def __init__(self, parent, layout=1): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.p = Parameters(interface='GUI') self.parent = parent self.initialize() self.GUI = AutoSimVizGUI() if layout == 1: # only one column of input parameters: self.GUI.make_prmGUI(self.parent, self.p, sort_widgets=0, height=300, pane=0) else: # widgets sorted in columns: self.GUI.make_prmGUI(self.parent, self.p, sort_widgets=1, height=300, pane=1) help = ''' Interface to a squeeze film solver ''' self.GUI.make_buttonGUI(self.parent, buttons=[('Simulate', self.simulate), ('Visualize', self.visualize)], logo=None, help=help) # help=None to avoid help button self.accl, self.defm, self.load = \ self.GUI.make_curveplotGUI(self.parent, 3, placement='right')
def __init__(self, parent, layout='sort'): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.p = Parameters(interface='GUI') self.master = parent self.initialize() self.GUI = AutoSimVizGUI() if layout == 'sort': # widgets sorted in columns: self.GUI.make_prmGUI(self.master, self.p, sort_widgets=1, height=300, pane=1) else: # only one column of input parameters: self.GUI.make_prmGUI(self.master, self.p, sort_widgets=0, height=300, pane=0) help = """\ Simulate: run oscillator code for solving the differential equation for the spring system. Visualize: run Gnuplot to make plots in PNG and PostScript format and on the screen (optional). Plots are stored in the subdirectory with name equal to 'case'. """ self.GUI.make_buttonGUI(self.master, buttons=[('Simulate', self.simulate), ('Visualize', self.visualize)], logo=os.path.join(os.environ['scripting'], 'src','misc','figs','simviz2.xfig.t.gif'), help=None)
def lines2prms(parsed_lines, parameters=None): if parameters is None: parameters = Parameters(interface='GUI') for line in parsed_lines: if isinstance(line, dict): comment = line['comment'] if line['ref_unit'] is not None: # parameter has value with unit: help = 'unit: ' + line['ref_unit'] + '; ' + comment[1:] unit = line['ref_unit'] str2type = float # unit conversions -> float else: help = comment[1:] unit = None str2type = line['value'].__class__ parameters.add(name=line['parameter'], default=line['value'], str2type=str2type, widget_type='entry', help=help, unit=unit) return parameters
def __init__(self): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.p = Parameters(interface='plain') self.initialize()
class SimViz: def __init__(self): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.p = Parameters(interface='plain') self.initialize() def initialize(self): """Define all input parameters.""" self.p.add('m', 1.0, float, widget_type='slider', values=(0,5), help='mass') self.p.add('b', 0.7, float, widget_type='slider', values=(0,2), help='damping') self.p.add('c', 5.0, float, widget_type='slider', values=(0,20), help='stiffness') self.p.add('func', 'y', str, widget_type='option', values=('y','y3','siny'), help='spring model function') self.p.add('A', 5.0, float, widget_type='slider', values=(0,10), help='forced amplitude') self.p.add('w', 2*math.pi, float, widget_type='entry', help='forced frequency') self.p.add('y0', 0.2, float, widget_type='slider', values=(0,1), help='initial displacement') self.p.add('tstop', 30.0, float, widget_type='entry', help='stop time') self.p.add('dt', 0.05, float, widget_type='entry', help='time step') self.p.add('case', 'tmp1', str, widget_type='entry', help='case name') self.p.add('screenplot', 1, int, widget_type='checkbutton', help='plot on the screen?') # alternative: (but IntVar used to represent it converts to int #self.p.add('screenplot', True, bool, # widget_type='checkbutton', # help='plot on the screen?') def usage(self): return 