def massLossRate(dat): js =2 je = dat.Nx-1 ie = dat.Nz-1 ist = 2 ro = dat.dd[:,js]*dat.Dsc # outer x boundary mout1 = zeros(dat.Nz) mout1[:] = 2.*pi* dat.Rsc*dat.x[je]* dat.u2[:, je]*dat.Usc* ro mout1[:]=[0. if x<0. else x for x in mout1 ] mdotTot1 = trapz(mout1, dat.z*dat.Rsc) mout2 = zeros(dat.Nx) # upper z boundary mout2[:] = 2.*pi* dat.Rsc*dat.x[:]* dat.u1[ie, :]*dat.Usc* dat.dd[ie,:]*dat.Dsc mdotTotUp = trapz(mout2, dat.x*dat.Rsc) mout2[:] = 0. # lower z boundary mout2[:] = -2.*pi* dat.Rsc*dat.x[:]* dat.u1[ist, :]*dat.Usc* dat.dd[ist,:]*dat.Dsc mdotTotBot = trapz(mout2, dat.x*dat.Rsc) return(mdotTot1, mdotTotUp, mdotTotBot )
def turbulent_power_curve(self): '''post processes the power curve for 10 minute average points in a class 3A turbulent environment to IEC standard''' # Number of points in distribution n = 10 # iec standard values for class A I_ref = 0.16 b = 5.6 x = np.linspace(stats.norm.ppf(0.05), stats.norm.ppf(0.95), n) # linear spacing between 5th and 95th percentile x0 = x pdf = stats.norm.pdf(x) powers = [] for v_w in self.v_ws_at_h_ref: # calculating sigma of 90th quantile from IEC sig = (I_ref * (.75 * v_w + b)) x = x0 * (sig / x0[-1]) x_ea = x + v_w # calculates all the powers at the different points y_ea = np.array(interp(x_ea, self.v_ws_at_h_ref, self.powers)) av = trapz(y_ea * pdf, x_ea) / trapz(pdf, x_ea) powers.append(av) self.powers_turb = powers
def is_up_major(self, iatom, anglars=['s', 'p', 'd']): up_angs = [a + '+' for a in anglars] down_angs = [a + '-' for a in anglars] up_dos = [self.site_dos(iatom, s) for s in up_angs] up_dos_sum = [] for di in up_dos: x = np.array([, di]) e = x[0][x[0] < 0] d = x[1][x[0] < 0] up_dos_sum.append(trapz(d, x=e)) self.up_tot_dos = sum(up_dos_sum) down_dos = [self.site_dos(iatom, s) for s in down_angs] down_dos_sum = [] for di in down_dos: x = np.array([, di]) e = x[0][x[0] < 0] d = x[1][x[0] < 0] down_dos_sum.append(trapz(d, x=e)) self.down_tot_dos = sum(down_dos_sum) if self.up_tot_dos < self.down_tot_dos: print('Warning: up down reversed so that up is major ') return self.up_tot_dos > self.down_tot_dos
def get_major_minor_dos(self, iatom, anglars=['s', 'p', 'd']): """ return the DOS_major, DOS_minor. Args: iatom: index of atom or symnum. anglars: orbital names without up/down. eg. ['s','p'] or [dxy,dxz] """ up_angs = [a + '+' for a in anglars] down_angs = [a + '-' for a in anglars] up_dos = [self.site_dos(iatom, s) for s in up_angs] up_dos_sum = [] for di in up_dos: x = np.array([, di]) e = x[0][x[0] < 0] d = x[1][x[0] < 0] up_dos_sum.append(trapz(d, x=e)) self.up_tot_dos = sum(up_dos_sum) down_dos = [self.site_dos(iatom, s) for s in down_angs] down_dos_sum = [] for di in down_dos: x = np.array([, di]) e = x[0][x[0] < 0] d = x[1][x[0] < 0] down_dos_sum.append(trapz(d, x=e)) self.down_tot_dos = sum(down_dos_sum) print(('up: %s, down: %s' % (self.up_tot_dos, self.down_tot_dos))) if self.up_tot_dos > self.down_tot_dos: return up_dos, down_dos else: return down_dos, up_dos
def X_binding(par, qw): """Computation of the exciton binding energy given the electron and hole wave function and the variational parameter par Defined in Eq. 15(b) of Mares and Chuang, J. Appl. Phys. 74, 1388 (1993) Keyword arguments: par -- variational parameter in [nm] qw -- Object containing the electronic structure related magnitudes. See QW. """ lam = par * 1.0E-9 Ry = spc.physical_constants['Rydberg constant times hc in eV'][0] R0 = Ry***2 aB = spc.physical_constants['Bohr radius'][0] ax = aB*qw.eps_r/ beta = ax/lam C0 = R0*beta**2 C1 = -R0*4.0*beta Ze = sp.zeros([1,qw.grid.shape[0]]) Ze[0,:] = qw.grid[:] Zh = sp.zeros([qw.grid.shape[0],1]) Zh[:,0] = qw.grid[:] X = 2.0*sp.absolute(Ze-Zh)/par Fe = sp.zeros([1,qw.grid.shape[0]]) Fe[0,:] =[:]**2 Fh = sp.zeros([qw.grid.shape[0],1]) Fh[:,0] =[:]**2 Int = Fe * Fh * G_int(X) Val = sp.trapz( sp.trapz(Int, Ze.flatten() ), Zh.flatten()) return C0 + C1 * Val
def Data_processing_python(data_name, R_int, R_out, W, X0): import numpy as np import scipy as sp Max_elements = np.genfromtxt(data_name, usecols=(0), skip_header=0, skip_footer=-1, dtype=float, unpack=True) data = np.genfromtxt(data_name, usecols=(0, 1), skip_header=1, skip_footer=Max_elements[0]) np.matrix(data) g = np.genfromtxt(data_name, usecols=(0), skip_header=int(Max_elements[0] + 1.), dtype=float, unpack=True) from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator f_cart = sp.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(data, g, rescale=False) r = np.linspace(R_int, R_out, 4000) o = np.linspace(-W * np.pi, W * np.pi, 4000) x = np.linspace(X0, X0, 4000) f = f_cart(r[:, np.newaxis] * np.cos(o[np.newaxis, :]) + x[:, np.newaxis], r[:, np.newaxis] * np.sin(o[np.newaxis, :])) * (r[:, np.newaxis]) G_theta = sp.trapz(sp.trapz(f, o[np.newaxis, :], axis=1), r, axis=0) return G_theta
