def __init__(self, system): self.system = system self.screen = array([800,800]) #Initialize pygame pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption('Dynamics Visualizer') pygame.display.set_mode(self.screen,OPENGL|DOUBLEBUF) glViewport(0, 0, self.screen[0], self.screen[1]) glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT,1) glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,1) #HACK: PyOpenGL is stupid, sometimes it returns an array other times it doesn't. WTF? shape_list = system.shape_db.shape_list num_shapes = len(shape_list) if(num_shapes == 0): self.textures = [] elif(num_shapes == 1): self.textures = [glGenTextures(num_shapes)] else: self.textures = glGenTextures(num_shapes) #Cache all of the textures for s in shape_list: glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, self.textures[s.shape_num]) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP); #Need to flatten array and threshold colors properly s_flat = array(255. * s.indicator / max(s.indicator.flatten()), dtype('uint8')) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 0, GL_LUMINANCE, s_flat.shape[1], s_flat.shape[0], 0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, s_flat.tostring('C'))
def __init__(self, renderer=True, realtime=True, ip="", port="21560"): # initialize base class GraphicalEnvironment.__init__(self) self.actLen=12 self.mySensors=sensors.Sensors(["EdgesReal"]) self.dists=array([20.0, sqrt(2.0)*20, sqrt(3.0)*20]) self.gravVect=array([0.0,-100.0,0.0]) self.centerOfGrav=zeros((1,3),float) self.pos=ones((8,3),float) self.vel=zeros((8,3),float) self.SpringM = ones((8,8),float) self.d=60.0 self.dt=0.02 self.startHight=10.0 self.dumping=0.4 self.fraktMin=0.7 self.fraktMax=1.3 self.minAkt=self.dists[0]*self.fraktMin self.maxAkt=self.dists[0]*self.fraktMax self.reset() self.count=0 self.setEdges() self.act(array([20.0]*12)) self.euler() self.realtime=realtime self.step=0 if renderer: self.setRenderInterface(FlexCubeRenderInterface(ip, port)) self.getRenderInterface().updateData(self.pos, self.centerOfGrav)
def cov_dvrpmllbb_to_vxyz_single(d,e_d,e_vr,pmll,pmbb,cov_pmllbb,l,b): """ NAME: cov_dvrpmllbb_to_vxyz PURPOSE: propagate distance, radial velocity, and proper motion uncertainties to Galactic coordinates for scalar inputs INPUT: d - distance [kpc, as/mas for plx] e_d - distance uncertainty [kpc, [as/mas] for plx] e_vr - low velocity uncertainty [km/s] pmll - proper motion in l (*cos(b)) [ [as/mas]/yr ] pmbb - proper motion in b [ [as/mas]/yr ] cov_pmllbb - uncertainty covariance for proper motion l - Galactic longitude [rad] b - Galactic lattitude [rad] OUTPUT: cov(vx,vy,vz) [3,3] HISTORY: 2010-04-12 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ M= _K*sc.array([[pmll,d,0.],[pmbb,0.,d]]) cov_dpmllbb= sc.zeros((3,3)) cov_dpmllbb[0,0]= e_d**2. cov_dpmllbb[1:3,1:3]= cov_pmllbb cov_vlvb=,,M.T)) cov_vrvlvb= sc.zeros((3,3)) cov_vrvlvb[0,0]= e_vr**2. cov_vrvlvb[1:3,1:3]= cov_vlvb R= sc.array([[m.cos(l)*m.cos(b), m.sin(l)*m.cos(b), m.sin(b)], [-m.sin(l),m.cos(l),0.], [-m.cos(l)*m.sin(b),-m.sin(l)*m.sin(b), m.cos(b)]]) return,,R))
def __init__(self, servIP="", ownIP="", port="21560"): self.oldScreenValues = None self.view = 0 self.worldRadius = 400 # Start of mousepointer self.lastx = 0 self.lasty = 15 self.lastz = 300 self.zDis = 1 # Start of cube self.cube = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.bmpCount = 0 self.actCount = 0 self.calcPhysics = 0 self.newPic = 1 self.picCount = 0 = array([80.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.centerOfGrav = array([0.0, -2.0, 0.0]) self.points = ones((8, 3), float) self.savePics = False self.drawCounter = 0 self.fps = 25 self.dt = 1.0 / float(self.fps) self.client = UDPClient(servIP, ownIP, port)
def BowTieH_paramSet( paramSet ): """ The Hamiltonian for a single bowtie, (2*S + 1)^5 states, for a set of d values -- this will be a generator equation """ A = BowTieAdjacencyDic() # Break the paramater set into sub-sets based on the spin value. paramSetDic = {} paramSet = scipy.array( paramSet ) for row in paramSet: sNow = row[0] if sNow not in paramSetDic: paramSetDic[ sNow ] = [] paramSetDic[ sNow ].append( row ) for S in paramSetDic: paramSetDic[S] = scipy.array( paramSetDic[S] ) N = (2*S + 1)**5 sPlusMinus, sMinusPlus, sZZ, sZ2 = HParts( S, A ) for params in paramSetDic[S]: S, Jx, Jz, d = params H = Jx * .5 * ( sPlusMinus + sMinusPlus ) + Jz * sZZ + d * sZ2 yield (H, params)
def _non_dominated_front_arr(iterable, key=lambda x: x, allowequality=True): """Return a subset of items from iterable which are not dominated by any other item in iterable. Faster version, based on boolean matrix manipulations. """ items = list(iterable) fits = map(key, items) l = len(items) x = array(fits) a = tile(x, (l, 1, 1)) b = a.transpose((1, 0, 2)) if allowequality: ndom = sum(a <= b, axis=2) else: ndom = sum(a < b, axis=2) ndom = array(ndom, dtype=bool) res = set() for ii in range(l): res.add(ii) for ij in list(res): if ii == ij: continue if not ndom[ij, ii]: res.remove(ii) break elif not ndom[ii, ij]: res.remove(ij) return set(map(lambda i: items[i], res))
def building_loss(self, ci=None, loss_aus_contents=0): damage_states = self.get_building_states() total_costs = self.structures.cost_breakdown(ci=ci) (structure_state, non_structural_state, acceleration_sensitive_state) = damage_states (structure_cost, non_structural_cost, acceleration_cost, contents_cost) = total_costs # hardwired loss for each damage state f1 = array((0.02, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0))[newaxis, newaxis, :] f2 = array((0.02, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0))[newaxis, newaxis, :] f3 = array((0.02, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0))[newaxis, newaxis, :] f4 = array((0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5))[newaxis, newaxis, :] if loss_aus_contents == 1: f4 = f4 * 2 # 100% contents loss if building collapses structure_ratio = (f1 * structure_state) # .sum(axis=-1) nsd_ratio = (f2 * non_structural_state) # .sum(axis=-1) accel_ratio = (f3 * acceleration_sensitive_state) # .sum(axis=-1) contents_ratio = (f4 * acceleration_sensitive_state) # .sum(axis=-1) loss_ratio = (structure_ratio, nsd_ratio, accel_ratio, contents_ratio) structure_loss = structure_ratio * structure_cost[:, newaxis, newaxis] nsd_loss = nsd_ratio * non_structural_cost[:, newaxis, newaxis] accel_loss = accel_ratio * acceleration_cost[:, newaxis, newaxis] contents_loss = contents_ratio * contents_cost[:, newaxis, newaxis] total_loss = (structure_loss, nsd_loss, accel_loss, contents_loss) return (loss_ratio, total_loss)
def __init__(self, R, a, B0, Ip, betat, length_unit="m", npts=257): # instantiate superclass, forcing time splining to false (no time variation # in equilibrium) super(CircSolovievEFIT, self).__init__(length_unit=length_unit, tspline=False, monotonic=False) self._defaultUnits = {} self._R = R self._defaultUnits["_R"] = length_unit self._a = a self._defaultUnits["_a"] = length_unit self._B0 = B0 self._defaultUnits["_B0"] = "T" self._Ip = Ip self._defaultUnits["_Ip"] = "MA" self._betat = betat self._npts = npts self._currentSign = -1 if Ip > 0 else 1 # Remember: Ip is in MA. self._qstar = (2.0 * scipy.pi * a ** 2 * B0) / (4.0 * scipy.pi * 1.0e-1 * R * Ip) # flux definitions self._psiLCFS = scipy.array([0.0]) self._psi0 = -0.5 * self._B0 * self._a ** 2 / self._qstar self._psi0 = scipy.array([self._psi0]) # RZ grid self._rGrid = scipy.linspace(R - 1.25 * a, R + 1.25 * a, self._npts) self._defaultUnits["_rGrid"] = length_unit self._zGrid = scipy.linspace(-1.25 * a, 1.25 * a, self._npts) self._defaultUnits["_zGrid"] = length_unit self._psiRZ = self.rz2psi_analytic(self._rGrid, self._zGrid, length_unit=length_unit, make_grid=True) self._psiRZ = scipy.reshape(self._psiRZ, (1, npts, npts))
def _initParams_fast(self): """ initialize the gp parameters 1) project Y on the known factor X0 -> Y0 average variance of Y0 is used to initialize the variance explained by X0 2) considers the residual Y1 = Y-Y0 (this equivals to regress out X0) 3) perform PCA on cov(Y1) and considers the first k PC for initializing X 4) the variance of all other PCs is used to initialize the noise 5) the variance explained by interaction is set to a small random number """ Xd = LA.pinv(self.X0) Y0 = Y1 = self.Y-Y0 YY = SP.cov(Y1) S,U = LA.eigh(YY) X = U[:,-self.k:]*SP.sqrt(S[-self.k:]) a = SP.array([SP.sqrt(Y0.var(0).mean())]) b = 1e-3*SP.randn(1) c = SP.array([SP.sqrt((,X.T)).diagonal().mean())]) # gp hyper params params = limix.CGPHyperParams() if self.interaction: params['covar'] = SP.concatenate([a,X.reshape(self.N*self.k,order='F'),SP.ones(1),b]) else: params['covar'] = SP.concatenate([a,X.reshape(self.N*self.k,order='F')]) params['lik'] = c return params
def benchmark_symbols_all_at_once(n_pts=1000,sz=(1000,1000)): """ Renders all the symbols. """ width,height = sz pts = stats.norm.rvs(size=(n_pts,2)) * array(sz)/8. + array(sz)/2. star_path = agg.CompiledPath() star_path.lines(circle_array()) gc = agg.GraphicsContextArray(sz) gc.set_fill_color((1.0,0.0,0.0,0.1)) gc.set_stroke_color((0.0,1.0,0.0,0.6)) path = agg.CompiledPath() t1 = time.clock() for x,y in pts: path.save_ctm() path.translate_ctm(x,y) path.add_path(star_path) path.restore_ctm() gc.add_path(path) t2 = time.clock() gc.draw_path() t3 = time.clock()"benchmark_symbols2.bmp") build_path_time = t2 - t1 render_path_time = t3 - t2 tot_time = t3 - t1 print 'star count, tot,building path, rendering path:', n_pts, \ tot_time, build_path_time,render_path_time return
def objfn_data_to_mesh_project(self, x0, args): mesh, Xd, Td = args[0], args[1], args[2] mesh.set_variables(x0) err = scipy.zeros(Xd.shape[0]) ind = 0 for xd in Xd: xi1 = mesh.elements[1].project(xd) xi2 = mesh.elements[2].project(xd) if 0<=xi1<=1: xi = xi1 elif 0<=xi2<=1: xi = xi2 else: Xi = scipy.array([xi1, xi1-1, xi2, xi2-1]) Xi2 = Xi*Xi ii = Xi2.argmin() xi = Xi[ii] if ii < 2: elem = 1 else: elem = 2 dx = mesh.elements[elem].evaluate(scipy.array([xi]))[0] - xd err[ind] = scipy.sum(dx * dx) ind += 1 return err
def parse_text( fname, n ): """Parse a text file containing a sentence on each line. Output the file as a list of arrays with integer word indices and the corresponding dictionary.""" dictionary = {} inv_dictionary = [] def get_idx( w ): if not w in dictionary: dictionary[w] = len(dictionary) inv_dictionary.append( w ) return dictionary[w] corpus = [] f = open( fname ) for line in f.xreadlines(): # Read at most n documents if len(corpus) > n: break words = line.split() words = array( map( get_idx, words ) ) if len(words) > 0: corpus.append( words ) f.close() return array(corpus), array(inv_dictionary)
def pos2Ray(pos, tokamak, angle=None, eps=1e-6): r"""Take in GENIE pos vectors and convert it into TRIPPy rays Args: pos: 4 element tuple or 4x scipy-array Each pos is assembled into points of (R1,Z1,RT,phi) tokamak: Tokamak object in which the pos vectors are defined. Returns: Ray: Ray object or typle of ray objects. """ r1 = scipy.array(pos[0]) z1 = scipy.array(pos[1]) rt = scipy.array(pos[2]) phi = scipy.array(pos[3]) zt = z1 - scipy.tan(phi)*scipy.sqrt(r1**2 - rt**2) angle2 = scipy.arccos(rt/r1) if angle is None: angle = scipy.zeros(r1.shape) pt1 = geometry.Point((r1,angle,z1),tokamak) pt2 = geometry.Point((rt,angle+angle2,zt),tokamak) output = Ray(pt1,pt2) output.norm.s[-1] = eps tokamak.trace(output) return output
def buildSharedCrossedNetwork(): """ build a network with shared connections. Two hidden modules are symmetrically linked, but to a different input neuron than the output neuron. The weights are random. """ N = FeedForwardNetwork('shared-crossed') h = 1 a = LinearLayer(2, name = 'a') b = LinearLayer(h, name = 'b') c = LinearLayer(h, name = 'c') d = LinearLayer(2, name = 'd') N.addInputModule(a) N.addModule(b) N.addModule(c) N.addOutputModule(d) m1 = MotherConnection(h) m1.params[:] = scipy.array((1,)) m2 = MotherConnection(h) m2.params[:] = scipy.array((2,)) N.addConnection(SharedFullConnection(m1, a, b, inSliceTo = 1)) N.addConnection(SharedFullConnection(m1, a, c, inSliceFrom = 1)) N.addConnection(SharedFullConnection(m2, b, d, outSliceFrom = 1)) N.addConnection(SharedFullConnection(m2, c, d, outSliceTo = 1)) N.sortModules() return N
def __init__(self, x, y, z, bbox=[None] *4, kx=3, ky=3, s=0, bounds_error=True, fill_value=scipy.nan): super(RectBivariateSpline, self).__init__( x, y, z, bbox=bbox, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=s) self._xlim = scipy.array((x.min(), x.max())) self._ylim = scipy.array((y.min(), y.max())) self.bounds_error = bounds_error self.fill_value = fill_value
