Пример #1
def alphabeta(depth,
    if depth == 0:
        # TODO do we need static evaluator? how should we scale its value
        return net_score, []

    best_move = []
    undo_stack = []
    if max_node:
        v = -maxint - 1  # negative infinity
        for move in gen_moves.gen_moves(tt, debug=True):
            tt.cur_player = 1
            #print("max move %s: " % move)
            meeple_count = make_move(move, tt.board, undo_stack)
            last_step = move[-1]
            score = net_score + scoring.calc_score(last_step, meeple_count,
                                                   undo_stack, tt)
            #print("scored: %s" % score)
            value = alphabeta(depth - 1, tt, score, alpha, beta, False)[0]
            #print("after alphabeta: %s" % value)

            if value > v:
                v = value
                best_move = move
                #print("new max: %d, %s" % (v, best_move))
            alpha = max(alpha, v)
            if beta <= alpha:
        return v, best_move
        v = maxint  # positive infinity
        for move in gen_moves.gen_moves(tt):
            tt.cur_player = 2
            #print("min move %s: " % move)
            meeple_count = make_move(move, tt.board, undo_stack)
            last_step = move[-1]
            score = net_score - scoring.calc_score(last_step, meeple_count,
                                                   undo_stack, tt)
            #print("min scored: %s" % score)
            value = alphabeta(depth - 1, tt, score, alpha, beta, True)[0]
            #print("after alphabeta: %s" % value)

            if value < v:
                v = value
                best_move = move
                #print("new min: %d, %s" % (v, best_move))
            beta = min(beta, v)
            if alpha >= beta:
        return v, best_move
Пример #2
def greedy_solution(images,
    slides = [Slide((im, )) for im in images]
    solution = [slides.pop(0)]
    aaa = 0
    last_callback_score = aaa
    while len(slides) > 0:
        max_score = 0
        best = None
        side = None
        ind_best = 0
        pos_right = len(solution[-1].tags) / 2
        pos_left = len(solution[0].tags) / 2
        for idx, s in enumerate(slides):

            sr = calc_score([solution[-1], s])
            if sr > max_score:
                best = s
                ind_best = idx
                side = 'r'
                max_score = sr
                if max_score > min(thresh, pos_right):
            sl = calc_score([s, solution[0]])
            if sl > max_score:
                best = s
                side = 'l'
                ind_best = idx
                max_score = sl
                if max_score > min(thresh, pos_left):

        if best is None:
            solution += [slides.pop(0)]
            if side == 'l':
                solution = ([best] + solution)
                solution = (solution + [best])
        aaa += max_score
        print(len(slides), ' ', aaa)
        if callback is not None and aaa > last_callback_score + callback_score_increment:
            last_callback_score = aaa

    return solution
Пример #3
    def post(self, game_id):
        # TODO: is the submitted city part of the game?
        # TODO: did the player already submit a guess for this city?
        request_data = request.get_json()
        player_id = request_data['player_id']
        player_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=player_id)
        city_id = request_data['city_id']
        game_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=game_id)
        game = game_key.get()
        city_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=city_id)
        city = city_key.get()

        if game.state == GameState.waitingForPlayers:
            game.state = GameState.running

        guess = Guess(parent=game_key)
        guess.game = game_key
        guess.player = player_key
        guess.city = city_key
        guess.long = request_data['long']
        guess.lat = request_data['lat']
        remaining_time = request_data['remaining_time']
        guess.score = calc_score("easy", city.lat, city.long, remaining_time, guess.lat, guess.long)

        for player in game.players:
            # token = Util.get_token(player.urlsafe())
            # print("sending message to" + token)
            msg = Messages()
            msg.player = player
            msg.game = game_key
            msg.msg = str(Util.to_json(guess, False, False))
            # channel.send_message(token, str(Util.to_json(guess, False, False)))

