def main(): """ Visualizes normal modes memberships of an NMA experiment in a rectangle, where columns indicate the membership (blue receptor, red ligand) and the tone of the color shows a linear relationship towards the overlap towards the true deformation vector. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Visualizes normal modes memberships of an NMA experiment in a rectangle, where columns indicate the membership (blue receptor, red ligand) and the tone of the color shows a linear relationship towards the overlap towards the true deformation vector.' ) parser.add_argument('resultsPath', help='Path to the experimental resultsfolder') parser.add_argument( '--extractNPZ', action="store_true", help= 'The NMA models are in a *.npz.tar.gz file. If this is not set, the input is expected in a *.npz subfolder in each experiment results folder' ) if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() resultsPath = makeStringEndWith(getFullPathOfURI(args.resultsPath), "/") folders = glob.glob(resultsPath + "*") if args.extractNPZ: extractNPZs(folders) getAllModeInformation(folders, resultsPath)
def main(): """ Run the ResultsCombiner and output the absolute path of the created combined results folder. Args: customArgs: optional args object from an argparser, when this program is not called directly in the shell Returns: Absolute absolute path of the created combined results folder. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Script to copy the content of multiple folders with a common prefix \ (such as a experimental setup description) into one folder. This script relies on the fact that the string given by --prefix and \ stored in the variable "afterUniquePrefix" appears after the unique part of the experiment setup, and will not be part of the output name anymore', epilog= "Returns: Absolute absolute path of the created combined results folder.\n Example: python /home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/output/2ballAtomcomplexk025A6_U1 \n -> all files from all folders /home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/output/2ballAtomcomplexk025A6_U1* are copied in the new created folder /home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/output/2ballAtomcomplexk025A6_U1" ) parser.add_argument( 'resultsPath', help= 'Unique prefix string of the folders whose content should be copied into a new folder' ) parser.add_argument( '--prefix', help= 'String common among folders after unique prefix, which will not be part of the name anymore, default is \"NumberOf\"' ) if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() # afterUniquePrefix denotes the string after the unique prefix, this afterUniquePrefix string and all that follows will not be part of the output name if args.prefix: afterUniquePrefix = args.prefix else: afterUniquePrefix = "NumberOf" foldersToCombine = glob.glob(args.resultsPath + "*") outputfolder = foldersToCombine[0][0:foldersToCombine[0]. find(afterUniquePrefix)] mkdir_p(outputfolder) for resultPath in foldersToCombine: customCopytree(resultPath, outputfolder) outputfolder = makeStringEndWith(getFullPathOfURI(outputfolder), "/") print outputfolder return outputfolder
def outputLatex(path, experimentDescriptor, shortDescription): """ Write the latex document with the plot files as figures Args: path: path with the pdfs and also the output path experimentDescriptor: string describing the experiment """ path = makeStringEndWith(path, "/") pictures = sorted(glob.glob(path+"*.pdf")) # the header LaTeXHeader = """ \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[hmargin=1in,vmargin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \usepackage{subfigure} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{float} \usepackage{txfonts} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{subfigure} \usepackage{textpos} \\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1pt} \\begin{document} \\title{Protein-Protein Docking Benchmark 4.0 Experimental Results} \\author{Tomasz Oliwa, [email protected] \\\ TTIC \\\ {\small\em \ Date: \\today }} \date{} \maketitle \\begin{abstract} Benchmark 