def run(self,phase=None): r''' ''' logger.warning('This algorithm can take some time...') graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=self._net['throat.length'],sprsfmt='csr') if phase is not None: self._phase = phase if 'throat.occupancy' in self._phase.props(): temp = self._net['throat.length']*(self._phase['throat.occupancy']==1) graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=temp,sprsfmt='csr',prop='temp') #self._net.tic() path = spgr.shortest_path(csgraph = graph, method='D', directed = False) #self._net.toc() Px = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:,0],ndmin=2) Py = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:,1],ndmin=2) Pz = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:,2],ndmin=2) Cx = sp.square(Px.T - Px) Cy = sp.square(Py.T - Py) Cz = sp.square(Pz.T - Pz) Ds = sp.sqrt(Cx + Cy + Cz) temp = path/Ds #temp = path temp[sp.isnan(temp)] = 0 temp[sp.isinf(temp)] = 0 return temp
def GenerateLabels(n): " Get proper labeling for output states. " # Generate bitstrings bitstring = [] for i in range(0,n+1): bitstring.append(kbits(n, i)) # Flatten bitstring = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(bitstring)) # Generate unit vectors statelist = [] poslist = [] pos = 0 unit0 = sp.array([1,0]) unit1 = sp.array([0,1]) for i in range(len(bitstring)): # Construct unit vector corresponding to bitstring state = unit1 if (bitstring[i][0] == '1') else unit0 for j in range(n-1): state = sp.kron(state, unit1 if (bitstring[i][j+1] == '1') else unit0) statelist.append(state) # Record orientation of unit vector (using position of 1 value) for j in range(2**n): if (statelist[-1][j]): pos = j break poslist.append(pos) # Sort the states sortperm = sp.array(poslist).argsort() bitstring = [ bitstring[i] for i in sortperm ] return bitstring
def plot_posterior_ci(locs, mean, sd, color, alpha_multiplier=0.1, rm=True): x_ci = SP.array(list(locs) + list(locs)[::-1]) y_ci = SP.array(list(mean) + list(mean)[::-1]) if rm: y_ci = 1. - y_ci sds = SP.array(list(sd) + list(-sd)[::-1]) PL.fill(x_ci, y_ci + sds, color, alpha=alpha_multiplier) PL.fill(x_ci, y_ci + 2*sds, color, alpha=2*alpha_multiplier)
def vertsEdges(ann): num_layers = len(num_hidden) + 2 nodes = [] for i in range(num_layers): nodes.append([]) for c in ann.connections: index = -1 if c._name == 'in': index = 0 elif c._name[:-1] == 'hidden': index = 1 + int(c._name[-1]) elif c._name == 'out': index = num_layers - 1 if index >= 0: nodes[index] = c.inputbuffer.tolist() edges = [] for i in range(num_layers - 1): edges.append([]) for mod in ann.modules: for conn in ann.connections[mod]: layer1, layer2 =, if layer1 == 'in' and layer2[:-1] == 'hidden': index = 0 elif layer1[:-1] == 'hidden' and layer2 == 'out': index = num_layers - 2 elif layer1 != 'bias': index = int(layer1[-1]) if layer1 != 'bias': print index, shapes, shape(array(conn.params)) edges[index] = array(conn.params).reshape(shapes[index]).tolist() return nodes, edges
def read_as_array(filename): """reads audio file as scipy array using gstreamer framework return: data as scipy array duration in seconds channels as int samplerate """ path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename)) with GstAudioFile(path) as f: samplerate = f.samplerate duration = float(f.duration) / 1000000000 # in seconds channels = f.channels data_left = [] data_right = [] data_mono = [] for s in f: # # little or big endian is choosen automatically by python # if its stereo (2 channels): first one is left channel, second is right channel, third is left channel... # every short (h) is 2 bytes long and padding on stereo with two x (xx) for other channel if channels == 1: data_mono += list(struct.unpack( ("h"*(len(s)/2)), s)) elif channels == 2: data_left += list(struct.unpack( ("hxx"*(len(s)/4)), s)) data_right += list(struct.unpack( ("xxh"*(len(s)/4)), s)) if channels == 1: data = scipy.array(data_mono) elif channels == 2: data = scipy.array([data_left, data_right]) return data, duration, channels, samplerate
def plot_genome(out_file, data_file, samples, dpi=300, screen=False): if screen: PL.rcParams.update(PLOT_PARAMS_SCREEN)"plot_genome - out_file=%s, data_file=%s, samples=%s, dpi=%d"%(out_file, data_file, str(samples), dpi)) colors = 'bgryckbgryck' data = read_posterior(data_file) if samples is None or len(samples) == 0: samples = data.keys() if len(samples) == 0: return PL.figure(None, [14, 4]) right_end = 0 # rightmost plotted base pair for chrm in sort_chrms(data.values()[0]): # for chromosomes in ascending order max_site = max(data[samples[0]][chrm]['L']) # length of chromosome for s, sample in enumerate(samples): # plot all samples I = SP.where(SP.array(data[sample][chrm]['SD']) < 0.3)[0] # at sites that have confident posteriors PL.plot(SP.array(data[sample][chrm]['L'])[I] + right_end, SP.array(data[sample][chrm]['AF'])[I], alpha=0.4, color=colors[s], lw=2) # offset by the end of last chromosome if right_end > 0: PL.plot([right_end, right_end], [0,1], 'k--', lw=0.4, alpha=0.2) # plot separators between chromosomes new_right = right_end + max(data[sample][chrm]['L']) PL.text(right_end + 0.5*(new_right - right_end), 0.9, str(chrm), horizontalalignment='center') right_end = new_right # update rightmost end PL.plot([0,right_end], [0.5,0.5], 'k--', alpha=0.3) PL.xlim(0,right_end) xrange = SP.arange(0,right_end, 1000000) PL.xticks(xrange, ["%d"%(int(x/1000000)) for x in xrange]) PL.xlabel("Genome (Mb)"), PL.ylabel("Reference allele frequency") PL.savefig(out_file, dpi=dpi)
def ensure_numeric(A, typecode=None): """Ensure that sequence is a Numeric array. Inputs: A: Sequence. If A is already a Numeric array it will be returned unaltered If not, an attempt is made to convert it to a Numeric array A: Scalar. Return 0-dimensional array of length 1, containing that value A: String. Array of ASCII values typecode: Numeric type. If specified, use this in the conversion. If not, let Numeric decide This function is necessary as array(A) can cause memory overflow. """ if typecode is None: if isinstance(A, ndarray): return A else: return array(A) else: if isinstance(A, ndarray): if A.dtype == typecode: return array(A) # FIXME: Shouldn't this just return A? else: return array(A, typecode) else: import types if isinstance(A, types.StringType): return array(A, dtype=int) return array(A, typecode)
def __init__(self, x, y, z, a, g, h): """ Construct a Scatterer object, encapsulating the shape and material properties of a deformed-cylindrical object with sound speed and density similar to the surrounding fluid medium. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : array-like Posiions delimiting the central axis of the scatterer. a : array-like Array of radii along the centerline of the scatterer. g : array-like Array of sound speed contrasts (sound speed inside the scatterer divided by sound speed in the surrounding medium) h : array-like Array of density contrasts (density inside the scatterer divided by density in the surrounding medium) """ super(Scatterer, self).__init__() self.r = sp.matrix([x, y, z]) self.a = sp.array(a) self.g = sp.array(g) self.h = sp.array(h) self.cum_rotation = sp.matrix(sp.eye(3))
def test_gpkronprod(self): # initialize covar_c = linear.LinearCF(n_dimensions=self.n_latent) covar_r = linear.LinearCF(n_dimensions=self.n_dimensions) X0_c = SP.random.randn(self.n_tasks,self.n_latent) lik = likelihood_base.GaussIsoLik() gp = gp_kronprod.KronProdGP(covar_c=covar_c, covar_r=covar_r, likelihood=lik) gp.setData(Y=self.Ykronprod['train'],X_r=self.X['train']) hyperparams = {'lik':SP.array([0.5]), 'X_c':X0_c, 'covar_r':SP.array([0.5]), 'covar_c':SP.array([0.5]), 'X_r':self.X['train']} # check predictions, likelihood and gradients gp.predict(hyperparams,Xstar_r=self.X['test'],debugging=True) gp._LML_covar(hyperparams,debugging=True) gp._LMLgrad_covar(hyperparams,debugging=True) gp._LMLgrad_lik(hyperparams,debugging=True) gp._LMLgrad_x(hyperparams,debugging=True) # optimize hyperparams = {'lik':SP.array([0.5]), 'X_c':X0_c, 'covar_r':SP.array([0.5]), 'covar_c':SP.array([0.5])} opts = {'gradcheck':True} hyperparams_opt,lml_opt = optimize_base.opt_hyper(gp,hyperparams,opts=opts) Kest = covar_c.K(hyperparams_opt['covar_c']) # check predictions, likelihood and gradients gp._invalidate_cache() # otherwise debugging parameters are not up to date! gp.predict(hyperparams_opt,debugging=True,Xstar_r=self.X['test']) gp._LML_covar(hyperparams_opt,debugging=True) gp._LMLgrad_covar(hyperparams_opt,debugging=True) gp._LMLgrad_lik(hyperparams_opt,debugging=True) gp._LMLgrad_x(hyperparams_opt,debugging=True)
def getStepWindow(t, v): # return time and voltage vectors during the stimulus period only # find the point of maximum voltage, and cut off everything afterwards maxInd, maxV = max(enumerate(v), key=lambda x: x[1]) minInd, minV = min(enumerate(v), key=lambda x: x[1]) if maxV - v[0] > v[0] - minV: # this is a positive step t = t[:maxInd] v = scipy.array(v[:maxInd]) else: # this is a negative step, flip it for now t = t[:minInd] v = v[0] - scipy.array(v[:minInd]) # re-center time to start at the point of maximum voltage change diffV = diff(v) dVInd, maxDV = max(enumerate(diffV), key=lambda x: x[1]) dVInd -= 1 while diffV[dVInd] > 0: dVInd -= 1 dVInd += 1 t -= t[dVInd] v -= v[dVInd] return t, v, dVInd
def ea_calc(airtemp= scipy.array([]),\ rh= scipy.array([])): ''' Function to calculate actual vapour pressure from relative humidity: .. math:: e_a = \\frac{rh \\cdot e_s}{100} where es is the saturated vapour pressure at temperature T. Parameters: - airtemp: array of measured air temperatures [Celsius]. - rh: Relative humidity [%]. Returns: - ea: array of actual vapour pressure [Pa]. Examples -------- >>> ea_calc(25,60) 1900.0946514729308 ''' # Test input array/value airtemp,rh = _arraytest(airtemp, rh) # Calculate saturation vapour pressures es = es_calc(airtemp) # Calculate actual vapour pressure eact = rh / 100.0 * es return eact # in Pa
def vpd_calc(airtemp= scipy.array([]),\ rh= scipy.array([])): ''' Function to calculate vapour pressure deficit. Parameters: - airtemp: measured air temperatures [Celsius]. - rh: (array of) rRelative humidity [%]. Returns: - vpd: (array of) vapour pressure deficits [Pa]. Examples -------- >>> vpd_calc(30,60) 1697.090397862653 >>> T=[20,25] >>> RH=[50,100] >>> vpd_calc(T,RH) array([ 1168.54009896, 0. ]) ''' # Test input array/value airtemp,rh = _arraytest(airtemp, rh) # Calculate saturation vapour pressures es = es_calc(airtemp) eact = ea_calc(airtemp, rh) # Calculate vapour pressure deficit vpd = es - eact return vpd # in hPa
def _setnorm(self, input = None, target = None): """ Retrieves normalization info from training data and normalizes data. """ numi = len(self.inno); numo = len(self.outno) if input is None and target is None: self.inlimits = array( [[0.15, 0.85]]*numi ) #informative only self.outlimits = array( [[0.15, 0.85]]*numo ) #informative only self.eni = self.dei = array( [[1., 0.]] * numi ) self.eno = self.deo = array( [[1., 0.]] * numo ) self.ded = ones((numo, numi), 'd') else: input, target = self._testdata(input, target) # Warn if any input or target node takes a one single value # I'm still not sure where to put this check.... for i, col in enumerate(input.transpose()): if max(col) == min(col): print "Warning: %ith input node takes always a single value of %f." %(i+1, max(col)) for i, col in enumerate(target.transpose()): if max(col) == min(col): print "Warning: %ith target node takes always a single value of %f." %(i+1, max(col)) #limits are informative only, eni,dei/eno,deo are input/output coding-decoding self.inlimits, self.eni, self.dei = _norms(input, lower=0.15, upper=0.85) self.outlimits, self.eno, self.deo = _norms(target, lower=0.15, upper=0.85) self.ded = zeros((numo,numi), 'd') for o in xrange(numo): for i in xrange(numi): self.ded[o,i] = self.eni[i,0] * self.deo[o,0] return _normarray(input, self.eni), _normarray(target, self.eno)
def run(self, phase=None, throats=None): logger.warning('This algorithm can take some time...') conduit_lengths = sp.sum(misc.conduit_lengths(network=self._net, mode='centroid'), axis=1) graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=conduit_lengths, sprsfmt='csr') if phase is not None: self._phase = phase if 'throat.occupancy' in self._phase.props(): temp = conduit_lengths*(self._phase['throat.occupancy'] == 1) graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=temp, sprsfmt='csr', prop='temp') path = spgr.shortest_path(csgraph=graph, method='D', directed=False) Px = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 0], ndmin=2) Py = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 1], ndmin=2) Pz = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 2], ndmin=2) Cx = sp.square(Px.T - Px) Cy = sp.square(Py.T - Py) Cz = sp.square(Pz.T - Pz) Ds = sp.sqrt(Cx + Cy + Cz) temp = path / Ds temp[sp.isnan(temp)] = 0 temp[sp.isinf(temp)] = 0 return temp
