def start_time(self, t): # get start time and set current CB objects (and their change times) Screen.start_time(self, t) self._last_CB_change_time_left = t self._last_CB_change_time_right = t self._current_CB_left = self._current_CB_right =
def __init__(self, game, materials, newMaterials, money): = money = game self.materials = materials self.newMaterials = newMaterials self.constantLabels = [] self.shownItems = [] self.mixScreenButton = MatSciGame.MixScreenButton("mixScreen","img/MixingButton.png", pygame.Rect(900, 300, 300, 75),MatSciGame.ForceScreenButton.clicked, self.constantLabels.append(ScreenText("moneyText", "Money = " + str(, pygame.Rect(900, 0, 300, 75), pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 40))) self.Notificationlabels = [] self.infoLabels = [] self.actors = self.constantLabels + self.shownItems self.buttons = [self.mixScreenButton] Screen.__init__(self, self.buttons, self.actors, "img/bookOpen.png")
def do(self): self.done = False areavars2conf = {'nrounds':'NUMBER OF ROUNDS', 'maxt':'TIMER', 'ailevel':'AI DIFFICULTY', 'musicvol':'MUSIC VOLUME', 'sfxvol':'SFX VOLUME'} for k, v in areavars2conf: self.area.__dict__[k] = self.setting(v)
def clear(self, color, i=None): """ Clear the subscreen at index i. """ if i != None: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, color, self.rect(i)) else: Screen.clear(self, color)
def render(self): # do general OpenGL stuff as well as FixationCross and Vsync Patch if needed Screen.render(self) # translate to position of left board and render gl.glLoadIdentity() gl.glTranslatef(self.xC, self.yC, 0.0) self._current_CB.render()
def __init__(self, game, materials, newMaterials, money): self.dropTest = ItemMakeZone('makeItems', pygame.Rect(300, 200, 450, 450), self, game) self.dropMats = HoldZone('holdMats', pygame.Rect(730, 100, 90, 550), game) self.dropNewMats = HoldZone('holdsNewMaterials', pygame.Rect(150/2,100, 180, 550), game) self.dropItems = HoldZone('holdsItems', pygame.Rect(650,625, 300, WINDOWHEIGHT/2), game) = money = game self.materials = materials self.newMaterials = newMaterials self.items = [] self.items.append(MatSciGame.Item("cup", pygame.Rect(300, 600, 85, 93), 60, 50, 70, .3, .1, .6, (0,0,0))) self.items.append(MatSciGame.Item("hammer", pygame.Rect(400, 600, 90, 90), 100, 60, 40, .6, .3, .1, (0,0,0))) self.items.append(MatSciGame.Item("table", pygame.Rect(650, 600, 85, 70), 80, 40, 60, .5, .2, .3, (0,0,0))) self.items.append(MatSciGame.Item("poker", pygame.Rect(500, 600, 34, 90), 40, 100, 30, .2, .7, .1, (0,0,0))) self.items.append(MatSciGame.Item("decor", pygame.Rect(550, 600, 80, 90), 20, 40, 100, .2, .1, .7, (0,0,0))) self.constantLabels = [] self.dropZones = [self.dropTest, self.dropMats, self.dropNewMats] self.mixScreenButton = MatSciGame.MixScreenButton("mixScreen","img/MixingButton.png", pygame.Rect(900, 300, 300, 75),MatSciGame.ForceScreenButton.clicked, self.constantLabels.append(ScreenText("moneyText", "Money = " + str(, pygame.Rect(900, 0, 300, 75), pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 40))) self.Notificationlabels = [] self.infoLabels = [] self.actors = self.constantLabels + self.dropZones+ self.materials+self.newMaterials + self.items self.buttons = [self.mixScreenButton] Screen.__init__(self, self.buttons, self.actors, "img/kitchenBackground.png")
def __init__(self, game, tools, parts): = game = tools = parts Screen.__init__(self, self.buttons, self.actors, (0,128,0))
def main(): s = Screen(fg='white', bg='black') s.cls('green') w = Window(s, 5, 5, 45, 30) w.cls() # for i in range(10): # print >>w, i w2 = Window(s, 66, 5, 120, 10) w2.cls() # for i in range(31): # print >>w, 'a' * i # time.sleep(0.4) # # print >>w, 'abcdefghi\njklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # print >>w, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # print >>w, 'HI' print >>w, open(__file__).read() # print >>w2, 'world' # print >>w2, 'YO' s.gotoxy(s.left, s.bottom)
def __init__(self, game, materials, newMaterials, money): self.dropTest = MeltingTestZone('dropTest', pygame.Rect(290, 200, 300, 300), self) self.dropMats = HoldZone('holdMats', pygame.Rect(730, 100, 90, 550), game) self.dropNewMats = HoldZone('holdsNewMaterials', pygame.Rect(150/2,100, 180, 550), game) = money = game self.materials = materials self.newMaterials = newMaterials self.constantLabels = [] self.dropZones = [self.dropTest, self.dropMats, self.dropNewMats] self.mixScreenButton = MatSciGame.MixScreenButton("mixScreen","img/MixingButton.png", pygame.Rect(900, 300, 300, 75),MatSciGame.ForceScreenButton.clicked, self.constantLabels.append(ScreenText("moneyText", "Money = " + str(, pygame.Rect(900, 0, 300, 75), pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 40))) self.Notificationlabels = [] self.infoLabels = [] self.actors = self.constantLabels + self.dropZones+ self.materials+self.newMaterials self.buttons = [self.mixScreenButton] Screen.__init__(self, self.buttons, self.actors, "img/kitchenBackground.png")
class GameBoy(object): def __init__(self, ROM): self.memory = Memory(ROM) self.Z80 = Z80(self.memory) self.screen = Screen(self.memory) def get_ROM_name(self): chars = self.memory.ROM[0x0134:0x0143] # The ROM's name is simply written at this address return "".join([chr(x) for x in chars]) def run(self): a = 0 while True: if self.Z80.PC == 0x100 and self.memory.BIOS_has_run == False: print "BIOS has been executed" self.memory.BIOS_has_run = ( True ) # BIOS starts at 0 and goes to 0x100, once there it has to be removed from the memory self.Z80.next_instruction() self.screen.sync_clock(self.Z80.t) # Interrupts handling for i in xrange(5): if ( self.Z80.ime and self.memory.read_byte(0xFFFF) & (1 << i) and self.memory.read_byte(0xFF0F) & (1 << i) ): # interrupts enabled && specific interrupt enabled && interrupt requested self.memory.write_byte(0xFF0F, self.memory.read_byte(0xFF0F) & ~(1 << i)) self.Z80.ime = False # Prevents other interrupts self.Z80.registers["SP"] -= 2 self.memory.write_word(self.Z80.SP, self.Z80) self.Z80.registers["PC"] = INTERRUPTS_ADDRESSES[i] self.screen.sync_clock(12) # Every interrupt takes 12 CPU cycles
