Пример #1
def triangles_centroids_computation(vertexes_coord, triangle_vertexes):
    """guess what? computes the centroids of the triangles"""
    triangles_centroids = take( vertexes_coord, triangle_vertexes[:, 0], axis=0 )
    triangles_centroids += take( vertexes_coord, triangle_vertexes[:, 1], axis=0 )
    triangles_centroids += take( vertexes_coord, triangle_vertexes[:, 2], axis=0 )
    triangles_centroids /= 3.0
    return triangles_centroids
Пример #2
    def getCurrentGuess(self):
        The vector x contains the current guess of the solution.
        DATA LAYOUT:

        The vector "x" has a part "u"  that describes the
        current solution, "free" for values of the free parameters 
        and a part "art" containing the values of thhe artificial
             [       ]
             [   u   ]
         x = [       ]
             [ ----- ]
             [  free ]
             [  art  ]

        u = self.u
        lfree = scipy.take(self.lambd, self.param['free'])
        lart = scipy.take(self.lambd, self.param['artificial'])
        return scipy.r_[u, lfree, lart]
Пример #3
def rerun_dfa(chrom,xdata,mask,groups,names,DFs):
    """Run DFA in min app"""
    #extract vars from xdata
    slice = meancent(_slice(xdata,chrom))
    #split in to training and test
    #get indexes
    idx = scipy.arange(xdata.shape[0])[:,nA]
    tr_idx = scipy.take(idx,_index(mask,0),0)
    cv_idx = scipy.take(idx,_index(mask,1),0)
    ts_idx = scipy.take(idx,_index(mask,2),0)
    #model DFA on training samples
    u,v,eigs,dummy = cva(tr_slice,tr_grp,DFs)
    #project xval and test samples
    projUcv = scipy.dot(cv_slice,v)
    projUt = scipy.dot(ts_slice,v)
    uout = scipy.zeros((xdata.shape[0],DFs),'d')
    return uout,v,eigs      
Пример #4
def V_EH_dipole_plane(J_dip, r_dip, list_of_edges_numbers, RWGNumber_CFIE_OK, RWGNumber_signedTriangles, RWGNumber_edgeVertexes, RWGNumber_oppVertexes, vertexes_coord, w, eps_r, mu_r):
    # observation point for the incoming field
    r_ref = zeros(3, 'd') #sum(triangles_centroids, axis=0)/T
    R_hat = (r_dip - r_ref)/sqrt(dot(r_dip - r_ref, r_dip - r_ref))
    k_hat = -R_hat # the propagation vector is indeed opposed to R_hat
    k = w * sqrt(eps_0*eps_r * mu_0*mu_r) # the wavenumber
    G_EJ, G_HJ = G_EJ_G_HJ(r_dip, r_ref, eps_r, mu_r, k)
    E_0 = dot(G_EJ, J_dip).astype('D')
    # creation of the local V arrays
    E = list_of_edges_numbers.shape[0]
    V_EH = zeros((E, 4), 'D')
    # RWGNumber_vertexesCoord
    RWGNumber_vertexesCoord = zeros((E, 6), 'd')
    RWGNumber_vertexesCoord[:, 0:3] = take(vertexes_coord, RWGNumber_edgeVertexes[:,0], axis=0).astype('d')
    RWGNumber_vertexesCoord[:, 3:6] = take(vertexes_coord, RWGNumber_edgeVertexes[:,1], axis=0).astype('d')
    # RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord
    RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord = zeros((E, 6), 'd')
    RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord[:, 0:3] = take(vertexes_coord, RWGNumber_oppVertexes[:,0], axis=0).astype('d')
    RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord[:, 3:6] = take(vertexes_coord, RWGNumber_oppVertexes[:,1], axis=0).astype('d')
    wrapping_code = """
    blitz::Range all = blitz::Range::all();
    V_EJ_HJ_plane (V_EH(all, 0), V_EH(all, 1), V_EH(all, 2), V_EH(all, 3), E_0, k_hat, r_ref, list_of_edges_numbers, RWGNumber_CFIE_OK, RWGNumber_signedTriangles, RWGNumber_vertexesCoord, RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord, w, eps_r, mu_r, V_FULL_PRECISION);
                 ['V_EH', 'E_0', 'k_hat', 'r_ref', 'list_of_edges_numbers', 'RWGNumber_CFIE_OK', 'RWGNumber_signedTriangles', 'RWGNumber_vertexesCoord', 'RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord', 'w', 'eps_r', 'mu_r', 'V_FULL_PRECISION'],
                 type_converters = converters.blitz,
                 include_dirs = ['./code/MoM/'],
                 library_dirs = ['./code/MoM/'],
                 libraries = ['MoM'],
                 headers = ['<iostream>','<complex>','"V_E_V_H.h"'],
                 compiler = 'gcc',
                 extra_compile_args = ['-O3', '-pthread', '-w'])
    return V_EH
Пример #5
    def getCurrentGuess(self):
        The vector x contains the current guess of the solution.
        DATA LAYOUT:

        The vector "x" has a part "u"  that describes the
        current solution, "free" for values of the free parameters 
        and a part "art" containing the values of thhe artificial
             [       ]
             [   u   ]
         x = [       ]
             [ ----- ]
             [  free ]
             [  art  ]

        u = self.u
        lfree = scipy.take(self.lambd,self.param['free'])
        lart  = scipy.take(self.lambd,self.param['artificial'])
        return scipy.r_[u,lfree,lart]
Пример #6
def V_EH_plane(E_0, k_hat, r_ref, list_of_edges_numbers, RWGNumber_CFIE_OK, RWGNumber_signedTriangles, RWGNumber_edgeVertexes, RWGNumber_oppVertexes, vertexes_coord, w, eps_r, mu_r):
    # creation of the local V arrays
    E = list_of_edges_numbers.shape[0]
    V_EH = zeros((E, 4), 'D')
    # RWGNumber_vertexesCoord
    RWGNumber_vertexesCoord = zeros((E, 6), 'd')
    RWGNumber_vertexesCoord[:, 0:3] = take(vertexes_coord, RWGNumber_edgeVertexes[:,0], axis=0).astype('d')
    RWGNumber_vertexesCoord[:, 3:6] = take(vertexes_coord, RWGNumber_edgeVertexes[:,1], axis=0).astype('d')
    # RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord
    RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord = zeros((E, 6), 'd')
    RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord[:, 0:3] = take(vertexes_coord, RWGNumber_oppVertexes[:,0], axis=0).astype('d')
    RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord[:, 3:6] = take(vertexes_coord, RWGNumber_oppVertexes[:,1], axis=0).astype('d')
    wrapping_code = """
    blitz::Range all = blitz::Range::all();
    V_EJ_HJ_plane (V_EH(all, 0), V_EH(all, 1), V_EH(all, 2), V_EH(all, 3), E_0, k_hat, r_ref, list_of_edges_numbers, RWGNumber_CFIE_OK, RWGNumber_signedTriangles, RWGNumber_vertexesCoord, RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord, w, eps_r, mu_r, V_FULL_PRECISION);
                 ['V_EH', 'E_0', 'k_hat', 'r_ref', 'list_of_edges_numbers', 'RWGNumber_CFIE_OK', 'RWGNumber_signedTriangles', 'RWGNumber_vertexesCoord', 'RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord', 'w', 'eps_r', 'mu_r', 'V_FULL_PRECISION'],
                 type_converters = converters.blitz,
                 include_dirs = ['./code/MoM/'],
                 library_dirs = ['./code/MoM/'],
                 libraries = ['MoM'],
                 headers = ['<iostream>','<complex>','"V_E_V_H.h"'],
                 compiler = 'gcc',
                 extra_compile_args = ['-O3', '-pthread', '-w'])
    return V_EH
Пример #7
def calcProfilV(self, xy):
    """renvoie les valeurs des vitesses sur une section"""
    vxvy = self.getMfVitesse()
    grd = self.parent.aquifere.getFullGrid()
    x0, y0, dx, dy, nx, ny = grd['x0'], grd['y0'], grd['dx'], grd['dy'], grd[
        'nx'], grd['ny']
    x, y = zip(*xy)
    xl0, xl1 = x[:2]
    yl0, yl1 = y[:2]
    dd = min(dx, dy) * .95
    dxp, dyp = xl1 - xl0, yl1 - yl0
    ld = max(ceil(abs(dxp / dx)), ceil(abs(dyp / dy)))
    ld = int(ld + 1)
    ddx = dxp / ld
    ddy = dyp / ld
    xp2 = xl0 + arange(ld + 1) * ddx
    yp2 = yl0 + arange(ld + 1) * ddy
    ix = floor((xp2 - x0) / dx)
    ix = clip(ix.astype(int), 0, nx - 1)
    iy = floor((yp2 - y0) / dy)
    iy = clip(iy.astype(int), 0, ny - 1)
    vx = take(ravel(vxvy[0]), iy * nx + ix)
    vy = take(ravel(vxvy[1]), iy * nx + ix)
    V = sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2)
    cu = sqrt((xp2 - xp2[0])**2 + (yp2 - yp2[0])**2)
    return [cu, V]
Пример #8
def rerun_dfa(chrom, xdata, mask, groups, names, DFs):
    """Run DFA in min app"""
    #extract vars from xdata
    slice = meancent(_slice(xdata, chrom))

    #split in to training and test
    tr_slice, cv_slice, ts_slice, tr_grp, cv_grp, ts_grp, tr_nm, cv_nm, ts_nm = _split(
        slice, groups, mask, names)

    #get indexes
    idx = scipy.arange(xdata.shape[0])[:, nA]
    tr_idx = scipy.take(idx, _index(mask, 0), 0)
    cv_idx = scipy.take(idx, _index(mask, 1), 0)
    ts_idx = scipy.take(idx, _index(mask, 2), 0)

    #model DFA on training samples
    u, v, eigs, dummy = cva(tr_slice, tr_grp, DFs)

    #project xval and test samples
    projUcv = scipy.dot(cv_slice, v)
    projUt = scipy.dot(ts_slice, v)

    uout = scipy.zeros((xdata.shape[0], DFs), 'd')
    _put(uout, scipy.reshape(tr_idx, (len(tr_idx), )).tolist(), u)
    _put(uout, scipy.reshape(cv_idx, (len(cv_idx), )).tolist(), projUcv)
    _put(uout, scipy.reshape(ts_idx, (len(ts_idx), )).tolist(), projUt)

    return uout, v, eigs
Пример #9
def cubeIndex_RWGNumbers_computation(RWGNumber_cubeNumber,
    """each finest-level cube must somehow know which edges it contains.
    This function has the goal of establishing this list for every cube.
    Only the cubes containing edges will be retained.
    We also create a list of the cubes centroids, which will be ordered the same
    way as the cubes_lists_edges_numbers list."""
    E = RWGNumber_cubeNumber.shape[0]  # the number of RWGs involved
    ind_sorted_cubes_numbers = argsort(RWGNumber_cubeNumber, kind='mergesort')
    sorted_cubes_numbers = take(RWGNumber_cubeNumber,
    sorted_edges_numbers = take(arange(E), ind_sorted_cubes_numbers, axis=0)
    sorted_edges_numbers_cubes_centroids = take(RWGNumber_cubeCentroidCoord,
    cubes_lists_edges_numbers = {
    }  # the desired dictionary, renewed for each cube
    cube_list_edges_numbers_tmp = [
    ]  # the temporary list, renewed for each cube
    cubes_centroids = [sorted_edges_numbers_cubes_centroids[0]]
    cubeIndex = 0
    for j in range(
            E - 1
    ):  # we cannot go up to (E-1), since (j+1) will then be equal to E (out of bound index)
        if sorted_cubes_numbers[j + 1] == sorted_cubes_numbers[
                j]:  # if the next cube number is the same as the current one
                j + 1])  # add the next element to the temporary list
        else:  # if not, we then add the temporary "per-cube" list to the complete list
            cubes_lists_edges_numbers[cubeIndex] = array(
            cubes_centroids.append(sorted_edges_numbers_cubes_centroids[j + 1])
            cube_list_edges_numbers_tmp = [
                sorted_edges_numbers[j + 1]
            ]  # init of the temporary list for the next cube
            cubeIndex += 1
    # we must append the last temporary list
    if cubeIndex in cubes_lists_edges_numbers:
        cubes_lists_edges_numbers[cubeIndex +
                                  1] = array(cube_list_edges_numbers_tmp)
        cubes_lists_edges_numbers[cubeIndex] = array(

