Пример #1
 def diff(self, n=1):
     """Calculate the n-th order differential of the function."""
     # 2012-06-27 - 2012-07-11
     x, y = self.diff(n=n-1).xy() if n > 1 else self.xy()
     x = self._filter_double(x)
     return type(self)(x=.5*(x[1:]+x[:-1]),
Пример #2
def gradient2(f):
	dM = g.grid_M[1] - g.grid_M[0]
	dD = g.grid_D[1] - g.grid_D[0]	
	g1 = scipy.diff(f, 1, 0) / dM
	g2 = scipy.diff(f, 1, 1) / dD
	g3 = addNanRow(g1)
	g4 = addNanCol(g2)
	return [g3, g4]
def entropy2(values):
    """Calculate the entropy of vector values.
    values will be flattened to a 1d ndarray."""
    values = sp.asarray(values).flatten()
    p = sp.diff(sp.c_[0,sp.diff(sp.sort(values)).nonzero(), values.size])/float(values.size)
    H = (p*sp.log2(p)).sum()
    return -H
Пример #4
def entropy2(values):
    """Calculate the entropy of vector values.
    values will be flattened to a 1d ndarray."""
    values = values.flatten()
    M = len(sp.unique(values))
    p = sp.diff(sp.c_[sp.diff(sp.sort(values)).nonzero(), len(values)])/float(len(values))
    H = -((p*sp.log2(p)).sum())
    return H
 def test_respects_refractory_period(self):
     refractory = 100 * pq.ms
     st = self.invoke_gen_func(
         self.highRate, max_spikes=1000, refractory=refractory)
     st = self.invoke_gen_func(
         self.highRate, t_stop=10 * pq.s, refractory=refractory)
Пример #6
def unique(a):
    order = sp.lexsort(a.T)
    a = a[order]
    diff = sp.diff(a, axis=0)
    ui = sp.ones(len(a), 'bool')
    ui[1:] = (diff != 0).any(axis=1) 
    return a[ui]
    def return_results(self, pores=None, throats=None, **kwargs):
        Send results of simulation out the the appropriate locations.

        This is a basic version of the update that simply sends out the main
        result (quantity). More elaborate updates should be subclassed.
        if pores is None:
            pores = self.Ps
        if throats is None:
            throats = self.Ts

        phase_quantity = self._quantity.replace(self._phase.name + '_', '')
        if phase_quantity not in self._phase.props():
            self._phase[phase_quantity] = sp.nan
        self._phase[phase_quantity][pores] = self[self._quantity][pores]
        conn_arr = self._net.find_connected_pores(self.Ts)
        dx = sp.squeeze(sp.diff(self[self._quantity][conn_arr], n=1, axis=1))
        g = self['throat.conductance']
        rate = sp.absolute(g * dx)
        if 'throat.rate' not in self._phase.props():
            self._phase['throat.rate'] = sp.nan
        self._phase['throat.rate'][throats] = rate[throats]
        logger.debug('Results of ' + self.name +
                     ' algorithm have been added to ' + self._phase.name)
Пример #8
def decode(file_name):
    image = Image.open("temp.png")
    q = border.find("temp.png")
    ind = sp.argmin(sp.sum(q, 1), 0)
    up_left = q[ind, 0] + 2
    up_top = q[ind, 1] + 2
    d_right = q[ind+1, 0] - 3
    d_bottom = q[ind-1, 1] - 3

    box = (up_left, up_top, d_right, d_bottom)
    region = image.crop(box)
    h_sum = sp.sum(region, 0)
    m = argrelmax(sp.correlate(h_sum, h_sum, 'same'))
    s = sp.average(sp.diff(m))
    m = int(round(d_right - up_left)/s)
    if m % 3 != 0:
        m += 3 - m % 3
    n = int(round(d_bottom - up_top)/s)
    if n % 4 != 0:
        n += 4 - n % 4
    s = int(round(s))+1

    region = region.resize((s*m, s*n), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
    pix = region.load()
    matrix = mix.off(rec.matrix(pix, s, m, n))
    str2 = hamming.decode(array_to_str(matrix))

    return hamming.bin_to_str(str2)
Пример #9
    def qrsDetect(self, qrslead=0):
         """Detect QRS onsets using modified PT algorithm
         # If ecg is a vector, it will be used for qrs detection.
         # If it is a matrix, use qrslead (default 0)
         if len(self.data.shape) == 1:
             self.raw_ecg = self.data
             self.raw_ecg = self.data[:,qrslead]
         self.filtered_ecg = self.bpfilter(self.raw_ecg)
         self.diff_ecg  = scipy.diff(self.filtered_ecg)
         self.sq_ecg = abs(self.diff_ecg)
         self.int_ecg = self.mw_integrate(self.sq_ecg)
         # Construct buffers with last 8 values 
         peaks = self.peakDetect(self.int_ecg)
         self.checkPeaks(peaks, self.int_ecg)

         # compensate for delay during integration
         self.QRSpeaks = self.QRSpeaks  - 40 * (self.samplingrate / 1000)
         #print ("length of qrs peaks and ecg", len(self.QRSpeaks), len(self.raw_ecg))
         return self.QRSpeaks
Пример #10
def continuous_phase(phase, axis=0, center=False):
    """Add and subtract 2 pi such that the phase in the array is
       as continuous as possible, along first or given axis. Optionally,
       it also centers the phase data so that the average is smallest."""

    phase = _n.array(phase, copy=0)

    rowshape = list(phase.shape)
    if len(rowshape) > 0:
        rowshape[axis] = 1

        slip = _n.concatenate([ _n.zeros(rowshape),
                                scipy.diff(phase, axis=axis) ],
        slip = _n.around(slip/(2*_n.pi))
        cumslip = scipy.cumsum(slip, axis=axis)

        phase = phase - 2*_n.pi*cumslip

    if center:
        offset = _n.around(scipy.average(phase, axis=axis)/(2*_n.pi))
        offset = _n.reshape(offset, rowshape)
        offset = _n.repeat(offset, cumslip.shape[axis], axis=axis)
        phase = phase - 2*_n.pi*offset
    return phase
Пример #11
def fitLength(t, v, startInd, startModel, vErr=0):
  expInd = max(enumerate(diff(v)), key=lambda x:x[1])[0] + 1
  startInd = max(expInd, startInd)
  # only fit the exponential part of the traces
  t, v = t[startInd:], v[startInd:]
  # start with initial guess and fit parameters of model
  startParams = [vErr] + [p for pair in startModel for p in pair]
    params, pCov = optimize.curve_fit(expSumParams, t, v, p0=startParams,
  except RuntimeError as err:
    if 'Number of calls to function has reached maxfev' in err.message:
      return [], float('Inf'), float('inf')
  fitModel = [(tau, dV) for tau, dV in zip(params[1::2], params[2::2])]
  vErr = params[0]
  fitV = expSum(t, fitModel, vErr=vErr)
  vResid = sqrt(sum((vn - fitVn)**2 for vn, fitVn in zip(v, fitV)) / len(fitV))
  return fitModel, vErr, vResid
Пример #12
def getStepWindow(t, v):
  # return time and voltage vectors during the stimulus period only
  # find the point of maximum voltage, and cut off everything afterwards
  maxInd, maxV = max(enumerate(v), key=lambda x: x[1])
  minInd, minV = min(enumerate(v), key=lambda x: x[1])
  if maxV - v[0] > v[0] - minV:
    # this is a positive step
    t = t[:maxInd]
    v = scipy.array(v[:maxInd])
    # this is a negative step, flip it for now
    t = t[:minInd]
    v = v[0] - scipy.array(v[:minInd])
  # re-center time to start at the point of maximum voltage change
  diffV = diff(v)
  dVInd, maxDV = max(enumerate(diffV), key=lambda x: x[1])
  dVInd -= 1
  while diffV[dVInd] > 0:
    dVInd -= 1
  dVInd += 1
  t -= t[dVInd]
  v -= v[dVInd]
  return t, v, dVInd
    def setUp(self) :
        # Read in just to fiugre out the band structure.
        this_test_file = 'testdata/testfile_guppi_rotated.fits'
        Reader = fitsGBT.Reader(this_test_file, feedback=0)
        Blocks = Reader.read((0,),())
        bands = ()
        for Data in Blocks:
            n_chan = Data.dims[3]
            freq = Data.freq
            delta = abs(sp.mean(sp.diff(freq)))
            centre = freq[n_chan//2]
            band = int(centre/1e6)
            bands += (band,)
            map = sp.zeros((n_chan, 15, 11))
            map = algebra.make_vect(map, axis_names=('freq', 'ra', 'dec'))
            map.set_axis_info('freq', centre, -delta)
            map.set_axis_info('ra', 218, -0.2)
            map.set_axis_info('dec', 2, 0.2)
            algebra.save('./testout_clean_map_I_' + str(band) + '.npy', map)