class ScreenTest(unittest.TestCase): SCREEN_W = 64 SCREEN_H = 32 def setUp(self): self.screen = Screen(self.SCREEN_W, self.SCREEN_H) def tearDown(self): pass def testShouldHaveCorrectSize(self): self.assertEqual(self.screen.width, self.SCREEN_W) self.assertEqual(self.screen.height, self.SCREEN_H) def testShouldChangeCorrectPixel(self): self.screen.setPixel(1, 1, True) pixel1 = self.screen.getPixel(1, 1) self.assertTrue(pixel1) self.screen.setPixel(1, 1, False) pixel2 = self.screen.getPixel(1, 1) self.assertFalse(pixel2) def testShouldBeClearedAfterInit(self): self.assertTrue(self.screen.screen == [0] * len(self.screen.screen)) def testShouldFullyClearScreen(self): self.screen.setPixel(1, 1, True) self.screen.clear() self.assertTrue(self.screen.screen == [0] * len(self.screen.screen))
def toolClicked(self,tools,parts): = database self.screen.Notificationlabels.append(ScreenText("text1", database, pygame.Rect(100, 3*WINDOWHEIGHT/4, 200, 50), font1)) passn Screen.__init__(self, self.buttons, self.actors, (128,0,0))
def __init__(self): Screen.__init__(self,"fieldNumberScreen") self.screen.fill([0,0,0]) # just black, no graphic background image self.buttonHeight = self.height/3 self.buttonPadding = self.width/25 self.matchImage, self.autoImage, self.teleopImage, self.endGameImage = self.numberImages(self.buttonHeight) self.buttonWidth = self.matchImage.get_width() self.matchPos, self.autoPos, self.teleopPos, self.endGamePos = self.numberPositions(self.buttonHeight, self.buttonWidth, self.buttonPadding) self.matchButton = self.buttons((self.buttonWidth,self.buttonHeight),self.matchPos, graphic=self.matchImage, callback=self.editMatchNumber) self.autoButton = self.buttons((self.buttonWidth,self.buttonHeight),self.autoPos, graphic=self.autoImage, callback=self.editAutoNumber) self.teleopButton = self.buttons((self.buttonWidth,self.buttonHeight),self.teleopPos, graphic=self.teleopImage, callback=self.editTeleopNumber) self.endGameButton = self.buttons((self.buttonWidth,self.buttonHeight),self.endGamePos, graphic=self.endGameImage, callback=self.editEndGameNumber) self.ButtonS = self.buttons(bgcolor = (0,0,255), callback=self.done, **Button.standardButton("S","Done",self.screen))
def __init__(self,name): Screen.__init__(self,name) self.screen.fill([0,0,0]) # just black, no graphic background image # go ahead and calculate the time display/buttons self.buttonHeight = self.height/3 self.buttonPadding = self.width/25 self.matchImage, self.autoImage, self.teleopImage, self.endGameImage = self.numberImages(self.buttonHeight) self.buttonWidth = self.matchImage.get_width() self.matchPos, self.autoPos, self.teleopPos, self.endGamePos = self.numberPositions(self.buttonHeight, self.buttonWidth, self.buttonPadding) self.matchButton = self.buttons((self.buttonWidth,self.buttonHeight),self.matchPos, graphic=self.matchImage, callback=self.editMatchNumber,gpio=HARDWARE.button.NW) self.autoButton = self.buttons((self.buttonWidth,self.buttonHeight),self.autoPos, graphic=self.autoImage, callback=self.editAutoNumber,gpio=HARDWARE.button.SW) self.teleopButton = self.buttons((self.buttonWidth,self.buttonHeight),self.teleopPos, graphic=self.teleopImage, callback=self.editTeleopNumber,gpio=HARDWARE.button.NE) self.endGameButton = self.buttons((self.buttonWidth,self.buttonHeight),self.endGamePos, graphic=self.endGameImage, callback=self.editEndGameNumber,gpio=HARDWARE.button.SE) self.ButtonS = self.buttons(bgcolor = (0,0,255), callback=self.done, **Button.standardButton("S","Done",self.screen))
def __init__(self, **args): self.choice = self.nextchoice = 0 self.choices = [i.upper() for i in ['Arcade', 'VS Mode', 'Training', 'Options', 'Exit']] self.done = False keycond = lambda: not self.done Screen.__init__(self, 'system/title', keycond=keycond, **args) self.incx = 0
def setup(self, nrows, check_width = None, check_color1 = 'white', check_color2 = 'black', screen_background_color = 'neutral-gray', fixation_dot_color = False, pos_x = None, pos_y = None, vsync_value = None, vsync_patch = "bottom-right", ): Screen.setup(self, background_color = screen_background_color, vsync_value = vsync_value, vsync_patch = vsync_patch, ) self.CB = CheckerBoard(nrows = nrows, check_width = check_width, color1 = check_color1, color2 = check_color2, fixation_dot_color = fixation_dot_color ) if pos_x is None: pos_x = -0.5*self.CB.board_width if pos_y is None: pos_y = -0.5*self.CB.board_width self.pos_x = pos_x self.pos_y = pos_y
def __init__(self,name,globalName,mode,title,color): Screen.__init__(self,name) self.ButtonS = self.buttons(bgcolor = (0,0,255), callback=self.done, **Button.standardButton("S","Done",self.screen)) self.ButtonNW = self.buttons(bgcolor = (0,0,255), callback=self.cancel, **Button.standardButton("NW","Cancel",self.screen)) self.ButtonNE = self.buttons(bgcolor = (0,0,255), callback=self.up, upCallback=self.release, holdCallback = self.holdCountUp, rotation = 180, **removeKey(Button.standardButton("NE","V",self.screen),'rotation')) self.ButtonSE = self.buttons(bgcolor = (0,0,255), callback=self.down, upCallback=self.release, holdCallback = self.holdCountDown, **Button.standardButton("SE","V",self.screen)) self.ButtonSW = self.buttons(bgcolor = (255,0,0), callback=self.permenance, **Button.standardButton("SW","Permenance",self.screen)) self.globalName = globalName self.mode = mode self.color = color self.title = title self.heldCountUp = False self.heldCountDown = False self.heldLastTime = self.needsUpdate = True self.PT = True
def __init__(self,name): Screen.__init__(self,name) self.titleImage = pygame.image.load("Media/ChapFCS-title.gif").convert() self.titlePosition = ((self.screen.get_width()-self.titleImage.get_width())/2, (self.screen.get_height()/4)) self.tablePosition = (100,175) self.screen.fill([0,0,0]) # just black, no graphic background image self.ButtonNW = self.buttons(bgcolor = (0,0,255), callback=self.systemOptions, **Button.standardButton("NW",["System","Options"],self.screen)) self.ButtonNE = self.buttons(bgcolor = (0,0,255), callback=self.matchOptions, **Button.standardButton("NE",["Field","Options"],self.screen)) self.ButtonSE = self.buttons(bgcolor = (0,0,255), callback=self.about, **Button.standardButton("SE","About",self.screen)) self.ButtonS = self.buttons(bgcolor = (255,255,255), callback=self.nextMatch, lcolor = (0,0,0), **Button.standardButton("S",["Next","Match"],self.screen)) self.dataTable = self.tables(fontsize=20,font="monospace") self.dataTable.addData("Field Name: ",align="right") self.dataTable.addData(Settings.fieldName, bold=True, name="fieldName",bgcolor=(50,50,50),callback=self.setFieldName) self.dataTable.endRow() self.dataTable.addData("Next Match: ", align="right") self.dataTable.addData(Settings.matchNumber,name="match",callback=self.setMatchNumber,bold=True) self.dataTable.endRow() # put out the title self.screen.blit(self.titleImage,self.titlePosition) self.dataTable.position = self.tablePosition
