def test_print_ensembl_unknown_resource(mocker, transcripts_handle):
    """Test print ensembl function"""
    # GIVEN a temporary directory and some exac lines
    build = "37"
    tx_file_name = "ensembl_exons_{}.txt".format(build)
    tx_lines = [line.strip() for line in transcripts_handle]
    mocker.patch("scout.utils.scout_requests.fetch_ensembl_biomart", return_value=tx_lines)
    dir_name = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
    the_dir = pathlib.Path(
    # WHEN fetching and printing the exac data
    with pytest.raises(SyntaxError):
        print_ensembl(the_dir, resource_type="unknown", genome_build=build)
def test_print_ensembl_exons(mocker, transcripts_handle):
    """Test print ensembl function"""
    # GIVEN a temporary directory and some exac lines
    build = "37"
    tx_file_name = "ensembl_exons_{}.txt".format(build)
    tx_lines = [line.strip() for line in transcripts_handle]
    mocker.patch("scout.utils.scout_requests.fetch_ensembl_biomart", return_value=tx_lines)
    dir_name = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
    the_dir = pathlib.Path(
    # WHEN fetching and printing the exac data
    print_ensembl(the_dir, resource_type="exons", genome_build=build)
    i = 0
    for i, line in enumerate(open(the_dir / tx_file_name)):
        if len(line) > 10 and i > 0:
            assert line.split("\t")[1].startswith("ENSG")
    # THEN check some lines where produced
    assert i > 0