4.0 plots are presented in this document based on the following plot file: %s \end{abstract} \\fancyhead[R]{\small{Benchmark 4.0 RMSD reductions} } \\fancyfoot[C]{\\thepage} """ % (experimentDescriptor) # end document LaTeXEnd = """\n \end{document} """ #one latex page with results LaTeXBeginPage = """ \\newpage \\begin{figure} \\vspace{-4em} \\begin{textblock}{10.2}[0,0](-0.2,-0.2)\hspace{0.2cm} %s \\ \end{textblock}\n """ % (shortDescription) LaTeXEndPage = """ \end{figure} """ pages = "" for a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h in grouper(8, pictures): singlePage = LaTeXBeginPage if a is not None: a = ntpath.basename(a) singlePage += "\subfigure{\hspace{-2em}\includegraphics[width=7.7cm]{"+str(a)+"}}\n" if b is not None: b = ntpath.basename(b) singlePage += "\subfigure{\hspace{-2em}\includegraphics[width=7.7cm]{"+str(b)+"}}\n" if c is not None: c = ntpath.basename(c) singlePage += "\subfigure{\hspace{-2em}\includegraphics[width=7.7cm]{"+str(c)+"}}\n" if d is not None: d = ntpath.basename(d) singlePage += "\subfigure{\hspace{-2em}\includegraphics[width=7.7cm]{"+str(d)+"}}\n" if e is not None: e = ntpath.basename(e) singlePage += "\subfigure{\hspace{-2em}\includegraphics[width=7.7cm]{"+str(e)+"}}\n" if f is not None: f = ntpath.basename(f) singlePage += "\subfigure{\hspace{-2em}\includegraphics[width=7.7cm]{"+str(f)+"}}\n" if g is not None: g = ntpath.basename(g) singlePage += "\subfigure{\hspace{-2em}\includegraphics[width=7.7cm]{"+str(g)+"}}\n" if h is not None: h = ntpath.basename(h) singlePage += "\subfigure{\hspace{4.4em}\includegraphics[width=7.7cm]{"+str(h)+"}}\n" pages += singlePage pages += LaTeXEndPage outputLaTeX = LaTeXHeader + str(pages) + LaTeXEnd outputName = "latexCombined.tex" text_file = open(path+outputName, "w") text_file.write(outputLaTeX) text_file.close() # run latex try: os.chdir(path) shellCommand = "pdflatex "+ outputName os.system(shellCommand) # change the working path back to the directory of the program os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) except Exception, err: print "Exception occurred when combining direct result files: ", err print traceback.format_exc()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'This program runs several helper programs to go from individual NMA results to analysis and plots', epilog='Result: The results are written to <uniquePrefix_Path>_results/' ) parser.add_argument( '--uniqueResultsPrefix_Path', help= 'Absolute path and unique prefix of the individual result file folders, for example /home/oliwa/nmaData/output/2bb_Individual_U1_results/test2/2bbb_Individual_k05_A10_lambdaC_enforceT_U1' ) parser.add_argument( '--uniqueResultsPrefixInterface_Path', help= 'Absolute path and unique prefix of the individual interface result file folders, for example /home/oliwa/nmaData/output/2bb_Individual_U1_results/test2/2bbb_Individual_k05_A10_lambdaC_enforceT_U1' ) parser.add_argument( '--resultsDescriptor', help= 'Short string descriptor of method used, this will be used in plot legends, for example "U1_submatrix"' ) parser.add_argument( '--canonicalResults_Path', nargs='?', help= 'Absolute path to the individual canonical results, for example /home/oliwa/nmaData/output/2bb_Individual_U1_results/2bbb_Individual_canonical/"' ) parser.add_argument( '--canonicalResultsInterface_Path', nargs='?', help= 'Absolute path to the individual interface canonical results, for example /home/oliwa/nmaData/output/2bb_Individual_U1_results/2bbb_Individual_canonical/"' ) # optional flags parser.add_argument( '--categoryMultiplier', help= 'Integer that is a multiplier of the category size for success failure plotrates. For 2c, set this to 10, default is 1.' ) parser.add_argument( '--dontCombine', action="store_true", help='Take the first argument as the individual results path.') parser.add_argument( '--dontCompare', action="store_true", help= 'Do not compare results with optional (for instance canonical) results, just analyze and plot them.' ) parser.add_argument( '--isComplex', action="store_true", help= 'Results are from complex NMA data, not individual protein, set