Пример #1
def DP(mole, ref):
    MIN_SCORE = -10000
    cols = len(ref)
    rows = len(mole)
    score_matrix = [[MIN_SCORE for col in range(cols + 1)] for row in range(rows + 1)]
    for i in xrange(len(score_matrix[0])):
        score_matrix[0][i] = 0
    map_matrix = [[(-1, -1) for col in range(cols + 1)] for row in range(rows + 1)]
    for i in xrange(rows):
        i += 1
        for j in xrange(cols):
            j += 1
            score_matrix[i][j] = score_matrix[i - 1][j - 1] + score.valid_score(mole[i - 1 : i], ref[j - 1 : j])
            map_matrix[i][j] = (i - 1, j - 1)
            #DELETE: 3 is the max number of delete
            k = 0
            if j - 5 > 0:
                k = j - 5
            while k < j - 1:
                s = score_matrix[i - 1][k] + score.valid_score(mole[i - 1 : i], ref[k : j])
                if s > score_matrix[i][j]:
                    score_matrix[i][j] = s
                    map_matrix[i][j] = (i - 1, k)
                k += 1
            #INSERT: 3 is the max number of insert
            k = 0
            if i - 5 > 0:
                k = i - 5
            while k < i - 1:
                s = score_matrix[k][j - 1] + score.valid_score(mole[k : i], ref[j - 1 : j])
                if s > score_matrix[i][j]:
                    score_matrix[i][j] = s
                    map_matrix[i][j] = (k, j - 1)
                k += 1
            if i > 3 and j > 3:
                s = score_matrix[i - 2][j - 2] + score.valid_score(mole[i - 2 : i], ref[j - 2 : j])
                if s > score_matrix[i][j]:
                    score_matrix[i][j] = s
                    map_matrix[i][j] = (i - 2, j - 2)

    #the result is in the last row
    last_row = score_matrix[rows] 
    best_score = last_row[1]
    end_site = 1
    #get the best score of last row
    for j in xrange(cols):
        j += 1
        if best_score < last_row[j]:
            best_score = last_row[j]
            end_site = j
    (pre_row, pre_col) = map_matrix[rows][end_site]
    while pre_row > 1:
        (pre_row, pre_col) = map_matrix[pre_row][pre_col]
    #print '%f '%last_row[end_site],
    print '%d '%pre_col,
    print '%d '%end_site

Пример #2
def DP(mole, ref):
    MIN_SCORE = -10000
    cols = len(ref)
    rows = len(mole)
    score_matrix = [[MIN_SCORE for col in range(cols + 1)] for row in range(rows + 1)]
    for i in xrange(len(score_matrix[0])):
        score_matrix[0][i] = 0
    map_matrix = [[-1 for col in range(cols + 1)] for row in range(rows + 1)]
    for i in xrange(rows):
        i += 1
        for j in xrange(cols):
            j += 1
            score_matrix[i][j] = score_matrix[i - 1][j - 1] + score.valid_score(mole[i - 1 : i], ref[j - 1 : j])
            map_matrix[i][j] = (i - 1) * cols + (j - 1)
            #DELETE: 3 is the max number of delete
            k = 0
            if j - 5 > 0:
                k = j - 5
            while k < j - 1:
                s = score_matrix[i - 1][k] + score.valid_score(mole[i - 1 : i], ref[k : j])
                if s > score_matrix[i][j]:
                    score_matrix[i][j] = s
                    map_matrix[i][j] = (i - 1) * cols + k
                k += 1
            #INSERT: 3 is the max number of insert
            k = 0
            if i - 5 > 0:
                k = i - 5
            while k < i - 1:
                s = score_matrix[k][j - 1] + score.valid_score(mole[k : i], ref[j - 1 : j])
                if s > score_matrix[i][j]:
                    score_matrix[i][j] = s
                    map_matrix[i][j] = k * cols + (j - 1)
                k += 1
    #the result is in the last row
    last_row = score_matrix[rows]
    best_score = last_row[1]
    end_site = 1
    #get the best score of last row
    for j in xrange(cols):
        j += 1
        if best_score < last_row[j]:
            best_score = last_row[j]
            end_site = j
    print '#####################'
    print end_site
    print '#####################'