Пример #1
def test_write_data(specimen, path):
    msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(path)

    result = sdmx.to_pandas(msg)

    expected = specimen.expected_data(path)
    if expected is not None:
        print(expected, result, sep="\n")
    assert_pd_equal(expected, result)

    # TODO incomplete
    assert isinstance(result, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, list)), type(result)
Пример #2
def test_flat(specimen):
    # Create a bare Message
    msg = DataMessage()

    # Recreate the content from exr-flat.json
    header = Header(
    msg.header = header

    ds = DataSet()

    # Create a Key and attributes
    key = Key(
    obs_status = DataAttribute(id="OBS_STATUS")
    attr = {"OBS_STATUS": AttributeValue(value_for=obs_status, value="A")}

    ds.obs.append(Observation(dimension=key, value=1.5931, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(TIME_PERIOD="2013-01-21")
    ds.obs.append(Observation(dimension=key, value=1.5925, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(CURRENCY="RUB", TIME_PERIOD="2013-01-18")
    ds.obs.append(Observation(dimension=key, value=40.3426, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(TIME_PERIOD="2013-01-21")
    ds.obs.append(Observation(dimension=key, value=40.3000, attached_attribute=attr))


    # Write to pd.Dataframe
    df1 = sdmx.to_pandas(msg)

    with specimen("flat.json") as f:
        ref = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)
    df2 = sdmx.to_pandas(ref)

    assert_pd_equal(df1, df2)
Пример #3
def test_doc_usage_data():
    """Code examples in usage.rst."""
    ecb = Client("ECB")

    data_response = ecb.data(
        key={"CURRENCY": "USD+JPY"},
            "startPeriod": "2016",
            "endPeriod": "2016-12-31"
    # # Commented: do the same without triggering requests for validation
    # data_response = ecb.data(resource_id='EXR', key='.JPY+USD...',
    #                          params={'startPeriod': '2016',
    #                                  'endPeriod': '2016-12-31'})
    data = data_response.data[0]

    assert type(data) is GenericDataSet

    # This message doesn't explicitly specify the remaining dimensions; unless
    # they are inferred from the SeriesKeys, then the DimensionDescriptor is
    # not complete
    # assert data.structured_by.dimensions[-1] == 'TIME_PERIOD'
    # data.dim_at_obs

    series_keys = list(data.series)

    assert len(series_keys) == 16


    assert sorted(set(sk.FREQ.value
                      for sk in data.series)) == "A D H M Q".split()

    daily = sdmx.to_pandas(data).xs("D", level="FREQ")
    assert len(daily) == 514

                    np.array([1.0446, 1.0445, 1.0401, 1.0453, 1.0541]))
Пример #4
def test_write_dataflow(specimen):
    # Read the INSEE dataflow definition
    with specimen("INSEE/dataflow") as f:
        msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)

    # Convert to pandas
    result = sdmx.to_pandas(msg, include="dataflow")

    # Number of Dataflows described in the file
    assert len(result["dataflow"]) == 663

    # ID and names of first Dataflows
    mbop = "Monthly Balance of Payments - "
    expected = pd.Series(
            "ACT-TRIM-ANC": "Activity by sex and age - Quarterly series",
            "BPM6-CCAPITAL": "{}Capital account".format(mbop),
            "BPM6-CFINANCIER": "{}Financial account".format(mbop),
            "BPM6-CTRANSACTION": "{}Current transactions account".format(mbop),
            "BPM6-TOTAL": "{}Overall total and main headings".format(mbop),
    assert_pd_equal(result["dataflow"].head(), expected)
Пример #5
def test_doc_index1():
    """First code example in index.rst."""
    estat = Client("ESTAT")
    flow_response = estat.dataflow("une_rt_a")

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        # This presumes the DataStructureDefinition instance can conduct a
        # network request for its own content
        structure_response = flow_response.dataflow.une_rt_a.structure(
            request=True, target_only=False)

    # Same effect
    structure_response = estat.get(
        "datastructure", flow_response.dataflow.une_rt_a.structure.id)

    # Even better: Client.get(…) should examine the class and ID of the object
    # structure = estat.get(flow_response.dataflow.une_rt_a.structure)

    # Show some codelists
    s = sdmx.to_pandas(structure_response)
    expected = pd.Series(
            "AT": "Austria",
            "BE": "Belgium",
            "BG": "Bulgaria",
            "CH": "Switzerland",
            "CY": "Cyprus",

    # Codelists are converted to a DictLike
    assert isinstance(s.codelist, DictLike)

    # Same effect
    assert_pd_equal(s.codelist["CL_GEO"].sort_index().head(), expected)
Пример #6
def test_doc_usage_structure():
    """Code examples in walkthrough.rst."""
    ecb = Client("ECB")

    ecb_via_proxy = Client("ECB", proxies={"http": ""})
    assert all(
        getattr(ecb_via_proxy.session, k) == v for k, v in (
            ("proxies", {
                "http": ""
            ("stream", False),
            ("timeout", 30.1),

    msg1 = ecb.categoryscheme(provider="all")

    assert msg1.response.url == (

    # Check specific headers
    headers = msg1.response.headers
    assert headers["Content-Type"] == ("application/vnd.sdmx.structure+xml; "
    assert all(k in headers for k in ["Connection", "Date", "Server"])

    # Removed: in pandaSDMX 0.x this was a convenience method that (for this
    # structure message) returned two DataStructureDefinitions. Contra the
    # spec, that assumes:
    # - There is 1 Categorization using the CategoryScheme; there could be
    #   many.
    # - The Categorization maps DataStructureDefinitions to Categories, when
    #   there could be many.
    # list(cat_response.category_scheme['MOBILE_NAVI']['07'])

    dfs = sdmx.to_pandas(msg1.dataflow).head()
    expected = pd.Series({
        "Banknotes statistics",
        "Bank Lending Survey Statistics",
        "BOP": ("Euro Area Balance of Payments and International Investment "
                "Position Statistics"),
        "Balance Sheet Items",
    assert_pd_equal(dfs, expected)

    flows = ecb.dataflow()  # noqa: F841
    dsd_id = msg1.dataflow.EXR.structure.id
    assert dsd_id == "ECB_EXR1"

    refs = dict(references="all")
    msg2 = ecb.datastructure(resource_id=dsd_id, params=refs)
    dsd = msg2.structure[dsd_id]

    assert sdmx.to_pandas(dsd.dimensions) == [

    cl = sdmx.to_pandas(msg2.codelist["CL_CURRENCY"]).sort_index()
    expected = pd.Series(
            "ADF": "Andorran Franc (1-1 peg to the French franc)",
            "ADP": "Andorran Peseta (1-1 peg to the Spanish peseta)",
            "AED": "United Arab Emirates dirham",
            "AFA": "Afghanistan afghani (old)",
            "AFN": "Afghanistan, Afghanis",
        name="Currency code list",
    assert_pd_equal(cl.head(), expected)