def __init__(self, shell, filename, **kwds): text = get_text(filename) text_pages = text.split("\nPAGE\n") pages = [] page_size = (0, 0) for text_page in text_pages: lines = text_page.strip().split("\n") page = Page(self, lines[0], lines[1:]) pages.append(page) page_size = maximum(page_size, page.size) self.pages = pages bf = self.button_font b1 = Button("Prev Page", font=bf, action=self.prev_page) b2 = Button("Menu", font=bf, action=self.go_back) b3 = Button("Next Page", font=bf, action=self.next_page) b = self.margin page_rect = Rect((b, b), page_size) gap = (0, 18) b1.topleft = add(page_rect.bottomleft, gap) b2.midtop = add(page_rect.midbottom, gap) b3.topright = add(page_rect.bottomright, gap) Screen.__init__(self, shell, **kwds) self.size = add(b3.bottomright, (b, b)) self.add(b1) self.add(b2) self.add(b3) self.prev_button = b1 self.next_button = b3 self.set_current_page(0)
def __init__(self, robot, game): self.robot = robot = game self.startPosition = (400,400) start = BuildButton("tobuildscreen", pygame.Rect(scrright-200, scrbottom-100, 200, 100), "img/back_button_big.png", BuildButton.clicked, self) buy = BuyButton("buythings", pygame.Rect(500, scrbottom-140, 400,150), "img/buy_button.png", BuyButton.clicked, self) font1 = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 40) self.moneyLabel = ScreenText("moneytext", "Money: "+str(, pygame.Rect(WINDOWWIDTH-225, 0, 200, 50), font1) motorLabel = planes.Plane("motorLabel", pygame.Rect(scrleft,scrtop,170,50), draggable=False, grab=False) motorLabel.image = pygame.image.load("img/motorupgrade_label.png") mu1 = MotorUpgrade("mu1", pygame.Rect(scrleft,scrtop+60,50,50), "img/motorupgrade_1.png", 100, 0.3, 1, self) mu2 = MotorUpgrade("mu2", pygame.Rect(scrleft+60,scrtop+60,50,50), "img/motorupgrade_2.png", 200, 0.2, 2, self) mu3 = MotorUpgrade("mu3", pygame.Rect(scrleft+120,scrtop+60,50,50), "img/motorupgrade_3.png", 300, 0.1, 3, self) self.shoppingcart = ShoppingCart("shoppingcart", pygame.Rect(350,50,800,600), self) self.shoppingcart.image = pygame.image.load("img/shoppingcart.png") bumperLabel = planes.Plane("bumperLabel", pygame.Rect(scrleft, mu3.rect.bottom + 30, 170, 50), draggable=False, grab=False) bumperLabel.image = pygame.image.load("img/bumperupgrade_label.png") bu1 = BumperUpgrade("bu1", pygame.Rect(scrleft, bumperLabel.rect.bottom + 10, 50, 50), "img/bumperupgrade_1.png", 100, 7, 1, self) bu2 = BumperUpgrade("bu2", pygame.Rect(scrleft+60, bumperLabel.rect.bottom + 10, 50, 50), "img/bumperupgrade_2.png", 200, 5, 2, self) bu3 = BumperUpgrade("bu3", pygame.Rect(scrleft+120, bumperLabel.rect.bottom + 10, 50, 50), "img/bumperupgrade_3.png", 300, 3, 3, self) self.costInCartlabel = ScreenText("costincart", "Cost in Cart: 0", pygame.Rect(500, 50, 400, 50), font1) buttons = [start, buy] self.upgrades = [mu1, mu2, mu3, bu1, bu2, bu3] self.actorsWithoutDesc = [self.shoppingcart, motorLabel, bumperLabel, self.moneyLabel, self.costInCartlabel] + self.upgrades self.actors = self.actorsWithoutDesc Screen.__init__(self,buttons,self.actors,BLACK)
def __init__(self, **args): self.choices = ['RETURN', 'P1 CONTROLS', 'P2 CONTROLS', 'MUSIC VOLUME', 'SFX VOLUME', 'AI DIFFICULTY', 'SHOW HITBOXES', 'NUMBER OF ROUNDS', 'TIMER'] self.extra = {} self.extra['MUSIC VOLUME'] = self.extra['SFX VOLUME'] = [0, 25, 50, 75 ,100] self.extra['NUMBER OF ROUNDS'] = [1, 3, 5] self.extra['SHOW HITBOXES'] = ['YES', 'NO'] self.extra['AI DIFFICULTY'] = ['GIANCARLO', 'VERY EASY', 'EASY', 'NORMAL', 'HARD', 'VERY HARD'] self.extra['TIMER'] = [20, 30, 45, 99] self.config = {} self.config['MUSIC VOLUME'] = 2 self.config['SHOW HITBOXES'] = 0 self.config['SFX VOLUME'] = 2 self.config['NUMBER OF ROUNDS'] = 2 self.config['AI DIFFICULTY'] = 3 self.config['TIMER'] = 2 self.volume = 50 self.nrounds = 2 keycond = lambda: not self.done Screen.__init__(self, 'system/title', keycond=keycond, **args) self.f = self.area.font['metal'] self.incx = 0 self.x, self.y = 8, 8 self.choice = 0 self.setting = lambda configname: self.extra[configname][self.config[configname]]
def setup(self, nrows, nrows_center = 1, check_width = None, check_width_center = 0.5, check_color1 = 'white', check_color2 = 'black', screen_background_color = 'neutral-gray', show_fixation_dot = False, flash_rate_left = DEFAULT_FLASH_RATE, flash_rate_right = DEFAULT_FLASH_RATE, flash_rate_center = DEFAULT_FLASH_RATE, #rate_compensation = None, vsync_patch = None, ): Screen.setup(self, background_color = screen_background_color, vsync_patch = vsync_patch, ) #run colors through filter to catch names and convert to RGB check_color1 = COLORS.get(check_color1, check_color1) check_color2 = COLORS.get(check_color2, check_color2) # set checkerboard-related attributes if check_width is None: check_width = 2.0/nrows #fill whole screen self.board_width = check_width*nrows self.board_width_center = check_width_center * nrows_center self.nrows = nrows self.CB1 = CheckerBoard(nrows, check_width, color1 = check_color1, color2 = check_color2, show_fixation_dot = show_fixation_dot) self.CB2 = CheckerBoard(nrows, check_width, color1 = check_color2, color2 = check_color1, show_fixation_dot = show_fixation_dot) #reversed pattern self.CB1_center = CheckerBoard(nrows_center, check_width_center, color1 = check_color1, color2 = check_color2, show_fixation_dot = False)#show_fixation_dot) self.CB2_center = CheckerBoard(nrows_center, check_width_center, color1 = check_color2, color2 = check_color1, show_fixation_dot = False)#show_fixation_dot) self.CB_cycle_left = itertools.cycle((self.CB1,self.CB2)) self.CB_cycle_right = itertools.cycle((self.CB1,self.CB2)) self.CB_cycle_center = itertools.cycle((self.CB1_center,self.CB2_center)) # set time-related attributes self._last_CB_change_time_left = None self._last_CB_change_time_right = None self._last_CB_change_time_center = None self.flash_rate_left = flash_rate_left self.flash_interval_left = 1.0/flash_rate_left self.flash_rate_right = flash_rate_right self.flash_interval_right = 1.0/flash_rate_right self.flash_rate_center = flash_rate_center self.flash_interval_center = 1.0/flash_rate_center #self.rate_compensation = rate_compensation # get useful coordinate values for checkerboard rendering locations self.xC, self.yC = (-0.5*self.board_width,-0.5*self.board_width) self.xL, self.yL = (self.xC - 0.7*self.screen_right, self.yC) self.xR, self.yR = (self.xC + 0.7*self.screen_right, self.yC) # some lists for checking things self.vals = itertools.cycle((1,0)) self.t_list = [] self.val_list = [] self.vals_current =
def __init__(self,gamemodel): = 0 self.gamemodel = gamemodel self.buttons = [] self.actors = [] self.howManyRays = 0 self.howManySharks = 0 self.howManyScallops = 0 self.rayOffset = 0 self.sharkOffset = 0 self.scallopOffset = 0 self.rayX = 0 self.sharkX = 0 self.scallopX = 0 self.timesteps = 0 font1 = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 20) font2 = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 70) self.timeLabel = ScreenText("timetext", "Timestep: "+str(self.timesteps), pygame.Rect(WINDOWWIDTH-270,0,250,40), font1) self.numrayLabel = ScreenText("raytext", "Rays: "+str(self.howManyRays), pygame.Rect(70,0,150,30), font1) self.changerayLabel = ScreenText("changeraytext", "Change: "+str(self.howManyRays), pygame.Rect(70,40,150,30), font1) self.numsharkLabel = ScreenText("sharktext", "Sharks: "+str(self.howManySharks), pygame.Rect(300,0,150,30), font1) self.changesharkLabel = ScreenText("changesharktext", "Change: "+str(self.howManySharks), pygame.Rect(300,40,150,30), font1) self.numscallopLabel = ScreenText("scalloptext", "Scallops: "+str(self.howManyScallops), pygame.Rect(530,0,150,30), font1) self.changescallopLabel = ScreenText("changescalloptext", "Change: "+str(self.howManyScallops), pygame.Rect(530,40,150,30), font1) self.winLabel = ScreenText("wintext", "YOU WIN!", pygame.Rect(0,0,1200,750), font2) buttonReset = ResetButton("reset", "img/reset_button.png", pygame.Rect(8*WINDOWWIDTH/10-40,8*WINDOWHEIGHT/10-30, 2*WINDOWWIDTH/10, WINDOWHEIGHT/10), ResetButton.clicked, self) button0 = TimeStepButton("time", "img/timestep_button.png", pygame.Rect(8*WINDOWWIDTH/10-40,7*WINDOWHEIGHT/10-40, 2*WINDOWWIDTH/10, WINDOWHEIGHT/10), TimeStepButton.clicked, self) button1 = RayButton("ray","img/ray.png",pygame.Rect(8.5*WINDOWWIDTH/10-30,WINDOWHEIGHT/10,WINDOWWIDTH/10,WINDOWHEIGHT/10),RayButton.clicked, self) button2 = SharkButton("shark","img/shark.png",pygame.Rect(8.5*WINDOWWIDTH/10-30,2*WINDOWHEIGHT/10 + 10,WINDOWWIDTH/10,WINDOWHEIGHT/10),SharkButton.clicked, self) button3 = ScallopButton("scallop", "img/scallop.png", pygame.Rect(8.5*WINDOWWIDTH/10-30,3*WINDOWHEIGHT/10 + 20, WINDOWWIDTH/10, WINDOWHEIGHT/10), ScallopButton.clicked, self) ########### buttonback = GBackButton("back", "img/back_button_ingame.png", pygame.Rect(8*WINDOWWIDTH/10-40, 9*WINDOWHEIGHT/10-20, 2*WINDOWWIDTH/10, WINDOWHEIGHT/10), BackButton.clicked, self) self.buttons.append(buttonback) ########## self.buttons.append(buttonReset) self.buttons.append(button0) self.buttons.append(button1) self.buttons.append(button2) self.buttons.append(button3) #self.buttons.append(button4) self.actors.append(self.timeLabel) self.actors.append(self.numrayLabel) self.actors.append(self.changerayLabel) self.actors.append(self.numsharkLabel) self.actors.append(self.changesharkLabel) self.actors.append(self.numscallopLabel) self.actors.append(self.changescallopLabel) Screen.__init__(self, self.buttons, self.actors, "img/Background_modsim.png")
class Canossa(tff.DefaultHandler, CSIHandlerTrait, ESCHandlerTrait): __cpr = False dirty = True def __init__(self, screen=None, termenc="UTF-8", termprop=None, visibility=False, resized=True): """ >>> from screen import MockScreenWithCursor >>> screen = MockScreenWithCursor() >>> screen.getyx() (0, 0) >>> canossa = Canossa(screen=screen, resized=False) """ if screen: self.screen = screen else: import sys from screen import Screen # make screen # get current position result = _get_pos_and_size(sys.stdin, sys.stdout) if result: row, col, y, x = result self.screen = Screen(row, col, y, x, termenc, termprop) self._visibility = visibility self.__cpr = False self._resized = resized CSIHandlerTrait.__init__(self) ESCHandlerTrait.__init__(self) def handle_csi(self, context, parameter, intermediate, final): """ >>> from screen import MockScreenWithCursor >>> screen = MockScreenWithCursor() >>> parser = _generate_mock_parser(screen) """ if self._resized: self._resized = False self.screen.adjust_cursor() try: return self.dispatch_csi(context, parameter, intermediate, final) except Exception, e: mnemonic = 'CSI %s %s %s' % (' '.join(map(chr, parameter)), ' '.join(map(chr, intermediate)), chr(final)) logging.error("handle_csi: %s" % mnemonic) logging.error("handle_csi: %s" % repr(e)) return True
def __init__(self, parent=None, width=800, height=800): """ initialisation parent : une application width,height : dimension de l'oscilloscpe """ Frame.