def makesumrule(ptype,plen,ts,lagtype='centered'): """ This function will return the sum rule. Inputs ptype - The type of pulse. plen - Length of the pulse in seconds. ts - Sample time in seconds. lagtype - Can be centered forward or backward. Output sumrule - A 2 x nlags numpy array that holds the summation rule. """ nlags = sp.round_(plen/ts) if ptype.lower()=='long': if lagtype=='forward': arback=-sp.arange(nlags,dtype=int) arforward = sp.zeros(nlags,dtype=int) elif lagtype=='backward': arback = sp.zeros(nlags,dtype=int) arforward=sp.arange(nlags,dtype=int) else: arback = -sp.ceil(sp.arange(0,nlags/2.0,0.5)).astype(int) arforward = sp.floor(sp.arange(0,nlags/2.0,0.5)).astype(int) sumrule = sp.array([arback,arforward]) elif ptype.lower()=='barker': sumrule = sp.array([[0],[0]]) return sumrule
def _mc_data_config(H, psi0, h_stuff, c_ops, c_stuff, args, e_ops, options): """Creates the appropriate data structures for the monte carlo solver based on the given time-dependent, or indepdendent, format. """ #take care of expectation values, if any if any(e_ops): odeconfig.e_num = len(e_ops) for op in e_ops: if isinstance(op, list): op = op[0] odeconfig.e_ops_data.append( odeconfig.e_ops_ind.append( odeconfig.e_ops_ptr.append( odeconfig.e_ops_isherm.append(op.isherm) odeconfig.e_ops_data = array(odeconfig.e_ops_data) odeconfig.e_ops_ind = array(odeconfig.e_ops_ind) odeconfig.e_ops_ptr = array(odeconfig.e_ops_ptr) odeconfig.e_ops_isherm = array(odeconfig.e_ops_isherm) #---- #take care of collapse operators, if any if any(c_ops): odeconfig.c_num = len(c_ops) for c_op in c_ops: if isinstance(c_op, list): c_op = c_op[0] n_op = c_op.dag() * c_op odeconfig.c_ops_data.append( odeconfig.c_ops_ind.append( odeconfig.c_ops_ptr.append( #norm ops odeconfig.n_ops_data.append( odeconfig.n_ops_ind.append( odeconfig.n_ops_ptr.append( #to array odeconfig.c_ops_data = array(odeconfig.c_ops_data) odeconfig.c_ops_ind = array(odeconfig.c_ops_ind) odeconfig.c_ops_ptr = array(odeconfig.c_ops_ptr) odeconfig.n_ops_data = array(odeconfig.n_ops_data) odeconfig.n_ops_ind = array(odeconfig.n_ops_ind) odeconfig.n_ops_ptr = array(odeconfig.n_ops_ptr) #---- #-------------------------------------------- # START CONSTANT H & C_OPS CODE #-------------------------------------------- if odeconfig.tflag == 0: if odeconfig.cflag: odeconfig.c_const_inds = arange(len(c_ops)) for c_op in c_ops: n_op = c_op.dag() * c_op H -= 0.5j * n_op #combine Hamiltonian and collapse terms into one #construct Hamiltonian data structures if options.tidy: H = H.tidyup(options.atol) odeconfig.h_data = -1.0j * odeconfig.h_ind = odeconfig.h_ptr = #---- #-------------------------------------------- # START STRING BASED TIME-DEPENDENCE #-------------------------------------------- elif odeconfig.tflag in array([1, 10, 11]): #take care of arguments for collapse operators, if any if any(args): for item in args.items(): odeconfig.c_args.append(item[1]) #constant Hamiltonian / string-type collapse operators if odeconfig.tflag == 1: H_inds = arange(1) H_tdterms = 0 len_h = 1 C_inds = arange(odeconfig.c_num) C_td_inds = array(c_stuff[2]) #find inds of time-dependent terms C_const_inds = setdiff1d(C_inds, C_td_inds) #find inds of constant terms C_tdterms = [c_ops[k][1] for k in C_td_inds ] #extract time-dependent coefficients (strings) odeconfig.c_const_inds = C_const_inds #store indicies of constant collapse terms odeconfig.c_td_inds = C_td_inds #store indicies of time-dependent collapse terms for k in odeconfig.c_const_inds: H -= 0.5j * (c_ops[k].dag() * c_ops[k]) if options.tidy: H = H.tidyup(options.atol) odeconfig.h_data = [] odeconfig.h_ind = [] odeconfig.h_ptr = [] for k in odeconfig.c_td_inds: op = c_ops[k][0].dag() * c_ops[k][0] odeconfig.h_data.append(-0.5j * odeconfig.h_ind.append( odeconfig.h_ptr.append( odeconfig.h_data = -1.0j * array(odeconfig.h_data) odeconfig.h_ind = array(odeconfig.h_ind) odeconfig.h_ptr = array(odeconfig.h_ptr) #-------------------------------------------- # END OF IF STATEMENT #-------------------------------------------- #string-type Hamiltonian & at least one string-type collapse operator else: H_inds = arange(len(H)) H_td_inds = array(h_stuff[2]) #find inds of time-dependent terms H_const_inds = setdiff1d(H_inds, H_td_inds) #find inds of constant terms H_tdterms = [ H[k][1] for k in H_td_inds ] #extract time-dependent coefficients (strings or functions) H = array([sum(H[k] for k in H_const_inds)] + [H[k][0] for k in H_td_inds ]) #combine time-INDEPENDENT terms into one. len_h = len(H) H_inds = arange(len_h) odeconfig.h_td_inds = arange( 1, len_h) #store indicies of time-dependent Hamiltonian terms #if there are any collpase operators if odeconfig.c_num > 0: if odeconfig.tflag == 10: #constant collapse operators odeconfig.c_const_inds = arange(odeconfig.c_num) for k in odeconfig.c_const_inds: H[0] -= 0.5j * (c_ops[k].dag() * c_ops[k]) C_inds = arange(odeconfig.c_num) C_tdterms = array([]) #----- else: #some time-dependent collapse terms C_inds = arange(odeconfig.c_num) C_td_inds = array( c_stuff[2]) #find inds of time-dependent terms C_const_inds = setdiff1d( C_inds, C_td_inds) #find inds of constant terms C_tdterms = [ c_ops[k][1] for k in C_td_inds ] #extract time-dependent coefficients (strings) odeconfig.c_const_inds = C_const_inds #store indicies of constant collapse terms odeconfig.c_td_inds = C_td_inds #store indicies of time-dependent collapse terms for k in odeconfig.c_const_inds: H[0] -= 0.5j * (c_ops[k].dag() * c_ops[k]) else: #set empty objects if no collapse operators C_const_inds = arange(odeconfig.c_num) odeconfig.c_const_inds = arange(odeconfig.c_num) odeconfig.c_td_inds = array([]) C_tdterms = array([]) C_inds = array([]) #tidyup if options.tidy: H = array([H[k].tidyup(options.atol) for k in range(len_h)]) #construct data sets odeconfig.h_data = [H[k] for k in range(len_h)] odeconfig.h_ind = [H[k].data.indices for k in range(len_h)] odeconfig.h_ptr = [H[k].data.indptr for k in range(len_h)] for k in odeconfig.c_td_inds: odeconfig.h_data.append(-0.5j * odeconfig.n_ops_data[k]) odeconfig.h_ind.append(odeconfig.n_ops_ind[k]) odeconfig.h_ptr.append(odeconfig.n_ops_ptr[k]) odeconfig.h_data = -1.0j * array(odeconfig.h_data) odeconfig.h_ind = array(odeconfig.h_ind) odeconfig.h_ptr = array(odeconfig.h_ptr) #-------------------------------------------- # END OF ELSE STATEMENT #-------------------------------------------- #set execuatble code for collapse expectation values and spmv col_spmv_code = "state=odeconfig.colspmv(j,ODE.t,odeconfig.c_ops_data[j],odeconfig.c_ops_ind[j],odeconfig.c_ops_ptr[j],ODE.y" col_expect_code = "for i in odeconfig.c_td_inds: n_dp.append(odeconfig.colexpect(i,ODE.t,odeconfig.n_ops_data[i],odeconfig.n_ops_ind[i],odeconfig.n_ops_ptr[i],ODE.y" for kk in range(len(odeconfig.c_args)): col_spmv_code += ",odeconfig.c_args[" + str(kk) + "]" col_expect_code += ",odeconfig.c_args[" + str(kk) + "]" col_spmv_code += ")" col_expect_code += "))" odeconfig.col_spmv_code = compile(col_spmv_code, '<string>', 'exec') odeconfig.col_expect_code = compile(col_expect_code, '<string>', 'exec') #---- #setup ode args string odeconfig.string = "" data_range = range(len(odeconfig.h_data)) for k in data_range: odeconfig.string += "odeconfig.h_data[" + str( k) + "],odeconfig.h_ind[" + str( k) + "],odeconfig.h_ptr[" + str(k) + "]" if k != data_range[-1]: odeconfig.string += "," #attach args to ode args string if len(odeconfig.c_args) > 0: for kk in range(len(odeconfig.c_args)): odeconfig.string += "," + "odeconfig.c_args[" + str(kk) + "]" #---- name = "rhs" + str(odeconfig.cgen_num) odeconfig.tdname = name cgen = Codegen(H_inds, H_tdterms, odeconfig.h_td_inds, args, C_inds, C_tdterms, odeconfig.c_td_inds, type='mc') cgen.generate(name + ".pyx") #---- #-------------------------------------------- # END OF STRING TYPE TIME DEPENDENT CODE #-------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------- # START PYTHON FUNCTION BASED TIME-DEPENDENCE #-------------------------------------------- elif odeconfig.tflag in array([2, 20, 22]): #take care of Hamiltonian if odeconfig.tflag == 2: # constant Hamiltonian, at least one function based collapse operators H_inds = array([0]) H_tdterms = 0 len_h = 1 else: # function based Hamiltonian H_inds = arange(len(H)) H_td_inds = array(h_stuff[1]) #find inds of time-dependent terms H_const_inds = setdiff1d(H_inds, H_td_inds) #find inds of constant terms odeconfig.h_funcs = array([H[k][1] for k in H_td_inds]) odeconfig.h_func_args = args Htd = array([H[k][0] for k in H_td_inds]) odeconfig.h_td_inds = arange(len(Htd)) H = sum(H[k] for k in H_const_inds) #take care of collapse operators C_inds = arange(odeconfig.c_num) C_td_inds = array(c_stuff[1]) #find inds of time-dependent terms C_const_inds = setdiff1d(C_inds, C_td_inds) #find inds of constant terms odeconfig.c_const_inds = C_const_inds #store indicies of constant collapse terms odeconfig.c_td_inds = C_td_inds #store indicies of time-dependent collapse terms odeconfig.c_funcs = zeros(odeconfig.c_num, dtype=FunctionType) for k in odeconfig.c_td_inds: odeconfig.c_funcs[k] = c_ops[k][1] odeconfig.c_func_args = args #combine constant collapse terms with constant H and construct data for k in odeconfig.c_const_inds: H -= 0.5j * (c_ops[k].dag() * c_ops[k]) if options.tidy: H = H.tidyup(options.atol) Htd = array( [Htd[j].tidyup(options.atol) for j in odeconfig.h_td_inds]) #setup cosntant H terms data odeconfig.h_data = -1.0j * odeconfig.h_ind = odeconfig.h_ptr = #setup td H terms data odeconfig.h_td_data = array( [-1.0j * Htd[k] for k in odeconfig.h_td_inds]) odeconfig.h_td_ind = array( [Htd[k].data.indices for k in odeconfig.h_td_inds]) odeconfig.h_td_ptr = array( [Htd[k].data.indptr for k in odeconfig.h_td_inds]) #-------------------------------------------- # END PYTHON FUNCTION BASED TIME-DEPENDENCE #-------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------- # START PYTHON FUNCTION BASED HAMILTONIAN #-------------------------------------------- elif odeconfig.tflag == 3: #take care of Hamiltonian odeconfig.h_funcs = H odeconfig.h_func_args = args #take care of collapse operators odeconfig.c_const_inds = arange(odeconfig.c_num) odeconfig.c_td_inds = array([]) #find inds of time-dependent terms if len(odeconfig.c_const_inds) > 0: H = 0 for k in odeconfig.c_const_inds: H -= 0.5j * (c_ops[k].dag() * c_ops[k]) if options.tidy: H = H.tidyup(options.atol) odeconfig.h_data = -1.0j * odeconfig.h_ind = odeconfig.h_ptr =
# To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. # To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates # and open the template in the editor. import ESutils import scipy as sp from scipy import linalg as spl from scipy import stats as sps from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import GPdc import PES nt = 20 d = 1 lb = sp.array([-1.] * d) ub = sp.array([1.] * d) [X, Y, S, D] = ESutils.gen_dataset(nt, d, lb, ub, GPdc.SQUEXP, sp.array([1.5, 0.15])) G = PES.makeG(X, Y, S, D, GPdc.SQUEXP, sp.array([0., -1.]), sp.array([1., 1.]), 18) H = sp.vstack([i.hyp for i in G.kf]) f, a = plt.subplots(1) a.plot(H[:, 0], H[:, 1], 'r.') np = 100 sup = sp.linspace(-1, 1, np) Dp = [[sp.NaN]] * np Xp = sp.vstack([sp.array([i]) for i in sup])
print 'importing pyfits and scipy ' '' import pyfits, scipy print 'done importing' hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() zcat = open(os.environ['bonn'] + '/' + cluster + '.zcat', 'w') for i in range(len(SeqNr_col)): zcat.write( str(SeqNr_col[i]) + ' ' + str(ra_col[i]) + ' ' + str(dec_col[i]) + ' ' + str(z_col[i]) + '\n') zcat.close() cols = [] cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='Nr', format='J', array=scipy.array(SeqNr_col))) cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='Ra', format='D', array=scipy.array(ra_col))) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='Dec', format='D', array=scipy.array(dec_col))) cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='Z', format='D', array=scipy.array(z_col))) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='FIELD_POS', format='J', array=scipy.ones(len(z_col)))) coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs(cols) OBJECTS = pyfits.new_table(coldefs) OBJECTS.header.update('extname', 'OBJECTS') cols = [] cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='OBJECT_POS', format='J', array=[1.]))
