Пример #1
def _check_xyz(*args, **kwargs):
    nargs = len(args)
    if nargs == 1:
        x, y = [None]*2
        z = asarray(args[0])
    elif nargs == 3:
        x, y, z = [asarray(a) for a in args]
        raise TypeError("_check_xyz: wrong number of arguments")

        nx, ny = shape(z)
        raise ValueError("z must be 2D, not %dD" % len(shape(z)))

    indexing = kwargs.get('indexing', 'ij')

    if x is None and y is None:
        if indexing == 'ij':
            nx, ny = ny, nx  # swap
        x, y = meshgrid(list(range(ny)), list(range(nx)), indexing=indexing)
        if indexing == 'ij':
            assert shape(x) == (nx,ny) or shape(x) == (nx,1) or len(x) == nx, \
                   "_check_xyz: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(x), (nx,ny), (nx,1), (nx,))

            assert shape(y) == (nx,ny) or shape(y) == (1,ny) or len(y) == ny, \
                   "_check_xyz: y has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(y), (nx,ny), (1,ny), (ny,))
            assert shape(x) == (nx,ny) or shape(x) == (1,ny) or len(x) == ny, \
                   "_check_xyz: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(x), (nx,ny), (1,ny), (ny,))

            assert shape(y) == (nx,ny) or shape(y) == (nx,1) or len(y) == nx, \
                   "_check_xyz: y has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(y), (nx,ny), (nx,1), (nx,))

    return x, y, z
Пример #2
def _check_xyz(*args, **kwargs):
    nargs = len(args)
    if nargs == 1:
        x, y = [None] * 2
        z = asarray(args[0])
    elif nargs == 3:
        x, y, z = [asarray(a) for a in args]
        raise TypeError("_check_xyz: wrong number of arguments")

        nx, ny = shape(z)
        raise ValueError("z must be 2D, not %dD" % len(shape(z)))

    indexing = kwargs.get('indexing', 'ij')

    if x is None and y is None:
        if indexing == 'ij':
            nx, ny = ny, nx  # swap
        x, y = meshgrid(list(range(ny)), list(range(nx)), indexing=indexing)
        if indexing == 'ij':
            assert shape(x) == (nx,ny) or shape(x) == (nx,1) or len(x) == nx, \
                   "_check_xyz: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(x), (nx,ny), (nx,1), (nx,))

            assert shape(y) == (nx,ny) or shape(y) == (1,ny) or len(y) == ny, \
                   "_check_xyz: y has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(y), (nx,ny), (1,ny), (ny,))
            assert shape(x) == (nx,ny) or shape(x) == (1,ny) or len(x) == ny, \
                   "_check_xyz: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(x), (nx,ny), (1,ny), (ny,))

            assert shape(y) == (nx,ny) or shape(y) == (nx,1) or len(y) == nx, \
                   "_check_xyz: y has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(y), (nx,ny), (nx,1), (nx,))

    return x, y, z
Пример #3
def _check_xyzv(*args, **kwargs):
    nargs = len(args)
    if nargs == 1:
        x, y, z = [None]*3
        v = asarray(args[0])
    elif nargs == 4:
        x, y, z, v = [asarray(a) for a in args]
        raise ValueError("_check_xyzv: wrong number of arguments")

        nx, ny, nz = shape(v)
        raise ValueError('_check_xyzv: v must be 3D, not %dD' % len(shape(v)))

    indexing = kwargs.get('indexing', 'ij')

    if x is None and y is None and z is None:
        if indexing == 'ij':
            ny, nx = nx, nz  # swap
        x, y, z = meshgrid(list(range(ny)),
                           list(range(nz)), indexing=indexing)
        if indexing == 'ij':
            assert shape(x)==(nx,ny,nz) or shape(x)==(nx,1,1) or \
                   shape(x)==(nx,), \
                   "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), (nx,1,1), (nx,))

            if shape(x) == (nx,ny,nz):
                assert shape(y) == (nx,ny,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (nx,ny,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), shape(z))
            elif shape(x) == (nx,1,1):
                assert shape(y) == (1,ny,1), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (1,ny,1), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (1,1,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (1,1,nz), shape(z))
            else: # shape(x) == (nx,)
                assert shape(y) == (ny,), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (ny,), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (nz,), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nz,), shape(z))
            assert shape(x)==(nx,ny,nz) or shape(x)==(1,ny,1) or \
                   shape(x)==(ny,), \
                   "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), (1,ny,1), (ny,))

