Пример #1
	def _update_indicator(self,K,L):
		""" update the indicator """
		_update = {'term': self.n_terms*SP.ones((K,L)).T.ravel(),
					'row': SP.kron(SP.arange(K)[:,SP.newaxis],SP.ones((1,L))).T.ravel(),
					'col': SP.kron(SP.ones((K,1)),SP.arange(L)[SP.newaxis,:]).T.ravel()} 
		for key in _update.keys():
			self.indicator[key] = SP.concatenate([self.indicator[key],_update[key]])
Пример #2
    def _LMLgrad_s(self,hyperparams,debugging=False):
        evaluate gradients with respect to covariance matrix Sigma
            KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams, debugging=debugging)
        except LA.LinAlgError:
            LG.error('linalg exception in _LMLgrad_x_sigma')
            return {'X_s':SP.zeros(hyperparams['X_s'].shape)}

        Si = 1./KV['Stilde_os']
        SS = SP.dot(unravel(Si,self.n,self.t).T,KV['Stilde_o'])
        USU = SP.dot(KV['USi_c'],KV['Utilde_s'])        
        Yhat = unravel(Si * ravel(KV['UYtildeU_os']),self.n,self.t)
        RV = {}
        if 'X_s' in hyperparams:
            USUY = SP.dot(USU,Yhat.T)
            USUYSYUSU = SP.dot(USUY,(KV['Stilde_o']*USUY).T)
            LMLgrad = SP.zeros((self.t,self.covar_s.n_dimensions))
            LMLgrad_det = SP.zeros((self.t,self.covar_s.n_dimensions))
            LMLgrad_quad = SP.zeros((self.t,self.covar_s.n_dimensions))
            for d in xrange(self.covar_s.n_dimensions):
                Kd_grad = self.covar_s.Kgrad_x(hyperparams['covar_s'],d)
                UsU = SP.dot(Kd_grad.T,USU)*USU
                LMLgrad_det[:,d] = SP.dot(UsU,SS.T)
                # calculate gradient of squared form
                LMLgrad_quad[:,d] = -(USUYSYUSU*Kd_grad).sum(0)
            LMLgrad = LMLgrad_det + LMLgrad_quad
            RV['X_s'] = LMLgrad
            if debugging:
                _LMLgrad = SP.zeros((self.t,self.covar_s.n_dimensions))
                for t in xrange(self.t):
                    for d in xrange(self.covar_s.n_dimensions):
                        Kgrad_x = self.covar_s.Kgrad_x(hyperparams['covar_s'],d,t)
                        Kgrad_x = SP.kron(Kgrad_x,KV['K_o'])
                        _LMLgrad[t,d] = 0.5*(KV['W']*Kgrad_x).sum()

                assert SP.allclose(LMLgrad,_LMLgrad,rtol=1E-3,atol=1E-2), 'ouch, something is wrong: %.2f'%LA.norm(LMLgrad-_LMLgrad)

        if 'covar_s' in hyperparams:
            theta = SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_s']))
            for i in range(len(theta)):
                Kgrad_s = self.covar_s.Kgrad_theta(hyperparams['covar_s'],i)
                UdKU = SP.dot(USU.T, SP.dot(Kgrad_s, USU))
                SYUdKU = SP.dot(UdKU,KV['Stilde_o'] * Yhat.T)
                LMLgrad_det = SP.sum(Si*SP.kron(SP.diag(UdKU),KV['Stilde_o']))
                LMLgrad_quad = -(Yhat.T*SYUdKU).sum()
                LMLgrad = 0.5*(LMLgrad_det + LMLgrad_quad)
                theta[i] = LMLgrad

                if debugging:
                    Kd = SP.kron(Kgrad_s, KV['K_o'])
                    _LMLgrad = 0.5 * (KV['W']*Kd).sum()
                    assert SP.allclose(LMLgrad,_LMLgrad,rtol=1E-3,atol=1E-2), 'ouch, something is wrong: %.2f'%LA.norm(LMLgrad-_LMLgrad)
            RV['covar_s'] = theta
        return RV
Пример #3
    def LMLdebug(self):
        LML function for debug
        assert self.N*self.P<5000, 'gp2kronSum:: N*P>=5000'

        y = SP.reshape(self.Y,(self.N*self.P), order='F') 
        V = SP.kron(SP.eye(self.P),self.F)

        XX = SP.dot(self.Xr,self.Xr.T)
        K  = SP.kron(self.Cr.K(),XX)
        K += SP.kron(self.Cn.K()+self.offset*SP.eye(self.P),SP.eye(self.N))

        # inverse of K
        cholK = LA.cholesky(K)
        Ki = LA.cho_solve((cholK,False),SP.eye(self.N*self.P))

        # Areml and inverse
        Areml = SP.dot(V.T,SP.dot(Ki,V))
        cholAreml = LA.cholesky(Areml)
        Areml_i = LA.cho_solve((cholAreml,False),SP.eye(self.K*self.P))

        # effect sizes and z
        b = SP.dot(Areml_i,SP.dot(V.T,SP.dot(Ki,y)))
        z = y-SP.dot(V,b)
        Kiz = SP.dot(Ki,z)

        # lml
        lml  = y.shape[0]*SP.log(2*SP.pi)
        lml += 2*SP.log(SP.diag(cholK)).sum()
        lml += 2*SP.log(SP.diag(cholAreml)).sum()
        lml += SP.dot(z,Kiz)
        lml *= 0.5

        return lml
Пример #4
    def _LMLgrad_covar_debug(self,covar):

        assert self.N*self.P<2000, 'gp2kronSum:: N*P>=2000'

        y  = SP.reshape(self.Y,(self.N*self.P), order='F') 

        K  = SP.kron(self.Cg.K(),self.XX)
        K += SP.kron(self.Cn.K()+self.offset*SP.eye(self.P),SP.eye(self.N))

        cholK = LA.cholesky(K).T
        Ki  = LA.cho_solve((cholK,True),SP.eye(y.shape[0]))
        Kiy   = LA.cho_solve((cholK,True),y)

        if covar=='Cr':     n_params = self.Cr.getNumberParams()
        elif covar=='Cg':   n_params = self.Cg.getNumberParams()
        elif covar=='Cn':   n_params = self.Cn.getNumberParams()

        RV = SP.zeros(n_params)

        for i in range(n_params):
            #0. calc grad_i
            if covar=='Cg':
                C   = self.Cg.Kgrad_param(i)
                Kgrad  = SP.kron(C,self.XX)
            elif covar=='Cn':
                C   = self.Cn.Kgrad_param(i)
                Kgrad  = SP.kron(C,SP.eye(self.N))

            #1. der of log det
            RV[i]  = 0.5*(Ki*Kgrad).sum()
            #2. der of quad form
            RV[i] -= 0.5*(Kiy*SP.dot(Kgrad,Kiy)).sum()

        return RV
Пример #5
def AlphaBetaCoeffs_old(n, a, b):
    " Construct the alpha and beta coefficient matrices. "
    Z = sp.matrix([[1,0],[0,-1]])
    I = sp.identity(2)
    alpha = sp.zeros((2**n,2**n))
    beta = sp.zeros((2**n,2**n))
    m1 = []
    m2 = []
    for i in range(0,n):
        for m in range(0,n-1): m1.append(I)
        m1.insert(i, Z)
        temp1 = m1[0]

        while (len(m1) != 0):
            temp1 = sp.kron(temp1, m1[0])
        alpha += temp1*a[i]
        for j in range(i+1, n):
            for m in range(0, n-2): m2.append(I)
            m2.insert(i, Z)
            m2.insert(j, Z)
            temp2 = m2[0]
            while (len(m2) != 0):
                temp2 = sp.kron(temp2, m2[0])
            beta += (temp2)*b[i,j]
    return [alpha, beta]
Пример #6
def sqrtm3(X):
    M = sp.copy(X)
    m, fb, fe = block_structure(M)
    n = M.shape[0]
    for i in range(0,m):
        M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[i]:fe[i]] = twobytworoot(M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[i]:fe[i]])
        #print M

    for j in range(1,m):
        for i in range(0,m-j):
            #print M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]]
            JJ = i+j
            Tnoto = M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]] #dopo togliere il copy
            #print "Tnot: "
            #print Tnoto
            for k in range(i+1,JJ):
                Tnoto -= (M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[k]:fe[k]]).dot(M[fb[k]:fe[k],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]])
                #print M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[k]:fe[k]]
                #print M[fb[k]:fe[k],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]]