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' ' + self.p.usage() def simulate(self): os.chdir(self.cwd) case = self.p['case'] # abbreviation # create a subdirectory: d = case if os.path.isdir(d): shutil.rmtree(d) os.mkdir(d) os.chdir(d) # make input file to the program: f = open('%s.i' % case, 'w') f.write('%(m)g\n%(b)g\n%(c)g\n%(func)s\n%(A)g\n%(w)g\n'\ '%(y0)g\n%(tstop)g\n%(dt)g\n' % self.p) f.close() # run simulator: cmd = 'oscillator < %s.i' % case # command to run scitools.misc.system(cmd) def visualize(self): # make file with gnuplot commands: case = self.p['case'] f = open(case + '.gnuplot', 'w') f.write("set title '%(case)s: m=%(m)g b=%(b)g c=%(c)g "\ "f(y)=%(func)s A=%(A)g w=%(w)g y0=%(y0)g "\ "dt=%(dt)g';\n" % self.p) if self.p['screenplot']: f.write("plot 'sim.dat' title 'y(t)' with lines;\n") f.write(""" set size ratio 0.3 1.5, 1.0; # define the postscript output format: set term postscript eps monochrome dashed 'Times-Roman' 28; # output file containing the plot: set output ''; # basic plot command plot 'sim.dat' title 'y(t)' with lines; # make a plot in PNG format: set term png small; set output '%s.png'; plot 'sim.dat' title 'y(t)' with lines; """ % (case,case)) f.close() # make plot: cmd = 'gnuplot -geometry 800x200 -persist '+case+'.gnuplot' scitools.misc.system(cmd)
class SimViz: def __init__(self): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.p = Parameters(interface='plain') self.initialize() def initialize(self): """Define all input parameters.""" self.p.add('m', 1.0, float, widget_type='slider', values=(0, 5), help='mass') self.p.add('b', 0.7, float, widget_type='slider', values=(0, 2), help='damping') self.p.add('c', 5.0, float, widget_type='slider', values=(0, 20), help='stiffness') self.p.add('func', 'y', str, widget_type='option', values=('y', 'y3', 'siny'), help='spring model function') self.p.add('A', 5.0, float, widget_type='slider', values=(0, 10), help='forced amplitude') self.p.add('w', 2 * math.pi, float, widget_type='entry', help='forced frequency') self.p.add('y0', 0.2, float, widget_type='slider', values=(0, 1), help='initial displacement') self.p.add('tstop', 30.0, float, widget_type='entry', help='stop time') self.p.add('dt', 0.05, float, widget_type='entry', help='time step') self.p.add('case', 'tmp1', str, widget_type='entry', help='case name') self.p.add('screenplot', 1, int, widget_type='checkbutton', help='plot on the screen?') # alternative: (but IntVar used to represent it converts to int #self.p.add('screenplot', True, bool, # widget_type='checkbutton', # help='plot on the screen?') def usage(self): return 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' ' + self.p.usage() def simulate(self): os.chdir(self.cwd) case = self.p['case'] # abbreviation # create a subdirectory: d = case if os.path.isdir(d): shutil.rmtree(d) os.mkdir(d) os.chdir(d) # make input file to the program: f = open('%s.i' % case, 'w') f.write('%(m)g\n%(b)g\n%(c)g\n%(func)s\n%(A)g\n%(w)g\n'\ '%(y0)g\n%(tstop)g\n%(dt)g\n' % self.p) f.close() # run simulator: cmd = 'oscillator < %s.i' % case # command to run scitools.misc.system(cmd) def visualize(self): # make file with gnuplot commands: case = self.p['case'] f = open(case + '.gnuplot', 'w') f.write("set title '%(case)s: m=%(m)g b=%(b)g c=%(c)g "\ "f(y)=%(func)s A=%(A)g w=%(w)g y0=%(y0)g "\ "dt=%(dt)g';\n" % self.p) if self.p['screenplot']: f.write("plot 'sim.dat' title 'y(t)' with lines;\n") f.write(""" set size ratio 0.3 1.5, 1.0; # define the postscript output format: set term postscript eps monochrome dashed 'Times-Roman' 28; # output file containing the plot: set output ''; # basic plot command plot 'sim.dat' title 'y(t)' with lines; # make a plot in PNG format: set term png small; set output '%s.png'; plot 'sim.dat' title 'y(t)' with lines; """ % (case, case)) f.close() # make plot: cmd = 'gnuplot -geometry 800x200 -persist ' + case + '.gnuplot' scitools.misc.system(cmd)