def __init__(self, xvals, yvals): # if order is reversed, flip it if xvals[0] > xvals[-1]: xvals = xvals[::-1] yvals = yvals[::-1] # number of intervals to partition our range nsamp = options['pdf']['numpart'] # for pdfs with tails, set the range for sampling _range = options['pdf']['range'] range = [(1.0 - _range)/2.0, (1.0 + _range)/2.0] self.x = xvals self.cdfy = np.append([0.0], np.cumsum((np.diff(yvals)/2.0 + yvals[:-1])*np.diff(xvals))) self.cdfy /= self.cdfy[-1] # Trim tails that have grown to 10% of the range of the PDF resample = False mmin, mmax = self.ppf([0, 1]) dist = mmax - mmin #print "range of pdf = [%s - %s]" % (mmin, mmax) #print "range of PDF = [%s - %s]" % (xvals[0], xvals[-1]) #print "dist=%s" % dist #print "proposed range = [%s - %s]" % (self.ppf(range[0]), self.ppf(range[1])) #print "[%s , %s]" % ((mmin - self.ppf(range[0]))/dist, (mmax - self.ppf(range[1]))/dist) if np.isnan(mmin) or abs((mmin - self.ppf(range[0])) / dist) > .1: mmin = self.ppf(range[0]) resample = True else: mmin = xvals[0] if np.isnan(mmax) or abs((mmax - self.ppf(range[1])) / dist) > .1: mmax = self.ppf(range[1]) resample = True else: mmax = xvals[-1] # resample if not even spacing if not resample: resample = not np.allclose(np.diff(xvals)[0], np.diff(xvals)) # resample if number of intervals is 10% too large or small if not resample: resample = np.abs(len(xvals) - nsamp) > (nsamp * .1) if resample: self.x = np.linspace(mmin, mmax, nsamp) self.y = np.interp(self.x, xvals, yvals) self.y = np.abs(self.y / trapz(self.y, self.x)) self.cdfy = np.append([0.0], np.cumsum((np.diff(self.y)/2.0 + self.y[:-1])*np.diff(self.x))) else: # normalize (integral must be 1.0) self.y = yvals / trapz(yvals, self.x) self.mean = trapz(self.x * self.y, self.x) = np.sqrt(np.abs(trapz(self.y * (self.x - self.mean)**2, self.x)))
def diffraction_efficiency(str_gmsh_path, nm, lambda0, theta, d, eps_sub, eps_sup, npt_integ, nb_slice, N_d_order): decalage = 0 No_ordre = np.linspace(-N_d_order + decalage, N_d_order + decalage, 2 * N_d_order + 1) x_slice = sc.linspace(-d / 2, d / 2, npt_integ) k_sub = 2 * pi * sc.sqrt(eps_sub) / lambda0 k_sup = 2 * pi * sc.sqrt(eps_sup) / lambda0 alpha_sup = k_sup * sc.sin(theta) beta_sup = sc.sqrt(k_sup**2 - alpha_sup**2) beta_sub = sc.sqrt(k_sub**2 - alpha_sup**2) s_t = sc.zeros((1, (2 * N_d_order + 1)), complex)[0, :] s_r = sc.zeros((1, (2 * N_d_order + 1)), complex)[0, :] Aeff_t = sc.zeros((nb_slice, 2 * N_d_order + 1), complex) Aeff_r = sc.zeros((nb_slice, 2 * N_d_order + 1), complex) Ez_diff_t = np.loadtxt('./Views/sub_field_cuts.out', usecols=[ 8 ]) + 1j * np.loadtxt('./Views/sub_field_cuts.out', usecols=[9]) Ez_diff_r = np.loadtxt('./Views/sup_field_cuts.out', usecols=[ 8 ]) + 1j * np.loadtxt('./Views/sup_field_cuts.out', usecols=[9]) Ez_diff_t = np.transpose(Ez_diff_t.reshape(npt_integ, nb_slice, order="F")) Ez_diff_r = np.transpose(Ez_diff_r.reshape(npt_integ, nb_slice, order="F")) for m1 in range(0, nb_slice): slice_t = Ez_diff_t[m1, :] slice_r = Ez_diff_r[m1, :] alphat_t = alpha_sup + 2 * pi / (d) * No_ordre alphat_r = alpha_sup + 2 * pi / (d) * No_ordre betat_sup = sc.sqrt(k_sup**2 - alphat_r**2) betat_sub = sc.sqrt(k_sub**2 - alphat_t**2) for k in range(0, 2 * N_d_order + 1): expalpha_t = sc.exp(-1j * alphat_t[k] * x_slice) expalpha_r = sc.exp(-1j * alphat_r[k] * x_slice) s_t[k] = sc.trapz(slice_t * expalpha_t, x=x_slice) / d s_r[k] = sc.trapz(slice_r * expalpha_r, x=x_slice) / d Aeff_t[m1, :] = (np.abs(s_t))**2 * betat_sub / beta_sup Aeff_r[m1, :] = (np.abs(s_r))**2 * betat_sup / beta_sup Rordre = np.mean(Aeff_r, axis=0) Tordre = np.mean(Aeff_t, axis=0) R = np.mean(np.sum(Aeff_r.real, axis=1)) T = np.mean(np.sum(Aeff_t.real, axis=1)) Q_lamel_in = np.loadtxt('./Views/temp-Q_lamel_in.txt')[1] #[bit[1] for bit in [map(float, line.split()) for line in file('./Views/temp-Q_lamel_in.txt')]][0] print('\n******************') print('* ENERGY BALANCE *') print('******************') print('R = ', "%0.6f" % R, ' (standard dev slice2slice=', sc.std(np.sum(Aeff_r.real, axis=1)), ')') print('T = ', "%0.6f" % T, ' (standard dev slice2slice=', sc.std(np.sum(Aeff_t.real, axis=1)), ')') print('Q_lamel_in = ', "%0.6f" % Q_lamel_in) print('------------------------') print('TOTAL = ', "%0.6f" % (T + R + Q_lamel_in)) return [Rordre, Tordre, R, T, Q_lamel_in]
def rmse(self, individual, *f_args): y = self.trajectory(individual, *f_args) # 2/NT * ∫y0^2 dt from 0 to N*T. ampl_ = np.sqrt(scipy.trapz(y[0, :]**2, x=self.x) * 2.0 / self.NT) # 2/NTA^2 * ∫y1^2 dt from 0 to N*T. omega_ = np.sqrt( scipy.trapz(y[1, :]**2, x=self.x) * 2.0 / (self.NT * ampl_**2)) rmse_ampl = utils.numeric.rmse(self.ampl, ampl_) rmse_omega = utils.numeric.rmse(, omega_) # Alternative measure. # rmse_ampl = utils.numeric.rmse(self.ampl * np.sin( * self.x), y[0, :]) # rmse_omega = utils.numeric.rmse(self.ampl * * np.cos( * self.x), y[1, :]) return assessment.replace_nan((rmse_ampl, rmse_omega))