                #print "forma 1"
                #print M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]]           #  Uij
                #print M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[i]:fe[i]]               #  Uii
                #print M[fb[JJ]:fe[JJ],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]]       #  Ujj
                M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]] = Tnoto/(M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[i]:fe[i]] + M[fb[JJ]:fe[JJ],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]])

                Uii = M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[i]:fe[i]]
                Ujj = M[fb[JJ]:fe[JJ],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]]
                shapeUii = Uii.shape[0]
                shapeUjj = Ujj.shape[0]
                print "------------"
                print Tnoto
                print Tnoto.shape
                print sp.kron(sp.eye(shapeUjj),Uii)
                print sp.kron(Ujj.T,sp.eye(shapeUii))
                print Tnoto
                #M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]] = sp.linalg.solve_sylvester(Uii, Ujj, Tnoto)

                x, scale, info = dtrsyl(Uii, Ujj, Tnoto

                if (scale==1.0):
                     = x

                    M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]] = x*scale
                    print "scale!=0"
                Tnoto = Tnoto.reshape((shapeUii*shapeUjj),1,order="F")
                M[fb[i]:fe[i],fb[JJ]:fe[JJ]] = \
                linalg.solve(sp.kron(sp.eye(shapeUjj),Uii) +

    return M
Пример #7
 def diag_Ctilde_o_Sr(self, i):
     if i < self.Cg.getNumberParams():
         r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCgLc(i)), self.Sr())
         _i = i - self.Cg.getNumberParams()
         r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCnLc(_i)), sp.ones(self.dim_r))
     return r
Пример #8
 def varMLE(self):
     """ calculate inverse of fisher information """
     Sr = {}
     Sr['Cg'] = self.cache['Srstar']
     Sr['Cn'] = SP.ones(self.N)
     n_params = self.Cg.getNumberParams()+self.Cn.getNumberParams()
     fisher = SP.zeros((n_params,n_params))
     header = SP.zeros((n_params,n_params),dtype='|S10')
     C1  = SP.zeros((self.P,self.P))
     C2  = SP.zeros((self.P,self.P))
     idx1 = 0
     for key1 in ['Cg','Cn']:
         for key1_p1 in range(self.P):
             for key1_p2 in range(key1_p1,self.P):
                 C1[key1_p1,key1_p2] = C1[key1_p2,key1_p1] = 1
                 LCL1 = SP.dot(self.cache['Lc'],SP.dot(C1,self.cache['Lc'].T))
                 CSr1 = SP.kron(Sr[key1][:,SP.newaxis,SP.newaxis],LCL1[SP.newaxis,:])
                 DCSr1 = self.cache['D'][:,:,SP.newaxis]*CSr1
                 idx2 = 0
                 for key2 in ['Cg','Cn']:
                     for key2_p1 in range(self.P):
                         for key2_p2 in range(key2_p1,self.P):
                             C2[key2_p1,key2_p2] = C2[key2_p2,key2_p1] = 1
                             LCL2 = SP.dot(self.cache['Lc'],SP.dot(C2,self.cache['Lc'].T))
                             CSr2 = SP.kron(Sr[key2][:,SP.newaxis,SP.newaxis],LCL2[SP.newaxis,:])
                             DCSr2 = self.cache['D'][:,:,SP.newaxis]*CSr2
                             fisher[idx1,idx2] = 0.5*(DCSr1*DCSr2).sum()
                             header[idx1,idx2] = '%s%d%d_%s%d%d'%(key1,key1_p1,key1_p1,key2,key2_p1,key2_p2)
                             C2[key2_p1,key2_p2] = C2[key2_p2,key2_p1] = 0
                 C1[key1_p1,key1_p2] = C1[key1_p2,key1_p1] = 0
     RV = LA.inv(fisher)
     return RV,header
Пример #9
    def K(self):
        if self.dim > _MAX_DIM:
            raise TooExpensiveOperationError(msg_too_expensive_dim(my_name(),

        rv = sp.kron(self.Cg.K(), self.R) + sp.kron(self.Cn.K(), sp.eye(self.dim_r))
        return rv
Пример #10
    def _LMLgrad_covar(self,hyperparams,debugging=False):
        evaluates the gradient of the log marginal likelihood with respect to the
        hyperparameters of the covariance function
            KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams,debugging=debugging)
        except LA.LinAlgError:
            LG.error('linalg exception in _LMLgrad_covar')
            return {'covar_r':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_r'])),'covar_c':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_c'])),'covar_r':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_r']))}
        except ValueError:
            LG.error('value error in _LMLgrad_covar')
            return {'covar_r':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_r'])),'covar_c':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_c'])),'covar_r':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_r']))}
        RV = {}
        Si = unravel(1./KV['S'],self.n,self.t)

        if 'covar_r' in hyperparams:
            theta = SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_r']))
            for i in range(len(theta)):
                Kgrad_r = self.covar_r.Kgrad_theta(hyperparams['covar_r'],i)
                LMLgrad_det = SP.dot(d,SP.dot(Si,KV['S_c']))
                UdKU = SP.dot(KV['U_r'].T,SP.dot(Kgrad_r,KV['U_r']))
                SYUdKU = SP.dot(UdKU,(KV['Ytilde']*SP.tile(KV['S_c'][SP.newaxis,:],(self.n,1))))
                LMLgrad_quad = - (KV['Ytilde']*SYUdKU).sum()
                LMLgrad = 0.5*(LMLgrad_det + LMLgrad_quad)
                theta[i] = LMLgrad

                if debugging:
                    Kd = SP.kron(KV['K_c'], Kgrad_r)
                    _LMLgrad = 0.5 * (KV['W']*Kd).sum()
                    assert SP.allclose(LMLgrad,_LMLgrad), 'ouch, gradient is wrong for covar_r'
            RV['covar_r'] = theta

        if 'covar_c' in hyperparams:
            theta = SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_c']))
            for i in range(len(theta)):
                Kgrad_c = self.covar_c.Kgrad_theta(hyperparams['covar_c'],i)

                LMLgrad_det = SP.dot(KV['S_r'],SP.dot(Si,d))