class SimViz: def __init__(self): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.p = Parameters(interface='plain') self.initialize() def initialize(self): """Define input parameters.""" self.p.add("Young's modulus", "5000", str, widget_type='entry') self.p.add("Poisson's ratio", "0.25", str, widget_type='slider', values=['0', '0.5']) self.p.add("Plate thickness", "0.05", str, widget_type='slider', values=['0', '0.4']) self.p.add("Acceleration omega", "1", str, widget_type='slider', values=['0', '5']) self.p.add("Acceleration impulse", "0.05", str, widget_type='slider', values=['0', '2']) self.p.add("Film gap", "0.2", str, widget_type='slider', values=['0', '0.5']) self.p.add("Viscosity", "1.0E-5", str, widget_type='entry') self.p.add("Gamma for gas", "0", str, widget_type='option', values=['0', '1.4']) self.p.add("Scheme", "backward", str, widget_type='option', values=['Crank-Nicolson', 'backward']) def usage(self): return 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' ' + self.p.usage() def simulate(self): """Run simulator with input grabbed from the GUI.""" if 'NOR' not in os.environ: print 'Diffpack is not accessible on this computer.' sys.exit(1) app = os.path.join(os.environ['NOR'], 'doc', 'Book', 'src', 'app', 'SqueezeFilm', 'coupling', 'app') if not os.path.isfile(app): print 'The Diffpack application\n %s\nis not compiled' % app print 'Go to the directory and run Make MODE=opt' sys.exit(1) program = app cmd = program cmd += " --batch --Default Verify/test1b.i" cmd += " --Young's_modulus %s" % self.p["Young's modulus"] cmd += " --Poisson's_ratio %s" % self.p["Poisson's ratio"] cmd += " --thickness %s" % self.p["Plate thickness"] cmd += " --omega %s" % self.p["Acceleration omega"] cmd += " --impulse %s" % self.p["Acceleration impulse"] cmd += " --initial_gap %s" % self.p["Film gap"] cmd += " --viscosity %s" % self.p["Viscosity"] cmd += " --gamma %s" % self.p["Gamma for gas"] if self.p["Scheme"] == 'backward': theta = 1.0 else: theta = 0.5 cmd += " --theta %g" % theta os.system("RmCase SIMULATION") # clean up previous runs failure = os.system(cmd) if failure: print "could not run", cmd sys.exit(1) def visualize(self): """Visualize solutions.""" cmd = "..." failure = os.system(cmd) if failure: print 'could not run', cmd sys.exit(1)
class SimViz: def __init__(self): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.p = Parameters(interface="plain") self.initialize() def initialize(self): """Define input parameters.""" self.p.add("Young's modulus", "5000", str, widget_type="entry") self.p.add("Poisson's ratio", "0.25", str, widget_type="slider", values=["0", "0.5"]) self.p.add("Plate thickness", "0.05", str, widget_type="slider", values=["0", "0.4"]) self.p.add("Acceleration omega", "1", str, widget_type="slider", values=["0", "5"]) self.p.add("Acceleration impulse", "0.05", str, widget_type="slider", values=["0", "2"]) self.p.add("Film gap", "0.2", str, widget_type="slider", values=["0", "0.5"]) self.p.add("Viscosity", "1.0E-5", str, widget_type="entry") self.p.add("Gamma for gas", "0", str, widget_type="option", values=["0", "1.4"]) self.p.add("Scheme", "backward", str, widget_type="option", values=["Crank-Nicolson", "backward"]) def usage(self): return "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " " + self.p.usage() def simulate(self): """Run simulator with input grabbed from the GUI.""" if "NOR" not in os.environ: print "Diffpack is not accessible on this computer." sys.exit(1) app = os.path.join(os.environ["NOR"], "doc", "Book", "src", "app", "SqueezeFilm", "coupling", "app") if not os.path.isfile(app): print "The Diffpack application\n %s\nis not compiled" % app print "Go to the directory and run Make MODE=opt" sys.exit(1) program = app cmd = program cmd += " --batch --Default Verify/test1b.i" cmd += " --Young's_modulus %s" % self.p["Young's modulus"] cmd += " --Poisson's_ratio %s" % self.p["Poisson's ratio"] cmd += " --thickness %s" % self.p["Plate thickness"] cmd += " --omega %s" % self.p["Acceleration omega"] cmd += " --impulse %s" % self.p["Acceleration impulse"] cmd += " --initial_gap %s" % self.p["Film gap"] cmd += " --viscosity %s" % self.p["Viscosity"] cmd += " --gamma %s" % self.p["Gamma for gas"] if self.p["Scheme"] == "backward": theta = 1.0 else: theta = 0.5 cmd += " --theta %g" % theta os.system("RmCase SIMULATION") # clean up previous runs failure = os.system(cmd) if failure: print "could not run", cmd sys.exit(1) def visualize(self): """Visualize solutions.""" cmd = "..." failure = os.system(cmd) if failure: print "could not run", cmd sys.exit(1)
class SimViz: def __init__(self): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.p = Parameters(interface="plain") self.initialize() def initialize(self): """Define all input parameters.""" self.p.add("m", 1.0, float, widget_type="slider", values=(0, 5), help="mass", unit="kg") self.p.add("b", 0.7, float, widget_type="slider", values=(0, 2), help="damping", unit="kg/s") self.p.add("c", 5.0, float, widget_type="slider", values=(0, 20), help="stiffness", unit="kg/s**2") # 'func' must be 'y' here to fix the dimension of 'c' self.p.add("func", "y", str, widget_type="option", values=("y",), help="spring model function") self.p.add("A", "5.0 N", float, widget_type="slider", values=(0, 10), help="forced amplitude", unit="N") self.p.add("w", 2 * math.pi, float, widget_type="entry", help="forced frequency", unit="1/s") self.p.add("y0", 0.2, float, widget_type="slider", values=(0, 1), help="initial displacement", unit="m") self.p.add("tstop", 30.0, float, widget_type="entry", help="stop time", unit="s") self.p.add("dt", 0.05, float, widget_type="entry", help="time step", unit="s") self.p.add("case", "tmp1", str, widget_type="entry", help="case name") self.p.add("screenplot", 1, int, widget_type="checkbutton", help="plot on the screen?") def usage(self): return "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " " + self.p.usage() def simulate(self): os.chdir(self.cwd) case = self.p["case"] # abbreviation # create a subdirectory: d = case if os.path.isdir(d): shutil.rmtree(d) os.mkdir(d) os.chdir(d) # make input file to the program: f = open("%s.i" % case, "w") f.write("%(m)g\n%(b)g\n%(c)g\n%(func)s\n%(A)g\n%(w)g\n" "%(y0)g\n%(tstop)g\n%(dt)g\n" % self.p) f.close() # run simulator: cmd = "oscillator < %s.i" % case # command to run scitools.misc.system(cmd) def visualize(self): # make file with gnuplot commands: case = self.p["case"] f = open(case + ".gnuplot", "w") f.write( "set title '%(case)s: m=%(m)g b=%(b)g c=%(c)g " "f(y)=%(func)s A=%(A)g w=%(w)g y0=%(y0)g " "dt=%(dt)g';\n" % self.p ) if self.p["screenplot"]: f.write("plot 'sim.dat' title 'y(t)' with lines;\n") f.write( """ set size ratio 0.3 1.5, 1.0; # define the postscript output format: set term postscript eps monochrome dashed 'Times-Roman' 28; # output file containing the plot: set output ''; # basic plot command plot 'sim.dat' title 'y(t)' with lines; # make a plot in PNG format: set term png small; set output '%s.png'; plot 'sim.dat' title 'y(t)' with lines; """ % (case, case) ) f.close() # make plot: cmd = "gnuplot -geometry 800x200 -persist " + case + ".gnuplot" scitools.misc.system(cmd)