Пример #1
def test_datastructuredefinition():
    dsd = DataStructureDefinition()

    # Convenience methods
    da = dsd.attributes.getdefault(id="foo")
    assert isinstance(da, DataAttribute)

    d = dsd.dimensions.getdefault(id="baz", order=-1)
    assert isinstance(d, Dimension)

    # make_key(GroupKey, ..., extend=True, group_id=None)
    gk = dsd.make_key(GroupKey, dict(foo=1, bar=2), extend=True, group_id=None)

    # … does not create a GroupDimensionDescriptor (anonymous group)
    assert gk.described_by is None
    assert len(dsd.group_dimensions) == 0

    # But does create the 'bar' dimension
    assert "bar" in dsd.dimensions

    # make_key(..., group_id=...) creates a GroupDimensionDescriptor
    gk = dsd.make_key(GroupKey,
                      dict(foo=1, baz2=4),
    assert gk.described_by is dsd.group_dimensions["g1"]
    assert len(dsd.group_dimensions) == 1

    # …also creates the "baz2" dimension and adds it to the GDD
    assert dsd.dimensions.get("baz2") is dsd.group_dimensions["g1"].get("baz2")

    # from_keys()
    key1 = Key(foo=1, bar=2, baz=3)
    key2 = Key(foo=4, bar=5, baz=6)
    DataStructureDefinition.from_keys([key1, key2])
Пример #2
def test_dimensiondescriptor():
    # from_key()
    key1 = Key(foo=1, bar=2, baz=3)
    dd = DimensionDescriptor.from_key(key1)

    # Key in reverse order
    key2 = Key(baz=3, bar=2, foo=1)
    assert list(key1.values.keys()) == list(reversed(key2.values.keys()))
    key3 = dd.order_key(key2)
    assert list(key1.values.keys()) == list(key3.values.keys())
Пример #3
def test_flat():
    # Create a bare Message
    msg = DataMessage()

    # Recreate the content from exr-flat.json
    header = Header(
    msg.header = header

    ds = DataSet()

    # Create a Key and attributes
    key = Key(
    obs_status = DataAttribute(id="OBS_STATUS")
    attr = {"OBS_STATUS": AttributeValue(value_for=obs_status, value="A")}

        Observation(dimension=key, value=1.5931, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(TIME_PERIOD="2013-01-21")
        Observation(dimension=key, value=1.5925, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(CURRENCY="RUB", TIME_PERIOD="2013-01-18")
        Observation(dimension=key, value=40.3426, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(TIME_PERIOD="2013-01-21")
        Observation(dimension=key, value=40.3000, attached_attribute=attr))


    # Write to pd.Dataframe
    df1 = sdmx.to_pandas(msg)

    with specimen("flat.json") as f:
        ref = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)
    df2 = sdmx.to_pandas(ref)

    assert_pd_equal(df1, df2)
Пример #4
    def test_obs(self, msg):
        data = msg.data[0]
        assert len(data.obs) == 12
        series_list = list(data.series)
        assert len(series_list) == 4
        s3 = series_list[3]
        assert isinstance(s3, model.SeriesKey)

        # Time series data set → five dimensions are at the SeriesKey level
        assert len(s3) == 5
        assert s3.CURRENCY == "USD"

        # 5 of 7 attributes are at the Observation level
        assert len(s3.attrib) == 5
        assert s3.attrib.DECIMALS == "4"

        obs_list = data.series[s3]
        assert len(obs_list) == 3
        o0 = obs_list[2]

        # One remaining dimension is at the Observation Level
        assert len(o0.dimension) == 1
        assert o0.dim == Key(TIME_PERIOD="2010-08")
        assert o0.value == "1.3898"

        # Two remaining attributes are at the Observation level
        assert len(o0.attached_attribute)
        assert o0.attrib.OBS_STATUS == "A"
Пример #5
    def test_structured_obs(self, msg):
        data = msg.data[0]

        # Expected number of observations and series
        assert len(data.obs) == 12
        assert len(data.series) == 4

        # SeriesKey is accessible by index using DictLike
        s3 = list(data.series.keys())[3]
        assert isinstance(s3, model.SeriesKey)

        # SeriesKey has expected number of dimensions and values
        assert len(s3) == 5
        assert s3.CURRENCY == "USD"

        # SeriesKey has expected number of attributes and values
        assert len(s3.attrib) == 5
        assert s3.attrib.DECIMALS == "4"

        # Series observations can be accessed
        obs_list = data.series[s3]
        assert len(obs_list) == 3
        o0 = obs_list[2]
        assert len(o0.dimension) == 1
        assert o0.dim == Key(TIME_PERIOD="2010-08")
        assert o0.value == "1.3898"
        assert o0.attrib.OBS_STATUS == "A"
Пример #6
def test_add_obs(DataSetType):
    # Create a Key and Attributes
    key = Key(CURRENCY="NZD", CURRENCY_DENOM="EUR", TIME_PERIOD="2018-01-01")
    obs_status = DataAttribute(id="OBS_STATUS")
    attr = {"OBS_STATUS": AttributeValue(value_for=obs_status, value="A")}

    obs = []
    for day, value in enumerate([5, 6, 7]):
        key = key.copy(TIME_PERIOD="2018-01-{:02d}".format(day))
            Observation(dimension=key, value=value, attached_attribute=attr))

    ds = DataSetType()

    # PandasDataSet does not store Observation objects internally, but should
    # emit them when the .obs property is accessed
    assert all(a == b for a, b in zip(ds.obs, obs))
Пример #7
    def _make_obs(self, key, data):
        """Create an Observation from tuple *key* and pd.Series *data."""
        # Create the Key
        key = Key(
            {dim: value
             for dim, value in zip(self._data.index.names, key)})
        attrs = {}

        # Handle columns of ._data
        for col, value in data.items():
                # A tuple column label is ('attr_obs', attr_id)
                group, attr_id = col
            except ValueError:
                # Not a tuple → the 'value' column, handled below
            if group == "attr_obs":
                # Create a DataAttribute
                attrs[attr_id] = AttributeValue(
                    value_for=DataAttribute(id=attr_id), value=value)
        return Observation(dimension=key,
Пример #8
def test_key():
    # Construct with a dict
    k1 = Key({"foo": 1, "bar": 2})

    # Construct with kwargs
    k2 = Key(foo=1, bar=2)

    # Results are __eq__ each other
    assert k1 == k2

    # Doing both is an error
    with raises(ValueError):
        Key({"foo": 1}, bar=2)

    # __len__
    assert len(k1) == 2

    # __contains__: symmetrical if keys are identical
    assert k1 in k2
    assert k2 in k1
    assert Key(foo=1) in k1
    assert k1 not in Key(foo=1)

    # Set and get using item convenience
    k1["baz"] = 3  # bare value is converted to a KeyValue
    assert k1["foo"] == 1

    # __str__
    assert str(k1) == "(foo=1, bar=2, baz=3)"

    # copying: returns a new object equal to the old one
    k2 = k1.copy()
    assert id(k1) != id(k2) and k1 == k2
    # copy with changes
    k2 = Key(foo=1, bar=2).copy(baz=3)
    assert id(k1) != id(k2) and k1 == k2

    # __add__: Key with something else
    with raises(NotImplementedError):
        k1 + 4
    # Two Keys
    k2 = Key(foo=1) + Key(bar=2)
    assert k2 == k1

    # __radd__: adding a Key to None produces a Key
    assert None + k1 == k1
    # anything else is an error
    with raises(NotImplementedError):
        4 + k1

    # get_values(): preserve ordering
    assert k1.get_values() == (1, 2, 3)