    # we transform the "cubes_lists_edges_numbers" in a linear array, useful for the C++ code
    C = len(cubes_lists_edges_numbers)
    cubes_edges_numbers = zeros(E, 'i')
    cube_N_RWGs = zeros(C, 'i')
    startIndex = 0
    for j in range(C):
        length = cubes_lists_edges_numbers[j].shape[0]
        cube_N_RWGs[j] = length
        cubes_edges_numbers[startIndex:startIndex +
                            length] = cubes_lists_edges_numbers[j]
        startIndex += length
    return cubes_edges_numbers, cubes_lists_edges_numbers, cube_N_RWGs.astype(
        'i'), (array(cubes_centroids)).astype('d')
Пример #10
def V_EH_dipole(J_dip, r_dip, list_of_edges_numbers, RWGNumber_CFIE_OK,
                RWGNumber_signedTriangles, RWGNumber_edgeVertexes,
                RWGNumber_oppVertexes, vertexes_coord, w, eps_r, mu_r):
    """I don't know yet what's gonna go here.
    Anyway, we use prefentially 2-D triangles arrays in the C++ code"""
    # creation of the local V arrays
    E = list_of_edges_numbers.shape[0]
    V_EH = zeros((E, 4), 'D')
    # RWGNumber_vertexesCoord
    RWGNumber_vertexesCoord = zeros((E, 6), 'd')
    RWGNumber_vertexesCoord[:, 0:3] = take(vertexes_coord,
                                           RWGNumber_edgeVertexes[:, 0],
    RWGNumber_vertexesCoord[:, 3:6] = take(vertexes_coord,
                                           RWGNumber_edgeVertexes[:, 1],
    # RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord
    RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord = zeros((E, 6), 'd')
    RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord[:, 0:3] = take(vertexes_coord,
                                              RWGNumber_oppVertexes[:, 0],
    RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord[:, 3:6] = take(vertexes_coord,
                                              RWGNumber_oppVertexes[:, 1],
    wrapping_code = """
    std::vector<std::complex<double> > V_tE_J, V_tH_J, V_nE_J, V_nH_J;
    double rDip[3];
    std::complex<double> JDip[3];
    for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; ++i) rDip[i] = r_dip(i);
    for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; ++i) JDip[i] = J_dip(i);
    V_EJ_HJ_dipole (V_tE_J, V_tH_J, V_nE_J, V_nH_J, JDip, rDip, list_of_edges_numbers, RWGNumber_CFIE_OK, RWGNumber_signedTriangles, RWGNumber_vertexesCoord, RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord, w, eps_r, mu_r, V_FULL_PRECISION);
    for (int i=0; i<E; i++) {
      V_EH(i, 0) = V_tE_J[i];
      V_EH(i, 1) = V_tH_J[i];
      V_EH(i, 2) = V_nE_J[i];
      V_EH(i, 3) = V_nH_J[i];
    weave.inline(wrapping_code, [
        'V_EH', 'J_dip', 'r_dip', 'list_of_edges_numbers', 'RWGNumber_CFIE_OK',
        'RWGNumber_signedTriangles', 'RWGNumber_vertexesCoord',
        'RWGNumber_oppVertexesCoord', 'w', 'eps_r', 'mu_r', 'V_FULL_PRECISION',
                 headers=['<iostream>', '<complex>', '"V_E_V_H.h"'],
                 extra_compile_args=['-O3', '-pthread', '-w'])
    return V_EH
Пример #11
def eig(mat):
    Return the sorted eigenvalues and eigenvectors of mat.
    e, v = scipy.linalg.eig(mat)
    order = scipy.argsort(abs(e))[::-1]
    e = scipy.take(e, order)
    v = scipy.take(v, order, axis=1)

    return e, v
Пример #12
def eig(mat):
    Return the sorted eigenvalues and eigenvectors of mat.
    e, v = scipy.linalg.eig(mat)
    order = scipy.argsort(abs(e))[::-1]
    e = scipy.take(e, order)
    v = scipy.take(v, order, axis=1)

    return e, v
Пример #13
 def compute_RWG_CFIE_OK(self):
     RWGNumber_CFIE_OK_tmp1 = take(self.triangles_surfaces, self.RWGNumber_signedTriangles, axis=0)
     RWGNumber_CFIE_OK_tmp2 = take(self.IS_CLOSED_SURFACE, RWGNumber_CFIE_OK_tmp1, axis=0)
     # following the Taskinen et al. paper in PIER
     # we can have a CFIE on a junction straddling a dielectric and metallic body
     self.RWGNumber_CFIE_OK = ((sum(RWGNumber_CFIE_OK_tmp2, axis=1)>=1) * 1).astype('i')
     # We cannot have M on a junction between a dielectric and metallic body!
     # The following expression is lacking the fact that a surface can be metallic
     # or dielectric. If metallic, then there is no M current, even if surface is closed
     self.RWGNumber_M_CURRENT_OK = ((sum(RWGNumber_CFIE_OK_tmp2, axis=1)>1) * 1).astype('i')
Пример #14
 def sgrad(self, X, ndata=None):
     """Return a stochastic gradient at x. Returns the gradient of a uniformly random summand"""
     random_points = scipy.random.randint(low=0,
                                          high=X.shape[X.ndim - 1],
     rows = numpy.arange(X.shape[0])
     ans = numpy.zeros_like(X)
     ans[rows, random_points] = 2 * self.alpha.shape[0] * scipy.take(
         self.alpha, random_points) * (X[rows, random_points] - scipy.take(
             self.center, random_points))
     ans = self.boundgrad(ans, 1)
     return ans
Пример #15
def calc_grid_sum_xyvs(xyvs, bins=100):
    """Convert an XYVs object into a gridded and summed XYVs object.
    xyvs      a list of tuples (x, y, ...)
    bins      the number of required bins, either <int> or [<int>, <int>]

    Returns a tuple ((bin_x, bin_y), xyz_data) where xyz_data is a binned
    version of the input object.  bin_? is bin count for the ? axis.


    # convert to numpy array
    xyvs = scipy.array(xyvs)

    # figure out number of value columns
    num_columns = len(xyvs[0]) - 2
    if num_columns < 1:
        msg = 'calc_grid_sum_xyvs: xyvs object has no data columns'
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    # get histogram with value1 column
    xyv1 = scipy.take(xyvs, (0, 1, 2), axis=1)
    (result, xedges, yedges) = scipy.histogram2d(xyv1[:, 0],
                                                 xyv1[:, 1],
                                                 weights=xyv1[:, 2])

    # create XYZ object
    result = make_xyz(result, xedges, yedges)

    # get number of bins for result
    # -1 since ?edges is numer of *edges*, we want bins
    bins_x = scipy.shape(xedges)[0] - 1
    bins_y = scipy.shape(yedges)[0] - 1

    # handle each extra value column seperately
    for i in range(num_columns - 1):
        xyvn = scipy.take(xyvs, (0, 1, i + 3), axis=1)
        (binned_data, xedges, yedges) = scipy.histogram2d(xyvn[:, 0],
                                                          xyvn[:, 1],
                                                          weights=xyvn[:, 2])
        binned_data = make_xyz(binned_data, xedges, yedges)
        v_col = scipy.take(binned_data, (2, ), axis=1)
        result = scipy.hstack((result, v_col))

    return ((bins_x, bins_y), result)
Пример #16
def call_pls(chrom, xdata, factors, mask, data):
    """Runs pls on a subset of X-variables"""
    scores = []

    for i in range(chrom.shape[0]):
        if _remdup(chrom[i]) == 0:
            #extract vars from xdata
            slice = scipy.take(xdata, chrom[i, :].tolist(), 1)
            collate = 0
            for nF in range(mask.shape[1]):
                #split in to training and test
                    pls_output = pls(slice, data['class'][:, 0][:, nA],
                                     mask[:, nF].tolist(), factors)

                    if min(pls_output['rmsec']) <= min(pls_output['rmsepc']):
                        collate += pls_output['RMSEPC']
                        collate += 10.0**5
                    collate = 0

            if collate != 0:
                scores.append(collate / float(mask.shape[1]))

    return scipy.asarray(scores)[:, nA]
Пример #17
def call_pls(chrom,xdata,factors,mask,data):
    """Runs pls on a subset of X-variables"""
    scores = []
    for i in range(chrom.shape[0]):
        if _remdup(chrom[i]) == 0:
            #extract vars from xdata
            slice = scipy.take(xdata,chrom[i,:].tolist(),1)
            collate = 0
            for nF in range(mask.shape[1]):
                #split in to training and test
                    pls_output = pls(slice,data['class'][:,0][:,nA],mask[:,nF].tolist(),factors)
                    if min(pls_output['rmsec']) <= min(pls_output['rmsepc']):
                        collate += pls_output['RMSEPC']
                        collate += 10.0**5
                    collate = 0
            if collate != 0:
    return scipy.asarray(scores)[:,nA]    
Пример #18
def find(x, v, next_largest=1, indices=None):
    """Returns the index into the 1D array x corresponding to the
    element of x that is either equal to v or the nearest to
    v. x is assumed to contain unique elements.

    if v is outside the range of values in x then the index of the
    smallest or largest element of x is returned.

    If next_largest == 1 then the nearest element taken is the next
    largest, otherwise if next_largest == 0 then the next smallest
    is taken.

    The optional argument indices speeds up multiple calls to this
    function if you pre-calculate indices=argsort(x).
    if indices is None:
    xs=take(x, indices)
    assert next_largest in [0,1], "next_largest must be 0 or 1"
        ix = eqmask.index(1)
    except ValueError:
        if next_largest:
        except ValueError:
            ix = 0+next_largest-1
    return indices[ix]
Пример #19
def find(x, v, next_largest=1, indices=None):
    """Returns the index into the 1D array x corresponding to the
    element of x that is either equal to v or the nearest to
    v. x is assumed to contain unique elements.

    if v is outside the range of values in x then the index of the
    smallest or largest element of x is returned.

    If next_largest == 1 then the nearest element taken is the next
    largest, otherwise if next_largest == 0 then the next smallest
    is taken.