def get_aerosol(self, val): """ Interpolation in lookup table """ extc = s.array([p(val) for p in self.aer_extc_interp]) absc = s.array([p(val) for p in self.aer_absc_interp]) return deepcopy(self.aer_wl), absc, extc, self.aer_asym
if e % 2 == 1: return,, M)) % m return, X) % m def mod_exp(x, e, m): if e == 1: return x % m b = mod_exp(x, e / 2, m) if e % 2 == 1: return (b * b * x) % m return (b * b) % m if __name__ == '__main__': x3 = sp.array([3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1]) M = sp.array([[3, 1, 0, 0, -2, -1, 0, 0], [1, 3, 0, 0, -1, -2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, -2, -1], [0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, -1, -2], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=sp.int64) # Calculate C(10000) Z = mat_mod_exp(M, 9996, 2 * 2 * 3 * 13**7) X = % (2 * 2 * 3 * 13**7) #print X print( (mod_exp(2, X[0], 13**8) * mod_exp(3, X[2], 13**8)) % 13**8)**3 % 13**8 # Calculate C(C(C(10000))) mod 13^8 m1a = 2**10 * 3 * 13**3 # phi(phi(phi(phi(phi(13**8)))))
import scipy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit x = scipy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]) y = scipy.array([21, 16.5, 13, 11, 9.5, 8.5, 7.5, 7, 6.5, 6.3, 6.2]) def func(x, a, b, c): return a * scipy.exp(-b * x) + c popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y) plt.scatter(x, y, c='b') plt.plot(x, func(x, *popt), c='r')
def spatially_correlated(target, weights=None, strel=None): r""" Generates pore seeds that are spatailly correlated with their neighbors. Parameters ---------- target : OpenPNM Object The object which this model is associated with. This controls the length of the calculated array, and also provides access to other necessary properties. weights : list of ints, optional The [Nx,Ny,Nz] distances (in number of pores) in each direction that should be correlated. strel : array_like, optional (in place of weights) The option allows full control over the spatial correlation pattern by specifying the structuring element to be used in the convolution. The array should be a 3D array containing the strength of correlations in each direction. Nonzero values indicate the strength, direction and extent of correlations. The following would achieve a basic correlation in the z-direction: :: strel = sp.array([[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]) Returns ------- values : NumPy ndarray Array containing pore seed values. Notes ----- This approach uses image convolution to replace each pore seed in the geoemtry with a weighted average of those around it. It then converts the new seeds back to a random distribution by assuming they new seeds are normally distributed. Because is uses image analysis tools, it only works on Cubic networks. This is the appproached used by Gostick et al [2]_ to create an anistropic gas diffusion layer for fuel cell electrodes. References ---------- .. [2] J. Gostick et al, Pore network modeling of fibrous gas diffusion layers for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. J Power Sources v173, pp277–290 (2007) Examples -------- >>> import openpnm as op >>> pn =[10, 10, 10]) >>> Ps, Ts = pn.Ps, pn.Ts >>> geom = op.geometry.GenericGeometry(network=pn, pores=Ps, throats=Ts) >>> mod = op.models.geometry.pore_seed.spatially_correlated >>> geom.add_model(propname='pore.seed', model=mod, weights=[2, 2, 2]) """ import scipy.ndimage as spim network = # The following will only work on Cubic networks x = network._shape[0] y = network._shape[1] z = network._shape[2] im = _sp.rand(x, y, z) if strel is None: # Then generate a strel if sum(weights) == 0: # If weights of 0 are sent, then skip everything and return rands. return im.flatten() w = _sp.array(weights) strel = _sp.zeros(w * 2 + 1) strel[:, w[1], w[2]] = 1 strel[w[0], :, w[2]] = 1 strel[w[0], w[1], :] = 1 im = spim.convolve(im, strel) # Convolution is no longer randomly distributed, so fit a gaussian # and find it's seeds im = (im - _sp.mean(im)) / _sp.std(im) im = 1 / 2 * _sp.special.erfc(-im / _sp.sqrt(2)) values = im.flatten() values = values[network.pores(] return values
def mcsolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops, ntraj=500, args={}, options=Odeoptions()): """Monte-Carlo evolution of a state vector :math:`|\psi \\rangle` for a given Hamiltonian and sets of collapse operators, and possibly, operators for calculating expectation values. Options for the underlying ODE solver are given by the Odeoptions class. mcsolve supports time-dependent Hamiltonians and collapse operators using either Python functions of strings to represent time-dependent coefficients. Note that, the system Hamiltonian MUST have at least one constant term. As an example of a time-dependent problem, consider a Hamiltonian with two terms ``H0`` and ``H1``, where ``H1`` is time-dependent with coefficient ``sin(w*t)``, and collapse operators ``C0`` and ``C1``, where ``C1`` is time-dependent with coeffcient ``exp(-a*t)``. Here, w and a are constant arguments with values ``W`` and ``A``. Using the Python function time-dependent format requires two Python functions, one for each collapse coefficient. Therefore, this problem could be expressed as:: def H1_coeff(t,args): return sin(args['w']*t) def C1_coeff(t,args): return exp(-args['a']*t) H=[H0,[H1,H1_coeff]] c_op_list=[C0,[C1,C1_coeff]] args={'a':A,'w':W} or in String (Cython) format we could write:: H=[H0,[H1,'sin(w*t)']] c_op_list=[C0,[C1,'exp(-a*t)']] args={'a':A,'w':W} Constant terms are preferably placed first in the Hamiltonian and collapse operator lists. Parameters ---------- H : qobj System Hamiltonian. psi0 : qobj Initial state vector tlist : array_like Times at which results are recorded. ntraj : int Number of trajectories to run. c_ops : array_like ``list`` or ``array`` of collapse operators. e_ops : array_like ``list`` or ``array`` of operators for calculating expectation values. args : dict Arguments for time-dependent Hamiltonian and collapse operator terms. options : Odeoptions Instance of ODE solver options. Returns ------- results : Odedata Object storing all results from simulation. """ if psi0.type != 'ket': raise Exception("Initial state must be a state vector.") odeconfig.options = options #set num_cpus to the value given in qutip.settings if none in Odeoptions if not odeconfig.options.num_cpus: odeconfig.options.num_cpus = qutip.settings.num_cpus #set initial value data if options.tidy: odeconfig.psi0 = psi0.tidyup(options.atol).full() else: odeconfig.psi0 = psi0.full() odeconfig.psi0_dims = psi0.dims odeconfig.psi0_shape = psi0.shape #set general items odeconfig.tlist = tlist if isinstance(ntraj, (list, ndarray)): odeconfig.ntraj = sort(ntraj)[-1] else: odeconfig.ntraj = ntraj #set norm finding constants odeconfig.norm_tol = options.norm_tol odeconfig.norm_steps = options.norm_steps #---- #---------------------------------------------- # SETUP ODE DATA IF NONE EXISTS OR NOT REUSING #---------------------------------------------- if (not options.rhs_reuse) or (not odeconfig.tdfunc): #reset odeconfig collapse and time-dependence flags to default values _reset_odeconfig() #check for type of time-dependence (if any) time_type, h_stuff, c_stuff = _ode_checks(H, c_ops, 'mc') h_terms = len(h_stuff[0]) + len(h_stuff[1]) + len(h_stuff[2]) c_terms = len(c_stuff[0]) + len(c_stuff[1]) + len(c_stuff[2]) #set time_type for use in multiprocessing odeconfig.tflag = time_type #-Check for PyObjC on Mac platforms if sys.platform == 'darwin' and odeconfig.options.gui: try: import Foundation except: odeconfig.options.gui = False #check if running in iPython and using Cython compiling (then no GUI to work around error) if odeconfig.options.gui and odeconfig.tflag in array([1, 10, 11]): try: __IPYTHON__ except: pass else: odeconfig.options.gui = False if qutip.settings.qutip_gui == "NONE": odeconfig.options.gui = False #check for collapse operators if c_terms > 0: odeconfig.cflag = 1 else: odeconfig.cflag = 0 #Configure data _mc_data_config(H, psi0, h_stuff, c_ops, c_stuff, args, e_ops, options) if odeconfig.tflag in array([1, 10, 11]): #compile time-depdendent RHS code os.environ['CFLAGS'] = '-O3 -w' import pyximport pyximport.install( setup_args={'include_dirs': [numpy.get_include()]}) if odeconfig.tflag in array([1, 11]): code = compile( 'from ' + odeconfig.tdname + ' import cyq_td_ode_rhs,col_spmv,col_expect', '<string>', 'exec') exec(code, globals()) odeconfig.tdfunc = cyq_td_ode_rhs odeconfig.colspmv = col_spmv odeconfig.colexpect = col_expect else: code = compile( 'from ' + odeconfig.tdname + ' import cyq_td_ode_rhs', '<string>', 'exec') exec(code, globals()) odeconfig.tdfunc = cyq_td_ode_rhs try: os.remove(odeconfig.tdname + ".pyx") except: print("Error removing pyx file. File not found.") elif odeconfig.tflag == 0: odeconfig.tdfunc = cyq_ode_rhs else: #setup args for new parameters when rhs_reuse=True and tdfunc is given #string based if odeconfig.tflag in array([1, 10, 11]): if any(args): odeconfig.c_args = [] arg_items = args.items() for k in range(len(args)): odeconfig.c_args.append(arg_items[k][1]) #function based elif odeconfig.tflag in array([2, 3, 20, 22]): odeconfig.h_func_args = args #load monte-carlo class mc = _MC_class() #RUN THE SIMULATION #AFTER MCSOLVER IS DONE -------------------------------------- #-------COLLECT AND RETURN OUTPUT DATA IN ODEDATA OBJECT --------------# output = Odedata() output.solver = 'mcsolve' #state vectors if mc.psi_out != None and odeconfig.options.mc_avg and odeconfig.cflag: output.states = parfor(_mc_dm_avg, mc.psi_out.T) elif mc.psi_out != None: output.states = mc.psi_out #expectation values elif mc.expect_out != None and odeconfig.cflag and odeconfig.options.mc_avg: #averaging if multiple trajectories if isinstance(ntraj, int): output.expect = mean(mc.expect_out, axis=0) elif isinstance(ntraj, (list, ndarray)): output.expect = [] for num in ntraj: expt_data = mean(mc.expect_out[:num], axis=0) data_list = [] if any([op.isherm == False for op in e_ops]): for k in range(len(e_ops)): if e_ops[k].isherm: data_list.append(real(expt_data[k])) else: data_list.append(expt_data[k]) else: data_list = [data for data in expt_data] output.expect.append(data_list) else: #no averaging for single trajectory or if mc_avg flag (Odeoptions) is off if mc.expect_out != None: output.expect = mc.expect_out #simulation parameters output.times = odeconfig.tlist output.num_expect = odeconfig.e_num output.num_collapse = odeconfig.c_num output.ntraj = odeconfig.ntraj output.col_times = mc.collapse_times_out output.col_which = mc.which_op_out return output
def mv(v): return sp.array([2*v[0],3*v[1]])