def testConversion(self): #loadFiles() readerSIG = HarmonieReader(os.path.join(parentdir, "test.SIG")) print("Saving a copy in the BDF format...") readerSIG.saveAsEDF(os.path.join(parentdir, "test.bdf"), "BDF", annotationFileName=os.path.join( parentdir, "test Annotations.bdf")) print("Reading the saved BDF file...") readerEDF = EDFReader(os.path.join(parentdir, "test.BDF"), annotationFileName=os.path.join( parentdir, "test Annotations.bdf")) channelListSig = readerSIG.getChannelLabels() channelListEdf = readerEDF.getChannelLabels() # For each pages, verify that the signals in reader and readerEDF # are essentially the same by verifying their signal-to-noise ratio for noPage in range(readerSIG.getNbRecords()): # We test only complete pages since incomplete pages will be # different for the two formats, the EDF format padding zeros # at the end of the page to make complete records. if readerSIG.getInfoRecords(noPage + 1).isComplete: pageSIG = readerSIG.readRecord(channelListSig, noPage + 1) pageEDF = readerEDF.readRecord(channelListEdf, noPage + 1) for channelSig, channelEdf in zip(channelListSig, channelListEdf): Y1 = pageSIG.getSignal(channelSig) Y2 = pageEDF.getSignal(channelEdf) SNR = 10.0 * log10(trapz(Y1**2) / trapz((Y1 - Y2)**2)) print(("noPage=", noPage + 1, "(of ", readerSIG.getNbRecords(), ")", "channel=", channelSig, "SNR=", SNR)) if channelSig != "Mic-Mic" and SNR < 50.0: import pylab pylab.plot(list(range(len(Y1))), Y1) pylab.plot(list(range(len(Y2))), Y2) self.failIf(channelSig != "Mic-Mic" and SNR < 50.0) else: print(("Skiping incomplete page " + str(noPage + 1)))
def bandpower(signal, fs, fmin, fmax): ''' This function calculates the bandpower of a selected frequency range. Parameters ---------- signal : array (1-dim) Signal for which the bandpower is calculated. fs : float or int Sampling rate of the input signal [Hz]. fmin : float or int Lower limiting frequency of the power band [Hz]. fmax : float or int Upper limiting frequency of the power band [Hz]. Returns ------- float Bandpower of the choosen frequency range. ''' f, Pxx = scipy.signal.periodogram( signal, fs=fs) # Pxx has units of V**2/Hz if x is measured in V ind_min = scipy.argmax(f > fmin) - 1 # get lower limiting frequency index ind_max = scipy.argmax(f > fmax) - 1 # get upper limiting frequency index return scipy.trapz(Pxx[ind_min:ind_max], f[ind_min:ind_max] ) # integrate selected power densitiy spectrum & return
def calc(x, fmin, fmax, fs=sample_freq): x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) f, Pxx = periodogram(x, fs=fs) ind_min = scipy.argmax(f > fmin) - 1 ind_max = scipy.argmax(f > fmax) - 1 y = scipy.trapz(Pxx[ind_min: ind_max], f[ind_min: ind_max]) return y
def bandpower(f, Pxx, fmin, fmax): """ integrate the power spectral density between fmin and fmax using the trapezoidal method """ ind_min = scipy.argmax(f > fmin) - 1 ind_max = scipy.argmax(f > fmax) - 1 return scipy.trapz(Pxx[ind_min: ind_max], f[ind_min: ind_max])
def compute_baseline(path,animal,trials): BASELINE_INDEX = [] for trial in trials: data = '{}/{}/{}_TRACES.csv'.format(path,trial,animal) trace = np.genfromtxt(data,delimiter='').reshape((16,3,-1)) CHARGES = [] for i in range(trace.shape[0]): sinus = trace[i,2,:] clean_trace = sinus[np.logical_not(np.isnan(sinus))] #Discard empty trials if len(clean_trace) == 0: continue else: charge = trapz(clean_trace,dx=0.0001) CHARGES.append(charge) BASELINE_INDEX.append(np.nanmean(CHARGES)) return [np.nanmean(BASELINE_INDEX), np.nanstd(BASELINE_INDEX), np.nanstd(BASELINE_INDEX)/np.sqrt(len(BASELINE_INDEX))]
def compute_timecourse(path,animal,trials): TIMECOURSE = [] for trial in trials: data = '{}/{}/{}_TRACES.csv'.format(path,trial,animal) trace = np.genfromtxt(data,delimiter='').reshape((16,3,-1)) CHARGES = [] for i in range(trace.shape[0]): sinus = trace[i,2,:] clean_trace = sinus[np.logical_not(np.isnan(sinus))] #Discard empty trials if len(clean_trace) == 0: continue else: charge = trapz(clean_trace,dx=0.0001) CHARGES.append(charge) TIMECOURSE.append(np.nanmean(CHARGES)) return TIMECOURSE
