def calc_noise(ts, n_chunks=1000, chunk_size=50): """Performs local-average calculation of the noise of a curve. In this case, intended to be used for the BLS spectrum noise. Args: ts (np.ndarray-like): the series to get the noise from. n_chunks (int): number of chunks to calculate (accuracy). chunk_size (int): size of each chunk, should be less than the size of the expected red-noise and real variation. Returns: sigma (float): the noise level. """ # This should carry a warning, possibly cause an exception. if chunk_size > len(ts): return stats.sigmaclip(ts)[0].std() # Split the data into chunks. #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() start_nums = ts[:-chunk_size].sample(n_chunks, replace=True).index sigma_list = [] for index in start_nums: chunk = ts.iloc[index:index+chunk_size] sigma_list.append(stats.sigmaclip(chunk)[0].std()) #sigma = np.nanpercentile(sigma_list, 30) sigma = np.median(sigma_list) return sigma
def RJmcmc_LRG_check(indir,bins=1): 'looks at LRG output from Looks at all .pik files in dir and plots them' if not indir[-1]=='/': indir+='/' #load file names files=os.listdir(indir) print 'Plotting from %i bin' %bins age,norm,metal,Z=[],[],[],[] for i in files: try: temp=pik.load(open(indir+i)) lab.figure() mc.plot_model(temp[0][str(bins)][temp[1][str(bins)].min()== temp[1][str(bins)]][0], temp[3][i[:-4]],bins) lab.title(i) #get median,lower, upper bound of parameters age.append(nu.percentile(sigmaclip(10**temp[0][str(bins)][:,1])[0],[50,15.9,84.1])) metal.append(nu.percentile(sigmaclip(temp[0][str(bins)][:,0])[0],[50,15.9,84.1])) norm.append(nu.percentile(sigmaclip(temp[0][str(bins)][:,2])[0],[50,15.9,84.1])) Z.append(float(i[:-4])) except: continue age,metal,norm,Z=nu.array(age),nu.array(metal),nu.array(norm),nu.array(Z) #make uncertanties relitive age[:,1],age[:,2]=nu.abs(age[:,0]-age[:,1]),nu.abs(age[:,0]-age[:,2]) age=age/10**9. lab.figure() lab.errorbar(Z,age[:,0],yerr=age[:,1:].T,fmt='.') lab.xlabel('Redshift') lab.ylabel('Age (Gyr)')
def make_cat(filename,datamax=75000,b_sigma=3.0,b_crlim=3.0): if datamax == None: datamax = 75000 hdul = banzai_cat = hdul['CAT'].data print "Total number of sources in BANZAI catalog: {0}".format(len(banzai_cat)) ellipticities = [x['ELLIPTICITY'] for x in banzai_cat] backgrounds = [x['BACKGROUND'] for x in banzai_cat] fwhms = [x['FWHM'] for x in banzai_cat] filtered_el, lo, hi = sigmaclip(ellipticities, low=b_sigma, high=b_sigma) filtered_bg, lo, hi = sigmaclip(backgrounds, low=b_sigma, high=b_sigma) filtered_fwhm, lo, hi = sigmaclip(fwhms, low=b_sigma, high=b_sigma) id_num = 0 sources = [] for source in banzai_cat: if (source['FLAG'] == 0 and source['PEAK'] <= datamax and source['ELLIPTICITY'] in filtered_el and source['BACKGROUND'] in filtered_bg and source['FWHM'] in filtered_fwhm and source['FWHM'] > b_crlim): id_num += 1 StN = source['PEAK']/source['BACKGROUND'] sources.append([source['RA'],source['DEC'],StN,id_num]) print ("Number of sources in BANZAI catalog after filtering: " "{0}".format(len(sources))) print ("({0}-sigma clipping on source ellipticity, " "background level, and FWHM.)".format(b_sigma)) #Sort by S/N sources = sorted(sources, key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True) header = "# BEGIN CATALOG HEADER\n" header += "# nfields 13\n" header += "# ra 1 0 d degrees %10.5f\n" header += "# dec 2 0 d degrees %10.5f\n" header += "# id 3 0 c INDEF %15s\n" header += "# END CATALOG HEADER\n" header += "#\n" with open('','w') as banzai_cat_file: banzai_cat_file.write(header) for source in sources: line = "{0:10.5f}\t{1:10.5f}\t{2}\n".format(source[0],source[1],source[3]) banzai_cat_file.write(line) print "Saving the {0} best sources to".format(len(sources)) hdul.close() return ''
def make_cat(filename,datamax=75000,b_sigma=3.0,b_crlim=3.0): if datamax == None: datamax = 75000 hdul = banzai_cat = hdul[1].data print "Total number of sources in BANZAI catalog: {0}".format(len(banzai_cat)) ellipticities = [x['ELLIPTICITY'] for x in banzai_cat] backgrounds = [x['BACKGROUND'] for x in banzai_cat] fwhms = [x['FWHM'] for x in banzai_cat] filtered_el, lo, hi = sigmaclip(ellipticities, low=b_sigma, high=b_sigma) filtered_bg, lo, hi = sigmaclip(backgrounds, low=b_sigma, high=b_sigma) filtered_fwhm, lo, hi = sigmaclip(fwhms, low=b_sigma, high=b_sigma) id_num = 0 sources = [] for source in banzai_cat: if (source['FLAG'] == 0 and source['PEAK'] <= datamax and source['ELLIPTICITY'] in filtered_el and source['BACKGROUND'] in filtered_bg and source['FWHM'] in filtered_fwhm and source['FWHM'] > b_crlim): id_num += 1 StN = source['PEAK']/source['BACKGROUND'] sources.append([source['RA'],source['DEC'],StN,id_num]) print ("Number of sources in BANZAI catalog after filtering: " "{0}".format(len(sources))) print ("({0}-sigma clipping on source ellipticity, " "background level, and FWHM.)".format(b_sigma)) #Sort by S/N sources = sorted(sources, key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True) header = "# BEGIN CATALOG HEADER\n" header += "# nfields 13\n" header += "# ra 1 0 d degrees %10.5f\n" header += "# dec 2 0 d degrees %10.5f\n" header += "# id 3 0 c INDEF %15s\n" header += "# END CATALOG HEADER\n" header += "#\n" with open('','w') as banzai_cat_file: banzai_cat_file.write(header) for source in sources: line = "{0:10.5f}\t{1:10.5f}\t{2}\n".format(source[0],source[1],source[3]) banzai_cat_file.write(line) print "Saving the {0} best sources to".format(len(sources)) hdul.close() return ''
def find_ramps(istim, flts, lev_u, lev_d, lb=None, PAM=None, psf=0.1): stimdata = flts[istim, :, :] * (tendMJDs[istim] - tstrMJDs[istim]) * daytosec if PAM is not None: stimdata *= PAM istimgood = (stimdata > lev_d) & (stimdata < lev_u) print('Pixels with potentially right stimuli:', np.sum(istimgood)) if lb is not None: if (istim - lb) > 0: st = istim - lb else: st = 0 else: st = 0 for i in range(st, istim, 1): persdata = flts[i, :, :] * (tendMJDs[i] - tstrMJDs[i]) * daytosec if PAM is not None: persdata *= PAM if (imtyps[i] == 'EXT'): istimgood = istimgood & (persdata < psf * stimdata) print('Pixels with really right stimuli:', np.sum(istimgood)) icount = np.zeros_like(stimdata, dtype=np.int_) iprev = istimgood for i in range(istim + 1, len(imtyps), 1): persdata = flts[i, :, :] * (tendMJDs[i] - tstrMJDs[i]) * daytosec if PAM is not None: persdata *= PAM if (imtyps[i] == 'EXT'): msky = np.nanmean(sigmaclip(persdata, 2., 2.)[0]) ssky = np.nanstd(sigmaclip(persdata, 2., 2.)[0]) iskycurr = (persdata < msky + 2 * ssky) & (persdata > msky - 2 * ssky) elif (imtyps[i] == 'DARK'): iskycurr = np.ones_like(persdata, dtype=np.bool_) else: print('Wrong image type') assert False igood = istimgood & iskycurr & iprev iprev = igood icount[igood] += 1 print('Pixels with ramps extending for at least', i - istim, ' exposures:', igood.sum()) if (np.sum(igood) == 0): break return icount
def change_head(self, FileN, catalog, image, outname, CCD, **args): ccdLen = len(CCD) #Getting the data and saving into an array o = open(FileN, 'r').read().splitlines() info_array = ['CRVAL1','CRVAL2','CRPIX1','CRPIX2','CD1_1','CD1_2','CD2_1','CD2_2',\ 'PV1_0','PV1_1 ','PV1_2','PV1_4','PV1_5','PV1_6','PV1_7','PV1_8','PV1_9','PV1_10',\ 'PV2_0','PV2_1 ','PV2_2','PV2_4','PV2_5','PV2_6','PV2_7','PV2_8','PV2_9','PV2_10'] n = len(info_array) matrix = [] for ii in o: for oo in info_array: if oo in ii.split('=')[0]: #print ii.split('=')[0], ii.split('=')[1].split('/')[0] matrix.append(ii.split('=')[1].split('/')[0]) matrix = np.array(matrix) #changing the header cont = 0 for i in range(ccdLen): ccdstring = "%02d" % int(CCD[i]) args['ccd'] = ccdstring catalog1 = self.template_file.format( **args) + '_' + catalog + '.fits' image1 = self.template_file.format(**args) + '_' + image + '.fits' (fwhm_, ellip, count) = self.fwhm(catalog1, 0) h = DESImage.load(image1) h.header['FWHM'] = fwhm_ h.header['ELLIPTIC'] = ellip h.header['SCAMPFLG'] = 0 im = iterate1 = stats.sigmaclip(im, 5, 5)[0] iterate2 = stats.sigmaclip(iterate1, 5, 5)[0] iterate3 = stats.sigmaclip(iterate2, 3, 3)[0] skybrite = np.median(iterate3) skysigma = np.std(iterate3) h.header['SKYBRITE'] = skybrite h.header['SKYSIGMA'] = skysigma h.header['CAMSYM'] = 'D' h.header['SCAMPCHI'] = 0.0 h.header['SCAMPNUM'] = 0 for j in range(n): h.header[info_array[j]] = float(matrix[cont]) cont = cont + 1 self.template_file.format(**args) + '_' + outname + '.fits')
def change_head(File, catalog, image, CCD, **args): ccdLen = len(CCD) #Getting the data and saving into an array o = open(File,'r').read().splitlines() info_array = ['CRVAL1','CRVAL2','CRPIX1','CRPIX2','CD1_1','CD1_2','CD2_1','CD2_2',\ 'PV1_0','PV1_1 ','PV1_2','PV1_4','PV1_5','PV1_6','PV1_7','PV1_8','PV1_9','PV1_10',\ 'PV2_0','PV2_1 ','PV2_2','PV2_4','PV2_5','PV2_6','PV2_7','PV2_8','PV2_9','PV2_10'] n = len(info_array) matrix = [] for ii in o: for oo in info_array: if oo in ii.split('=')[0] : #print ii.split('=')[0], ii.split('=')[1].split('/')[0] matrix.append(ii.split('=')[1].split('/')[0]) matrix = np.array(matrix) #changing the header cont = 0 for i in range(ccdLen): ccdstring="%02d"%int(CCD[i]) args['ccd']=ccdstring catalog1 = template_file.format(**args)+'_'+catalog+'.fits' image1 = template_file.format(**args)+'_'+image+'.fits' fwhm_, ellip, count = fwhm(catalog1) h=DESImage.load(image1) h.header['FWHM'] = fwhm_ h.header['ELLIPTIC'] = ellip h.header['SCAMPFLG'] = 0 im=h1[0].data iterate1=stats.sigmaclip(im,5,5)[0] iterate2=stats.sigmaclip(iterate1,5,5)[0] iterate3=stats.sigmaclip(iterate2,3,3)[0] skybrite=np.median(iterate3) skysigma=np.std(iterate3) h.header['SKYBRITE'] = skybrite h.header['SKYSIGMA'] = skysigma h.header['CAMSYM'] = 'D' h.header['SCAMPCHI'] = 0.0 h.header['SCAMPNUM'] = 0 for j in range(n): h.header[info_array[j]] = float(matrix[cont]) cont = cont + 1**args)+'_wcs.fits')
def sclip(a, s=4): _, low0, high0 = sigmaclip(a[:,0], low=s, high=s) _, low1, high1 = sigmaclip(a[:,1], low=s, high=s) _, low2, high2 = sigmaclip(a[:,2], low=s, high=s) a0bool = np.logical_and(a[:,0] > low0, a[:,0] < high0) a1bool = np.logical_and(a[:,1] > low1, a[:,1] < high1) a2bool = np.logical_and(a[:,2] > low2, a[:,2] < high2) k0 = np.where(a0bool)[0] k1 = np.where(a1bool)[0] k2 = np.where(a2bool)[0] return k0, k1, k2
def show_features(df, features, labels, frac=1.0): """ This plot will display a fraction (frac) of all objects in the DataFrame (df) in 2D-feature spaces. Not all feature combinations are displayed but only the ones following after another in the list (features). The objects will be displayed in colors corresponding to their labels in the DataFrame. We use level 5.0 sigma clipping to center the axes on the majority of the objects. Input: df (DataFrame) DataFrame containing features and labels features (list) list of features in the DataFrame labels (list) list of the names of the labels in df.label frac (float) fraction of objects in df to be displayed Output: matplotlib figure object """ df = df.sample(frac=frac) cols = 3 gs = gridspec.GridSpec(len(features) // cols, cols) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3 * (len(features) // cols)), dpi=100) ax = [] for i in range(len(features) - 1): row = (i // cols) col = i % cols ax.append(fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col])) color = iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(labels)))) #sigma clipping here x_range, xlow, xup = sigmaclip(df[features[i]], low=5.0, high=5.0) y_range, ylow, yup = sigmaclip(df[features[i + 1]], low=5.0, high=5.0) for j in range(len(labels)): dfj = df.query('label =="' + str(labels[j]) + '"') ax[-1].scatter(dfj[features[i]], dfj[features[i+1]], \ alpha=0.2, c=next(color),edgecolor='None' ) ax[-1].set_xlim(xlow, xup) ax[-1].set_ylim(ylow, yup) ax[-1].set_xlabel(str(features[i])) ax[-1].set_ylabel(str(features[i + 1])) plt.tight_layout()
def FWHM_stats(data,all=True,clip=False): """ Description: ------------ Return basic FWHM stats """ if all: fwhm = FWHM_all(data) elif clip: fwhm = FWHM_ave(data,clip=clip) else: fwhm = FWHM_ave(data) # Basic stats med = np.median(fwhm) mean = np.mean(fwhm) fwhm_clip, low, high = sigmaclip(fwhm,low=3,high=3) meanclip = np.mean(fwhm_clip) # Get mode using kernel density estimation (KDE) vals = np.linspace(0,30,1000) fkde = gaussian_kde(fwhm) fpdf = fkde(vals) mode = vals[np.argmax(fpdf)] std = np.std(fwhm) return [mean,med,mode,std,meanclip]
