gamma))
def __init__(self, mu, sigma): = mu self.sigma = sigma # set dist before calling super's __init__ self.dist = st.lognorm(sigma, scale=exp(mu)) super(LogNormal, self).__init__()
def log10norm(x, mu, sigma=1.0): """ Scale scipy lognorm from natural log to base 10 x : input parameter mu : mean of the underlying log10 gaussian sigma : variance of underlying log10 gaussian """ return stats.lognorm(sigma * np.log(10), scale=mu).pdf(x)
def plot(vals, name, bins=100, power=1, nmu=None, nstd=None): """Function accepts a dictionary of orf length - frequency pairs, and the length of the ORF of interest, also optional plot flag for if data histogram should be plotted. Fits a lognormal distribution to the orf length data. Returns dictionaries of the probabilites of each length, the Predicted p-value for each length based on log normal, the observed p-value for each length, and the p-value for the length of interest. """ # mu, std = log_normal(vals) loged = np.log(vals) if not nmu and not nstd: nmu, nstd = np.mean(loged), np.std(loged) lgn = lognorm([nstd], scale=math.e ** nmu) # Plot the fit line f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=False) ax1.scatter(range(len(vals)), sorted(vals)) hi, pos, patch = ax2.hist(vals, bins, normed=True) x = np.linspace(min(vals), max(vals), 500) y1 = lgn.pdf(x) # y2 = n.pdf(x) ** power ax2.plot(x, y1, color="green", lw=3.0) # ax2.plot(x, y2, color='red', lw=3.0) plt.text( 0.4, max(hi) * 3 / 4, "E(X) = {:4f}\nVAR(X) = {:4f}\nSTD(X) = {:4f}".format(np.mean(vals), np.var(vals), np.std(vals)), fontsize=8, ) plt.savefig(name) plt.close()
def particlesInVolumeLogNorm(vol_frac, mu, sigma, particle_diameters): ''' Function that calculates particle densities in a volume element. The particles are diameters are log-normally distributed (sigma, mu) and they have a given volume fraction. ''' D = particle_diameters # Calculate particle density(particles per um ^ 3) N = lognorm(sigma, scale=np.exp(mu)) # Weight factors of each particle size pdf = N.pdf(D) # Volume of particle having radius R[m ^ 3] Vsph = 4.0 / 3.0 * np.pi * (D / 2.0) ** 3.0 # Particle volumes multiplied with weight factors = > volume distribution WV = pdf * Vsph # Total volume of the volume distribution Vtot = np.trapz(WV, D) # Number of particles in um ^ 3 n_part = vol_frac / Vtot print('Number of particles in cubic micrometer = %.18f' % n_part) # Check, should give the volume fraction in % print("Volume fraction was: %.1f %%" % (np.trapz(n_part * pdf * Vsph, D) * 100)) bins = pdf * (D[1] - D[0]) # print(bins.sum()) return(n_part * bins)
def __generateMieEffective(self, n_particle, n_host, particle_mu, particle_sigma, effective_model=True, wavelen_n=1000, wavelen_max=1100.0, wavelen_min=100.0, particle_n=20, particle_max=20.0, particle_min=1.0): ''' Private function. Generates new effective mie-data file for the database. ''' if particle_n < 10: print( "Too few particles to calculate \ effective model: particle_n < 10") exit() n_x_rv = 10000 n_tht = 91 wavelengths = np.linspace(wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_n) / 1000.0 p_diameters = np.linspace(particle_min, particle_max, particle_n) o_f = ("mie_eff_p-%dum-%dum-%d_" % (particle_min, particle_max, particle_n) + 'np-%s_nh-%.2f_' % (n_particle.__format__('.2f'), n_host) + 'wave-%.1fnm-%.1fnm-%d' % (wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_n) + '.hdf5') o_f = baseDir + '/' + o_f # Calculate particle distribution N = lognorm(particle_sigma, scale=np.exp(particle_mu)) # Weight factors of each particle size pdf = N.pdf(p_diameters) pdf /= pdf.sum() weight = dict(zip(p_diameters, pdf)) df = 0 df = mie.generateMieDataEffective(wavelengths, p_normed_weights_dict=weight, number_of_rvs=n_x_rv, number_of_theta_angles=n_tht, n_particle=n_particle, n_silicone=n_host, p_diameters=p_diameters) print( mie.saveMieDataToHDF5([df], particle_diameters=[p_diameters.mean()], out_fname=o_f, wavelengths=wavelengths * 1000.0) return(o_f)
def lognorm(mu=1,sigma=1,phi=0): ''' Y ~ log(X)+phi X ~ Normal(mu,sigma) mu - mean of X sigma - standard deviation of X ''' return stats.lognorm(sigma,loc=-phi,scale=np.exp(mu))
def test_ss_wage_flexible(self): w_grid = np.linspace(0.40000000000000002, 3.5, 40) sigma = .4 mu = -(sigma ** 2) / 2 ln_dist = lognorm(sigma, scale=np.exp(-(sigma) ** 2 / 2)) zl, zh = ln_dist.ppf(.05), ln_dist.ppf(.95) z_grid = np.linspace(zl, zh, 22) params = { "lambda_": [0.0, "degree of rigidity"], "pi": [0.02, "target inflation"], "eta": [2.5, "elas. of subs among labor types"], "gamma": [0.5, "frisch elas. of labor supply"], "wl": [0.4, "wage lower bound"], "wu": [3.5, "wage upper bound"], "wn": [40, "wage grid point"], "beta": [0.97, "disount factor. check this"], "tol": [10e-6, "error tolerance for iteration"], "sigma": [sigma, "standard dev. of underlying normal dist"], 'z_grid': (z_grid, 'a'), 'w_grid': (w_grid, 'a'), 'full_ln_dist': (ln_dist, 'a'), 'mu': (mu, 'mean of underlying nomral distribution.')} res_dict = run_one(params) expected = Interp(z_grid, ss_wage_flexible(params, shock=z_grid)) actual = res_dict['ws'] print(expected.Y) print(actual.Y) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual.Y, expected.Y, 5)