    The optional argument indices speeds up multiple calls to this
    function if you pre-calculate indices=argsort(x).
    if indices is None:
        indices = argsort(x)
    xs = take(x, indices)
    assert next_largest in [0, 1], "next_largest must be 0 or 1"
    eqmask = (xs == v).tolist()
        ix = eqmask.index(1)
    except ValueError:
        if next_largest:
            mask = (xs < v).tolist()
            mask = (xs > v).tolist()
            ix = min([
                max([0, mask.index(1 - next_largest) + next_largest - 1]),
                len(mask) - 1
        except ValueError:
            ix = 0 + next_largest - 1
    return indices[ix]
Пример #20
def dfa_xval_raw(X, group, mask, nodfs):
    """Perform DFA with full cross validation
    >>> import scipy
    >>> X = scipy.array([[ 0.19343116,  0.49655245,  0.72711322,  0.79482108,  0.13651874],[ 0.68222322,  0.89976918,  0.30929016,  0.95684345,  0.01175669],[ 0.3027644 ,  0.82162916,  0.83849604,  0.52259035,  0.89389797],[ 0.54167385,  0.64491038,  0.56807246,  0.88014221,  0.19913807],[ 0.15087298,  0.81797434,  0.37041356,  0.17295614,  0.29872301],[ 0.69789848,  0.66022756,  0.70273991,  0.9797469 ,  0.66144258],[ 0.378373  ,  0.34197062,  0.54657115,  0.27144726,  0.28440859],[ 0.8600116 ,  0.2897259 ,  0.4448802 ,  0.25232935,  0.46922429],[ 0.85365513,  0.34119357,  0.69456724,  0.8757419 ,  0.06478112],[ 0.59356291,  0.53407902,  0.62131013,  0.73730599,  0.98833494]])
    >>> group = scipy.array([[1],[1],[1],[1],[2],[2],[2],[3],[3],[3]])
    >>> mask = scipy.array([[0],[1],[0],[0],[0],[0],[1],[0],[0],[1]])
    >>> scores,loads,eigs = dfa_xval_raw(X,group,mask,2)

    x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, dummy1, dummy2, dummy3 = _split(
        X, scipy.array(group, 'i'), mask)

    #get indices
    idxn = scipy.arange(X.shape[0])[:, nA]
    tr_idx = scipy.take(idxn, _index(mask, 0), 0)
    cv_idx = scipy.take(idxn, _index(mask, 1), 0)

    trscores, loads, eigs, loads2 = DFA(x1, y1, nodfs)

    #cross validation
    cvscores = scipy.dot(x2, loads)

    #independent test
    if max(mask) > 1:
        ts_idx = scipy.take(idxn, _index(mask, 2), 0)
        tstscores = scipy.dot(x3, loads)

        scores = scipy.zeros((X.shape[0], nodfs), 'd')

        tr_idx = scipy.reshape(tr_idx, (len(tr_idx), )).tolist()
        cv_idx = scipy.reshape(cv_idx, (len(cv_idx), )).tolist()
        ts_idx = scipy.reshape(ts_idx, (len(ts_idx), )).tolist()
        _put(scores, tr_idx, trscores)
        _put(scores, cv_idx, cvscores)
        _put(scores, ts_idx, tstscores)

        scores = scipy.concatenate((trscores, cvscores), 0)
        tr_idx = scipy.reshape(tr_idx, (len(tr_idx), )).tolist()
        cv_idx = scipy.reshape(cv_idx, (len(cv_idx), )).tolist()
        _put(scores, tr_idx, trscores)
        _put(scores, cv_idx, cvscores)

    return scores, loads, eigs
Пример #21
    def sfeval(self, x, ndata=100, avg=True):
        """Stochastic evaluation of the loss function on the parameters x over
		the training data set.
		ndata -- how many samples to take from the training data set
		avg -- if True, average the loss function by the number of examples samples"""
        u = scipy.random.randint(0, x.shape[0],
                                 ndata)  # ndata random index values
        data_vals = scipy.take(self.ds[0], u,
                               axis=0)  # take values at random indices
        data_cats = scipy.take(self.ds[1], u,
                               axis=0)  # take categories at random indices
        data = (data_vals, data_cats)  # put data into correct format
        ans = funcEval(
            x, data)  # evaluate function only for stochastically selected data
        if avg:
            ans = ans / (data[1].shape[0])  # average over size of data slice
        return ans
Пример #22
def dfa_xval_pls(plsscores, plsloads, nolvs, group, mask, nodfs):
    """Perform PLS-DFA with full cross validation
    rx1, rx2, rx3, ry1, ry2, ry3, dummy1, dummy2, dummy3 = _split(
        scipy.array(group, 'i')[:, nA], mask[:, nA])

    #get indices
    idxn = scipy.arange(plsscores.shape[0])[:, nA]
    tr_idx = scipy.take(idxn, _index(mask, 0), 0)
    cv_idx = scipy.take(idxn, _index(mask, 1), 0)

    cvas, loads, eigs, dummy = cva(rx1[:, 0:nolvs], ry1, nodfs)

    #cross validation
    cvav = scipy.dot(rx2[:, 0:nolvs], loads)

    #independent test
    if max(mask) > 1:
        cvat = scipy.dot(rx3[:, 0:nolvs], loads)

        scores = scipy.zeros((plsscores.shape[0], nodfs), 'd')

        tr_idx = scipy.reshape(tr_idx, (len(tr_idx), )).tolist()
        cv_idx = scipy.reshape(cv_idx, (len(cv_idx), )).tolist()
        ts_idx = scipy.take(idxn, _index(mask, 2), 0)
        ts_idx = scipy.reshape(ts_idx, (len(ts_idx), )).tolist()
        _put(scores, tr_idx, cvas)
        _put(scores, cv_idx, cvav)
        _put(scores, ts_idx, cvat)

        scores = scipy.concatenate((cvas, cvav), 0)

        tr_idx = scipy.reshape(tr_idx, (len(tr_idx), )).tolist()
        cv_idx = scipy.reshape(cv_idx, (len(cv_idx), )).tolist()
        _put(scores, tr_idx, cvas)
        _put(scores, cv_idx, cvav)

    #get loadings for original variables
    loads = scipy.dot(plsloads[:, 0:nolvs], loads)

    return scores, loads, eigs
Пример #23
def dfa_xval_raw(X,group,mask,nodfs):
    """Perform DFA with full cross validation
    >>> import scipy
    >>> X = scipy.array([[ 0.19343116,  0.49655245,  0.72711322,  0.79482108,  0.13651874],[ 0.68222322,  0.89976918,  0.30929016,  0.95684345,  0.01175669],[ 0.3027644 ,  0.82162916,  0.83849604,  0.52259035,  0.89389797],[ 0.54167385,  0.64491038,  0.56807246,  0.88014221,  0.19913807],[ 0.15087298,  0.81797434,  0.37041356,  0.17295614,  0.29872301],[ 0.69789848,  0.66022756,  0.70273991,  0.9797469 ,  0.66144258],[ 0.378373  ,  0.34197062,  0.54657115,  0.27144726,  0.28440859],[ 0.8600116 ,  0.2897259 ,  0.4448802 ,  0.25232935,  0.46922429],[ 0.85365513,  0.34119357,  0.69456724,  0.8757419 ,  0.06478112],[ 0.59356291,  0.53407902,  0.62131013,  0.73730599,  0.98833494]])
    >>> group = scipy.array([[1],[1],[1],[1],[2],[2],[2],[3],[3],[3]])
    >>> mask = scipy.array([[0],[1],[0],[0],[0],[0],[1],[0],[0],[1]])
    >>> scores,loads,eigs = dfa_xval_raw(X,group,mask,2)

    #get indices
    idxn = scipy.arange(X.shape[0])[:,nA]
    tr_idx = scipy.take(idxn,_index(mask,0),0)
    cv_idx = scipy.take(idxn,_index(mask,1),0)
    trscores,loads,eigs,loads2 = DFA(x1,y1,nodfs)
    #cross validation
    cvscores = scipy.dot(x2,loads)
    #independent test
    if max(mask) > 1:
        ts_idx = scipy.take(idxn,_index(mask,2),0)
        tstscores = scipy.dot(x3,loads)
        scores = scipy.zeros((X.shape[0],nodfs),'d')
        tr_idx = scipy.reshape(tr_idx,(len(tr_idx),)).tolist()
        cv_idx = scipy.reshape(cv_idx,(len(cv_idx),)).tolist()
        ts_idx = scipy.reshape(ts_idx,(len(ts_idx),)).tolist()
        scores = scipy.concatenate((trscores,cvscores),0)
        tr_idx = scipy.reshape(tr_idx,(len(tr_idx),)).tolist()
        cv_idx = scipy.reshape(cv_idx,(len(cv_idx),)).tolist()
    return scores,loads,eigs
Пример #24
def calc_grid_sum_xyvs(xyvs, bins=100):
    """Convert an XYVs object into a gridded and summed XYVs object.
    xyvs      a list of tuples (x, y, ...)
    bins      the number of required bins, either <int> or [<int>, <int>]

    Returns a tuple ((bin_x, bin_y), xyz_data) where xyz_data is a binned
    version of the input object.  bin_? is bin count for the ? axis.


    # convert to numpy array
    xyvs = scipy.array(xyvs)

    # figure out number of value columns
    num_columns = len(xyvs[0]) - 2
    if num_columns < 1:
        msg = 'calc_grid_sum_xyvs: xyvs object has no data columns'
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    # get histogram with value1 column
    xyv1 = scipy.take(xyvs, (0,1,2), axis=1)
    (result, xedges, yedges) = scipy.histogram2d(xyv1[:,0], xyv1[:,1],
                                                 bins=bins, normed=False,

    # create XYZ object
    result = make_xyz(result, xedges, yedges)

    # get number of bins for result
    # -1 since ?edges is numer of *edges*, we want bins
    bins_x = scipy.shape(xedges)[0] - 1
    bins_y = scipy.shape(yedges)[0] - 1

    # handle each extra value column seperately
    for i in range(num_columns-1):
        xyvn = scipy.take(xyvs, (0,1,i+3), axis=1)
        (binned_data, xedges, yedges) = scipy.histogram2d(xyvn[:,0], xyvn[:,1],
                                                          bins=bins, normed=False,
        binned_data = make_xyz(binned_data, xedges, yedges)
        v_col = scipy.take(binned_data, (2,), axis=1)
        result = scipy.hstack((result, v_col))

    return ((bins_x, bins_y), result)
Пример #25
def decimate(x, y, tolerance):
    """ Returns decimated x and y arrays.

    This is Douglas and Peucker's algorithm rewritten to use Numeric arrays.
    Tolerance is usually determined by determining the size that a single pixel
    represents in the units of x and y.

    Compression ratios for large seismic and well data sets can be significant.

    # Todo - we could improve the aesthetics by scaling (normalizing) the x and y
    #arrays. eg in a well the curve varies by +/- 1 and the depths by 0,10000
    #This affects the accuracy of the representation in sloping regions.

    keep = zeros(len(x))
    _decimate(x, y, keep, 0, len(x) - 1, tolerance)
    ids = nonzero(keep)
    return take(x,ids), take(y, ids)
Пример #26
    def get_data(self, amp, eeg):
        Given and Amp instance and an EEG instance, return the data
        for this EOI

        data = eeg.get_data()
        ind = self.to_data_indices(amp)
        return take(data, ind, 1)
Пример #27
    def get_data(self, amp, eeg):
        Given and Amp instance and an EEG instance, return the data
        for this EOI