def measure_focal_length(tes_xy, peak_azel, npeaks=9, ntes=256, nsig=3): tes_dist = cdist(tes_xy, tes_xy, 'euclidean') fl_mean = np.zeros((npeaks, ntes)) fl_std = np.zeros((npeaks, ntes)) for peak in range(npeaks): print('Peak ', peak, '\n') alpha = np.deg2rad( cdist(peak_azel[:, :, peak], peak_azel[:, :, peak], 'euclidean')) tanalpha = np.tan(alpha) focal_length = tes_dist / tanalpha print(focal_length.shape) for tes in range(ntes): print(tes) fl = focal_length[tes] fl = fl[~np.isnan(fl)] fl_clip, mini, maxi = sigmaclip(fl, low=nsig, high=nsig) print(mini, maxi) print(fl_clip.shape) # Mean and STD for each TES fl_mean[peak, tes] = np.mean(fl_clip) fl_std[peak, tes] = np.std(fl_clip) / np.sqrt(len(fl_clip)) return fl_mean, fl_std
def define_warm_threshold(image, threshold=5): """Pixels with signal rates above the threshold calculated here will be flagged as hot Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray 2d image threshold : int Number of sigma above the mean to use for the threshold that defines warm/hot pixels. Pixels with signal below this level are considered nominal and will have signal values of 0 used in the dark. Pixels above this threshold will have dark signals based on their mean dark rate. Returns ------- threshold : float Threshold value """ clipped, lo, high = sigmaclip(image, low=3., high=3.) mean_val = np.mean(clipped) dev = np.std(clipped) threshold = mean_val + threshold * dev return threshold
def FWHM_ave(data,clip=False,sigmas=False): """ Description: ------------ Computes the average FWHM Expects data dictionary in format of "get_data" """ raw = data['FWHMraw'] sz = len(raw) FWHM = np.ones(sz)* np.nan sigma = np.ones(sz)* np.nan for i in range(sz): vals = np.array(raw[i]).astype('float') nvals = len(vals) minval = np.min(vals) maxval = np.min(vals) if clip: newvals, low, high = sigmaclip(vals,low=clip,high=clip) FWHM[i] = np.mean(newvals) sigma[i] = np.std(newvals) else: FWHM[i] = np.mean(vals) sigma[i] = np.std(vals) if sigmas: return [FWHM,sigma] else: return FWHM
def FluxInAmp(amp, data, plot=False, **kwargs): list = inst.OutRegion(amp) frame = data[list[0]:list[1], list[2]:list[3]] pix = (frame).flatten() fact = 5 pix2, low, upp = stats.sigmaclip(pix, fact, fact) print 'len pix = ', len(pix), ', len pix2 = ', len(pix2) if (plot == True): pl.hist(pix, histtype='bar', log=True, range=(-4000, 4000), bins=100, color='green', label='trial') pl.hist(pix2, histtype='bar', log=True, range=(-4000, 4000), bins=100, color='crimson', label='trial') mean = np.median(pix2) smean = np.std(pix2) '''Flag clipped pixels''' np.clip(frame, low, upp, out=data[list[0]:list[1], list[2]:list[3]]) print 'minmax outimage : ', np.amax( data[list[0]:list[1], list[2]:list[3]]), np.amin(data[list[0]:list[1], list[2]:list[3]]) return mean, smean, low, upp
def _clip_distances(self, distances_rad): """Compute a clipped max distance and calculate the number of pairs that pass the clipped dist. Parameters ---------- distances_rad : `numpy.ndarray`, (N,) Distances between pairs. Returns ------- output_struct : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct` Result struct with components: - ``n_matched_clipped`` : Number of pairs that survive the clipping on distance. (`float`) - ``clipped_max_dist`` : Maximum distance after clipping. (`float`). """ clipped_dists, _, clipped_max_dist = sigmaclip(distances_rad, low=100, high=2) # Check clipped distances. The minimum value here # prevents over convergence on perfect test data. if clipped_max_dist < 1e-16: clipped_max_dist = 1e-16 n_matched_clipped = np.sum(distances_rad < clipped_max_dist) else: n_matched_clipped = len(clipped_dists) return pipeBase.Struct(n_matched_clipped=n_matched_clipped, clipped_max_dist=clipped_max_dist)
def granulation_model(self): peak = self.period_prior() x = y = yerr = with pm.Model() as model: # The mean flux of the time series mean = pm.Normal("mean", mu=0.0, sd=10.0) # A jitter term describing excess white noise logs2 = pm.Normal("logs2", mu=2*np.log(np.min(sigmaclip(yerr)[0])), sd=1.0) logw0 = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=-0.5, upper=np.log(2 * np.pi / self.min_period))("logw0", mu=0.0, sd=5) logSw4 = pm.Normal("logSw4", mu=np.log(np.var(y)), sd=5) kernel =, log_w0=logw0, Q=1 / np.sqrt(2)) #GP model gp =, x, yerr**2 + tt.exp(logs2)) # Compute the Gaussian Process likelihood and add it into the # the PyMC3 model as a "potential" pm.Potential("loglike", gp.log_likelihood(y - mean)) # Compute the mean model prediction for plotting purposes pm.Deterministic("pred", gp.predict()) # Optimize to find the maximum a posteriori parameters map_soln = xo.optimize(start=model.test_point) return model, map_soln
def makeBinPlot(x,y,diff_array,filt,outname,sigTol=3.5): cut_arr = stats.sigmaclip(diff_array,sigTol,sigTol) min_diff = np.min(cut_arr[0]) max_diff = np.max(cut_arr[0]) use = np.logical_and(diff_array>=min_diff,diff_array<=max_diff) mean, x_edges, y_edges, _ = stats.binned_statistic_2d(x[use],y[use],diff_array[use],statistic='mean',bins=20,range=[[0,4096],[0,4096]]) cm ='viridis') bin_cent_y = (y_edges[1:] + y_edges[:-1])*0.5 bin_cent_x = (x_edges[1:] + x_edges[:-1])*0.5 # extent=(np.min(bin_cent_x),np.max(bin_cent_x),np.min(bin_cent_y),np.max(bin_cent_y)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6)) cax = ax.imshow(mean.T,extent=extent,origin='lower',interpolation='nearest',vmin=min_diff,vmax=max_diff,cmap=cm) cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) title_str = outname + filt ax.set_title(title_str) plt.savefig('./plots2107/' +outname+filt+'_bin.png',dpi=600,bbox_inches='tight') return None
def create_bpm_darks(frame_dark): ''' Create a bad pixel map from DARK(,BACKGROUND)-files based on bias offsets and sigma filtering. Input: list_frame_dark: list of (mean-combined) DARK(,BACKGROUND)-frames Output: frame_bpm_dark: bad pixel map created from darks Function written by Rob van Holstein; constructed from functions by Christian Ginski Function status: verified ''' # Create initial bad pixel map with only 1's frame_bpm_dark = np.ones(frame_dark.shape) # Remove outliers from dark frame and compute median and standard deviation frame_dark_cleaned = stats.sigmaclip(frame_dark, 5, 5)[0] stddev = np.nanstd(frame_dark_cleaned) median = np.nanmedian(frame_dark_cleaned) # Subtract median from dark frame and take absolute value frame_dark = np.abs(frame_dark - median) # Initialize a bad pixel array with 1 as default pixel value frame_bpm = np.ones(frame_dark.shape) # Set pixels that deviate by more than 3.5 sigma from the frame median value # to 0 to flag them as bad pixels frame_bpm[frame_dark > 3.5 * stddev] = 0 # Add bad pixels found to master bad pixel map frame_bpm_dark *= frame_bpm return frame_bpm_dark
def ellipse_continue(img, x_extent, y_extent, \ intens, intens_err, x_center, y_center, a, b, theta, rad): x_cen, y_cen, a_initial, b_initial, angle, a_diff, b_diff = \ end_values(x_extent, y_extent, x_center, y_center, a, b, theta) a_img = dist_ellipse_idl(x_extent, y_extent, \ x_cen, y_cen, a_initial, b_initial, angle) a_remaining = closest_side(x_extent, y_extent, a_img) - a_initial num_measurements = long(a_remaining / a_diff) - 1 if num_measurements > 0: for n in range(num_measurements): a_current = a_initial + n * a_diff logic_img = numpy.logical_and(a_img < a_current + rad, \ a_img > a_current - rad) y_ind, x_ind = numpy.where(logic_img) annulus = img[y_ind, x_ind] nan_ind = numpy.where(annulus == annulus) annulus = annulus[nan_ind] clipped_annulus, lower, upper = sigmaclip(annulus) if n == 0: intens_diff = numpy.mean(clipped_annulus) - intens[-1] else: intens = numpy.append( intens, numpy.mean(clipped_annulus) - intens_diff) intens_err = numpy.append(intens_err, numpy.std(clipped_annulus)) x_center = numpy.append(x_center, x_cen) y_center = numpy.append(y_center, y_cen) a = numpy.append(a, a_current) b = numpy.append(b, a_current * b_initial / a_initial) theta = numpy.append(theta, angle * 180 / 3.14159) return intens, intens_err, x_center, y_center, a, b, theta
def graph_FWHM_data_range(start_date=datetime.datetime(2015,3,6), end_date=datetime.datetime(2015,4,15),tenmin=True, path='/home/douglas/Dropbox (Thacher)/Observatory/Seeing/Data/', write=True,outpath='./'): plot_params() fwhm = get_FWHM_data_range(start_date = start_date, end_date=end_date, path=path, tenmin=tenmin) # Basic stats med = np.median(fwhm) mean = np.mean(fwhm) fwhm_clip, low, high = sigmaclip(fwhm,low=3,high=3) meanclip = np.mean(fwhm_clip) # Get mode using kernel density estimation (KDE) vals = np.linspace(0,30,1000) fkde = gaussian_kde(fwhm) fpdf = fkde(vals) mode = vals[np.argmax(fpdf)] std = np.std(fwhm) plt.ion() plt.figure(99) plt.clf() plt.hist(fwhm, color='darkgoldenrod',bins=35) plt.xlabel('FWHM (arcsec)',fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('Frequency',fontsize=16) plt.annotate('mode $=$ %.2f" ' % mode, [0.87,0.85],horizontalalignment='right', xycoords='figure fraction',fontsize='large') plt.annotate('median $=$ %.2f" ' % med, [0.87,0.8],horizontalalignment='right', xycoords='figure fraction',fontsize='large') plt.annotate('mean $=$ %.2f" ' % mean, [0.87,0.75],horizontalalignment='right', xycoords='figure fraction',fontsize='large') xvals = np.linspace(0,30,1000) kde = gaussian_kde(fwhm) pdf = kde(xvals) dist_c = np.cumsum(pdf)/np.sum(pdf) func = interp1d(dist_c,vals,kind='linear') lo = np.float(func(math.erfc(1./np.sqrt(2)))) hi = np.float(func(math.erf(1./np.sqrt(2)))) disthi = np.linspace(.684,.999,100) distlo = disthi-0.6827 disthis = func(disthi) distlos = func(distlo) interval = np.min(disthis-distlos) plt.annotate('1 $\sigma$ int. $=$ %.2f" ' % interval, [0.87,0.70],horizontalalignment='right', xycoords='figure fraction',fontsize='large') plt.rcdefaults() plt.savefig(outpath+'Seeing_Cumulative.png',dpi=300) return
def __init__(self, weights, branch_num): if branch_num > 1: global clipped_arr global index_count super(fit, self).__init__() self.weights = weights self.branch_num = branch_num self.index = index_count #self.parent_index = parent_index # Auto-calculate chi-squared index_weights = np.nonzero(self.weights) # saves time! #chi_arr = ((,models)) - data) / error chi_arr =[index_weights], chi_models[index_weights]) if branch_num == 0: chi_clipped_arr = sigmaclip(chi_arr, low=3.0, high=3.0) chi_clip_sq = np.square(chi_clipped_arr[0]) clipped_arr = (chi_arr > chi_clipped_arr[1]) & ( chi_arr < chi_clipped_arr[2]) self.clipped_arr = clipped_arr else: chi_clip_sq = np.square(chi_arr[clipped_arr]) chi_squared = np.sum(chi_clip_sq) #print chi_squared self.chi_squared = chi_squared index_count += 1
def getlocalbackground(x, y, xgrid, ygrid, skyrad_o, skyrad_i, fltdata): dst = np.sqrt((xgrid - x)**2 + (ygrid - y)**2) msk = (dst < skyrad_o) & (dst > skyrad_i) skyarr = fltdata[msk] cskyarr, l, u = sigmaclip(skyarr, 2., 2.) return np.nanmean(cskyarr)
def __init__(self, lc, window_width): = lc self.window_width = window_width self._trace = None self.min_period = np.max(sigmaclip(np.diff([0]) self.max_period = 0.5 * ( - self.lctype = lc.lctype
def plotImageStats(image,prefix,inter,stitle=""): """ plot histogram of an image """ back = sigmaclip(image, sigma=2, iters=2) backImage=back.mean() rmsImage=back.std() logbins = np.geomspace(image.min(), image.max(), 50) fig,ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(image.flatten(),bins=logbins,histtype="step") plt.title("Histogram of Region of Interest"+stitle) plt.xlabel("Flux Value") plt.ylabel("N") plt.yscale("log") plt.savefig(prefix+"_stats.png") if(inter == 1): return backImage,rmsImage
def master_sky_plot(): bias_data = cam.get_master_bias(-40) squished = cam.median_stack(i, folder) reduced = squished - bias_data #Subtract master bias #Clip to 3 sigmas the squished image to remove recurring #dead/hot pixels reduce_clipped, _, _ = sigmaclip(reduced, 3, 3) reduce_clipped_s = reduce_clipped / 2 fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(figsize=(13, 3), ncols=3) sky = ax1.imshow(squished, vmin=1900, vmax=2600) ax1.set_title('Median-stacked(DIT=2s,NDIT=8)') fig.colorbar(sky, ax=ax1) bias_img = ax2.imshow(bias_data, vmin=1400, vmax=2000) ax2.set_title('Master Bias(-40C)') fig.colorbar(bias_img, ax=ax2) sky_reduced = ax3.imshow(reduced, vmin=400, vmax=700) ax3.set_title('Bias-subtracted') fig.colorbar(sky_reduced, ax=ax3) plt.suptitle( 'Sky background (no filter) at airmass 2: {}ADUs/pixel/s'.format( round(np.mean(reduce_clipped_s), 2)))
def chi2_from_two_spec(spec1,spec2, wvrange=None): """Return the Chi2 sum of the flux differences between spec1 and spec2 These must be in the same wavelength grid """ from scipy.stats import sigmaclip assert spec1.npix == spec2.npix, "Specs must be of same length" assert np.alltrue(spec1.wavelength == spec2.wavelength), "Specs must be in the same wavelength grid" # obtain error2 if (spec1.sig_is_set) and (spec2.sig_is_set): er2 = spec1.sig**2 + spec2.sig**2 elif (spec1.sig_is_set): er2 = spec1.sig**2 elif (spec2.sig_is_set): er2 = spec2.sig**2 else: er2 = 1. # clean er2 a bit _ , min, max = sigmaclip(er2, low=3, high=3) er2 = np.where(er2 <= min, np.mean(er2), er2) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() chi2 = (spec1.flux - spec2.flux)**2. / er2 cond = ('AA').value >= wvrange[0]) & ('AA').value <= wvrange[1]) chi2_dof = np.sum(chi2[cond])/len(chi2[cond]) return chi2_dof
