def getSpotClicked(board, x, y): # from the x & y pixel coordinates, get the x & y board coordinates pt = sdl2.SDL_Point(x, y) for tileX in range(len(board)): for tileY in range(len(board[0])): left, top = getLeftTopOfTile(tileX, tileY) if sdl2.SDL_PointInRect( pt, sdl2.SDL_Rect(left, top, TILESIZE, TILESIZE)): return (tileX, tileY) return (None, None)
def __init__(self, world, sprite, wposi=0, wposj=0, angle=0): pos = calculate.Coord(wpos=(wposi, wposj), win_width=WIN_WIDTH, win_height=WIN_HEIGHT) = world self.sprite = sprite self.sprite.pos = pos self.sprite.angle = angle self.sprite.position = self.get_origin() self.sprite.point = sdl2.SDL_Point(int(self.sprite.size[0] / 2), 0)
def getButtonClicked(x, y): pt = sdl2.SDL_Point(x, y) if sdl2.SDL_PointInRect(pt, sdl2.SDL_Rect(*YELLOWRECT)): return YELLOW elif sdl2.SDL_PointInRect(pt, sdl2.SDL_Rect(*BLUERECT)): return BLUE elif sdl2.SDL_PointInRect(pt, sdl2.SDL_Rect(*REDRECT)): return RED elif sdl2.SDL_PointInRect(pt, sdl2.SDL_Rect(*GREENRECT)): return GREEN return None
def _рам(к, име_боје): п = sdl2.SDL_Point(к.ширина() // 2, к.висина() // 2) положај = providers.Object(п) рам = providers.Singleton(РамОдСлике, шкработине=к.шкработине, површ=к.главна_површ, положај=положај, име_боје=име_боје) стрелице = providers.Singleton(Стрелице, положај=положај, обрада_догађаја=к.обрада_догађаја) к._листови.append(рам) к._листови.append(стрелице)
def fline(renderer, x0, y0, x1, y1): """ Modified Bresenham's line algorithm. Renders points to form a line between two positions. """ dx = abs(x1 - x0) dy = abs(y1 - y0) c = 0 points = (sdl2.SDL_Point * 128)() x, y = x0, y0 sx = -1 if x0 > x1 else 1 sy = -1 if y0 > y1 else 1 if dx > dy: err = dx / 2.0 while x != x1: points[c] = sdl2.SDL_Point(x, y) c += 1 err -= dy if err <= 0: y += sy err += dx x += sx else: err = dy / 2.0 while y != y1: points[c] = sdl2.SDL_Point(x, y) c += 1 err -= dx if err <= 0: x += sx err += dy y += sy points[c] = sdl2.SDL_Point(x, y) c += 1 ptr = ctypes.cast(points, ctypes.POINTER(sdl2.SDL_Point)) sdl2.SDL_RenderDrawPoints(renderer, ptr, c)
def draw_rect(surface, x, y, w, h, angle=0, colour=(0, 0, 0, 0)): if len(colour) == 3: colour = (colour[0] % 256, colour[1] % 256, colour[2] % 256, 255) elif len(colour) == 4: colour = (colour[0] % 256, colour[1] % 256, colour[2] % 256, colour[3] % 256) surf = Surface(w, h) surf.fill((colour[0], colour[1], colour[2], colour[3])) text = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(surface.renderer, surf.surface) dstrect = sdl2.SDL_Rect(x, y, w, h) sdl2.SDL_RenderCopyEx(surface.renderer, text, None, dstrect, -angle, sdl2.SDL_Point(0, 0), sdl2.SDL_FLIP_NONE)
def blit(self, surface, src=None, dest=None, angle=0): if src: srcrect = sdl2.SDL_Rect(src[0][0], src[0][1], src[1][0] - src[0][0], src[1][1] - src[0][1]) else: srcrect = None if dest: if len(dest) == 2: if src: dstrect = sdl2.SDL_Rect(dest[0] - srcrect.w / 2, dest[1] - srcrect.h / 2, srcrect.w, srcrect.h) else: dstrect = sdl2.SDL_Rect(dest[0] - surface.w / 2, dest[1] - surface.h / 2, surface.w, surface.h) elif len(dest) == 4: dstrect = sdl2.SDL_Rect() dstrect.w = dest[1][0] - dest[0][0] dstrect.h = dest[1][1] - dest[0][1] dstrect.x = dest[0][0] - dstrect.w / 2 dstrect.y = dest[0][1] - dstrect.h / 2 else: raise IndexError("\'dest\' should have 2 or 4 values. ") else: if src: dstrect = sdl2.SDL_Rect(dest[0] - srcrect.w / 2, dest[1] - srcrect.h / 2, srcrect.w, srcrect.h) else: dstrect = sdl2.SDL_Rect(0 - surface.w / 2, 0 - surface.h / 2, surface.w, surface.h) text = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(self.renderer, surface.surface) sdl2.SDL_RenderCopyEx( self.renderer, text, srcrect, dstrect, -surface.angle - angle, sdl2.SDL_Point(round(surface.w / 2), round(surface.h / 2)), sdl2.SDL_FLIP_NONE)