def exchange(a, b, grid, end_point=-1): abc, asc, al, aj = a # radial and angular for a bbc, bsc, bl, bj = b # radial and angular for b jmax, jmin = max(aj, bj), min(aj, bj) ro, w, h = grid # radial grid and weights end_ind = end_point < 0 and len(ro) or (sc.where(ro > end_point)[0][0]+1) cabc = abc[:end_ind] casc = asc[:end_ind] cbbc = bbc[:end_ind] cbsc = bsc[:end_ind] cro = ro[:end_ind] cw = w[:end_ind] k = jmax - jmin if (k+al+bl) % 2 != 0: k += 1 dens0 = cabc*cbbc+casc*cbsc dens_kg = dens0/cro**(k+1) dens_kl = dens0*cro**k res = 0e0 while (k <= (jmax+jmin)): dens_g_int = cumtrapz(dens_kg*cw, initial=0e0)*h # внешнее интегрирование от r до бесконечности dens_g_int = dens_g_int[-1] - dens_g_int dens_l_int = cumtrapz(dens_kl*cw, initial=0e0)*h res_k = sc.trapz((dens_kg*dens_l_int+dens_kl*dens_g_int)*cw)*h res += res_k*w3js0[(jmax, jmin, k)] k += 2 dens_kg = dens_kg/cro**2 dens_kl = dens_kl*cro**2 return res
def compute(specter, lines): h = 6.62606957 * 10**-34 c = 3 * 10**8 kb = 1.3806488 * 10**-23 temp = [] z = [] for row, spec in enumerate(np.transpose(specter)): tempData = [] for key, line in enumerate(lines): intLine = sp.trapz(spec[line[0]:line[1]]) #print(intLine) lambdaNist = line[2] Aki = line[3] Ek = line[4] g = line[5] if intLine > 0: nkgk = np.log(intLine / ((h * c * Aki * g) / lambdaNist)) tempData.append((Ek, nkgk)) if len(tempData) > 0: tempArray = np.array(tempData) print(tempArray) koef = np.polyfit(tempArray[:, 0], tempArray[:, 1], 1) temp.append(koef[0]) z.append(row) print(temp) plt.plot(z, temp)
def calc(x, fmin, fmax, fs): x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) f, Pxx = periodogram(x, fs=fs) ind_min = argmax(f > fmin) - 1 ind_max = argmax(f > fmax) - 1 y = trapz(Pxx[ind_min: ind_max], f[ind_min: ind_max]) return y
def bandpower(seq, sampling_frequency, frequency_band, window_sec=None): low, high = frequency_band nperseg = (2 / low) * sampling_frequency # f, Pxx = scipy.signal.periodogram(seq, fs=sampling_frequency) f, Pxx = welch(seq, sampling_frequency, nperseg=nperseg) ind_min = scipy.argmax(f > frequency_band[0]) - 1 ind_max = scipy.argmax(f > frequency_band[1]) - 1 return scipy.trapz(Pxx[ind_min:ind_max], f[ind_min:ind_max])
def sampleDerAlleles(phi, xx, ssize): sf = np.zeros(ssize + 1) for ii in xrange(0, 668): # int( ssize*0.01) ): # ssize+1 # binomial distribution binomDist = lambda i, q: scipy.stats.binom.pmf(i, ssize, q) biomd = binomDist(ii, xx) sf[ii] = scipy.trapz(biomd * phi, xx) return np.nan_to_num(sf)
def getSOC(power): P=power Voc = 400 R = 0.1 c=90 #in kwh I = (Voc - math.sqrt(math.Voc** - 4*R*P))/2*R SOC = np.trapz(Voc*I)/(c*3600*1000) soc_percent = SOC*100 return soc_percent
def __convolveSphinx(self,star): ''' Convolve the Sphinx output with the SPIRE resolution. The convolution is done in wave number (cm^-1). @param star: The Star() object for which Sphinx profiles are loaded @type star: Star() ''' #- Get sphinx model output and merge, for all star models in star_grid if not self.resolution: print '* Resolution is undefined. Cannot convolve Sphinx.' return print '* Reading Sphinx model and merging.' sphinx_wav,sphinx_flux = star['LAST_GASTRONOOM_MODEL'] \ and self.mergeSphinx(star) \ or [[],[]] if not sphinx_wav: print '* No Sphinx data found.' return sphinx_wav = 1./array(sphinx_wav)*10**(4) sphinx_flux = array(sphinx_flux) sphinx_wav = sphinx_wav[::-1] sphinx_flux = sphinx_flux[::-1] #-- eliminate some of the zeroes in the grid to reduce calculation time # (can reduce the array by a factor up to 100!!) s = self.sigma lcs = array(sorted([1./line.wavelength for line in star['GAS_LINES']])) new_wav, new_flux = [sphinx_wav[0]],[sphinx_flux[0]] for w,f in zip(sphinx_wav[1:],sphinx_flux[1:]): if f != 0 or (w < 5*s+lcs[argmin(abs(lcs-w))] \ and w > lcs[argmin(abs(lcs-w))]-5*s): new_wav.append(w) new_flux.append(f) new_wav, new_flux = array(new_wav), array(new_flux) #-- convolve the model fluxes with a gaussian and constant sigma(spire) print '* Convolving Sphinx model for SPIRE.' convolution = Data.convolveArray(new_wav,new_flux,s) for data_wav,fn in zip(self.data_wave_list,self.data_filenames): rebinned = [] #-- Convert wavelengths to wave number for integration, and reverse data_cm = data_wav[::-1] data_cm = 1./data_cm*10**4 rebinned = [trapz(y=convolution[abs(new_wav-wavi)<=self.resolution/self.oversampling],\ x=new_wav[abs(new_wav-wavi)<=self.resolution/self.oversampling])\ /(self.resolution/self.oversampling) for wavi in data_cm] #-- Reverse the rebinned fluxes so they match up with the # wavelength grid. rebinned = array(rebinned)[::-1] self.sphinx_convolution[star['LAST_SPIRE_MODEL']][fn] = rebinned