                UdKU = SP.dot(KV['U_c'].T,SP.dot(Kgrad_c,KV['U_c']))
                SYUdKU = SP.dot((KV['Ytilde']*SP.tile(KV['S_r'][:,SP.newaxis],(1,self.t))),UdKU.T)
                LMLgrad_quad = -SP.sum(KV['Ytilde']*SYUdKU)
                LMLgrad = 0.5*(LMLgrad_det + LMLgrad_quad)
                theta[i] = LMLgrad
                if debugging:
                    Kd = SP.kron(Kgrad_c, KV['K_r'])
                    _LMLgrad = 0.5 * (KV['W']*Kd).sum()
                    assert SP.allclose(LMLgrad,_LMLgrad), 'ouch, gradient is wrong for covar_c'
                RV['covar_c'] = theta

        return RV
Пример #11
def get_linds(N, eps):
    #Lindblad operators must have same range as Hamiltonian terms. In this case they are nearest-neighbour.
    Sp1 = (sp.kron(Sp, sp.eye(2))).reshape(2, 2, 2, 2)
    Sm2 = (sp.kron(sp.eye(2), Sm)).reshape(2, 2, 2, 2)
    L1 = (1, sp.sqrt(eps) * Sp1)
    L2 = (N-1, sp.sqrt(eps) * Sm2)
    return [L1, L2]
Пример #12
 def _fit(self, type, vc=False):
     #2. init
     if type=='null':
     elif type=='full':
         Cg0_K = self.gp['null'].covar.Cg.K()
         Cn0_K = self.gp['null'].covar.Cn.K()
     elif type=='block':
         Crf_K = self.gp['full'].covar.Cr.K()
         Cnf_K = self.gp['full'].covar.Cn.K()
         self.gp[type].covar.Cr.scale = sp.mean(Crf_K)
     elif type=='rank1':
         Crf_K = self.gp['full'].covar.Cr.K()
         Cnf_K = self.gp['full'].covar.Cn.K()
     self.gp[type].optimize(factr=self.factr, verbose=False)
     RV = {'Cg': self.gp[type].covar.Cg.K(),
             'Cn': self.gp[type].covar.Cn.K(),
             'LML': sp.array([self.gp[type].LML()]),
             'LMLgrad': sp.array([sp.mean((self.gp[type].LML_grad()['covar'])**2)])}
     if type=='null':        RV['Cr'] = sp.zeros(RV['Cg'].shape) 
     else:                   RV['Cr'] = self.gp[type].covar.Cr.K() 
     if vc:
         # tr(P CoR) = tr(C)tr(R) - tr(Ones C) tr(Ones R) / float(NP)
         #           = tr(C)tr(R) - C.sum() * R.sum() / float(NP)
         trRr = (self.Xr**2).sum()
         var_r = sp.trace(RV['Cr'])*trRr / float(self.Y.size-1)
         var_g = sp.trace(RV['Cg'])*self.trRg / float(self.Y.size-1)
         var_n = sp.trace(RV['Cn'])*self.Y.shape[0] 
         var_n-= RV['Cn'].sum() / float(RV['Cn'].shape[0])
         var_n/= float(self.Y.size-1) 
         RV['var'] = sp.array([var_r, var_g, var_n])
         if 0 and self.Y.size<5000:
             Kr = sp.kron(RV['Cr'], sp.dot(self.Xr, self.Xr.T))
             Kn = sp.kron(RV['Cn'], sp.eye(self.Y.shape[0]))
             _var_r = sp.trace(Kr-Kr.mean(0)) / float(self.Y.size-1)
             _var_n = sp.trace(Kn-Kn.mean(0)) / float(self.Y.size-1)
             _var = sp.array([_var_r, var_g, _var_n])
         if type=='full':
             # calculate within region vcs 
             Cr_block = sp.mean(RV['Cr']) * sp.ones(RV['Cr'].shape)
             Cr_rank1 = lowrank_approx(RV['Cr'], rank=1)
             var_block = sp.trace(Cr_block)*trRr / float(self.Y.size-1)
             var_rank1 = sp.trace(Cr_rank1)*trRr / float(self.Y.size-1)
             RV['var_r'] = sp.array([var_block, var_rank1-var_block, var_r-var_rank1])
     return RV
Пример #13
    def test_inv(self):
        C = self.C

        L = sp.kron(C.Lc(), sp.eye(C.dim_r))
        W = sp.kron(C.Wc(), C.Wr())
        WdW = sp.dot(W.T, C.d()[:, sp.newaxis] * W)
        I_WdW = sp.eye(C.dim_c * C.dim_r) - WdW
        inv1 = sp.dot(L.T, sp.dot(I_WdW, L))

        inv2 = C.inv()
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(inv1, inv2)
Пример #14
def distanz(x, y=None):
    Calculate the distanz between two colon vectors

    x : ndarray
        First colon vector
    y : ndarray
        Second colon vector

    d : ndarray
        Distance between x and y

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pygsp import utils
    >>> x = np.random.rand(16)
    >>> y = np.random.rand(16)
    >>> distanz = utils.distanz(x, y)

    except IndexError:
        x = x.reshape(1, x.shape[0])

    if y is None:
        y = x

        except IndexError:
            y = y.reshape(1, y.shape[0])

    rx, cx = x.shape
    ry, cy = y.shape

    # Size verification
    if rx != ry:
        raise("The sizes of x and y do not fit")

    xx = (x*x).sum(axis=0)
    yy = (y*y).sum(axis=0)
    xy = np.dot(x.T, y)

    d = abs(sp.kron(sp.ones((cy, 1)), xx).T +
            sp.kron(sp.ones((cx, 1)), yy) - 2*xy)

    return np.sqrt(d)
Пример #15
 def diag_Ctilde_o_Sr(self, i):
     np_r = self.Cr.getNumberParams()
     np_g = self.Cg.getNumberParams()
     if i < np_r:
         r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCrLc(i)), self.diagWrWr())
     elif i < (np_r + np_g):
         _i = i - np_r
         r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCgLc(_i)), self.Sr())
         _i = i - np_r - np_g
         r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCnLc(_i)), sp.ones(self.dim_r))
     return r
Пример #16
def get_full_op(op):
    fop = sp.zeros((2**N, 2**N), dtype=sp.complex128)
    for n in range(1, min(len(op), N + 1)):
        if op[n] is None:
        n_sites = len(op[n].shape) / 2
        opn = op[n].reshape(2**n_sites, 2**n_sites)
        fop_n = sp.kron(sp.eye(2**(n - 1)), sp.kron(opn, sp.eye(2**(N - n - n_sites + 1))))

        assert fop.shape == fop_n.shape
        fop += fop_n
    return fop
Пример #17
def IsingHamiltonian_old(n, h, J, g):
    ### Construct Hamiltonian ###
    Z = sp.matrix([[1,0],[0,-1]])
    X = sp.matrix([[0,1],[1,0]])
    I = sp.identity(2)
    alpha = sp.zeros((2**n,2**n))
    beta = sp.zeros((2**n,2**n))
    delta = sp.zeros((2**n,2**n))
    matrices = []
    # Calculate alpha
    for i in range(0,n):
        for m in range(0,n-1):
        matrices.insert(i, Z)
        temp = matrices[0]
        while (len(matrices) != 0):
            temp = sp.kron(temp, matrices[0])
        alpha = alpha + temp*h[i]
    temp = 0
    # Calculate beta
    for i in range(0,n):
        for j in range(0,n):
            if (i != j):
                for m in range(0,n-2):
                matrices.insert(i, Z)
                matrices.insert(j, Z)
                temp = matrices[0]
                while (len(matrices) != 0):
                    temp = sp.kron(temp, matrices[0])
                beta = beta + temp*J[i,j]
    beta = beta + g*sp.identity(2**n)
    temp = 0
    # Calculate delta                                                            
    for i in range(0,n) :
        for m in range(0,n-1):
        matrices.insert(i, X)
        temp = matrices[0]
        while (len(matrices) != 0):
            temp = sp.kron(temp, matrices[0])
        delta += temp
    return [alpha, beta, delta]
Пример #18
def GenerateLabels(n):
    " Get proper labeling for output states. "
    # Generate bitstrings
    bitstring = []
    for i in range(0, n + 1):
        bitstring.append(kbits(n, i))
    # Flatten
    bitstring = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(bitstring))
    # Generate unit vectors
    statelist = []
    poslist = []
    pos = 0
    unit0 = sp.array([1, 0])
    unit1 = sp.array([0, 1])
    for i in range(len(bitstring)):
        # Construct unit vector corresponding to bitstring
        state = unit1 if (bitstring[i][0] == '1') else unit0
        for j in range(n - 1):
            state = sp.kron(state, unit1 if
                            (bitstring[i][j + 1] == '1') else unit0)
        # Record orientation of unit vector (using position of 1 value)
        for j in range(2**n):
            if (statelist[-1][j]):
                pos = j
    # Sort the states
    sortperm = sp.array(poslist).argsort()
    bitstring = [bitstring[i] for i in sortperm]

    return bitstring
Пример #19
 def LW(self):
     R = sp.zeros((self.mean.Y.size, self.mean.n_covs))
     istart = 0
     for ti in range(self.mean.n_terms):
         iend = istart + self.mean.F[ti].shape[1] * self.mean.A[ti].shape[0]
         R[:, istart:iend] = sp.kron(self.ALc()[ti].T, self.LrF()[ti])
     return R
Пример #20
    def _LML_covar(self, hyperparams):
        #calculate marginal likelihood of kronecker GP