def get_population_density_lognorm(size, upper, lower, log_mean, log_sd, mean, sd, position_marker): '''This :returns a value of a lognormal population distribution :param size: total size :type size: float :param upper: upper value of bin :type upper: float :param lower: lower value of bin :type lower: float :param log_mean: log mean :type log_mean: float :param log_sd: log standard deviation :type log_sd: float :param mean: mean :type mean: float :param sd: standard deviation :type sd: float :param position_marker: is the last/first bin of samples or not, -1: first bin; 1: last bin; 0:any bin between the first and the last :type position_marker: int :returns: population density ''' distribution = lognorm(loc=log_sd,scale=log_mean) if position_marker: cdf1 = 1 lower = upper else: cdf1 = logncdf(upper,log_mean,log_sd) cdf2 = logncdf(lower,log_mean,log_sd) posibility_space = cdf1 - cdf2 population = size * posibility_space population_int = population return population_int;
def test_sklearn_(): ''' Test whether the booster indeed gets updated :return: ''' Xtrain = np.random.randn(100,10) ytrain = np.random.randint(0,2,100) Xval = np.random.randn(20, 10) yval = np.random.randint(0, 2, 20) classifier = SHSklearnEstimator(model=RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=4),\ ressource_name='n_estimators') param_grid = {'max_depth': randint(1,10), 'min_impurity_decrease':lognorm(0.1) } scoring = make_scorer(accuracy_score) successiveHalving = SuccessiveHalving( estimator=classifier, n = 10, r = 100, param_grid=param_grid, ressource_name='n_estimators', scoring=scoring, n_jobs=1, cv=None, seed=0 ) T = successiveHalving.apply(Xtrain,ytrain,Xval,yval) print(T) assert(True)
def __init__(self, gamma, beta, alpha, sigma, grid=None): self.gamma = gamma self.beta = beta self.alpha = alpha self.sigma = sigma # == set up grid == # if grid is None: (self.grid, self.grid_min, self.grid_max, self.grid_size) = self._new_grid() else: self.grid = np.asarray(grid) self.grid_min = min(grid) self.grid_max = max(grid) self.grid_size = len(grid) # == set up distribution for shocks == # self.phi = lognorm(sigma) # == set up integration bounds. 4 Standard deviations. Make them # private attributes b/c users don't need to see them, but we # only want to compute them once. == # self._int_min = np.exp(-4.0 * sigma) self._int_max = np.exp(4.0 * sigma) # == Set up h from the Lucas Operator == # self.h = self._init_h()
def testTransformedDistribution(self): g = ops.Graph() with g.as_default(): mu = 3.0 sigma = 2.0 # Note: the Jacobian callable only works for this example; more generally # you may or may not need a reduce_sum. log_normal = self._cls()( distribution=ds.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma), bijector=bs.Exp(event_ndims=0)) sp_dist = stats.lognorm(s=sigma, scale=np.exp(mu)) # sample sample = log_normal.sample(100000, seed=235) self.assertAllEqual([], log_normal.event_shape) with self.test_session(graph=g): self.assertAllEqual([], log_normal.event_shape_tensor().eval()) self.assertAllClose( sp_dist.mean(), np.mean(sample.eval()), atol=0.0, rtol=0.05) # pdf, log_pdf, cdf, etc... # The mean of the lognormal is around 148. test_vals = np.linspace(0.1, 1000., num=20).astype(np.float32) for func in [[log_normal.log_prob, sp_dist.logpdf], [log_normal.prob, sp_dist.pdf], [log_normal.log_cdf, sp_dist.logcdf], [log_normal.cdf, sp_dist.cdf], [log_normal.survival_function, sp_dist.sf], [log_normal.log_survival_function, sp_dist.logsf]]: actual = func[0](test_vals) expected = func[1](test_vals) with self.test_session(graph=g): self.assertAllClose(expected, actual.eval(), atol=0, rtol=0.01)
def __init__(self, gamma=2, beta=0.95, alpha=0.90, sigma=0.1, grid=None): self.gamma = gamma self.beta = beta self.alpha = alpha self.sigma = sigma # == set up grid == # if grid is None: (self.grid, self.grid_min, self.grid_max, self.grid_size) = self._new_grid() else: self.grid = np.asarray(grid) self.grid_min = min(grid) self.grid_max = max(grid) self.grid_size = len(grid) # == set up distribution for shocks == # self.phi = lognorm(sigma) # == set up integration bounds. 4 Standard deviations. self._int_min = np.exp(-4.0 * sigma) self._int_max = np.exp(4.0 * sigma) # == initial h to iterate from == # self.h = self._init_h()
def set_distribution(self, mean, mode): """ Create lognormal distribution from given mean and mode. Distances are converted to km to prevent overflow. """ scale = np.exp(mean) s = np.sqrt(np.log(scale / float(mode))) return scs.lognorm(s=s, scale=scale)
def lognorm_mean(mean, sigma): """ returns a lognormal distribution parameterized by its mean and a spread parameter `sigma` """ if sigma == 0: return DeterministicDistribution(mean) else: mu = mean * np.exp(-0.5 * sigma**2) return stats.lognorm(scale=mu, s=sigma)
def lognorm_mean_var(mean, variance): """ returns a lognormal distribution parameterized by its mean and its variance. """ if variance == 0: return DeterministicDistribution(mean) else: scale, sigma = lognorm_mean_var_to_mu_sigma(mean, variance, 'scipy') return stats.lognorm(scale=scale, s=sigma)