def __convolveSphinx(self, star): ''' Convolve the Sphinx output with the SPIRE resolution. The convolution is done in wave number (cm^-1). @param star: The Star() object for which Sphinx profiles are loaded @type star: Star() ''' #- Get sphinx model output and merge, for all star models in star_grid if not self.resolution: print '* Resolution is undefined. Cannot convolve Sphinx.' return print '* Reading Sphinx model and merging.' sphinx_wav,sphinx_flux = star['LAST_GASTRONOOM_MODEL'] \ and self.mergeSphinx(star) \ or [[],[]] if not sphinx_wav: print '* No Sphinx data found.' return sphinx_wav = 1. / array(sphinx_wav) * 10**(4) sphinx_flux = array(sphinx_flux) sphinx_wav = sphinx_wav[::-1] sphinx_flux = sphinx_flux[::-1] #-- eliminate some of the zeroes in the grid to reduce calculation time # (can reduce the array by a factor up to 100!!) s = self.sigma lcs = array( sorted([1. / line.wavelength for line in star['GAS_LINES']])) new_wav, new_flux = [sphinx_wav[0]], [sphinx_flux[0]] for w, f in zip(sphinx_wav[1:], sphinx_flux[1:]): if f != 0 or (w < 5*s+lcs[argmin(abs(lcs-w))] \ and w > lcs[argmin(abs(lcs-w))]-5*s): new_wav.append(w) new_flux.append(f) new_wav, new_flux = array(new_wav), array(new_flux) #-- convolve the model fluxes with a gaussian and constant sigma(spire) print '* Convolving Sphinx model for SPIRE.' convolution = Data.convolveArray(new_wav, new_flux, s) for data_wav, fn in zip(self.data_wave_list, self.data_filenames): rebinned = [] #-- Convert wavelengths to wave number for integration, and reverse data_cm = data_wav[::-1] data_cm = 1. / data_cm * 10**4 rebinned = [trapz(y=convolution[abs(new_wav-wavi)<=self.resolution/self.oversampling],\ x=new_wav[abs(new_wav-wavi)<=self.resolution/self.oversampling])\ /(self.resolution/self.oversampling) for wavi in data_cm] #-- Reverse the rebinned fluxes so they match up with the # wavelength grid. rebinned = array(rebinned)[::-1] self.sphinx_convolution[star['LAST_SPIRE_MODEL']][fn] = rebinned
def _bandwidth(data, N=None, MIN=None, MAX=None): ''' An implementation of the kde bandwidth selection method outlined in: Z. I. Botev, J. F. Grotowski, and D. P. Kroese. Kernel density estimation via diffusion. The Annals of Statistics, 38(5):2916-2957, 2010. Based on the implementation in Matlab by Zdravko Botev. Daniel B. Smith, PhD Updated 1-23-2013 ''' # Parameters to set up the mesh on which to calculate N = 2**14 if N is None else int(2**sp.ceil(sp.log2(N))) if MIN is None or MAX is None: minimum = min(data) maximum = max(data) Range = maximum - minimum MIN = minimum - Range / 10 if MIN is None else MIN MAX = maximum + Range / 10 if MAX is None else MAX # Range of the data R = MAX - MIN # Histogram the data to get a crude first approximation of the density M = len(data) DataHist, bins = sp.histogram(data, bins=N, range=(MIN, MAX)) DataHist = DataHist / M DCTData = scipy.fftpack.dct(DataHist, norm=None) I = [iN * iN for iN in range(1, N)] SqDCTData = (DCTData[1:] / 2)**2 # The fixed point calculation finds the bandwidth = t_star guess = 0.1 try: t_star = scipy.optimize.brentq(__fixed_point, 0, guess, args=(M, I, SqDCTData)) except ValueError: print('Oops!') return None # Smooth the DCTransformed data using t_star SmDCTData = DCTData * sp.exp(-sp.arange(N)**2 * sp.pi**2 * t_star / 2) # Inverse DCT to get density density = scipy.fftpack.idct(SmDCTData, norm=None) * N / R mesh = [(bins[i] + bins[i + 1]) / 2 for i in range(N)] bandwidth = sp.sqrt(t_star) * R density = density / sp.trapz(density, mesh) # return bandwidth, mesh, density return bandwidth
def Lookback_Time(self, zt): lenzt = len(zt) th = 1 / self.Ho E_zt = np.zeros(lenzt) tL = np.zeros(lenzt) t = np.zeros(lenzt) for n in range(lenzt): E_zt[n] = np.sqrt(omega_M * np.power((1.0 + zt[n]), 3) + omega_K * np.power((1.0 + zt[n]), 2) + omega_L) integrating_quantity = (1.0 + zt[0:n]) * E_zt[0:n] tL[n] = th * sp.trapz((1.0 / integrating_quantity), zt[0:n]) return tL / th
def get_fe_v1(df): """ 计算总负载里程 """ measdate = [] s_total = 0 if not df.empty: measdate = df.index[0] # 时间 s_total = scipy.trapz(np.abs(df.speed)) * df.dt # 总里程 return measdate, s_total
def get_fe_v2(df): """ 通过压力模式计算负载、空载里程指标 """ measdate = [] s_total = 0 s_in_operation = 0 if not df.empty: measdate = df.index[0] # 时间 idx = (df.in_force_control == 1) re_iter = com_util.Reg.finditer(idx, 0.5 * df.num_per_sec) # 负载时间大于0.5秒计入 s_total = scipy.trapz(np.abs(df.speed)) * df.dt # 总里程 for i in re_iter: [stidx, edidx] = i.span() s_in_operation += scipy.trapz(np.abs( df.speed[stidx:edidx])) * df.dt # 负载里程 return measdate, s_total, s_in_operation, max(0, s_total - s_in_operation)
def bandpower(x, fs, fmin, fmax): if any(np.isnan(x)): try: x = interp_nans(x) except: print("except!") return 0 f, Pxx = periodogram(x, fs=fs, nfft=len(x) * 10) ind_min = argmax(f > fmin) - 1 ind_max = argmax(f > fmax) - 1 return trapz(Pxx[ind_min:ind_max], f[ind_min:ind_max])
def Lookback_Time(self, zt): lenzt = len(zt) th = 1 / self.Ho E_zt = np.zeros(lenzt) tL = np.zeros(lenzt) t = np.zeros(lenzt) for n in range(lenzt): E_zt[n] = np.sqrt(omega_M * np.power((1. + zt[n]), 3) + omega_K * np.power((1. + zt[n]), 2) + omega_L) integrating_quantity = (1. + zt[0:n]) * E_zt[0:n] tL[n] = th * sp.trapz((1. / integrating_quantity), zt[0:n]) return tL / th