        # TODO this is not stable yet - we have to make sure only one guess per city/player pair can be submitted
        guess_query = Guess.query(Guess.player == player_key, ancestor=game_key)
        if guess_query.count() == len(game.cities):
            game.state = GameState.done
            save_score(game_key, player_id, guess_query.fetch())

        return Util.to_json(guess, False), 201
Пример #4
def get_most_similar_restricted(limit=120):
    df, df_i = import_data()
    counts = df_i['ingredient'].value_counts()
    ings = counts.index.values

    found_ings, embeddings = retrieve_embeddings(model, ings)
    #found_ings, embeddings = np.load('word2vec_embeddings.npy')
    ranks = get_nearest_neighbors(embeddings)
    print_nearest_neighbors(ings[:limit], found_ings, ranks)
    highest_ranks, avg_rankings, random_avg_rankings = calc_score(ranks, limit, 
        print_scores=False, score_path='../model/scores.csv')

    indices = found_ings[found_ings<highest_ranks.shape[0]]
    highest_ranks = highest_ranks[indices]
    avg_rankings = avg_rankings[indices]
    random_avg_rankings = random_avg_rankings[indices]
    print (highest_ranks<=3).sum(dtype=float) / np.isfinite(highest_ranks).sum()
    print highest_ranks[np.isfinite(highest_ranks)].mean()
    print avg_rankings[np.isfinite(avg_rankings)].mean()
    print random_avg_rankings[np.isfinite(random_avg_rankings)].mean()
Пример #5
def minimax(depth, tt):
    if depth == 0:
        # TODO do we need static evaluator? how should we scale its value
        return 0, []

    best_move = []
    max_score = -maxint - 1  # negative infinity
    for move in gen_moves.gen_moves(tt):
        undo_stack = []

        meeple_count = make_move(move, tt.board, undo_stack)

        last_step = move[-1]
        score = scoring.calc_score(last_step, meeple_count, undo_stack, tt)\
                - minimax(depth - 1, tt)[0]


        if (score > max_score):
            print("better score: %s" % score)
            max_score = score
            best_move = move
    return max_score, best_move
Пример #6
def main():
    num_ingredients = 1000
    ings_per_prod = None
    use_embeddings = False
    output_cat = 'shelf'
    df, df_i = import_data()
    counts = df_i['ingredient'].value_counts()
    inputs_, outputs, idx_to_cat = gen_input_outputs_cat(
                        df, counts, num_ingredients, output_cat, ings_per_prod)
    if use_embeddings:
        #embeddings = np.load('embeddings/embeddings_{}.npy'.format(num_ingredients))
        #embeddings = np.load('../word2vec/word2vec_embeddings.npy')[1][:num_ingredients]
        embeddings = 2*np.random.random((num_ingredients, 300))-1 # Try random embeddings
        embeddings = embeddings.astype('float32')
        inputs = input_from_embeddings(inputs_, embeddings, 
        #inputs = (2*np.random.random(inputs_.shape)-1).astype('float32') # Completely random inputs.
        inputs = inputs_
    num_outputs = outputs.max()+1

    print "# of data points:", len(inputs)
    # Scramble inputs/outputs
    random_idx = np.random.permutation(len(inputs))
    inputs = inputs[random_idx]
    outputs = outputs[random_idx]

    test_split_idx = int(len(inputs))*0.8
    inputs, X_test = inputs[:test_split_idx], inputs[test_split_idx:]
    outputs, y_test = outputs[:test_split_idx], outputs[test_split_idx:]

    X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(
        inputs, outputs, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

    print "Running models..."
    # Max entropy model
    # Normalize
    #inputs_n = inputs / np.sum(inputs, axis=1)[:,None]
    #regr = max_entropy(X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid)
    #predict_cat(counts, regr, idx_to_cat, num_ingredients, ings)

    # Neural network model
    classifier, predict_model = run_nn(X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid, 
                              X_train.shape[1], num_outputs,
                              m=100, n_epochs=10, batch_size=10,
                              learning_rate=0.1, L2_reg=0.0001)

    pred_valid = predict_model(X_valid)
    pred_test = predict_model(X_test)
    if output_cat != 'aisle':
        lower_to_upper_cat = get_upper_cat(df, output_cat, 'aisle')
        print "Validation set:\n", calc_accuracy(pred_valid, y_valid)
        print calc_accuracy(pred_valid, y_valid, lower_to_upper_cat)
        print "Test set:\n", calc_accuracy(pred_test, y_test)
        print calc_accuracy(pred_test, y_test, lower_to_upper_cat)
    #print_predictions(X_valid, y_valid, 
    #    np.argmax(pred_valid, axis=1), idx_to_cat, counts, limit=100)