        #1. get covariance structures needed:
            KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams)
        except linalg.LinAlgError:
            LG.error("exception caught (%s)" % (str(hyperparams)))
            return 1E6
        #2. build lml
        LML = 0
        LMLc = 0.5 * self.nd * SP.log(2.0 * SP.pi)
        #constant part of negative lml
        #quadratic form
        Si = KV['Si']

        LMLq = 0.5 * SP.dot(KV['y_rot'].ravel(), KV['YSi'].ravel())
        #determinant stuff
        LMLd = -0.5 * SP.log(Si).sum()

        if VERBOSE:
            print "costly verbose debugging on"
            K = SP.kron(KV['Kr'], KV['Kc']) + SP.diag(KV['Knoise'])
            Ki = SP.linalg.inv(K)
            LMLq_ = 0.5 * SP.dot(SP.dot(self.y.ravel(), Ki), self.y.ravel())
            LMLd_ = 0.5 * 2 * SP.log(SP.linalg.cholesky(K).diagonal()).sum()
            check_dist(LMLq, LMLq_)
            check_dist(LMLd, LMLd_)

        return LMLc + LMLq + LMLd
Пример #21
 def W(self):
     R = sp.zeros((self.Y.size, self.n_covs))
     istart = 0
     for ti in range(self.n_terms):
         iend = istart + self.F[ti].shape[1] * self.A[ti].shape[0]
         R[:, istart:iend] = sp.kron(self.A[ti].T, self.F[ti])
     return R
Пример #22
def L_basic_red(rate_mat, rate_dic, rowList, rowLen, pb=0.5, kex=300.0):
    # populate the Liouvillian with relaxation and chemical exchange terms
    a = np.zeros((1 + 2 * rowLen, 1 + 2 * rowLen), dtype=complex)
    # relaxation bits
    pa = 1.0 - pb
    a += rate_mat

    cnt = 0
    for i, prod in enumerate(prodList):
        if i in rowList:
            if prod == 'Iz':  # these are for the return of magnetisation to equilibrium
                a[cnt, 0] -= rate_dic['Iz'] * pa
                a[cnt + rowLen, 0] -= rate_dic['Iz'] * pb
            elif prod == 'Rz':
                a[cnt, 0] -= rate_dic['Rz'] * pa
                a[cnt + rowLen, 0] -= rate_dic['Rz'] * pb
            elif prod == 'Sz':
                a[cnt, 0] -= rate_dic['Sz'] * pa
                a[cnt + rowLen, 0] -= rate_dic['Sz'] * pb
            cnt += 1
    # add exchange
    k_ge = kex * pb
    k_eg = kex * pa
    k_mat = np.array([[-k_ge, k_eg], [k_ge, -k_eg]])
    k_mat = kron(k_mat, np.eye(rowLen))
    a[1:2 * rowLen + 1, 1:2 * rowLen + 1] -= k_mat  # signs are important!

    return a
Пример #23
def gaussian_checkerboard_kernel(L, sigma=10):
    Computes a gaussian checkerboard kernel of shape (2L+1, 2L+1)
    The result is the Hadamar (element-wise) product of a centered 2D gaussian
    pdf of std `sigma` evaluated on (-L:L)x(-L:L) with a checkerboard kernel.
    Thus the resulting matrix is split into 4 quarts : 2 negatives quarts and
    2 positive parts.

    - L : half length of the kernel
    - sigma : optional parameter : the std of the gaussian part of the kernel

    - np.ndarray representing a gaussian checkerboard kernel of shape (2L+1)
    # get gaussian part
    x, y = np.mgrid[-L:L, -L:L]
    pos = np.empty(x.shape + (2, ))
    pos[:, :, 0] = x
    pos[:, :, 1] = y
    rv = st.multivariate_normal([0, 0], sigma * np.eye(2))
    pdf = rv.pdf(pos)
    # get checkerboard part
    checkerboard = kron(np.array([[1, -1], [-1, 1]]), np.ones(shape=(L, L)))
    # return
    return checkerboard * pdf
Пример #24
def GenerateLabels(n):
    " Get proper labeling for output states. "
    # Generate bitstrings
    bitstring = []
    for i in range(0,n+1): 
        bitstring.append(kbits(n, i))
    # Flatten
    bitstring = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(bitstring))
    # Generate unit vectors
    statelist = []
    poslist = []
    pos = 0
    unit0 = sp.array([1,0])
    unit1 = sp.array([0,1])
    for i in range(len(bitstring)):
        # Construct unit vector corresponding to bitstring
        state = unit1 if (bitstring[i][0] == '1') else unit0
        for j in range(n-1):
            state = sp.kron(state, 
                            unit1 if (bitstring[i][j+1] == '1') else unit0)
        # Record orientation of unit vector (using position of 1 value)
        for j in range(2**n):
            if (statelist[-1][j]):
                pos = j
    # Sort the states
    sortperm = sp.array(poslist).argsort()
    bitstring = [ bitstring[i] for i in sortperm ]

    return bitstring
Пример #25
 def ALcCtildeLcA_o_FRF(self, i):
     if i < self.covar.Cr.getNumberParams():
         FRF = self.FGGF()
         FRF = self.FF()
     ALcCtildeALc = sp.dot(self.ALc(), self.CtildeLcA(i))
     return sp.kron(ALcCtildeALc, FRF)
Пример #26
 def WcCtildeLcA_o_WrRF(self, i):
     if i < self.covar.Cr.getNumberParams():
         self.WrRF = self.WrGGF()
         self.WrRF = self.WrF()
     WcCtildeLcA = sp.dot(self.covar.Wc(), self.CtildeLcA(i))
     return sp.kron(WcCtildeLcA, self.WrRF)
Пример #27
    def _LMLgrad_lik(self,hyperparams):
        evaluates the gradient of the log marginal likelihood with respect to
        the hyperparameters of the likelihood function
            KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams)
        except LA.LinAlgError:
            LG.error('linalg exception in _LML_covar')
            return {'lik':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['lik']))}
        except ValueError:
            LG.error('value error in _LML_covar')
            return {'lik':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['lik']))}
        YtildeVec = ravel(KV['Ytilde'])
        Kd_diag = self.likelihood.Kdiag_grad_theta(hyperparams['lik'],self.n,0)

        temp = SP.kron(SP.dot(KV['U_c'].T, SP.dot(KV['Binv'], SP.dot(KV['Binv'].T, KV['U_c']))),SP.diag(Kd_diag)) 
        LMLgrad_det = SP.diag(SP.dot(SP.diag(1./KV['S']),temp)).sum() # Needs more optimization
        sigma_grad = 2 * SP.exp(2 * hyperparams['lik'])
        LMLgrad_quad = - (sigma_grad * YtildeVec * 
            ravel(SP.dot(SP.eye(self.n), SP.dot(KV['Ytilde'],KV['UBinvBinvU'].T)))).sum()
        LMLgrad = 0.5*(LMLgrad_det + LMLgrad_quad)
        return {'lik':SP.array([LMLgrad])}
Пример #28
 def ALcCtildeLcA_o_FRF(self, i):
     if i < self.covar.Cr.getNumberParams():
         FRF = self.FGGF()
         FRF = self.FF()
     ALcCtildeALc = sp.dot(self.ALc(), self.CtildeLcA(i))
     return sp.kron(ALcCtildeALc, FRF)
Пример #29
 def WcCtildeLcA_o_WrRF(self, i):
     if i < self.covar.Cr.getNumberParams():
         self.WrRF = self.WrGGF()
         self.WrRF = self.WrF()
     WcCtildeLcA = sp.dot(self.covar.Wc(), self.CtildeLcA(i))
     return sp.kron(WcCtildeLcA, self.WrRF)
Пример #30
    def _LML_covar(self, hyperparams):
        #calculate marginal likelihood of kronecker GP

