Пример #1
def getCommentsFromPost (r, post):

    global users
    global xtotals
    global count
    global nextOAuthUpdate

    info = r.get_info(thing_id=post.fullname)

    t = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(info.created_utc)
    print("\ngetCommentsFromPost: %s  (%d-%d-%d)" % (post.short_link, t.year, t.month, t.day))
    for c in comments:

        if time.time() > nextOAuthUpdate:
            print("\nRefreshing OAuth token\n")
            sdsOAuth2Util.refresh(r, MYUSERNAME)
            nextOAuthUpdate = time.time() + (45*60)

        if (c.created_utc - info.created_utc) > (60*60):
            #print ("\nThis is too old (%s)" % c.permalink)
            print (" X ", end=""); sys.stdout.flush()
        if c.distinguished:
        if c.author and c.author.name:
            count += 1
            print ("%d " % (count), end=""); sys.stdout.flush()

            if c.author.name not in users:
                #newData[c.author.name] = {}
                users[c.author.name], xtotals[c.author.name] = newUser()

            if c.link_id not in users[c.author.name]['new']:
                xtotals[c.author.name]['new'] += 1
                users[c.author.name]['new'][c.link_id] = "https://www.reddit.com/comments/%s/_/%s" % (post.fullname[3:], c.id)

        if c.replies:
            getReplyData(c.replies, info.created_utc)
Пример #2
def getAMA (r):
    global users
    global xtotals
    global count
    global nextOAuthUpdate
    global mostRecentMondayUTC
    global previousMondayUTC

    print("\nAMA: Started")

    # get AMA posts
    amaList = []
    srch = r.search("flair:ama", sort="new", subreddit="books", period="month")
    for x in srch:

        if x.created_utc > mostRecentMondayUTC:

        if x.created_utc < previousMondayUTC:


    print ("Found %d AMA posts" % (len(amaList)))

    for x in amaList:
        print("\n* Working on: " + x.title)
        txt += x.title + "\n\n"

        print("AMA: get_info")
        info = r.get_info(thing_id=x.fullname)
        print ("AMA: running")

        for c in comments:

            if time.time() > nextOAuthUpdate:
                print("\nRefreshing OAuth token\n")
                sdsOAuth2Util.refresh(r, MYUSERNAME)
                nextOAuthUpdate = time.time() + (45*60)

            if c.created_utc > mostRecentMondayUTC:
                print ("\nThis is too old (%s)" % c.permalink)
            if c.distinguished:

            if c.author and c.author.name:
                if c.author.name not in users:
                    users[c.author.name], xtotals[c.author.name] = newUser()

                count += 1
                print ("%d " % (count), end="")

                if c.link_id not in users[c.author.name]['ama']:
                    xtotals[c.author.name]['ama'] += 1
                    users[c.author.name]['ama'][c.link_id] = "https://www.reddit.com/comments/%s/_/%s" % (c.link_id[3:], c.id)

    txt += "---\n\n"
    cnt = 0
    part = 0
    for i in users:

        if len(users[i]['ama']) == 0:

        cnt += 1
        txt += "* [%s](/u/%s) ::: " % (i.replace("_", "\_"), i)

        for j in users[i]['ama']:
            txt += "[link](%s) " % (users[i]['ama'][j])

        txt += "\n"

        if cnt > 200:
            part += 1
            cnt = 0
            r.submit("booksawardslog", "AMAs [%s] part %d" % (CURRENTDATE, part), text=txt)
            txt = ""

    if txt:
        r.submit("booksawardslog", "AMAs [%s] part %d" % (CURRENTDATE, part+1), text=txt)

    print("\nAMA: Finished")
Пример #3
def getWayr (r):
        1) Get the 2nd most recent WAYR thread (last week's).  The most recent one is still active.
        2) loop thru comments, save non-deleted, non-removed comments.
        3) log results in /r/BooksAwardsLog

    global users
    global xtotals
    global nextOAuthUpdate
    global count

    # get 2nd most recent wayr
    srch = r.search("flair:weeklythread title:\"what books are you reading\"", sort="new", subreddit="books", period="month")
    first = True
    for x in srch:
        if first:
            first = False

