Пример #1
def index():
    """Display the Scout dashboard."""
    accessible_institutes = None
    if not 'admin' in current_user.roles:
        accessible_institutes = current_user.institutes
        if not accessible_institutes:
                'Not allowed to see information - please visit the dashboard later!'
            return redirect(url_for('cases.index'))

    institutes = [inst for inst in store.institutes(accessible_institutes)]
    # Insert a entry that displays all institutes in the beginning of the array
    institutes.insert(0, {'_id': None, 'display_name': 'All institutes'})

    institute_id = None
    if request.method == 'POST':
        institute_id = request.form.get('institute')

    LOG.info("Fetch all cases with institute: %s", institute_id)
    data = get_dashboard_info(store, institute_id)
    data['institutes'] = institutes
    data['choice'] = institute_id
    total_cases = data['total_cases']

    LOG.info("Found %s cases", total_cases)
    if total_cases == 0:
            'no cases loaded for institute {} - please visit the dashboard later!'
            .format(institute_id), 'info')
        return redirect(url_for('cases.index'))

    return render_template('dashboard/index.html', **data)
Пример #2
def populate_institute_form(form, institute_obj):
    """Populate institute settings form

        institute_obj(dict) An institute object
    # get all other institutes to populate the select of the possible collaborators
    institutes_tuples = []
    for inst in store.institutes():
        if not inst["_id"] == institute_obj["_id"]:
            institutes_tuples.append(((inst["_id"], inst["display_name"])))

    form.display_name.default = institute_obj.get("display_name")
    form.institutes.choices = institutes_tuples
    form.coverage_cutoff.default = institute_obj.get("coverage_cutoff")
    form.frequency_cutoff.default = institute_obj.get("frequency_cutoff")

    # collect all available default HPO terms
    default_phenotypes = [choice[0].split(" ")[0] for choice in form.pheno_groups.choices]
    if institute_obj.get("phenotype_groups"):
        for key, value in institute_obj["phenotype_groups"].items():
            if not key in default_phenotypes:
                custom_group = " ".join(
                    [key, ",", value.get("name"), "( {} )".format(value.get("abbr"))]
                form.pheno_groups.choices.append((custom_group, custom_group))

    return default_phenotypes
Пример #3
def download_verified():
    """Download all verified variants for user's cases"""

    user_obj = store.user(current_user.email)

    user_institutes = (
        [inst["_id"] for inst in store.institutes()]
        if current_user.is_admin
        else user_obj.get("institutes")
    temp_excel_dir = os.path.join(variants_bp.static_folder, "verified_folder")
    os.makedirs(temp_excel_dir, exist_ok=True)

    if controllers.verified_excel_file(store, user_institutes, temp_excel_dir):
        data = zip_dir_to_obj(temp_excel_dir)

        # remove temp folder with excel files in it

        today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        return send_file(
            download_name="_".join(["scout", "verified_variants", today]) + ".zip",

    # remove temp folder with excel files in it

    flash("No verified variants could be exported for user's institutes", "warning")
    return redirect(request.referrer)
Пример #4
def index():
    """Display the Scout dashboard."""
    accessible_institutes = current_user.institutes
    if not 'admin' in current_user.roles:
        accessible_institutes = current_user.institutes
        if not accessible_institutes:
            flash('Not allowed to see information - please visit the dashboard later!')
            return redirect(url_for('cases.dahboard_general.html'))

    LOG.debug('User accessible institutes: {}'.format(accessible_institutes))
    institutes = [inst for inst in store.institutes(accessible_institutes)]

    # Insert a entry that displays all institutes in the beginning of the array
    institutes.insert(0, {'_id': None, 'display_name': 'All institutes'})

    institute_id = None
    slice_query = None
    if request.method=='POST':
        institute_id = request.form.get('institute')
        slice_query = request.form.get('query')

    elif request.method=='GET':
        institute_id = request.args.get('institute')
        slice_query = request.args.get('query')

    # User should be restricted to their own institute if:
    #1) Their default institute when the page is first loaded
    #2) if they ask for an institute that they don't belong to
    #3) if they want perform a query on all institutes

    if not institute_id:
        institute_id = accessible_institutes[0]
    elif (not current_user.is_admin) and (slice_query and institute_id == 'None'):
        institute_id = accessible_institutes[0]
    elif (not institute_id in accessible_institutes) and not (institute_id == 'None'):
        institute_id = accessible_institutes[0]