def bandpower(x, fs, fmin, fmax): ''' Taken (and adapted -- to not miss indexes) from the internet: Based on the matlab function (bandpower) INPUT: x - time series fs - sample rate to return the power in a specified frequency band fmin - lower band of the frequency range fmax - upper band of the frequency range Return the average power in the frequency range ''' f, Pxx = signal.periodogram(x, fs=fs) ind_min = sp.argmax(f > fmin) - 1 ind_max = sp.argmax(f > fmax) - 1 if ind_max != 0: var = sp.trapz(Pxx[ind_min:ind_max + 1], f[ind_min:ind_max + 1]) elif ind_max == 0: var = sp.trapz(Pxx[ind_min:], f[ind_min:]) return var
def calculate_abspower(self, data, times, s_rate): channel_num = len(data[0]) baseline_band_mat = [] for c in range(channel_num): data = np.array(data) # Welch- method for computing power spectral density f, power = periodogram( data[:, c], s_rate ) # is doing FFM, f is mask and power the power for every frequence in channel c # f = frequencies (0-62,5) # indices for alpha and theta freq fmin_theta = 4 fmax_theta = 8 ind_min_theta = argmax(f > fmin_theta) - 1 ind_max_theta = argmax(f > fmax_theta) - 1 fmin_alpha = 8 fmax_alpha = 13 ind_min_alpha = argmax(f > fmin_alpha) - 1 ind_max_alpha = argmax(f > fmax_alpha) - 1 # calculate bandpower via integration bandpower_alpha = trapz(power[ind_min_alpha:ind_max_alpha], f[ind_min_alpha:ind_max_alpha]) bandpower_theta = trapz(power[ind_min_theta:ind_max_theta], f[ind_min_theta:ind_max_theta]) abs_band = np.zeros(self.n_bands) abs_band[0] = bandpower_theta abs_band[1] = bandpower_alpha # append for each channel baseline_band_mat.append(abs_band) return baseline_band_mat
def transform(F): diff=Abel.diff(F) nx = len(F) x=np.arange(nx) integral = sp.zeros(nx, dtype=float) for i in range(0, nx-1): divisor = sp.sqrt(x[i:nx]**2 - x[i]**2) integrand = diff[i:nx] / divisor integrand[0] = integrand[1] # deal with the singularity at x=r integral[i] = - sp.trapz(integrand, x[i:nx]) / sp.pi return(integral)
def transform(F): diff = Abel.diff(F) nx = len(F) x = np.arange(nx) integral = sp.zeros(nx, dtype=float) for i in range(0, nx - 1): divisor = sp.sqrt(x[i:nx]**2 - x[i]**2) integrand = diff[i:nx] / divisor integrand[0] = integrand[1] # deal with the singularity at x=r integral[i] = -sp.trapz(integrand, x[i:nx]) / sp.pi return (integral)
def bandpower_Pxx(Pxx, f, fmin, fmax): ''' Adapted from (see below) to read directly the power spectrum Taken (and adapted -- to not miss indexes) from the internet: Based on the matlab function (bandpower) INPUT: Pxx - power spectrum f - fequencies from the power spectrum fmin - lower band of the frequency range fmax - upper band of the frequency range Return the average power in the frequency range by integrating the power spectral density (PSD) estimate, pxx (usingthe trapezoidal rule) ''' ind_min = sp.argmax(f > fmin) - 1 ind_max = sp.argmax(f > fmax) - 1 if ind_max != -1: var = sp.trapz(Pxx[ind_min:ind_max + 1], f[ind_min:ind_max + 1]) elif ind_max == -1: var = sp.trapz(Pxx[ind_min:], f[ind_min:]) return var
def integrate_evoked(evoked, axis=-1): """Integrate a peristumulus timecourse. Parameters ---------- evoked : list of 2D arrays or 2D array values of evoked datapoints Returns ------- int_evoked : squeezed array evoked values integrated over the time dimension """ return sp.trapz(evoked, axis=axis)
def coulumb(a, b, grid, end_point=-1): abc, asc, al, aj = a # radial and angular for a bbc, bsc, bl, bj = b # radial and angular for b ro, w, h = grid # radial grid and weights end_ind = end_point < 0 and len(ro) or (sc.where(ro > end_point)[0][0]+1) cro = ro[:end_ind] cw = w[:end_ind] cabc = abc[:end_ind] casc = asc[:end_ind] cbbc = bbc[:end_ind] cbsc = bsc[:end_ind] bdens = cbbc**2 + cbsc**2 inner = 1./cro*cumtrapz(bdens*cw, initial=0e0)*h outer = cumtrapz(bdens/cro*cw, initial=0e0)*h outer = outer[-1] - outer # внешнее интегрирование от r до бесконечности adens = cabc**2 + casc**2 res = sc.trapz(adens*(inner+outer)*cw)*h return res
def Comoving_Distance(self, z): # print self.Ho, "is Ho. \n" Dh = self.Dh E_z = np.zeros(len(z)) Dc = np.zeros(len(z)) for n in range(len(z)): E_z[n] = np.sqrt(omega_M * np.power((1.0 + z[n]), 3.0) + omega_K * np.power((1.0 + z[n]), 2.0) + omega_L) Dc[n] = Dh * sp.trapz((1.0 / E_z[0:n]), z[0:n]) # Dc[n]=Dh*sp.integrate.simps( (1.E_z[0:n]) , z[0:n] ,dx=666,axis=-1,even='avg') if omega_K > 0: Dm = Dh * (1.0 / np.sqrt(omega_K)) * np.sinh(np.sqrt(omega_K) * (Dc / Dh)) print "Omega k > 0 \n" if omega_K == 0: Dm = Dc # print "Omega k = 0 \n" if omega_K < 0: Dm = Dh * (1.0 / np.sqrt(abs(omega_K))) * np.sin(np.sqrt(abs(omega_K)) * (Dc / Dh)) print "Omega k < 0 \n" return Dm