        self.params = {'sm_input_root' : 'testdata/',
                       'sm_file_middles' : ("testfile",),
                       'sm_input_end' : "_guppi_rotated.fits",
                       'sm_output_root' : "./testout_",
                       'sm_output_end' : "_sub.fits",
                       'sm_solve_for_gain' : True,
                       'sm_gain_output_end' : 'gain.pickle',
                       'sm_map_input_root' : './testout_',
                       'sm_map_type' : 'clean_map_',
                       'sm_map_polarizations' : ('I',),
                       'sm_map_bands' : bands
Пример #14
def whittaker(inY,inL=15,inD=2):
    cette fonction permet de lisser le signal d'entrée en utilisant le filtre de Whittaker.
    ref: Eilers, P.H.C. (2003) "A perfect smoother", Analytical Chemistry, 75, 3631 – 3636.
    inY: le signal à lisser
    inL: correspond au parmètre de lissage. Plus il est grand plus le lissage est élevé. par défaut à 15
    comme dans l'article : 
    Geng, L.; Ma, M.; Wang, X.; Yu, W.; Jia, S.; Wang, H.	Comparison of Eight Techniques 
    for Reconstructing Multi-Satellite Sensor Time-Series NDVI Data Sets in the Heihe River Basin, China. 
    Remote Sens. 2014, 6, 2024-2049.
    inD: ordre des differences de pénalités
    Z=E+ (inL*sp.dot(D,sp.transpose(D)))
    return ws
Пример #15
    def add_boundaries(self):
        This method uses ``clone_pores`` to clone the surface pores (labeled
        'left','right', etc), then shifts them to the periphery of the domain,
        and gives them the label 'right_face', 'left_face', etc.
        x,y,z = self['pore.coords'].T

        Lc = sp.amax(sp.diff(x)) #this currently works but is very fragile

        offset = {}
        offset['front'] = offset['left'] = offset['bottom'] = [0,0,0]
        offset['back']  = [x.max()+Lc/2,0,0]
        offset['right'] = [0,y.max()+Lc/2,0]
        offset['top']   = [0,0,z.max()+Lc/2]

        scale = {}
        scale['front']  = scale['back']  = [0,1,1]
        scale['left']   = scale['right'] = [1,0,1]
        scale['bottom'] = scale['top']   = [1,1,0]

        for label in ['front','back','left','right','bottom','top']:
            ps = self.pores(label)
            #Translate cloned pores
            ind = self.pores(label+'_boundary')
            coords = self['pore.coords'][ind]
            coords = coords*scale[label] + offset[label]
            self['pore.coords'][ind] = coords
Пример #16
    def dw(self):
        """Calculates the Durbin-Waston statistic
        de = diff(self.e,1)
        dw = dot(de,de) / dot(self.e,self.e)

        return dw
def plot_disc_policy():
    #First compute policy function...==========================================
    N = 500
    w = sp.linspace(0,100,N)
    w = w.reshape(N,1)
    u = lambda c: sp.sqrt(c)
    util_vec = u(w)
    alpha = 0.5
    alpha_util = u(alpha*w)
    alpha_util_grid = sp.repeat(alpha_util,N,1)
    m = 20
    v = 200
    f = discretelognorm(w,m,v)
    VEprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
    VUprime    = sp.zeros((N,N))
    EVUprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
    psiprime = sp.ones((N,1))
    gamma = 0.1
    beta = 0.9
    m = 15
    tol = 10**-9
    delta = 1+tol
    it = 0
    while (delta >= tol):
        it += 1
        psi = psiprime.copy()
        arg1 = sp.repeat(sp.transpose(VEprime),N,0)
        arg2 = sp.repeat(EVUprime,N,1)
        arg = sp.array([arg2,arg1])
        psiprime = sp.argmax(arg,axis = 0) 
        for j in sp.arange(0,m):
            VE = VEprime.copy()
            VU = VUprime.copy()
            EVU = EVUprime.copy()
            VEprime = util_vec + beta*((1-gamma)*VE + gamma*EVU)
            arg1 = sp.repeat(sp.transpose(VE),N,0)*psiprime
            arg2 = sp.repeat(EVU,N,1)*(1-psiprime)
            arg = arg1+arg2
            VUprime = alpha_util_grid + beta*arg
            EVUprime = sp.dot(VUprime,f)  
        delta = sp.linalg.norm(psiprime -psi) 

    wr_ind = sp.argmax(sp.diff(psiprime), axis = 1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
    print w[250],wr[250]
    #Then plot=================================================================
Пример #18
    def qrs_detect(self, qrslead=0):
         """Detect QRS onsets using modified PT algorithm
         # If ecg is a vector, it will be used for qrs detection.
         # If it is a matrix, use qrslead (default 0)
         if len(self.data.shape) == 1:
             self.raw_ecg = self.data
             self.raw_ecg = self.data[:,qrslead]

         # butterworth bandpass filter 5 - 15 Hz
         self.filtered_ecg = self._bpfilter(self.raw_ecg)
         # differentiate
         self.diff_ecg  = scipy.diff(self.filtered_ecg)
         # take absolute value (was square in original PT implementation)
         self.abs_ecg = abs(self.diff_ecg)
         # integrate 
         self.int_ecg = self._mw_integrate(self.abs_ecg)
         # Construct buffers with last 8 values 

         # collect all unique local peaks in the integrated ecg
         peaks = self.peakDetect(self.int_ecg)

         # classify each peak as QRS or noise
         self.checkPeaks(peaks, self.int_ecg)

         # compensate for delay during integration
         self.QRSpeaks -= 40 * (self.samplingrate / 1000)
         return self.QRSpeaks
Пример #19
    def add_boundary_pores(self, labels=['top', 'bottom', 'front', 'back',
                                         'left', 'right'], offset=None):
        Add boundary pores to the specified faces of the network

        Pores are offset from the faces of the domain.

        labels : string or list of strings
            The labels indicating the pores defining each face where boundary
            pores are to be added (e.g. 'left' or ['left', 'right'])

        offset : scalar or array_like
            The spacing of the network (e.g. [1, 1, 1]).  This must be given
            since it can be quite difficult to infer from the network,
            for instance if boundary pores have already added to other faces.