        data = eeg.get_data()
        ind = self.to_data_indices(amp)
        return take(data, ind, 1)
Пример #28
def dfa_xval_pls(plsscores,plsloads,nolvs,group,mask,nodfs):
    """Perform PLS-DFA with full cross validation
    #get indices
    idxn = scipy.arange(plsscores.shape[0])[:,nA]
    tr_idx = scipy.take(idxn,_index(mask,0),0)
    cv_idx = scipy.take(idxn,_index(mask,1),0)
    cvas,loads,eigs,dummy = cva(rx1[:,0:nolvs],ry1,nodfs)
    #cross validation
    cvav = scipy.dot(rx2[:,0:nolvs],loads)
    #independent test
    if max(mask) > 1:
        cvat = scipy.dot(rx3[:,0:nolvs],loads)
        scores = scipy.zeros((plsscores.shape[0],nodfs),'d')
        tr_idx = scipy.reshape(tr_idx,(len(tr_idx),)).tolist()
        cv_idx = scipy.reshape(cv_idx,(len(cv_idx),)).tolist()
        ts_idx = scipy.take(idxn,_index(mask,2),0)
        ts_idx = scipy.reshape(ts_idx,(len(ts_idx),)).tolist()
        scores = scipy.concatenate((cvas,cvav),0)
        tr_idx = scipy.reshape(tr_idx,(len(tr_idx),)).tolist()
        cv_idx = scipy.reshape(cv_idx,(len(cv_idx),)).tolist()
    #get loadings for original variables
    loads = scipy.dot(plsloads[:,0:nolvs],loads)
    return scores,loads,eigs
Пример #29
def edgeNumber_triangles_indexes(list_of_edges_numbers, RWGNumber_signedTriangles):
    """This function returns a 1-D array of the indexes of the triangles corresponding
    to a 1-D array of edges_numbers. This function is important for creating lists of triangles
    that will participate to the MoM, given a particular criterium concerning the edges."""
    indexes_of_triangles_tmp1 = take(RWGNumber_signedTriangles, list_of_edges_numbers, axis=0).flat
    indexes_of_triangles_tmp2 = sort(indexes_of_triangles_tmp1, kind='mergesort')
    indexes_of_triangles_to_take = ones(indexes_of_triangles_tmp2.shape[0], 'i')
    indexes_of_triangles_to_take[1:] = indexes_of_triangles_tmp2[1:] - indexes_of_triangles_tmp2[:-1]
    indexes_of_triangles = compress(indexes_of_triangles_to_take != 0, indexes_of_triangles_tmp2)
    return indexes_of_triangles.astype('i')
Пример #30
def calcProfilV(self,xy):
    """renvoie les valeurs des vitesses sur une section"""
    vxvy = self.getMfVitesse()
    grd  = self.parent.aquifere.getFullGrid()
    x0,y0,dx,dy,nx,ny = grd['x0'],grd['y0'],grd['dx'],grd['dy'],grd['nx'],grd['ny']
    x,y = zip(*xy)
    xl0, xl1 = x[:2]
    yl0, yl1 = y[:2]
    dd = min(dx,dy)*.95;dxp, dyp = xl1-xl0, yl1-yl0
    ld = max(ceil(abs(dxp/dx)),ceil(abs(dyp/dy)))
    ld = int(ld+1); ddx = dxp/ld; ddy = dyp/ld
    xp2 = xl0+arange(ld+1)*ddx
    yp2 = yl0+arange(ld+1)*ddy
    ix = floor((xp2-x0)/dx);ix=clip(ix.astype(int),0,nx-1)
    iy = floor((yp2-y0)/dy);iy=clip(iy.astype(int),0,ny-1)
    vx = take(ravel(vxvy[0]),iy*nx+ix)
    vy = take(ravel(vxvy[1]),iy*nx+ix)
    V = sqrt(vx**2+vy**2)
    cu = sqrt((xp2-xp2[0])**2+(yp2-yp2[0])**2)
    return [cu,V]
Пример #31
def PlotTrajectoriesForExperiments(model, experiments, params = None, with_data=True,
                                   plotPts = 100, overlap = .1, skip = 1, showLegend=True):

    # First find the maximum time in our data
    maxTime = 0
    chemsNeededByCalc = {}
    for exptName in experiments:
        dataByCalc = model.exptColl[exptName].GetData()
        for calc in dataByCalc:
            chemsNeededByCalc.setdefault(calc, [])
            for chem in dataByCalc[calc].keys():
                thisMaxTime = max(dataByCalc[calc][chem].keys()) 
                if thisMaxTime > maxTime:
                    maxTime = thisMaxTime

    lines = []
    legend = []
    times = scipy.linspace(0, maxTime*(1 + overlap), plotPts)
    varsByCalc = {}
    for calc in chemsNeededByCalc:
        varsByCalc[calc] = {}
        for chem in chemsNeededByCalc[calc]:
            varsByCalc[calc][chem] = times

    model.GetCalculationCollection().Calculate(varsByCalc, params)
    calcVals = model.GetCalculationCollection().GetResults(varsByCalc)
    cW = ColorWheel()
    for exptName in experiments:
        expt = exptColl[exptName]
        dataByCalc = expt.GetData()
        for calc in dataByCalc:
            for chem in dataByCalc[calc]:
                color, sym, dash = cW.next()

                if with_data:
                    for time, (data, error) in dataByCalc[calc][chem].items()[::skip]:
                        errorbar(time, data, yerr=error, color=color,
                                 mfc = color, marker=sym,
                                 ecolor=color, capsize=6)

                predicted = scipy.array(calcVals[calc][chem].items())
                order = scipy.argsort(predicted[:,0])
                predicted = scipy.take(predicted, order)
                predicted[:,1] = predicted[:,1] *\
                lines.append(plot(predicted[:,0], predicted[:,1],
                                  color=color, linestyle=dash,
                                  linewidth = 3))
                legend.append(chem + ' in ' + str(calc))# + ' for ' + str(exptName))

    if showLegend:
        legend(lines, legend, loc=4)
Пример #32
    def sgrad(self, x, ndata=100, bound=True, avg=True):
        """Return a stochastic gradient at x, evaluated at ndata samples from the
		training set. 
		x -- the parameters at which to evaluate the stochastic gradient
		ndata -- the number of samples from the training set to take
		bound -- whether to bound the gradient
		avg -- whether to average the gradient by the number of samples taken"""
        u = scipy.random.randint(0, x.shape[0],
                                 ndata)  # ndata random index values
        data_vals = scipy.take(self.ds[0], u,
                               axis=0)  # take values at the random indices
        data_cats = scipy.take(self.ds[1], u,
                               axis=0)  # take categories at the random indices
        data = (data_vals, data_cats)  # put data into correct format
        ans = self.gradEval(
            x, data)  # evaluate gradient only for stochastically selected data
        if avg:
            ans = ans / (data[1].shape[0])  # average over size of data slice
        if bound:
            ans = sgd.bound(ans)  # bound data
        return ans
def calc_confidence_intervals(H):

    number_of_bins = len(H[1,:]);

    sigma68 = sp.zeros((number_of_bins,2));
    sigma95 = sp.zeros((number_of_bins,2));
    sigma99 = sp.zeros((number_of_bins,2));
    for b in range(0,number_of_bins):
        sl68, su68 = confidenslimit(sp.take(H,[b],axis=1),0.683);
        sl95, su95 = confidenslimit(sp.take(H,[b],axis=1),0.954);
        sl99, su99 = confidenslimit(sp.take(H,[b],axis=1),0.997);

        # Foerste soejle indeholder alle de nedre graenser, anden soejle alle de oevre
        sigma68[b,:] = sl68, su68
        sigma95[b,:] = sl95, su95
        sigma99[b,:] = sl99, su99
Пример #34
def _split(xdata, ydata, mask, labels=None):
    """Splits x and y inputs into training, cross validation (and
    independent test groups) for use with modelling algorithms.
    If max(mask)==2 return x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,n1,n2,n3 else if max(mask)==1
    return x1,x2,y1,y2,n1,n2
    x1 = scipy.take(xdata, _index(mask, 0), 0)
    x2 = scipy.take(xdata, _index(mask, 1), 0)
    y1 = scipy.take(ydata, _index(mask, 0), 0)
    y2 = scipy.take(ydata, _index(mask, 1), 0)
    n1, n2 = [], []
    if labels is not None:
        for i in range(len(labels)):
            if mask[i] == 0:
            elif mask[i] == 1:

    if max(mask) == 1:
        return x1, x2, 0, y1, y2, 0, n1, n2, 0
    elif max(mask) == 2:
        x3 = scipy.take(xdata, _index(mask, 2), 0)
        y3 = scipy.take(ydata, _index(mask, 2), 0)
        n3 = []
        if labels is not None:
            for i in range(len(labels)):
                if mask[i] == 2:
        return x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, n1, n2, n3
Пример #35
def _split(xdata, ydata, mask, labels=None):
    """Splits x and y inputs into training, cross validation (and
    independent test groups) for use with modelling algorithms.
    If max(mask)==2 return x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,n1,n2,n3 else if max(mask)==1
    return x1,x2,y1,y2,n1,n2
    x1 = scipy.take(xdata,_index(mask,0),0)
    x2 = scipy.take(xdata,_index(mask,1),0)
    y1 = scipy.take(ydata,_index(mask,0),0)
    y2 = scipy.take(ydata,_index(mask,1),0)
    n1,n2 = [],[]
    if labels is not None:
        for i in range(len(labels)):
            if mask[i] == 0:
            elif mask[i] == 1:
    if max(mask) == 1:
        return x1,x2,0,y1,y2,0,n1,n2,0
    elif max(mask) == 2:
        x3 = scipy.take(xdata,_index(mask,2),0)
        y3 = scipy.take(ydata,_index(mask,2),0)
        n3 = []
        if labels is not None:
            for i in range(len(labels)):
                if mask[i] == 2:
        return x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,n1,n2,n3
Пример #36
def reinsert(ch,selch,chsc,selsc):
    """Reinsert evolved population into original pop
    retaining the best individuals
    newChrom = scipy.concatenate((ch,selch),0)
    newScore = scipy.concatenate((chsc,selsc),0)
    #select only unique chroms - can be removed
    uid = []
    for i in range(len(newChrom)):
        if len(scipy.unique(newChrom[i,:])) == ch.shape[1]:
    newScore = scipy.take(newScore,uid,0)
    newChrom = scipy.take(newChrom,uid,0)
    idx = scipy.argsort(newScore,0)[:,0].tolist()
    idx = idx[0:ch.shape[0]]
    newChrom = scipy.take(newChrom,idx,0)
    newScore = scipy.take(newScore,idx,0)
    return newChrom, newScore
Пример #37
def _get_block_headers(fhead, chan_info):
    Returns a matrix containing the SON data block headers for a
    'fhead' is a FileHeader instance, and 'chan_info' is a
    ChannelInfo instance.

    The returned header in memory contains, for each disk block,
    a column with rows 0-4 representing:
    Offset to start of block in file
    Start time in clock ticks
    End time in clock ticks
    Chan number
    from scipy import io, zeros, arange, take
    from numpy import fromfile
    if chan_info.firstblock == -1:
        raise ValueError('No data on channel ' + str(chan_info.chan))
    succ_block = 1
    # Pre-allocate memory for header data:
    header = zeros([6, chan_info.blocks], int)
    # Get first data block:
    # Last and next block pointers, start and end times in clock ticks
    h = fromfile(fhead.fid, 'l', 4)
    print h, header
    header[0:4, 0] = fromfile(fhead.fid, 'l', 4)
    # Channel number and number of items in block:
    header[4:6, 0] = fromfile(fhead.fid, 'h', 2)
    # If only one block:
    if header[succ_block, 0] == -1:
        header[0, 0] = int(chan_info.firstblock)
    # Loop if more blocks:
        fhead.fid.seek(header[succ_block, 0])
        for i in arange(1, chan_info.blocks):
            h = fromfile(fhead.fid, 'l', 4)
            print h
            header[0:4, i] = fromfile(fhead.fid, 'l', 4)
            header[4:6, i] = fromfile(fhead.fid, 'h', 2)
            if header[succ_block, i] > 0:
                fhead.fid.seek(header[succ_block, i])
            header[0, i-1] = header[0, i]
        # Replace pred_block for previous column:
        header[0, -1] = header[1, -2]
    # Delete succ_block data:
    header = take(header, (0,2,3,4,5), axis=0)
    return header
Пример #38
def _BW(X, group):
    """Generate B and W matrices for CVA
    Ref. Krzanowski
    mx = scipy.mean(X, 0)[nA, :]
    tgrp = scipy.unique(group)
    for x in range(len(tgrp)):
        idx = _index(group, tgrp[x])
        L = len(idx)
        meani = scipy.mean(scipy.take(X, idx, 0), 0)
        meani = scipy.resize(meani, (len(idx), X.shape[1]))
        A = scipy.mean(scipy.take(X, idx, 0), 0) - mx
        C = scipy.take(X, idx, 0) - meani
        if x > 1:
            Bo = Bo + L * scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(A), A)
            Wo = Wo + scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(C), C)
        elif x == 1:
            Bo = L * scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(A), A)
            Wo = scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(C), C)

