class TrialRunner(object): """Sets up trial environments and handles screens, mouseloggers and everything else related to running trials.""" def __init__(self): self.params = Parameters() self.trials = 0 self.rounds = 3 def new_trial(self, subject_name, info): """Sets up a new trial (must be called before run)""" self.subject_name = subject_name = info self.trials += 1 self.circle_radius, self.target_radius = self.params.get_test_setup() self.__init_screen() self.__calculate_circle() self.__calculate_targets() self.screen.draw_circles(, self.target_radius, self.params.get_target_color()) self.__init_mouselogger() self.__init_click_counter() def __init_screen(self): screensize = self.params.get_screensize() self.screen = PygameDisplayWindow(screensize, self.trials) def __calculate_circle(self): """Calculates target positions on the circle perimeter""" width, height = self.params.get_screensize() circle_midpoint = width / 2, height / 2 = CircleCircumference(self.circle_radius, circle_midpoint, self.params.get_number_of_targets()) def __calculate_targets(self): """Calculates the indices of successive targets""" num_targets = self.params.get_number_of_targets() halfway = int(ceil(num_targets / 2.0)) current = halfway self.targets = list([0]) while current < num_targets: self.targets.append(current) self.targets.append(current - halfway + 1) current += 1 def __init_mouselogger(self): trialdata = { 'target_width': 2 * self.target_radius, 'target_dist':, 'subject_name': self.subject_name, 'additional_info': } self.mouselog = MouseLogger(trialdata) log_fps = 100 self.logger_sleep_time = 1.0 / log_fps def __init_click_counter(self): self.trial_length = self.rounds * self.params.get_number_of_targets() self.clicks = 0 def run(self): "Runs a trial with the current setup" self.running = True self.logging = False self.prevtarget = None self.__hilight_next_target() while self.running: if self.logging: self.__log_mouse() self.__handle_pygame_events() def __log_mouse(self): """Sends a command to mouse logger to log mouse position. A brief sleep time is included before logging the mouse to keep the fps close to constant.""" time.sleep(self.logger_sleep_time) self.mouselog.log_mouse() def __handle_pygame_events(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.__exit() return if (event.type == pygame.KEYUP or event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN) and \ event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: self.__exit() return if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: self.__log_mouseclick(event) if self.__trial_done(): self.__exit() return self.__set_new_target() self.__hilight_next_target() def __log_mouseclick(self, event): "Logs a mouse click or starts logging if not already started." if self.logging: self.mouselog.log_mouseclick(event) else: self.logging = True self.clicks += 1 def __set_new_target(self): """Sends the next target position to the mouse logger.""" target = self.__get_next_target() self.mouselog.set_current_target(target) def __hilight_next_target(self): """Highlights next target and unhighlights the previous one.""" target = self.__get_next_target() self.screen.draw_circles([target], self.target_radius, self.params.get_hilight_color()) if self.prevtarget: self.screen.draw_circles([self.prevtarget], self.target_radius, self.params.get_target_color()) self.screen.draw() self.prevtarget = target def __get_next_target(self): """Finds the position of the next target and returns it.""" target_i = self.targets[self.clicks % self.params.get_number_of_targets()] return def __exit(self): "Writes log to file and does a clean exit." self.running = False self.screen.draw_text("Trial done!", (0, 200, 0)) self.screen.draw() self.mouselog.write_log() time.sleep(1) pygame.display.quit() def __trial_done(self): """Checks if the trial is done (a certain number of mouseclicks must have been observed).""" return self.clicks >= self.trial_length
class TrialRunner(object): """Sets up trial environments and handles screens, mouseloggers and everything else related to running trials.""" def __init__(self): self.params = Parameters() self.trials = 0 self.rounds = 3 def new_trial(self, subject_name, info): """Sets up a new trial (must be called before run)""" self.subject_name = subject_name = info self.trials += 1 self.circle_radius, self.target_radius = self.params.get_test_setup() self.__init_screen() self.__calculate_circle() self.__calculate_targets() self.screen.draw_circles(, self.target_radius, self.params.get_target_color()) self.__init_mouselogger() self.__init_click_counter() def __init_screen(self): screensize = self.params.get_screensize() self.screen = PygameDisplayWindow(screensize, self.trials) def __calculate_circle(self): """Calculates target positions on the circle perimeter""" width, height = self.params.get_screensize() circle_midpoint = width / 2, height / 2 = CircleCircumference(self.circle_radius, circle_midpoint, self.params.get_number_of_targets()) def __calculate_targets(self): """Calculates the indices of successive targets""" num_targets = self.params.get_number_of_targets() halfway = int(ceil(num_targets / 2.0)) current = halfway self.targets = list([0]) while current < num_targets: self.targets.append(current) self.targets.append(current - halfway + 1) current += 1 def __init_mouselogger(self): trialdata = {'target_width': 2 * self.target_radius, 'target_dist':, 'subject_name': self.subject_name, 'additional_info':} self.mouselog = MouseLogger(trialdata) log_fps = 100 self.logger_sleep_time = 1.0/log_fps def __init_click_counter(self): self.trial_length = self.rounds * self.params.get_number_of_targets() self.clicks = 0 def run(self): "Runs a trial with the current setup" self.running = True self.logging = False self.prevtarget = None self.__hilight_next_target() while self.running: if self.logging: self.__log_mouse() self.__handle_pygame_events() def __log_mouse(self): """Sends a command to mouse logger to log mouse position. A brief sleep time is included before logging the mouse to keep the fps close to constant.""" time.sleep(self.logger_sleep_time) self.mouselog.log_mouse() def __handle_pygame_events(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.__exit() return if (event.type == pygame.KEYUP or event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN) and \ event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: self.__exit() return if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: self.__log_mouseclick(event) if self.__trial_done(): self.__exit() return self.__set_new_target() self.__hilight_next_target() def __log_mouseclick(self, event): "Logs a mouse click or starts logging if not already started." if self.logging: self.mouselog.log_mouseclick(event) else: self.logging = True self.clicks += 1 def __set_new_target(self): """Sends the next target position to the mouse logger.""" target = self.__get_next_target() self.mouselog.set_current_target(target) def __hilight_next_target(self): """Highlights next target and unhighlights the previous one.""" target = self.__get_next_target() self.screen.draw_circles([target], self.target_radius, self.params.get_hilight_color()) if self.prevtarget: self.screen.draw_circles([self.prevtarget], self.target_radius, self.params.get_target_color()) self.screen.draw() self.prevtarget = target def __get_next_target(self): """Finds the position of the next target and returns it.""" target_i = self.targets[self.clicks % self.params.get_number_of_targets()] return def __exit(self): "Writes log to file and does a clean exit." self.running = False self.screen.draw_text("Trial done!", (0, 200, 0)) self.screen.draw() self.mouselog.write_log() time.sleep(1) pygame.display.quit() def __trial_done(self): """Checks if the trial is done (a certain number of mouseclicks must have been observed).""" return self.clicks >= self.trial_length
def __init_screen(self): screensize = self.params.get_screensize() self.screen = PygameDisplayWindow(screensize, self.trials)