        offset = sp.array(offset)
        if offset.size == 1:
            offset = sp.ones(3)*offset
        for item in labels:
            Ps = self.pores(item)
            coords = sp.absolute(self['pore.coords'][Ps])
            axis = sp.count_nonzero(sp.diff(coords, axis=0), axis=0) == 0
            ax_off = sp.array(axis, dtype=int)*offset
            if sp.amin(coords) == sp.amin(coords[:, sp.where(axis)[0]]):
                ax_off = -1*ax_off
            topotools.add_boundary_pores(network=self, pores=Ps, offset=ax_off,
                                         apply_label=item + '_boundary')
Пример #20
def detect_signals():
    vector, label = weeklydataset_sg_ndata(
        "/media/4AC0AB31C0AB21E5/Documents and Settings/Claudio/Documenti/Thesis/Workloads/MSClaudio/ews/access_log-20110805.csv",
    x, target = aggregatebymins_sg_ndata(vector[1])

    starttime = time.time()
    y = array(target)
    t = array(x)
    thr = max(y) * 2 / 3
    print thr
    I = pylab.find(y > thr)
    #    print I
    #    pylab.plot(t,y, 'b',label='signal')
    #    pylab.plot(t[I], y[I],'ro',label='detections')
    #    pylab.plot([0, t[len(t)-1]], [thr,thr], 'g--')

    J = pylab.find(diff(I) > 1)
    argpeak = []
    targetpeak = []
    for K in split(I, J + 1):
        ytag = y[K]
        peak = pylab.find(ytag == max(ytag))
        #        pylab.plot(peak+K[0],ytag[peak],'sg',ms=7)
        argpeak.append(peak + K[0])

    eta = time.time() - starttime
    print "time elapsed %f" % eta
    return list(itertools.chain(*argpeak)), list(itertools.chain(*targetpeak))
Пример #21
  def scanSound(self, source, minnotel):
    binarized = source
    scale = 60. / self.wavetempo * (binarized[0].size / self.duration)
    noise_length = scale*minnotel

    antinoised = sp.zeros_like(binarized)

    for i in range(sp.shape(binarized)[0]):
      new_line = binarized[i, :].copy()
      diffed = sp.diff(new_line)
      ones_keys = sp.where(diffed == 1)[0]
      minus_keys = sp.where(diffed == -1)[0]
      if(ones_keys.size != 0 and minus_keys.size != 0):
        if(ones_keys[0] > minus_keys[0]):
          new_line = self.cutNoise(
              (0, minus_keys[0]), noise_length, new_line)
          minus_keys = sp.delete(minus_keys, 0)

        if(ones_keys[-1] > minus_keys[-1]):
          new_line = self.cutNoise(
              (ones_keys[-1], new_line.size-1), noise_length, new_line)
          ones_keys = sp.delete(ones_keys, -1)

        for j in range(sp.size(ones_keys)):
          new_line = self.cutNoise(
              (ones_keys[j], minus_keys[j]), noise_length, new_line)

        antinoised[i, :] = new_line

    return antinoised
Пример #22
 def execute(self):
     self.power_mat, self.thermal_expectation = self.full_calculation()
     n_chan = self.power_mat.shape[1]
     n_freq = self.power_mat.shape[0]
     # Calculate the the mean channel correlations at low frequencies.
     low_f_mat = sp.mean(self.power_mat[1:4 * n_chan + 1,:,:], 0).real
     # Factorize it into preinciple components.
     e, v = linalg.eigh(low_f_mat)
     self.low_f_mode_values = e
     # Make sure the eigenvalues are sorted.
     if sp.any(sp.diff(e) < 0):
         raise RuntimeError("Eigenvalues not sorted.")
     self.low_f_modes = v
     # Now subtract out the noisiest channel modes and see what is left.
     n_modes_subtract = 10
     mode_subtracted_power_mat = sp.copy(self.power_mat.real)
     mode_subtracted_auto_power = sp.empty((n_modes_subtract, n_freq))
     for ii in range(n_modes_subtract):
         mode = v[:,-ii]
         amp = sp.sum(mode[:,None] * mode_subtracted_power_mat, 1)
         amp = sp.sum(amp * mode, 1)
         to_subtract = amp[:,None,None] * mode[:,None] * mode
         mode_subtracted_power_mat -= to_subtract
         auto_power = mode_subtracted_power_mat.view()
         auto_power.shape = (n_freq, n_chan**2)
         auto_power = auto_power[:,::n_chan + 1]
         mode_subtracted_auto_power[ii,:] = sp.mean(auto_power, -1)
     self.subtracted_auto_power = mode_subtracted_auto_power
Пример #23
 def get_fft(self, fs, taps, Npts):
     Ts = 1.0/fs
     fftpts = fftpack.fft(taps, Npts)
     self.freq = scipy.arange(0, fs, 1.0/(Npts*Ts))        
     self.fftdB = 20.0*scipy.log10(abs(fftpts))
     self.fftDeg = scipy.unwrap(scipy.angle(fftpts))
     self.groupDelay = -scipy.diff(self.fftDeg)
Пример #24
def get_indices(arr, vals, disp=False):

    Get the indices of all the elements between vals[0] and vals[1].
    Alternatively also between vals[2] and vals[3] if they are given.

        arr  : the array in which to look for the elements
        vals : a list with either 2 or 4 values that corresponds
               limits inbetween which the indices of the values

    Optional argument(s):
        disp : Bolean parameter, if True it displays start and end
               index and the number of channels inbetween. Only works
               for value lists of length 2.

    Assumes the values in 'arr' is the mid values and that it is evenly
    spaced for all values.

    ********************** Important! **********************************
    The output indices are Python friendly, i.e. they are 0-based. Take
    when using the indices in other software e.g. GILDAS, MIRIAD, which
    are 1-based.


                            oOO Changelog OOo

        Added more documentation, "important" notice about indexing
        Removed +1 in the output indices to be compatible with rest of
        module, where Pythons 0-based indexing is used.
        Doc written
        Funciton created

    from scipy import concatenate, where, array, diff

    dx = abs(0.5 * diff(arr)[0])
    if len(vals) == 4:
        v1, v2, v3, v4 = vals + array([-1, 1, -1, 1]) * dx
        # if the user wants two velocity areas to calculate noise
        low = where((arr >= v1) * (arr <= v2))[0]
        high = where((arr >= v3) * (arr <= v4))[0]
        channels = concatenate((low, high))
    elif len(vals) == 2:
        v1, v2 = vals + array([-1, 1]) * dx
        # channels = where((arr>=v1)*(arr<v2))[0]+1
        # this is because if +1 it is FITS/Fortran safe
        # changed: removed +1 for consistency in program
        channels = where((arr >= v1) * (arr <= v2))[0]
    if disp and len(vals) == 2:
        first, last = channels.min(), channels.max()
        n = last - first + 1
        print "\nFirst: %d,\n Last: %d\n Nchan: %d\n" % (first, last, n)
    return channels
Пример #25
def spectral_gap( x, k = None ):
    """Minimum difference in eigenvalues"""
    # Get the singular values
    s = svdvals( x )
    if k is not None:
        s = s[:k]

    return (sc.diff( s )).min() / s[0]
Пример #26
Файл: hrf.py Проект: Solvi/pyhrf
def getCanoHRF_tderivative(duration=25., dt=.5):