    B = (1.0 / (len(tgrp) - 1)) * Bo
    W = (1.0 / (X.shape[0] - len(tgrp))) * Wo

    return B, W
Пример #39
def _BW(X,group):
    """Generate B and W matrices for CVA
    Ref. Krzanowski
    mx = scipy.mean(X,0)[nA,:]
    tgrp = scipy.unique(group)
    for x in range(len(tgrp)):
        idx = _index(group,tgrp[x])
        L = len(idx)
        meani = scipy.mean(scipy.take(X,idx,0),0)
        meani = scipy.resize(meani,(len(idx),X.shape[1]))
        A = scipy.mean(scipy.take(X,idx,0),0) - mx
        C = scipy.take(X,idx,0) - meani
        if x > 1:
            Bo = Bo + L*scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(A),A)
            Wo = Wo + scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(C),C)
        elif x == 1:
            Bo = L*scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(A),A)
            Wo = scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(C),C)
    B = (1.0/(len(tgrp)-1))*Bo
    W = (1.0/(X.shape[0] - len(tgrp)))*Wo
    return B,W
Пример #40
    def estimate(self, algorithm):
        self.results = []
        subds_len = len(self.dataset) / self.k

        for i in xrange(self.k):
            offset = i * subds_len
            # Build test dataset
            if i == (self.k - 1):
                testset = self.dataset[offset:len(self.dataset) - 1]
                testset = self.dataset[offset:offset + subds_len]

            # Build train dataset
            indexes = []
            # build data
            for index in xrange(len(self.dataset)):
                if index < offset or index >= (offset + subds_len):
            trainset_data = scipy.take(self.dataset.data(), indexes, axis=0)
            # build labels for data
            labels = self.dataset.labels()
            trainset_labels = []
            for index in indexes:
            trainset = Dataset(trainset_data, trainset_labels)

            # Test algorithm
            correct = 0
            testset_data = testset.data()
            for test in xrange(len(testset)):
                label = algorithm.classify(testset_data[test])
                if testset.get_label(test) == label:
                    correct += 1

            self.results.append((float(correct) / len(testset)) * 100)

        mean = 0
        for res in self.results:
            mean += res
        mean /= len(self.results)

        return mean
Пример #41
def _get_block_headers(fhead, chan_info):
    Returns a matrix containing the SON data block headers for a
    'fhead' is a FileHeader instance, and 'chan_info' is a
    ChannelInfo instance.

    The returned header in memory contains, for each disk block,
    a column with rows 0-4 representing:
    Offset to start of block in file
    Start time in clock ticks
    End time in clock ticks
    Chan number
    from scipy import io, zeros, arange, take
    if chan_info.firstblock == -1:
        raise ValueError('No data on channel ' + str(chan_info.chan))
    succ_block = 1
    # Pre-allocate memory for header data:
    header = zeros([6, chan_info.blocks], int)
    # Get first data block:
    # Last and next block pointers, start and end times in clock ticks
    header[0:4, 0] = io.fread(fhead.fid, 4, 'l')
    # Channel number and number of items in block:
    header[4:6, 0] = io.fread(fhead.fid, 2, 'h')
    # If only one block:
    if header[succ_block, 0] == -1:
        header[0, 0] = int(chan_info.firstblock)
    # Loop if more blocks:
        fhead.fid.seek(header[succ_block, 0])
        for i in arange(1, chan_info.blocks):
            header[0:4, i] = io.fread(fhead.fid, 4, 'l')
            header[4:6, i] = io.fread(fhead.fid, 2, 'h')
            if header[succ_block, i] > 0:
                fhead.fid.seek(header[succ_block, i])
            header[0, i - 1] = header[0, i]
        # Replace pred_block for previous column:
        header[0, -1] = header[1, -2]
    # Delete succ_block data:
    header = take(header, (0, 2, 3, 4, 5), axis=0)
    return header
Пример #42
    def estimate (self, algorithm):
        self.results = []
        subds_len = len (self.dataset) / self.k

        for i in xrange (self.k):
            offset = i * subds_len
            # Build test dataset
            if i == (self.k - 1):
                testset = self.dataset[offset:len(self.dataset) - 1]
                testset = self.dataset[offset:offset + subds_len]

            # Build train dataset
            indexes = []
            # build data
            for index in xrange (len (self.dataset)):
                if index < offset or index >= (offset + subds_len):
                    indexes.append (index)
            trainset_data = scipy.take (self.dataset.data (), indexes, axis=0)
            # build labels for data
            labels = self.dataset.labels ()
            trainset_labels = []
            for index in indexes:
                trainset_labels.append (labels[index])
            trainset = Dataset (trainset_data, trainset_labels)

            # Test algorithm
            algorithm.load (trainset)
            algorithm.learn ()
            correct = 0
            testset_data = testset.data ()
            for test in xrange (len (testset)):
                label = algorithm.classify (testset_data[test])
                if testset.get_label (test) == label:
                    correct += 1

            self.results.append ((float (correct) / len (testset)) * 100)

        mean = 0
        for res in self.results:
            mean += res
        mean /= len (self.results)

        return mean
Пример #43
def select(ranksc,chrom,N):
    """Stochastic universal sampling
    N is the generation gap (i.e. a real number between 0 and 1)
    N = round(chrom.shape[0]*N)
    cumsum = scipy.cumsum(ranksc,0)
    susrange = scipy.rand(N,1)*max(max(cumsum))
    for each in susrange:
        qcount,q0 = 0,cumsum[0]
        for q in cumsum:
            if q0 < each < q:
            qcount += 1
            q0 = q
    nchrom = scipy.take(chrom,sel,0)
    return nchrom
Пример #44
def states2dict(states, nchannels, npoints=None, fractions=[1,2,4], shuffle=True):
    """Return dictionary with distribution over states for fractions of data.
    The distributions are *not* normalized, as required by other routines
    (e.g., KL estimation routines).

    This function is intented to be used with the KL and entropy estimation
    functions, kl_estimation and h_estimation.

    Input arguments:
    states -- array of states
    nchannels -- total number of channels (used to determine the maximum number
                 of states)
    npoints -- number of data points Default: None, meaning the full length of states
    fractions -- fractions of the data. For example, fractions=[1,2,4] will create
                 3 entries in the dictionary, based on the full data (N datapoints),
                 half the data (2 x N/2 points), and one quarter of the data
                 (4 x N/4 points). Default: [1,2,4]
    shuffle -- If True, data points are shuffled before computing the dictionaries
               to avoid trends in the data

    Dictionary distr[fraction][distr_nr]. Keys are fractions (as given by input
    argument), values are lists of distributions.
    if npoints is None:
        npoints = states.shape[0]
    if shuffle:
        states = states.copy()
        p = scipy.random.permutation(states.shape[0])
        states = scipy.take(states, p)
    distr = {}
    for d in fractions:
        distr[d] = [None]*d
        block_len = npoints//d
        for i in range(d):
            part_y = states[i*block_len:(i+1)*block_len]
            distr[d][i] = states2distr(part_y, nchannels, normed=False)
    _check_dict_consistency(distr, npoints)
    return distr
Пример #45
def triangles_unnormalized_normals_computation(vertexes_coord, triangle_vertexes, t):
    """This function returns the non-normalized normals of each triangle.
    t is an array of the t indexes to be considered"""
    triangles_normals = zeros((t.shape[0], 3), 'd')
    stride = 10000
    startIndex, stopIndex = 0, min(stride, t.shape[0])
    # it is coded this way for memory optimization: this function is really a memory hog!
    while startIndex<triangles_normals.shape[0]:
        indexes = t[startIndex:stopIndex]
        v0 = take(triangle_vertexes[:, 0], indexes, axis=0)
        v1 = take(triangle_vertexes[:, 1], indexes, axis=0)
        v2 = take(triangle_vertexes[:, 2], indexes, axis=0)
        r0 = take(vertexes_coord, v0, axis=0) # first vertexes of all triangles
        r1_r0 = take(vertexes_coord, v1, axis=0) - r0
        r2_r0 = take(vertexes_coord, v2, axis=0) - r0
        triangles_normals[indexes, 0] = r1_r0[:, 1] * r2_r0[:, 2] - r1_r0[:, 2] * r2_r0[:, 1]
        triangles_normals[indexes, 1] = r1_r0[:, 2] * r2_r0[:, 0] - r1_r0[:, 0] * r2_r0[:, 2]
        triangles_normals[indexes, 2] = r1_r0[:, 0] * r2_r0[:, 1] - r1_r0[:, 1] * r2_r0[:, 0]
        startIndex = stopIndex
        stopIndex = min(stopIndex + stride, t.shape[0])
    return triangles_normals.astype('d')
Пример #46
    def make_embed(self, *args):

        if self.scatterActor is not None:

        selected = self.eegplot.get_selected()
        if selected is None:
            error_msg('You must first select an EEG channel by clicking on it',
        torig, data, trode = selected
        gname, gnum = trode
        label = '%s %d' % (gname, gnum)
        #print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): examining selected EEG channel %s" % label

        Fs = self.eegplot.eeg.freq
        dt = 1.0/Fs

        try: lag = int(self.entryLag.get_text())
        except ValueError:
            error_message('Lag must be an integer; found "%s"'%self.entryLag.get_text())

        try: dim = int(self.entryDim.get_text())
        except ValueError:
            error_message('Dimension must be an integer; found "%s"'%self.entrySim.get_text())

        pnts = []
        ind = arange(dim)*lag

        #print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): ind=" , ind

        while 1:
            if ind[-1]>=len(data): break
            print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): appending to pnts: " , (take(data,ind)[:3])
            pnts.append( take(data, ind)[:3] )  # plot 3 dims
            ind += 1

        #print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): polyData = vtk.vtkPolyData()"
        polyData = vtk.vtkPolyData()

        #print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): points = vtk.vtkPoints()"
        points = vtk.vtkPoints()

        for i, pnt in enumerate(pnts):
            x, y, z = pnt
            print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): inserting point " , i, x, y , z
            points.InsertPoint(i, x, y, z)

        polyData = vtk.vtkPolyData()
        #print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): polyData.SetPoints(points)"

        #print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): vtkSphereSource()"
        sphere = vtk.vtkSphereSource()
        res = 5

        #print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): filter = vtk.vtkGlyph3D()"
        filter = vtk.vtkGlyph3D()
        filter.SetSource(0, sphere.GetOutput())

        #print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()"
        mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
        #print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): mapper.SetInput(filter.GetOutput())"

        #print "EmbedWin.make_embed(): "
        actor = vtk.vtkActor()
        actor.GetProperty().SetColor( 1,1,0 )
        self.scatterActor = actor
Пример #47
def plot_ensemble_results(model,
                          loc='upper left',
    Plot the fits to the given experiments over an ensemble. 