benchmark categories accordingly.' ) parser.add_argument( '--pythonPath', help= 'Use Absolute path to the python interpreter, for example /home/oliwa/anaconda/bin/python' ) parser.add_argument( '-excludeAfterDistance', help= 'exclude proteins that have their x-measure (distance) bigger than this value' ) parser.add_argument( '--excludeBasedonDistancePath', help= "Exclude proteins from analysis if their distances are above a threshold." ) parser.add_argument( '--sf_benchmarkSubsetPath', help="path to the benchmark difficulty categories for the sf rates") parser.add_argument( '--excludefirstKModes', help= "Exclude first k modes from overlap, correlation and collectivity analysis (for example if the first 6 modes are trivial normal modes, give the value 6)." ) parser.add_argument( '--plotOnlyReduction', action="store_true", help= 'If set, only RMSD reduction and associated plots are made, not measures plots/barplots (overlap, collectivity etc.)' ) parser.add_argument( '--excludeFromList', help= "Path to list with protein names to only use (exclude the others) from postanalysis. " ) if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() if args.categoryMultiplier: categoryMultiplier = args.categoryMultiplier else: categoryMultiplier = 1.0 # exclude first k modes if argument has been given if args.excludefirstKModes: excludefirstKModes = int(args.excludefirstKModes) else: excludefirstKModes = None #paths if args.isComplex: # /allinterfaceSuperposedPdbs/ or /benchmark40/ or /eigenspectrumCases/ benchmarkSubset_Path = "/home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/src/BenchmarkAssessmentsOfDifficultyBoundComplex/benchmark40/" sf_benchmarkSubsetPath = benchmarkSubset_Path taxonomyPath = "/home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/src/BenchmarkAssessmentsOfDifficulty/enzymeantibody/complexonlypdbs/" else: benchmarkSubset_Path = "/home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/src/BenchmarkAssessmentsOfDifficulty/allinterfaceSuperposed/" sf_benchmarkSubsetPath = benchmarkSubset_Path taxonomyPath = "/home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/src/BenchmarkAssessmentsOfDifficulty/enzymeantibody/with_r_u_suffix/" if args.sf_benchmarkSubsetPath: sf_benchmarkSubsetPath = args.sf_benchmarkSubsetPath if args.pythonPath: pythonPath = args.pythonPath else: pythonPath = "python" AnalysisPlotter_Path = "/home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/src/" SuccessFailureAnalyzer_Path = "/home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/src/" SuccessFailurePlotter_Path = "/home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/src/" VarargsPlotter_Path = "/home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/src/" print "Benchmark difficulties in:", benchmarkSubset_Path print "Sf rates difficulties in:", sf_benchmarkSubsetPath runPostAnalyzerInput = "" if not args.dontCombine: # if args.uniqueResultsPrefix_Path: bashCommand = pythonPath + " " + args.uniqueResultsPrefix_Path combinedIndividualResults_Path = runBashCommand( bashCommand).strip() runPostAnalyzerInput += "--whole " + combinedIndividualResults_Path if args.uniqueResultsPrefixInterface_Path: bashCommand = pythonPath + " " + args.uniqueResultsPrefixInterface_Path combinedIndividualResultsInterface_Path = runBashCommand( bashCommand).strip() runPostAnalyzerInput += " --interface " + combinedIndividualResultsInterface_Path else: # Take the first argument as the combined results path if args.uniqueResultsPrefix_Path: combinedIndividualResults_Path = makeStringEndWith( getFullPathOfURI(args.uniqueResultsPrefix_Path), "/") runPostAnalyzerInput += "--whole " + combinedIndividualResults_Path if args.uniqueResultsPrefixInterface_Path: combinedIndividualResultsInterface_Path = makeStringEndWith( getFullPathOfURI(args.uniqueResultsPrefixInterface_Path), "/") runPostAnalyzerInput += " --interface " + combinedIndividualResultsInterface_Path print combinedIndividualResults_Path # if args.isComplex: bashCommand = pythonPath + " --pythonPath " + pythonPath + " --onlypdb " + runPostAnalyzerInput + " --subset " + benchmarkSubset_Path