    LOG.info("Fetch all cases with institute: %s", institute_id)

    data = get_dashboard_info(store, institute_id, slice_query)
    data['institutes'] = institutes
    data['choice'] = institute_id
    total_cases = data['total_cases']

    LOG.info("Found %s cases", total_cases)
    if total_cases == 0:
        flash('no cases found for institute {} (with that query) - please visit the dashboard later!'.format(institute_id), 'info')
#        return redirect(url_for('cases.index'))

    return render_template(
        'dashboard/dashboard_general.html', institute=institute_id, query=slice_query, panel=panel, **data)
Пример #5
def institute(institute_id):
    """ Edit institute data """
    if institute_id not in current_user.institutes and current_user.is_admin is False:
            "Current user doesn't have the permission to modify this institute",
        return redirect(request.referrer)

    institute_obj = store.institute(institute_id)
    form = InstituteForm(request.form)

    # if institute is to be updated
    if request.method == "POST" and form.validate_on_submit():
        institute_obj = controllers.update_institute_settings(
            store, institute_obj, request.form)
        if isinstance(institute_obj, dict):
            flash("institute was updated ", "success")
        else:  # an error message was retuned
            flash(institute_obj, "warning")
            return redirect(request.referrer)

    data = controllers.institute(store, institute_id)
    # get all other institutes to populate the select of the possible collaborators
    institutes_tuples = []
    for inst in store.institutes():
        if not inst["_id"] == institute_id:
            institutes_tuples.append(((inst["_id"], inst["display_name"])))

    form.display_name.default = institute_obj.get("display_name")
    form.institutes.choices = institutes_tuples
    form.coverage_cutoff.default = institute_obj.get("coverage_cutoff")
    form.frequency_cutoff.default = institute_obj.get("frequency_cutoff")

    # collect all available default HPO terms
    default_phenotypes = [
        choice[0].split(" ")[0] for choice in form.pheno_groups.choices
    if institute_obj.get("phenotype_groups"):
        for key, value in institute_obj["phenotype_groups"].items():
            if not key in default_phenotypes:
                custom_group = " ".join([
                    key, ",",
                    value.get("name"), "( {} )".format(value.get("abbr"))
                form.pheno_groups.choices.append((custom_group, custom_group))

    return render_template("/overview/institute.html",
Пример #6
def populate_institute_form(form, institute_obj):
    """Populate institute settings form

        institute_obj(dict) An institute object
    # get all other institutes to populate the select of the possible collaborators
    institutes_tuples = []
    for inst in store.institutes():
        if not inst["_id"] == institute_obj["_id"]:
            institutes_tuples.append(((inst["_id"], inst["display_name"])))

    form.display_name.default = institute_obj.get("display_name")
    form.institutes.choices = institutes_tuples
    form.coverage_cutoff.default = institute_obj.get("coverage_cutoff")
    form.frequency_cutoff.default = institute_obj.get("frequency_cutoff")

    # collect all available default HPO terms and populate the pheno_groups form select with these values
    default_phenotypes = [
        choice[0].split(" ")[0] for choice in form.pheno_groups.choices
    if institute_obj.get("phenotype_groups"):
        for key, value in institute_obj["phenotype_groups"].items():
            if not key in default_phenotypes:
                custom_group = " ".join([
                    key, ",",
                    value.get("name"), "( {} )".format(value.get("abbr"))
                form.pheno_groups.choices.append((custom_group, custom_group))

    # populate gene panels multiselect with panels from institute
    available_panels = list(store.latest_panels(institute_obj["_id"]))
    # And from institute's collaborators
    for collaborator in institute_obj.get("collaborators", []):
        available_panels += list(store.latest_panels(collaborator))
    panel_set = set()
    for panel in available_panels:
        panel_set.add((panel["panel_name"], panel["display_name"]))
    form.gene_panels.choices = sorted(panel_set, key=lambda tup: tup[1])

    return default_phenotypes
Пример #7
def index():
    """Display the Scout dashboard."""
    accessible_institutes = current_user.institutes
    if not 'admin' in current_user.roles:
        accessible_institutes = current_user.institutes
        if not accessible_institutes:
                'Not allowed to see information - please visit the dashboard later!'
            return redirect(url_for('cases.dahboard_general.html'))