def estimate_smoothG_cutoff_lognorm_robust(smoothG, fdr=0.05, independent=False, modefunc=half_sample_mode, madmult=5.2): lmu, ls2 = robust_lognormal_mean_var(smoothG, modefunc=modefunc, madmult=madmult) nulldist = stats.lognorm(math.sqrt(ls2),scale=math.exp(lmu)) pvals = [nulldist.sf(i) for i in smoothG] pcutoff = BH_fdr_procedure(pvals, fdr, independent=independent) if pcutoff is None: return None, None gcutoff = nulldist.isf(pcutoff) return pcutoff, gcutoff
def __init__(self, mu, sigma, a, b): super(Lognormal, self).__init__() self.__mu = mu self.__sigma = sigma self._dist = lognorm(sigma, scale=mu) self.__a = a self.__b = b
def test__validate_input(): """Testing validation of inputs.""" # valid inputs must be an instance of the Input class invalid_input = stats.lognorm(s=1.0) with mod = model.AssortativeMatchingModelLike() mod.input2 = invalid_input
def __init__(self, mu, sigma, bounds=None): = mu self.sigma = sigma self.scale = np.exp(mu) self.log_s = np.log(sigma) self.distribution = lognorm(sigma, scale=np.exp(mu)) self._bounds = (0, np.inf) super().__init__(self)
def __init__(self, lossType = "Large", sevDist = ["lognorm", 0, 1], freqDist = [ "poisson", 1 ] ): self.sevDist = None self.freqDist = None if lossType == "Cat": #do the thing for cat losses self.sevDist = sp.lognorm(sevDist[2], scale = np.exp(sevDist[1])) elif lossType == "Att": self.sevDist = sp.lognorm(sevDist[2], scale = np.exp(sevDist[1])) self.freqDist = None elif lossType == "Large": if sevDist[0] == "lognorm" or sevDist[0] == "lognormal": self.sevDist = sp.lognorm(sevDist[2], scale = np.exp(sevDist[1])) elif sevDist[0] == "gamma": self.sevDist = sp.gamma(sevDist[1], scale = sevDist[2]) self.freqDist = sp.poisson(freqDist[1])
def estimate_smoothG_cutoff_lognorm_theory(smoothG, tmean, tvar, fdr=0.05, independent=False): tmean, tvar = float(tmean), float(tvar) lmu, ls2 = lognormal_mean_var(tmean, tvar) nulldist = stats.lognorm(math.sqrt(ls2),scale=math.exp(lmu)) pvals = [nulldist.sf(i) for i in smoothG] pcutoff = BH_fdr_procedure(pvals, fdr, independent=independent) if pcutoff is None: return None, None gcutoff = nulldist.isf(pcutoff) return pcutoff, gcutoff
def lognormal_diff(tau, amp, mu, sigma): print amp, mu, sigma dist = lognorm([sigma], loc=mu * 1000) n = 10000 # taus = dist.rvs(n) # (a,b) = dist.interval(0.9) (a, b) = (max(1e-4, mu - sigma), mu + 100 * sigma) taus = np.logspace(np.log(a), np.log(b), n) G = amp * np.sum(dist.pdf(taus) * np.exp(-tau[:, newaxis] / taus[newaxis, :]), axis=1) return G
def choose(self): if self.user_class == 'HF': = "Log-norm" peak_hours_for_iat_hf = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] if self.hour in peak_hours_for_iat_hf: lognorm_shape, lognorm_scale, lognorm_location = 4.09174469261446, 1.12850165892419, 4.6875 else: lognorm_shape, lognorm_scale, lognorm_location = 3.93740014906562, 0.982210300411203, 3 return lognorm(lognorm_shape, loc=lognorm_location, scale=lognorm_scale) elif self.user_class == 'HO': = "Gamma" peak_hours_for_iat_ho = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] if self.hour in peak_hours_for_iat_ho: gamma_shape, gamma_rate, gamma_location = 1.25170029089175, 0.00178381168026473, 0.5 else: gamma_shape, gamma_rate, gamma_location = 1.20448161464647, 0.00177591076721503, 0.5 return gamma(gamma_shape, loc=gamma_location, scale=1. / gamma_rate) elif self.user_class == 'MF': = "Gamma" peak_hours_for_iat_mf = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 22, 23] if self.hour in peak_hours_for_iat_mf: gamma_shape, gamma_rate, gamma_location = 2.20816848575484, 0.00343216949000565, 1 else: gamma_shape, gamma_rate, gamma_location = 2.03011412986896, 0.00342699308280547, 1 return gamma(gamma_shape, loc=gamma_location, scale=1. / gamma_rate) elif self.user_class == 'MO': = "Gamma" peak_hours_for_iat_mo = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] if self.hour in peak_hours_for_iat_mo: gamma_shape, gamma_rate, gamma_location = 1.29908195595742, 0.00163527376977441, 0.5 else: gamma_shape, gamma_rate, gamma_location = 1.19210494792398, 0.00170354443324898, 0.5 return gamma(gamma_shape, loc=gamma_location, scale=1. / gamma_rate) elif self.user_class == 'LF': peak_hours_for_iat_lf = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] if self.hour in peak_hours_for_iat_lf: = "Gamma" gamma_shape, gamma_rate, gamma_location = 1.79297773527656, 0.00191590321039876, 2 return gamma(gamma_shape, loc=gamma_location, scale=1. / gamma_rate) else: = "Weibull" weibull_c_shape, weibull_scale, weibull_location = 1.1988117443903, 827.961760834184, 1 return weibull_min(weibull_c_shape, loc=weibull_location, scale=weibull_scale) elif self.user_class == 'LO': peak_hours_for_iat_lo = [2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20] if self.hour in peak_hours_for_iat_lo: = "Weibull" weibull_c_shape, weibull_scale, weibull_location = 0.850890858519732, 548.241539446292, 1 return weibull_min(weibull_c_shape, loc=weibull_location, scale=weibull_scale) else: = "Gamma" gamma_shape, gamma_rate, gamma_location = 0.707816241615835, 0.00135537879658998, 1 return gamma(gamma_shape, loc=gamma_location, scale=1. / gamma_rate) else: raise Exception('The user class %s does not exist' % self.user_class)