postAnalysisResults_Path = getAllAfterLastChar( runBashCommand(bashCommand), "postAnalysis finished.").strip() else: if not args.excludeBasedonDistancePath: bashCommand = pythonPath + " --pythonPath " + pythonPath + " " + runPostAnalyzerInput + " --subset " + benchmarkSubset_Path else: bashCommand = pythonPath + " --pythonPath " + pythonPath + " " + runPostAnalyzerInput + " --subset " + benchmarkSubset_Path + " -excludeAfterDistance " + args.excludeAfterDistance + " --excludeBasedonDistancePath " + args.excludeBasedonDistancePath if excludefirstKModes: bashCommand = bashCommand + " --excludefirstKModes " + str( excludefirstKModes) if args.excludeFromList: bashCommand = bashCommand + " --excludeFromList " + args.excludeFromList postAnalysisResults_Path = getAllAfterLastChar( runBashCommand(bashCommand), "postAnalysis finished.").strip() print postAnalysisResults_Path # if not args.dontCompare: bashCommand = pythonPath + " --resultsDescriptor " + args.resultsDescriptor + " " + combinedIndividualResults_Path + " " + args.canonicalResults_Path else: # Do not compare results with optional (for instance canonical) results, just analyze and plot them bashCommand = pythonPath + " --resultsDescriptor " + args.resultsDescriptor + " " + combinedIndividualResults_Path plotFile_Path = runBashCommand(bashCommand).strip() print plotFile_Path # if args.plotOnlyReduction: bashCommand = pythonPath + " " + AnalysisPlotter_Path + " --plotOnlyReduction " + plotFile_Path + " " + postAnalysisResults_Path else: bashCommand = pythonPath + " " + AnalysisPlotter_Path + " " + plotFile_Path + " " + postAnalysisResults_Path plotFolderPath = getAllAfterLastChar(runBashCommand(bashCommand), "postPlot finished.").strip() if args.isComplex: bashCommand = pythonPath + " " + AnalysisPlotter_Path + " --plotOnlyReduction --plotLRMS " + plotFile_Path + " " + postAnalysisResults_Path runBashCommand(bashCommand) print plotFolderPath if not args.dontCompare: # ### old bashCommand = pythonPath+" "+SuccessFailureAnalyzer_Path+" "+combinedIndividualResults_Path+ " "+args.canonicalResults_Path+" "+postAnalysisResults_Path if not args.excludeBasedonDistancePath: bashCommand = pythonPath + " " + SuccessFailureAnalyzer_Path + " -resultsPath " + combinedIndividualResults_Path + " -resultsPath_Interface " + combinedIndividualResultsInterface_Path + " -canonicalResultsPath " + args.canonicalResults_Path + " -canonicalResultsPath_Interface " + args.canonicalResultsInterface_Path + " -outputPath " + postAnalysisResults_Path else: bashCommand = pythonPath + " " + SuccessFailureAnalyzer_Path + " -resultsPath " + combinedIndividualResults_Path + " -resultsPath_Interface " + combinedIndividualResultsInterface_Path + " -canonicalResultsPath " + args.canonicalResults_Path + " -canonicalResultsPath_Interface " + args.canonicalResultsInterface_Path + " -outputPath " + postAnalysisResults_Path + " -excludeAfterDistance " + args.excludeAfterDistance + " --excludeBasedonDistancePath " + args.excludeBasedonDistancePath successFailureAnalyzerOutput_Path = getAllAfterLastChar( runBashCommand(bashCommand), "successFailureAnalyzer finished.").strip() print successFailureAnalyzerOutput_Path # if args.isComplex: bashCommand = pythonPath + " " + SuccessFailurePlotter_Path + " --isComplex --categoryMultiplier " + categoryMultiplier + " " + successFailureAnalyzerOutput_Path + " " + benchmarkSubset_Path + " " + taxonomyPath + " " + plotFolderPath else: bashCommand = pythonPath + " " + SuccessFailurePlotter_Path + " --categoryMultiplier " + categoryMultiplier + " " + successFailureAnalyzerOutput_Path + " " + sf_benchmarkSubsetPath + " " + taxonomyPath + " " + plotFolderPath runBashCommand(bashCommand) # #Plot AUC difference # bashCommand = pythonPath+" "+VarargsPlotter_Path+" --resultsDenoteAreas -title quality_measure_protein -xLabel modes -yLabel measure -outputFile "+postAnalysisResults_Path+"plots/whole_measure "+"--colorCode rgb "+postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_normalized_successiveProteinAll.txt " +postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_successiveProteinAll_stepPoints.txt " + "all " +postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_normalized_successiveProteinDifficult.txt " +postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_successiveProteinDifficult_stepPoints.txt " + "difficult "+postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_normalized_successiveProteinMedium.txt " +postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_successiveProteinMedium_stepPoints.txt " + "medium "+postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_normalized_successiveProteinRigid.txt " + postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_successiveProteinRigid_stepPoints.txt " + "rigid " # runBashCommand(bashCommand) # bashCommand = pythonPath+" "+VarargsPlotter_Path+" --resultsDenoteAreas -title quality_measure_interface -xLabel modes -yLabel measure -outputFile "+postAnalysisResults_Path+"plots/interface_measure "+"--colorCode rgb "+postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_normalized_successiveInterfaceAll.txt " +postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_successiveInterfaceAll_stepPoints.txt " + "all " +postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_normalized_successiveInterfaceDifficult.txt " +postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_successiveInterfaceDifficult_stepPoints.txt " + "difficult "+postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_normalized_successiveInterfaceMedium.txt " +postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_successiveInterfaceMedium_stepPoints.txt " + "medium "+postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_normalized_successiveInterfaceRigid.txt " + postAnalysisResults_Path + "successiveAUCs/RMSD_auc_successiveInterfaceRigid_stepPoints.txt " + "rigid " # runBashCommand(bashCommand) # print "finished plotting AUC difference" # if args.plotOnlyReduction: print "combining into latex gallery" bashCommand = pythonPath + " " + plotFolderPath runBashCommand(bashCommand)
def main(): """ Run the program Returns: path to the created plotFile.txt file """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'This program creates a plot file for PostPlot*.py \n It assumes that the PostAnalysis has been already run (for example via the RunPostAnalyzer).', epilog= 'Result: The plot file is written to <resultsPath>_results/plotFile.txt' ) parser.add_argument( 'resultsPath', help='Path to the individual (per protein) results, to be plotted') parser.add_argument( 'optionalResultsPath', nargs='?', help= 'Optional path to the individual (per protein) canonical results, which can be used as comparison in the plots' ) parser.add_argument( '--resultsDescriptor', help= 'A string describing the approach that created the results, default is \"submatrix\"' ) parser.add_argument( '--optionalResultsDescriptor', help= 'A string describing the approach that created the optional results, default is \"canonical\"' ) if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() # setup paths of individual and post analyzer results and the descriptors postAnalyzerSuffix = "_results/" if args.resultsDescriptor: resultsDescriptor = args.resultsDescriptor else: resultsDescriptor = "submatrix" if args.optionalResultsDescriptor: optionalResultsDescriptor = args.optionalResultsDescriptor else: optionalResultsDescriptor = "canonical" resultsPath = makeStringEndWith(getFullPathOfURI(args.resultsPath), "/") assert os.path.isdir(resultsPath) resultsPostAnalyzerPath = makeStringEndWith( makeStringNotEndWith(resultsPath, "/") + postAnalyzerSuffix, "/") assert os.path.isdir(resultsPostAnalyzerPath) plotString = createPlotString(resultsPostAnalyzerPath, resultsDescriptor) plotString = listOflistsToString(plotString) if args.optionalResultsPath: optionalResultsPath = makeStringEndWith( getFullPathOfURI(args.optionalResultsPath), "/") assert os.path.isdir(optionalResultsPath) optionalResultsPostAnalyzerPath = makeStringEndWith( makeStringNotEndWith(optionalResultsPath, "/") + postAnalyzerSuffix, "/") assert os.path.isdir(optionalResultsPostAnalyzerPath) optionalPlotString = createPlotString(optionalResultsPostAnalyzerPath, optionalResultsDescriptor) optionalPlotString = listOflistsToString(optionalPlotString) plotString = plotString + "\n" + optionalPlotString with open(resultsPostAnalyzerPath + "plotFile.txt", "w") as text_file: text_file.write(plotString) print getFullPathOfURI(resultsPostAnalyzerPath + "plotFile.txt") return getFullPathOfURI(resultsPostAnalyzerPath + "plotFile.txt")