def chi2_from_two_spec(spec1, spec2, wvrange=None): """Return the Chi2 sum of the flux differences between spec1 and spec2 These must be in the same wavelength grid """ from scipy.stats import sigmaclip assert spec1.npix == spec2.npix, "Specs must be of same length" assert np.alltrue(spec1.wavelength == spec2.wavelength ), "Specs must be in the same wavelength grid" # obtain error2 if (spec1.sig_is_set) and (spec2.sig_is_set): er2 = spec1.sig**2 + spec2.sig**2 elif (spec1.sig_is_set): er2 = spec1.sig**2 elif (spec2.sig_is_set): er2 = spec2.sig**2 else: er2 = 1. # clean er2 a bit _, min, max = sigmaclip(er2, low=3, high=3) er2 = np.where(er2 <= min, np.mean(er2), er2) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() chi2 = (spec1.flux - spec2.flux)**2. / er2 cond = ('AA').value >= wvrange[0]) & ('AA').value <= wvrange[1]) chi2_dof = np.sum(chi2[cond]) / len(chi2[cond]) return chi2_dof
def __init__(self, weights, branch_num): if branch_num > 1: global clipped_arr global index_count super(fit, self).__init__() self.weights = weights self.branch_num = branch_num self.index = index_count #self.parent_index = parent_index # Auto-calculate chi-squared index_weights = np.nonzero(self.weights) # saves time! #chi_arr = ((,models)) - data) / error chi_arr =[index_weights],chi_models[index_weights]) if branch_num == 0: chi_clipped_arr = sigmaclip(chi_arr, low=3.0, high=3.0) chi_clip_sq = np.square(chi_clipped_arr[0]) clipped_arr = (chi_arr > chi_clipped_arr[1]) & (chi_arr < chi_clipped_arr[2]) self.clipped_arr = clipped_arr else: chi_clip_sq = np.square(chi_arr[clipped_arr]) chi_squared = np.sum(chi_clip_sq) #print chi_squared self.chi_squared = chi_squared index_count += 1
def _median_filtering_one_job(task): ''' Median filter worker function for parallelization, works on determining the median filter task - the task being passed to this worker, see median_filtering function for details ''' # Extract parameters (i, periodogramvals, freq_window_index_size, median_filter_size) = task window_vals = [] # For storing values to use in median filtering # Get the values to be used for the filter if i >= freq_window_index_size: if i - freq_window_index_size < 0: raise RuntimeError("Too small, " + str(i - freq_window_index_size)) window_vals.extend(periodogramvals[ max(0, i - freq_window_index_size - median_filter_size + 1):i - freq_window_index_size + 1].tolist()) if i + freq_window_index_size < len(periodogramvals): window_vals.extend(periodogramvals[i + freq_window_index_size:i + freq_window_index_size + median_filter_size].tolist()) window_vals = np.array(window_vals) # Keep only finite ones wherefinite = np.isfinite(window_vals) # Sigma clipping vals, low, upp = sigmaclip(window_vals[wherefinite], low=3, high=3) # Return the median value return np.median(vals)
def findpeaks(x, y, wid, sth, ath, pkg=None, verbose=False): """Find peaks in spectrum""" # derivative grad = np.gradient(y) # smooth derivative win = boxcar(wid) d = sp.signal.convolve(grad, win, mode='same') / sum(win) # size nx = len(x) # set up windowing if not pkg: pkg = wid hgrp = int(pkg/2) hgt = [] pks = [] sgs = [] # loop over spectrum # limits to avoid edges given pkg for i in np.arange(pkg, (nx - pkg)): # find zero crossings if np.sign(d[i]) > np.sign(d[i+1]): # pass slope threshhold? if (d[i] - d[i+1]) > sth * y[i]: # pass amplitude threshhold? if y[i] > ath or y[i+1] > ath: # get subvectors around peak in window xx = x[(i-hgrp):(i+hgrp+1)] yy = y[(i-hgrp):(i+hgrp+1)] if len(yy) > 3: try: # gaussian fit res, _ = curve_fit(gaus, xx, yy, p0=[y[i], x[i], 1.]) # check offset of fit from initial peak r = abs(x - res[1]) t = r.argmin() if abs(i - t) > pkg: if verbose: print(i, t, x[i], res[1], x[t]) else: hgt.append(res[0]) pks.append(res[1]) sgs.append(abs(res[2])) except RuntimeError: continue # clean by sigmas cvals = [] cpks = [] sgmn = None if len(pks) > 0: cln_sgs, low, upp = sigmaclip(sgs, low=3., high=3.) for i in range(len(pks)): if low < sgs[i] < upp: cpks.append(pks[i]) cvals.append(hgt[i]) sgmn = cln_sgs.mean() # sgmd = float(np.nanmedian(cln_sgs)) else: print("No peaks found!") return cpks, sgmn, cvals
def remove_extrema_frames(input_frames: np.ndarray, n_sigma: float = 3) -> np.ndarray: """Remove frames with extremum mean values from the frames used in reference image processing/creation. Likely these are empty frames of pure noise or very high intensity frames relative to mean. Parameters ---------- input_frames : numpy.ndarray, (N, M, K) Set of frames to trim. n_sigma : float, optional Number of standard deviations to above which to clip. Default is 3 which was found to remove all empty frames while preserving most frames. Returns ------- trimmed_frames : numpy.ndarray, (N, M, K) Set of frames with the extremum frames removed. """ frame_means = np.mean(input_frames, axis=(1, 2)) _, low_cut, high_cut = sigmaclip(frame_means, low=n_sigma, high=n_sigma) trimmed_frames = input_frames[np.logical_and(frame_means > low_cut, frame_means < high_cut)] return trimmed_frames
def get_global_FL(tes_xy, peak_azel, npeaks=9, nsig=3): tes_dist = cdist(tes_xy, tes_xy, 'euclidean') tes_dist = np.triu(tes_dist) print(np.max(tes_dist)) plt.figure() plt.imshow(tes_dist) allfl_clip, alltes_dist_cut, alltanalpha_cut = [], [], [] for peak in range(npeaks): # Get all angular distances between peak position azel = peak_azel[:, :, peak] alpha = np.deg2rad(cdist(azel, azel, 'euclidean')) alpha = np.triu(alpha) tanalpha = np.tan(alpha) focal_length = tes_dist / tanalpha fl = focal_length[~np.isnan(focal_length)] fl_clip, mini, maxi = sigmaclip(fl, low=nsig, high=nsig) print(mini, maxi) print(fl_clip.shape) tes_dist_cut = tes_dist[(focal_length > mini) & (focal_length < maxi)] tanalpha_cut = tanalpha[(focal_length > mini) & (focal_length < maxi)] print(tes_dist_cut.shape, tanalpha_cut.shape) allfl_clip.append(fl_clip) alltes_dist_cut.append(tes_dist_cut) alltanalpha_cut.append(tanalpha_cut) fl_mean = [np.mean(fl) for fl in allfl_clip] fl_std = [np.std(fl) / np.sqrt(len(fl)) for fl in allfl_clip] return allfl_clip, fl_mean, fl_std
def read_noise_estimate(n): ''' Capture n pairs of bias frames (520REFCLKS) Produce difference image from each pair and store read noise estimate from sigma/sqrt(2) of difference Output histogram of final pair with RN estimate as average of all pairs ''' cam.set_int_time(0.033) cam.set_frame_time(100) cam.printProgressBar(0, 2 * n, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50) y = 0 RNs = [] for j in range(n): bias_1, _ = cam.simple_cap() y += 1 cam.printProgressBar(y, 2 * n) bias_2, _ = cam.simple_cap() y += 1 cam.printProgressBar(y, 2 * n) bias_1 = np.asarray(bias_1, dtype=np.int32) bias_2 = np.asarray(bias_2, dtype=np.int32) #save max mean dif, max absolute dif bias_dif = bias_2 - bias_1 dif_clipped = bias_dif.flatten() RNs.append(np.std(dif_clipped) / np.sqrt(2)) dev = np.std(dif_clipped) RNs = np.array(RNs) RN = round(np.median(RNs), 3) uncert = round(3 * np.std(RNs), 2) sample_hist, _, _ = stats.sigmaclip(dif_clipped, 5, 5) N, bins, _ = plt.hist(sample_hist,bins = 265,facecolor='blue', alpha=0.75,\ label = 'Bias Difference Image') def fit_function(x, B, sigma): return (B * np.exp(-1.0 * (x**2) / (2 * sigma**2))) popt, _ = optimize.curve_fit(fit_function, xdata=bins[0:-1]+0.5, \ ydata=N, p0=[0, dev]) xspace = np.linspace(bins[0], bins[-1], 100000) fit_dev = round(popt[1], 3) delta_sig = round(abs(fit_dev - dev), 2) plt.plot(xspace+0.5, fit_function(xspace, *popt), color='darkorange', \ linewidth=2.5, label='Gaussian fit, $\Delta\sigma$:{}'.format(delta_sig)) plt.ylabel('No. of Pixels') plt.xlabel('ADUs') plt.title( 'Read Noise Estimate:${}\pm{}$ ADUs ($n={}$, FPA:$-40^\circ$C)'.format( RN, uncert, n)) plt.legend(loc='best') print('PROGRAM HAS COMPLETED')
def fig_lombscargle(lc, min_period=None, max_period=None, Pgp=None, Pmcq=None): """ display the lombscargle plots towards the light curve. """ x = lc.lcf.time y = lc.lcf.flux yerr = lc.lcf.flux_err if min_period == None and max_period == None: min_period = np.max(sigmaclip(np.diff(x))[0]) max_period = 0.5 * (x.max() - x.min()) results = xo.estimators.lomb_scargle_estimator(x, y, yerr, max_peaks=1, min_period=min_period, max_period=max_period, samples_per_peak=100) if len(results["peaks"]) == 0: results = xo.estimators.lomb_scargle_estimator(x, y, max_peaks=1, min_period=min_period, max_period=max_period, samples_per_peak=100) peak = results["peaks"][0] freq, power = results["periodogram"] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.9, 5.5)) plt.plot(-np.log10(freq), power, "k") plt.axvline(np.log10(peak["period"]), color="k", lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="$P_{{LS}}:{period:.2f}d$".format(LS='LS', period=peak['period'])) if Pgp != None: plt.axvline(np.log10(Pgp), color="C1", lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="$P_{{GP}}:{period:.2f}d$".format(GP='GP', period=Pgp)) if Pmcq != None: plt.axvline(np.log10(Pmcq), color="C2", lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="$P_{{Mcq}}:{period:.2f}d$".format(Mcq='Mcq', period=Pmcq)) plt.xlim((-np.log10(freq)).min(), (-np.log10(freq)).max()) plt.yticks([]) plt.xticks(fontsize=20) plt.xlabel("log10(period)", fontsize=15) plt.ylabel("power", fontsize=15) plt.legend() return peak['period'], fig
def include_1overf(data, sigma, left, right, bottom, top, pixeldq, smoothing_length, side_gain): '''Function to remove 1/f noise using side reference pixels.''' # check number of amps used if left > 0: if right > 0: amps = 4 else: amps = 1 else: amps = 1 # get data shape and amp boundaries nint, ngroup, ys, xs = data.shape if amps == 4: bounds = [0, left + 508, left + 1020, left + 1532, xs] else: bounds = [0, xs] vbounds = [0, ys] # get left and right medians, then get the average of those for integ in range(nint): hold = [] for group in range(ngroup): lmeds = None rmeds = None if left > 0: lpix = data[integ, group, :, 0:left] lmeds = oneoverf_medians(lpix, 0, left, pixeldq, smoothing_length) if right > 0: rpix = data[integ, group, :, xs - right:xs] rmeds = oneoverf_medians(rpix, xs - right, xs, pixeldq, smoothing_length) if (lmeds is not None): if (rmeds is not None): meds = np.mean([lmeds, rmeds], axis=0) else: meds = lmeds else: if (rmeds is not None): meds = rmeds # remove the 1/f noise for row in range(ys): data[integ, group, row, :] -= side_gain * meds[row] # put values into a table to compare groups and amps cdat, datlow, dathigh = sigmaclip(data[integ, group, row, :], low=sigma, high=sigma) meandat = np.mean(cdat) hold.append([group, row, meandat, meds[row]]) return data.astype(float), hold
def findFirstEdge(points, candidates, default): result = default clipped, low, high = stats.sigmaclip(points, low=3.5, high=3.5) for candidate in candidates: if points[candidate] < low or points[candidate] > high: result = candidate break return result
def main(**kwargs): # 1 do daophot aperture and psf photometry and run allstar dp = Daophot(image=kwargs.image) dp.PHotometry(stars=kwargs.coo) dp.PSf(psf_stars=kwargs.lst) al = Allstar(dir=dp.dir) al.ALlstar() all_s = al.ALlstars_result print(sigmaclip(all_s.chi)[0].mean()) all_s.hist('chi')
def plot_standard(corr="acorr"): os.chdir(tables_dir) ref = np.loadtxt("stars_lick_val_{0}.txt".format(corr)).T obs = np.loadtxt("stars_lick_obs_{0}.txt".format(corr)).T bands = np.loadtxt("bands_matching_standards.txt", usecols=(0), dtype=str).tolist() bands2, units, error = np.loadtxt("bands.txt", usecols=(0,9,10), dtype=str).T idx = [list(bands2).index(x) for x in bands] idx2 = np.array([list(bands).index(x) for x in bands2]) error = error[idx] units = units[idx] units = [x.replace("Ang", "\AA") for x in units] fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(20,12)) gs = GridSpec(5,5) gs.update(left=0.03, right=0.988, top=0.98, bottom=0.06, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.4) offsets, errs = [], [] for i in range(25): ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) plt.locator_params(axis="y", nbins=6) plt.locator_params(axis="x", nbins=6) ax.minorticks_on() # ax.plot(obs[i], ref[i] - obs[i], "ok") ax.axhline(y=0, ls="--", c="k") diff = ref[i] - obs[i] diff, c1, c2 = sigmaclip(diff[np.isfinite(diff)], 2.5, 2.5) ax.hist(diff, bins=8, color="0.7", histtype='stepfilled') ylim = plt.ylim() xlim = plt.xlim() xlim = np.max(np.abs(xlim)) ax.set_ylim(0, ylim[1] + 2) ax.set_xlim(-xlim, xlim) mean = np.nanmean(diff) N = len(diff) err = np.nanstd(diff) / np.sqrt(N) lab = "${0:.2f}\pm{1:.2f}$".format(mean, err) ax.axvline(x=mean, ls="-", c="r", label=lab) ax.axvline(x=0, ls="--", c="k") # ax.axhline(y=float(error[i])) # ax.axhline(y=-float(error[i])) # ax.set_xlabel("{0} ({1})".format(bands[i].replace("_", " "), units[i])) ax.legend(loc=1,prop={'size':12}) ax.set_xlabel("$\Delta$ {0} ({1})".format(bands[i].replace("_", " "), units[i])) ax.set_ylabel("Frequency") offsets.append(mean) errs.append(err) offsets = np.array(offsets)[idx2] errs = np.array(errs)[idx2] output = os.path.join(home, "plots/lick_stars_{0}.png".format(corr)) plt.savefig(output) with open(os.path.join(tables_dir, "lick_offsets.txt"), "w") as f: f.write("# Index Additive Correction\n") np.savetxt(f, np.column_stack((np.array(bands)[idx2],offsets, errs)), fmt="%s")