__init__(self) self.master.title("Oscilloscope") # Modelethreading.Thread(None, affiche, None, (200,), {'nom':'thread a'}) self.time = 0 self.signal = None # # Vues # self.menuBar = MenuBar(parent=self) # self.screen = Screen(parent=self) # self.frame = Frame(master=self) # # Controleurs # self.time_control = TimeBase(parent=self) # self.signal_controlX = Generator(parent=self, name="X", color="red") # self.signal_controlY = Generator(parent=self, name="Y", color="blue") # # Affichage Vues, Controleurs # self.menuBar.pack() # self.screen.pack() # self.signal_controlX.pack(side="left") # self.signal_controlY.pack(side="left") # self.time_control.pack() # Vues self.menuBar = MenuBar(parent=self) self.screenT = Screen(parent=self) self.screenXY = Screen(parent=self) # Controleurs self.signal_controlX = Generator(parent=self, name="X", color="red") self.signal_controlY = Generator(parent=self, name="Y", color="blue") self.signal_controlXY = Generator(parent=self, name="XY", color="blue") self.time_control = TimeBase(parent=self) self.varX = IntVar() self.varY = IntVar() self.varXY = IntVar() self.showX = Checkbutton(parent, text="X", variable=self.varX, command=lambda: self.update_show("X")) self.showY = Checkbutton(parent, text="Y", variable=self.varY, command=lambda: self.update_show("Y")) self.showXY = Checkbutton(parent, text="XY", variable=self.varXY, command=lambda: self.update_show("XY")) self.varX.set(1) self.varY.set(1) self.varXY.set(1) # Affichage Vues, Controleurs self.menuBar.grid(column=0, row=0) self.screenT.grid(column=0,row=1) self.screenXY.grid(column=1,row=1) self.signal_controlX.grid(column=0, row=2) self.signal_controlY.grid(column=0, row=3) self.time_control.grid(column=0, row=4) self.showX.grid(column=1, row=2) self.showY.grid(column=1, row=3) self.showXY.grid(column=1, row=4) self.configure(width=width, height=height)
def __init__(self): dropBig = DropZone('bigDrop', pygame.Rect(200, 300, 200, 200)) self.materials = [] for i in range(0,3): self.materials.append(Material("mat"+str(i), pygame.Rect((400, 600/(len(self.materials)+1) * i, 20, 20)))) self.dropZones = [dropBig] self.actors = self.dropZones + self.materials Screen.__init__(self, [], self.actors, (0,128,0))
def __init__(self, main): Screen.__init__(self, main) self.introtheme ="../sound/lifdoff.ogg") self.logo = pygame.image.load("../img/lifdofflogo.png") self.overlay = pygame.Surface((1280, 800), pygame.SRCALPHA) self.overlay.fill((0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 192)) self.yloc = 500-62 self.playing = 0
def __init__(self, p1, p2, **args): cond = lambda: not self.done Screen.__init__(self, 'system/vs', keycond=cond, **args) self.p1, self.p2 = p1, p2 self.c = [RGB(255,0,0,32), RGB(0,255,0,32), RGB(0,0,255,32)] self.f = self.area.font['menuwhite'] self.barmax = p1.totalframes + p2.totalframes = 0
def __init__(self, screen): Screen.__init__(self, screen) self.font = pygame.font.Font("assets/fonts/blogger-sans.ttf", 32) self.text = self.font.render("Pygame Snake", True, (0, 0, 0)) self.fontbtn = pygame.font.Font("assets/fonts/blogger-sans.ttf", 22) self.textnew = self.fontbtn.render("New Game", True, (0, 0, 0)) self.textquit = self.fontbtn.render("Quit", True, (0, 0, 0)) self.choice = 0
def __init__(self, main): Screen.__init__(self, main) self.waves = Waves() self.smallerfont = pygame.font.Font(None, 50) # font for menu items def go_back(mpos): self.main.change_screen("main") self.clickbox.append((30, 650, 102, 50), go_back)
def __init__(self, asteroids_amount): """ creates a new game with the given amount if asteroids :param asteroids_amount: """ self.__screen = Screen() self.__player_score = 0 self.__screen_max_x = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_X self.__screen_max_y = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_Y self.__screen_min_x = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_X self.__screen_min_y = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_Y self.__screen_min = Vector(self.__screen_min_x, self.__screen_min_y) self.__screen_max = Vector(self.__screen_max_x, self.__screen_max_y) # generating ship and placing on screen self.__ship = self.gen_ship() self.__ship_life = 3 # creating and registering all asteroids self.__astroids_list = self.__generate_asteroids(asteroids_amount) self.__torpedos_list = list() self.__game_length = 0
def main(): oled = get_oled() screen = Screen(oled) wait_for_networking() conf = get_conf() APPID = conf['APPID'] button = Pin(BUTTON_A_PIN, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) show_random_weather(screen, APPID) while True: if not button.value(): show_random_weather(screen, APPID)
def writeScreen(): screen = Screen() print str(screen) fil = open("out2.bin", "wb") msg = bytearray() msg.extend(struct.pack("BB", screen.height, screen.width)) for row in screen.screen: for asciipixel in row: msg.extend(struct.pack("BB", asciipixel.ascii, asciipixel.color)) fil.write(msg) fil.close()
def __init__(self, DHT22_pin, lightsensor_pin, re_data, re_clock, re_switch, API_key, db_file, base_path): """ Setup of all the components """ self.screen = Screen() # Show info on screen to inform Pi is booting self.screen.display_text("BOOTING") self.db = Database(db_file, base_path) # self.excel = Excel(excel_file_name) self.climate = ClimateData(DHT22_pin, API_key) self.lightsensor = LightSensor(lightsensor_pin) # Setup interrupt for when light changes GPIO.add_event_detect(lightsensor_pin, GPIO.RISING, callback=self.light_changed, bouncetime=200) self.rotary = RotaryEncoder(re_data, re_clock, re_switch) # setup interrupts for rotary encoder is turned GPIO.add_event_detect(re_data, GPIO.RISING, callback=self.rotary_encoder_changed) GPIO.add_event_detect(re_clock, GPIO.RISING, callback=self.rotary_encoder_changed) GPIO.add_event_detect(re_switch, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.rotary_encoder_clicked, bouncetime=200) # setup different pages self.pages = [] self.pages.append(PAGES.CurrentWeatherPage(self, base_path)) self.pages.append(PAGES.MinMaxTemperaturePage(self)) self.pages.append(PAGES.SettingsPage(self, base_path)) # index of the current page self.current_page = 0
def __init__(self): sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('.')) config = data_make.load() self.screen = Screen(config) try: self.modules = Modules('Games', self.screen) except: pass #self.interface = Interface(self.screen) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.mouse.set_visible(True) self.mouse_focus = False self._pause = False self._fps = 120 #2*2*2*3*5 self._running = True self.timers = Timers(self._fps) self.timers.add_new("ta_move", self.screen.textareas.move, 10, type='s') self.timers.add_new("pause", lambda:self.screen.indicators.state('pause'), 2, None, 's') #self.timers.add_new("focus_test", self.focusTest, 2, type='s') #print self.timers.listType('s') sys_keys = { #(key, KEYUP/KEYDOWN): (func, modifiers expected, modifiers allowed) (K_p, KEYDOWN): (self.pause, KMOD_CTRL), (K_i, KEYDOWN): (self.edit, KMOD_CTRL), #(K_e, KEYDOWN): (lambda:self.screen.textareas[0].edit(not bool(self.screen.textareas[0].edit())), KMOD_CTRL), (K_q, KEYDOWN): (self.stop, KMOD_CTRL), (K_r, KEYDOWN): (lambda:self.screen.displays.main.fill((random.randint(0,8), random.randint(0, 18), random.randint(1,10), random.randint(1, 20)), 0x81, random.randint(0, 0xffffff), 0), None), (K_t, KEYDOWN): (lambda:self.screen.displays.main.put_text((random.randint(0,8), random.randint(0, 18), random.randint(1,10), random.randint(1, 20)), 'test', random.randint(0, 0xffffff), 0), None), (K_l, KEYDOWN): (self.test, KMOD_CTRL), (K_c, KEYDOWN): (self.compile_conf, KMOD_CTRL), } self.keyboard = Keyboard(sys_keys, {}) self.rects = ( # (self.screen.textarea1, Rect(self.screen.textarea1)), ) self.clicked = -1 self.pos = [0,0] self.editing = False # <<<<<<<<<<< #self.test() self.ui = UI(self.screen)