    hcano = getCanoHRF()
    hcano[-1] = 0.
    tAxis = np.arange(0, duration+dt, dt)
    hderiv = diff(hcano[1], n=1)/dt
    hderiv = np.hstack(([0], hderiv))
    return tAxis, hderiv
Пример #27
	def zero_heading_indices(self, threshold=3000):
		Returns the indices of the data blocks where the heading signal
		indicates that the antenna was at the zero point.
		heading = self.heading_buffer[:, 0]
		i1, i2 = sp.where(sp.diff(heading) > threshold)[0][0:2]
		return i1, i2
Пример #28
def eigen_sep( X, k = None ):
    """Minimum difference in eigenvalues"""
    # Get the eigenvalues
    s = (eigvals( X )).real
    if k is not None:
        s = s[:k]

    return min(abs(s).min(), abs(sc.diff( s )).min())
Пример #29
 def envelopeFromArray(self, array):
     #identifies envelope peaks via first derivative
     for index in range( 1,len(diffs) ):
         if diffs[index] <= 0 and diffs[index-1] >= 0:
     return envelope
    def updateStates(self):
        peak_deltas = scipy.diff(self.peaks)
        trough_deltas = scipy.diff(self.troughs)
        peak_envelope = self.envelopeFromArray(self.peaks)
        trough_envelope = self.envelopeFromArray([-trough for trough in self.troughs])
        peak_envelope_deltas = scipy.diff(peak_envelope)
        trough_envelope_deltas = scipy.diff(trough_envelope)
        envelope_detected = (len(peak_envelope_deltas) > 0 and
                             len(trough_envelope_deltas) > 0)
        [unstable, limit_cycle, converging, converged] = [True, True, True, True]
        if len(self.peaks) > 1 and len(self.troughs) > 1:
            #only unstable if error always rises
            unstable = ((peak_deltas > 0.0).all() or 
                        (trough_deltas < 0.0).all() or
                        (envelope_detected and
                         (peak_envelope_deltas > 0.0).all() and
                         (trough_envelope_deltas > 0.0).all()))
            #only converging if error is always decreasing
            converging = (((peak_deltas < 0.0).all() and (trough_deltas > 0.0).all()) or
                          (envelope_detected and
                           (peak_envelope_deltas < 0.0).all() and 
                           (trough_envelope_deltas < 0.0).all())) 

            #in a limit cycle if error ever rises
            limit_cycle = not converging and not unstable
            [unstable, limit_cycle, converging] = [False, False, False]
        #only converged if both final peak and trough are below
        #converged threshold
        if len(self.peaks) > 0 and len(self.troughs) > 0:
            converged = ((self.peaks[-1] < self.convergence_level) and
                         (self.troughs[-1] > -self.convergence_level))
            converged = False
        self.flags["unstable"]    = unstable
        self.flags["limit_cycle"] = limit_cycle
        self.flags["converging"]  = converging
        self.flags["converged"]   = converged
def compute_FFFS(x, y, xt, yt, param_grid_fffs):
    maxVar = param_grid_fffs['maxvar']
    clf = npfs.GMMFeaturesSelection()
    clf.learn_gmm(x, y)
    idx, crit, [] = clf.selection('forward',
    d_crit = sp.diff(crit) / crit[:-1]
    nv = sp.where(d_crit < param_grid_fffs['threshold'])[0][0]
    print("Number of variables {}".format(nv))
    yp = clf.predict_gmm(xt, featIdx=idx[:nv])[0]
    return f1_score(yt, yp, average='weighted')
Пример #32
def pyglowinput(
        latlonalt=[65.1367, -147.4472, 250.00],
        dn_list=[datetime(2015, 3, 21, 8, 00),
                 datetime(2015, 3, 21, 20, 00)],

    if z is None:
        z = sp.linspace(50., 1000., 200)
    dn_diff = sp.diff(dn_list)
    dn_diff_sec = dn_diff[-1].seconds
    timelist = sp.array([calendar.timegm(i.timetuple()) for i in dn_list])
    time_arr = sp.column_stack((timelist, sp.roll(timelist, -1)))
    time_arr[-1, -1] = time_arr[-1, 0] + dn_diff_sec

    v = []
    coords = sp.column_stack((sp.zeros((len(z), 2), dtype=z.dtype), z))
    all_spec = ['O+', 'NO+', 'O2+', 'H+', 'HE+']
    Param_List = sp.zeros((len(z), len(dn_list), len(all_spec), 2))
    for idn, dn in enumerate(dn_list):
        for iz, zcur in enumerate(z):
            latlonalt[2] = zcur
            pt = Point(dn, *latlonalt)

            # so the zonal pt.u and meriodinal winds pt.v  will coorispond to x and y even though they are
            # supposed to be east west and north south. Pyglow does not seem to have
            # vertical winds.
            v.append([pt.u, pt.v, 0])

            for is1, ispec in enumerate(all_spec):
                Param_List[iz, idn, is1, 0] = pt.ni[ispec] * 1e6

            Param_List[iz, idn, :, 1] = pt.Ti

            Param_List[iz, idn, -1, 0] = pt.ne * 1e6
            Param_List[iz, idn, -1, 1] = pt.Te
    Param_sum = Param_List[:, :, :, 0].sum(0).sum(0)
    spec_keep = Param_sum > 0.
    species = sp.array(all_spec)[spec_keep[:-1]].tolist()
    Param_List[:, :] = Param_List[:, :, spec_keep]
    Iono_out = IonoContainer(coords,
    return Iono_out
Пример #33
def trainBursts(train, aBinSize=0.05, maxTime=1.0, alpha=0.95):
    Find bursts of high activity (high instantaneous firing rate) in a train of pulses with respect to a statistical threshold upQuant. Example:
    bursts= trainBursts(train, aBinSize=0.05, maxTime=1.0, alpha=0.95)
    isi= sc.zeros(nSpikes); 
    dIFR= sc.zeros(nSpikes)
    isi[1:]= train[1:]-train[:-1]
    dIFR[1:]= (((ifr[1:]-ifr[:-1])/isi[1:]) + ((ifr[1:]-ifr[:-1])/isi[:-1]))/2.0
    ifrCDF,ifrCDFInverse= calcCDF(ifr,graph=0)
    #isiCDF,isiCDFInverse= calcCDF(isi,graph=0)
    # Find spikes during high activity
    ifrUpThresh= calcThresholdsFromCDF(ifrCDFInverse, (alpha,))
    ifrDnThresh= calcThresholdsFromCDF(ifrCDFInverse, (1-alpha,))
    #isiThresh= calcThresholdsFromCDF(isiCDFInverse, (alpha,))
    #rHighInds= sc.where( ifr>ifrThresh)[0]
    rHighInds= sc.where( ifr>ifrUpThresh)[0]
    lHighInds= rHighInds-1
    highInds= sc.union1d(rHighInds,lHighInds)
    highSpikeTimes= train[highInds]
    #lowSpikeTimes= train[lowInds]
    aa= sc.zeros(len(highInds))
    aa[1:]= sc.diff(highInds)
    #bb= sc.zeros(len(lowInds))
    #bb[1:]= sc.diff(lowInds)
    burstStarts= highSpikeTimes[startInds]
    burstEnds= highSpikeTimes[startInds-1]
    nBursts= len(burstStarts)
    pBurst = sc.float32(nBursts)/nSpikes
    burstDurs = burstEnds-burstStarts
    c,b= xcorr(train,train, aBinSize, maxTime, minTime=0)
    cHz = c/aBinSize
    bursts={"train": train, 
        "highInds":highInds, "highSpikeTimes":highSpikeTimes, 
        "burstStarts":burstStarts, "burstEnds":burstEnds, 
        "nBursts":nBursts, "nSpikes": nSpikes, "pBurst": pBurst, "burstDurs": burstDurs,
        "ifr":ifr, "ifrCDF":ifrCDF, "ifrCDFInverse":ifrCDFInverse,"ifrThresh":ifrUpThresh,
        "isi":isi, #"isiCDF":isiCDF, "isiCDFInverse":isiCDFInverse,"isiThresh":isiThresh,
        "aCorrHz":cHz, "aCorrBins":b}
    return bursts
Пример #34
def test_optdiv3(beta=0.9, grid=scipy.arange(21.0), zDraws=scipy.array([-1.0]*25 + [1.0]*75), useValueIter=True):
	time1 = time.time()
	localvars = {}
	def postVIterCallbackFn(nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls, stoppingResult):		
		global g_iterList
		(stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult
		print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff))
		localvars[0] = nIter		