    Note that this recalculates the cost for every member of the ensemble, so
     it may be very slow. Filtering correlated members from the ensemble is
     strongly recommended.
      model: Model whose results to plot
      ensemble: Parameter ensemble
      expts: List of experiment IDs to plot, if None is specified, all 
             experiments are plotted
      style: Style of plot. Currently supported options are:
              'errorbars': Plots points and bars for each data point
              'lines': Plots a continuous line for the data
      show_legend: Boolean that control whether or not to show the legend
      loc: Location of the legend. See help(Plotting.legend) for options.
      plot_data: Boolean that controls whether the data is plotted
      plot_trajectories: Boolean that controls whether the trajectories are
    exptColl = model.get_expts()
    nets = model.get_calcs()

    if expts is None:
        expts = exptColl.keys()

    lines, labels = [], []
    cW = ColorWheel()

    timepoints = {}
    for netId, net in nets.items():
        traj = getattr(net, 'trajectory', None)
        if traj is not None:
            net.times_to_add = scipy.linspace(traj.timepoints[0],
                                              traj.timepoints[-1], 1000)


    results = {}
    for params in ensemble:
        for exptId in expts:
            expt = exptColl[exptId]
            results.setdefault(exptId, {})
            dataByCalc = expt.GetData()
            for netId in dataByCalc.keys():
                results[exptId].setdefault(netId, {})
                # Pull the trajectory from that calculation, defaulting to None
                #  if it doesn't exist.
                net = nets.get(netId)
                traj = net.trajectory
                for dataId in dataByCalc[netId].keys():
                    results[exptId][netId].setdefault(dataId, [])

                    scaleFactor = model.GetScaleFactors()[exptId][dataId]
                    result = scaleFactor * traj.get_var_traj(dataId)

    for exptId in expts:
        expt = exptColl[exptId]
        dataByCalc = expt.GetData()
        # We sort the calculation names for easier comparison across plots
        sortedCalcIds = dataByCalc.keys()
        for netId in sortedCalcIds:
            for dataId, dataDict in dataByCalc[netId].items():
                color, sym, dash = cW.next()

                if plot_data:
                    # Pull the data out of the dictionary and into an array
                    d = scipy.array([[t, v, e]
                                     for (t, (v, e)) in dataDict.items()])
                    if style is 'errorbars':
                        l = errorbar(d[:, 0],
                                     d[:, 1],
                                     yerr=d[:, 2],
                    elif style is 'lines':
                        # Make sure we order the data before plotting
                        order = scipy.argsort(d[:, 0], 0)
                        d = scipy.take(d, order, 0)
                        l = plot(d[:, 0], d[:, 1], color=color, linestyle=dash)

                if plot_trajectories:
                    times = model.get_calcs().get(netId).trajectory.get_times()
                    mean_vals = scipy.mean(results[exptId][netId][dataId], 0)
                    std_vals = scipy.std(results[exptId][netId][dataId], 0)

                    lower_vals = mean_vals - std_vals
                    upper_vals = mean_vals + std_vals

                    # Plot the polygon
                    xpts = scipy.concatenate((times, times[::-1]))
                    ypts = scipy.concatenate((lower_vals, upper_vals[::-1]))
                    fill(xpts, ypts, fc=color, alpha=0.4)

                # Let's print the pretty name for our variable if we can.
                name = net.get_component_name(dataId)
                labels.append('%s in %s for %s' % (name, netId, exptId))

    for netId, net in nets.items():
        del net.times_to_add

    if show_legend:
        legend(lines, labels, loc=loc)

    for net in nets.values():
        net.times_to_add = None

    return lines, labels
Пример #48
def _get_block_headers(fhead, chanInfo):
    Returns a matrix containing the Son data block headers for a channel.
    'fhead' is a FileHeader instance, and 'chanInfo' is a ChannelInfo instance.

    The returned header in memory contains, for each disk block,
    a column with rows 0-4 representing:
         Offset to start of block in file
         Start time in clock ticks
         End time in clock ticks
         Chan number
    from scipy import io, zeros, arange, take
    if chanInfo.firstblock == -1:
        raise ValueError, 'No data on channel %i' % chanInfo.chan
    succBlock = 1
    # Pre-allocate memory for header data:
    header = zeros([6, chanInfo.blocks], int)
    # Get first data block:

    # Last and next block pointers, start and end times in clock ticks
    header[0:4, 0] = numpy.fromfile(fhead.fid, numpy.int32, count=4)
    # Channel number and number of items in block:
    header[4:6, 0] = numpy.fromfile(fhead.fid, numpy.int16, count=2)

    # Last and next block pointers, start and end times in clock ticks
    header[0:4, 0] = io.fread(fhead.fid, 4, 'l')
    print("header[0:4, 0]")
    print(header[0:4, 0])
    # Channel number and number of items in block:
    header[4:6, 0] = io.fread(fhead.fid, 2, 'h')
    #print "header[succBlock, 0]", header[succBlock, 0]
    # If only one block:
    if header[succBlock, 0] == -1: header[0, 0] = int(chanInfo.firstblock)
    # Loop if more blocks:
        fhead.fid.seek(header[succBlock, 0])
        for i in arange(1, chanInfo.blocks):

            header[0:4, i] = numpy.fromfile(fhead.fid, numpy.int32, count=4)
            header[4:6, i] = numpy.fromfile(fhead.fid, numpy.int16, count=2)

            header[0:4, i] = io.fread(fhead.fid, 4, 'l')
            header[4:6, i] = io.fread(fhead.fid, 2, 'h')
            if header[succBlock, i] > 0:
                fhead.fid.seek(header[succBlock, i])
            header[0, i-1] = header[0, i]
        # Replace predBlock for previous column:
        header[0, -1] = header[1, -2]
    # Delete succBlock data:
    header = take(header, (0,2,3,4,5),axis=0)
    return header
Пример #49
def plot_ensemble_results(model, ensemble, expts = None, 
                          show_legend = True, loc = 'upper left',
                          plot_data = True, plot_trajectories = True):
    Plot the fits to the given experiments over an ensemble. 

    Note that this recalculates the cost for every member of the ensemble, so
     it may be very slow. Filtering correlated members from the ensemble is
     strongly recommended.
      model: Model whose results to plot
      ensemble: Parameter ensemble
      expts: List of experiment IDs to plot, if None is specified, all 
             experiments are plotted
      style: Style of plot. Currently supported options are:
              'errorbars': Plots points and bars for each data point
              'lines': Plots a continuous line for the data
      show_legend: Boolean that control whether or not to show the legend
      loc: Location of the legend. See help(Plotting.legend) for options.
      plot_data: Boolean that controls whether the data is plotted
      plot_trajectories: Boolean that controls whether the trajectories are
    exptColl = model.get_expts()
    nets = model.get_calcs()

    if expts is None:
        expts = exptColl.keys()

    lines, labels = [], []
    cW = ColorWheel()

    timepoints = {}
    for netId, net in nets.items():
        traj = getattr(net, 'trajectory', None)
        if traj is not None:
            net.times_to_add = scipy.linspace(traj.timepoints[0], 
                                              traj.timepoints[-1], 1000)


    results = {}
    for params in ensemble:
        for exptId in expts:
            expt = exptColl[exptId]
            results.setdefault(exptId, {})
            dataByCalc = expt.GetData()
            for netId in dataByCalc.keys():
                results[exptId].setdefault(netId, {})
                # Pull the trajectory from that calculation, defaulting to None
                #  if it doesn't exist.
                net = nets.get(netId)
                traj = net.trajectory
                for dataId in dataByCalc[netId].keys():
                    results[exptId][netId].setdefault(dataId, [])

                    scaleFactor = model.GetScaleFactors()[exptId][dataId]
                    result = scaleFactor*traj.get_var_traj(dataId)

    for exptId in expts:
        expt = exptColl[exptId]
        dataByCalc = expt.GetData()
        # We sort the calculation names for easier comparison across plots
        sortedCalcIds = dataByCalc.keys()
        for netId in sortedCalcIds:
            for dataId, dataDict in dataByCalc[netId].items():
                color, sym, dash = cW.next()

                if plot_data:
                    # Pull the data out of the dictionary and into an array
                    d = scipy.array([[t, v, e] for (t, (v, e))
                                     in dataDict.items()])
                    if style is 'errorbars':
                        l = errorbar(d[:,0], d[:,1], yerr=d[:,2], fmt='o', 
                                     color=color, markerfacecolor=color,
                                     marker=sym, ecolor='k', capsize=6)[0]
                    elif style is 'lines':
                        # Make sure we order the data before plotting
                        order = scipy.argsort(d[:,0], 0)
                        d = scipy.take(d, order, 0)
                        l = plot(d[:,0], d[:,1], color=color,

                if plot_trajectories:
                    times = model.get_calcs().get(netId).trajectory.get_times()
                    mean_vals = scipy.mean(results[exptId][netId][dataId], 0)
                    std_vals = scipy.std(results[exptId][netId][dataId], 0)

                    lower_vals = mean_vals - std_vals
                    upper_vals = mean_vals + std_vals

                    # Plot the polygon
                    xpts = scipy.concatenate((times, times[::-1]))
                    ypts = scipy.concatenate((lower_vals, upper_vals[::-1]))
                    fill(xpts, ypts, fc=color, alpha=0.4)

                # Let's print the pretty name for our variable if we can.
                name = net.get_component_name(dataId)
                labels.append('%s in %s for %s' % (name, netId, exptId))

    for netId, net in nets.items():
        del net.times_to_add

    if show_legend:
        legend(lines, labels, loc=loc)

    for net in nets.values():
        net.times_to_add = None

    return lines, labels
Пример #50
def calc_annfatalities_deagg_grid(lat,
                            event_activity, bins=100):
    """Calculate the annualised fatalities as a total value in the
    grid cell.

    lat                    latitude, dimensions(event)
    lon                    longitude, dimensions(event)
    total_fatalities       fatalities, dimensions(event, site)
    event_activity         event activity, dimensions(event)
    bins   an integer or (int, int) describing how the extent of
           the data in (lat, lon) is to be binned
           If one integer is supplied the extent determined from the
           point data (lat, lon) is binned that number of times in the
           X and Y direction.  If (M, N), the number of X bins is M, etc.

      ann_fatalities: the annulaised fatalities for each grid cell, dimensions(grid cells)
      lat_lon: a tuple of (lat, lon) midpoints, giving the grid cell locations,
        dimensions(grid cells)
    # Bin data
    cell_location = utilities.bin_extent(lat, lon, bins=bins)
    # get bin width and number of cells
        (gnumx, gnumy) = bins
    except TypeError:
        gnumx = gnumy = bins
    num_of_bins = gnumx * gnumy

    # Run annulised loss calc on binned data
    lat_lon = scipy.zeros((num_of_bins, 2))
    annualised_fatalities_in_cell = scipy.zeros(num_of_bins)

    i = 0
    for row in cell_location:
        for cell in row:
            # calc the annualised loss for this cell.
            index = scipy.array(cell['index'])
#             print "total_building_value", total_building_value
#             print "index", index
#             print "total_building_value.shape", total_building_value.shape
#             print "index.shape", index.shape
#             Print "cell['mid_lat_lon']", cell['mid_lat_lon']
#             print "cell['mid_lat_lon'].shape", cell['mid_lat_lon'].shape
            lat_lon[i, :] = cell['mid_lat_lon']
            if len(index) >= 1:
#                 print "index", index
#                 print "total_building_loss.shape", total_building_loss.shape
#                 print " total_building_value.shape", total_building_value.shape
                total_fatalities_cell = scipy.take(total_fatalities,
                                                      index, axis=1)
                print total_fatalities_cell.shape, total_fatalities_cell
                (annualised_fatalities_in_cell[i], _) = calc_annfatalities(
                    total_fatalities_cell, event_activity)
                annualised_fatalities_in_cell[i] = scipy.nan

