Пример #1
def toNextTargetableSpace():
	targets = logic.globalDict['spaceTarget']
	if targets != []:

		# Cycle list until first entry is a valid target for command
		validTargetExists = cycleUntilValidTarget(targets)
		if not validTargetExists:

		# Position that cursor will move to
		position = getPosition.onGround(targets[0]['space'])

		# Cursor moved (Wasn't already in position)
		cursorMoved = moveToPosition(position)
		# NOTE(kgeffen) If cursor is already at position (Didn't move),
		# cycle targets at least once, then get new first target's position
		if cursorMoved == False:
			# Cycle once so fresh entry is chosen
			# Cycle until valid target is found
			# Move to newly cycled first entry in list of spaces
			position = getPosition.onGround(targets[0]['space'])

Пример #2
def createGameObject(unit):
	battlefield = sceneControl.get('battlefield')

	# Add game object
	obj = battlefield.addObject('unit', 'ground')

	# Adjust objects position to match data
	obj.worldPosition = getPosition.onGround(unit['position'])

	return obj
Пример #3
def toSpace(unit, space):
	# Move object
	# NOTE(kgeffen) This has to happen first because objects gotten based on position
	obj = unitObject.get(unit)
	obj.worldPosition = getPosition.onGround(space)

	# Adjust position stored in unit's data
	x = round(space[0])
	y = round(space[1])
	unit['position'] = [x,y]
Пример #4
def add(space, markerName):
	# If space is in bounds
	if not check.outOfBounds(space):
		position = getPosition.onGround(space)
		# Get battlefield scene
		battlefield = sceneControl.get('battlefield')
		# NOTE(kgeffen) Ground is arbitrarily the object adding the marker
		obj = battlefield.addObject(markerName, 'ground')
		obj.worldPosition = position
Пример #5
def free(rng):
    actor = logic.globalDict["actor"]
    actorPosition = getPosition.onGround(actor["position"])

    # targetOffset - Offset from actor in form [x,y]
    for targetOffset in rng["range"]:
        targetX = actorPosition[0] + targetOffset[0]
        targetY = actorPosition[1] + targetOffset[1]
        targetSpace = [targetX, targetY]

        storeValidSpace.attempt(actorPosition, targetSpace, rng)
Пример #6
def toNextActor(strict):
	# Units that act this turn (First turn, first group in turn)
	# NOTE(kgeffen) This relies on current turn always having actors
	actors = logic.globalDict['time'][0][0]

	# Cycle the list of actors until the first actor in list can move/act
	# If strict is True, first actor must have remaining act, not just mv
	# If no units are valid, return
	validUnitExists = cycleUntilFirstUnitActs(actors, strict)
	if not validUnitExists:

	# Position that cursor will move to
	position = getPosition.onGround(actors[0]['position'])
	# cursorMoves == True if cursor didn't start at _position_
	cursorMoved = moveToPosition(position)

	# NOTE(kgeffen) If cursor didn't move (was already at position),
	# cycle units once, then get new first unit's position
	if not cursorMoved:

		# Cycle once so fresh entry is chosen
		# NOTE(kgeffen) If code has gotten this far, valid unit must exist
		# because last cycle would have returned if not
		cycleUntilFirstUnitActs(actors, strict)
		# This is the position of the first unit in newly cycled list of actors
		position = getPosition.onGround(actors[0]['position'])

	# NOTE(kgeffen) Necessarily cycle each time to ensure that
	# if cursor moves to unit A, then I act with it, move cursor,
	# next time I toNext, the cursor moves to unit B not A
Пример #7
def spaceValid(actorPosition, targetSpace, rng):
	# Invalid if space out of bounds
	if check.outOfBounds(targetSpace):
		return False
	targetPosition = getPosition.onGround(targetSpace)

	# Invalid if target space has height 0
	if targetPosition[2] == 0:
		return False
	# Invalid if height difference outside acceptable bounds
	dz = targetPosition[2] - actorPosition[2]
	if dz > rng['okDz']['max'] or dz < rng['okDz']['min']:
		return False
	return True
Пример #8
def rigid(rng):
    actor = logic.globalDict["actor"]
    actorPosition = getPosition.onGround(actor["position"])

    # Point in each of 4 cardinal directions
    # NOTE(kgeffen) Start with space rotated by quarter circle from front,
    # go to space rotated by half circle, etc.
    # Order matters!
    for dv in ([1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0], [0, 1]):

        # Rotate range by 90 degrees
        # Ex: special space [2,0] becomes [0,-2]

        # targetOffset - Offset from space on given side of actor (space = actorPosition + dv)
        for targetOffset in rng["range"]:
            targetX = actorPosition[0] + targetOffset[0] + dv[0]
            targetY = actorPosition[1] + targetOffset[1] + dv[1]
            targetSpace = [targetX, targetY]

            storeValidSpace.attempt(actorPosition, targetSpace, rng)
Пример #9
def storeTargetableSpace(actorPosition, targetSpace, rng):
	targetPosition = getPosition.onGround(targetSpace)
	# Get a list of all spaces within area of effect
	effectedSpaces = getEffectedSpaces(actorPosition, targetSpace, rng)
	# List of all units effected by command
	effectedUnits = getEffectedUnits(effectedSpaces)
	# Record all spaces that have special meaning for command
	# Ex: Space that actor moves to, spaces that must be empty, etc.
	specialSpaces = attemptGetSpecialSpaces(actorPosition, targetSpace, rng)
	if specialSpaces == False: # If any of the special spaces are invalid
	# Add given space to list of all spaces that command can target
	formattedEntry = {'space' : targetSpace,
					  'effectedSpaces' : effectedSpaces,
					  'units' : effectedUnits,
					  'specialSpaces' : specialSpaces}
Пример #10
def displayResult(result):
	textObj = objectControl.getFromScene('commandResult', 'battlefield')

	# Reset alpha to 1.0
	textObj.color = (1, 1, 1, 1)

	# Set text
	textObj['Text'] = result['text'].capitalize()
	# Set postion
	position = getPosition.onGround(result['space'])
	position[2] += HEIGHT_ABOVE
	textObj.worldPosition = position
	# Adjust rotation to face camera

	# The number of characters in the text
	numChars = len(result['text'])

	# Center the text object over the unit it describes
	centerText(textObj, numChars)
Пример #11
def moveCursorToActor():
	cursor = objectControl.getFromScene('cursor', 'battlefield')

	actor = logic.globalDict['actor']

	cursor.worldPosition = getPosition.onGround(actor['position'])
Пример #12
def toActor():
	actor = logic.globalDict['actor']

	position = getPosition.onGround(actor['position'])

Пример #13
def do():
	cursor = objectControl.getFromScene('cursor', 'battlefield')
	# Raise/lower cursor to be directly on top of ground
	cursor.worldPosition = getPosition.onGround(cursor.worldPosition)