            if shape(x) == (nx,ny,nz):
                assert shape(y) == (nx,ny,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (nx,ny,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), shape(z))
            elif shape(x) == (1,ny,1):
                assert shape(y) == (nx,1,1), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,1,1), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (1,1,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (1,1,nz), shape(z))
            else: # shape(x) == (ny,)
                assert shape(y) == (nx,), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (nz,), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nz,), shape(z))

    return x, y, z, v
Пример #4
def _check_xyzuvw(*args, **kwargs):
    nargs = len(args)
    if nargs == 4:
        x, y = [None]*2
        z, u, v, w = [asarray(a) for a in args]
    elif nargs == 6:
        x, y, z, u, v, w = [asarray(a) for a in args]
        raise TypeError("_check_xyzuvw: wrong number of arguments")

    indexing = kwargs.get('indexing', 'xy')

    us = shape(u)
    assert us == shape(v) == shape(w), \
           "_check_xyzuvw: u, v, and w must be of same shape"

    if len(us) == 1:
        if x is None and y is None:
            x = seq(us[0]-1)
            y = seq(us[0]-1)
            assert shape(x) == us, \
                   "_check_xyuv: x has shape %s, expected %s" % (shape(x), us)
            assert shape(y) == us, \
                   "_check_xyuv: y has shape %s, expected %s" % (shape(y), us)
        assert shape(z) == us, \
               "_check_xyuv: z has shape %s, expected %s" % (shape(z), us)
    elif len(us) == 2:
        nx, ny = us
        if x is None and y is None:
            x, y, z = _check_xyz(z, indexing=indexing)
            x, y, z = _check_xyz(x, y, z, indexing=indexing)
        assert shape(z) == us, \
               "_check_xyzuvw: z, u, v, and w must be of same shape"
    elif len(us) == 3:
        nx, ny, nz = us
        if x is None and y is None:
            if indexing == 'ij':
                nx, ny = ny, nx  # swap
            x, y, junk = meshgrid(seq(ny-1), seq(nx-1), seq(nz-1))
            if indexing == 'ij':
                assert shape(x)==us or shape(x)==(nx,1,1) or shape(x)==(nx,), \
                       "_check_xyzuvw: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s"\
                       % (shape(x), us, (nx,1,1), (nx,))
                assert shape(y)==us or shape(y)==(1,ny,1) or shape(y)==(ny,), \
                       "_check_xyzuvw: y has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s"\
                       % (shape(y), us, (1,ny,1), (ny,))
                assert shape(x)==us or shape(x)==(1,ny,1) or shape(x)==(ny,), \
                       "_check_xyzuvw: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s"\
                       % (shape(x), us, (1,ny,1), (ny,))
                assert shape(y)==us or shape(y)==(nx,1,1) or shape(y)==(nx,), \
                       "_check_xyzuvw: y has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s"\
                       % (shape(y), us, (nx,1,1), (nx,))
        assert shape(z) == us or shape(z) == (1,1,nz) or shape(z) == (nz,), \
               "_check_xyzuvw: z has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
               (shape(z), us, (1,1,nz), (nz,))
        raise ValueError(
            "_check_xyzuvw: u must be 1D, 2D, or 3D, not %dD" % len(us))

    return x, y, z, u, v, w
Пример #5
def _check_xyzv(*args, **kwargs):
    nargs = len(args)
    if nargs == 1:
        x, y, z = [None] * 3
        v = asarray(args[0])
    elif nargs == 4:
        x, y, z, v = [asarray(a) for a in args]
        raise ValueError("_check_xyzv: wrong number of arguments")

        nx, ny, nz = shape(v)
        raise ValueError('_check_xyzv: v must be 3D, not %dD' % len(shape(v)))

    indexing = kwargs.get('indexing', 'ij')

    if x is None and y is None and z is None:
        if indexing == 'ij':
            ny, nx = nx, nz  # swap
        x, y, z = meshgrid(list(range(ny)),
        if indexing == 'ij':
            assert shape(x)==(nx,ny,nz) or shape(x)==(nx,1,1) or \
                   shape(x)==(nx,), \
                   "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), (nx,1,1), (nx,))