        #1. get covariance structures needed:
            KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams)
        except linalg.LinAlgError:
            LG.error("exception caught (%s)" % (str(hyperparams)))
            return 1E6
        #2. build lml 
        LML = 0
        LMLc = 0.5* self.nd * SP.log(2.0 * SP.pi)
        #constant part of negative lml
        #quadratic form
        Si = KV['Si']
        LMLq = 0.5 * SP.dot(KV['y_rot'].ravel(),KV['YSi'].ravel() )
        #determinant stuff
        LMLd = -0.5 * SP.log(Si).sum()

        if VERBOSE:
            print "costly verbose debugging on"
            K = SP.kron(KV['Kr'],KV['Kc']) + SP.diag(KV['Knoise'])
            Ki = SP.linalg.inv(K)
            LMLq_ = 0.5* SP.dot(SP.dot(self.y.ravel(),Ki),self.y.ravel())
            LMLd_ = 0.5* 2 * SP.log(SP.linalg.cholesky(K).diagonal()).sum()

        return LMLc+LMLq+LMLd
Пример #31
 def fitKronApprox(a):
     Sbg = SP.zeros_like(S[0])
     Kbg = SP.zeros_like(K[0])
     for i in range(len(S)):  Sbg+= a[i]*S[i]
     for i in range(len(K)):  Kbg+= a[i+len(S)]*K[i]
     Gamma1 = SP.kron(Sbg,Kbg)
     return ((Gamma-Gamma1)**2).sum()
Пример #32
def L_basic(rate_mat, rate_dic, pb=0.5, kex=300.0):
    # populate the Liouvillian with relaxation and chemical exchange terms
    a = np.zeros((127, 127), dtype=complex)
    # relaxation bits
    pa = 1.0 - pb
    a += rate_mat

    for i, prod in enumerate(prodList):
        if prod == 'Iz':  # these are for the return of magnetisation to equilibrium
            a[i, 0] -= rate_dic['Iz'] * pa
            a[i + 63, 0] -= rate_dic['Iz'] * pb
        elif prod == 'Rz':
            a[i, 0] -= rate_dic['Rz'] * pa
            a[i + 63, 0] -= rate_dic['Rz'] * pb
        elif prod == 'Sz':
            a[i, 0] -= rate_dic['Sz'] * pa
            a[i + 63, 0] -= rate_dic['Sz'] * pb

    # add exchange
    k_ge = kex * pb
    k_eg = kex * pa
    k_mat = np.array([[-k_ge, k_eg], [k_ge, -k_eg]])
    k_mat = kron(k_mat, np.eye(63))
    a[1:127, 1:127] -= k_mat  # signs are important!

    return a
Пример #33
def getVarianceKron(C, R, verbose=False):
    """ get variance scaling of kron(C,R)"""
    n_K = len(C) * len(R)
    c = SP.kron(SP.diag(C), SP.diag(R)).sum() - 1. / n_K * SP.dot(
        R.T, SP.dot(SP.ones((R.shape[0], C.shape[0])), C)).sum()
    scalar = (n_K - 1) / c
    return 1.0 / scalar
Пример #34
def HamiltonianGen_old(n, a, b, d):
    """ Generate default Hamiltonian coefficients. """
    ### Construct Hamiltonian ###
    Z = sp.matrix([[1,0],[0,-1]])
    X = sp.matrix([[0,1],[1,0]])
    I = sp.identity(2)
    alpha = sp.zeros((2**n,2**n))
    beta = sp.zeros((2**n,2**n))
    delta = sp.zeros((2**n,2**n))
    matrices = []
    # Calculate alpha
    for i in range(0,n):
        for m in range(0,n-1): matrices.append(I)
        matrices.insert(i, Z)
        temp = matrices[0]
        while (len(matrices) != 0):
            temp = sp.kron(temp, matrices[0])
        alpha = alpha + temp*a[i]
    temp = 0
    # Calculate beta
    for i in range(0,n):
        for j in range(i+1,n):
            if (i != j):
                for m in range(0,n-2): matrices.append(I)
                matrices.insert(i, Z)
                matrices.insert(j, Z)
                temp = matrices[0]
                while (len(matrices) != 0):
                    temp = sp.kron(temp, matrices[0])
                beta = beta + temp*b[i,j]
    temp = 0
    # Calculate delta                                                            
    for i in range(0,n):
        for m in range(0,n-1):
        matrices.insert(i, X)
        temp = matrices[0]
        while (len(matrices) != 0):
            temp = sp.kron(temp, matrices[0])
        delta += temp*d[i]
    return [alpha, beta, delta]
Пример #35
    def _multiplex(self, bottom_gate, bottom_qubit_index, list_of_angles):
        Internal recursive method to create gates to perform rotations on the
        imaginary qubits: works by rotating LSB (and hence ALL imaginary
        qubits) by combo angle and then flipping sign (by flipping the bit,
        hence moving the complex amplitudes) of half the imaginary qubits
        (CNOT) followed by another combo angle on LSB, therefore executing
        conditional (on MSB) rotations, thereby disentangling LSB.
        list_len = len(list_of_angles)
        target_qubit = self.nth_qubit_from_least_sig_qubit(bottom_qubit_index)

        # Case of no multiplexing = base case for recursion
        if list_len == 1:
            return bottom_gate(list_of_angles[0], target_qubit)

        local_num_qubits = int(math.log2(list_len)) + 1
        control_qubit = self.nth_qubit_from_least_sig_qubit(
            local_num_qubits - 1 + bottom_qubit_index)

        # calc angle weights, assuming recursion (that is the lower-level
        # requested angles have been correctly implemented by recursion
        angle_weight = scipy.kron([[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5]],
                                  numpy.identity(2 ** (local_num_qubits - 2)))

        # calc the combo angles
        list_of_angles = (angle_weight * numpy.matrix(

        combine_composite_gates = CompositeGate(
            "multiplex" + local_num_qubits.__str__(), [], self.arg)

        # recursive step on half the angles fulfilling the above assumption
            self._multiplex(bottom_gate, bottom_qubit_index,
                            list_of_angles[0:(list_len // 2)]))

        # combine_composite_gates.cx(control_qubit,target_qubit) -> does not
        # work as expected because checks circuit
        # so attach CNOT as follows, thereby flipping the LSB qubit
        combine_composite_gates._attach(CnotGate(control_qubit, target_qubit))

        # implement extra efficiency from the paper of cancelling adjacent
        # CNOTs (by leaving out last CNOT and reversing (NOT inverting) the
        # second lower-level multiplex)
        sub_gate = self._multiplex(
            bottom_gate, bottom_qubit_index, list_of_angles[(list_len // 2):])
        if isinstance(sub_gate, CompositeGate):

        # outer multiplex keeps final CNOT, because no adjacent CNOT to cancel
        # with
        if self.num_qubits == local_num_qubits + bottom_qubit_index:

        return combine_composite_gates
Пример #36
    def _multiplex(self, bottom_gate, bottom_qubit_index, list_of_angles):
        Internal recursive method to create gates to perform rotations on the
        imaginary qubits: works by rotating LSB (and hence ALL imaginary
        qubits) by combo angle and then flipping sign (by flipping the bit,
        hence moving the complex amplitudes) of half the imaginary qubits
        (CNOT) followed by another combo angle on LSB, therefore executing
        conditional (on MSB) rotations, thereby disentangling LSB.
        list_len = len(list_of_angles)
        target_qubit = self.nth_qubit_from_least_sig_qubit(bottom_qubit_index)