def clipping(self): mask = np.ones_like(self.mag, dtype=bool) i = 0 if self.sigma_clip: for rlo, rhi in self.mag_bin_idx_ranges: errors = self.err_sorted[rlo:rhi] if len(self.err_sorted[rlo:rhi]) > 2: # no sigmaclip for 0,1,2 element sets _, elo, ehi = sigmaclip(self.err_sorted[rlo:rhi]) mask[rlo:rhi] = (elo <= self.err_sorted[rlo:rhi]) & (self.err_sorted[rlo:rhi] <= ehi) # print(i, rlo, rhi, len(self.err_sorted[rlo:rhi]), mask[rlo:rhi].sum(), elo, ehi) i += 1 return mask
def test_compare_to_scipy_sigmaclip(): # need to seed the numpy RNG to make sure we don't get some # amazingly flukey random number that breaks one of the tests with NumpyRNGContext(12345): randvar = randn(10000) astropyres = sigma_clip(randvar, sigma=3, iters=None, cenfunc=np.mean) scipyres = stats.sigmaclip(randvar, 3, 3)[0] assert astropyres.count() == len(scipyres) assert_equal(astropyres[~astropyres.mask].data, scipyres)
def avg_compo(sample): """param: table: table file to read data from to create composite sample: name of the sample: main, mixed, bal""" if sample == "main": sample_name= "" comments= "Main sample, nonBALs with only EW >0" elif sample == "mixed": sample_name= "_mixed" comments= "Mixed sample, BAL and nonBAL" elif sample == "bal": sample_name= "_bal" comments= "BAL quasars only" table_name= "sample"+sample_name+"_myflags.fits" tab= t= tab[tab['MY_FLAG'] ==0 ] compo_array= np.arange(1100, 4000, 0.5) for i in range(len(t)): spec_name="./new_proc_data/spec-"+str(t['PLATE'][i])+"-"+str(t['MJD'][i])+"-"+str(t['FIBERID'][i]).zfill(4)+"_proc.fits" flx= spec[0].data[1] wlen= spec[0].data[0] norm_flx= flx/np.median(flx[2360:2390]) # normalize spectra compo_array= np.vstack((compo_array, norm_flx)) # 2D array. 1st row: restframe wavelength, other rows have corrected fluxes of spectra from clusters (one for each row) del spec n= len(compo_array[1:,]) print "composite has", n, "spectra" clipped_compo=[] for j in range(compo_array.shape[1]): y= sigmaclip(compo_array[1:,j], 3, 3) m=median(y[0]) clipped_compo.append(m) avg_compo_name= "./composites/mean_compo"+sample_name+".fits" spec_file= np.vstack((wlen,clipped_compo)) hdu= fits.PrimaryHDU(spec_file) hdr= hdu.header hdr.set('SPEC_NUMBER', n) hdr.set('COMPOSITE', comments) hdu.writeto(avg_compo_name)
def test_compare_to_scipy_sigmaclip(): from numpy.random import randn # need to seed the numpy RNG to make sure we don't get some amazingly flukey # random number that breaks one of the tests with NumpyRNGContext(12345): # Amazing, I've got the same combination on my luggage! randvar = randn(10000) astropyres = funcs.sigma_clip(randvar, 3, None, np.mean)[0] scipyres = stats.sigmaclip(randvar, 3, 3)[0] assert_equal(astropyres, scipyres)
def iter_clip(x, width=100, sigma=3, norm=False, return_idx=False): x = np.array(x, copy=True) n = x.size msk = np.repeat(False, n) for i in range(0, n - width): sub = x[i : i + width] c, l, u = stats.sigmaclip(sub, sigma, sigma) idx = (sub < l) | (sub > u) msk[i : i + width][idx] = True if return_idx: return msk x[msk] = np.nan if norm: return x / np.median(x[~np.isnan(x)]) return x
def Sigmaclip(array, low=4., high=4, axis=None): '''(ndarray, int, int, int) -> ndarray Iterative sigma-clipping of along the given axis. The output array contains only those elements of the input array `c` that satisfy the conditions :: mean(c) - std(c)*low < c < mean(c) + std(c)*high Parameters ---------- a : array_like data array low : float lower bound factor of sigma clipping high : float upper bound factor of sigma clipping Returns ------- c : array sigma clipped mean along axis ''' c = np.asarray(array) if axis is None or c.ndim == 1: #from scipy.stats import sigmaclip out = sigmaclip(c)[0] return out.mean(), out.std() #create masked array c_mask =, np.isnan(c)) delta = 1 while delta: c_std = c_mask.std(axis=axis) c_mean = c_mask.mean(axis=axis) size = c_mask.mask.sum() critlower = c_mean - c_std*low critupper = c_mean + c_std*high indexer = [slice(None)] * c.ndim for i in xrange(c.shape[axis]): indexer[axis] = slice(i,i+1) c_mask[indexer].mask = np.logical_and( c_mask[indexer].squeeze() > critlower, c_mask[indexer].squeeze() < critupper) == False delta = size - c_mask.mask.sum() return c_mask.mean(axis).data, c_mask.std(axis).data
def checkCube(cubename, showlamrms=False, savefig=False): ''' Plot a datacube for checking''' cc = np.load(cubename) Xs = [c.X_as for c in cc] Ys = [c.Y_as for c in cc] if showlamrms: Ss = [0.] * len(cc) for i in range(len(cc)): if cc[i].lamrms is not None: if np.isfinite(cc[i].lamrms): Ss[i] = cc[i].lamrms c, low, upp = sigmaclip(Ss) Smdn = np.median(c) Sstd = np.nanstd(c) print "Nspax: %d, Nclip: %d, <RMS>: %f, RMS(std): %f" % (len(cc), (len(cc)-len(c)), Smdn, Sstd) smx = Smdn + 3.* Sstd smn = Smdn - 3.* Sstd if smn < 0.: smn = 0. cbtitle = "Wavelength RMS [nm]" outf = "cube_lambdarms.pdf" else: Ss = [c.trace_sigma for c in cc] smx = 2 smn = 0.8 cbtitle = "RMS trace width [pix]" outf = "cube_trace_sigma.pdf" pl.figure(1) pl.scatter(Xs, Ys, marker='H', linewidth=0, s=50, c=Ss, vmin=smn, vmax=smx) pl.title("Hexagonal Grid of Cube Positions") pl.xlim(-25,25) pl.ylim(-25,25) pl.colorbar(label=cbtitle) pl.xlabel("X position [as]") pl.ylabel("Y position [as]") pl.grid(True) pl.ioff() if savefig: pl.savefig(outf) print "Figure saved to "+outf else:
def sigma_clip(self, data, dq, low=3.0, high=3.0): """Wrap the scipy.stats.sigmaclip so that data with zero variance is handled cleanly Parameters: ----------- data: NDArray Array of pixels to be sigma-clipped dq: NDArray DQ array for data low: float lower clipping boundary, in standard deviations from the mean (default=3.0) high: float upper clipping boundary, in standard deviations from the mean (default=3.0) Returns: -------- mean: float clipped mean of data array """ # # Only calculate the clipped mean for pixels that don't have the DO_NOT_USE # DQ bit set goodpixels = np.where(np.bitwise_and(dq, dqflags.pixel['DO_NOT_USE'])==0) # # scipy routine fails if the pixels all have exactly the same value if np.std(data[goodpixels],dtype=np.float64) != 0.0: clipped_ref, lowlim, uplim = stats.sigmaclip(data[goodpixels], low, high) mean = clipped_ref.mean() else: mean = data[goodpixels].mean(dtype=np.float64) return mean
def FWHM_ave(data,clip=False,sigmas=False): """ Description: ------------ Computes the average FWHM Expects data dictionary in format of "get_data" """ raw = data['FWHMraw'] sz = len(raw) FWHM = np.ones(sz)* np.nan sigma = np.ones(sz)* np.nan for i in range(sz): #remove empty strings from data before processing if '' in raw[i]: raw[i].remove('') #safeguard against wierd string formatting errors try: vals = np.array(raw[i]).astype('float') except ValueError: vals = [0] if clip: newvals, low, high = sigmaclip(vals,low=clip,high=clip) FWHM[i] = np.mean(newvals) sigma[i] = np.std(newvals) else: FWHM[i] = np.mean(vals) sigma[i] = np.std(vals) FWHM = np.nan_to_num(FWHM) if sigmas: return [FWHM,sigma] else: return FWHM
def _isigclip(i, istack): mn = [] for col in istack: clipped, bot, top = sigmaclip(col, low=3, high=3) mn.append(clipped.mean()) return np.array(mn)
def getGlobalSky(imgArr, mskAll, skyClip=3, zp=27.0, pix=0.168, rebin=4, prefix='coadd_sky', suffix='global_', verbose=True, visual=True, nClip=2): """ Estimate the Global Sky. Estimating the global sky background level by using the mean of a rebined image This could also be used to estimate the expect surface brightness limit of the image """ # Estimate the global background level dimX, dimY = imgArr.shape # Pixel values of all pixels that are not masked out (before rebinned) pixels = imgArr[mskAll == 0].flatten() pixels = pixels[np.isfinite(pixels)] try: pixNoMsk, low3, upp3 = sigmaclip(pixels, low=skyClip, high=skyClip) except Exception: warnings.warn("\n### sigmaclip failed for original image!") pixNoMsk = pixels del pixels try: # Rebin image dimBinX = int((dimX - 1) / rebin) dimBinY = int((dimY - 1) / rebin) imgBin = hUtil.congrid(imgArr, (dimBinX, dimBinY), method='nearest') mskBin = hUtil.congrid(mskAll, (dimBinX, dimBinY), method='neighbour') except Exception: warnings.warn('### congrid failed!') print("\n### Image rebin is failed for this galaxy !!!") imgBin = imgArr mskBin = mskAll # Get all the pixels that are not masked out pixels = imgBin[mskBin == 0].flatten() pixels = pixels[np.isfinite(pixels)] try: pixNoMskBin, low4, upp4 = sigmaclip(pixels, low=skyClip, high=skyClip) except Exception: warnings.warn("### sigmaclip failed for binned image!") pixNoMskBin = pixels numSkyPix = len(pixNoMskBin) # Get the basic statistics of the global sky skyAvg, skyStd = np.nanmean(pixNoMskBin), np.nanstd(pixNoMskBin) if not np.isfinite(skyAvg) or not np.isfinite(skyStd): warnings.warn("\n### No useful global skyAvg / Std for %s" % prefix) skyMed = np.nanmedian(pixNoMskBin) if not np.isfinite(skyMed): warnings.warn("\n### No useful global skyMed for %s" % prefix) skyMed = skyAvg if np.isfinite(skyAvg) else 0.00 skySkw = scipy.stats.skew(pixNoMskBin) sbExpt = cdPrep.getSbpValue(3.0 * skyStd, pix * rebin, pix * rebin, zp=zp) if not np.isfinite(sbExpt): warnings.warn("\n### No useful global sbExpt for %s" % prefix) if verbose: print("### Median / Mean / Std / Skew / SBP: " + " %8.5f / %8.5f / %8.5f / %8.5f / %5.2f" % (skyMed, skyAvg, skyStd, skySkw, sbExpt)) if visual: skyPNG = prefix + '_' + suffix + 'skyhist.png' showSkyHist( pixNoMskBin, skypix2=pixNoMsk, sbExpt=sbExpt, pngName=skyPNG, skyAvg=skyAvg, skyMed=skyMed, skyStd=skyStd, skySkw=skySkw) """Save a txt file summary""" skyTxt = prefix + '_' + suffix + 'sky.dat' text_file = open(skyTxt, "w") text_file.write("IMAGE: %s \n" % prefix) text_file.write("REBIN: %3d \n" % rebin) text_file.write("NSKYPIX: %10d \n" % numSkyPix) text_file.write("SKYMED: %10.6f \n" % skyMed) text_file.write("SKYAVG: %10.6f \n" % skyAvg) text_file.write("SKYSTD: %10.6f \n" % skyStd) text_file.write("SKYSKW: %10.6f \n" % skySkw) text_file.write("SBEXPT: %10.6f \n" % sbExpt) text_file.close() return numSkyPix, skyMed, skyAvg, skyStd, skySkw, sbExpt