def log_normal(mean, mode): """Creating log normal, by first calculating sigma and mu by manipulating these equations: - mode = np.exp(mu - sig**2) - mean = np.exp(mu + (sig**2/2)) then using the scipy.stats package. """ sigma = np.sqrt((2. / 3.) * (np.log(mean) - np.log(mode))) mu = ((2. * np.log(mean)) + np.log(mode)) / 3. lognorm = stats.lognorm(sigma, loc=0., scale=np.exp(mu)) return lognorm
def solve_compound(solFunc, parameters, hyperparameter, N, parIdx=3, distribution='normal', recurrence=False, precision=50): """Obtain a compound distribution for the model in solfunc. Arguments: solFunc -- The solution function over which to compound parameters -- List of parameters accepted by solFunc hyperparameter -- Standard deviation of the compounding distribution N -- Maximal mRNA copy number. The distribution is evaluated for n=0:N-1 Keyword arguments: parIdx -- Index of the parameter over which the solution is compunded distribution -- String specifying the type of compounding distribution recurrence -- Boolean specifying if compounding is over recurrence terms precision -- Integer specifying the precision used by the Decimal class """ # Specify some hyperparameters governing integration accuracy cdfMax = 0.999 nTheta = 200 # Set up the parameter distribution m, s = parameters[parIdx], hyperparameter if distribution == 'normal': a, b = (0 - m) / s, 10000 dist = st.truncnorm(a, b, m, s) elif distribution == 'gamma': theta = s**2 / m k = (m / s)**2 dist = st.gamma(k, scale=theta) elif distribution == 'lognormal': mu = np.log(m / np.sqrt(1 + (s / m)**2)) sg = np.sqrt(np.log(1 + (s / m)**2)) dist = st.lognorm(s=sg, scale=np.exp(mu)) else: print('Invalid distribution selected') return # Set up parameter vector thetMax = dist.ppf(cdfMax) thetMin = dist.ppf(1 - cdfMax) thetVec = np.linspace(thetMin, thetMax, nTheta) dThet = thetVec[1] - thetVec[0] P = np.zeros(N) parMod = deepcopy(parameters) # If operating on the recurrence terms, need to comnvert to Decimal if recurrence: P = np.array([Decimal(p) for p in P]) dThet = Decimal(dThet) # Evaluate distribution for each theta and add contribution for thet in thetVec: parMod[parIdx] = thet if recurrence: P += np.array(solFunc(parMod, N, precision=precision)) * Decimal( dist.pdf(thet)) else: P += solFunc(parMod, N) * dist.pdf(thet) P *= dThet return P
from pyNetica import Node, Network from scipy import stats import numpy as np import itertools import sys from bnexample1_funcs import form2y # random variables rvX1 = stats.lognorm(1., scale=np.exp(0)) rvX3 = stats.lognorm(1., scale=np.exp(3*np.sqrt(2))) # create nodes x1 = Node("X1", parents=None, rvname='lognormal', rv=rvX1) x2 = Node("X2", parents=[x1], rvname='continuous') y = Node("Y", parents=[x2], rvname='discrete') # discretize continuous rv x1num = 5 x2num = 5 m = x1.rv.stats('m'); s = np.sqrt(x1.rv.stats('v')) #lb = np.maximum(0, m-2*s); ub = m+2*s lb = 0.; ub = m+1.5*s x1names = x1.discretize(lb, ub, x1num, infinity='+') x2names = x2.discretize(lb*10., ub*10., x2num, infinity='+') # calculate and assign CPT # node X1 x1cpt = x1.rv.cdf(x1.bins[1:]) - x1.rv.cdf(x1.bins[:-1]) x1cpt = x1cpt[np.newaxis,:] x1.assign_cpt(x1cpt, statenames=x1names)
def get_random_rect_sz_HARDCODE(): shape, scale = 0.7635779560378387, 0.07776496289182451 dist = stats.lognorm(shape, 0.0, scale) size = dist.rvs() size = size * 0.9671784150570207 + 0.007142151004612083 return (size)
def errfunc(mu_, sig_): N = lognorm(sig_, scale=np.exp(mu_)) # minimize ze difference between D10 and D90 to cumulative function # Weight the D10 more by 2* zero = 2 * np.abs(0.1 - N.cdf(D10)) + np.abs(0.9 - N.cdf(D90)) return (zero)
# == NON-UNIFORM SIMULATION ========================= ''' Simulate an array of N non-uniform droplets being linearly cooled. steps: 1. Generate N areas from a given distribution 2. Generate N uniformly distributed random numbers in [0,1) 3. Multiply each area by J_HET and generate the liquid probability curve as a function of temperature for that freezing rate. 4. Map the corresponding random number to the liquid probability curve corresponding to the given droplet. ''' fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(7, 5)) rv = lognorm(1.5) LOWER, UPPER = rv.ppf(0.001) / SCALER, rv.ppf(0.999) / SCALER areas = rv.rvs(N) / SCALER # [cm^2] ps = np.random.random(N) # probability for each droplet mean_area = rv.mean() / SCALER std_area = rv.std() / SCALER Ts = T_freeze(ps, areas, B, T_0) # Simulated freezing temperatures data = np.c_[areas, ps, Ts] Ts.sort() frac = [i / N for i in range(1, N + 1)] # Liquid proportion Ts_fit = np.linspace(Ts[0], Ts[-1], 250)
def ln_log10norm(x, mu, sigma=1.0): """ Natural log of base 10 lognormal """ return np.log(stats.lognorm(sigma * np.log(10), scale=mu).pdf(x))
def lognorm(x, mu, sigma=1.0): """ Log-normal function from scipy """ return stats.lognorm(sigma, scale=mu).pdf(x)
try: from ISP_mystyle import setFonts, showData except ImportError: # Ensure correct performance otherwise def setFonts(*options): return def showData(*options): return # Generate the data x = np.logspace(-9, 1, 1001) + 1e-9 lnd = stats.lognorm(2) y = lnd.pdf(x) # Generate 2 plots, side-by-side sns.set_style('ticks') setFonts(18) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) sns.set_context('poster') # Left plot: linear scale on x-axis axs[0].plot(x, y) axs[0].set_xlim(-0.5, 8) axs[0].set_xlabel('x') axs[0].set_ylabel('pdf(x)') # Right plot: logarithmic scale on x-axis