        # Case of no multiplexing = base case for recursion
        if list_len == 1:
            return bottom_gate(list_of_angles[0], target_qubit)

        local_num_qubits = int(math.log2(list_len)) + 1
        control_qubit = self.nth_qubit_from_least_sig_qubit(
            local_num_qubits - 1 + bottom_qubit_index)

        # calc angle weights, assuming recursion (that is the lower-level
        # requested angles have been correctly implemented by recursion
        angle_weight = scipy.kron([[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5]],
                                  numpy.identity(2 ** (local_num_qubits - 2)))

        # calc the combo angles
        list_of_angles = (angle_weight * numpy.matrix(

        combine_composite_gates = CompositeGate(
            "multiplex" + local_num_qubits.__str__(), [], self.arg)

        # recursive step on half the angles fulfilling the above assumption
            self._multiplex(bottom_gate, bottom_qubit_index,
                            list_of_angles[0:(list_len // 2)]))

        # combine_composite_gates.cx(control_qubit,target_qubit) -> does not
        # work as expected because checks circuit
        # so attach CNOT as follows, thereby flipping the LSB qubit
        combine_composite_gates._attach(CnotGate(control_qubit, target_qubit))

        # implement extra efficiency from the paper of cancelling adjacent
        # CNOTs (by leaving out last CNOT and reversing (NOT inverting) the
        # second lower-level multiplex)
        sub_gate = self._multiplex(
            bottom_gate, bottom_qubit_index, list_of_angles[(list_len // 2):])
        if isinstance(sub_gate, CompositeGate):

        # outer multiplex keeps final CNOT, because no adjacent CNOT to cancel
        # with
        if self.num_qubits == local_num_qubits + bottom_qubit_index:

        return combine_composite_gates
Пример #37
    def _multiplex(self, target_gate, list_of_angles):
        Return a recursive implementation of a multiplexor circuit,
        where each instruction itself has a decomposition based on
        smaller multiplexors.

        The LSB is the multiplexor "data" and the other bits are multiplexor "select".

            target_gate (Gate): Ry or Rz gate to apply to target qubit, multiplexed
                over all other "select" qubits
            list_of_angles (list[float]): list of rotation angles to apply Ry and Rz

            DAGCircuit: the circuit implementing the multiplexor's action
        list_len = len(list_of_angles)
        local_num_qubits = int(math.log2(list_len)) + 1

        q = QuantumRegister(local_num_qubits)
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(q)
        circuit.name = "multiplex" + local_num_qubits.__str__()

        lsb = q[0]
        msb = q[local_num_qubits - 1]

        # case of no multiplexing: base case for recursion
        if local_num_qubits == 1:
            circuit.append(target_gate(list_of_angles[0]), [q[0]])
            return circuit

        # calc angle weights, assuming recursion (that is the lower-level
        # requested angles have been correctly implemented by recursion
        angle_weight = scipy.kron([[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5]],
                                  np.identity(2 ** (local_num_qubits - 2)))

        # calc the combo angles
        list_of_angles = angle_weight.dot(np.array(list_of_angles)).tolist()

        # recursive step on half the angles fulfilling the above assumption
        multiplex_1 = self._multiplex(target_gate, list_of_angles[0:(list_len // 2)])
        circuit.append(multiplex_1.to_instruction(), q[0:-1])

        # attach CNOT as follows, thereby flipping the LSB qubit
        circuit.append(CnotGate(), [msb, lsb])

        # implement extra efficiency from the paper of cancelling adjacent
        # CNOTs (by leaving out last CNOT and reversing (NOT inverting) the
        # second lower-level multiplex)
        multiplex_2 = self._multiplex(target_gate, list_of_angles[(list_len // 2):])
        if list_len > 1:
            circuit.append(multiplex_2.to_instruction().mirror(), q[0:-1])
            circuit.append(multiplex_2.to_instruction(), q[0:-1])

        # attach a final CNOT
        circuit.append(CnotGate(), [msb, lsb])

        return circuit
Пример #38
def make_E_2s(A1, A2, B1, B2, op):
    res = sp.zeros((A1.shape[1]**2, A2.shape[2]**2), dtype=A1.dtype)
    for s in range(A1.shape[0]):
        for t in range(A2.shape[0]):
            for u in range(A1.shape[0]):
                for v in range(A2.shape[0]):
                    res += sp.kron(A1[s].dot(A2[t]), B1[u].dot(B2[v]).conj()) * op[u, v, s, t]
    return res
Пример #39
def make_E_2s(A1, A2, B1, B2, op):
    res = sp.zeros((A1.shape[1]**2, A2.shape[2]**2), dtype=A1.dtype)
    for s in xrange(A1.shape[0]):
        for t in xrange(A2.shape[0]):
            for u in xrange(A1.shape[0]):
                for v in xrange(A2.shape[0]):
                    res += sp.kron(A1[s].dot(A2[t]), B1[u].dot(B2[v]).conj()) * op[u, v, s, t]
    return res
Пример #40
 def LW(self):
     R = sp.zeros((self.mean.Y.size, self.mean.n_covs))
     istart = 0
     for ti in range(self.mean.n_terms):
         iend = istart + self.mean.F[ti].shape[1] * self.mean.A[ti].shape[0]
         R[:, istart:iend] = sp.kron(self.ALc()[ti].T, self.LrF()[ti])
         istart += iend
     return R
Пример #41
	def getGradient(self,j):
		""" get rotated gradient for fixed effect i """
		i = int(self.indicator['term'][j])
		r = int(self.indicator['row'][j])
		c = int(self.indicator['col'][j])
		rv = -SP.kron(self.Fr[i][:,[r]],self.Ar[i][[c],:])
		return rv
Пример #42
 def getGradient(self, j):
     """ get rotated gradient for fixed effect i """
     i = int(self.indicator['term'][j])
     r = int(self.indicator['row'][j])
     c = int(self.indicator['col'][j])
     rv = -SP.kron(self.Fr[i][:, [r]], self.Ar[i][[c], :])
     return rv
Пример #43
    def predict(self, hyperparams, Xstar_r, compute_cov = False, debugging = False):
        predict on Xstar
        KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams,debugging=debugging)
        self.covar_r.Xcross = Xstar_r
        Kstar_r = self.covar_r.Kcross(hyperparams['covar_r'])
        Kstar_c = self.covar_c.K(hyperparams['covar_c'])

        KinvY = SP.dot(KV['U_r'],SP.dot(KV['Ytilde'],KV['U_c'].T))
        Ystar = SP.dot(Kstar_r.T,SP.dot(KinvY,Kstar_c))
        Ystar = unravel(Ystar,self.covar_r.n_cross,self.t)