def aper(image,xc,yc, phpadu=1, apr=5, zeropoint=25, skyrad=[40,50], badpix=[0,0], setskyval = None, minsky=[], skyalgorithm='mmm', exact = False, readnoise = 0, verbose=True, debug=False): """ Compute concentric aperture photometry on one ore more stars (adapted for IDL from DAOPHOT, then translated from IDL to Python). APER can compute photometry in several user-specified aperture radii. A separate sky value is computed for each source using specified inner and outer sky radii. By default, APER uses a magnitude system where a magnitude of 25 corresponds to 1 flux unit. APER returns both fluxes and magnitudes. REQUIRED INPUTS: image - input image array xc - scalar x value or 1D array of x coordinates. yc - scalar y value or 1D array of y coordinates OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: phpadu - Photons per Analog Digital Units, numeric scalar. Converts the data numbers in IMAGE to photon units. (APER assumes Poisson statistics.) apr - scalar or 1D array of photometry aperture radii in pixel units. zeropoint - zero point for converting flux (in ADU) to magnitudes skyrad - Two element list giving the inner and outer radii to be used for the sky annulus badpix - Two element list giving the minimum and maximum value of a good pix. If BADPIX[0] is equal to BADPIX[1] then it is assumed that there are no bad pixels. exact - By default, APER counts subpixels, but uses a polygon approximation for the intersection of a circular aperture with a square pixel (and normalize the total area of the sum of the pixels to exactly match the circular area). If the /EXACT keyword, then the intersection of the circular aperture with a square pixel is computed exactly. The /EXACT keyword is much slower and is only needed when small (~2 pixels) apertures are used with very undersampled data. print - if set and non-zero then APER will also write its results to a file aper.prt. One can specify the output file name by setting PRINT = 'filename'. verbose - Print warnings, status, and ancillary info to the terminal setskyval - Use this keyword to force the sky to a specified value rather than have APER compute a sky value. SETSKYVAL can either be a scalar specifying the sky value to use for all sources, or a 3 element vector specifying the sky value, the sigma of the sky value, and the number of elements used to compute a sky value. The 3 element form of SETSKYVAL is needed for accurate error budgeting. skyalgorithm - set the algorithm by which the sky value is determined Valid options are 'sigmaclipping' or 'mmm'. RETURNS: mags - NAPER by NSTAR array giving the magnitude for each star in each aperture. (NAPER is the number of apertures, and NSTAR is the number of stars). A flux of 1 digital unit is assigned a zero point magnitude of 25. magerr - NAPER by NSTAR array giving error in magnitude for each star. If a magnitude could not be deter- mined then ERRAP = 9.99. flux - NAPER by NSTAR array giving fluxes fluxerr - NAPER by NSTAR array giving error in each flux sky - NSTAR element array giving sky value for each star skyerr - NSTAR element array giving error in sky values outstr - string for each star and aperture reporting the mag and err PROCEDURES USED: MMM, PIXWT() NOTES: Reasons that a valid magnitude cannot be computed include the following: (1) Star position is too close (within 0.5 pixels) to edge of the frame (2) Less than 20 valid pixels available for computing sky (3) Modal value of sky could not be computed by the procedure MMM (4) *Any* pixel within the aperture radius is a "bad" pixel APER was modified in June 2000 in two ways: (1) the /EXACT keyword was added (2) the approximation of the intersection of a circular aperture with square pixels was improved (i.e. when /EXACT is not used) REVISON HISTORY: Adapted to IDL from DAOPHOT June, 1989 B. Pfarr, STX Adapted for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee, July, 1990 Code, documentation spiffed up W. Landsman August 1991 TEXTOUT may be a string W. Landsman September 1995 FLUX keyword added J. E. Hollis, February, 1996 SETSKYVAL keyword, increase maxsky W. Landsman, May 1997 Work for more than 32767 stars W. Landsman, August 1997 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Don't abort for insufficient sky pixels W. Landsman May 2000 Added /EXACT keyword W. Landsman June 2000 Allow SETSKYVAL = 0 W. Landsman December 2000 Set BADPIX[0] = BADPIX[1] to ignore bad pixels W. L. January 2001 Fix chk_badpixel problem introduced Jan 01 C. Ishida/W.L. February 2001 Converted from IDL to python D. Jones January 2014 Adapted for hstphot project S. Rodney July 2014 """ if verbose > 1: import time tstart = time.time() elif verbose: import time if debug : import pdb pdb.set_trace() # Force np arrays if not np.iterable( xc ): xc = np.array([xc]) yc = np.array([yc]) assert len(xc) == len(yc), 'xc and yc arrays must be identical length.' if not np.iterable( apr ) : apr = np.array( [ apr ] ) Naper = len( apr ) # Number of apertures Nstars = len( xc ) # Number of stars to measure # Set parameter limits if len(minsky) == 0: minsky = 20 # Number of columns and rows in image array s = np.shape(image) ncol = s[1] nrow = s[0] if setskyval is not None : if not np.iterable(setskyval) : setskyval = [setskyval,0.,1.] assert len(setskyval)==3, 'Keyword SETSKYVAL must contain 1 or 3 elements' skyrad = [ 0., np.max(apr) + 1] #use np.max (max function does not work on scalars) skyrad = asfarray(skyrad) # String array to display mags for all apertures in one line for each star outstr = [ '' for star in range(Nstars)] # Declare arrays mag = zeros( [ Nstars, Naper]) magerr = zeros( [ Nstars, Naper]) flux = zeros( [ Nstars, Naper]) fluxerr = zeros( [ Nstars, Naper]) badflag = zeros( [ Nstars, Naper]) sky = zeros( Nstars ) skyerr = zeros( Nstars ) area = np.pi*apr*apr # Area of each aperture if exact: bigrad = apr + 0.5 smallrad = apr/np.sqrt(2) - 0.5 if setskyval is None : rinsq = skyrad[0]**2 routsq = skyrad[1]**2 # Compute the limits of the submatrix. Do all stars in vector notation. lx = (xc-skyrad[1]).astype(int) # Lower limit X direction ly = (yc-skyrad[1]).astype(int) # Lower limit Y direction ux = (xc+skyrad[1]).astype(int) # Upper limit X direction uy = (yc+skyrad[1]).astype(int) # Upper limit Y direction lx[where(lx < 0)[0]] = 0 ux[where(ux > ncol-1)[0]] = ncol-1 nx = ux-lx+1 # Number of pixels X direction ly[where(ly < 0)[0]] = 0 uy[where(uy > nrow-1)[0]] = nrow-1 ny = uy-ly +1 # Number of pixels Y direction dx = xc-lx # X coordinate of star's centroid in subarray dy = yc-ly # Y coordinate of star's centroid in subarray # Find the edge of the subarray that is closest to each star # and then flag any stars that are too close to the edge or off-image edge = zeros(len(dx)) for i,dx1,nx1,dy1,ny1 in zip(range(len(dx)),dx,nx,dy,ny): edge[i] = min([(dx[i]-0.5),(nx[i]+0.5-dx[i]),(dy[i]-0.5),(ny[i]+0.5-dy[i])]) badstar = np.where( (xc<0.5) | (xc>ncol-1.5) | (yc<0.5) | (yc>nrow-1.5), 1, 0 ) if np.any( badstar ) : nbad = badstar.sum() print('WARNING [] - ' + str(nbad) + ' star positions outside image') if verbose : tloop = time.time() for i in range(Nstars): # Compute magnitudes for each star while True : # mimic GOTO statements : break out of this while block whenever # we decide this star is bad apflux = asarray([np.nan]*Naper) apfluxerr = asarray([np.nan]*Naper) apmag = asarray([np.nan]*Naper) apmagerr = asarray([np.nan]*Naper) skymod = 0. # Sky mode skysig = 0. # Sky sigma skyskw = 0. # Sky skew error1 = asarray([np.nan]*Naper) error2 = asarray([np.nan]*Naper) error3 = array([np.nan]*Naper) apbad = np.ones( Naper ) if badstar[i]: # star is bad, return NaNs for all values break rotbuf = image[ ly[i]:uy[i]+1,lx[i]:ux[i]+1 ] #Extract subarray from image shapey,shapex = np.shape(rotbuf)[0],np.shape(rotbuf)[1] # RSQ will be an array, the same size as ROTBUF containing the square of # the distance of each pixel to the center pixel. dxsq = ( arange( nx[i] ) - dx[i] )**2 rsq = np.ones( [ny[i], nx[i]] ) for ii in range(ny[i]): rsq[ii,:] = dxsq + (ii-dy[i])**2 if exact: nbox = range(nx[i]*ny[i]) xx = (nbox % nx[i]).reshape( ny[i], nx[i]) yy = (nbox/nx[i]).reshape(ny[i],nx[i]) x1 = np.abs(xx-dx[i]) y1 = np.abs(yy-dy[i]) else: r = np.sqrt(rsq) - 0.5 #2-d array of the radius of each pixel in the subarray rsq,rotbuf = rsq.reshape(shapey*shapex),rotbuf.reshape(shapey*shapex) if setskyval is None : # skypix will be 1-d array of sky pixels skypix = np.zeros( rsq.shape ) # Select pixels within sky annulus, skypix[where(( rsq >= rinsq ) & ( rsq <= routsq ))[0]] = 1 if badpix[0]!=badpix[1] : # Eliminate pixels above or below the badpix threshold vals skypix[where(((rotbuf < badpix[0]) | (rotbuf > badpix[1])) & (skypix == 1))[0]] = 0 sindex = where(skypix)[0] nsky = len(sindex) if ( nsky < minsky ): # Insufficient sky pixels? if verbose: print("ERROR: nsky=%i is fewer than minimum %i valid pixels in the sky annulus."%(nsky,minsky)) break skybuf = rotbuf[ sindex[0:nsky] ] if skyalgorithm.startswith('sigmaclip'): # The sky annulus is (nearly) empty of stars, (as in a diff image) # so we can simply compute the sigma-clipped mean of all pixels in # the annulus skybufclipped,lothresh,hithresh = sigmaclip( skybuf, low=4.0, high=4.0) skymod = np.mean( skybufclipped ) skysig = np.std( skybufclipped ) skyskw = skew( skybufclipped ) else: # Compute the sky mode, sigma and skewness using the # mean/median/mode algorithm in, which assumes that # most of the outlier pixels are positive. skymod, skysig, skyskw = mmm.mmm(skybuf,readnoise=readnoise,minsky=minsky) skyvar = skysig**2 #Variance of the sky brightness sigsq = skyvar/nsky #Square of standard error of mean sky brightness if ( skysig < 0.0 ): # If the modal sky value could not be determined, then all # apertures for this star are bad. So skip to the next. break if skysig > 999.99: skysig = 999 #Don't overload output formats if skyskw < -99: skyskw = -99 if skyskw > 999.9: skyskw = 999.9 else: skymod = setskyval[0] skysig = setskyval[1] nsky = setskyval[2] skyvar = skysig**2 sigsq = skyvar/nsky skyskw = 0 for k in range(Naper): # Find pixels within each aperture if ( edge[i] >= apr[k] ): #Does aperture extend outside the image? if exact: mask = zeros(ny[i]*nx[i]) x1,y1 = x1.reshape(ny[i]*nx[i]),y1.reshape(ny[i]*nx[i]) igoodmag = where( ( x1 < smallrad[k] ) & (y1 < smallrad[k] ))[-1] Ngoodmag = len(igoodmag) if Ngoodmag > 0: mask[igoodmag] = 1 bad = where( (x1 > bigrad[k]) | (y1 > bigrad[k] ))[-1] mask[bad] = -1 gfract = where(mask == 0.0)[0] Nfract = len(gfract) if Nfract > 0: yygfract = yy.reshape(ny[i]*nx[i])[gfract] xxgfract = xx.reshape(ny[i]*nx[i])[gfract] mask[gfract] = pixwt.Pixwt(dx[i],dy[i],apr[k],xxgfract,yygfract) mask[gfract[where(mask[gfract] < 0.0)[0]]] = 0.0 thisap = where(mask > 0.0)[0] thisapd = rotbuf[thisap] fractn = mask[thisap] else: # approximating the circular aperture shape rshapey,rshapex = np.shape(r)[0],np.shape(r)[1] thisap = where( r.reshape(rshapey*rshapex) < apr[k] )[0] # Select pixels within radius thisapd = rotbuf.reshape(rshapey*rshapex)[thisap] thisapr = r.reshape(rshapey*rshapex)[thisap] fractn = apr[k]-thisapr fractn[where(fractn > 1)[0]] = 1 fractn[where(fractn < 0)[0]] = 0 # Fraction of pixels to count full = zeros(len(fractn)) full[where(fractn == 1)[0]] = 1.0 gfull = where(full)[0] Nfull = len(gfull) gfract = where(1 - full)[0] factor = (area[k] - Nfull ) / np.sum(fractn[gfract]) fractn[gfract] = fractn[gfract]*factor else: if verbose : print("WARNING []: aperture extends outside the image!") continue # END "if exact ... else ..." # Check for any bad pixel values (nan,inf) and those outside # the user-specified range of valid pixel values. If any # are found in the aperture, raise the badflux flag. apbad[k] = 0 if not np.all( np.isfinite(thisapd) ) : if verbose : print("WARNING : nan or inf pixels detected in aperture.\n" "We're setting these to 0, but the photometry" "may be biased.") thisapd[np.isfinite(thisapd)==False] = 0 apbad[k] = 1 fractn = 0 if badpix[0] < badpix[1] : ibadpix = np.where((thisapd<=badpix[0]) | (thisapd>=badpix[1])) if len(ibadpix[0]) > 0 : if verbose : print("WARNING : pixel values detected in aperture" " that are outside of the allowed range " " [%.1f , %.1f] \n"%(badpix[0],badpix[1]) + "We're treating these as 0, but the " "photometry may be biased.") thisapd[ibadpix] = 0 apbad[k] = 1 # Sum the flux over the irregular aperture apflux[k] = np.sum(thisapd*fractn) # END for loop over apertures igoodflux = where(np.isfinite(apflux))[0] Ngoodflux = len(igoodflux) if Ngoodflux > 0: if verbose > 2 : print(" SRCFLUX APFLUX SKYMOD AREA") for igf in igoodflux : print("%.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f "%(apflux[igf]-skymod*area[igf],apflux[igf],skymod,area[igf])) # Subtract sky from the integrated brightnesses apflux[igoodflux] = apflux[igoodflux] - skymod*area[igoodflux] # Compute flux error error1[igoodflux] = area[igoodflux]*skyvar #Scatter in sky values error2[igoodflux] = np.abs(apflux[igoodflux])/phpadu #Random photon noise error3[igoodflux] = sigsq*area[igoodflux]**2 #Uncertainty in mean sky brightness apfluxerr[igoodflux] = np.sqrt(error1[igoodflux] + error2[igoodflux] + error3[igoodflux]) igoodmag = where (apflux > 0.0)[0] # Are there any valid integrated fluxes? Ngoodmag = len(igoodmag) if ( Ngoodmag > 0 ) : # convert valid fluxes to mags apmagerr[igoodmag] = 1.0857*apfluxerr[igoodmag]/apflux[igoodmag] #1.0857 = log(10)/2.5 apmag[igoodmag] = zeropoint-2.5*np.log10(apflux[igoodmag]) break # Closing the 'while True' loop. # TODO : make a more informative output string outstr[i] = '%.3f,%.3f :'%(xc[i],yc[i]) + \ ' '.join( [ '%.4f+-%.4f'%(apmag[ii],apmagerr[ii]) for ii in range(Naper) ] ) sky[i] = skymod skyerr[i] = skysig mag[i,:] = apmag magerr[i,:]= apmagerr flux[i,:] = apflux fluxerr[i,:]= apfluxerr badflag[i,:] = apbad if Nstars == 1 : sky = sky[0] skyerr = skyerr[0] mag = mag[0] magerr = magerr[0] flux = flux[0] fluxerr = fluxerr[0] badflag = badflag[0] outstr = outstr[0] if verbose>1: print('hstphot.aper took %.3f seconds'%(time.time()-tstart)) print('Each of %i loops took %.3f seconds'%(Nstars,(time.time()-tloop)/Nstars)) return(mag,magerr,flux,fluxerr,sky,skyerr,badflag,outstr)