    LOG.debug('User accessible institutes: {}'.format(accessible_institutes))
    institutes = [inst for inst in store.institutes(accessible_institutes)]

    # Insert a entry that displays all institutes in the beginning of the array
    institutes.insert(0, {'_id': None, 'display_name': 'All institutes'})

    institute_id = None
    slice_query = None
    panel = 1
    if request.method == 'POST':
        institute_id = request.form.get('institute')
        slice_query = request.form.get('query')
        panel = request.form.get('pane_id')

    elif request.method == 'GET':
        institute_id = request.args.get('institute')
        slice_query = request.args.get('query')

    # User should be restricted to their own institute if:
    #1) Their default institute when the page is first loaded
    #2) if they ask for an institute that they don't belong to
    #3) if they want perform a query on all institutes

    if not institute_id:
        institute_id = accessible_institutes[0]
    elif (not current_user.is_admin) and (slice_query
                                          and institute_id == 'None'):
        institute_id = accessible_institutes[0]
    elif (not institute_id in accessible_institutes) and not (institute_id
                                                              == 'None'):
        institute_id = accessible_institutes[0]

    LOG.info("Fetch all cases with institute: %s", institute_id)

    data = get_dashboard_info(store, institute_id, slice_query)
    data['institutes'] = institutes
    data['choice'] = institute_id
    total_cases = data['total_cases']

    LOG.info("Found %s cases", total_cases)
    if total_cases == 0:
            'no cases found for institute {} (with that query) - please visit the dashboard later!'
            .format(institute_id), 'info')
#        return redirect(url_for('cases.index'))

    return render_template('dashboard/dashboard_general.html',
Пример #8
def case(store, institute_obj, case_obj):
    """Preprocess a single case.

    Prepare the case to be displayed in the case view.


        data(dict): includes the cases, how many there are and the limit.

    # Convert individual information to more readable format
    case_obj["individual_ids"] = []
    for individual in case_obj["individuals"]:
            sex = int(individual.get("sex", 0))
        except ValueError as err:
            sex = 0
        individual["sex_human"] = SEX_MAP[sex]

        pheno_map = PHENOTYPE_MAP
        if case_obj.get("track", "rare") == "cancer":
            pheno_map = CANCER_PHENOTYPE_MAP

        individual["phenotype_human"] = pheno_map.get(individual["phenotype"])

    case_obj["assignees"] = [store.user(user_email) for user_email in case_obj.get("assignees", [])]

    # Provide basic info on alignment files availability for this case

    case_groups = {}
    case_group_label = {}
    _populate_case_groups(store, case_obj, case_groups, case_group_label)

    # Fetch the variant objects for suspects and causatives
    suspects = [
        store.variant(variant_id) or variant_id for variant_id in case_obj.get("suspects", [])
    causatives = [
        store.variant(variant_id) or variant_id for variant_id in case_obj.get("causatives", [])

    # get evaluated variants
    evaluated_variants = store.evaluated_variants(case_obj["_id"], case_obj["owner"])

    # check for partial causatives and associated phenotypes
    partial_causatives = []
    if case_obj.get("partial_causatives"):
        for var_id, values in case_obj["partial_causatives"].items():
            causative_obj = {
                "variant": store.variant(var_id) or var_id,
                "omim_terms": values.get("diagnosis_phenotypes"),
                "hpo_terms": values.get("phenotype_terms"),

    # Set of all unique genes in the default gene panels
    distinct_genes = set()
    case_obj["panel_names"] = []
    case_obj["outdated_panels"] = {}
    for panel_info in case_obj.get("panels", []):
        if not panel_info.get("is_default"):
        panel_name = panel_info["panel_name"]
        panel_version = panel_info.get("version")
        panel_obj = store.gene_panel(panel_name, version=panel_version)
        latest_panel = store.gene_panel(panel_name)
        panel_info["removed"] = False if latest_panel is None else latest_panel.get("hidden", False)
        if not panel_obj:
            panel_obj = latest_panel
            if not panel_obj:
                flash(f"Case default panel '{panel_name}' could not be found.", "warning")
                f"Case default panel '{panel_name}' version {panel_version} could not be found, using latest existing version",