	def postPIterCallbackFn(nIter, newVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList, stoppingResult):				
		(stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult
		print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff))
		localvars[0] = nIter		
	initialVArray = grid;								# initial guess for V: a linear fn
	initialPolicyArray = grid;							# initial guess for d: pay out everything
	params = OptDivParams3(grid, beta, zDraws);
	if (useValueIter == True):		
		result = bellman.grid_valueIteration([grid], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postVIterCallbackFn, parallel=True)
		(nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls) = result
		result = bellman.grid_policyIteration([grid], [initialPolicyArray], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postPIterCallbackFn, parallel=False)
		(nIter, currentVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList) = result
		newVArray = currentVArray
		optControls = currentPolicyArrayList
	time2 = time.time()
	nIters = localvars[0]
	print("total time: %f, avg time: %f" % (time2-time1, (time2-time1)/nIters))
	optd_fn = linterp.LinInterp1D(grid, optControls[0])
	# plot V
	fig = plt.figure()
	ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
	ax.plot(grid, newVArray)
	dx = grid[1] - grid[0]
	deriv = scipy.diff(newVArray) / dx
	ax.plot(grid[:-1], deriv)
	# plot optimal d
	fig = plt.figure()	
	ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
	ax.plot(grid, optControls[0])	
	ax.set_ylabel("optimal d")	
	return result
Пример #35
def get_CR(List, Repeat):

    if len(set(List)) == 1:  # NO CR if list has only identical elements
        return [0, 0]

        AllMeans = [
        ]  # List of model(!) sample means for every bootstrap iteration
        AllProbs = [
        ]  # List of model(!) sample posterior prob. for every iteration
        ProbOfMean = {}
        N = len(List)  # Number of data points

        for i in range(Repeat):  # Repeated bootstrap iterations
            Rands = [
            ]  # Following Rubin et al. to get data probabilities from Dirichlet distrib.
            CurrAvg = 0
            for j in range(N - 1):
            P = scipy.diff(
            )  # List of random numbers that add to 1 and are used as data probabilities
            for j in range(N):
                CurrAvg += P[j] * List[j]  # Sample mean
            AllProbs.append(1)  # Posterior weights are 1 (i.e. no weighting)

        for k in range(len(AllMeans)):
            ProbOfMean[AllMeans[k]] = AllProbs[k]
        TotalProb = sum(AllProbs)
        CumulProb = 0
        perc_min = 0
        perc_max = 0
        for m in AllMeans:  # Iterating through sorted means, identifying that mean at which a certain percentile of probs is reached
            CumulProb += ProbOfMean[m]
            if (CumulProb > 0.025 * TotalProb) and (perc_min == 0):
                perc_min = m
            if (CumulProb > 0.975 * TotalProb) and (perc_max == 0):
                perc_max = m

    return [
        perc_min, perc_max
    ]  # Credibility Region is defined by min/max percentiles of sampling means
Пример #36
        def weight_radial(catalogue, rwidth=rwidth, redges=redges):

            self.logger.info('Radial integral constraint.')

            distance = catalogue.distance()
            dmin, dmax = distance.min(), distance.max()
            self.logger.info('Comoving distances: {:.1f} - {:.1f}.'.format(
                dmin, dmax))

            if redges is not None:
                radialedges = scipy.array(redges)
                rwidth = scipy.mean(scipy.diff(radialedges))
                rmin, rmax = radialedges.min(), radialedges.max()
                if (rmin > dmin) or (rmax < dmax):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Provided radial-edges ({:.1f} - {:.1f}) do not encompass the full survey ({:.1f} - {:.1f}).'
                        .format(rmin, rmax, dmin, dmax))
                    'Provided radial-edges of width: {:.1f} and range: {:.1f} - {:.1f}.'
                    .format(rwidth, rmin, rmax))
                nbins = len(radialedges) - 1
                    'Provided radial-width: {:.1f}.'.format(rwidth))
                nbins = scipy.rint((dmax - dmin) / rwidth).astype(int)
                radialedges = scipy.linspace(dmin, dmax + 1e-9, nbins + 1)

                'There are {:d} radial-bins with an average of {:.1f} objects.'
                        len(catalogue) * 1. / nbins))
            ibin = scipy.digitize(distance, radialedges, right=False) - 1

            for iaddbin in range(catalogue.attrs['naddbins']):
                mask = catalogue['iaddbin'] == iaddbin
                wcounts = scipy.bincount(ibin[mask],
                catalogue['Weight'][mask] /= wcounts[ibin[mask]]

            attrs = {'radialedges': radialedges, 'nbins': nbins}

            def bin(catalogue):
                return scipy.digitize(
                    catalogue.distance(), radialedges, right=False) - 1

            return attrs, bin
Пример #37
	def combine(cls,ensembles,errors={},params=[]):
		assert (scipy.diff(map(len,ensembles)) == 0).all()
		self = ensembles[0].deepcopy()
		self.weights = {}
		for par in params:
			if errors.get(par,None) is None:
				errors[par] = [e.std(par) for e in ensembles]
			err = scipy.array(errors[par])
			corr = scipy.corrcoef([e[par] for e in ensembles])
			cov = corr * err[:,None].dot(err[None,:])
			invcov = scipy.linalg.inv(cov)
			self.weights[par] = scipy.sum(invcov,axis=-1)/scipy.sum(invcov)
			self.logger.info('Using for {} weights: {}.'.format(par,self.weights[par])) 
			for key in self._ARGS:
				tmp = getattr(self,key)
				tmp[par] = scipy.average([getattr(e,key)[par] for e in ensembles],weights=self.weights[par])
		return self
Пример #38
    def compute(
        anaSig = anaSigList[0]
        sr = anaSig.sampling_rate

        nb = int(baseline_time * sr)
        nb = int(nb / 2.) * 2 + 1
        nr = int(rise_time * sr)
        np = int(peak_time * sr)
        print peak_time, np, sr
        nw = int(window * sr)

        sigBase = convolve(anaSig.signal, ones(nb, dtype='f') / nb, 'same')
        #~ sigBase = signal.medfilt(anaSig.signal , kernel_size = nb)

        sigPeak = convolve(anaSig.signal, ones(np, dtype='f') / np, 'same')

        if sign == '-':
            aboves = sigBase[:-(nr + nb / 2 + np / 2
                                )] - sigPeak[nr + nb / 2 + np / 2:] > threshold
        elif sign == '+':
            aboves = sigPeak[nr + nb / 2 + np / 2:] - sigBase[:-(
                nr + nb / 2 + np / 2)] > threshold