def apphot_ps1stars(ccd, ps, apertures, decals, sky_inner_r=40, sky_outer_r=50): im = decals.get_image_object(ccd) tim = im.get_tractor_image(gaussPsf=True, splinesky=True) img = tim.getImage() wcs = tim.subwcs magrange = (15,21) ps1 = ps1cat(ccdwcs=wcs) ps1 = ps1.get_stars(magrange=magrange) print 'Got', len(ps1), 'PS1 stars' band = ccd.filter piband = ps1cat.ps1band[band] print 'band:', band ps1.cut(ps1.nmag_ok[:,piband] > 0) print 'Keeping', len(ps1), 'stars with nmag_ok' ok,x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ps1.ra, ps1.dec) apxy = np.vstack((x - 1., y - 1.)).T ap = [] aperr = [] nmasked = [] with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): ie = tim.getInvError() imsigma = 1. / ie imsigma[ie == 0] = 0 mask = (imsigma == 0) for rad in apertures: aper = photutils.CircularAperture(apxy, rad) p = photutils.aperture_photometry(img, aper, error=imsigma, mask=mask) aperr.append(p.field('aperture_sum_err')) ap.append(p.field('aperture_sum')) p = photutils.aperture_photometry((ie == 0), aper) nmasked.append(p.field('aperture_sum')) ap = np.vstack(ap).T aperr = np.vstack(aperr).T nmasked = np.vstack(nmasked).T print 'Aperture fluxes:', ap[:5] print 'Aperture flux errors:', aperr[:5] print 'Nmasked:', nmasked[:5] H,W = img.shape sky = [] skysigma = [] skymed = [] skynmasked = [] for xi,yi in zip(x,y): ix = int(np.round(xi)) iy = int(np.round(yi)) skyR = sky_outer_r xlo = max(0, ix-skyR) xhi = min(W, ix+skyR+1) ylo = max(0, iy-skyR) yhi = min(H, iy+skyR+1) xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xlo,xhi), np.arange(ylo,yhi)) r2 = (xx - xi)**2 + (yy - yi)**2 inannulus = ((r2 >= sky_inner_r**2) * (r2 < sky_outer_r**2)) unmasked = (ie[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi] > 0) #sky.append(np.median(img[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi][inannulus * unmasked])) skypix = img[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi][inannulus * unmasked] # this is the default value... nsigma = 4. goodpix,lo,hi = sigmaclip(skypix, low=nsigma, high=nsigma) # sigmaclip returns unclipped pixels, lo,hi, where lo,hi are # mean(goodpix) +- nsigma * sigma meansky = np.mean(goodpix) sky.append(meansky) skysigma.append((meansky - lo) / nsigma) skymed.append(np.median(skypix)) skynmasked.append(np.sum(inannulus * np.logical_not(unmasked))) sky = np.array(sky) skysigma = np.array(skysigma) skymed = np.array(skymed) skynmasked = np.array(skynmasked) print 'sky', sky[:5] print 'median sky', skymed[:5] print 'sky sigma', skysigma[:5] psmag = ps1.median[:,piband] ap2 = ap - sky[:,np.newaxis] * (np.pi * apertures**2)[np.newaxis,:] if ps is not None: plt.clf() nstars,naps = ap.shape for iap in range(naps): plt.plot(psmag, ap[:,iap], 'b.') #for iap in range(naps): # plt.plot(psmag, ap2[:,iap], 'r.') plt.yscale('symlog') plt.xlabel('PS1 %s mag' % band) plt.ylabel('DECam Aperture Flux') #plt.plot(psmag, nmasked[:,-1], 'ro') plt.plot(np.vstack((psmag,psmag)), np.vstack((np.zeros_like(psmag),nmasked[:,-1])), 'r-', alpha=0.5) plt.ylim(0, 1e3) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot(ap.T / np.max(ap, axis=1), '.') plt.ylim(0, 1) ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow(tim.getImage(), **tim.ima) ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(x, y, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none', ms=10) plt.axis(ax) ps.savefig() color = ps1_to_decam(ps1.median, band) print 'Color terms:', color T = fits_table() T.apflux = ap.astype(np.float32) T.apfluxerr = aperr.astype(np.float32) T.apnmasked = nmasked.astype(np.int16) # Zero out the errors when pixels are masked T.apfluxerr[T.apnmasked > 0] = 0. #T.apflux2 = ap2.astype(np.float32) = sky.astype(np.float32) T.skysigma = skysigma.astype(np.float32) T.expnum = np.array([ccd.expnum] * len(T)) T.ccdname = np.array([ccd.ccdname] * len(T)).astype('S3') = np.array([band] * len(T)) T.ps1_objid = ps1.obj_id T.ps1_mag = psmag + color T.ra = ps1.ra T.dec = ps1.dec T.tai = np.array([tim.time.toMjd()] * len(T)).astype(np.float32) T.airmass = np.array([tim.primhdr['AIRMASS']] * len(T)).astype(np.float32) T.x = (x + tim.x0).astype(np.float32) T.y = (y + tim.y0).astype(np.float32) if False: plt.clf() plt.plot(skymed, sky, 'b.') plt.xlabel('sky median') plt.ylabel('sigma-clipped sky') ax = plt.axis() lo,hi = min(ax),max(ax) plt.plot([lo,hi],[lo,hi],'k-', alpha=0.25) plt.axis(ax) ps.savefig() return T, tim.primhdr
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", "--infile", required=True, help="Tabular file.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", required=True, help="Path to the output file.") parser.add_argument("--sample_one_cols", help="Input format, like smi, sdf, inchi") parser.add_argument("--sample_two_cols", help="Input format, like smi, sdf, inchi") parser.add_argument("--sample_cols", help="Input format, like smi, sdf, inchi,separate arrays using ;") parser.add_argument("--test_id", help="statistical test method") parser.add_argument( "--mwu_use_continuity", action="store_true", default=False, help="Whether a continuity correction (1/2.) should be taken into account.", ) parser.add_argument( "--equal_var", action="store_true", default=False, help="If set perform a standard independent 2 sample test that assumes equal population variances. If not set, perform Welch's t-test, which does not assume equal population variance.", ) parser.add_argument( "--reta", action="store_true", default=False, help="Whether or not to return the internally computed a values." ) parser.add_argument("--fisher", action="store_true", default=False, help="if true then Fisher definition is used") parser.add_argument( "--bias", action="store_true", default=False, help="if false,then the calculations are corrected for statistical bias", ) parser.add_argument("--inclusive1", action="store_true", default=False, help="if false,lower_limit will be ignored") parser.add_argument( "--inclusive2", action="store_true", default=False, help="if false,higher_limit will be ignored" ) parser.add_argument("--inclusive", action="store_true", default=False, help="if false,limit will be ignored") parser.add_argument( "--printextras", action="store_true", default=False, help="If True, if there are extra points a warning is raised saying how many of those points there are", ) parser.add_argument( "--initial_lexsort", action="store_true", default="False", help="Whether to use lexsort or quicksort as the sorting method for the initial sort of the inputs.", ) parser.add_argument("--correction", action="store_true", default=False, help="continuity correction ") parser.add_argument( "--axis", type=int, default=0, help="Axis can equal None (ravel array first), or an integer (the axis over which to operate on a and b)", ) parser.add_argument( "--n", type=int, default=0, help="the number of trials. This is ignored if x gives both the number of successes and failures", ) parser.add_argument("--b", type=int, default=0, help="The number of bins to use for the histogram") parser.add_argument("--N", type=int, default=0, help="Score that is compared to the elements in a.") parser.add_argument("--ddof", type=int, default=0, help="Degrees of freedom correction") parser.add_argument("--score", type=int, default=0, help="Score that is compared to the elements in a.") parser.add_argument("--m", type=float, default=0.0, help="limits") parser.add_argument("--mf", type=float, default=2.0, help="lower limit") parser.add_argument("--nf", type=float, default=99.9, help="higher_limit") parser.add_argument( "--p", type=float, default=0.5, help="The hypothesized probability of success. 0 <= p <= 1. The default value is p = 0.5", ) parser.add_argument("--alpha", type=float, default=0.9, help="probability") parser.add_argument("--new", type=float, default=0.0, help="Value to put in place of values in a outside of bounds") parser.add_argument( "--proportiontocut", type=float, default=0.0, help="Proportion (in range 0-1) of total data set to trim of each end.", ) parser.add_argument( "--lambda_", type=float, default=1.0, help="lambda_ gives the power in the Cressie-Read power divergence statistic", ) parser.add_argument( "--imbda", type=float, default=0, help="If lmbda is not None, do the transformation for that value.If lmbda is None, find the lambda that maximizes the log-likelihood function and return it as the second output argument.", ) parser.add_argument("--base", type=float, default=1.6, help="The logarithmic base to use, defaults to e") parser.add_argument("--dtype", help="dtype") parser.add_argument("--med", help="med") parser.add_argument("--cdf", help="cdf") parser.add_argument("--zero_method", help="zero_method options") parser.add_argument("--dist", help="dist options") parser.add_argument("--ties", help="ties options") parser.add_argument("--alternative", help="alternative options") parser.add_argument("--mode", help="mode options") parser.add_argument("--method", help="method options") parser.add_argument("--md", help="md options") parser.add_argument("--center", help="center options") parser.add_argument("--kind", help="kind options") parser.add_argument("--tail", help="tail options") parser.add_argument("--interpolation", help="interpolation options") parser.add_argument("--statistic", help="statistic options") args = parser.parse_args() infile = args.infile outfile = open(args.outfile, "w+") test_id = args.test_id nf = mf = imbda = args.imbda inclusive1 = args.inclusive1 inclusive2 = args.inclusive2 sample0 = 0 sample1 = 0 sample2 = 0 if args.sample_cols != None: sample0 = 1 barlett_samples = [] for sample in args.sample_cols.split(";"): barlett_samples.append(map(int, sample.split(","))) if args.sample_one_cols != None: sample1 = 1 sample_one_cols = args.sample_one_cols.split(",") if args.sample_two_cols != None: sample_two_cols = args.sample_two_cols.split(",") sample2 = 1 for line in open(infile): sample_one = [] sample_two = [] cols = line.strip().split("\t") if sample0 == 1: b_samples = columns_to_values(barlett_samples, line) if sample1 == 1: for index in sample_one_cols: sample_one.append(cols[int(index) - 1]) if sample2 == 1: for index in sample_two_cols: sample_two.append(cols[int(index) - 1]) if test_id.strip() == "describe": size, min_max, mean, uv, bs, bk = stats.describe(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(size) cols.append(min_max) cols.append(mean) cols.append(uv) cols.append(bs) cols.append(bk) elif test_id.strip() == "mode": vals, counts = stats.mode(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(vals) cols.append(counts) elif test_id.strip() == "nanmean": m = stats.nanmean(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(m) elif test_id.strip() == "nanmedian": m = stats.nanmedian(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(m) elif test_id.strip() == "kurtosistest": z_value, p_value = stats.kurtosistest(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(z_value) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "variation": ra = stats.variation(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(ra) elif test_id.strip() == "itemfreq": freq = stats.itemfreq(map(float, sample_one)) for list in freq: elements = ",".join(map(str, list)) cols.append(elements) elif test_id.strip() == "nanmedian": m = stats.nanmedian(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(m) elif test_id.strip() == "variation": ra = stats.variation(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(ra) elif test_id.strip() == "boxcox_llf": IIf = stats.boxcox_llf(imbda, map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(IIf) elif test_id.strip() == "tiecorrect": fa = stats.tiecorrect(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(fa) elif test_id.strip() == "rankdata": r = stats.rankdata(map(float, sample_one), cols.append(r) elif test_id.strip() == "nanstd": s = stats.nanstd(map(float, sample_one), bias=args.bias) cols.append(s) elif test_id.strip() == "anderson": A2, critical, sig = stats.anderson(map(float, sample_one), dist=args.dist) cols.append(A2) for list in critical: cols.append(list) cols.append(",") for list in sig: cols.append(list) elif test_id.strip() == "binom_test": p_value = stats.binom_test(map(float, sample_one), n=args.n, p=args.p) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "gmean": gm = stats.gmean(map(float, sample_one), dtype=args.dtype) cols.append(gm) elif test_id.strip() == "hmean": hm = stats.hmean(map(float, sample_one), dtype=args.dtype) cols.append(hm) elif test_id.strip() == "kurtosis": k = stats.kurtosis(map(float, sample_one), axis=args.axis, fisher=args.fisher, bias=args.bias) cols.append(k) elif test_id.strip() == "moment": n_moment = stats.moment(map(float, sample_one), n=args.n) cols.append(n_moment) elif test_id.strip() == "normaltest": k2, p_value = stats.normaltest(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(k2) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "skew": skewness = stats.skew(map(float, sample_one), bias=args.bias) cols.append(skewness) elif test_id.strip() == "skewtest": z_value, p_value = stats.skewtest(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(z_value) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "sem": s = stats.sem(map(float, sample_one), ddof=args.ddof) cols.append(s) elif test_id.strip() == "zscore": z = stats.zscore(map(float, sample_one), ddof=args.ddof) for list in z: cols.append(list) elif test_id.strip() == "signaltonoise": s2n = stats.signaltonoise(map(float, sample_one), ddof=args.ddof) cols.append(s2n) elif test_id.strip() == "percentileofscore": p = stats.percentileofscore(map(float, sample_one), score=args.score, kind=args.kind) cols.append(p) elif test_id.strip() == "bayes_mvs": c_mean, c_var, c_std = stats.bayes_mvs(map(float, sample_one), alpha=args.alpha) cols.append(c_mean) cols.append(c_var) cols.append(c_std) elif test_id.strip() == "sigmaclip": c, c_low, c_up = stats.sigmaclip(map(float, sample_one), low=args.m, high=args.n) cols.append(c) cols.append(c_low) cols.append(c_up) elif test_id.strip() == "kstest": d, p_value = stats.kstest( map(float, sample_one), cdf=args.cdf, N=args.N, alternative=args.alternative, mode=args.mode ) cols.append(d) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "chi2_contingency": chi2, p, dof, ex = stats.chi2_contingency( map(float, sample_one), correction=args.correction, lambda_=args.lambda_ ) cols.append(chi2) cols.append(p) cols.append(dof) cols.append(ex) elif test_id.strip() == "tmean": if nf is 0 and mf is 0: mean = stats.tmean(map(float, sample_one)) else: mean = stats.tmean(map(float, sample_one), (mf, nf), (inclusive1, inclusive2)) cols.append(mean) elif test_id.strip() == "tmin": if mf is 0: min = stats.tmin(map(float, sample_one)) else: min = stats.tmin(map(float, sample_one), lowerlimit=mf, inclusive=args.inclusive) cols.append(min) elif test_id.strip() == "tmax": if nf is 0: max = stats.tmax(map(float, sample_one)) else: max = stats.tmax(map(float, sample_one), upperlimit=nf, inclusive=args.inclusive) cols.append(max) elif test_id.strip() == "tvar": if nf is 0 and mf is 0: var = stats.tvar(map(float, sample_one)) else: var = stats.tvar(map(float, sample_one), (mf, nf), (inclusive1, inclusive2)) cols.append(var) elif test_id.strip() == "tstd": if nf is 0 and mf is 0: std = stats.tstd(map(float, sample_one)) else: std = stats.tstd(map(float, sample_one), (mf, nf), (inclusive1, inclusive2)) cols.append(std) elif test_id.strip() == "tsem": if nf is 0 and mf is 0: s = stats.tsem(map(float, sample_one)) else: s = stats.tsem(map(float, sample_one), (mf, nf), (inclusive1, inclusive2)) cols.append(s) elif test_id.strip() == "scoreatpercentile": if nf is 0 and mf is 0: s = stats.scoreatpercentile( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), interpolation_method=args.interpolation ) else: s = stats.scoreatpercentile( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), (mf, nf), interpolation_method=args.interpolation ) for list in s: cols.append(list) elif test_id.strip() == "relfreq": if nf is 0 and mf is 0: rel, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.relfreq(map(float, sample_one), args.b) else: rel, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.relfreq(map(float, sample_one), args.b, (mf, nf)) for list in rel: cols.append(list) cols.append(low_range) cols.append(binsize) cols.append(ex) elif test_id.strip() == "binned_statistic": if nf is 0 and mf is 0: st, b_edge, b_n = stats.binned_statistic( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), statistic=args.statistic, bins=args.b ) else: st, b_edge, b_n = stats.binned_statistic( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), statistic=args.statistic, bins=args.b, range=(mf, nf), ) cols.append(st) cols.append(b_edge) cols.append(b_n) elif test_id.strip() == "threshold": if nf is 0 and mf is 0: o = stats.threshold(map(float, sample_one), else: o = stats.threshold(map(float, sample_one), mf, nf, for list in o: cols.append(list) elif test_id.strip() == "trimboth": o = stats.trimboth(map(float, sample_one), proportiontocut=args.proportiontocut) for list in o: cols.append(list) elif test_id.strip() == "trim1": t1 = stats.trim1(map(float, sample_one), proportiontocut=args.proportiontocut, tail=args.tail) for list in t1: cols.append(list) elif test_id.strip() == "histogram": if nf is 0 and mf is 0: hi, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.histogram(map(float, sample_one), args.b) else: hi, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.histogram(map(float, sample_one), args.b, (mf, nf)) cols.append(hi) cols.append(low_range) cols.append(binsize) cols.append(ex) elif test_id.strip() == "cumfreq": if nf is 0 and mf is 0: cum, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.cumfreq(map(float, sample_one), args.b) else: cum, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.cumfreq(map(float, sample_one), args.b, (mf, nf)) cols.append(cum) cols.append(low_range) cols.append(binsize) cols.append(ex) elif test_id.strip() == "boxcox_normmax": if nf is 0 and mf is 0: ma = stats.boxcox_normmax(map(float, sample_one)) else: ma = stats.boxcox_normmax(map(float, sample_one), (mf, nf), method=args.method) cols.append(ma) elif test_id.strip() == "boxcox": if imbda is 0: box, ma, ci = stats.boxcox(map(float, sample_one), alpha=args.alpha) cols.append(box) cols.append(ma) cols.append(ci) else: box = stats.boxcox(map(float, sample_one), imbda, alpha=args.alpha) cols.append(box) elif test_id.strip() == "histogram2": h2 = stats.histogram2(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two)) for list in h2: cols.append(list) elif test_id.strip() == "ranksums": z_statistic, p_value = stats.ranksums(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two)) cols.append(z_statistic) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "ttest_1samp": t, prob = stats.ttest_1samp(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two)) for list in t: cols.append(list) for list in prob: cols.append(list) elif test_id.strip() == "ansari": AB, p_value = stats.ansari(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two)) cols.append(AB) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "linregress": slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, stderr = stats.linregress( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two) ) cols.append(slope) cols.append(intercept) cols.append(r_value) cols.append(p_value) cols.append(stderr) elif test_id.strip() == "pearsonr": cor, p_value = stats.pearsonr(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two)) cols.append(cor) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "pointbiserialr": r, p_value = stats.pointbiserialr(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two)) cols.append(r) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "ks_2samp": d, p_value = stats.ks_2samp(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two)) cols.append(d) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "mannwhitneyu": mw_stats_u, p_value = stats.mannwhitneyu( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), use_continuity=args.mwu_use_continuity ) cols.append(mw_stats_u) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "zmap": z = stats.zmap(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), ddof=args.ddof) for list in z: cols.append(list) elif test_id.strip() == "ttest_ind": mw_stats_u, p_value = stats.ttest_ind( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), equal_var=args.equal_var ) cols.append(mw_stats_u) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "ttest_rel": t, prob = stats.ttest_rel(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), axis=args.axis) cols.append(t) cols.append(prob) elif test_id.strip() == "mood": z, p_value = stats.mood(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), axis=args.axis) cols.append(z) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "shapiro": W, p_value, a = stats.shapiro(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), args.reta) cols.append(W) cols.append(p_value) for list in a: cols.append(list) elif test_id.strip() == "kendalltau": k, p_value = stats.kendalltau( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), initial_lexsort=args.initial_lexsort ) cols.append(k) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "entropy": s = stats.entropy(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), base=args.base) cols.append(s) elif test_id.strip() == "spearmanr": if sample2 == 1: rho, p_value = stats.spearmanr(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two)) else: rho, p_value = stats.spearmanr(map(float, sample_one)) cols.append(rho) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "wilcoxon": if sample2 == 1: T, p_value = stats.wilcoxon( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), zero_method=args.zero_method, correction=args.correction, ) else: T, p_value = stats.wilcoxon( map(float, sample_one), zero_method=args.zero_method, correction=args.correction ) cols.append(T) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "chisquare": if sample2 == 1: rho, p_value = stats.chisquare(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), ddof=args.ddof) else: rho, p_value = stats.chisquare(map(float, sample_one), ddof=args.ddof) cols.append(rho) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "power_divergence": if sample2 == 1: stat, p_value = stats.power_divergence( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), ddof=args.ddof, lambda_=args.lambda_ ) else: stat, p_value = stats.power_divergence(map(float, sample_one), ddof=args.ddof, lambda_=args.lambda_) cols.append(stat) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "theilslopes": if sample2 == 1: mpe, met, lo, up = stats.theilslopes(map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), alpha=args.alpha) else: mpe, met, lo, up = stats.theilslopes(map(float, sample_one), alpha=args.alpha) cols.append(mpe) cols.append(met) cols.append(lo) cols.append(up) elif test_id.strip() == "combine_pvalues": if sample2 == 1: stat, p_value = stats.combine_pvalues( map(float, sample_one),, weights=map(float, sample_two) ) else: stat, p_value = stats.combine_pvalues(map(float, sample_one), cols.append(stat) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "obrientransform": ob = stats.obrientransform(*b_samples) for list in ob: elements = ",".join(map(str, list)) cols.append(elements) elif test_id.strip() == "f_oneway": f_value, p_value = stats.f_oneway(*b_samples) cols.append(f_value) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "kruskal": h, p_value = stats.kruskal(*b_samples) cols.append(h) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "friedmanchisquare": fr, p_value = stats.friedmanchisquare(*b_samples) cols.append(fr) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "fligner": xsq, p_value = stats.fligner(, proportiontocut=args.proportiontocut, *b_samples) cols.append(xsq) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "bartlett": T, p_value = stats.bartlett(*b_samples) cols.append(T) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "levene": w, p_value = stats.levene(, proportiontocut=args.proportiontocut, *b_samples) cols.append(w) cols.append(p_value) elif test_id.strip() == "median_test": stat, p_value, m, table = stats.median_test( ties=args.ties, correction=args.correction, lambda_=args.lambda_, *b_samples ) cols.append(stat) cols.append(p_value) cols.append(m) cols.append(table) for list in table: elements = ",".join(map(str, list)) cols.append(elements) outfile.write("%s\n" % "\t".join(map(str, cols))) outfile.close()