        # Check if case-specific panel is up-to-date with latest version of the panel
        if panel_obj["version"] < latest_panel["version"]:
            extra_genes, missing_genes = _check_outdated_gene_panel(panel_obj, latest_panel)
            if extra_genes or missing_genes:
                case_obj["outdated_panels"][panel_name] = {
                    "missing_genes": missing_genes,
                    "extra_genes": extra_genes,

        distinct_genes.update([gene["hgnc_id"] for gene in panel_obj.get("genes", [])])
        full_name = "{} ({})".format(panel_obj["display_name"], panel_obj["version"])

    case_obj["default_genes"] = list(distinct_genes)

    for hpo_term in itertools.chain(
        case_obj.get("phenotype_groups", []), case_obj.get("phenotype_terms", [])
        hpo_term["hpo_link"] = "http://hpo.jax.org/app/browse/term/{}".format(

    if case_obj.get("rank_model_version"):
        rank_model_link = "".join(
                current_app.config.get("RANK_MODEL_LINK_PREFIX", ""),
                current_app.config.get("RANK_MODEL_LINK_POSTFIX", ""),
        case_obj["rank_model_link"] = rank_model_link

    if case_obj.get("sv_rank_model_version"):
        case_obj["sv_rank_model_link"] = "".join(
                current_app.config.get("SV_RANK_MODEL_LINK_PREFIX", ""),
                current_app.config.get("SV_RANK_MODEL_LINK_POSTFIX", ""),

    # other collaborators than the owner of the case
    o_collaborators = []
    for collab_id in case_obj.get("collaborators", []):
        if collab_id != case_obj["owner"] and store.institute(collab_id):
    case_obj["o_collaborators"] = [
        (collab_obj["_id"], collab_obj["display_name"]) for collab_obj in o_collaborators

    collab_ids = None
    if institute_obj.get("collaborators"):
        collab_ids = [
            (collab["_id"], collab["display_name"])
            for collab in store.institutes()
            if institute_obj.get("collaborators")
            and collab["_id"] in institute_obj.get("collaborators")

    events = list(store.events(institute_obj, case=case_obj))
Пример #9
def index():
    """Display the Scout dashboard."""
    accessible_institutes = current_user.institutes
    if not "admin" in current_user.roles:
        accessible_institutes = current_user.institutes
        if not accessible_institutes:
                "Not allowed to see information - please visit the dashboard later!"
            return redirect(url_for("cases.dahboard_general.html"))

    LOG.debug("User accessible institutes: {}".format(accessible_institutes))
    institutes = [inst for inst in store.institutes(accessible_institutes)]

    # Insert a entry that displays all institutes in the beginning of the array
    institutes.insert(0, {"_id": None, "display_name": "All institutes"})

    institute_id = None
    slice_query = None
    panel = 1
    if request.method == "POST":
        institute_id = request.form.get("institute")
        slice_query = request.form.get("query")
        panel = request.form.get("pane_id")

    elif request.method == "GET":
        institute_id = request.args.get("institute")
        slice_query = request.args.get("query")

    # User should be restricted to their own institute if:
    # 1) Their default institute when the page is first loaded
    # 2) if they ask for an institute that they don't belong to
    # 3) if they want perform a query on all institutes

    if not institute_id:
        institute_id = accessible_institutes[0]
    elif (not current_user.is_admin) and (slice_query
                                          and institute_id == "None"):
        institute_id = accessible_institutes[0]
    elif (not institute_id in accessible_institutes) and not (institute_id
                                                              == "None"):
        institute_id = accessible_institutes[0]

    LOG.info("Fetch all cases with institute: %s", institute_id)

    data = get_dashboard_info(store, institute_id, slice_query)
    data["institutes"] = institutes
    data["choice"] = institute_id
    total_cases = data["total_cases"]

    LOG.info("Found %s cases", total_cases)
    if total_cases == 0:
            "no cases found for institute {} (with that query) - please visit the dashboard later!"
    #        return redirect(url_for('cases.index'))

    return render_template("dashboard/dashboard_general.html",