def main_page(login, password): """Loads main page of the user""" main_header = """ ACCOUNT_________________ Welcome to your page What do you want to do? """ choice = namedtuple('Choice', ['desc', 'func']) main_choices = ( choice('Search for a book', ac.search_for_books), choice('Check your books', ac.check_my_books), # LOGIN? choice('Rent a book', ac.rent_book), # LOGIN? choice('Change your account data', ac.change_account_details), choice('Log out', exit.exit_to_intro)) main_page = Screen(main_header, main_choices, login, password) while True: main_page.activate()
def __init__(self, screen = None, level = 1, score = 0): = Audio() # Runs sounds/music self.level = level self.score = score if screen: self.screen = screen else: self.screen = Screen(setup = False) # Don't go into curses mode yet # Board on which we will be playing self.board = Board(screen = self.screen, level = self.level, score = self.score, game = self) self.menus = {} # Map strings like 'main-menu' to menu objects self.config = {} # Map strings like 'sleep-time' to config options self.actions = {} # Map strings like 'apple' to actions self.handle = void # An empty function # Hard Coded Presets -- should be handled by config dictionary self.sleeptime = 0.17
def __init__(self, asteroids_amnt): """ The init of the Game Runner class :param asteroids_amnt: the number of asteroid we want in the game """ # Init the attribute self._screen = Screen() self.ship = Ship(INITIAL_SHIP_X, INITIAL_SHIP_Y, INITIAL_SHIP_SPEED_X, INITIAL_SHIP_SPEED_Y) self.screen_max_x = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_X self.screen_max_y = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_Y self.screen_min_x = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_X self.screen_min_y = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_Y self.asteroids_list = [] self.torpedos_list = [] self.score = 0 # Creating the wanted amount of asteroid self.create_asteroids(asteroids_amnt)
def perform_action(p: Player, card_name: str, scr: Screen) -> None: """ Plays a card in the player's hand. Once a card is successfully played, the card gets put on the player's discard pile. """ for card in p.current_hand: # Found the card that we want to play if "action" in load_card(card).cardtype and card == card_name: # try: p.current_hand.remove(card) scr.log("Played card: {0}".format(card_name)) action_performed: bool = globals()[load_card(card).action](p, scr) if action_performed: p.cards_played.append(card) p.actions_left -= 1 else: p.current_hand.append(card) break
def __init__(self, asteroids_amnt=DEFAULT_ASTEROIDS_NUM): """ A constructor for asteroids game object. :param asteroids_amnt: the starting number of asteroids on the board. if there was no input the value will be DEFAULT_ASTEROIDS_NUM . """ self._screen = Screen() # the borders of the screen. The maximum and minimum points # possible for movement on the screen. self.screen_max_x = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_X self.screen_max_y = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_Y self.screen_min_x = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_X self.screen_min_y = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_Y self.__ship = Ship() # create a ship object. self.__asteroid_amount = asteroids_amnt # the starting amount of asteroids in the game. self.__asteroids = self._add_asteroids_to_game() # list of all the asteroids that are in the game. self.__torpedos = list() # a list of all the torpedo objects. starts empty. self.__sum_points = SUM_POINTS
def main(): s = Screen(fg='white', bg='black') s.cls('green') w = Window(s, 5, 5, 45, 30) w.cls() # for i in range(10): # print >>w, i w2 = Window(s, 66, 5, 120, 10) w2.cls() # for i in range(31): # print >>w, 'a' * i # time.sleep(0.4) # # print >>w, 'abcdefghi\njklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # print >>w, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # print >>w, 'HI' print >> w, open(__file__).read() # print >>w2, 'world' # print >>w2, 'YO' s.gotoxy(s.left, s.bottom)
class AVE: def __init__(self, folder="games"): from screen import Screen self.screen = Screen() self.character = Character(self.screen) = Games(folder, self.screen, self.character) def start(self): self.screen.print_titles() game_to_load =, 8, titles=True)[game_to_load].load() again = True while again: again = False try:[game_to_load].begin() except AVEGameOver: next = self.screen.gameover() self.character.reset() if next == 0: again = True if next == 2: raise AVEQuit except AVEToMenu: pass def exit(self): self.screen.close()
class GameRunner: def __init__(self, asteroids_amount): self.__screen = Screen() self.__screen_max_x = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_X self.__screen_max_y = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_Y self.__screen_min_x = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_X self.__screen_min_y = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_Y x = random.randint(self.__screen_min_x, self.__screen_max_x) y = random.randint(self.__screen_min_y, self.__screen_max_y) Screen.draw_ship(x, y, INIT_DEGREE) def run(self): self._do_loop() self.__screen.start_screen() def _do_loop(self): # You don't need to change this method! self._game_loop() # Set the timer to go off again self.__screen.update() self.__screen.ontimer(self._do_loop, 5) def _game_loop(self): # Your code goes here pass