def _mc_alg_evolve(nt, args): """ Monte-Carlo algorithm returning state-vector or expectation values at times tlist for a single trajectory. """ #get input data mc_alg_out, opt, tlist, num_times, seeds = args collapse_times = [] #times at which collapse occurs which_oper = [] # which operator did the collapse #SEED AND RNG AND GENERATE prng = RandomState(seeds[nt]) rand_vals = prng.rand( 2) #first rand is collapse norm, second is which operator #CREATE ODE OBJECT CORRESPONDING TO DESIRED TIME-DEPENDENCE if odeconfig.tflag in array([1, 10, 11]): ODE = ode(odeconfig.tdfunc) code = compile('ODE.set_f_params(' + odeconfig.string + ')', '<string>', 'exec') exec(code) elif odeconfig.tflag == 2: ODE = ode(_cRHStd) elif odeconfig.tflag in array([20, 22]): ODE = ode(_tdRHStd) elif odeconfig.tflag == 3: ODE = ode(_pyRHSc) else: ODE = ode(cyq_ode_rhs) ODE.set_f_params(odeconfig.h_data, odeconfig.h_ind, odeconfig.h_ptr) #initialize ODE solver for RHS ODE.set_integrator('zvode', method=opt.method, order=opt.order, atol=opt.atol, rtol=opt.rtol, nsteps=opt.nsteps, first_step=opt.first_step, min_step=opt.min_step, max_step=opt.max_step) #set initial conditions ODE.set_initial_value(odeconfig.psi0, tlist[0]) #make array for collapse operator inds cinds = arange(odeconfig.c_num) #RUN ODE UNTIL EACH TIME IN TLIST for k in range(1, num_times): #ODE WHILE LOOP FOR INTEGRATE UP TO TIME TLIST[k] while ODE.t < tlist[k]: t_prev = ODE.t y_prev = ODE.y norm2_prev = norm(ODE.y, 2)**2 ODE.integrate( tlist[k], step=1) #integrate up to tlist[k], one step at a time. if not ODE.successful(): raise Exception("ZVODE failed!") #check if ODE jumped over tlist[k], if so, integrate until tlist exactly if ODE.t > tlist[k]: ODE.set_initial_value(y_prev, t_prev) ODE.integrate(tlist[k], step=0) if not ODE.successful(): raise Exception("ZVODE failed!") norm2_psi = norm(ODE.y, 2)**2 if norm2_psi <= rand_vals[0]: # <== collpase has occured #find collpase time to within specified tolerance #--------------------------------------------------- ii = 0 t_final = ODE.t while ii < odeconfig.norm_steps: ii += 1 #t_guess=t_prev+(rand_vals[0]-norm2_prev)/(norm2_psi-norm2_prev)*(t_final-t_prev) t_guess = t_prev + log(norm2_prev / rand_vals[0]) / log( norm2_prev / norm2_psi) * (t_final - t_prev) ODE.set_initial_value(y_prev, t_prev) ODE.integrate(t_guess, step=0) if not ODE.successful(): raise Exception( "ZVODE failed after adjusting step size!") norm2_guess = norm(ODE.y, 2)**2 if abs(rand_vals[0] - norm2_guess) < odeconfig.norm_tol * rand_vals[0]: break elif (norm2_guess < rand_vals[0]): # t_guess is still > t_jump t_final = t_guess norm2_psi = norm2_guess else: # t_guess < t_jump t_prev = t_guess y_prev = ODE.y norm2_prev = norm2_guess if ii > odeconfig.norm_steps: raise Exception( "Norm tolerance not reached. Increase accuracy of ODE solver or Odeoptions.norm_steps." ) #--------------------------------------------------- collapse_times.append(ODE.t) #some string based collapse operators if odeconfig.tflag in array([1, 11]): n_dp = [ mc_expect(odeconfig.n_ops_data[i], odeconfig.n_ops_ind[i], odeconfig.n_ops_ptr[i], 1, ODE.y) for i in odeconfig.c_const_inds ] _locals = locals() exec( odeconfig.col_expect_code, globals(), _locals ) #calculates the expectation values for time-dependent norm collapse operators n_dp = array(_locals['n_dp']) #some Python function based collapse operators elif odeconfig.tflag in array([2, 20, 22]): n_dp = [ mc_expect(odeconfig.n_ops_data[i], odeconfig.n_ops_ind[i], odeconfig.n_ops_ptr[i], 1, ODE.y) for i in odeconfig.c_const_inds ] n_dp += [ abs(odeconfig.c_funcs[i](ODE.t, odeconfig.c_func_args)) **2 * mc_expect(odeconfig.n_ops_data[i], odeconfig.n_ops_ind[i], odeconfig.n_ops_ptr[i], 1, ODE.y) for i in odeconfig.c_td_inds ] n_dp = array(n_dp) #all constant collapse operators. else: n_dp = array([ mc_expect(odeconfig.n_ops_data[i], odeconfig.n_ops_ind[i], odeconfig.n_ops_ptr[i], 1, ODE.y) for i in range(odeconfig.c_num) ]) #determine which operator does collapse kk = cumsum(n_dp / sum(n_dp)) j = cinds[kk >= rand_vals[1]][0] which_oper.append(j) #record which operator did collapse if j in odeconfig.c_const_inds: state = spmv(odeconfig.c_ops_data[j], odeconfig.c_ops_ind[j], odeconfig.c_ops_ptr[j], ODE.y) else: if odeconfig.tflag in array([1, 11]): _locals = locals() exec( odeconfig.col_spmv_code, globals(), _locals ) #calculates the state vector for collapse by a time-dependent collapse operator state = _locals['state'] else: state = odeconfig.c_funcs[j]( ODE.t, odeconfig.c_func_args) * spmv( odeconfig.c_ops_data[j], odeconfig.c_ops_ind[j], odeconfig.c_ops_ptr[j], ODE.y) state = state / norm(state, 2) ODE.set_initial_value(state, ODE.t) rand_vals = prng.rand(2) #------------------------------------------------------- ###--after while loop--#### out_psi = ODE.y / norm(ODE.y, 2) if odeconfig.e_num == 0: if odeconfig.options.mc_avg: mc_alg_out[k] = out_psi * out_psi.conj().T else: mc_alg_out[k] = out_psi else: for jj in range(odeconfig.e_num): mc_alg_out[jj][k] = mc_expect(odeconfig.e_ops_data[jj], odeconfig.e_ops_ind[jj], odeconfig.e_ops_ptr[jj], odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[jj], out_psi) #RETURN VALUES if odeconfig.e_num == 0: if odeconfig.options.mc_avg: mc_alg_out = array([ Qobj(k, [odeconfig.psi0_dims[0], odeconfig.psi0_dims[0]], [odeconfig.psi0_shape[0], odeconfig.psi0_shape[0]], fast='mc-dm') for k in mc_alg_out ]) else: mc_alg_out = array([ Qobj(k, odeconfig.psi0_dims, odeconfig.psi0_shape, fast='mc') for k in mc_alg_out ]) return nt, mc_alg_out, array(collapse_times), array(which_oper) else: return nt, mc_alg_out, array(collapse_times), array(which_oper)
""" This scripts serves as a demonstration of Kalman Filter tracking of brownian motion data """ import scipy as sp from scipy.linalg import inv from functools import wraps _t_delta = 0.5 _A = sp.array([[1, _t_delta], [0, 1]]) _H = sp.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) _R = None _Q = sp.array([[0.001, 0], [0, .001]]) class KalmanFilter(object): """Class for implementing simple Kalman Filter, assumes no Control input""" def __init__(self, A=_A, H=_H, R=_R, Q=_Q): dim = A.shape[0] self.A = A # Transition matrix self.H = H # Extraction matrix self.R = R # Covariance matrix, measurement noise self.Q = Q # Covariance matrix, process noise self.x_mu_prior = sp.zeros([dim, 1]) self.x_mu = sp.zeros([dim, 1]) self.P_prior = sp.zeros([dim, dim]) self.P = sp.zeros([dim, dim]) self.P[-1][-1] = .001 self.I = sp.identity(dim)
def __init__(self): #-----------------------------------# # INIT MC CLASS #-----------------------------------# #----MAIN OBJECT PROPERTIES--------------------# ##holds instance of the ProgressBar class = None ##holds instance of the Pthread class self.thread = None #Number of completed trajectories self.count = 0 ##step-size for count attribute self.step = 1 ##Percent of trajectories completed self.percent = 0.0 ##used in implimenting the command line progress ouput self.level = 0.1 ##times at which to output state vectors or expectation values ##number of time steps in tlist self.num_times = len(odeconfig.tlist) #holds seed for random number generator self.seed = None #holds expected time to completion = None #number of cpus to be used self.cpus = odeconfig.options.num_cpus #set output variables, even if they are not used to simplify output code. self.psi_out = None self.expect_out = [] self.collapse_times_out = None self.which_op_out = None #FOR EVOLUTION FOR NO COLLAPSE OPERATORS if odeconfig.c_num == 0: if odeconfig.e_num == 0: ##Output array of state vectors calculated at times in tlist self.psi_out = array( [Qobj()] * self.num_times) #preallocate array of Qobjs elif odeconfig.e_num != 0: #no collpase expectation values ##List of output expectation values calculated at times in tlist self.expect_out = [] for i in range(odeconfig.e_num): if odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[ i]: #preallocate real array of zeros self.expect_out.append(zeros(self.num_times)) else: #preallocate complex array of zeros self.expect_out.append( zeros(self.num_times, dtype=complex)) self.expect_out[i][0] = mc_expect( odeconfig.e_ops_data[i], odeconfig.e_ops_ind[i], odeconfig.e_ops_ptr[i], odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[i], odeconfig.psi0) #FOR EVOLUTION WITH COLLAPSE OPERATORS elif odeconfig.c_num != 0: #preallocate #ntraj arrays for state vectors, collapse times, and which operator self.collapse_times_out = zeros((odeconfig.ntraj), dtype=ndarray) self.which_op_out = zeros((odeconfig.ntraj), dtype=ndarray) if odeconfig.e_num == 0: # if no expectation operators, preallocate #ntraj arrays for state vectors self.psi_out = array([ zeros((self.num_times), dtype=object) for q in range(odeconfig.ntraj) ]) #preallocate array of Qobjs else: #preallocate array of lists for expectation values self.expect_out = [[] for x in range(odeconfig.ntraj)]
def main(): fm = fmtest() tstart = time.time() tend = time.time() if 1: fig1 = pylab.figure(1, figsize=(12, 10), facecolor="w") fig2 = pylab.figure(2, figsize=(12, 10), facecolor="w") fig3 = pylab.figure(3, figsize=(12, 10), facecolor="w") Ns = 10000 Ne = 100000 fftlen = 8192 winfunc = scipy.blackman # Plot transmitted signal fs = fm._if_rate d =[Ns:Ns + Ne] sp1_f = fig1.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) X, freq = sp1_f.psd(d, NFFT=fftlen, noverlap=fftlen / 4, Fs=fs, window=lambda d: d * winfunc(fftlen), visible=False) X_in = 10.0 * scipy.log10(abs(fftpack.fftshift(X))) f_in = scipy.arange(-fs / 2.0, fs / 2.0, fs / float(X_in.size)) p1_f = sp1_f.plot(f_in, X_in, "b") sp1_f.set_xlim([min(f_in), max(f_in) + 1]) sp1_f.set_ylim([-120.0, 20.0]) sp1_f.set_title("Input Signal", weight="bold") sp1_f.set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") sp1_f.set_ylabel("Power (dBW)") Ts = 1.0 / fs Tmax = len(d) * Ts t_in = scipy.arange(0, Tmax, Ts) x_in = scipy.array(d) sp1_t = fig1.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) p1_t = sp1_t.plot(t_in, x_in.real, "b-o") #p1_t = sp1_t.plot(t_in, x_in.imag, "r-o") sp1_t.set_ylim([-5, 5]) # Set up the number of rows and columns for plotting the subfigures Ncols = int(scipy.floor(scipy.sqrt(fm.num_rx_channels()))) Nrows = int(scipy.floor(fm.num_rx_channels() / Ncols)) if (fm.num_rx_channels() % Ncols != 0): Nrows += 1 # Plot each of the channels outputs. Frequencies on Figure 2 and # time signals on Figure 3 fs_o = fm._audio_rate for i in xrange(len(fm.snks)): # remove issues with the transients at the beginning # also remove some corruption at the end of the stream # this is a bug, probably due to the corner cases d = fm.snks[i].data()[Ns:Ne] sp2_f = fig2.add_subplot(Nrows, Ncols, 1 + i) X, freq = sp2_f.psd(d, NFFT=fftlen, noverlap=fftlen / 4, Fs=fs_o, window=lambda d: d * winfunc(fftlen), visible=False) #X_o = 10.0*scipy.log10(abs(fftpack.fftshift(X))) X_o = 10.0 * scipy.log10(abs(X)) #f_o = scipy.arange(-fs_o/2.0, fs_o/2.0, fs_o/float(X_o.size)) f_o = scipy.arange(0, fs_o / 2.0, fs_o / 2.0 / float(X_o.size)) p2_f = sp2_f.plot(f_o, X_o, "b") sp2_f.set_xlim([min(f_o), max(f_o) + 0.1]) sp2_f.set_ylim([-120.0, 20.0]) sp2_f.grid(True) sp2_f.set_title(("Channel %d" % i), weight="bold") sp2_f.set_xlabel("Frequency (kHz)") sp2_f.set_ylabel("Power (dBW)") Ts = 1.0 / fs_o Tmax = len(d) * Ts t_o = scipy.arange(0, Tmax, Ts) x_t = scipy.array(d) sp2_t = fig3.add_subplot(Nrows, Ncols, 1 + i) p2_t = sp2_t.plot(t_o, x_t.real, "b") p2_t = sp2_t.plot(t_o, x_t.imag, "r") sp2_t.set_xlim([min(t_o), max(t_o) + 1]) sp2_t.set_ylim([-1, 1]) sp2_t.set_xlabel("Time (s)") sp2_t.set_ylabel("Amplitude")
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft x = np.random.random(1024) %timeit ifft(fft(x)) # %% [markdown] {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "slide"}} # ## Linear algebra : scipy.linalg # - Sovers, decompositions, eigen values. (same as numpy). # - Matrix functions : expm, sinm, sinhm,... # - Block matrices diagonal, triangular, periodic,... # %% {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "fragment"}} import scipy.linalg as spl b=sp.ones(5) A=sp.array([[1.,3.,0., 0.,0.], [ 2.,1.,-4, 0.,0.], [ 6.,1., 2,-3.,0.], [ 0.,1., 4.,-2.,-3.], [ 0.,0., 6.,-3., 2.]]) print("x=",spl.solve(A,b,sym_pos=False)) # LAPACK ( gesv ou posv ) AB=sp.array([[0.,3.,-4.,-3.,-3.], [1.,1., 2.,-2., 2.], [2.,1., 4.,-3., 0.], [6.,1., 6., 0., 0.]]) print("x=",spl.solve_banded((2,1),AB,b)) # LAPACK ( gbsv ) # %% {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "slide"}} P,L,U = # P A = L U np.set_printoptions(precision=3) for M in (P,L,U): print(M, end="\n"+20*"-"+"\n")