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Visualize eigenvalues and overlaps') parser.add_argument('resultsPath', help='Absolute path of the results folders') parser.add_argument('outputPath', help='outputPath') parser.add_argument('-title', help='title of the plot') parser.add_argument('-fileToLookFor_overlap', help='Specify the file with the overlap information') parser.add_argument('-fileToLookFor_differencesInRank', help='Specify the file with the differencesInRank information') parser.add_argument('-modes', help='Specify how many modes to plot') parser.add_argument('-upperOverlapLimit', help='Upper overlap limit, force manually') if len(sys.argv)==1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() if args.modes: modes = int(args.modes) else: modes = 4 if args.title: title = args.title else: title = "" if args.outputPath: outputPath = args.outputPath else: outputPath = "" fileToLookFor_overlap = "singleModeOverlapsFromSuperset.txt" fileToLookFor_differencesInRank = "differencesInRank.txt" if args.fileToLookFor_overlap: fileToLookFor_overlap = args.fileToLookFor if args.fileToLookFor_differencesInRank: fileToLookFor_differencesInRank = args.fileToLookFor_differencesInRank assert os.path.isdir(args.resultsPath) assert os.path.isdir(args.outputPath) all340proteinsPaths = glob.glob(args.resultsPath+"*/") difficults = np.loadtxt("/home/oliwa/workspace/TNMA1/src/BenchmarkAssessmentsOfDifficulty/allinterfaceSuperposed/difficult.txt", dtype="string") difficults = set(difficults) dataToPlot_overlaps = [] dataToPlot_differencesInRank = [] proteins = [] counter = 0 for proteinPath in sorted(all340proteinsPaths): proteinPath = makeStringEndWith(proteinPath, "/") protein = makeStringNotEndWith(os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(proteinPath)), "/") if protein not in difficults: continue counter += 1 try: # load overlap overlap = np.loadtxt(proteinPath+fileToLookFor_overlap) overlap = overlap[:modes] overlap = abs(np.array(overlap)) overlap = list(overlap) if args.upperOverlapLimit: for i in range(0, len(overlap)): if overlap[i] > float(args.upperOverlapLimit): overlap[i] = float(args.upperOverlapLimit) dataToPlot_overlaps.append(overlap) protein = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(proteinPath)) proteins.append(protein) # load ranking differences differenceInRank = np.loadtxt(proteinPath+fileToLookFor_differencesInRank, dtype="int") differenceInRank = list(differenceInRank) dataToPlot_differencesInRank.append(differenceInRank[:modes]) except IOError as err: print "IOError occurred, probably there is no such file at the path: ", err print traceback.format_exc() print proteins fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') #x, y = np.random.rand(2, 100) * 4 y = range(1, len(proteins)+1) x = range(1, modes+1) xpos, ypos = np.meshgrid(x, y) x = xpos.flatten() y = ypos.flatten() colors = [] print "overlaps len: ", len(dataToPlot_overlaps) print "overlaps: ", dataToPlot_overlaps dataToPlot_overlaps_flattened = np.array(dataToPlot_overlaps).flatten() maxOverlap = max(dataToPlot_overlaps_flattened) print "maxOverlap:", maxOverlap for element in dataToPlot_overlaps_flattened: colors.append( #print print "x", len(x) print "y", len(y) #print "colors", len(colors) print "dataToPlot_differencesInRank len: ",dataToPlot_differencesInRank dataToPlot_differencesInRank = np.array(dataToPlot_differencesInRank).flatten() + 0.0001 print "dataToPlot_differencesInRank len: ", len(dataToPlot_differencesInRank.flatten()) dx=np.ones(len(x))*0.5 dy=dx p = ax.bar3d(x-0.25, y-0.25, np.zeros(len(x)), dx, dy, dataToPlot_differencesInRank, color=colors, zsort='average') ax.set_zlim([min(dataToPlot_differencesInRank), max(dataToPlot_differencesInRank)]) #ax.set_title(title) # x