        if debugging:
            Kstar = SP.kron(Kstar_c,Kstar_r)
            Ynaive = SP.dot(Kstar.T,KV['alpha'])
            Ynaive = unravel(Ynaive,self.covar_r.n_cross,self.t)
            assert SP.allclose(Ystar,Ynaive), 'ouch, prediction does not work out'
        Ystar_covar = []
        if compute_cov:
            CU = fast_dot(Kstar_c, KV['U_c'])     
            s_rev = 1./KV['S']
            Ystar_covar = SP.zeros([Xstar_r.shape[0], self.Y.shape[1]])
            printProgressBar(0, Xstar_r.shape[0], prefix = 'Computing perdiction varaince:', suffix = 'Complete', length = 20)
            for i in range(Xstar_r.shape[0]):
                R_star_star = self.covar_r.K(hyperparams['covar_r'], SP.expand_dims(Xstar_r[i,:],axis=0))
                self.covar_r.Xcross = SP.expand_dims(Xstar_r[i,:],axis=0)
                R_tr_star = self.covar_r.Kcross(hyperparams['covar_r'])
                RU = SP.dot(R_tr_star.T, KV['U_r'])
                q = SP.kron(SP.diag(Kstar_c), R_star_star)
                t = SP.zeros([self.t])                
                for j in range(self.t):
                    temp = SP.kron(CU[j,:], RU) 
                    t[j,] = SP.sum((s_rev * temp).T * temp.T, axis = 0)
                Ystar_covar[i,:] = q - t
                if (i + 1) % (Xstar_r.shape[0]/10) == 0:
                    printProgressBar(i+1, Xstar_r.shape[0], prefix = 'Computing perdiction varaince:', suffix = 'Complete', length = 20)
            self.covar_r.Xcross = Xstar_r
        return Ystar, Ystar_covar
Пример #44
 def fitKronApprox(a):
     Sbg = SP.zeros_like(S[0])
     Kbg = SP.zeros_like(K[0])
     for i in range(len(S)):
         Sbg += a[i] * S[i]
     for i in range(len(K)):
         Kbg += a[i + len(S)] * K[i]
     Gamma1 = SP.kron(Sbg, Kbg)
     return ((Gamma - Gamma1)**2).sum()
Пример #45
def getK_verbose(KV,noise=True):
    if 'K' not in KV.keys():
        K = SP.kron(KV['Kr'],KV['Kc'])
        if noise:
            K += SP.diag(KV['Knoise'])
        Ki = SP.linalg.inv(K)
        KV['K'] = K
        KV['Ki'] =Ki
    return [KV['K'],KV['Ki']]
Пример #46
 def W(self):
     R = sp.zeros((self.Y.size, self.n_covs))
     istart = 0
     for ti in range(self.n_terms):
         iend = istart + self.F[ti].shape[1] * self.A[ti].shape[0]
         R[:, istart:iend] = sp.kron(self.A[ti].T, self.F[ti])
     if self._miss:
         R = R[self._veIok, :]
     return R
Пример #47
def getK_verbose(KV, noise=True):
    if 'K' not in KV.keys():
        K = SP.kron(KV['Kr'], KV['Kc'])
        if noise:
            K += SP.diag(KV['Knoise'])
        Ki = SP.linalg.inv(K)
        KV['K'] = K
        KV['Ki'] = Ki
    return [KV['K'], KV['Ki']]
Пример #48
 def varMLE(self):
     """ calculate inverse of fisher information """
     Sr = {}
     Sr['Cg'] = self.cache['Srstar']
     Sr['Cn'] = SP.ones(self.N)
     n_params = self.Cg.getNumberParams() + self.Cn.getNumberParams()
     fisher = SP.zeros((n_params, n_params))
     header = SP.zeros((n_params, n_params), dtype='|S10')
     C1 = SP.zeros((self.P, self.P))
     C2 = SP.zeros((self.P, self.P))
     idx1 = 0
     for key1 in ['Cg', 'Cn']:
         for key1_p1 in range(self.P):
             for key1_p2 in range(key1_p1, self.P):
                 C1[key1_p1, key1_p2] = C1[key1_p2, key1_p1] = 1
                 LCL1 = SP.dot(self.cache['Lc'],
                               SP.dot(C1, self.cache['Lc'].T))
                 CSr1 = SP.kron(Sr[key1][:, SP.newaxis, SP.newaxis],
                                LCL1[SP.newaxis, :])
                 DCSr1 = self.cache['D'][:, :, SP.newaxis] * CSr1
                 idx2 = 0
                 for key2 in ['Cg', 'Cn']:
                     for key2_p1 in range(self.P):
                         for key2_p2 in range(key2_p1, self.P):
                             C2[key2_p1, key2_p2] = C2[key2_p2, key2_p1] = 1
                             LCL2 = SP.dot(self.cache['Lc'],
                                           SP.dot(C2, self.cache['Lc'].T))
                             CSr2 = SP.kron(
                                 Sr[key2][:, SP.newaxis, SP.newaxis],
                                 LCL2[SP.newaxis, :])
                             DCSr2 = self.cache['D'][:, :,
                                                     SP.newaxis] * CSr2
                                    idx2] = 0.5 * (DCSr1 * DCSr2).sum()
                             header[idx1, idx2] = '%s%d%d_%s%d%d' % (
                                 key1, key1_p1, key1_p1, key2, key2_p1,
                             C2[key2_p1, key2_p2] = C2[key2_p2, key2_p1] = 0
                             idx2 += 1
                 C1[key1_p1, key1_p2] = C1[key1_p2, key1_p1] = 0
                 idx1 += 1
     RV = LA.inv(fisher)
     return RV, header
Пример #49
    def K_grad_i(self,i):
        nCg = self.Cg.getNumberParams()

        if i >= self.getNumberParams():
            raise ValueError("Trying to retrieve the gradient over a "
                             "parameter that is inactive.")

        if self.dim > _MAX_DIM:
            raise TooExpensiveOperationError(msg_too_expensive_dim(my_name(),

        i = self._actindex2index(i)

        if i < nCg:
            rv= sp.kron(self.Cg.K_grad_i(i), self.R)
            _i = i - nCg
            rv = sp.kron(self.Cn.K_grad_i(_i), sp.eye(self.dim_r))
        return rv
Пример #50
    def K_grad_i(self, i):
        nCg = self.Cg.getNumberParams()

        if i >= self.getNumberParams():
            raise ValueError("Trying to retrieve the gradient over a "
                             "parameter that is inactive.")

        if self.dim > _MAX_DIM:
            raise TooExpensiveOperationError(
                msg_too_expensive_dim(my_name(), _MAX_DIM))

        i = self._actindex2index(i)

        if i < nCg:
            rv = sp.kron(self.Cg.K_grad_i(i), self.R)
            _i = i - nCg
            rv = sp.kron(self.Cn.K_grad_i(_i), sp.eye(self.dim_r))
        return rv
Пример #51
 def aveCC2F(grid):
     "Construct the averaging operator on cell cell centers to faces."
     if grid.ndim == 1:
         aveCC2F = av_extrap(grid.shape[0])
     elif grid.ndim == 2:
         aveCC2F = sp.vstack(
             (sp.kron(speye(grid.shape[1]), av_extrap(grid.shape[0])),
              sp.kron(av_extrap(grid.shape[1]), speye(grid.shape[0]))),
     elif grid.ndim == 3:
         aveCC2F = sp.vstack(
             (kron3(speye(grid.shape[2]), speye(grid.shape[1]),
              kron3(speye(grid.shape[2]), av_extrap(grid.shape[1]),
              kron3(av_extrap(grid.shape[2]), speye(grid.shape[1]),
     return aveCC2F
Пример #52
    def predict(self,
        Predict mean and variance for given **Parameters:**

        hyperparams : {}
            hyperparameters in logSpace

        xstar    : [double]
            prediction inputs

        var      : boolean
            return predicted variance
        interval_indices : [ int || bool ]
            Either scipy array-like of boolean indicators, 
            or scipy array-like of integer indices, denoting 
            which x indices to predict from data.

        hyperparams_star: optional alternative hyperparameters for cross covariance
        output   : output dimension for prediction (0)

        if var:
            print "predictive varinace not supported yet"

        if hyperparams_star is None:
            hyperparams_star = hyperparams

        #1. get covariance sturcture
        KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams)

        #cross covariance:
        Kr_star = self.covar_r.K(hyperparams_star['covar_r'], self.x_r,
        Kc_star = self.covar_c.K(hyperparams_star['covar_c'], self.x_c,