def coordinate_genot_ss(genotype_file=None, hdf5_file=None, genetic_map_dir=None, check_mafs=False, min_maf=0.01, skip_coordination=False, debug=False): """ Assumes plink BED files. Imputes missing genotypes. """ from plinkio import plinkfile plinkf = plinkfile.PlinkFile(genotype_file) plinkf_dict = plinkfiles.get_phenotypes(plinkf) num_individs = plinkf_dict['num_individs'] risk_scores = sp.zeros(num_individs) rb_risk_scores = sp.zeros(num_individs) num_common_snps = 0 corr_list = [] rb_corr_list = [] if plinkf_dict['has_phenotype']: hdf5_file.create_dataset('y', data=plinkf_dict['phenotypes']) hdf5_file.create_dataset('fids', data=sp.array(plinkf_dict['fids'], dtype=util.fids_dtype)) hdf5_file.create_dataset('iids', data=sp.array(plinkf_dict['iids'], dtype=util.iids_dtype)) ssf = hdf5_file['sum_stats'] cord_data_g = hdf5_file.create_group('cord_data') # Figure out chromosomes and positions by looking at SNPs. loci = plinkf.get_loci() plinkf.close() gf_chromosomes = [l.chromosome for l in loci] chromosomes = sp.unique(gf_chromosomes) chromosomes.sort() chr_dict = plinkfiles.get_chrom_dict(loci, chromosomes) tot_num_non_matching_nts = 0 for chrom in chromosomes: chr_str = 'chrom_%d' % chrom print('Working on chromsome: %s' % chr_str) chrom_d = chr_dict[chr_str] try: ssg = ssf['chrom_%d' % chrom] except Exception as err_str: print(err_str) print('Did not find chromsome in SS dataset.') print('Continuing.') continue g_sids = chrom_d['sids'] g_sid_set = set(g_sids) assert len(g_sid_set) == len(g_sids), 'Some SNPs appear to be duplicated?' ss_sids = (ssg['sids'][...]).astype(util.sids_u_dtype) ss_sid_set = set(ss_sids) assert len(ss_sid_set) == len(ss_sids), 'Some SNPs appear to be duplicated?' # Figure out filters: g_filter = sp.in1d(g_sids, ss_sids) ss_filter = sp.in1d(ss_sids, g_sids) # Order by SNP IDs g_order = sp.argsort(g_sids) ss_order = sp.argsort(ss_sids) g_indices = [] for g_i in g_order: if g_filter[g_i]: g_indices.append(g_i) ss_indices = [] for ss_i in ss_order: if ss_filter[ss_i]: ss_indices.append(ss_i) g_nts = chrom_d['nts'] snp_indices = chrom_d['snp_indices'] ss_nts = (ssg['nts'][...]).astype(util.nts_u_dtype) betas = ssg['betas'][...] log_odds = ssg['log_odds'][...] assert not sp.any(sp.isnan(betas)), 'Some SNP effect estimates are NANs (not a number)' assert not sp.any(sp.isinf(betas)), 'Some SNP effect estimates are INFs (infinite numbers)' num_non_matching_nts = 0 num_ambig_nts = 0 ok_nts = [] if debug: print('Found %d SNPs present in both datasets' % (len(g_indices))) if 'freqs' in ssg: ss_freqs = ssg['freqs'][...] ok_indices = {'g': [], 'ss': []} for g_i, ss_i in zip(g_indices, ss_indices): # Is the nucleotide ambiguous? g_nt = [g_nts[g_i][0], g_nts[g_i][1]] if not skip_coordination: if tuple(g_nt) in util.ambig_nts: num_ambig_nts += 1 tot_num_non_matching_nts += 1 continue if (not g_nt[0] in util.valid_nts) or (not g_nt[1] in util.valid_nts): num_non_matching_nts += 1 tot_num_non_matching_nts += 1 continue ss_nt = ss_nts[ss_i] # Are the nucleotides the same? flip_nts = False os_g_nt = sp.array( [util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[0]], util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[1]]]) if not (sp.all(g_nt == ss_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == ss_nt)): # Opposite strand nucleotides flip_nts = (g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1]) or ( os_g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and os_g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1]) if flip_nts: betas[ss_i] = -betas[ss_i] log_odds[ss_i] = -log_odds[ss_i] if 'freqs' in ssg: if ss_freqs[ss_i] > 0: ss_freqs[ss_i] = 1 - ss_freqs[ss_i] else: num_non_matching_nts += 1 tot_num_non_matching_nts += 1 continue # everything seems ok. ok_indices['g'].append(g_i) ok_indices['ss'].append(ss_i) ok_nts.append(g_nt) if debug: print('%d SNPs were excluded due to ambiguous nucleotides.' % num_ambig_nts) print('%d SNPs were excluded due to non-matching nucleotides.' % num_non_matching_nts) # Resorting by position positions = sp.array(chrom_d['positions'])[ok_indices['g']] order = sp.argsort(positions) ok_indices['g'] = list(sp.array(ok_indices['g'])[order]) ok_indices['ss'] = list(sp.array(ok_indices['ss'])[order]) positions = positions[order] # Parse SNPs snp_indices = sp.array(chrom_d['snp_indices']) # Pinpoint where the SNPs are in the file. snp_indices = snp_indices[ok_indices['g']] raw_snps, freqs = plinkfiles.parse_plink_snps( genotype_file, snp_indices) if debug: print('Parsed a %dX%d (SNP) genotype matrix'%(raw_snps.shape[0],raw_snps.shape[1])) snp_stds = sp.sqrt(2 * freqs * (1 - freqs)) snp_means = freqs * 2 betas = betas[ok_indices['ss']] log_odds = log_odds[ok_indices['ss']] ps = ssg['ps'][...][ok_indices['ss']] nts = sp.array(ok_nts)[order] sids = (ssg['sids'][...]).astype(util.sids_u_dtype) sids = sids[ok_indices['ss']] # Check SNP frequencies.. if check_mafs and 'freqs' in ssg: ss_freqs = ss_freqs[ok_indices['ss']] # Assuming freq less than 0 is missing data freq_discrepancy_snp = sp.absolute(ss_freqs - (1 - freqs)) > 0.15 # Filter SNPs that doesn't have MAF info from sumstat freq_discrepancy_snp = sp.logical_and(freq_discrepancy_snp, ss_freqs>0) freq_discrepancy_snp = sp.logical_and(freq_discrepancy_snp, ss_freqs<1) if sp.any(freq_discrepancy_snp): print('Warning: %d SNPs appear to have high frequency ' 'discrepancy between summary statistics and validation sample' % sp.sum(freq_discrepancy_snp)) # Filter freq_discrepancy_snps ok_freq_snps = sp.logical_not(freq_discrepancy_snp) raw_snps = raw_snps[ok_freq_snps] snp_stds = snp_stds[ok_freq_snps] snp_means = snp_means[ok_freq_snps] freqs = freqs[ok_freq_snps] ps = ps[ok_freq_snps] positions = positions[ok_freq_snps] nts = nts[ok_freq_snps] sids = sids[ok_freq_snps] betas = betas[ok_freq_snps] log_odds = log_odds[ok_freq_snps] # Filter minor allele frequency SNPs. maf_filter = (freqs > min_maf) * (freqs < (1 - min_maf)) maf_filter_sum = sp.sum(maf_filter) n_snps = len(maf_filter) assert maf_filter_sum <= n_snps, "Problems when filtering SNPs with low minor allele frequencies" if sp.sum(maf_filter) < n_snps: raw_snps = raw_snps[maf_filter] snp_stds = snp_stds[maf_filter] snp_means = snp_means[maf_filter] freqs = freqs[maf_filter] ps = ps[maf_filter] positions = positions[maf_filter] nts = nts[maf_filter] sids = sids[maf_filter] betas = betas[maf_filter] log_odds = log_odds[maf_filter] print('%d SNPs with MAF < %0.3f were filtered' % (n_snps - maf_filter_sum, min_maf)) print('%d SNPs were retained on chromosome %d.' % (maf_filter_sum, chrom)) rb_prs =, log_odds) if debug and plinkf_dict['has_phenotype']: print('Normalizing SNPs') snp_means.shape = (len(raw_snps), 1) snp_stds.shape = (len(raw_snps), 1) snps = (raw_snps - snp_means) / snp_stds assert snps.shape == raw_snps.shape, 'Problems when normalizing SNPs (set to have variance 1 and 0 mean)' snp_stds = snp_stds.flatten() snp_means = snp_means.flatten() prs =, betas) corr = sp.corrcoef(plinkf_dict['phenotypes'], prs)[0, 1] corr_list.append(corr) print('PRS correlation for chromosome %d was %0.4f when predicting into LD ref data' % (chrom, corr)) rb_corr = sp.corrcoef(plinkf_dict['phenotypes'], rb_prs)[0, 1] rb_corr_list.append(rb_corr) print('Raw effect sizes PRS correlation for chromosome %d was %0.4f when predicting into LD ref data' % (chrom, rb_corr)) sid_set = set(sids) if genetic_map_dir is not None: genetic_map = [] with + 'chr%d.interpolated_genetic_map.gz' % chrom) as f: for line in f: l = line.split() if l[0] in sid_set: genetic_map.append(l[0]) else: genetic_map = None coord_data_dict = {'chrom': 'chrom_%d' % chrom, 'raw_snps_ref': raw_snps, 'snp_stds_ref': snp_stds, 'snp_means_ref': snp_means, 'freqs_ref': freqs, 'ps': ps, 'positions': positions, 'nts': nts, 'sids': sids, 'genetic_map': genetic_map, 'betas': betas, 'log_odds': log_odds, 'log_odds_prs': rb_prs} write_coord_data(cord_data_g, coord_data_dict) if debug and plinkf_dict['has_phenotype']: rb_risk_scores += rb_prs risk_scores += prs num_common_snps += len(betas) if debug and plinkf_dict['has_phenotype']: # Now calculate the prediction R^2 corr = sp.corrcoef(plinkf_dict['phenotypes'], risk_scores)[0, 1] rb_corr = sp.corrcoef(plinkf_dict['phenotypes'], rb_risk_scores)[0, 1] print('PRS R2 prediction accuracy for the whole genome was %0.4f (corr=%0.4f) when predicting into LD ref data' % (corr ** 2, corr)) print('Log-odds (effects) PRS R2 prediction accuracy for the whole genome was %0.4f (corr=%0.4f) when predicting into LD ref data' % (rb_corr ** 2, rb_corr)) print('There were %d SNPs in common' % num_common_snps) print('In all, %d SNPs were excluded due to nucleotide issues.' % tot_num_non_matching_nts) print('Done coordinating genotypes and summary statistics datasets.')
def run(self, minimum_epsilon: float, max_nr_populations: int, min_acceptance_rate: float = 0., **kwargs) -> History: """ Run the ABCSMC model selection until either of the stopping criteria is met. Parameters ---------- minimum_epsilon: float Stop if epsilon is smaller than minimum epsilon specified here. max_nr_populations: int The maximum number of populations. Stop if this number is reached. min_acceptance_rate: float, optional Minimal allowed acceptance rate. Sampling stops if a population has a lower rate. Population after population is sampled and particles which are close enough to the observed data are accepted and added to the next population. If an adaptive Epsilon is specified (this is the default), then the acceptance threshold decreases from population to population automatically in a data dependent way. Sampling of further populations is stopped, when either of the three stopping criteria is met: * the maximum number of populations ``max_nr_populations`` is reached, * the acceptance threshold for the last sampled population was smaller than ``minimum_epsilon``, * or the acceptance rate dropped below ``acceptance_rate``. The value of ``minimum_epsilon`` determines the quality of the ABCSMC approximation. The smaller the better. But sampling time also increases with decreasing ``minimum_epsilon``. This method can be called repeatedly to sample further populations after sampling was stopped once. """ if len(kwargs) > 1: raise TypeError("Keyword arguments are not allowed.") if "acceptance_rate" in kwargs: warnings.warn( "The acceptance_rate argument is deprecated and " "removed in pyABc 0.9.0. " "Use min_acceptance_rate instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) min_acceptance_rate = kwargs["acceptance_rate"] t0 = self.history.max_t + 1 self.history.start_time = # not saved as attribute b/c Mapper of type # "ipython_cluster" is not pickable for t in range(t0, t0 + max_nr_populations): # this is calculated here to avoid double initialization of medians current_eps = self.eps(t, self.history)'t:' + str(t) + ' eps:' + str(current_eps)) self._fit_transitions(t) self._adapt_population(t) # cache model_probabilities to not to query the database so soften model_probabilities = self.history.get_model_probabilities( self.history.max_t) abclogger.debug('now submitting population ' + str(t)) m = sp.array(model_probabilities.index) p = sp.array(model_probabilities.p) def sample_one(): return self._generate_valid_proposal(t, m, p) def eval_one(par): return self._evaluate_proposal(*par, current_eps, t, model_probabilities) def accept_one(particle): return len(particle.distance_list) > 0 population = self.sampler.sample_until_n_accepted( sample_one, eval_one, accept_one, self.population_strategy.nr_particles) population = [ particle for particle in population if not isinstance(particle, Exception) ] abclogger.debug('population ' + str(t) + ' done') nr_evaluations = self.sampler.nr_evaluations_ model_names = [ for model in self.models] self.history.append_population(t, current_eps, population, nr_evaluations, model_names) abclogger.debug('\ntotal nr simulations up to t =' + str(t) + ' is ' + str(self.history.total_nr_simulations)) current_acceptance_rate = len(population) / nr_evaluations if (current_eps <= minimum_epsilon or (self.stop_if_only_single_model_alive and self.history.nr_of_models_alive() <= 1) or current_acceptance_rate < min_acceptance_rate): break self.history.done() return self.history
def permute(arr): assert arr.ndim == 1, "Only one dimensional arrays are supported" assert arr.shape == permutation.shape, "Array shapes don't match" return array([arr[i] for i in permutation])
def estimate(pv, m=None, verbose=False, lowmem=False, pi0=None): """ Estimates q-values from p-values Args ===== m: number of tests. If not specified m = pv.size verbose: print verbose messages? (default False) lowmem: use memory-efficient in-place algorithm pi0: if None, it's estimated as suggested in Storey and Tibshirani, 2003. For most GWAS this is not necessary, since pi0 is extremely likely to be 1 """ assert (pv.min() >= 0 and pv.max() <= 1), "p-values should be between 0 and 1" original_shape = pv.shape pv = pv.ravel( ) # flattens the array in place, more efficient than flatten() if m is None: m = float(len(pv)) else: # the user has supplied an m m *= 1.0 # if the number of hypotheses is small, just set pi0 to 1 if len(pv) < 100 and pi0 is None: pi0 = 1.0 elif pi0 is not None: pi0 = pi0 else: # evaluate pi0 for different lambdas pi0 = [] lam = sp.arange(0, 0.90, 0.01) counts = sp.array([(pv > i).sum() for i in sp.arange(0, 0.9, 0.01)]) for l in range(len(lam)): pi0.append(counts[l] / (m * (1 - lam[l]))) pi0 = sp.array(pi0) # fit natural cubic spline tck = interpolate.splrep(lam, pi0, k=3) pi0 = interpolate.splev(lam[-1], tck) if verbose: print("qvalues pi0=%.3f, estimated proportion of null features " % pi0) if pi0 > 1: if verbose: print( "got pi0 > 1 (%.3f) while estimating qvalues, setting it to 1" % pi0) pi0 = 1.0 assert (pi0 >= 0 and pi0 <= 1), "pi0 is not between 0 and 1: %f" % pi0 if lowmem: # low memory version, only uses 1 pv and 1 qv matrices qv = sp.zeros((len(pv), )) last_pv = pv.argmax() qv[last_pv] = (pi0 * pv[last_pv] * m) / float(m) pv[last_pv] = -sp.inf prev_qv = last_pv for i in range(int(len(pv)) - 2, -1, -1): cur_max = pv.argmax() qv_i = (pi0 * m * pv[cur_max] / float(i + 1)) pv[cur_max] = -sp.inf qv_i1 = prev_qv qv[cur_max] = min(qv_i, qv_i1) prev_qv = qv[cur_max] else: p_ordered = sp.argsort(pv) pv = pv[p_ordered] qv = pi0 * m / len(pv) * pv qv[-1] = min(qv[-1], 1.0) for i in range(len(pv) - 2, -1, -1): qv[i] = min(pi0 * m * pv[i] / (i + 1.0), qv[i + 1]) # reorder qvalues qv_temp = qv.copy() qv = sp.zeros_like(qv) qv[p_ordered] = qv_temp # reshape qvalues qv = qv.reshape(original_shape) return qv