# in incomes.txt came from the distribution in part (b) log_lik_h0 = log_lik_norm(income, mu, sigma, cutoff) log_lik_mle = log_lik_norm(income, mu_MLE, sig_MLE, cutoff) LR_val = 2 * (log_lik_mle - log_lik_h0) pval_h0 = 1.0 - sts.chi2.cdf(LR_val, 2) #area under the graph print('1-d. Chi squared of H0 with 2 degrees of freedom p-value is ', pval_h0) print( 'P-value is in the rejection area so that we can conclude that the data \n in income.txt\ is not came from the distribution in part(b).') print("") # 1 - e # According to the part (c), estimated the probability lognorm_mle = sts.lognorm(s=sig_MLE, scale=np.exp(mu_MLE)) cdf_mle_100k = lognorm_mle.cdf(100000) cdf_mle_75k = lognorm_mle.cdf(75000) gt_than_100k = 1 - cdf_mle_100k ls_than_75k = cdf_mle_75k print( '1-e. The probability that the student will earn more than $100,000 is \n {:.2f}%.' .format(gt_than_100k * 100)) print( 'The probability that the student will earn less than $75,000 is \n {:.2f}%.' .format(ls_than_75k * 100)) print("") print("") '''
def __call__(self, mean, stddev): func = lognorm(scale=np.exp(mean), s=stddev) return func.cdf
# In[85]: #4 for parametro in informacoes: a = sc.probplot(parametro.ordem, dist=sc.expon(scale=(1 / parametro.eLambda)), plot=plot) plot.title('Exponencial x %s' % parametro.nome) b = sc.probplot(parametro.ordem, dist=sc.norm(, scale=parametro.var), plot=plot) plot.title('Normal x %s' % parametro.nome) c = sc.probplot(parametro.ordem, dist=sc.lognorm(s=(parametro.logvar)**0.5, scale=math.exp(parametro.logmedia)), plot=plot) plot.title('Lognormal x %s' % parametro.nome) d = sc.probplot(parametro.ordem, dist=sc.weibull_min(c=parametro.wshape, loc=parametro.wloc, scale=parametro.wscale), plot=plot) plot.title('Weibull x %s' % parametro.nome) # In[86]: #5 d = 1.36 / ((len(idade.dados))**0.5) #d adequado para a situação
def saturation(self): """ Upper bound on support. """ return st.lognorm(self.sigma, scale=np.exp(
def saturation(self): """ Upper bound on support. """ return st.lognorm(self.loc[2], scale=np.exp(self.scale[2])).ppf(0.999)
# specify prior distributions using stats.scipy for each parameter (independently) # available options (univariate): from scipy import stats from spux.distributions.tensor import Tensor from spux.utils import transforms distributions = {} # model parameters distributions['drift'] = stats.uniform(loc=-1, scale=2) distributions['volatility'] = stats.uniform(loc=0.2, scale=1) # observational error model parameters distributions['error'] = stats.lognorm(**transforms.logmeanstd(logm=1, logs=1)) # construct a joint distribution for a vector of independent parameters by tensorization prior = Tensor(distributions) from units import units prior.setup(units=units['parameters'])
import numpy as np from utils import ContinuousDistribution, DiscreteDistribution from MDP.mdp_solver import ValueIteration # # searching robot environment # state_names = ['high', 'low'] # action_names = ['wait', 'recharge', 'search'] # P = np.array([[[1, 0], [1, 0], [0.8, 0.2]], [[0, 1], [1, 0], [0.6, 0.4]]]) # R = np.array([[[2, 0], [0, 0], [5, 5]], [[0, 2], [0, 0], [-3, 5]]]) # bidding MDP n_bidders = 10 dst = stats.lognorm(s=0.5, loc=0, scale=np.exp(1)) dst = stats.uniform(0,10) dist = ContinuousDistribution(dst) dst = stats.geom(p=0.3) dist = DiscreteDistribution(dst) print(dist.exp_fos(n_bidders)) state_names = ['win', 'lose'] budget = 10 states = np.arange(budget+1) actions = np.arange(budget+1) P = np.zeros((states.size, actions.size, states.size)) R = np.zeros((states.size, actions.size, states.size))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri May 29 22:30:05 2020 @author: huangxiaoyi """ import numpy as np import scipy.stats as st import matplotlib.pyplot as plt a = np.linspace(0,50,25) val = st.lognorm(1,1).pdf(a)#very useful lib to calculate density val2 = st.lognorm(2,1).pdf(a) val3 = st.lognorm(3,1).pdf(a) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(val,'g--',label='m=1') ax.plot(val2,'b:',label='m=2') ax.plot(val3,'r',label='m=3') legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True) plt.xlabel('success') plt.ylabel('probability') cdf = st.lognorm(1,1).cdf(a)##compute culmulated probability density cdf2 = st.lognorm(2,1).cdf(a) cdf3 = st.lognorm(3,1).cdf(a) fig2, bx = plt.subplots() bx.plot(cdf,'g--',label='m=1') bx.plot(cdf2,'b:',label='m=2') bx.plot(cdf3,'r',label='m=3') legend = bx.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True) plt.xlabel('success')
def lognorm(mu: float, sigma2: float): assert sigma2 > 0 return stats.lognorm(s=np.sqrt(sigma2), scale=np.exp(mu))
def survival_times(self): # base the survival times upon the parameters mu and sigma return {state: lognorm(s=self.s[self._ix[state]], loc=0, scale=self.scale[self._ix[state]]) for state in self.states}
def __call__(self, x): """ Log-normal function from scipy """ return stats.lognorm(self._sigma, scale=self._mu).pdf(x * self.j_ref())
