def dac_sin(time, frequency): time = np.arange(0, time, 1 / frequency) y = 255 * np.sin(time) amplitude = [int(x) for x in y] plt.plot(time, amplitude) plt.title('Синус') plt.xlabel('Время') plt.ylabel('Амплитуда sin(time)') for value in amplitude: num2dac(value, slee_time = 1 / frequency)
def guess(last_i): if not GPIO.input(sc1.comp): for i in range(last_i, -1, -1): sc1.num2dac(i) time.sleep(sc1.time_sleep) if GPIO.input(sc1.comp) == 1: print( f'Digital value: {i}, ', 'Analog value :{0:.{1}f} V'.format(i * sc1.voltage_step, sc1.rounded)) return i for i in range(last_i, 2**sc1.bin_depth): sc1.num2dac(i) time.sleep(sc1.time_sleep) if GPIO.input(sc1.comp) == 0: print( f'Digital value: {i}, ', 'Analog value :{0:.{1}f} V'.format(i * sc1.voltage_step, sc1.rounded)) return i
import sys pi = 3.14 try: _time = float(input("Print period of time ")) frequency = float(input("Print frequency ")) samplingFrequency = float(input("Print sampling frequency ")) time_ = np.arange(0, _time, 1 / samplingFrequency) amplitude = np.sin(2 * pi * frequency * time_) amplitude = (amplitude + 1) * (255 / 2) plt.plot(time_, amplitude) plt.title("SIN") plt.xlabel("Time") plt.ylabel("Amplitude sin(2 * pi * {} * time)".format(frequency)) c = int(input("Print 1 if you want to continue, else print -1 ")) if c == -1: sys.exit() for i in range(len(amplitude)): scr1.all_out() scr1.num2dac(int(amplitude[i])) time.sleep(1 / samplingFrequency) except TypeError: print("You must print numbers") except Exception: print("Something went wrong...") finally: scr1.all_out() print("Quit")
import script1 as scr1 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time try: repetitionsNumber = int(input("Print number of repetitions ")) if repetitionsNumber <= 0: raise Exception for _ in range(repetitionsNumber): for i in range(2 ** scr1.bin_depth): scr1.all_out() scr1.num2dac(i) time.sleep(scr1.time_to_sleep) for i in range(2 ** scr1.bin_depth, -1, -1): scr1.all_out() scr1.num2dac(i) time.sleep(scr1.time_to_sleep) except TypeError: print("Number of repetitions must be an integer") except Exception: print("Something went wrong...") finally: scr1.all_out() print("Quit")
GPIO.output(pins, mass) time.sleep(1) lightNumber(value) import numpy as np import script1 as sc1 print ("Введите число повторений") repetitionsNumber = int(input()) for i in range(repetitionsNumber): for j in range(256): sc1.num2dac(j) sc1.lightNumber(j) for j in range(255): sc1.num2dac(255 - j) sc1.lightNumber(255-j) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print("Введите 3 числа (time, frequency, samplingFrequency)") time = int(input()) frequency = int(input()) samplingFrequency = int(input())
def repeat(repetitionsNumber): for y in range(repetitionsNumber): for x in range(256): num2dac(x, slee_time=0.01) for x in range(255, 0, -1): num2dac(x, slee_time=0.01)
try: x = np.linspace(0, timee, num=SF) y = 127 * (np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * x)) + 127 fig = plt.subplots() y_new = np.round(y, 0) y_final = y_new.astype(np.int32) print(x) print(y_final) timeout = time.time() + timee while True: if time.time() > timeout: break for i in y_final: y_final_new = sc1.num2dac(i) time.sleep(1 / SF) GPIO.output(4, 0) GPIO.output(4, 1) plt.plot(x, y_final) finally: DarkALL() GPIO.cleanup()
repNum = (int(input('Введите число повторений: '))) i = 0 def DarkALL(): for i in range(8): GPIO.output(N[i], 0) DarkALL() try: for j in range(repNum): while i <= 255: binary = sc1.num2dac(i) time.sleep(0.001) i += 1 GPIO.output(4, 0) GPIO.output(4, 1) while i > 0: binary = sc1.num2dac(i) time.sleep(0.001) i -= 1 GPIO.output(4, 0) GPIO.output(4, 1) finally: DarkALL()
tim = int(input("Введите время в миллисекундах: ")) mas = np.zeros(tim) for i in range(tim): someTime = i / samPe / 1000 nCol = math.ceil(someTime) samplingPerion = nCol * samPe * 1000 pp = math.sin((samplingPerion - 1) * pi2 / Pe / 1000) value = math.ceil((pp + 1) * 128) - 1 mas[i] = value a = num2dac(value) lightMas(a) print(someTime, nCol, pp, value) time.sleep(1 / 1000) tt = np.arange(0, tim, 1) plt.plot(tt, mas) c time.sleep(1) plt.close() GPIO.output(leds, 0) GPIO.cleanup()