        print aboves
        # detection when n point consecutive more than window
        aboves = aboves.astype('f')
        aboves[0] = 0
        aboves[-1] = 0
        indup, = where(diff(aboves) > .5)

        return indup + nr + nb / 2 + np / 2

        #~ inddown, = where( diff(aboves)<-.5)
        #~ print indup
        print inddown
Пример #39
def frequency(p, m, theta_begin, alpha, dthe=3):
    Nu = np.zeros(len(alpha))
    if p == 1:
        flag_p = 1
        fName = '单角度数据//m={:.2f},p={:d},theta={:.2f}'.format(m, p, theta_begin)
        theta_max = def2sca(theta_def(90, p, m), p)
        # ************************************************************************************
        #         print('p={},m={:.2f},theta={},theta_max={:.2f}'.format(p,m,theta_begin,theta_max))
        # ************************************************************************************
        if theta_begin > theta_max:
            flag_p = 0
            # *********************************************************
    #             print('该角度范围无对应{}阶光线'.format(p))
    # *********************************************************

    if p == 2:
        flag_p = 2
        fName = '单角度数据//m={:.2f},p={:d},theta={:.2f}'.format(m, p, theta_begin)
        theta_e = arccos(np.sqrt((m**2 - 1) / (p**2 - 1))) * 180 / pi
        theta_min = min(def2sca(theta_def(90, p, m), p),
                        def2sca(theta_def(theta_e, p, m), p))
            p, m, theta_begin, theta_min))
        if theta_begin < theta_min:
            flag_p = 0
            # *********************************************************
    #             print('该角度范围无对应{}阶光线'.format(p))
    # *********************************************************

    if flag_p:
        for i_alpha in range(len(alpha)):
            pdiff = []

            # 注意!!!!这里如果直接求导得到频率必须是将散射角间隔分为恰好一度!
            M = 2

            ths = np.linspace(theta_begin, theta_begin + dthe, M)
            for _ in ths:
                pdiff.append(phase_diff(_, alpha[i_alpha], 0, p, m))

            pdiff = np.array(pdiff).reshape(1, M)  # 将列表转为数组
            pdd = abs(diff(pdiff))  # 求导,斜率取正

            Nu[i_alpha] = pdd[0][0] / (2 * pi * dthe / (M - 1))
        return Nu, fName
Пример #40
def Problem5Real():
    N = 500
    w = sp.linspace(0,100,N)
    w = w.reshape(N,1)
    u = lambda c: sp.sqrt(c)
    util_vec = u(w)
    alpha = 0.5
    alpha_util = u(alpha*w)
    alpha_util_grid = sp.repeat(alpha_util,N,1)
    m = 20
    v = 200
    f = discretelognorm(w,m,v)
    VEprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
    VUprime    = sp.zeros((N,N))
    EVUprime = sp.zeros((N,1))
    gamma = 0.1
    beta = 0.9
    tol = 10**-9
    delta1 = 1+tol
    delta2 = 1+tol
    it = 0
    while ((delta1 >= tol) or (delta2 >= tol)):
        it += 1
        VE = VEprime.copy()
        VU = VUprime.copy()
        EVU = EVUprime.copy()
        VEprime = util_vec + beta*((1-gamma)*VE + gamma*EVU)
        arg1 = sp.repeat(sp.transpose(VE),N,0)
        arg2 = sp.repeat(EVU,N,1)
        arg = sp.array([arg2,arg1])
        VUprime = alpha_util_grid + beta*sp.amax(arg,axis = 0)
        psi = sp.argmax(arg,axis = 0)
        EVUprime = sp.dot(VUprime,f)
        delta1 = sp.linalg.norm(VEprime - VE)
        delta2 = sp.linalg.norm(VUprime - VU)
    wr_ind = sp.argmax(sp.diff(psi), axis = 1)
    wr = w[wr_ind]
    return wr
Пример #41
    def load_frame_ROI(self, in_dir, lane):
		Load the frame and ROI data. 
		lane: int
			lane number of walking arena; prob from 0 to 4.
		dir: str
			directory of exp data csv from DLC

        filename = os.path.join(in_dir, 'lane_%s_topbyroi.txt' % lane)
        with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
            self.frm_ROI = sp.loadtxt(fp)
        self.ROI_switch_idxs = sp.where(sp.diff(self.frm_ROI[:, 1]) != 0)[0]
Пример #42
    def update_results(self):
        Send results of simulation out the the appropriate locations.

        This is a basic version of the update that simply sends out the main
        result (quantity). More elaborate updates should be subclassed.
        phase_quantity = self._quantity.replace(self._phase.name + '_', "")
        self._phase[phase_quantity] = self[self._quantity]
        dx = sp.squeeze(
        g = self['throat.conductance']
        self._phase['throat.rate'] = sp.absolute(g * dx)
        self._logger.debug('Results of ' + self.name +
                           ' algorithm have been added to ' + self._phase.name)
Пример #43
def get_edges(routes):
    results = []
    for timetable in walk_timetables(routes):
        origin = timetable['timetable']['departureStopId']
        for route in timetable['timetable']['routes']:
            for intervals in route['stationIntervals']:
                stops = [origin] + [x['stopId'] for x in intervals['intervals']]
                edges = [[s, t] for s, t in zip(stops, stops[1:])]
                times = [0] + [x['timeToArrival'] for x in intervals['intervals']]
                weights = list(sp.diff(sp.array(times)))
                results.extend([[s, t, w] for (s, t), w in zip(edges, weights)])
    results = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['origin', 'destination', 'time'])
    results = results.groupby(['origin', 'destination']).mean()
    return results
Пример #44
def build_block_toeplitz_from_xcorrs(tf, chan_set, xcorrs, dtype=None):
    """builds a block toeplitz matrix from a set of channel xcorrs

    :type tf: int
    :param tf: desired lag in samples
    :type chan_set: list
    :param chan_set: list of channel ids to build the channel set from. the
        block covariance matrix will be build so that blocks are ordered from
        lower to higher channel id.
    :type xcorrs: XcorrStore
    :param xcorrs: XcorrStore object holding the xcorrs for various channel
    :type dtype: dtype derivable
    :param dtype: will be passed to the constructor for the matrix returned.

    # init and checks
    assert tf <= xcorrs._tf
    chan_set = sorted(chan_set)
    nc = len(chan_set)
    assert all(sp.diff(chan_set) >= 1)
    assert max(chan_set) < xcorrs._nc
    assert all([key in xcorrs for key in build_idx_set(chan_set)
                ]), 'no data for requested channels'
    rval = sp.empty((tf * nc, tf * nc), dtype=dtype)

    # build blocks and insert into fout
    for i in xrange(nc):
        m = chan_set[i]
        for j in xrange(i, nc):
            n = chan_set[j]
            xc = xcorrs[m, n]
            sample0 = xc.size / 2
            r = xc[sample0:sample0 + tf]
            c = xc[sample0 + 1 - tf:sample0 + 1][::-1]
            #c = xc[sample0:sample0 - tf:-1]
            block_ij = sp_la.toeplitz(c, r)
            rval[i * tf:(i + 1) * tf, j * tf:(j + 1) * tf] = block_ij
            if i != j:
                rval[j * tf:(j + 1) * tf, i * tf:(i + 1) * tf] = block_ij.T

    # return
    return rval
Пример #45
def isi(t, V, spike_thresh=0):
    """isi_mean, isi_dev = isi(t, V, spike_thresh=0)

    Given voltage (V) and time (t) vectors, isi calculates the mean interspike
    interval (isi_mean) and the standard deviation of the interspike interval

    You can optionally specify the spike threshold (defaults to 0).

