Пример #1
def pinv2(a, cond=None):
    """ pinv2(a, cond=None) -> a_pinv

    Compute the generalized inverse of A using svd.
    a = asarray_chkfinite(a)
    u, s, vh = decomp.svd(a)
    t = u.typecode()
    if cond in [None,-1]:
        cond = {0: feps*1e3, 1: eps*1e6}[_array_precision[t]]
    m,n = a.shape
    cutoff = cond*scipy_base.maximum.reduce(s)
    psigma = zeros((m,n),t)
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i] > cutoff:
            psigma[i,i] = 1.0/conjugate(s[i])
    #XXX: use lapack/blas routines for dot
    return transpose(conjugate(dot(dot(u,psigma),vh)))
Пример #2
def rsf2csf(T, Z):
    """Convert real schur form to complex schur form.


      If A is a real-valued matrix, then the real schur form is
      quasi-upper triangular.  2x2 blocks extrude from the main-diagonal
      corresponding to any complex-valued eigenvalues.

      This function converts this real schur form to a complex schur form
      which is upper triangular.
    Z,T = map(asarray_chkfinite, (Z,T))
    if len(Z.shape) !=2 or Z.shape[0] != Z.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError, "matrix must be square."
    if len(T.shape) !=2 or T.shape[0] != T.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError, "matrix must be square."
    if T.shape[0] != Z.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError, "matrices must be same dimension."
    N = T.shape[0]
    arr = scipy_base.array    
    t = _commonType(Z, T, arr([3.0],'F'))
    Z, T = _castCopy(t, Z, T)
    conj = scipy_base.conj
    dot = scipy_base.dot
    r_ = scipy_base.r_
    transp = scipy_base.transpose
    for m in range(N-1,0,-1):
        if abs(T[m,m-1]) > eps*(abs(T[m-1,m-1]) + abs(T[m,m])):
            k = slice(m-1,m+1)
            mu = eigvals(T[k,k]) - T[m,m]
            r = basic.norm([mu[0], T[m,m-1]])
            c = mu[0] / r
            s = T[m,m-1] / r
            G = r_[arr([[conj(c),s]],typecode=t),arr([[-s,c]],typecode=t)]
            Gc = conj(transp(G))
            j = slice(m-1,N)
            T[k,j] = dot(G,T[k,j])
            i = slice(0,m+1)
            T[i,k] = dot(T[i,k], Gc)
            i = slice(0,N)
            Z[i,k] = dot(Z[i,k], Gc)
        T[m,m-1] = 0.0;
    return T, Z
Пример #3
def pade(an, m):
    """Given Taylor series coefficients in an, return a Pade approximation to
    the function as the ratio of two polynomials p / q  where the order of q is m.
    an = asarray(an)
    N = len(an) - 1
    n = N-m
    if (n < 0):
        raise ValueError, \
              "Order of q <m> must be smaller than len(an)-1."
    Akj = eye(N+1,n+1)
    Bkj = zeros((N+1,m),'d')
    for row in range(1,m+1):
        Bkj[row,:row] = -(an[:row])[::-1]
    for row in range(m+1,N+1):
        Bkj[row,:] = -(an[row-m:row])[::-1]
    C = hstack((Akj,Bkj))
    pq = dot(linalg.inv(C),an)
    p = pq[:n+1]
    q = r_[1.0,pq[n+1:]]
    return poly1d(p[::-1]), poly1d(q[::-1])
Пример #4
 def type1(self, x):
     return sb.dot(x, self.obj)