            if shape(x) == (nx, ny, nz):
                assert shape(y) == (nx,ny,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (nx,ny,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), shape(z))
            elif shape(x) == (nx, 1, 1):
                assert shape(y) == (1,ny,1), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (1,ny,1), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (1,1,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (1,1,nz), shape(z))
            else:  # shape(x) == (nx,)
                assert shape(y) == (ny,), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (ny,), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (nz,), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nz,), shape(z))
            assert shape(x)==(nx,ny,nz) or shape(x)==(1,ny,1) or \
                   shape(x)==(ny,), \
                   "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
                   (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), (1,ny,1), (ny,))

            if shape(x) == (nx, ny, nz):
                assert shape(y) == (nx,ny,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (nx,ny,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,ny,nz), shape(z))
            elif shape(x) == (1, ny, 1):
                assert shape(y) == (nx,1,1), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,1,1), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (1,1,nz), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (1,1,nz), shape(z))
            else:  # shape(x) == (ny,)
                assert shape(y) == (nx,), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected y to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nx,), shape(y))
                assert shape(z) == (nz,), \
                       "_check_xyzv: x has shape %s, expected z to be %s, " \
                       "not %s" % (shape(x), (nz,), shape(z))

    return x, y, z, v
Пример #6
def _check_xyzuvw(*args, **kwargs):
    nargs = len(args)
    if nargs == 4:
        x, y = [None] * 2
        z, u, v, w = [asarray(a) for a in args]
    elif nargs == 6:
        x, y, z, u, v, w = [asarray(a) for a in args]
        raise TypeError("_check_xyzuvw: wrong number of arguments")

    indexing = kwargs.get('indexing', 'xy')

    us = shape(u)
    assert us == shape(v) == shape(w), \
           "_check_xyzuvw: u, v, and w must be of same shape"

    if len(us) == 1:
        if x is None and y is None:
            x = seq(us[0] - 1)
            y = seq(us[0] - 1)
            assert shape(x) == us, \
                   "_check_xyuv: x has shape %s, expected %s" % (shape(x), us)
            assert shape(y) == us, \
                   "_check_xyuv: y has shape %s, expected %s" % (shape(y), us)
        assert shape(z) == us, \
               "_check_xyuv: z has shape %s, expected %s" % (shape(z), us)
    elif len(us) == 2:
        nx, ny = us
        if x is None and y is None:
            x, y, z = _check_xyz(z, indexing=indexing)
            x, y, z = _check_xyz(x, y, z, indexing=indexing)
        assert shape(z) == us, \
               "_check_xyzuvw: z, u, v, and w must be of same shape"
    elif len(us) == 3:
        nx, ny, nz = us
        if x is None and y is None:
            if indexing == 'ij':
                nx, ny = ny, nx  # swap
            x, y, junk = meshgrid(seq(ny - 1), seq(nx - 1), seq(nz - 1))
            if indexing == 'ij':
                assert shape(x)==us or shape(x)==(nx,1,1) or shape(x)==(nx,), \
                       "_check_xyzuvw: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s"\
                       % (shape(x), us, (nx,1,1), (nx,))
                assert shape(y)==us or shape(y)==(1,ny,1) or shape(y)==(ny,), \
                       "_check_xyzuvw: y has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s"\
                       % (shape(y), us, (1,ny,1), (ny,))
                assert shape(x)==us or shape(x)==(1,ny,1) or shape(x)==(ny,), \
                       "_check_xyzuvw: x has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s"\
                       % (shape(x), us, (1,ny,1), (ny,))
                assert shape(y)==us or shape(y)==(nx,1,1) or shape(y)==(nx,), \
                       "_check_xyzuvw: y has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s"\
                       % (shape(y), us, (nx,1,1), (nx,))
        assert shape(z) == us or shape(z) == (1,1,nz) or shape(z) == (nz,), \
               "_check_xyzuvw: z has shape %s, expected %s, %s, or %s" % \
               (shape(z), us, (1,1,nz), (nz,))
        raise ValueError("_check_xyzuvw: u must be 1D, 2D, or 3D, not %dD" %

    return x, y, z, u, v, w