    This uses an assumption that every time it spikes, the voltage increases
    above the given spike threshold.

    The method used here is not robust. If the data is noisy then there will
    likely be false positives. With a model however, it should work very
    time = t[sp.logical_and(V[:-1] < spike_thresh, V[1:] >= spike_thresh)]
    dt = sp.diff(time)
    return sp.mean(dt), sp.std(dt)
Пример #46
def time_diff(ts,order=1):
    """ Generate left side derative of a ts of input orders.

    ts : :class:`~vtools.data.timeseries.TimeSeries`
        Series to interpolate. Must has data of one dimension, and regular.
    order : int
        Order of derative.

    result : vtools.data.time_series.TimeSeries
        A regular series with derative.
        If input time series is shorter than order+1 or is not regular.

    if len(ts)<order+1:
        raise ValueError("input timeseries is not"
                         "long enough.")
    if not ts.is_regular():
        raise ValueError("time_diff only support regular"
                         "time series for the time being.")
    return rt    
Пример #47
 def test_statistical_physical_units(self):
     n_trials = 1000
     n_points = 200
     dt = 0.001
     window = sp.ones(n_points, dtype=float)
     power = sp.zeros(n_points // 2)
     for ii in range(n_trials):
         wave = self.amp1 * random.randn(n_points)
         power += npow.prune_power(npow.calculate_power(wave)).real
     power /= n_trials
     power = npow.make_power_physical_units(power, dt)
     freqs = npow.ps_freq_axis(dt, n_points)
     df = abs(sp.mean(sp.diff(freqs)))
     # The integral of the power spectrum should be the variance. Factor of
     # 2 get the negitive frequencies.
     integrated_power = sp.sum(power) * df * 2
         sp.allclose(integrated_power / self.amp1**2,
                     atol=4.0 * (2.0 / sp.sqrt(n_trials * n_points))))
Пример #48
    def rebin(self, xnew):
        Rebin the spectrum on a new grid named xnew

        #Does not need equal spaced bins, but why would you not?

        fbin = sp.zeros(xnew.size)
        efbin = sp.zeros(xnew.size)

        #up sampling is just interpolation
        m = (self.wv >= xnew[0]) * (self.wv <= xnew[-1])
        if self.wv[m].size <= xnew.size - 1:
            fbin, efbin = self.interp(xnew)

            #down sampling--
            #1) define bins so that xnew is at the center.
            #2) interpolate to account for fractional pixel weights
            #3) take the mean within each bin
            db = 0.5 * sp.diff(xnew)
            b2 = xnew[1::] - db
            b2 = sp.insert(b2, 0, xnew[0])

            insert = sp.searchsorted(self.wv, b2)
            xinsert = sp.insert(self.wv, insert, xnew)
            xinsert = sp.unique(xinsert)
            yinsert, zinsert = self.interp(xinsert)

            i = sp.digitize(xinsert, b2)
            for j in range(b2.size):
                iuse = sp.where(i == j + 1)[0]
                fbin[j] = sp.mean(yinsert[iuse])
                efbin[j] = sp.mean(zinsert[iuse])

        self._wv = xnew
        if self.ef is not None:
            self._ef = efbin
        self.f = fbin
        assert self.wv.size == self.f.size
Пример #49
def auc(y, prob, w):
    if len(w) == 0:
        mindiff = scipy.amin(scipy.diff(scipy.unique(prob)))
        pert = scipy.random.uniform(0, mindiff / 3, prob.size)
        t, rprob = scipy.unique(prob + pert, return_inverse=True)
        n1 = scipy.sum(y, keepdims=True)
        n0 = y.shape[0] - n1
        u = scipy.sum(rprob[y == 1]) - n1 * (n1 + 1) / 2
        result = u / (n1 * n0)
        op = scipy.argsort(prob)
        y = y[op]
        w = w[op]
        cw = scipy.cumsum(w)
        w1 = w[y == 1]
        cw1 = scipy.cumsum(w1)
        wauc = scipy.sum(w1 * (cw[y == 1] - cw1))
        sumw = cw1[-1]
        sumw = sumw * (c1[-1] - sumw)
        result = wauc / sumw
    return (result)
Пример #50
def setgrid(extent):
    dn = 1000
    width = extent[1] - extent[0]
    height = extent[3] - extent[2]
    Y = np.linspace(extent[2], extent[3], dn + 1)

    rsize = scipy.diff(Y)[0]
    Y = setXY(Y)
    Y = np.expand_dims(Y, axis=1)

    N_x = int(np.ceil(width / rsize))
    Y = np.repeat(Y, N_x, axis=1)

    X = np.zeros((N_x + 1, ))
    X[0] = extent[0]
    for i in range(N_x):
        X[i + 1] = X[i] + rsize
    X = setXY(X)
    X = np.expand_dims(X, axis=0)
    X = np.repeat(X, dn, axis=0)
    return X, Y, dn, N_x, rsize
Пример #51
def rgb_hist(I, ax, bins=256):

    # run over red, green, and blue channels
    channels = ('r', 'g', 'b')
    for i, color in enumerate(channels):
        # get count pixel intensities for this channel
        counts, bins, patches = plt.hist(I[:, :, i].flatten(),

        # hack: choose mid-point of bins as centers
        centers = bins[:-1] + sp.diff(bins) / 2

        # line plot with fill
        plt.plot(centers, counts, color=color)
        ax.fill_between(centers, 0, counts, color=color, alpha=0.25)

    # hack for matlab's axes('square') function
    # http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg08388.html
    ax.set_aspect(1. / ax.get_data_ratio())
def get_refperiod_violations(spike_trains, refperiod, progress=None):
    """ Return the refractory period violations in the given spike trains
    for the specified refractory period.

    :param dict spike_trains: Dictionary of lists of
        :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects.
    :param refperiod: The refractory period (time).
    :type refperiod: Quantity scalar
    :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress.
    :type progress: :class:`.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator`
    :returns: Two values:

        * The total number of violations.
        * A dictionary (with the same indices as ``spike_trains``) of
          arrays with violation times (Quantity 1D with the same unit as
          ``refperiod``) for each spike train.
    :rtype: int, dict """
    if type(refperiod) != pq.Quantity or \
            refperiod.simplified.dimensionality != pq.s.dimensionality:
        raise ValueError('refperiod must be a time quantity!')