s = 0.954 mean, var, skew, kurt = lognorm.stats(s, moments='mvsk') # Display the probability density function (``pdf``): x = np.linspace(lognorm.ppf(0.01, s), lognorm.ppf(0.99, s), 100) ax.plot(x, lognorm.pdf(x, s), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='lognorm pdf') # Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function) # to fix the shape, location and scale parameters. This returns a "frozen" # RV object holding the given parameters fixed. # Freeze the distribution and display the frozen ``pdf``: rv = lognorm(s) ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf') # Check accuracy of ``cdf`` and ``ppf``: vals = lognorm.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], s) np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], lognorm.cdf(vals, s)) # True # Generate random numbers: r = lognorm.rvs(s, size=1000) # And compare the histogram: ax.hist(r, normed=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2)
def lognormal(media, varianza): from scipy.stats import lognorm return lognorm(media, varianza)
import cmdstanpy import os cmdstanpy.utils.cxx_toolchain_path() #%% [markdown] ## Generate Claims # Simple generator of lognormal claims #%% # parameters mu = 0.5 sigma = 1 dist = stats.lognorm(np.exp(mu), sigma) # generate claims claims = dist.rvs(size=1000) # graph sns.distplot(claims) #%% [markdown] # \begin{aligned} # X_i & \sim LN(mu, sigma) \\ # mu & \sim N( \mu_{mu}, 1 ) \\ # sigma & \sim exp( \lambda_{sigma} ) \\ # \mu_{mu} & = 1 \\ # \lambda_{sigma} & = 1 \\ # \end{aligned}
### TUNE HYPERPARAMETERS HERE ### CONFIG = { "env": "Taxi-v3", "total_eps": 100000, "eps_max_steps": 50, "eval_episodes": 500, "eval_freq": 1000, "gamma": 0.99, "alpha": 0.15, "epsilon": 0.9, } if __name__ == "__main__": # env = gym.make(CONFIG["env"]) dist = ContinuousDistribution(stats.lognorm(s=0.5, loc=0, scale=np.exp(0.25))) n_bidders = 10 env = my_envs.AuctionEnvV1(dist, maxbudget=25, n_bidders=n_bidders, maxsteps=CONFIG["eps_max_steps"], action_granularity=0.25) total_reward, evaluation_return_means, evaluation_negative_returns, q_table, obs_counter, episode_lens = train(env, CONFIG)"Qlearning_qtable.npy", q_table)"Qlearning_obscount.npy", obs_counter)"Qlearning_epslens.npy", episode_lens) print() print(f"Total reward over training: {total_reward}\n") arr = np.array(evaluation_return_means) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313, sharex=ax2)
[Normal, Gamma, Beta, InverseGamma, LogNormal]) def test_prior_equality(Prior): assert Prior() == Prior() @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'Prior, log, dlog, scipy_fun', [ (Normal, -0.9639385332046727, -0.3, stats.norm(loc=0, scale=1)), (Beta, 0.27990188513281833, 3.8095238095238098, stats.beta(a=3, b=3)), (Gamma, -3.4010927892118175, 5.666666666666667, stats.gamma(a=3, scale=1 / 1)), (InverseGamma, 0.7894107034104656, -2.222222222222223, stats.invgamma(a=3, scale=1)), (LogNormal, -0.43974098565696607, 0.6799093477531204, stats.lognorm(loc=0, s=1)), ], ) def test_log_pdf(Prior, log, dlog, scipy_fun, N): prior = Prior() rvs = prior.random(N) x = np.random.uniform() assert prior.log_pdf(0.3) == pytest.approx(log) assert prior.dlog_pdf(0.3) == pytest.approx(dlog) assert prior.mean == pytest.approx(np.mean(rvs), abs=3 * np.std(rvs) / np.sqrt(N)) assert prior.log_pdf(x) == pytest.approx(scipy_fun.logpdf(x)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('Prior',
print("Суженное множество:") print("p=", p) print("delta=", delta) print("m1=", m1) # plotting bar chart X = np.array([(delta[j] + delta[j + 1]) / 2 for j in range(m1)]) Y = np.array([p[j] / (delta[j + 1] - delta[j]) for j in range(m1)]) fig = plt.figure(dpi=100), Y, 1) # set interval min=-inf; max=inf delta[0] = -np.inf delta[-1] = np.inf # setting distribution type if data['low'] == 'lognorm': mu, sigma = np.log(x).mean(), np.sqrt(np.log(x).var()) dist = stats.lognorm(sigma, scale=np.exp(mu)) print(mu, sigma) elif data['low'] == 'exp': la = 1 / x.mean() dist = stats.expon(scale=1 / la) print(la) else: dist = stats.uniform(a, b) print(a, b) # setting real percentage of fall into intervals multiply by N nt = np.array( [dist.cdf(delta[j + 1]) - dist.cdf(delta[j]) for j in range(m1 - 1)]) * N print("nt", nt) # calculating chi chi = np.array([(p[j] - nt[j])**2 / nt[j] for j in range(m1 - 1)]).sum() # finding table value
_DIST_MAP = { dist.BernoulliProbs: lambda probs: osp.bernoulli(p=probs), dist.BernoulliLogits: lambda logits: osp.bernoulli(p=_to_probs_bernoulli(logits)), dist.Beta: lambda con1, con0: osp.beta(con1, con0), dist.BinomialProbs: lambda probs, total_count: osp.binom(n=total_count, p=probs), dist.BinomialLogits: lambda logits, total_count: osp.binom(n=total_count, p=_to_probs_bernoulli(logits)), dist.Cauchy: lambda loc, scale: osp.cauchy(loc=loc, scale=scale), dist.Chi2: lambda df: osp.chi2(df), dist.Dirichlet: lambda conc: osp.dirichlet(conc), dist.Exponential: lambda rate: osp.expon(scale=np.reciprocal(rate)), dist.Gamma: lambda conc, rate: osp.gamma(conc, scale=1./rate), dist.HalfCauchy: lambda scale: osp.halfcauchy(scale=scale), dist.HalfNormal: lambda scale: osp.halfnorm(scale=scale), dist.InverseGamma: lambda conc, rate: osp.invgamma(conc, scale=rate), dist.LogNormal: lambda loc, scale: osp.lognorm(s=scale, scale=np.exp(loc)), dist.MultinomialProbs: lambda probs, total_count: osp.multinomial(n=total_count, p=probs), dist.MultinomialLogits: lambda logits, total_count: osp.multinomial(n=total_count, p=_to_probs_multinom(logits)), dist.MultivariateNormal: _mvn_to_scipy, dist.LowRankMultivariateNormal: _lowrank_mvn_to_scipy, dist.Normal: lambda loc, scale: osp.norm(loc=loc, scale=scale), dist.Pareto: lambda alpha, scale: osp.pareto(alpha, scale=scale), dist.Poisson: lambda rate: osp.poisson(rate), dist.StudentT: lambda df, loc, scale: osp.t(df=df, loc=loc, scale=scale), dist.Uniform: lambda a, b: osp.uniform(a, b - a), } CONTINUOUS = [ T(dist.Beta, 1., 2.),