            i += 1           
    return annualised_fatalities_in_cell, lat_lon, gnumx, gnumy
Пример #51
def rerun_pls(chrom,xdata,groups,mask,factors):
    """rerun pls on a subset of X-variables"""
    slice = scipy.take(xdata,chrom,1)
    return pls(slice,groups,mask,factors)
Пример #52
Файл: gid.py Проект: isaxs/pynx
def FhklDWBA5(x,y,z,h,k,l=None,occ=None,alphai=0.2,alphaf=None,substrate=None,wavelength=1.0,e_par=0.,e_perp=1.0,gpu_name="CPU",use_fractionnal=True,verbose=False,language="OpenCL",cl_platform="",separate_paths=False):
  WARNING: this code is still in development, and needs to be checked !
  Calculate the grazing-incidence X-ray scattered intensity taking into account
  5 scattering paths, for a nanostructure object located above a given substrate.
  All atoms with z>0 are assumed to be above the surface, and their
  scattering is computed using the 4 DWBA paths. Atoms with z<=0 are below
  the surface, and their scattering is computed using a single path,
  taking into account the refraction and the attenuation length.
  x,y,z: coordinates of the atoms in fractionnal coordinates (relative to the 
  substrate unit cell)
  h,k,l: reciprocal space coordinates
  alphai, alphaf: incident and outgoing angles, in radians
  substrate: the substrate material, as a pynx.gid.Crystal object - this will be used
             to calculate the material refraction index.
  wavelength: in Angstroems
  e_par,e_perp: percentage of polarisation parallel and perpendicular to the incident plane
  Note: Either l *OR* alphaf must be supplied - it is assumed that the lattice
  coordinates are such that the [001] direction is perpendicular to the surface.
  # Atoms above the surface #
  if len(idx[0])>0:
    if type(occ)!=type(None): tmpocc=take(occ,idx)
    else: tmpocc=None
  # Atoms below the surface
  if len(idx[0])>0:
    if use_fractionnal: 
    if alphaf==None:
      # alphaf, computed from l and alphai
      if verbose:print "From alphaf: l=%4.2f -> %4.2f"%(tmpl.min(),tmpl.max())
    # TODO For outgoing beam: check e_par and e_perp, signs for k real and imag...
    # kz, transmitted
    if verbose:
      print "wi.kz, dwi.ktz:",wi.kz,dwi.ktz
      print "kz_below real:",kz_real
      print "kz_below imag:",kz_imag
      print "kz_below mean:",kz_real.mean(), kz_imag.mean()
      #print dwf.ktz-dwi.ktz
    #print dwi.Tiy,dwf.Tiy
    #print kz_real,kz_imag
    # Compute scattering
    if type(occ)!=type(None): tmpocc=take(occ,idx)
    else: tmpocc=None
    if use_fractionnal:
  if separate_paths: return f1234[0],f1234[1],f1234[2],f1234[3],f5
  return f1234+f5
Пример #53
def dfa_xval_pca(X,pca,nopcs,group,mask,nodfs,ptype='covar'):
    """Perform PC-DFA with full cross validation
    >>> import scipy
    >>> X = scipy.array([[ 0.19343116,  0.49655245,  0.72711322,  0.79482108,  0.13651874],[ 0.68222322,  0.89976918,  0.30929016,  0.95684345,  0.01175669],[ 0.3027644 ,  0.82162916,  0.83849604,  0.52259035,  0.89389797],[ 0.54167385,  0.64491038,  0.56807246,  0.88014221,  0.19913807],[ 0.15087298,  0.81797434,  0.37041356,  0.17295614,  0.29872301],[ 0.69789848,  0.66022756,  0.70273991,  0.9797469 ,  0.66144258],[ 0.378373  ,  0.34197062,  0.54657115,  0.27144726,  0.28440859],[ 0.8600116 ,  0.2897259 ,  0.4448802 ,  0.25232935,  0.46922429],[ 0.85365513,  0.34119357,  0.69456724,  0.8757419 ,  0.06478112],[ 0.59356291,  0.53407902,  0.62131013,  0.73730599,  0.98833494]])
    >>> group = scipy.array([[1],[1],[1],[1],[2],[2],[2],[3],[3],[3]])
    >>> mask = scipy.array([[0],[1],[0],[0],[0],[0],[1],[0],[0],[1]])
    >>> scores,loads,eigs = dfa_xval_pca(X,'NIPALS',3,group,mask,2,'covar')
    if pca == 'SVD':
        pcscores,pp,pr,pceigs = pca_svd(rx1,type=ptype)        
    elif pca == 'NIPALS':
        pcscores,pp,pr,pceigs = pca_nipals(rx1,nopcs,type=ptype)
    #get indices
    idxn = scipy.arange(X.shape[0])[:,nA]
    tr_idx = scipy.take(idxn,_index(mask,0),0)
    cv_idx = scipy.take(idxn,_index(mask,1),0)
    trscores,loads,eigs,dummy = cva(pcscores[:,0:nopcs],ry1,nodfs)
    #cross validation
    #Get projected pc scores
    if ptype in ['covar']:
        rx2 = rx2-scipy.resize(scipy.mean(rx2,0),(len(rx2),rx1.shape[1]))
        rx2 = (rx2-scipy.resize(scipy.mean(rx2,0),(len(rx2),rx1.shape[1]))) / \
    pcscores = scipy.dot(rx2,scipy.transpose(pp))
    cvscores = scipy.dot(pcscores[:,0:nopcs],loads)
    #independent test
    if max(mask) > 1:
        ts_idx = scipy.take(idxn,_index(mask,2),0)
        if ptype in ['covar']:
            rx3 = rx3-scipy.resize(scipy.mean(rx3,0),(len(rx3),rx1.shape[1]))
            rx3 = (rx3-scipy.resize(scipy.mean(rx3,0),(len(rx3),rx1.shape[1]))) / \
        pcscores = scipy.dot(rx3,scipy.transpose(pp))
        tstscores = scipy.dot(pcscores[:,0:nopcs],loads)
        scores = scipy.zeros((X.shape[0],nodfs),'d')
        tr_idx = scipy.reshape(tr_idx,(len(tr_idx),)).tolist()
        cv_idx = scipy.reshape(cv_idx,(len(cv_idx),)).tolist()
        ts_idx = scipy.reshape(ts_idx,(len(ts_idx),)).tolist()
        scores = scipy.concatenate((trscores,cvscores),0)
        tr_idx = scipy.reshape(tr_idx,(len(tr_idx),)).tolist()
        cv_idx = scipy.reshape(cv_idx,(len(cv_idx),)).tolist()
    #get loadings for original variables
    loads = scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(pp[0:nopcs,:]),loads)
    return scores,loads,eigs
Пример #54
def cva(X,group,nodfs,pcloads=None):
    """Canonical variates analysis
    Ref. Krzanowski

    Manly, B.F.J. Multivariate Statistical Methods: A Primer,
    2nd Ed, Chapman & Hall: New York, 1986 

    >>> import scipy
    >>> X = scipy.array([[ 0.19343116,  0.49655245,  0.72711322,  0.79482108,  0.13651874],[ 0.68222322,  0.89976918,  0.30929016,  0.95684345,  0.01175669],[ 0.3027644 ,  0.82162916,  0.83849604,  0.52259035,  0.89389797],[ 0.54167385,  0.64491038,  0.56807246,  0.88014221,  0.19913807],[ 0.15087298,  0.81797434,  0.37041356,  0.17295614,  0.29872301],[ 0.69789848,  0.66022756,  0.70273991,  0.9797469 ,  0.66144258],[ 0.378373  ,  0.34197062,  0.54657115,  0.27144726,  0.28440859],[ 0.8600116 ,  0.2897259 ,  0.4448802 ,  0.25232935,  0.46922429],[ 0.85365513,  0.34119357,  0.69456724,  0.8757419 ,  0.06478112],[ 0.59356291,  0.53407902,  0.62131013,  0.73730599,  0.98833494]])
    >>> group = scipy.array([[1],[1],[1],[1],[2],[2],[2],[3],[3],[3]])
    >>> B,W = _BW(X,group)
    >>> B
    array([[ 0.12756749, -0.10061061,  0.00366132, -0.00615551,  0.05378535],
           [-0.10061061,  0.09289765,  0.00469185,  0.03883801, -0.05465494],
           [ 0.00366132,  0.00469185,  0.0043456 ,  0.01883603, -0.00530158],
           [-0.00615551,  0.03883801,  0.01883603,  0.08554211, -0.0332867 ],
           [ 0.05378535, -0.05465494, -0.00530158, -0.0332867 ,  0.03372716]])
    >>> W
    array([[ 0.049357  ,  0.00105553, -0.00808075,  0.04037998, -0.02013773],
           [ 0.00105553,  0.03555862, -0.00982256,  0.00761902,  0.02439148],
           [-0.00808075, -0.00982256,  0.03519157,  0.01447587,  0.03438791],
           [ 0.04037998,  0.00761902,  0.01447587,  0.10132225, -0.01048251],
           [-0.02013773,  0.02439148,  0.03438791, -0.01048251,  0.1417496 ]])
    >>> U,As_out,Ls_out,dummy = cva(X,group,5)
    >>> U
    array([[-4.17688874, -4.00309392, -3.30364313, -4.17357019,  0.09912727],
           [-3.84164699, -4.48421541, -2.42156782, -4.9040549 ,  3.20454647],
           [-3.81085207, -3.81397856, -3.57914463, -7.41611306,  0.9193002 ],
           [-3.24935377, -4.45386899, -2.95147097, -4.88934464,  1.59185795],
           [-4.13154582, -2.09087065, -3.10069062, -5.44262709,  2.11303517],
           [-2.16978732, -4.9634328 , -2.48987133, -5.94427649,  1.31295895],
           [-1.5773928 , -2.78409584, -3.60130796, -4.65040852,  0.93512979],
           [ 0.99791536, -3.22594943, -3.54773184, -5.49732342,  2.13121685],
           [-1.37244426, -5.24757135, -4.44704409, -5.11090375,  1.55257506],
           [-0.69651359, -3.79497195, -1.19709398, -5.42908493,  0.677332  ]])
    # Get B,W
    B,W = _BW(X,group)
    # produce a diagonal matrix L of generalized
    # eigenvalues and a full matrix A whose columns are the
    # corresponding eigenvectors so that B*A = W*A*L.
    L,A = scipy.linalg.eig(B,W)
    # need to normalize A such that Aout'*W*Aout = I
    # introducing Cholesky decomposition K = T'T 
    # (see Seber 1984 "Multivariate Observations" pp 270)
    # At the moment
    # A'*W*A = K so substituting Cholesky decomposition
    # A'*W*A = T'*T ; so, inv(T')*A'*W*A*inv(T) = I
    # & [inv(T)]'*A'*W*A*inv(T) = I thus, [A*inv(T)]'*W*[A*inv(T)] = I
    # thus Aout = A*inv(T)
    K = scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(A),scipy.dot(W,A))
    T = scipy.linalg.cholesky(K)
    Aout = scipy.dot(A,scipy.linalg.inv(T))
    # Sort eigenvectors w.r.t eigenvalues
    order =  _flip(scipy.argsort(scipy.reshape(L.real,(len(L),))))
    Ls =  _flip(scipy.sort(L.real))
    # extract & reduce to required size
    As_out = scipy.take(Aout,order[0:nodfs].tolist(),1)
    Ls_out = Ls[0:nodfs][nA,:]
    # Create Scores (canonical variates) is the matrix of scores ###
    U = scipy.dot(X,As_out)
    #convert pc-dfa loadings back to original variables if necessary
    if pcloads is not None:
        pcloads = scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(pcloads),As_out)
    return U,As_out,Ls_out,pcloads
Пример #55
def PlotTrajectoriesForExperiments(model,

    # First find the maximum time in our data
    maxTime = 0
    chemsNeededByCalc = {}
    for exptName in experiments:
        dataByCalc = model.exptColl[exptName].GetData()
        for calc in dataByCalc:
            chemsNeededByCalc.setdefault(calc, [])
            for chem in dataByCalc[calc].keys():
                thisMaxTime = max(dataByCalc[calc][chem].keys())
                if thisMaxTime > maxTime:
                    maxTime = thisMaxTime

    lines = []
    legend = []
    times = scipy.linspace(0, maxTime * (1 + overlap), plotPts)
    varsByCalc = {}
    for calc in chemsNeededByCalc:
        varsByCalc[calc] = {}
        for chem in chemsNeededByCalc[calc]:
            varsByCalc[calc][chem] = times

    model.GetCalculationCollection().Calculate(varsByCalc, params)
    calcVals = model.GetCalculationCollection().GetResults(varsByCalc)
    cW = ColorWheel()
    for exptName in experiments:
        expt = exptColl[exptName]
        dataByCalc = expt.GetData()
        for calc in dataByCalc:
            for chem in dataByCalc[calc]:
                color, sym, dash = cW.next()

                if with_data:
                    for time, (
                            error) in dataByCalc[calc][chem].items()[::skip]:

                predicted = scipy.array(calcVals[calc][chem].items())
                order = scipy.argsort(predicted[:, 0])
                predicted = scipy.take(predicted, order)
                predicted[:,1] = predicted[:,1] *\
                    plot(predicted[:, 0],
                         predicted[:, 1],
                legend.append(chem + ' in ' +
                              str(calc))  # + ' for ' + str(exptName))

    if showLegend:
        legend(lines, legend, loc=4)
Пример #56
def plot_scen_loss_stats(input_dir, site_tag, output_dir,
#                         plot_file, save_file=None,
                         pre89=False, dollars89=False, resonly=False):
    """Plot a scenario loss statistics graph from scenario data.