        Kr_starU = SP.dot(Kr_star, KV['Ur'])
        Kc_starU = SP.dot(Kc_star, KV['Uc'])
        mu = kronravel(Kr_starU, Kc_starU, KV['YSi'])

        if VERBOSE:
            #trivial computations
            [K, Ki] = getK_verbose(KV)
            Kstar = SP.kron(Kr_star, Kc_star)
            yt = SP.dot(Ki, self.y.ravel())
            mu_slow = SP.dot(Kstar, yt)
            check_dist(mu.ravel(), mu_slow)
        return mu
Пример #53
def fullrho(qu, squ):
    print("#Starting full density matrix simulation!")
    #Build state from pure states received from the MPS processes
    rho = sp.zeros((2**N, 2**N), dtype=sp.complex128)
    psis = [None] * N_samp
    for n in range(N_samp):
        pnum, psi = squ.get()
        psis[pnum] = psi
        rho += sp.outer(psi, psi.conj())
    rho /= sp.trace(rho)

    Hfull = get_full_op(get_ham(N, lam))

    linds = get_linds(N, eps)
    linds = [(n, L.reshape(tuple([sp.prod(L.shape[:sp.ndim(L)/2])]*2))) for (n, L) in linds]
    linds_full = [sp.kron(sp.eye(2**(n-1)), sp.kron(L, sp.eye(2**(N - n + 1) / L.shape[0]))) for (n, L) in linds]
    for L in linds_full:
        assert L.shape == Hfull.shape

    Qfull = -1.j * Hfull - 0.5 * sp.sum([L.conj().T.dot(L) for L in linds_full], axis=0)

    szs = [None] + [sp.kron(sp.kron(sp.eye(2**(n - 1)), Sz), sp.eye(2**(N - n))) for n in range(1, N + 1)]
    for i in range(N_steps + 1):
        rho /= sp.trace(rho)
        esz = []
        for n in range(1, N + 1):

        if i % res_every == 0:
            if qu is None:
                qu.put([-1, i, esz])
                qu.put([-2, i, [sp.NaN] * N]) #this slot is reserved for a second "exact" result
        #Do Euler steps, approximately integrating the Lindblad master equation
        rho += dt * (Qfull.dot(rho) + rho.dot(Qfull.conj().T) +
                       sum([L.dot(rho).dot(L.conj().T) for L in linds_full]))
Пример #54
def christof_trick(A1, F1, D, A2=None, F2=None):
    if A2 is None:
        A2 = A1
    if F2 is None:
        F2 = F1
    out = sp.zeros([A1.shape[1] * F1.shape[1], A2.shape[1] * F2.shape[1]])
    for c in range(A1.shape[0]):
        Oc = sp.dot(A1[[c], :].T, A2[[c], :])
        Or = sp.dot(F1.T, D[:, [c]] * F2)
        out += sp.kron(Oc, Or)
    return out
Пример #55
 def Trans_prof(self, rho, phi, z):
     coef = sp.sqrt(2 * math.factorial(self._p) /
                    ((1 + sp.kron(0, self._m)) * sp.pi *
                     math.factorial(self._m + self._p)))
     gouy = sp.exp(1j * (2 * self._p + self._m + 1) *
                   self.Gouy(z)) / self.Spot_size(z)
     expon = sp.exp(-1j * self.k * rho**2 / (2 * self.R_curve(z)) -
                    rho**2 / self.Spot_size(z)**2 + 1j * self._m * phi)
     return coef * gouy * (sp.sqrt(2) * rho /
                           self.Spot_size(z))**self._m * genlaguerre(
                               self._p, self._m)(rho) * expon
Пример #56
    def LMLdebug(self):
        LML function for debug
        assert self.N*self.P<2000, 'gp2kronSum:: N*P>=2000'

        y  = SP.reshape(self.Y,(self.N*self.P), order='F') 

        K  = SP.kron(self.Cg.K(),self.XX)
        K += SP.kron(self.Cn.K()+self.offset*SP.eye(self.P),SP.eye(self.N))

        cholK = LA.cholesky(K)
        Kiy   = LA.cho_solve((cholK,False),y)

        lml  = y.shape[0]*SP.log(2*SP.pi)
        lml += 2*SP.log(SP.diag(cholK)).sum()
        lml += SP.dot(y,Kiy)
        lml *= 0.5

        return lml
Пример #57
    def _update_cache(self):
        Update cache
        cov_params_have_changed = self.Cr.params_have_changed or self.Cn.params_have_changed

        if self.Xr_has_changed:
            start = TIME.time()
            """ Row SVD Bg + Noise """
            Urstar, S, V = NLA.svd(self.Xr)
            self.cache['Srstar'] = SP.concatenate(
                [S**2, SP.zeros(self.N - S.shape[0])])
            self.cache['Lr'] = Urstar.T

            smartSum(self.time, 'cache_XXchanged', TIME.time() - start)
            smartSum(self.count, 'cache_XXchanged', 1)

        if cov_params_have_changed:
            start = TIME.time()
            """ Col SVD Noise """
            S2, U2 = LA.eigh(self.Cn.K() + self.offset * SP.eye(self.P))
            self.cache['Sc2'] = S2
            US2 = SP.dot(U2, SP.diag(SP.sqrt(S2)))
            USi2 = SP.dot(U2, SP.diag(SP.sqrt(1. / S2)))
            """ Col SVD region """
            A = SP.reshape(self.Cr.getParams(), (self.P, self.rank), order='F')
            Astar = SP.dot(USi2.T, A)
            Ucstar, S, V = NLA.svd(Astar)
            self.cache['Scstar'] = SP.concatenate(
                [S**2, SP.zeros(self.P - S.shape[0])])
            self.cache['Lc'] = SP.dot(Ucstar.T, USi2.T)
            """ pheno """

        if cov_params_have_changed or self.Xr_has_changed:
            """ S """
            self.cache['s'] = SP.kron(self.cache['Scstar'],
                                      self.cache['Srstar']) + 1
            self.cache['d'] = 1. / self.cache['s']
            self.cache['D'] = SP.reshape(self.cache['d'], (self.N, self.P),
            """ pheno """
            self.cache['LY'] = self.mean.evaluate()
            self.cache['DLY'] = self.cache['D'] * self.cache['LY']

            smartSum(self.time, 'cache_colSVDpRot', TIME.time() - start)
            smartSum(self.count, 'cache_colSVDpRot', 1)

        self.Y_has_changed = False
        self.Xr_has_changed = False
        self.Cr.params_have_changed = False
        self.Cn.params_have_changed = False
Пример #58
def data_simulation(n_samples, n_dimensions, n_tasks, n_latent, train_portion):
    # true parameters
    true_param = dict()
    true_param['X_c'] = SP.random.randn(n_tasks, n_latent)
    true_param['X_s'] = SP.random.randn(n_tasks, n_latent)
    X = SP.random.randn(n_samples, n_dimensions)  #/ SP.sqrt(n_dimensions)
    R = SP.dot(X, X.T)
    true_param['C'] = SP.dot(true_param['X_c'], true_param['X_c'].T)
    true_param['Sigma'] = SP.dot(true_param['X_s'], true_param['X_s'].T)
    K = SP.kron(true_param['C'], R) + SP.kron(true_param['Sigma'],
    y = SP.random.multivariate_normal(SP.zeros(n_tasks * n_samples), K)
    Y = SP.reshape(y, (n_samples, n_tasks), order='F')
    temp = SP.random.permutation(n_samples)
    idx_train = temp[0:np.int(train_portion * n_samples), ]
    idx_test = temp[np.int(train_portion * n_samples):, ]
    X_train = X[idx_train, :]
    X_test = X[idx_test, :]
    Y_train = Y[idx_train, :]
    Y_test = Y[idx_test, :]
    return X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test, true_param
Пример #59
    def genNoise(self, vTot=0.4, vCommon=0.2):

        vSpecifc = vTot - vCommon

        # common
        Yc = SP.kron(SP.randn(self.N, 1), SP.randn(1, self.P))
        Yc *= SP.sqrt(vCommon / Yc.var(0).mean())

        # independent
        Yi = SP.randn(self.N, self.P)
        Yi *= SP.sqrt(vSpecifc / Yi.var(0).mean())

        return Yc, Yi