    if not progress:
        progress = ProgressIndicator()

    total_violations = 0
    violations = {}
    for u, tL in spike_trains.iteritems():
        violations[u] = []
        for i, t in enumerate(tL):
            st = t.copy()
            isi = sp.diff(st)

            violations[u].append(st[isi < refperiod].rescale(refperiod.units))
            total_violations += len(violations[u][i])


    return total_violations, violations
Пример #53
	def get_ROI_splits(self):
		Get the frames corresponding to a beginning and end of an ROI.
		# The columns of ROI_splits are: ROI, beg idx, end idx, slot number
		self.ROI_splits = sp.zeros(4)
		for iS in range(self.num_slots):
			split_idxs = sp.nonzero(sp.diff(self.corr_ROI[:, iS]))[0]
			split_idxs = sp.hstack(([-1], split_idxs))
			if (self.num_frames - 1) not in split_idxs:
				split_idxs = sp.hstack((split_idxs, self.num_frames - 1))
			for iI in range(len(split_idxs) - 1):
				idx_beg = split_idxs[iI] + 1
				idx_end = split_idxs[iI + 1] + 1
				if idx_beg+1 >= self.num_frames:
				arr = [self.corr_ROI[idx_beg + 1, iS], idx_beg, idx_end, iS]
				self.ROI_splits = sp.vstack((self.ROI_splits.T, arr)).T
		self.ROI_splits = self.ROI_splits.astype(int)
Пример #54
def loadaerdat(datafile='/tmp/aerout.dat', stas=None, nEvents=None, datatype="II"):
	aerdatafh = open(datafile, 'rb')
	k = 0

	while aerdatafh.readline()[0] == "#":
		k += 1
	tmp = aerdatafh.read()
	n = len(tmp) / struct.calcsize('>' + datatype)
	tmad = struct.unpack_from('>' + datatype * n, tmp)
	dat = np.array(tmad)
	dat = dat.reshape(dat.shape[0] / 2, 2)
	if nEvents == None:
		nEvents = n		
	if stas == None:
		return dat
		tm = np.concatenate([[0], sp.diff(dat[:nEvents, 1])])
		ad = stas.STAddrPhysicalExtract(dat[:nEvents, 0]).transpose()
		return [tm, ad]
Пример #55
    def __init__(self, ta_object: MDTrajectory,
                 box_size: tuple, grid_size: np.ndarray,
                 frag_id: int = 0, average_solute: bool = False):
        """ Create a pcf ta_object.

        ta_object : MDTrajectory
            Object with all information about the MD trajectory
        box_size : tuple(3)
            Size of cubic grid where to evaluate the PCF
        grid_size : np.ndarray((Npoints,3), dtype=float)
            Number of points in each direction.
        frag_id : int
            Index indicating which molecule(s) to take as solute.
            By default solute = 0.
        average_solute : bool
            Whether the solute molecules also need to be averaged.

        self.ta_object = ta_object
        histogram_range = np.asarray([-box_size/2., box_size/2.]).T
        self.ta_object.align_along_trajectory(frag_id, self.ta_object.topology, to_file=True)
        if average_solute:
        # Align solvent and find the averaged structure
        edges, self.pcf = self.ta_object.compute_pair_correlation_function(histogram_range,
                                                                           grid_size, frag_id)
        self.grid_size = grid_size
        self.npoints = np.cumprod(grid_size)[-1]
        self.delta = sp.diff(edges)
        edges = np.array(edges)
        # NOTE: only works for cubic grids
        self.points = edges[:, :-1] + self.delta/2.0
        self.total_frames = self.ta_object.nframes
        # Initialize Pybind Class
        self.pbox = BoxGrid(grid_size, self.points)
        self.bohr = 0.529177249
Пример #56
def _(ops, locs, n):
    Put operators in a circuit and compile them.

    notice the big end are high loc bits!

        ops (list): list of single bit operators.
        locs (list): list of positions.
        n (int): total number of bits.

        array: resulting matrix.
    if np.ndim(locs) == 0:
        locs = [locs]
    if not isinstance(ops, (list, tuple)):
        ops = [ops]
    locs = np.asarray(locs)
    locs = n - locs
    order = np.argsort(locs)
    locs = np.concatenate([[0], locs[order], [n + 1]])
    return _wrap_identity([ops[i] for i in order], np.diff(locs) - 1)
Пример #57
    def to_window(self, **params):

        window = MuFunction(**params)

        window.k = self.k
        window.window = scipy.asarray([res.counts for res in self.result])

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)
            window.mu = scipy.ma.average([res.mu for res in self.result],

        muedges = self.result[0].muedges
        mupositive = len(muedges) // 2
        muedges = muedges[mupositive:]
        assert muedges[0] == 0 and (muedges >= 0).all()
        window.mu = scipy.mean(
            [window.mu, -window.mu[::-1]],
            axis=0)[mupositive:]  #-1 because we took half of the shell
        window.window = scipy.sum([window.window, window.window[:, ::-1]],
                                  axis=0)[:, mupositive:]

        empty = scipy.isnan(window.mu)
        window.mu[empty] = edges_to_mid(muedges)[empty]
        window.error = scipy.sqrt(window.window)

        #print window.window.shape
        norm = scipy.sum(window.window * scipy.diff(muedges),
                         axis=-1) / (muedges[-1] - muedges[0])
        window.window /= norm[:, None]
        window.error /= norm[:, None]


        return window
Пример #58
	def ROI_corrected(self):
		Correct ROI by incorporating minimum transition time
		for iS in range(self.num_slots):

			# Indices at which ROI changes
			splits = sp.nonzero(sp.diff(self.raw_ROI[:, iS]))[0]
			# For each of these transitions, check length for false transitions
			for iSplit in sp.arange(len(splits))[::-1]:
				# Frame-length of the current ROI
				split_beg = splits[iSplit - 1]
				split_end = splits[iSplit]
				split_len =  split_end - split_beg 
				# If ROI is too short, keep moving backward until you find an 
				# ROI of sufficient length (i.g. ROI > min_ROI_frames)
				split_shift = 0
				while split_len < self.min_ROI_frames:
					split_shift += 1
					# If at beginning of array; break the loop
					if iSplit - split_shift < 0: 
					split_shift_beg = splits[iSplit - split_shift - 1]
					split_shift_end = splits[iSplit - split_shift]
					split_len = split_shift_end - split_shift_beg
				# Change all false regions back to ROI of sufficient length
				if split_shift > 0:
					frames_to_change = range(split_shift_end, split_end + 1)
					self.corr_ROI[frames_to_change, iS] = \
						self.raw_ROI[split_shift_end, iS]
Пример #59
    def add_boundary_pores(
            labels=['top', 'bottom', 'front', 'back', 'left', 'right'],
        Add boundary pores to the specified faces of the network

        Pores are offset from the faces by 1/2 of the given ``spacing``, such
        that they lie directly on the boundaries.

        labels : string or list of strings
            The labels indicating the pores defining each face where boundary
            pores are to be added (e.g. 'left' or ['left', 'right'])

        spacing : scalar or array_like
            The spacing of the network (e.g. [1, 1, 1]).  This must be given
            since it can be quite difficult to infer from the network,
            for instance if boundary pores have already added to other faces.

        spacing = sp.array(spacing)
        if spacing.size == 1:
            spacing = sp.ones(3) * spacing
        for item in labels:
            Ps = self.pores(item)
            coords = sp.absolute(self['pore.coords'][Ps])
            axis = sp.count_nonzero(sp.diff(coords, axis=0), axis=0) == 0
            offset = sp.array(axis, dtype=int) * spacing / 2
            if sp.amin(coords) == sp.amin(coords[:, sp.where(axis)[0]]):
                offset = -1 * offset
                                         apply_label=item + '_boundary')
Пример #60
    def to_window(self, **params):

        window = WindowFunction1D(**params)

        sedges = self.result.sedges
        window.poles = self.result.ells
        window.los = self.result.los
        if hasattr(self.result, 's'):
            window.s = self.result.s
            empty = scipy.isnan(window.s)
            window.s[empty] = edges_to_mid(sedges)[empty]
            window.s = edges_to_mid(sedges)

        window.window = self.result.counts
        volume = -scipy.diff(s_to_cos(sedges))
        window.window /= volume[None, ...]


        window.s = s_to_cos(window.s)[::-1]
        window.window[0] = window.window[0][::-1]

        return window