""" Définition des paramètres: f : edo à intégrer X0: conditions initiales h : pas de calcul """ def RK4(f,X0,t,h): n = len(t) X = zeros((len(t),2) + shape(X0)) X[0] = X0 for i in range(n-1): k1 = h*f(t[i], X[i]) k2 = h*f(t[i] + h/2.0, X[i] + k1/2.0) k3 = h*f(t[i] + h/2.0, X[i] + k2/2.0) k4 = h*f(t[i] + h,X[i] + k3) X[i+1] = X[i] + (k1 + 2.0*k2 + 2.0*k3 + k4)/6.0 return (X) # définition des conditions d'intégration dt = 0.1 # pas de temps t = arange(0.0,10.0,dt) # vecteur temps pour l'intégration # intégration de l'EDO du pendule simple par la méthode RK4 X0 = array([theta0, dtheta0]) y = RK4(Pendule,X0,t,dt) # visualisation de la courbe intégrale figure() plot(t,y[:,1]) show()
def coordinate_genotypes_ss_w_ld_ref(genotype_file=None, reference_genotype_file=None, hdf5_file=None, genetic_map_dir=None, check_mafs=False, min_maf=0.01, skip_coordination=False, debug=False): print('Coordinating things w genotype file: %s \nref. genot. file: %s' % (genotype_file, reference_genotype_file)) from plinkio import plinkfile plinkf = plinkfile.PlinkFile(genotype_file) # Loads only the individuals... (I think?) plinkf_dict = plinkfiles.get_phenotypes(plinkf) # Figure out chromosomes and positions. if debug: print('Parsing validation bim file') loci = plinkf.get_loci() plinkf.close() gf_chromosomes = [l.chromosome for l in loci] chromosomes = sp.unique(gf_chromosomes) chromosomes.sort() chr_dict = plinkfiles.get_chrom_dict(loci, chromosomes) if debug: print('Parsing LD reference bim file') plinkf_ref = plinkfile.PlinkFile(reference_genotype_file) loci_ref = plinkf_ref.get_loci() plinkf_ref.close() chr_dict_ref = plinkfiles.get_chrom_dict(loci_ref, chromosomes) # Open HDF5 file and prepare out data assert not 'iids' in hdf5_file, 'Something is wrong with the HDF5 file, no individuals IDs were found.' if plinkf_dict['has_phenotype']: hdf5_file.create_dataset('y', data=plinkf_dict['phenotypes']) hdf5_file.create_dataset('fids', data=sp.array(plinkf_dict['fids'], dtype=util.fids_dtype)) hdf5_file.create_dataset('iids', data=sp.array(plinkf_dict['iids'], dtype=util.iids_dtype)) ssf = hdf5_file['sum_stats'] cord_data_g = hdf5_file.create_group('cord_data') maf_adj_risk_scores = sp.zeros(plinkf_dict['num_individs']) num_common_snps = 0 # corr_list = [] tot_g_ss_nt_concord_count = 0 tot_rg_ss_nt_concord_count = 0 tot_g_rg_nt_concord_count = 0 tot_num_non_matching_nts = 0 # Now iterate over chromosomes for chrom in chromosomes: ok_indices = {'g': [], 'rg': [], 'ss': []} chr_str = 'chrom_%d' % chrom print('Working on chromsome: %s' % chr_str) chrom_d = chr_dict[chr_str] chrom_d_ref = chr_dict_ref[chr_str] try: ssg = ssf['chrom_%d' % chrom] except Exception as err_str: print(err_str) print('Did not find chromsome in SS dataset.') print('Continuing.') continue ssg = ssf['chrom_%d' % chrom] g_sids = chrom_d['sids'] rg_sids = chrom_d_ref['sids'] ss_sids = (ssg['sids'][...]).astype(util.sids_u_dtype) if debug: print('Found %d SNPs in validation data, %d SNPs in LD reference data, and %d SNPs in summary statistics.' % (len(g_sids), len(rg_sids), len(ss_sids))) common_sids = sp.intersect1d(ss_sids, g_sids) common_sids = sp.intersect1d(common_sids, rg_sids) if debug: print('Found %d SNPs on chrom %d that were common across all datasets' % (len(common_sids), chrom)) ss_snp_map = [] g_snp_map = [] rg_snp_map = [] ss_sid_dict = {} for i, sid in enumerate(ss_sids): ss_sid_dict[sid] = i g_sid_dict = {} for i, sid in enumerate(g_sids): g_sid_dict[sid] = i rg_sid_dict = {} for i, sid in enumerate(rg_sids): rg_sid_dict[sid] = i for sid in common_sids: g_snp_map.append(g_sid_dict[sid]) # order by positions g_positions = sp.array(chrom_d['positions'])[g_snp_map] order = sp.argsort(g_positions) # order = order.tolist() g_snp_map = sp.array(g_snp_map)[order] g_snp_map = g_snp_map.tolist() common_sids = sp.array(common_sids)[order] # Get the other two maps for sid in common_sids: rg_snp_map.append(rg_sid_dict[sid]) for sid in common_sids: ss_snp_map.append(ss_sid_dict[sid]) g_nts = sp.array(chrom_d['nts']) rg_nts = sp.array(chrom_d_ref['nts']) rg_nts_ok = sp.array(rg_nts)[rg_snp_map] ss_nts = (ssg['nts'][...]).astype(util.nts_u_dtype) betas = ssg['betas'][...] log_odds = ssg['log_odds'][...] if 'freqs' in ssg: ss_freqs = ssg['freqs'][...] g_ss_nt_concord_count = sp.sum( g_nts[g_snp_map] == ss_nts[ss_snp_map]) / 2.0 rg_ss_nt_concord_count = sp.sum(rg_nts_ok == ss_nts[ss_snp_map]) / 2.0 g_rg_nt_concord_count = sp.sum(g_nts[g_snp_map] == rg_nts_ok) / 2.0 if debug: print('Nucleotide concordance counts out of %d genotypes: vg-g: %d, vg-ss: %d, g-ss: %d' % (len(g_snp_map), g_rg_nt_concord_count, g_ss_nt_concord_count, rg_ss_nt_concord_count)) tot_g_ss_nt_concord_count += g_ss_nt_concord_count tot_rg_ss_nt_concord_count += rg_ss_nt_concord_count tot_g_rg_nt_concord_count += g_rg_nt_concord_count num_non_matching_nts = 0 num_ambig_nts = 0 # Identifying which SNPs have nucleotides that are ok.. ok_nts = [] for g_i, rg_i, ss_i in zip(g_snp_map, rg_snp_map, ss_snp_map): # To make sure, is the SNP id the same? assert g_sids[g_i] == rg_sids[rg_i] == ss_sids[ss_i], 'Some issues with coordinating the genotypes.' g_nt = g_nts[g_i] if not skip_coordination: rg_nt = rg_nts[rg_i] ss_nt = ss_nts[ss_i] # Is the nucleotide ambiguous. g_nt = [g_nts[g_i][0], g_nts[g_i][1]] if tuple(g_nt) in util.ambig_nts: num_ambig_nts += 1 tot_num_non_matching_nts += 1 continue # First check if nucleotide is sane? if (not g_nt[0] in util.valid_nts) or (not g_nt[1] in util.valid_nts): num_non_matching_nts += 1 tot_num_non_matching_nts += 1 continue os_g_nt = sp.array( [util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[0]], util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[1]]]) flip_nts = False if not ((sp.all(g_nt == ss_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == ss_nt)) and (sp.all(g_nt == rg_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == rg_nt))): if sp.all(g_nt == rg_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == rg_nt): flip_nts = (g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1]) or ( os_g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and os_g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1]) # Try flipping the SS nt if flip_nts: betas[ss_i] = -betas[ss_i] log_odds[ss_i] = -log_odds[ss_i] if 'freqs' in ssg: ss_freqs[ss_i] = 1 - ss_freqs[ss_i] else: if debug: print("Nucleotides don't match after all?: g_sid=%s, ss_sid=%s, g_i=%d, ss_i=%d, g_nt=%s, ss_nt=%s" % \ (g_sids[g_i], ss_sids[ss_i], g_i, ss_i, str(g_nt), str(ss_nt))) num_non_matching_nts += 1 tot_num_non_matching_nts += 1 continue else: num_non_matching_nts += 1 tot_num_non_matching_nts += 1 continue # Opposite strand nucleotides # everything seems ok. ok_indices['g'].append(g_i) ok_indices['rg'].append(rg_i) ok_indices['ss'].append(ss_i) ok_nts.append(g_nt) if debug: print('%d SNPs had ambiguous nucleotides.' % num_ambig_nts) print('%d SNPs were excluded due to nucleotide issues.' % num_non_matching_nts) print('%d SNPs were retained on chromosome %d.' % (len(ok_indices['g']), chrom)) # Resorting by position positions = sp.array(chrom_d['positions'])[ok_indices['g']] # Now parse SNPs .. snp_indices = sp.array(chrom_d['snp_indices']) # Pinpoint where the SNPs are in the file. snp_indices = snp_indices[ok_indices['g']] raw_snps, freqs = plinkfiles.parse_plink_snps( genotype_file, snp_indices) snp_indices_ref = sp.array(chrom_d_ref['snp_indices']) # Pinpoint where the SNPs are in the file. snp_indices_ref = snp_indices_ref[ok_indices['rg']] raw_ref_snps, freqs_ref = plinkfiles.parse_plink_snps( reference_genotype_file, snp_indices_ref) snp_stds_ref = sp.sqrt(2 * freqs_ref * (1 - freqs_ref)) snp_means_ref = freqs_ref * 2 snp_stds = sp.sqrt(2 * freqs * (1 - freqs)) snp_means = freqs * 2 betas = betas[ok_indices['ss']] log_odds = log_odds[ok_indices['ss']] ps = ssg['ps'][...][ok_indices['ss']] nts = sp.array(ok_nts) # [order] sids = (ssg['sids'][...]).astype(util.sids_u_dtype) sids = sids[ok_indices['ss']] # Check SNP frequencies.. if check_mafs and 'freqs' in ssg: ss_freqs = ss_freqs[ok_indices['ss']] freq_discrepancy_snp = sp.absolute(ss_freqs - (1 - freqs)) > 0.15 #Array of np.bool values if sp.any(freq_discrepancy_snp): print('Warning: %d SNPs were filtered due to high allele frequency discrepancy between summary statistics and validation sample' % sp.sum(freq_discrepancy_snp)) # Filter freq_discrepancy_snps ok_freq_snps = sp.logical_not(freq_discrepancy_snp) raw_snps = raw_snps[ok_freq_snps] snp_stds = snp_stds[ok_freq_snps] snp_means = snp_means[ok_freq_snps] raw_ref_snps = raw_ref_snps[ok_freq_snps] snp_stds_ref = snp_stds_ref[ok_freq_snps] snp_means_ref = snp_means_ref[ok_freq_snps] freqs = freqs[ok_freq_snps] freqs_ref = freqs_ref[ok_freq_snps] ps = ps[ok_freq_snps] positions = positions[ok_freq_snps] nts = nts[ok_freq_snps] sids = sids[ok_freq_snps] betas = betas[ok_freq_snps] log_odds = log_odds[ok_freq_snps] # Filter minor allele frequency SNPs. maf_filter = (freqs > min_maf) * (freqs < (1 - min_maf)) maf_filter_sum = sp.sum(maf_filter) n_snps = len(maf_filter) assert maf_filter_sum <= n_snps, "Problems when filtering SNPs with low minor allele frequencies" if sp.sum(maf_filter) < n_snps: raw_snps = raw_snps[maf_filter] snp_stds = snp_stds[maf_filter] snp_means = snp_means[maf_filter] raw_ref_snps = raw_ref_snps[maf_filter] snp_stds_ref = snp_stds_ref[maf_filter] snp_means_ref = snp_means_ref[maf_filter] freqs = freqs[maf_filter] freqs_ref = freqs_ref[maf_filter] ps = ps[maf_filter] positions = positions[maf_filter] nts = nts[maf_filter] sids = sids[maf_filter] betas = betas[maf_filter] log_odds = log_odds[maf_filter] maf_adj_prs =, raw_snps) if debug and plinkf_dict['has_phenotype']: maf_adj_corr = sp.corrcoef( plinkf_dict['phenotypes'], maf_adj_prs)[0, 1] print('Log odds, per genotype PRS correlation w phenotypes for chromosome %d was %0.4f' % (chrom, maf_adj_corr)) genetic_map = [] if genetic_map_dir is not None: with + 'chr%d.interpolated_genetic_map.gz' % chrom) as f: for line in f: l = line.split() # if l[0] in sid_set: # genetic_map.append(l[0]) else: genetic_map = None coord_data_dict = {'chrom': 'chrom_%d' % chrom, 'raw_snps_ref': raw_ref_snps, 'snp_stds_ref': snp_stds_ref, 'snp_means_ref': snp_means_ref, 'freqs_ref': freqs_ref, 'ps': ps, 'positions': positions, 'nts': nts, 'sids': sids, 'genetic_map': genetic_map, 'betas': betas, 'log_odds': log_odds, 'log_odds_prs': maf_adj_prs, 'raw_snps_val':raw_snps, 'snp_stds_val':snp_stds, 'snp_means_val':snp_means, 'freqs_val':freqs} write_coord_data(cord_data_g, coord_data_dict) # risk_scores += prs maf_adj_risk_scores += maf_adj_prs num_common_snps += len(betas) # Now calculate the prediction r^2 if debug and plinkf_dict['has_phenotype']: maf_adj_corr = sp.corrcoef( plinkf_dict['phenotypes'], maf_adj_risk_scores)[0, 1] print('Log odds, per PRS correlation for the whole genome was %0.4f (r^2=%0.4f)' % (maf_adj_corr, maf_adj_corr ** 2)) print('Overall nucleotide concordance counts: g_rg: %d, g_ss: %d, rg_ss: %d' % (tot_g_rg_nt_concord_count, tot_g_ss_nt_concord_count, tot_rg_ss_nt_concord_count)) print('There were %d SNPs in common' % num_common_snps) print('In all, %d SNPs were excluded due to nucleotide issues.' % tot_num_non_matching_nts) print('Done!')