    if not use_embeddings:
        embeddings_out = classifier.hiddenLayer.W.get_value()
        ranks, neigh = get_nearest_neighbors(embeddings_out)
        #print_nearest_neighbors(counts.index.values[:num_ingredients], ranks)
        highest_rank, score, avg_rank_of_ing_cat, random_score = calc_score(
            ranks, num_ingredients)
Пример #7
def main():
    num_ingredients = 1000
    use_embeddings = False
    ings_per_prod = 5
    frac_weighted = 0.95
    invalid_multiplier = 1
    df, df_i = import_data()
    counts = df_i['ingredient'].value_counts()
    inputs_v_, outputs_v = gen_input_outputs_valid(
                        df, df_i, num_ingredients, ings_per_prod)
    inputs_i_w_, outputs_i_w = gen_input_outputs_invalid(inputs_v_,
                        num_ingredients, ings_per_prod, weighted=True)
    inputs_i_, outputs_i = gen_input_outputs_invalid(inputs_v_,
                        num_ingredients, ings_per_prod, weighted=False)

    if use_embeddings:
        embeddings = np.load('embeddings/embeddings_{}.npy'.format(num_ingredients))
        #embeddings = np.load('../word2vec/word2vec_embeddings.npy')[1][:num_ingredients]
        #embeddings = 2*np.random.random((num_ingredients, 20))-1 # Try random embeddings
        embeddings = embeddings.astype('float32')
        normalize = False
        inputs_v = input_from_embeddings(inputs_v_, embeddings, 
        inputs_i_w = input_from_embeddings(inputs_i_w_, embeddings, 
        inputs_i = input_from_embeddings(inputs_i_, embeddings, 
        inputs_v = inputs_v_
        inputs_i_w = inputs_i_w_
        inputs_i = inputs_i_

    X_train_v, X_test_v, y_train_v, y_test_v = train_test_split(
        inputs_v, outputs_v, test_size=1/3., random_state=42)
    X_train_i_w, X_test_i_w, y_train_i_w, y_test_i_w = train_test_split(
        inputs_i_w, outputs_i_w, test_size=1/3., random_state=42)
    X_train_i, X_test_i, y_train_i, y_test_i = train_test_split(
        inputs_i, outputs_i, test_size=1/3., random_state=42)

    X_train = np.vstack((X_train_v, X_train_i_w, X_train_i))
    y_train = np.hstack((y_train_v, y_train_i_w, y_train_i))
    X_test = np.vstack((X_test_v, X_test_i_w, X_test_i))
    y_test = np.hstack((y_test_v, y_test_i_w, y_test_i))

    # Scramble inputs/outputs
    random_idx_tr = np.random.permutation(len(X_train))
    random_idx_te = np.random.permutation(len(X_test))
    X_train = X_train[random_idx_tr]
    y_train = y_train[random_idx_tr]
    X_test = X_test[random_idx_te]
    y_test = y_test[random_idx_te]

    print "Running models..."
    # Max entropy model
    #regr = max_entropy(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)
    #predict_cat(counts, regr, idx_to_cat, num_ingredients, ings)

    # Neural network model
    classifier, predict_model = run_nn(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, 
                                X_train.shape[1], num_outputs=2,
                                m=20, n_epochs=10, batch_size=10,
                                learning_rate=0.05, L2_reg=0.0001)

    #pred = predict_model(X_test)
    #pred_cats = np.argmax(pred, axis=1)
    #print calc_accuracy(pred, y_test)
    #print_predictions(X_test, y_test, pred_cats, counts, limit=100)

    print "Max Entropy (Valid, Invalid, Invalid weighted):"
    print calc_accuracy(regr.predict_proba(X_test_v), y_test_v)
    print calc_accuracy(regr.predict_proba(X_test_i), y_test_i)
    print calc_accuracy(regr.predict_proba(X_test_i_w), y_test_i_w)
    print "Neural Network (Valid, Invalid, Invalid weighted):"
    print calc_accuracy(predict_model(X_test_v), y_test_v)
    print calc_accuracy(predict_model(X_test_i), y_test_i)
    print calc_accuracy(predict_model(X_test_i_w), y_test_i_w)

    if not use_embeddings:
        embeddings_out = classifier.hiddenLayer.W.get_value()
        ranks, neigh = get_nearest_neighbors(embeddings_out)
        #print_nearest_neighbors(counts.index.values[:num_ingredients], ranks)
        highest_rank, score, avg_rank_of_ing_cat, random_score = calc_score(
                ranks, num_ingredients)
Пример #8
from scoring import calc_score
from simple_solutions import *
from hash_io import Input_parser

if __name__ == '__main__':
    input_paths = ['input/a_example.txt',

    total_score = 0
    for input_path in input_paths:
        images = Input_parser(input_path).images
        slides = dumb_solution(images)
        total_score = total_score + calc_score(slides)