def draw( self, waveform: list, colors: tuple # background and foreground colors ): # Compute a Fourier Transform on the Waveform to # divide the sound into several "bins". To # visualise them as points on the render window. self.fft_spectrum = fft_abs(fft(waveform))[:self.fft_bins] x = 0 # reset the coordinate on each call for idx, bin in enumerate(self.fft_spectrum): self.data_points.contents[idx] = sdl2.SDL_Point( round(x), int(maprange(bin, 0, NP_FFT_MAXVAL, 0, self.viewport['width']))) x += self.bar_width # Clear the canvas with our selected colour. # What it does is repaints the screen # the previous frame is overlapped by it. sdl2.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(self.renderer, colors[0][0], colors[0][1], colors[0][2], colors[0][3]) sdl2.SDL_RenderClear(self.renderer) # Draw the visualization using connected paths which # are stroked. When percepted they represent themeselves # as "lines". sdl2.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(self.renderer, colors[1][0], colors[1][1], colors[1][2], colors[1][3]) sdl2.SDL_RenderDrawLines(self.renderer, self.data_points.contents, self.fft_bins) # Display the contents on the screen which # was rendered off-screen. sdl2.SDL_RenderPresent(self.renderer) # Look for the event when the user closes # the render window. sdl2.SDL_PollEvent(self.event) if self.event.type == sdl2.SDL_QUIT: self.close() return True
def draw_texture(renderer: sdl2.render.SDL_Renderer, texture: sdl2.render.SDL_Texture, position: Vec2f, rotation: float) -> None: w = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int(0)) h = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int(0)) sdl(sdl2.SDL_QueryTexture(texture, None, None, w, h)) width = float(w.contents.value) height = float(h.contents.value) # Transforms coordinates to center of sprite rather than default upper left # corner. This makes centering the sprite on screen easier. x = position.x - width / 2 y = position.y - height / 2 sdl( sdl2.SDL_RenderCopyEx( renderer, texture, ctypes.byref(sdl2.SDL_Rect(0, 0, int(width), int(height))), ctypes.byref(sdl2.SDL_Rect(int(x), int(y), int(width), int(height))), rotation, ctypes.byref(sdl2.SDL_Point(int(width / 2), int(height / 2))), sdl2.SDL_FLIP_NONE))
def draw(renderer, window_size): sdl2.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255) sdl2.SDL_RenderClear(renderer) a_base = min(window_size) a = A_COEFF_RELATION * a_base for part in PARTS: points_set = set() c_r, c_g, c_b, c_a = part[2] sdl2.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, c_r, c_g, c_b, c_a) t = part[0] while t < part[1]: x = a * cos(t) * (1 + cos(t)) + window_size[0] / 2 - a y = a * sin(t) * (1 + cos(t)) + window_size[1] / 2 points_set.add((trunc(x), trunc(y))) t += STEP points_count = len(points_set) points_list = [sdl2.SDL_Point(p[0], p[1]) for p in points_set] points_array = (sdl2.SDL_Point * points_count)(*points_list) sdl2.SDL_RenderDrawPoints(renderer, points_array, points_count) sdl2.SDL_RenderPresent(renderer)
def xy_distances( p1: sdl2.SDL_Point, p2: sdl2.SDL_Point) -> sdl2.SDL_Point: # TODO Needs a better name return sdl2.SDL_Point(x_distance(p1, p2), y_distance(p1, p2))
def start_tracking_stroke(click_event: sdl2.SDL_Event) -> None: nonlocal tracking_stroke nonlocal stroke stroke = [sdl2.SDL_Point(click_event.button.x, click_event.button.y)] tracking_stroke = True