    input_dir  input directory
    site_tag   event descriptor string
    output_dir general output directory
##    plot_file  name of map output file to create in 'output_dir' directory
##    save_file  name of map data output file to create in 'output_dir' directory
    pre89      if True consider buildings that existed before 1989 only
    dollars89  if True express dollar values in pre-1989 dollars
    resonly    if True consider only residential buildings


    # read in raw data
    data = cpr.obsolete_convert_Py2Mat_Risk(site_tag)

    # filter data depending on various flags
    temp_ecloss = data.ecloss
    temp_bval2 = data.ecbval2
    if pre89:
        if resonly:
            take_array = [x[2] and x[11] for x in data.structures]
            temp_ecloss = scipy.take(data.ecloss, take_array)
            temp_bval2 = scipy.take(data.ecbval2, take_array)
            take_array = [x[2] for x in data.structures]
            temp_ecloss = scipy.take(data.ecloss, take_array)
            temp_bval2 = scipy.take(data.ecbval2, take_array)
        if resonly:
            take_array = [x[11] == 'RES1' for x in data.structures]
            temp_ecloss = scipy.take(data.ecloss, resonly_array)
            temp_bval2 = scipy.take(data.ecbval2, resonly_array)
            temp_ecloss = data.ecloss
            temp_bval2 = data.ecbval2

    # which dollars does user want
    doll_str = 'in 2002 dollars'
    cvt_doll = 1.0
    if dollars89:
        doll_str = 'in 1989 dollars'
        cvt_doll = 1/1.37

    f_ecloss = cvt_doll * temp_ecloss
    f_bval2 = cvt_doll * temp_bval2

    f_aggloss_bill = scipy.sum(f_bval2) / 1e9
    print('f_ecloss=%s' % str(f_ecloss))
    print('f_bval2=%s' % str(f_bval2))
    print('f_aggbval2_bill=%s' % str(f_aggloss_bill))

    h_data = cxh.calc_xy_histogram(f_aggloss_bill, bins=10)
    plot_out = os.path.join(output_dir, 'test1.png')
    title = 'Newc89 agg loss, pre89, 1989 dollars'
    xlabel = '$ %s (x 1e+9)' % doll_str
    pb.plot_barchart(h_data, output_file=plot_out, title=title,
                     xlabel=xlabel, ylabel='frequency',
                     xrange=None, yrange=None, grid=True,
                     show_graph=True, annotate=[])
Пример #57
def findCubeNeighbors(max_N_cubes_1D, big_cube_lower_coord, cubes_centroids, a):
    """for each cubes finds its neighbors.
    We use a code similar to Level::searchCubesNeighborsIndexes() from octtree.cpp """
    C = cubes_centroids.shape[0]
    # alternative code
    absoluteCartesianCoord = floor( (cubes_centroids-big_cube_lower_coord)/a )
    CubesNumbers = (absoluteCartesianCoord[:, 0] * max_N_cubes_1D)* max_N_cubes_1D + absoluteCartesianCoord[:, 1] * max_N_cubes_1D + absoluteCartesianCoord[:, 2]
    CubesSortedNumbersToIndexes = zeros((C, 2),'d')
    indSortedCubesNumbers = argsort(CubesNumbers, kind='mergesort')
    CubesSortedNumbersToIndexes[:, 0] = take(CubesNumbers, indSortedCubesNumbers, axis=0)
    CubesSortedNumbersToIndexes[:, 1] = take(arange(C), indSortedCubesNumbers, axis=0)
    cubesNeighborsIndexesTmp2 = zeros((C, 28), 'i') - 1
    wrapping_code2 = """
    int counter;
    for (int i=0 ; i<C ; ++i) {
      blitz::Array<double, 1> absCartCoord(3);
      absCartCoord = absoluteCartesianCoord(i, 0), absoluteCartesianCoord(i, 1), absoluteCartesianCoord(i, 2);
      counter = 1;
      cubesNeighborsIndexesTmp2(i, 0) = i; // we first consider the cube itself
      // we find the neighbors
      for (int x=-1 ; x<2 ; ++x) {
        for (int y=-1 ; y<2 ; ++y) {
          for (int z=-1 ; z<2 ; ++z) {
            int index = -1;
            blitz::Array<double, 1> CandidateAbsCartCoord(3);
            CandidateAbsCartCoord = absCartCoord(0) + x, absCartCoord(1) + y, absCartCoord(2) + z;
            /// no component of (absoluteCartesianCoord(i) + p) -- where i=0,1,2 and p = x,y,z -- can be:
            /// (1) negative or (2) greater than MaxNumberCubes1D.
            int condition = 1;
            for (int j=0 ; j<3 ; ++j) condition *= ( (CandidateAbsCartCoord(j) >= 0) && (CandidateAbsCartCoord(j) < max_N_cubes_1D) );
            // we also do not want to consider the cube itself
            condition *= !((x==0) && (y==0) && (z==0));
            if (condition>0) {
              double candidate_number = (CandidateAbsCartCoord(0) * max_N_cubes_1D)*max_N_cubes_1D + CandidateAbsCartCoord(1) * max_N_cubes_1D + CandidateAbsCartCoord(2);
              { // index search
                if ( (candidate_number < CubesSortedNumbersToIndexes(0, 0)) || (candidate_number > CubesSortedNumbersToIndexes(C-1, 0)) ) index = -1;
                else {
                  int ind_inf = 0, ind_sup = C-1, ind_mid;
                  while(ind_sup-ind_inf > 1) {
                    ind_mid = (ind_sup+ind_inf)/2;
                    if (candidate_number > CubesSortedNumbersToIndexes(ind_mid, 0)) ind_inf = ind_mid;
                    else ind_sup = ind_mid;
                  if (candidate_number == CubesSortedNumbersToIndexes(ind_inf, 0)) index = CubesSortedNumbersToIndexes(ind_inf, 1);
                  else if (candidate_number == CubesSortedNumbersToIndexes(ind_sup, 0)) index = CubesSortedNumbersToIndexes(ind_sup, 1);
                  else index = -1;
              } // end of index search
            if (index>-1) {cubesNeighborsIndexesTmp2(i, counter) = index; counter++;}
          } // z
        } // y
      } // x
                 ['C', 'CubesSortedNumbersToIndexes', 'cubesNeighborsIndexesTmp2', 'absoluteCartesianCoord', 'max_N_cubes_1D'],
                 type_converters = converters.blitz,
                 include_dirs = [],
                 library_dirs = [],
                 libraries = [],
                 headers = ['<iostream>'],
                 compiler = 'gcc',
                 extra_compile_args = ['-O3', '-pthread', '-w'])
    # construction of "cubesNeighborsIndexes"
    cubes_lists_NeighborsIndexes2 = {}
    N_total_neighbors = 0
    for i in range(C):
        cubes_lists_NeighborsIndexes2[i] = []
    for i in range(C):
        listTmp = []
        j = 0
        while cubesNeighborsIndexesTmp2[i, j] > -1:
            listTmp.append(cubesNeighborsIndexesTmp2[i, j])
            j += 1
        cubes_lists_NeighborsIndexes2[i] = listTmp
        N_total_neighbors += len(listTmp)
    # we also have to save the cubesNeighborsIndexes under a form easily readable by C++ code
    cubes_neighborsIndexes = zeros(N_total_neighbors, 'i')
    cube_N_neighbors = zeros(C, 'i')
    startIndex = 0
    for j in range(C):
        length = len(cubes_lists_NeighborsIndexes2[j])
        cube_N_neighbors[j] = length
        cubes_neighborsIndexes[startIndex:startIndex + length] = cubes_lists_NeighborsIndexes2[j]
        startIndex += length
    return cubes_lists_NeighborsIndexes2, cubes_neighborsIndexes, cube_N_neighbors
Пример #58
def plot_model_results(model, expts = None, style='errorbars',
                       show_legend = True, loc = 'upper left',
                       plot_data = True, plot_trajectories = True,
    Plot the fits to the given experiments for the last cost evalution of the
    Note: You may need to run a Plotting.show() to display the plot.
      model: Model whose results to plot
      expts: List of experiment IDs to plot, if None is specified, all 
             experiments are plotted
      style: Style of plot. Currently supported options are:
              'errorbars': Plots points and bars for each data point
              'lines': Plots a continuous line for the data
      show_legend: Boolean that control whether or not to show the legend
      loc: Location of the legend. See help(Plotting.legend) for options.
      plot_data: Boolean that controls whether the data is plotted
      plot_trajectories: Boolean that controls whether the trajectories are
      data_to_plot: If None, all data variables will be plotted. Otherwise,
                       pass a list of id's and only variables in  that list
                       will be plotted.
    exptColl = model.get_expts()
    calcColl = model.get_calcs()

    lines, labels = [], []
    cW = ColorWheel()
    if expts is None:
        expts = exptColl.keys()

    for exptId in expts:
        expt = exptColl[exptId]
        dataByCalc = expt.GetData()
        for ds in expt.scaled_extrema_data:
            dataByCalc.setdefault(ds['calcKey'], {})
            dataByCalc[ds['calcKey']].setdefault(ds['var'], {})
        # We sort the calculation names for easier comparison across plots
        sortedCalcIds = dataByCalc.keys()
        for calcId in sortedCalcIds:
            # Pull the trajectory from that calculation, defaulting to None
            #  if it doesn't exist.
            net = calcColl.get(calcId)
            traj = getattr(net, 'trajectory', None)
            for dataId, dataDict in dataByCalc[calcId].items():
                # Skip this variable if it's not amongst our data_to_plot
                #  list.
                if (data_to_plot is not None) and (dataId not in data_to_plot):
                color, sym, dash = cW.next()

                if plot_trajectories:
                    if traj is None:
                        print 'No trajectory in calculation %s!' % calcId
                        print 'The cost must be evaluated before the results',
                        print 'can be plotted.'
                    scaleFactor = model.GetScaleFactors()[exptId][dataId]
                    result = scaleFactor*traj.getVariableTrajectory(dataId)
                    l = plot(traj.timepoints, result, color=color, 

                    # We superimpose a dotted black line to distinguish
                    #  theory from data in this case
                    if style is 'lines':
                        plot(traj.timepoints, result, 'k--', linewidth=3,
                                   zorder = 10)

                if plot_data and dataDict:
                    # Pull the data out of the dictionary and into an array
                    d = scipy.array([[t, v, e] for (t, (v, e))
                                     in dataDict.items()])
                    if style is 'errorbars':
                        l = errorbar(d[:,0], d[:,1], yerr=d[:,2], color=color,
                                     mfc = color, linestyle='', marker=sym,
                                     ecolor='k', capsize=6)[0]
                    elif style is 'lines':
                        # Make sure we order the data before plotting
                        order = scipy.argsort(d[:,0], 0)
                        d = scipy.take(d, order, 0)
                        l = plot(d[:,0], d[:,1], color=color,

                # Plot the extra data points.
                if plot_data:
                    for res in model.residuals:
                        if isinstance(res, Residuals.ScaledExtremum)\
                           and res.exptKey == exptId and res.calcKey == calcId\
                           and res.var == dataId:
                            t = res.last_time_result
                            val = res.yMeas
                            sigma = res.ySigma
                            errorbar([t], [val], [sigma], color=color,
                                     linestyle='', marker=sym,
                                     ecolor=color, capsize=6, mfc='w', 
                                     mec=color, mew=2, ms=10)

                # Let's print the pretty name for our variable if we can.
                name = net.get_component_name(dataId)
                labels.append('%s in %s for %s' % (name, calcId, exptId))

    if show_legend:
        legend(lines, labels, loc=loc)

    return lines, labels