def shift(targ, ref, store=None, lowfilter=20): """Shifts the given spectrum by placing it on the same wavelength scale as the specified reference spectrum, then solves for shifts between the two spectra through cross-correlation. Args: targ (Spectrum): Target spectrum ref (Spectrum): Reference spectrum store (optional [file or dict]): h5 file or dict to record diagnostic data. Returns: shifted (Spectrum): Adjusted and flattened spectrum """ s = np.copy(targ.s) serr = np.copy(targ.serr) w = np.copy(targ.w) mask = np.copy(targ.mask) if s.ndim == 1: s = np.array([s]) serr = np.array([serr]) w = np.array([w]) mask = np.array([mask]) ref = _extend_ref(ref, w[0, 0], w[-1, -1]) # normalize each order of the target spectrum by dividing by the # 95th percentile percen_order = np.nanpercentile(s, 95, axis=1) s /= percen_order.reshape(-1, 1) # create empty 2d arrays to store each order s_shifted = np.asarray([[]]) serr_shifted = np.asarray([[]]) mask_shifted = np.asarray([[]]) ws = np.asarray([[]]) # create lists to store diagnostic data lag_data = [] center_pix_data = [] fit_data = [] # length of each section in pixels section_length = 500 if store is not None: store['num_orders'] = s.shape[0] # Containers for tempoerary holding of data s_rescaled = [] serr_rescaled = [] m_rescaled = [] start_idxs = [] # Fixed number of sections across every order num_sections = int(s.shape[1] / section_length) + 1 # shift each order for i in range(s.shape[0]): ww = w[i] ss = s[i] sserr = serr[i] mm = mask[i] # clip ends off each order cliplen = 15 ww = ww[cliplen:-cliplen] ss = ss[cliplen:-cliplen] sserr = sserr[cliplen:-cliplen] mm = mm[cliplen:-cliplen] # clip obvious noise clip = np.asarray([True if sp < 1.2 else False for sp in ss]) ss = ss[clip] sserr = sserr[clip] mm = mm[clip] ww = ww[clip] # get the reference spectrum in the same range as the target range w_min = ww[0] w_max = ww[-1] in_range = np.asarray([True if wr > w_min and wr < w_max else False for wr in ref.w]) start_idxs.append(np.argmax(in_range)) w_ref_c = ref.w[in_range] s_ref_c = ref.s[in_range] m_ref_c = ref.mask[in_range] # place the target spectrum on the same wavelength scale ss, sserr, mm = rescale_w(ss, sserr, ww, mm, w_ref_c) s_rescaled.append(ss) serr_rescaled.append(sserr) m_rescaled.append(mm) # true section length l_sect = int(len(ss) / num_sections) lags = np.empty(num_sections) center_pix = np.empty(num_sections) if store is not None: key = "order_{0:d}/num_sections".format(i) store[key] = num_sections for j in range(num_sections): # Get indices for section idx_min = j * l_sect idx_max = (j+1) * l_sect center_pix[j] = (j + 1/2)*l_sect ss_sect = ss[idx_min:idx_max] mm_sect = mm[idx_min:idx_max] s_ref_sect = s_ref_c[idx_min:idx_max] m_ref_sect = m_ref_c[idx_min:idx_max] # Don't use segments which have too many nans if len(ss_sect[mm_sect]) < (l_sect / 2) or \ len(s_ref_sect[m_ref_sect]) < (l_sect / 2): lag = np.nan lag_arr = [] xcorr = [] else: # get the shifts in pixel number lag, lag_arr, xcorr = solve_for_shifts(ss_sect, mm_sect, s_ref_sect, m_ref_sect, lowfilter=lowfilter) # Save results lags[j] = lag if store is not None: key = "order_{0:d}/sect_{1:d}/".format(i, j) store[key+"xcorr"] = xcorr store[key+"lag_arr"] = lag_arr # Save lag data lag_data.append(lags) center_pix_data.append(center_pix) lag_data = np.asarray(lag_data) # Compute sigma-clipped mean lags for each segment, if there are multiple # orders if s.shape[0] > 1: clip = 2 for j in range(lag_data.shape[1]): lag_order = lag_data[:, j] lag_order = lag_order[~np.isnan(lag_order)] clipped, crit_low, crit_high = sigmaclip(lag_order, low=clip, high=clip) mean_lag = np.nanmean(clipped) # Replace values outside the critical range and nans with mean_lag for i in range(lag_data.shape[0]): curr = lag_data[i, j] lag_data[i, j] = curr if curr > crit_low and curr < crit_high \ else mean_lag else: for j in range(lag_data.shape[1]): curr = lag_data[0, j] if j == 0: lag_data[0, j] = lag_data[0, j + 1] if np.isnan(curr) else curr elif j == (lag_data.shape[1] - 1): lag_data[0, j] = lag_data[0, j - 1] if np.isnan(curr) else curr else: lag_data[0, j] = np.nanmean([lag_data[0, j - 1], lag_data[0, j + 1]]) if np.isnan(curr) else curr for i in range(s.shape[0]): # Restore data from previous loop ss = s_rescaled[i] sserr = serr_rescaled[i] mm = m_rescaled[i] start_idx = start_idxs[i] lags = lag_data[i] center_pix = center_pix_data[i] # use robust least squares to fit a line to the shifts # (Cauchy loss function) p_guess = np.array([0, 0]) fit_res = least_squares(_linear_fit_residuals, p_guess, args=(center_pix, lags), loss='cauchy') fit = fit_res.x pix_arr = np.arange(0, len(ss)) pix_shifted = pix_arr - fit[1] - pix_arr*fit[0] # don't read past the wavelength array pix_min = max(int(pix_shifted[0]), 0) pix_max = min(int(pix_shifted[-1]), len(ref.w)-start_idx) # new pixel array new_pix = np.arange(pix_min, pix_max) # new wavelength array w_ref_c = ref.w[start_idx+pix_min:start_idx+pix_max] # interpolate the spectrum back onto the reference spectrum ss_shifted = np.interp(new_pix, pix_shifted, ss) sserr_shifted = np.interp(new_pix, pix_shifted, sserr) mm_shifted = np.interp(new_pix, pix_shifted, mm) # append to array s_shifted = np.append(s_shifted, ss_shifted) serr_shifted = np.append(serr_shifted, sserr_shifted) mask_shifted = np.append(mask_shifted, mm_shifted) ws = np.append(ws, w_ref_c) # save diagnostic data fitted = fit[0] * center_pix + fit[1] fit_data.append(np.array(fitted)) # save diagnostic data if store is not None: # convert jagged array to rectangular one lengths = [] for l in lag_data: lengths.append(len(l)) ml = max(lengths) lag_data = [utils.extend_array(l, ml) for l in lag_data] center_pix_data = [utils.extend_array(l, ml) for l in center_pix_data] fit_data = [utils.extend_array(l, ml) for l in fit_data] store['lag'] = np.asarray(lag_data) store['center_pix'] = np.asarray(center_pix_data) store['fit'] = np.asarray(fit_data) # flatten spectrum w_min = ws[0] w_max = ws[-1] in_range = np.asarray([True if wr > w_min and wr < w_max else False for wr in ref.w]) w_ref_trunc = ref.w[in_range] w_flat, s_flat, serr_flat, mask_flat = \ flatten(ws, s_shifted, serr_shifted, mask_shifted, w_ref=w_ref_trunc) return spectrum.Spectrum(w_flat, s_flat, serr_flat,, mask=mask_flat, header=targ.header, attrs=targ.attrs)
flx= spec[0].data[1] #spec.close() # flxx= np.nan_to_num(flx) #making sure the flux array has no NAN or INF wlen= spec[0].data[0] norm_flx= flx/np.median(flx[2360:2390]) # normalize spectra clust_spec= np.vstack((clust_spec, norm_flx)) # 2D array. 1st row: restframe wavelength, other rows have corrected fluxes of spectra from clusters (one for each row) del spec print "cluster", c+1, "has", len(clust_spec[1:]), "objects" spec_num.append(len(clust_spec[1:])) clipped_compo=[] for i in range(clust_spec.shape[1]): y= sigmaclip(clust_spec[1:,i], 3, 3) m=median(y[0]) clipped_compo.append(m) compos.append(clipped_compo) # list with the composites (compos[0] is composite from 1st cluster, compos[1] 2nd cluster,...) #save the composites as fits files for i,j in zip(range(1,k+1), spec_num): spec_name= "./composites/"+clstr_name+"_"+str(k)+"clstrs"+str(i)+".fits" #assumes there is a directory called composites in the working directory spec_file= np.vstack((wlen,compos[i-1])) hdu= fits.PrimaryHDU(spec_file) hdr= hdu.header hdr.set('SPEC_NUMBER', j) hdr.set('COMPOSITE', clstr_name)
def getClippedMeanandStddev(data, nsig=3): from scipy.stats import sigmaclip import numpy as np clipped_array = sigmaclip(data, low=nsig, high=nsig)[0] return np.mean(clipped_array), np.std(clipped_array)
def getSEPSky(imgArr, mskArr, imgHead, skyClip=3, zp=27.0, pix=0.168, rebin=4, prefix='sep_sky', suffix='imgsub', verbose=True, visual=True, bkgSize=40, bkgFilter=5, saveBkg=False, nClip=2): """ Estimating the background using SEP. Parameters: """ if verbose: print SEP print "### ESTIMATING THE GLOBAL BACKGROUND AND SURFACE \ BRIGHTNESS LIMIT" dimX, dimY = imgArr.shape mskX, mskY = mskArr.shape if (dimX != mskX) or (dimY != mskY): raise Exception("## The image and mask don't have the same size!") # What if there is no useful masked pixel imgMasked = copy.deepcopy(imgArr) imgMasked[mskArr > 0] = np.nan try: sepBkg = sep.Background(imgMasked, bw=bkgSize, bh=bkgSize, fw=bkgFilter, fh=bkgFilter) except ValueError: imgTemp = copy.deepcopy(imgMasked) imgTemp = imgTemp.byteswap(True).newbyteorder() sepBkg = sep.Background(imgTemp, bw=bkgSize, bh=bkgSize, fw=bkgFilter, fh=bkgFilter) avgBkg = sepBkg.globalback rmsBkg = sepBkg.globalrms if (not np.isfinite(avgBkg)) or (not np.isfinite(rmsBkg)): print WAR warnings.warn("## The average or rms of SEP background is infinite") if verbose: print SEP print "### SEP BKG AVG, RMS : %10.7f, %10.7f" % (avgBkg, rmsBkg) # Subtract the sky model from the image try: imgBkg = sepBkg.back() imgSub = (imgArr - imgBkg) fitsSub = prefix + '_' + suffix + '.fits' # Save the new image imgSave = copy.deepcopy(imgSub) imgSave = imgSave.byteswap(True).newbyteorder() hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(imgSave) hdu.header = imgHead hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdulist.writeto(fitsSub, clobber=True) if saveBkg: fitsBkg = prefix + '_' + suffix + '_bkg.fits' bkgSave = copy.deepcopy(imgBkg) bkgSave = bkgSave.byteswap(True).newbyteorder() hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(bkgSave) hdu.header = imgHead hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdulist.writeto(fitsBkg, clobber=True) except Exception: print WAR warnings.warn("## Something wrong with the SEP background subtraction") # Rebin image dimBinX = int((dimX - 1) / rebin) dimBinY = int((dimY - 1) / rebin) try: imgBin = hUtil.congrid(imgArr, (dimBinX, dimBinY), method='nearest') subBin = hUtil.congrid(imgSub, (dimBinX, dimBinY), method='nearest') mskBin = hUtil.congrid(mskArr, (dimBinX, dimBinY), method='neighbour') except Exception: print WAR warnings.warn("congrid fails!") imgBin = imgArr subBin = imgSub mskBin = mskArr pixSky1 = imgBin[mskBin == 0].flatten() pixSky1 = pixSky1[np.isfinite(pixSky1)] try: pixSky1, low1, upp1 = sigmaclip(pixSky1, low=skyClip, high=skyClip) print "### %d pixels left for sky of origin image" % len(pixSky1) print "### Boundary: %8.5f -- %8.5f" % (low1, upp1) except Exception: print WAR warnings.warn("Sigma clip fails for imgBin") pixSky2 = subBin[mskBin == 0].flatten() pixSky2 = pixSky2[np.isfinite(pixSky2)] try: pixSky2, low2, upp2 = sigmaclip(pixSky2, low=skyClip, high=skyClip) print "### %d sky pixels left on bkg subtracted image" % len(pixSky2) print "### Boundary: %8.5f -- %8.5f" % (low2, upp2) except Exception: print WAR warnings.warn("Sigma clip fails for mskBin") if visual: sepPNG = prefix + '_' + suffix + '_skyhist.png' showSkyHist(pixSky2, skypix2=pixSky1, pngName=sepPNG) return imgSub
def getSEPSky(imgArr, mskArr, imgHead, skyClip=3, zp=27.0, pix=0.168, rebin=4, prefix='sep_sky', suffix='imgsub', verbose=True, visual=True, bkgSize=40, bkgFilter=5, saveBkg=False, nClip=2): """ Estimating the background using SEP. Parameters: """ dimX, dimY = imgArr.shape mskX, mskY = mskArr.shape if (dimX != mskX) or (dimY != mskY): raise Exception("## The image and mask don't have the same size!") # What if there is no useful masked pixel try: sepBkg = sep.Background(imgArr, mask=mskArr, bw=bkgSize, bh=bkgSize, fw=bkgFilter, fh=bkgFilter) except ValueError: imgArr = imgArr.byteswap(True).newbyteorder() sepBkg = sep.Background(imgArr, mask=mskArr, bw=bkgSize, bh=bkgSize, fw=bkgFilter, fh=bkgFilter) avgBkg = sepBkg.globalback rmsBkg = sepBkg.globalrms if (not np.isfinite(avgBkg)) or (not np.isfinite(rmsBkg)): warnings.warn("### The SEP background has problem") if verbose: print("### SEP BKG AVG, RMS : %10.7f, %10.7f" % (avgBkg, rmsBkg)) # Subtract the sky model from the image try: imgBkg = sepBkg.back() imgSub = (imgArr - imgBkg) fitsSub = prefix + '_' + suffix + '.fits' # Save the new image imgSave = copy.deepcopy(imgSub) imgSave = imgSave.byteswap(True).newbyteorder() hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(imgSave) hdu.header = imgHead hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdulist.writeto(fitsSub, overwrite=True) if saveBkg: fitsBkg = prefix + '_' + suffix + '_bkg.fits' bkgSave = copy.deepcopy(imgBkg) bkgSave = bkgSave.byteswap(True).newbyteorder() hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(bkgSave) hdu.header = imgHead hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdulist.writeto(fitsBkg, overwrite=True) except Exception: warnings.warn("## Something wrong with the SEP background subtraction") # Rebin image dimBinX = int((dimX - 1) / rebin) dimBinY = int((dimY - 1) / rebin) try: imgBin = hUtil.congrid(imgArr, (dimBinX, dimBinY), method='nearest') subBin = hUtil.congrid(imgSub, (dimBinX, dimBinY), method='nearest') mskBin = hUtil.congrid(mskArr, (dimBinX, dimBinY), method='neighbour') except Exception: warnings.warn("congrid fails!") print("### Image rebin is failed for this galaxy !!!") imgBin = imgArr subBin = imgSub mskBin = mskArr pixSky1 = imgBin[mskBin == 0].flatten() pixSky1 = pixSky1[np.isfinite(pixSky1)] try: pixSky1, low1, upp1 = sigmaclip(pixSky1, low=skyClip, high=skyClip) except Exception: warnings.warn("\nSigma clip fails for imgBin") pixSky2 = subBin[mskBin == 0].flatten() pixSky2 = pixSky2[np.isfinite(pixSky2)] try: pixSky2, low2, upp2 = sigmaclip(pixSky2, low=skyClip, high=skyClip) except Exception: warnings.warn("Sigma clip fails for mskBin") if visual: sepPNG = prefix + '_' + suffix + '_skyhist.png' showSkyHist(pixSky2, skypix2=pixSky1, pngName=sepPNG) return imgSub