def phoneStart(): logger = Logger() logger.pushLogMsg("Starting GSM main process") bus = BusDriver(logger) while bus.isBusInitialized() == False: if bus.isBusInErrorState() == True: #Well, this was unexpected... We should return #from the app. Or maybe attempt a reset? logger.pushLogMsg("Init: Bus error!") return modem = SIM900(bus, logger) #Constructor starts the Chip init while modem.isChipInitialized() == False: if modem.isChipInErrorState() == True: #Well, this was unexpected... We should return #from the app. Or maybe attempt a reset? logger.pushLogMsg("Init: Chip error!") return keypad = Keypad(logger) if keypad.isInErrorState() == True: logger.pushLogMsg("Init: Keypad error!") return screen = Screen(logger) if screen.isInErrorState() == True: logger.pushLogMsg("Init: Screen error!") return #Init is complete, turn into the main part of the app #This call will be blocking for the lifetime of the app #and return only after an error was detected mainPhoneProcess(screen, keypad, bus, modem, logger)
def __init__(self, asteroids_amount): """ Game contains :param asteroids_amount: """ self.__screen = Screen() # Dimensions of the space in which the game is played self.__screen_max_x = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_X self.__screen_max_y = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_Y self.__screen_min_x = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_X self.__screen_min_y = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_Y # Initialization of ship ship_x = random.randint(Screen.SCREEN_MIN_X, Screen.SCREEN_MAX_X) ship_y = random.randint(Screen.SCREEN_MIN_Y, Screen.SCREEN_MAX_Y) self.__screen.draw_ship(ship_x, ship_y, 0) self.__player = Ship(ship_x, ship_y, 0, 0, 0) # Initialisation of asteroids. ast_speeds = list(range(-4, 0)) + list(range(1, 5)) ast_xs, ast_ys = self.non_colliding_start(self.__player, asteroids_amount) self.__ast_size = 3 self.__ast_ls = [] for i in range(asteroids_amount): as_x_sp = random.choice(ast_speeds) as_y_sp = random.choice(ast_speeds) asteroid = Asteroid(ast_xs[i], ast_ys[i], as_x_sp, as_y_sp, self.__ast_size) self.__ast_ls.append(asteroid) self.__screen.register_asteroid(asteroid, self.__ast_size) self.__screen.draw_asteroid(asteroid, ast_xs[i], ast_ys[i]) self.__life_count = 3 #Life count of ship self.__score = 0 # Game score #Lists of torpedos and special torpedos in play self.__torpedo_ls = [] self.__sp_torpedo_ls = []
def purchase_card(p: Player, card: str, scr: Screen) -> bool: """ The transaction method. Buys a card for a player using their balance. The purchased card gets taken out of the shop, and placed into the player's discard pile. """ # Card doesn't exist in the store if card not in s_store: scr.log("This card doesn't exist in the store!", 2) return False # Card has 0 left in the store elif s_store.get(card) == 0: scr.log("This card cannot be bought anymore!", 2) return False # Player can't purchase any more cards elif p.purchases_left == 0: scr.log("You can't buy any more cards this turn!", 2) return False else: # Load in the card card_bought = load_card(card) if card_bought.cost > (p.current_hand_balance + p.bonus_coins - p.amount_spent): scr.log("Insufficient funds!", 2) return False # Confirm purchase p.purchases_left -= 1 scr.log("Bought card: {0}".format(card), 1) p.add_discardpile_card( # Subtract cost from balance p.amount_spent += card_bought.cost remove_card(card, scr) return True
class ScreenTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): win_api = MagicMock() screen_grabber = MagicMock() screen_grabber.grab.return_value = None self.res_return = 500 win_api.GetSystemMetrics.return_value = self.res_return self.screen = Screen(1, win_api, screen_grabber) def test_setup_sets_resolution(self): self.assertEqual(self.screen.res, (self.res_return, self.res_return)) def test_setup_sets_x_offset(self): self.assertEqual(self.screen.x_offset, 0) def test_setup_sets_y_offset(self): self.assertEqual(self.screen.y_offset, 0) def test_get_screen(self): self.screen.get_screen(self.screen.number) self.screen.image_grabber.grab.assert_called() def test_invalid_screen_number(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.screen.get_screen(5) def test_build_locations(self): with patch('screen.Screen._get_card_locations', return_value=[(0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0)]): self.screen.build_locations("img") self.screen._get_card_locations.assert_called()
def main(): """ Entry point """ def game_update(pit_info): """ Boucle principale du jeu """ if not core.update(event_loop.get()): return False screen.update(core.render(screen.get_size(), screen.g_pos(), pit_info)) return True try: # Ecran screen = Screen() #Coeur du jeu core = Core() # boucle d'evenements event_loop = MyEventLoop() event_loop.start() timer = Pit(0.1, game_update) timer.start() screen.stop() print("Votre score : {}$".format( return True finally: # Stop secu screen.stop()
def __init__(self, asteroids_amount): """ :param asteroids_amount: the number of asteroids that are in the start of the game by user input or defult if there is no input :initializing: the parameters to the game """ self._screen = Screen() self.ship = Ship() self.screen_max_x = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_X self.screen_max_y = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_Y self.screen_min_x = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_X self.screen_min_y = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_Y self.asteroids_amount = asteroids_amount self.torpedo_lst = [] self.asteroid_lst = [] for i in range(self.asteroids_amount): # update asteroids asteroid = Asteroid(self.ship) self.asteroid_lst.append(asteroid) self._screen.register_asteroid(asteroid, asteroid.get_size()) self.score = 0 self.rotation = random.random() * 5
def main(): automataDict = automata_IO.dfa_json_importer("./resources/automata.json") alphabet = automataDict["alphabet"] initialState = automataDict["initial_state"] transitions = automataDict["transitions"] acceptingStates = automataDict["accepting_states"] automata_IO.dfa_to_dot(automataDict, "automata", "./resources") automata = Automata(alphabet, initialState, transitions, acceptingStates) _ = Screen("./resources/", automata)