label for the ascending modes #ax.set_xticklabels(range(1, modes+1), minor=False) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax.set_xlabel("ascending lambda^R modes") # y label for the proteins #ax.set_yticklabels(proteins, minor=False) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax.set_ylabel("proteins") # # dataToPlot_overlaps = np.array(dataToPlot_overlaps) # # # # fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) # # ax.set_yticklabels(proteins, minor=False) # # ax.xaxis.tick_top() # # # # p = ax.pcolormesh(dataToPlot_overlaps, cmap="bone") # # fig.colorbar(p) # # # # # put the major ticks at the middle of each cell, notice "reverse" use of dimension # # ax.set_yticks(np.arange(dataToPlot_overlaps.shape[0])+0.5, minor=False) # # ax.set_xticks(np.arange(dataToPlot_overlaps.shape[1])+0.5, minor=False) # # # # # want a more natural, table-like display (sorting) # # ax.invert_yaxis() # # ax.xaxis.tick_top() # # # # ax.set_xticklabels(range(1, modes+1), minor=False) # # ax.set_yticklabels(proteins, minor=False) # # # # if args.title: # # plt.title(args.title+"\n\n") # output #outputPath = makeStringEndWith(args.outputPath, "/")+"eigenVis" #mkdir_p(outputPath) plt.savefig(outputPath+'/eigenVis_'+title+'.eps', bbox_inches='tight') plt.savefig(outputPath+'/eigenVis_'+title+'.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # close and reset the plot plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close() print "total proteins: ", counter
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Visualize eigenvalues and overlaps') parser.add_argument('resultsPath', help='Absolute path of the results folders') parser.add_argument('outputPath', help='outputPath') parser.add_argument('-title', help='title of the plot') parser.add_argument('-fileToLookFor', help='Specify the file with the overlap information') parser.add_argument('-modes', help='Specify how many modes to plot') parser.add_argument('-upperOverlapLimit', help='Upper overlap limit, force manually') if len(sys.argv)==1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() if args.modes: modes = int(args.modes) else: modes = 10 if args.title: title = args.title else: title = "" fileToLookFor = "singleModeOverlapsFromSuperset.txt" if args.fileToLookFor: fileToLookFor = args.fileToLookFor assert os.path.isdir(args.resultsPath) assert os.path.isdir(args.outputPath) all340proteinsPaths = glob.glob(args.resultsPath+"*/") dataToPlot = [] proteins = [] for proteinPath in sorted(all340proteinsPaths): proteinPath = makeStringEndWith(proteinPath, "/") try: overlap = np.loadtxt(proteinPath+fileToLookFor) overlap = overlap[:modes] overlap = abs(np.array(overlap)) if args.upperOverlapLimit: for i in range(0, len(overlap)): if overlap[i] > float(args.upperOverlapLimit): overlap[i] = float(args.upperOverlapLimit) dataToPlot.append(overlap) protein = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(proteinPath)) proteins.append(protein) except IOError as err: print "IOError occurred, probably there is no such file at the path: ", err print traceback.format_exc() dataToPlot = np.array(dataToPlot) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.set_yticklabels(proteins, minor=False) ax.xaxis.tick_top() p = ax.pcolormesh(dataToPlot, cmap="gray") fig.colorbar(p) # put the major ticks at the middle of each cell, notice "reverse" use of dimension ax.set_yticks(np.arange(dataToPlot.shape[0])+0.5, minor=False) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(dataToPlot.shape[1])+0.5, minor=False) # want a more natural, table-like display (sorting) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.set_xticklabels(range(1, modes+1), minor=False) ax.set_yticklabels(proteins, minor=False) if args.title: plt.title(args.title+"\n\n") # output outputPath = makeStringEndWith(args.outputPath, "/")+"eigenVis" mkdir_p(outputPath) plt.savefig(outputPath+'/eigenVis_'+title+'.eps', bbox_inches='tight') plt.savefig(outputPath+'/eigenVis_'+title+'.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # close and reset the plot plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close()