def get_random_rect_sz(min_x, max_x, shape, loc, scale): dist = stats.lognorm(shape, loc, scale) size = dist.rvs() size = size * (max_x - min_x) + min_x return (size)
def check_one_value(params): # in prior_samples: logLstar, logPhiStar, alpha = params logLmin = 8.5 #distro=gamma(alpha,loc=0,scale=10**logLstar) #this choice of alpha means that the LF form is NOT same as Mike's but rather has alpha in the exponent when written as dN/dV/dlogL vol_COS = 20189. vol_GN = 131042. normaliz = fp.gammainc(alpha, 10**(logLmin - logLstar)) Numexp_COS = 10**( logPhiStar ) * normaliz * vol_COS #*(1-distro.cdf(1e9)) #This is how many galaxies in volume vol, are expected on average Numexp_GN = 10**(logPhiStar) * normaliz * vol_GN #plt.loglog(np.logspace(9,12,100),distro.pdf(np.logspace(9,12,100))) N_to_use_COS = poisson.rvs(Numexp_COS) N_to_use_GN = poisson.rvs(Numexp_GN) Lprimes_COS = simulate_schechter_distribution( alpha, 10**logLstar, 10**logLmin, N_to_use_COS) #distro.rvs(size=N_to_use_COS) Lprimes_GN = simulate_schechter_distribution( alpha, 10**logLstar, 10**logLmin, N_to_use_GN) #distro.rvs(size=N_to_use_GN) #while(np.any(Lprimes<1e9)): # Lprimes=distro.rvs(size=N_to_use) freq_list_COS = 31 + 8 * np.random.random(N_to_use_COS) freq_list_GN = 30 + 8 * np.random.random(N_to_use_GN) sdv_list_COS = Lprimes_COS / L_prime_freq_conversion[( (freq_list_COS - 30) / 9.0e-5).astype(int)] sdv_list_GN = Lprimes_GN / L_prime_freq_conversion[( (freq_list_GN - 30) / 9.0e-5).astype(int)] #sdv_list_COS=np.array([Lprimes_COS[idx]/calc_L_prime(1,fre) for idx,fre in enumerate(freq_list_COS)]) #sdv_list_GN=np.array([Lprimes_GN[idx]/calc_L_prime(1,fre) for idx,fre in enumerate(freq_list_GN)]) spat_real_COS = np.random.choice(3, size=N_to_use_COS, replace=True, p=[0.88, 0.1, 0.02]) freq_real_COS = np.random.choice(3, size=N_to_use_COS, replace=True, p=[0.34, 0.33, 0.33]) spat_real_GN = np.random.choice(3, size=N_to_use_GN, replace=True, p=[0.88, 0.1, 0.02]) freq_real_GN = np.random.choice(3, size=N_to_use_GN, replace=True, p=[0.34, 0.33, 0.33]) compl_params_fit_COS = np.array([[[0.51093145, 0.02771134], [0.41731388, 0.03699222], [0.48504448, 0.04833295]], [[0.52961387, 0.06536336], [0.47647305, 0.09091878], [0.43582843, 0.11752236]], [[0.48816207, 0.1055706], [0.41942854, 0.15440935], [0.43130629, 0.21278495]]]) compl_params_fit_GN = np.array([[[0.30244889, 0.0647361], [0.19111455, 0.0863606], [0.26355572, 0.11940371]], [[0.34815344, 0.11987698], [0.3085827, 0.17502077], [0.3268172, 0.23117797]], [[0.37420752, 0.21330359], [0.30220447, 0.30313399], [0.29627785, 0.40176673]]]) myfit = lambda f, d, f0: max(0, 1 - (1. / (f + d) * np.exp(-f / f0))) completenesses_COS = [ myfit(sdv, *compl_params_fit_COS[spat, freq]) for sdv, spat, freq in zip(sdv_list_COS, spat_real_COS, freq_real_COS) ] completenesses_GN = [ myfit(sdv, *compl_params_fit_GN[spat, freq]) for sdv, spat, freq in zip(sdv_list_GN, spat_real_GN, freq_real_GN) ] observed_COS = np.random.random(size=N_to_use_COS) < completenesses_COS Nobs_COS = np.sum(observed_COS) observed_GN = np.random.random(size=N_to_use_GN) < completenesses_GN Nobs_GN = np.sum(observed_GN) #now take care of the real candidates purities_COS = np.array([ max(0, obj.purity * np.random.normal(loc=1., scale=1.)) if obj.purity < 1 else 1 for obj in objects_COS ]) purities_GN = np.array([ max(0, obj.purity * np.random.normal(loc=1., scale=1.)) if obj.purity < 1 else 1 for obj in objects_GN ]) #purities_COS=np.array([np.random.random()*obj.purity if obj.purity<1 else 1 for obj in objects_COS ]) #purities_GN=np.array([np.random.random()*obj.purity if obj.purity<1 else 1 for obj in objects_GN ]) selected_candidates_COS = np.random.random( size=len(objects_COS)) < purities_COS Nselected_COS = np.sum(selected_candidates_COS) selected_candidates_GN = np.random.random( size=len(objects_GN)) < purities_GN Nselected_GN = np.sum(selected_candidates_GN) #print N_to_use_COS,N_to_use_GN,Nobs_COS,Nobs_GN,'real:',Nselected_COS,Nselected_GN if np.absolute(Nselected_COS - Nobs_COS) <= 1 and np.absolute( Nselected_GN - Nobs_GN) <= 1 and Nobs_GN > 0: #print 'Match!' Lprime_observed_real_COS = np.array([ obj.L_prime for idx, obj in enumerate(objects_COS) if selected_candidates_COS[idx] ]) Lprime_observed_real_GN = np.array([ obj.L_prime for idx, obj in enumerate(objects_GN) if selected_candidates_GN[idx] ]) SNRbins = np.arange(4, 7, .1) SNRbin_idx = np.digitize(5.5, SNRbins) - 1 #I set this to 5.5 observed_Lprime_COS = [] for idx in range(Nobs_COS): inj_spa_COS = spat_real_COS[observed_COS][idx] #inj_fre=freq_real[observed][idx] spat_distrib_COS = [ np.mean([ likelihood_COS[inj_spa_COS][key][SNR_b] for SNR_b in range(SNRbin_idx - 3, SNRbin_idx + 3) ]) for key in [-1, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12] ] spat_obs_idx_COS = min( 5, np.random.choice(8, size=1, replace=True, p=spat_distrib_COS)[0]) spat_obs_COS = [-1, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8][spat_obs_idx_COS] #freq_distrib=[np.mean([likelihood_freq[inj_fre][key][SNR_b] for SNR_b in range(SNRbin_idx-3,SNRbin_idx+3)]) for key in [4,8,12,16,20]] #freq_obs=[4,8,12,16,20][np.random.choice(5, size=1, replace=True, p=freq_distrib)[0]] #for the given intrinsic and observed properties, and the SNR=5.5, what flux ratio do we expect? lognorm_par_COS = lognorm_params_given_inj_and_meas_COS[ spat_obs_idx_COS, inj_spa_COS] from scipy.stats import lognorm flux_correct_COS = lognorm(s=lognorm_par_COS[1], scale=np.exp(lognorm_par_COS[0])).rvs() observed_flux_COS = sdv_list_COS[observed_COS][ idx] * flux_correct_COS observed_Lprime_COS.append(Lprimes_COS[observed_COS][idx] * flux_correct_COS) observed_Lprime_GN = [] for idx in range(Nobs_GN): inj_spa_GN = spat_real_GN[observed_GN][idx] #inj_fre=freq_real[observed][idx] spat_distrib_GN = [ np.mean([ likelihood_GN[inj_spa_GN][key][SNR_b] for SNR_b in range(SNRbin_idx - 3, SNRbin_idx + 3) ]) for key in [-1, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10] ] spat_obs_idx_GN = min( 5, np.random.choice(7, size=1, replace=True, p=spat_distrib_GN)[0]) spat_obs_GN = [-1, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8][spat_obs_idx_GN] #freq_distrib=[np.mean([likelihood_freq[inj_fre][key][SNR_b] for SNR_b in range(SNRbin_idx-3,SNRbin_idx+3)]) for key in [4,8,12,16,20]] #freq_obs=[4,8,12,16,20][np.random.choice(5, size=1, replace=True, p=freq_distrib)[0]] #for the given intrinsic and observed properties, and the SNR=5.5, what flux ratio do we expect? lognorm_par_GN = lognorm_params_given_inj_and_meas_GN[ spat_obs_idx_GN, inj_spa_GN] from scipy.stats import lognorm flux_correct_GN = lognorm(s=lognorm_par_GN[1], scale=np.exp(lognorm_par_GN[0])).rvs() observed_flux_GN = sdv_list_GN[observed_GN][idx] * flux_correct_GN observed_Lprime_GN.append(Lprimes_GN[observed_GN][idx] * flux_correct_GN) allmatched = True for obs_real_Lprime in Lprime_observed_real_COS: if np.min( np.absolute(obs_real_Lprime - np.array(observed_Lprime_COS)) / obs_real_Lprime) > .2: #print np.min(np.absolute(obs_real_Lprime-np.array(observed_Lprime_COS))/obs_real_Lprime) allmatched = False for obs_real_Lprime in Lprime_observed_real_GN: if np.min( np.absolute(obs_real_Lprime - np.array(observed_Lprime_GN)) / obs_real_Lprime) > .2: #print np.min(np.absolute(obs_real_Lprime-np.array(observed_Lprime_GN))/obs_real_Lprime) allmatched = False if allmatched: #print 'amazing this works!'#,'real:',Lprime_observed_real,'simul:',observed_Lprime return params
def d_lnorm(meanlog, sdlog): return SpDouble(sts.lognorm(s=np.exp(sdlog), scale=np.exp(np.exp(meanlog))))
def plot_multiplicative(self, T, npaths=25, show_trend=True): """ Plots for the multiplicative decomposition """ # Pull out right sizes so we know how to increment nx, nk, nm = self.nx, self.nk, self.nm # Matrices for the multiplicative decomposition nu_tilde, H, g = self.multiplicative_decomp() # Allocate space (nm is the number of functionals - we want npaths for each) mpath_mult = np.empty((nm * npaths, T)) mbounds_mult = np.empty((nm * 2, T)) spath_mult = np.empty((nm * npaths, T)) sbounds_mult = np.empty((nm * 2, T)) tpath_mult = np.empty((nm * npaths, T)) ypath_mult = np.empty((nm * npaths, T)) # Simulate for as long as we wanted moment_generator = self.lss.moment_sequence() # Pull out population moments for t in range(T): tmoms = next(moment_generator) ymeans = tmoms[1] yvar = tmoms[3] # Lower and upper bounds - for each multiplicative functional for ii in range(nm): li, ui = ii * 2, (ii + 1) * 2 Mdist = lognorm(np.asscalar(np.sqrt(yvar[nx+nm+ii, nx+nm+ii])), scale=np.asscalar( np.exp( ymeans[nx+nm+ii]- \ t*(.5)*np.expand_dims(np.diag(H @ H.T),1)[ii]))) Sdist = lognorm(np.asscalar( np.sqrt(yvar[nx + 2 * nm + ii, nx + 2 * nm + ii])), scale=np.asscalar( np.exp(-ymeans[nx + 2 * nm + ii]))) mbounds_mult[li:ui, t] = Mdist.ppf([.01, .99]) sbounds_mult[li:ui, t] = Sdist.ppf([.01, .99]) # Pull out paths for n in range(npaths): x, y = self.lss.simulate(T) for ii in range(nm): ypath_mult[npaths * ii + n, :] = np.exp(y[nx + ii, :]) mpath_mult[npaths * ii + n, :] = np.exp( y[nx + nm + ii, :] - np.arange(T) * (.5) * np.expand_dims(np.diag(H @ H.T), 1)[ii]) spath_mult[npaths * ii + n, :] = 1 / np.exp(-y[nx + 2 * nm + ii, :]) tpath_mult[npaths * ii + n, :] = np.exp( y[nx + 3 * nm + ii, :] + np.arange(T) * (.5) * np.expand_dims(np.diag(H @ H.T), 1)[ii]) mult_figs = [] for ii in range(nm): li, ui = npaths * (ii), npaths * (ii + 1) LI, UI = 2 * (ii), 2 * (ii + 1) mult_figs.append( self.plot_given_paths(T, ypath_mult[li:ui, :], mpath_mult[li:ui, :], spath_mult[li:ui, :], tpath_mult[li:ui, :], mbounds_mult[LI:UI, :], sbounds_mult[LI:UI, :], 1, show_trend=show_trend)) mult_figs[ii].suptitle( r'Multiplicative decomposition of $y_{%s}$' % str(ii + 1), fontsize=14) return mult_figs