def __init__(self, challenge_func, ns=10, npop1=20, pr=0.3, beta=0.85, npop2=20, w=0.7, c1=1.5, c2=1.5): # Tamanho das populacoes seed() self.ns = ns self.npop1 = npop1 self.npop2 = npop2 # Parametros do DE self.beta = beta = pr # Parametros do PSO self.c1 = c1 self.c2 = c2 self.w = w # Funcao que representa problema desafio self.fc = challenge_func # Respostas do problema desafio #self.pso = pso(fitness_func = challenge_func,npop = npop2,w = w,c1 = c1,c2 = c2) self.ans1 = scipy.zeros(self.npop1) self.ans2 = scipy.zeros(self.npop2) # Populacoes self.pop1 = [] self.pop2 = [] # Gera pop1 e pop2 e resolve problema desafio for i in scipy.arange(self.npop1): self.ans1[i], aux = self.resolve_desafio(self.gera_individuo()) self.pop1.append(aux.copy()) for i in scipy.arange(self.npop2): self.ans2[i], aux = self.resolve_desafio(self.gera_individuo()) self.pop2.append(aux.copy()) self.pop1 = scipy.array(self.pop1) self.pop2 = scipy.array(self.pop2) self.hall_of_fame1 = [] for i in scipy.arange(15): self.hall_of_fame1.insert( 0, scipy.hstack((self.ans1.min(), self.pop1[self.ans1.argmin()]))) self.hall_of_fame2 = [] for i in scipy.arange(15): #self.hall_of_fame2.insert(0,scipy.hstack(([0],self.pso.pop[0]))) self.hall_of_fame2.insert( 0, scipy.hstack((self.ans2.min(), self.pop2[self.ans2.argmin()]))) # Funcoes fitness das populacoes self.fit1 = scipy.zeros(self.npop1) self.fit2 = scipy.zeros(self.npop2) for i in scipy.arange(self.npop2): self.fit2[i] = self.avalia_aptidao2(self.ans2[i]) for i in scipy.arange(self.npop1): self.fit1[i] = self.avalia_aptidao1(self.ans1[i]) # inicializa velocidades iniciais do PSO self.v = scipy.zeros(self.pop2.shape) # guarda o melhor fitness de cada particula PSO self.bfp = scipy.copy(self.pop2) self.bfp_fitness = scipy.copy(self.fit2) self.bfp_ans = scipy.copy(self.ans2) # guarda o melhor fitness global PSO self.bfg = self.pop2[self.bfp_fitness.argmax()].copy() self.bfg_fitness = self.bfp_fitness.max().copy() self.bfg_ans = self.bfp_ans[self.bfp_fitness.argmax()].copy()
def Pendule(theta,t): return array([theta[1], -omega0**2*sin(theta[0])])
def lattice_spheres(shape: List[int], radius: int, offset: int = 0, lattice: str = 'sc'): r""" Generates a cubic packing of spheres in a specified lattice arrangement Parameters ---------- shape : list The size of the image to generate in [Nx, Ny, Nz] where N is the number of voxels in each direction. For a 2D image, use [Nx, Ny]. radius : scalar The radius of spheres (circles) in the packing offset : scalar The amount offset (+ or -) to add between sphere centers. lattice : string Specifies the type of lattice to create. Options are: 'sc' - Simple Cubic (default) 'fcc' - Face Centered Cubic 'bcc' - Body Centered Cubic For 2D images, 'sc' gives a square lattice and both 'fcc' and 'bcc' give a triangular lattice. Returns ------- image : ND-array A boolean array with ``True`` values denoting the pore space """ print(78 * '―') print('lattice_spheres: Generating ' + lattice + ' lattice') r = radius shape = sp.array(shape) if sp.size(shape) == 1: shape = sp.full((3, ), int(shape)) im = sp.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) im = im.squeeze() # Parse lattice type lattice = lattice.lower() if im.ndim == 2: if lattice in ['sc']: lattice = 'sq' if lattice in ['bcc', 'fcc']: lattice = 'tri' if lattice in ['sq', 'square']: spacing = 2 * r s = int(spacing / 2) + sp.array(offset) coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0] - r:2 * s, r:im.shape[1] - r:2 * s] im[coords[0], coords[1]] = 1 elif lattice in ['tri', 'triangular']: spacing = 2 * sp.floor(sp.sqrt(2 * (r**2))).astype(int) s = int(spacing / 2) + offset coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0] - r:2 * s, r:im.shape[1] - r:2 * s] im[coords[0], coords[1]] = 1 coords = sp.mgrid[s + r:im.shape[0] - r:2 * s, s + r:im.shape[1] - r:2 * s] im[coords[0], coords[1]] = 1 elif lattice in ['sc', 'simple cubic', 'cubic']: spacing = 2 * r s = int(spacing / 2) + sp.array(offset) coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0] - r:2 * s, r:im.shape[1] - r:2 * s, r:im.shape[2] - r:2 * s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 elif lattice in ['bcc', 'body cenetered cubic']: spacing = 2 * sp.floor(sp.sqrt(4 / 3 * (r**2))).astype(int) s = int(spacing / 2) + offset coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0] - r:2 * s, r:im.shape[1] - r:2 * s, r:im.shape[2] - r:2 * s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 coords = sp.mgrid[s + r:im.shape[0] - r:2 * s, s + r:im.shape[1] - r:2 * s, s + r:im.shape[2] - r:2 * s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 elif lattice in ['fcc', 'face centered cubic']: spacing = 2 * sp.floor(sp.sqrt(2 * (r**2))).astype(int) s = int(spacing / 2) + offset coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0] - r:2 * s, r:im.shape[1] - r:2 * s, r:im.shape[2] - r:2 * s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0] - r:2 * s, s + r:im.shape[1] - r:2 * s, s + r:im.shape[2] - r:2 * s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 coords = sp.mgrid[s + r:im.shape[0] - r:2 * s, s:im.shape[1] - r:2 * s, s + r:im.shape[2] - r:2 * s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 coords = sp.mgrid[s + r:im.shape[0] - r:2 * s, s + r:im.shape[1] - r:2 * s, s:im.shape[2] - r:2 * s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 im = ~(spim.distance_transform_edt(~im) < r) return im
def CCOMB(vectors): return (sp.array(VECTSUM(vectors)) / float(len(vectors))).tolist()
def getObservation(self): self.obs = array([self.state%2, (self.state/2)%2, 1]) return self.obs
def noise(shape: List[int], porosity=None, octaves: int = 3, frequency: int = 32, mode: str = 'simplex'): r""" Generate a field of spatially correlated random noise using the Perlin noise algorithm, or the updated Simplex noise algorithm. Parameters ---------- shape : array_like The size of the image to generate in [Nx, Ny, Nz] where N is the number of voxels. porosity : float If specified, this will threshold the image to the specified value prior to returning. If no value is given (the default), then the scalar noise field is returned. octaves : int Controls the *texture* of the noise, with higher octaves giving more complex features over larger length scales. frequency : array_like Controls the relative sizes of the features, with higher frequencies giving larger features. A scalar value will apply the same frequency in all directions, given an isotropic field; a vector value will apply the specified values along each axis to create anisotropy. mode : string Which noise algorithm to use, either ``'simplex'`` (default) or ``'perlin'``. Returns ------- image : ND-array If porosity is given, then a boolean array with ``True`` values denoting the pore space is returned. If not, then normally distributed and spatially correlated randomly noise is returned. Notes ----- This method depends the a package called 'noise' which must be compiled. It is included in the Anaconda distribution, or a platform specific binary can be downloaded. See Also -------- """ try: import noise except ModuleNotFoundError: raise Exception("The noise package must be installed") shape = sp.array(shape) if sp.size(shape) == 1: Lx, Ly, Lz = sp.full((3, ), int(shape)) elif len(shape) == 2: Lx, Ly = shape Lz = 1 elif len(shape) == 3: Lx, Ly, Lz = shape if mode == 'simplex': f = noise.snoise3 else: f = noise.pnoise3 frequency = sp.atleast_1d(frequency) if frequency.size == 1: freq = sp.full(shape=[ 3, ], fill_value=frequency[0]) elif frequency.size == 2: freq = sp.concatenate((frequency, [1])) else: freq = sp.array(frequency) im = sp.zeros(shape=[Lx, Ly, Lz], dtype=float) for x in range(Lx): for y in range(Ly): for z in range(Lz): im[x, y, z] = f(x=x / freq[0], y=y / freq[1], z=z / freq[2], octaves=octaves) im = im.squeeze() if porosity: im = norm_to_uniform(im, scale=[0, 1]) im = im < porosity return im
def detect_drop_off_cliff(timeseries, metric_name, metric_expiration_time, metric_min_average, metric_min_average_seconds, metric_trigger): """ A timeseries is anomalous if the average of the last 10 datapoints is <trigger> times greater than the last data point AND if has not experienced frequent cliff drops in the last 10 datapoints. If the timeseries has experienced 2 or more datapoints of equal or less values in the last 10 or EXPIRATION_TIME datapoints or is less than a MIN_AVERAGE if set the algorithm determines the datapoint as NOT anomalous but normal. This algorithm is most suited to timeseries with most datapoints being > 100 (e.g high rate). The arbitrary <trigger> values become more noisy with lower value datapoints, but it still matches drops off cliffs. """ if len(timeseries) < 30: return False try: int_end_timestamp = int(timeseries[-1][0]) # Determine resolution of the data set int_second_last_end_timestamp = int(timeseries[-2][0]) resolution = int_end_timestamp - int_second_last_end_timestamp ten_data_point_seconds = resolution * 10 ten_datapoints_ago = int_end_timestamp - ten_data_point_seconds ten_datapoint_array = scipy.array([ x[1] for x in timeseries if x[0] <= int_end_timestamp and x[0] > ten_datapoints_ago ]) ten_datapoint_array_len = len(ten_datapoint_array) except: return None if ten_datapoint_array_len > 3: ten_datapoint_min_value = np.amin(ten_datapoint_array) # DO NOT handle if negative integers are in the range, where is the # bottom of the cliff if a range goes negative? Testing with a noisy # sine wave timeseries that had a drop off cliff introduced to the # postive data side, proved that this algorithm does work on timeseries # with data values in the negative range if ten_datapoint_min_value < 0: return False # autocorrect if there are there are 0s in the data, like graphite expects # 1 datapoint every 10 seconds, but the timeseries only has 1 every 60 seconds ten_datapoint_max_value = np.amax(ten_datapoint_array) # The algorithm should have already fired in 10 datapoints if the # timeseries dropped off a cliff, these are all zero if ten_datapoint_max_value == 0: return False # If the lowest is equal to the highest, no drop off cliff if ten_datapoint_min_value == ten_datapoint_max_value: return False # if ten_datapoint_max_value < 10: # return False ten_datapoint_array_sum = np.sum(ten_datapoint_array) ten_datapoint_value = int(ten_datapoint_array[-1]) ten_datapoint_average = ten_datapoint_array_sum / ten_datapoint_array_len ten_datapoint_value = int(ten_datapoint_array[-1]) # if a metric goes up and down a lot and falls off a cliff frequently # it is normal, not anomalous try: number_of_similar_datapoints = len( np.where(ten_datapoint_array <= ten_datapoint_min_value)) except: return None # Detect once only - to make this useful and not noisy the first one # would have already fired and detected the drop if number_of_similar_datapoints > 2: return False # evaluate against 20 datapoints as well, reduces chatter on peaky ones # tested with 60 as well and 20 is sufficient to filter noise try: twenty_data_point_seconds = resolution * 20 twenty_datapoints_ago = int_end_timestamp - twenty_data_point_seconds twenty_datapoint_array = scipy.array([ x[1] for x in timeseries if x[0] <= int_end_timestamp and x[0] > twenty_datapoints_ago ]) number_of_similar_datapoints_in_twenty = len( np.where(twenty_datapoint_array <= ten_datapoint_min_value)) if number_of_similar_datapoints_in_twenty > 2: return False except: return None # Check if there is a similar data point in EXPIRATION_TIME # Disabled as redis alert cache will filter on this # if metric_expiration_time > twenty_data_point_seconds: # expiration_time_data_point_seconds = metric_expiration_time # expiration_time_datapoints_ago = int_end_timestamp - metric_expiration_time # expiration_time_datapoint_array = scipy.array([x[1] for x in timeseries if x[0] <= int_end_timestamp and x[0] > expiration_time_datapoints_ago]) # number_of_similar_datapoints_in_expiration_time = len(np.where(expiration_time_datapoint_array <= ten_datapoint_min_value)) # if number_of_similar_datapoints_in_expiration_time > 2: # return False if metric_min_average > 0 and metric_min_average_seconds > 0: try: min_average = metric_min_average min_average_seconds = metric_min_average_seconds min_average_data_point_seconds = resolution * min_average_seconds # min_average_datapoints_ago = int_end_timestamp - (resolution * min_average_seconds) min_average_datapoints_ago = int_end_timestamp - min_average_seconds min_average_array = scipy.array([ x[1] for x in timeseries if x[0] <= int_end_timestamp and x[0] > min_average_datapoints_ago ]) min_average_array_average = np.sum(min_average_array) / len( min_average_array) if min_average_array_average < min_average: return False except: return None if ten_datapoint_max_value < 101: trigger = 15 if ten_datapoint_max_value < 20: trigger = ten_datapoint_average / 2 if ten_datapoint_max_value > 100: trigger = 100 if ten_datapoint_value == 0: # Cannot divide by 0, so set to 0.1 to prevent error ten_datapoint_value = 0.1 if ten_datapoint_value == 1: trigger = 1 if ten_datapoint_value == 1 and ten_datapoint_max_value < 10: trigger = 0.1 if ten_datapoint_value == 0.1 and ten_datapoint_average < 1 and ten_datapoint_array_sum < 7: trigger = 7 ten_datapoint_result = ten_datapoint_average / ten_datapoint_value if int(ten_datapoint_result) > trigger: if ENABLE_BOUNDARY_DEBUG: 'detect_drop_off_cliff - %s, ten_datapoint_value = %s, ten_datapoint_array_sum = %s, ten_datapoint_average = %s, trigger = %s, ten_datapoint_result = %s' % (str(int_end_timestamp), str(ten_datapoint_value), str(ten_datapoint_array_sum), str(ten_datapoint_average), str(trigger), str(ten_datapoint_result))) return True return False
def initZ(self, pmean, pvar, qmean, qvar, qE=None, qE2=None, covariates=None, scale_covariates=None): """Method to initialise the latent variables PARAMETERS ---------- pmean: pvar: qmean qvar qE qE2 covariates: nd array matrix of covariates with dimensions (nsamples,ncovariates) scale_covariates: """ # Initialise mean of the Q distribution if qmean is not None: if isinstance(qmean, str): if qmean == "random": # Random initialisation of latent variables qmean = stats.norm.rvs(loc=0, scale=1, size=(self.N, self.K)) elif qmean == "orthogonal": # Latent variables are initialised randomly but ensuring orthogonality pca = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components=self.K, copy=True, whiten=True) stats.norm.rvs(loc=0, scale=1, size=(self.N, 9999)).T) qmean = pca.components_.T elif qmean == "pca": # Latent variables are initialised from PCA in the concatenated matrix pca = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components=self.K, copy=True, whiten=True), axis=0).T) qmean = pca.components_.T elif isinstance(qmean, s.ndarray): assert qmean.shape == (self.N, self.K) elif isinstance(qmean, (int, float)): qmean = s.ones((self.N, self.K)) * qmean else: print("Wrong initialisation for Z") exit() # Add covariates if covariates is not None: assert scale_covariates != None, "If you use covariates also define data_opts['scale_covariates']" # Select indices for covaraites idx_covariates = s.array(range(covariates.shape[1])) # Center and scale the covariates to match the prior distribution N(0,1) # to-do: this needs to be improved to take the particular mean and var into account # covariates[scale_covariates] = (covariates - covariates.mean(axis=0)) / covariates.std(axis=0) scale_covariates = s.array(scale_covariates) covariates[:, scale_covariates] = ( covariates[:, scale_covariates] - s.nanmean(covariates[:, scale_covariates], axis=0)) / s.nanstd( covariates[:, scale_covariates], axis=0) # Set to zero the missing values in the covariates covariates[s.isnan(covariates)] = 0. qmean[:, idx_covariates] = covariates else: idx_covariates = None # Initialise the node # self.Z = Constant_Node(dim=(self.N,self.K), value=qmean) self.Z = Z_Node(dim=(self.N, self.K), pmean=s.ones((self.N, self.K)) * pmean, pvar=s.ones((self.K, )) * pvar, qmean=s.ones((self.N, self.K)) * qmean, qvar=s.ones((self.N, self.K)) * qvar, qE=qE, qE2=qE2, idx_covariates=idx_covariates) self.nodes["Z"] = self.Z
def sharpe(R, w): var = portfolio_var(R, w) mean_return = mean(R, axis=0) ret = sp.array(mean_return) return (, ret) - rf) / sqrt(var)
def autoaggregate_ts(timeseries, autoaggregate_value): """ This is a utility function used to autoaggregate a timeseries. If a timeseries data set has 6 datapoints per minute but only one data value every minute then autoaggregate will aggregate every autoaggregate_value. """ if ENABLE_BOUNDARY_DEBUG:'debug :: autoaggregate_ts at %s seconds' % str(autoaggregate_value)) aggregated_timeseries = [] if len(timeseries) < 60: if ENABLE_BOUNDARY_DEBUG: 'debug :: autoaggregate_ts - timeseries less than 60 datapoints, TooShort' ) raise TooShort() int_end_timestamp = int(timeseries[-1][0]) last_hour = int_end_timestamp - 3600 last_timestamp = int_end_timestamp next_timestamp = last_timestamp - int(autoaggregate_value) start_timestamp = last_hour if ENABLE_BOUNDARY_DEBUG:'debug :: autoaggregate_ts - aggregating from %s to %s' % (str(start_timestamp), str(int_end_timestamp))) valid_timestamps = False try: valid_timeseries = int_end_timestamp - start_timestamp if valid_timeseries == 3600: valid_timestamps = True except Exception as e: logger.error('Algorithm error: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error: %e' % e) aggregated_timeseries = [] return aggregated_timeseries if valid_timestamps: try: # Check sane variables otherwise we can just hang here in a while loop while int(next_timestamp) > int(start_timestamp): value = np.sum( scipy.array([ int(x[1]) for x in timeseries if x[0] <= last_timestamp and x[0] > next_timestamp ])) aggregated_timeseries += ((last_timestamp, value), ) last_timestamp = next_timestamp next_timestamp = last_timestamp - autoaggregate_value aggregated_timeseries.reverse() return aggregated_timeseries except Exception as e: logger.error('Algorithm error: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) logger.error('error: %e' % e) aggregated_timeseries = [] return aggregated_timeseries else: logger.error( 'could not aggregate - timestamps not valid for aggregation') aggregated_timeseries = [] return aggregated_timeseries