def kde(data, N=None, MIN=None, MAX=None): # Parameters to set up the mesh on which to calculate N = 2**12 if N is None else int(2**sci.ceil(sci.log2(N))) if MIN is None or MAX is None: minimum = min(data) maximum = max(data) Range = maximum - minimum MIN = minimum - Range/10 if MIN is None else MIN MAX = maximum + Range/10 if MAX is None else MAX # Range of the data R = MAX-MIN # Histogram the data to get a crude first approximation of the density M = len(data) DataHist, bins = sci.histogram(data, bins=N, range=(MIN,MAX)) DataHist = DataHist/M DCTData = scipy.fftpack.dct(DataHist, norm=None) I = [iN*iN for iN in range(1, N)] SqDCTData = (DCTData[1:]/2)**2 # The fixed point calculation finds the bandwidth = t_star guess = 0.1 try: t_star = scipy.optimize.brentq(fixed_point, 0, guess, args=(M, I, SqDCTData)) except ValueError: print('Oops!') return None # Smooth the DCTransformed data using t_star SmDCTData = DCTData*sci.exp(-sci.arange(N)**2*sci.pi**2*t_star/2) # Inverse DCT to get density density = scipy.fftpack.idct(SmDCTData, norm=None)*N/R mesh = [(bins[i]+bins[i+1])/2 for i in range(N)] bandwidth = sci.sqrt(t_star)*R density = density/sci.trapz(density, mesh) cdf = np.cumsum(density)*(mesh[1]-mesh[0]) return bandwidth, mesh, density, cdf
def exchange_melem(a, b, c, grid, end_point=-1): abc, asc, al, aj = a # radial and angular for a bbc, bsc, bl, bj = b # radial and angular for b cbc, csc, cl, cj = c # radial and angular for c if (cj != bj or cl != bl): return 0e0 # only angle-diagonal elements are nonzero jmax, jmin = max(aj, bj), min(aj, bj) ro, w, h = grid # radial grid and weights end_ind = end_point < 0 and len(ro) or (sc.where(ro > end_point)[0][0]+1) cabc = abc[:end_ind] casc = asc[:end_ind] cbbc = bbc[:end_ind] cbsc = bsc[:end_ind] ccbc = cbc[:end_ind] ccsc = csc[:end_ind] cro = ro[:end_ind] cw = w[:end_ind] k = jmax - jmin if (k+al+bl) % 2 != 0: k += 1 dens0b = cabc*cbbc+casc*cbsc dens0c = cabc*ccbc+casc*ccsc dens_kgb = dens0b/cro**(k+1) dens_klb = dens0b*cro**k dens_kgc = dens0c/cro**(k+1) dens_klc = dens0c*cro**k res = 0e0 while (k <= (jmax+jmin)): dens_g_int = cumtrapz(dens_kgc*cw, initial=0e0)*h # внешнее интегрирование от r до бесконечности dens_g_int = dens_g_int[-1] - dens_g_int dens_l_int = cumtrapz(dens_klc*cw, initial=0e0)*h res_k = sc.trapz((dens_kgb*dens_l_int+dens_klb*dens_g_int)*cw)*h res += res_k*w3js0[(jmax, jmin, k)] k += 2 dens_kgb = dens_kgb/cro**2 dens_klb = dens_klb*cro**2 dens_kgc = dens_kgc/cro**2 dens_klc = dens_klc*cro**2 return res
def coulumb_melem(a, b, c, grid, end_point=-1): abc, asc, al, aj = a # radial and angular for a bbc, bsc, bl, bj = b # radial and angular for b cbc, csc, cl, cj = c # radial and angular for c if (cl != bl or cj != bj): return 0e0 # operator diagonal for angular variables ro, w, h = grid # radial grid and weights end_ind = end_point < 0 and len(ro) or (sc.where(ro > end_point)[0][0]+1) cro = ro[:end_ind] cw = w[:end_ind] cabc = abc[:end_ind] casc = asc[:end_ind] cbbc = bbc[:end_ind] cbsc = bsc[:end_ind] ccbc = cbc[:end_ind] ccsc = csc[:end_ind] bdens = cbbc*ccbc + ccsc*cbsc inner = 1./cro*cumtrapz(bdens*cw, initial=0e0)*h outer = cumtrapz(bdens/cro*cw, initial=0e0)*h outer = outer[-1] - outer # внешнее интегрирование от r до бесконечности adens = cabc**2 + casc**2 res = sc.trapz(adens*(inner+outer)*cw)*h return res
def compute(specter,lines): h=6.62606957*10**-34 c=3*10**8 kb=1.3806488*10**-23 temp=[] z=[] for row, spec in enumerate(np.transpose(specter)): tempData=[] for key, line in enumerate(lines): intLine = sp.trapz(spec[line[0]:line[1]]) #print(intLine) lambdaNist=line[2] Aki=line[3] Ek=line[4] g=line[5] if intLine>0: nkgk=np.log(intLine/((h*c*Aki*g)/lambdaNist)) tempData.append((Ek,nkgk)) if len(tempData)>0: tempArray=np.array(tempData) print(tempArray) koef=np.polyfit(tempArray[:,0], tempArray[:,1], 1) temp.append(koef[0]) z.append(row) print(temp) plt.plot(z,temp)
def energy(x, u): return scipy.trapz(abs(u)**2, x)
def __init__(self, xvals, yvals): # if order is reversed, flip it if xvals[0] > xvals[-1]: xvals = xvals[::-1] yvals = yvals[::-1] # number of intervals to partition our range nsamp = options['pdf']['numpart'] # for pdfs with tails, set the range for sampling _range = options['pdf']['range'] range = [(1.0 - _range)/2.0, (1.0 + _range)/2.0] self.x = xvals if len(xvals) == 1 or xvals[0] == xvals[-1]: self.x = [xvals[0]] self.y = [1] self.cdfy = [1] self.mean = xvals[0] = 0 return self.cdfy = np.append([0.0], np.cumsum((np.diff(yvals)/2.0 + yvals[:-1])*np.diff(xvals))) self.cdfy /= self.cdfy[-1] # Trim tails that have grown to 10% of the range of the PDF resample = False mmin, mmax = self.ppf([0, 1]) dist = mmax - mmin if dist == 0.0: self.x = [xvals[0]] self.y = [1] self.cdfy = [1] self.mean = xvals[0] = 0 return # print "range of pdf = [%s - %s]" % (mmin, mmax) # print "range of PDF = [%s - %s]" % (xvals[0], xvals[-1]) # print "dist=%s" % (dist) # print "proposed range = [%s - %s]" % (self.ppf(range[0]), self.ppf(range[1])) if np.isnan(mmin) or abs((mmin - self.ppf(range[0])) / dist) > .1: mmin = self.ppf(range[0]) resample = True else: mmin = xvals[0] if np.isnan(mmax) or abs((mmax - self.ppf(range[1])) / dist) > .1: mmax = self.ppf(range[1]) resample = True else: mmax = xvals[-1] # resample if not even spacing if not resample: resample = not np.allclose(np.diff(xvals)[0], np.diff(xvals)) # resample if number of intervals is 10% too large or small if not resample: resample = np.abs(len(xvals) - nsamp) > (nsamp * .1) if resample: self.x = np.linspace(mmin, mmax, nsamp) self.y = np.interp(self.x, xvals, yvals) self.y = np.abs(self.y / trapz(self.y, self.x)) self.cdfy = np.append([0.0], np.cumsum((np.diff(self.y)/2.0 + self.y[:-1])*np.diff(self.x))) else: # normalize (integral must be 1.0) self.y = yvals / trapz(yvals, self.x) self.mean = trapz(self.x * self.y, self.x) = np.sqrt(np.abs(trapz(self.y * (self.x - self.mean)**2, self.x)))
for l in range(1,lmax): k_star = 2/sp.exp(1)*(1-sp.log(2)/(2*l))*l/x indices_term1 = (k_star < ks) & (ks < 1./R) indices_term2 = ks >= 1./R # if k_star < 1./R: # indices_term1 = (k_star < ks) & (ks < 1./R) # factor_term1 = 1 # else: # indices_term1 = (1/R < ks) & (ks < k_star) # factor_term1 = -1 integrand_term1 = 1./(ks[indices_term1]*x)**2*Pmk[indices_term1] integrand_term2 = 1./((ks[indices_term2]*x)**2*(ks[indices_term2]*R))*Pmk[indices_term2] integral_term1 = sp.trapz(integrand_term1,ks[indices_term1]) integral_term2 = sp.trapz(integrand_term2,ks[indices_term2]) C[l] = H**2*f**2/sp.pi*(integral_term1 + integral_term2) # #for l in range(1,lmax): # C[l] = 4*sp.pi/(2*l+1)*(l*B[l-1]+(l+1)*B[l+1]) # # ##plt.plot(ks,Pmk) ##plt.xscale('log') ##plt.yscale('log') ##plt.xlabel('$k [Mpc^{-1}]$') ##plt.ylabel('P(k) $[Mpc^{3}]$') ##plt.axis([0.001, 10, 1e-4, 1e5]) # ls = sp.array(range(1,lmax+1))
# y=mdotOverTime # ax.plot(timeArr, y) # ax.plot(timeArr, log10(mdotOverTimeR)) # ax.plot(timeArr, (mdotOverTimeUD)) # set_fonts_etc(ax) ax.plot(timeArr, log10(abs(mdotAccrAvr))) show() exit() if (plotMassLoss): mLost = trapz(mdotOverTime, timeArr* 4.8*10**3) print("mLost=", mLost) ax.plot(timeArr, (mdotOverTime)) #ax.plot(simTime, mv1)
def integrate(func_vals): return sc.trapz(func_vals, self.grid)
for n in range(args.num + 1): eigenvalue = eigenvalues[n] eigenvector = eigenvectors[:, n] eigenvector /= scipy.sqrt(, eigenvector)) eigenvectors[:, n] = eigenvector mode_numbers = scipy.arange(args.num) coefficients = scipy.zeros((len(t), len(mode_numbers))) for n in mode_numbers: eigenvector = eigenvectors[:, n] for idx, _ in enumerate(t): state = states[idx, :] coefficient = scipy.trapz(eigenvector * state, x) coefficients[idx, n] = abs(coefficient) # coefficients[coefficients == 0] = None # coefficients = scipy.log10(coefficients) estimate = scipy.zeros(len(t)) for n in mode_numbers: estimate += coefficients[:, n]**2 energy = scipy.zeros(len(t)) for idx, _ in enumerate(t): energy[idx] =, states[idx, :]) # Sort the modes by maximum value at zero.
def kinEnergyLoss(dat): i0 = dat.Nz - 3 dEkn = pi* dat.x[:]*dat.Rsc * dat.dd[:,js]*dat.Dsc * (dat.u1[i0, :]*dat.Usc)**3 ekinTot =trapz( 2.*dEkn, dat.x*dat.Rsc) return(ekinTot)
from source_hfd_python.hfd_dat import Hfd from scipy import trapz, exp, where def str2nlj(s): n = int(s[0]) l = 'spdfgh'.index(s[1]) j = float(s[2:s.find('/')])/2e0 return (n, l, j) hfd = Hfd() grid = (hfd.grid, hfd.weights, hfd.h) nc = where(hfd.grid > 0.5)[0][0] print(nc) testgrid = exp(-hfd.grid) res = trapz(testgrid[:nc]*hfd.weights[:nc])*hfd.h print("test grid") print("{} - {} = {}\n".format(res, (1-exp(-0.5)), res-1.0+exp(-0.5))) rc = 5e-1 csn = sys.argv[1] # core shell vsns = sys.argv[2:] # valent shells ncc, lc, jc = str2nlj(csn) p, q, en = hfd[csn] print("norm function") core_orb = (p, q, lc, jc) norm2rc = trapz((p[:nc]**2+q[:nc]**2)*hfd.weights[:nc])*hfd.h norm2 = trapz((p**2+q**2)*hfd.weights[:hfd.imax])*hfd.h print("||{}||^2 = {}\t{}".format(csn, norm2rc, norm2)) v_orbs = [] for v in vsns: nv, lv, jv = str2nlj(v)
def ctrapz(y, x): x_shape = x.shape[0] y_shape = 1 if y.ndim > 1: y_shape = y.shape[0] res = np.zeros(y_shape) C_code = ''' #line 29 "" double result=0; for(int j = 0; j < y_shape; j++){ for(int i = 0; i < x_shape-1; i++){ result += (y(i) + y(i+1)) / 2.0 * (x(i+1) - x(i)); }; res(j) = result; result=0; }; ''' weave.inline(C_code, ['x', 'y', 'x_shape', 'y_shape', 'res'], type_converters=weave.converters.blitz, compiler='gcc') return res if __name__ == '__main__': x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) y = np.array([3, 2, 3, 4]) print ctrapz(y, x) print trapz(y, x)