def __init__(self, asteroids_amount=DEFAULT_ASTEROIDS_NUM): """This is the init of GameRunner.""" self.__screen = Screen() self.__screen_max_x = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_X self.__screen_max_y = Screen.SCREEN_MAX_Y self.__screen_min_x = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_X self.__screen_min_y = Screen.SCREEN_MIN_Y self.__screen_ship = Ship(INIT_X, INIT_Y, 0, 0, 0) self.__screen_asteroids = [] self.__screen_asteroids_amount = asteroids_amount for i in range(asteroids_amount): x_coordinate = INIT_ASTEROID_X y_coordinate = INIT_ASTEROID_Y x_velocity = random.choice(ASTEROID_VELOCITIES) y_velocity = random.choice(ASTEROID_VELOCITIES) size = INIT_ASTEROID_SIZE new_asteroid = Asteroid(x_coordinate, y_coordinate, x_velocity, y_velocity, size) self.__screen.register_asteroid(new_asteroid, size) self.__screen_asteroids.append(new_asteroid) self.__screen_torpedoes = [] self.__screen_special_torpedoes = [] self.__score = INIT_SCORES
def player_ship_place_test(): while True: player_own_board = board_image.BoardImage() stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() stdscr.keypad(True) screen = Screen(stdscr, ".\screen_layout.txt") screen.print_screen_layout() game = Game(screen) for decks_number in [1, 2, 3, 4]: is_break, is_restart = game.place_player_ship( player_own_board, decks_number) if is_break or is_restart: break if is_break: break if is_restart: continue break curses.endwin() for i in range(10): print('\n') for j in range(10): print('{:>10}'.format(player_own_board.board[j][i]), end=" ")
def __init__(self,player = None, initial_board = None, game_type = USER,size = 4, _cubes = 4, screen_h = 500, max_moves = -1, screen_w = 500,_debug = False,replay_history = None,store_in_db = True): if replay_history is None: self.board = Board(size,debug=_debug,cubes= _cubes,initial_board = initial_board) else: self.board = Board(size = len(replay_history[HISTORY[0]]),initial_board= replay_history[HISTORY[0]],history= replay_history) self.player = player self.store_in_db = store_in_db try: self.player_name = except: self.player_name = 'user' if game_type!=NO_SCREEN: self.screen = Screen(screen_h,screen_w,self.board) self.history = {HISTORY[0] :[ row[:] for row in self.board.board],HISTORY[1]:[],HISTORY[2]:-1,HISTORY[3]: False,HISTORY[4]: -1,HISTORY[5]:self.player_name} self.finished = False if game_type == USER: self.run_game = self.run_game_user elif game_type== NO_SCREEN: self.run_game = self.run_game_no_screen elif game_type == SCREEN: self.run_game = self.run_game_screen self.max_moves = max_moves
def main(): automataDict = automata_IO.dfa_json_importer("./resources/AFD.json") alphabet = automataDict["alphabet"] initialState = automataDict["initial_state"] transitions = automataDict["transitions"] acceptingStates = automataDict["accepting_states"] '''Monta a imagem a partir do Json passado''' automata_IO.dfa_to_dot(automataDict, "AFD", "./resources") automata = Automata(alphabet, initialState, transitions, acceptingStates) '''Screen recebe como parametro o caminho da imagem e também o objeto automato''' _ = Screen("./resources/", automata)
def output(x, y): global screen if screen is None: from screen import Screen screen = Screen() screen.start() screen.plot(x, screen.height - y)
def main(): oled = get_oled() screen = Screen(oled) screen.write('hello') for i in range(10): print(i) screen.write(MESSAGE % i)
class Terminal(IOBase): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.keyboard = Keyboard() self.screen = Screen() self.poller = Timer(-1) self.poll_ref = self.poll self.schedule_poll_ref = self.schedule_poll self.screen_write_ref = self.screen.write def readinto(self, buf): return self.keyboard.readinto(buf) def write(self, byteslike): self.screen.write(byteslike) def poll(self, ignore=None): if self.keyboard.poll(): uos.dupterm_notify(self) if self.screen.last_change: if time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), self.screen.last_change) > DEBOUNCE_PERIOD: self.screen.update_screen() self.poller.init(period=10, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=self.schedule_poll_ref) def schedule_poll(self, ignore=None): micropython.schedule(self.poll_ref, 0) def install(self): micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) self.screen.running = True uos.dupterm(self) self.poller.init(period=10, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=self.schedule_poll_ref) def uninstall(self): self.screen.running = False uos.dupterm(None) self.screen.clear_screen() self.screen.clear()
class GameMain: def __init__(self, myApp, screenSize): pygame.init() self.serverClient = ServerClient(self) self.serverClient.start(1/2.5) self.screen = Screen(*screenSize) self.screen.background = dark_gray self.myApp = myApp(self) self.keyEventHandeler = [] self.exit = self.stop def start(self): self.sync = Sync(self.mainLoop, 1.0/60) self.sync.sync() def stop(self): self.myApp.close() self.sync.stop() self.serverClient.stop() sys.exit() def mainLoop(self): self.eventHandeler() self.myApp.update() self.render() def eventHandeler(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.stop() self.myApp.eventAction(event) def render(self): self.screen.clear() self.myApp.render(self.screen) pygame.display.flip()
def computer_ship_place_test(): computer_own_board = board_image.BoardImage() stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() stdscr.keypad(True) screen = Screen(stdscr, ".\screen_layout.txt") game = Game(screen) for decks_number in [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]: game.random_place_ship(computer_own_board, decks_number) for i in range(10): print('\n') for j in range(10): print('{:>10}'.format(computer_own_board.board[j][i]), end=" ")
def __init__(self): self.words_generator = WordGenerator('word.yml') self.layout = BoxLayout(orientation="vertical") self.keyboard = None self.control_panel = ControlPanel(self.start_timer, self.stop_ev, self.change_difficulty) self.timer = None self.stop_event = None self.tick_event = None self.ticks = MAX_TIME self.screen = Screen() self.difficulty = "Easy" super(TouchKeyboard, self).__init__()