def main(): #cause I don't want to pass these around global REN, SPRITE_FACTORY, SPRITE_RENDERER global RESET_BUTTON, NEW_BUTTON, SOLVE_BUTTON sdl2.ext.init() window = sdl2.ext.Window("Slide Puzzle", size=(WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) REN = sdl2.ext.Renderer(window) font_file = sysfont.get_font("freesans", sysfont.STYLE_BOLD) font_manager = sdl2.ext.FontManager(font_file, size=BASICFONTSIZE) #fontmanager=font_manager will be default_args passed to every sprite creation method SPRITE_FACTORY = sdl2.ext.SpriteFactory(renderer=REN, fontmanager=font_manager, free=True) SPRITE_RENDERER = SPRITE_FACTORY.create_sprite_render_system(window) RESET_BUTTON, reset_rect = make_text(SPRITE_FACTORY, "Reset", WINDOWWIDTH - 120, WINDOWHEIGHT - 90, bg_color=TILECOLOR) NEW_BUTTON, new_rect = make_text(SPRITE_FACTORY, "New Game", WINDOWWIDTH - 120, WINDOWHEIGHT - 60, bg_color=TILECOLOR) SOLVE_BUTTON, solve_rect = make_text(SPRITE_FACTORY, "Solve", WINDOWWIDTH - 120, WINDOWHEIGHT - 30, bg_color=TILECOLOR) mainBoard, solutionSeq = generateNewPuzzle(NUMSLIDES) SOLVEDBOARD = getStartingBoard( ) # a solved board is the same as the board in a start state. allMoves = [] # list of moves made from the solved configuration print(NEW_BUTTON.area) running = True while running: slideTo = None # the direction, if any, a tile should slide msg = 'Click tile or press arrow keys to slide.' # contains the message to show in the upper left corner. if mainBoard == SOLVEDBOARD: msg = 'Solved!' drawBoard(mainBoard, msg) for event in sdl2.ext.get_events(): if event.type == sdl2.SDL_QUIT: running = False break elif event.type == sdl2.SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if event.window.event == sdl2.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED: print("window exposed") drawBoard(mainBoard, msg) elif event.type == sdl2.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: pos = event.button.x, event.button.y spotx, spoty = getSpotClicked(mainBoard, pos[0], pos[1]) pt = sdl2.SDL_Point(pos[0], pos[1]) if (spotx, spoty) == (None, None): if sdl2.SDL_PointInRect(pt, reset_rect): resetAnimation(mainBoard, allMoves) allMoves = [] elif sdl2.SDL_PointInRect(pt, new_rect): mainBoard, solutionSeq = generateNewPuzzle(NUMSLIDES) allMoves = [] elif sdl2.SDL_PointInRect(pt, solve_rect): resetAnimation(mainBoard, solutionSeq + allMoves) allMoves = [] else: #check if clicked tile was next to blank blankx, blanky = getBlankPosition(mainBoard) if spotx == blankx + 1 and spoty == blanky: slideTo = LEFT elif spotx == blankx - 1 and spoty == blanky: slideTo = RIGHT elif spotx == blankx and spoty == blanky + 1: slideTo = UP elif spotx == blankx and spoty == blanky - 1: slideTo = DOWN elif event.type == sdl2.SDL_KEYUP: # check if the user pressed a key to slide a tile sym = event.key.keysym.sym if sym in (sdl2.SDLK_LEFT, sdl2.SDLK_a) and isValidMove( mainBoard, LEFT): slideTo = LEFT elif sym in (sdl2.SDLK_RIGHT, sdl2.SDLK_d) and isValidMove( mainBoard, RIGHT): slideTo = RIGHT elif sym in (sdl2.SDLK_UP, sdl2.SDLK_w) and isValidMove( mainBoard, UP): slideTo = UP elif sym in (sdl2.SDLK_DOWN, sdl2.SDLK_s) and isValidMove( mainBoard, DOWN): slideTo = DOWN elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdl2.SDLK_ESCAPE: running = False break if slideTo: slideAnimation(mainBoard, slideTo, 'Click tile or press arrow keys to slide.', 8) # show slide on screen allMoves.append(slideTo) # record the slide REN.present() sdl2.SDL_Delay(1000 // FPS) sdl2.ext.quit()
def click_position(click_event: sdl2.SDL_Event) -> sdl2.SDL_Point: if click_event.type != sdl2.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: raise IncorrectEvent return sdl2.SDL_Point(click_event.button.x, click_event.button.y)
def motion_position(motion_event: sdl2.SDL_Event) -> sdl2.SDL_Point: if motion_event.type != sdl2.SDL_MOUSEMOTION: raise IncorrectEvent return sdl2.SDL_Point(motion_event.motion.x, motion_event.motion.y)