    # save the thread ID and the thread title
    wayrFullname = x.fullname
    wayrTitle = x.title

    print("WAYR: get_info")
    info = r.get_info(thing_id=wayrFullname)
    print ("WAYR: running")

    ok = True
    print("scan: ***************** number of comments = %s" % len(comments))

    for c in comments:

        # refresh oauth if it's close to an hour
        if time.time() > nextOAuthUpdate:
            sdsOAuth2Util.refresh(r, MYUSERNAME)
            nextOAuthUpdate = time.time() + (45*60)

        # ignore comments that are a week old.  they should be using the new thread
        if (c.created_utc - info.created_utc) > (60*60*24*7):
            # print ("\nThis is too old (%s)" % c.permalink)

        # ignore mod distinguished comments
        if c.distinguished:

        # if the comment is deleted, author will be blank
        if c.author and c.author.name:
            count += 1
            print ("%d " % (count), end="")

            if c.author.name not in users:
                users[c.author.name], xtotals[c.author.name] = newUser()

            # wayrData[c.author.name] = "https://www.reddit.com/comments/%s/_/%s" % (wayrFullname[3:], c.id)
            users[c.author.name]['wayr'] = "https://www.reddit.com/comments/%s/_/%s" % (wayrFullname[3:], c.id)
            xtotals[c.author.name]['wayr'] = 1

    txt="###### %s\n###### http://redd.it/%s \n###### %d\n---\n" % (wayrTitle, wayrFullname[3:], count)
    for i in users:
        if users[i]['wayr']:
            txt += "* [%s](%s)\n" % (i.replace("_", "\_"), users[i]['wayr'])

    r.submit("booksawardslog", "WAYR-%s-%s" % (CURRENTDATE, wayrFullname[3:]), text=txt)
    print("\nWAYR: Done")
Пример #4
def getRec(r):
        1) There are two valid "recommendation threads.
            From last week's thread, get the comments staring from last monday 12amGMT
            to thread post time+one week.
            From this week's thread, get the comments from the thread's post time
            to this monday 12amGMT.

        2) Get comments that are replies to requests for recommendation.  Those will be
            comments that reply to a root comment.

        3) log results in /r/BooksAwardsLog


    global users
    global xtotals
    global nextOAuthUpdate
    global count

    # update oauth token
    if time.time() > nextOAuthUpdate:
        sdsOAuth2Util.refresh(r, MYUSERNAME)
        nextOAuthUpdate = time.time() + (45*60)

    print("\nStarting REC")
    # get the two most recent rec threads (within the time window)
    srch = r.search("flair:weeklythread title:\"weekly recommendation\"", sort="new", subreddit="books", period="month")
    for x in srch:

        if x.created_utc < mostRecentMondayUTC:
            print("REC: " + x.title)

            if len(recThreadList) == 2:

    for x in range(2):
        recFullname = recThreadList[x].fullname
        print("\nREC: get_info " + recThreadList[x].title)
        info = r.get_info(thing_id=recFullname)
        print ("REC: running %d" % (x + 1))

        if x == 0:

            # we're running the most recent rec thread, so we want all comments from
            # start-of-thread until monday 12am utc
            startTimeLimit = info.created_utc
            endTimeLimit = mostRecentMondayUTC


            # we're running the previous rec thread so we want all comments from
            # one week ago (monday 12am utc) until the start of the next rec thread (thurs 9am utc)
            startTimeLimit = previousMondayUTC
            endTimeLimit = info.created_utc + (60*60*24*7)

        print("scan: ***************** number of comments = %s" % len(comments))

        for c in comments:

            # update oauth token
            if time.time() > nextOAuthUpdate:
                sdsOAuth2Util.refresh(r, MYUSERNAME)
                nextOAuthUpdate = time.time() + (45*60)

            # ignore mod distinguished comments
            if c.distinguished:

            # We only want replies to ROOT comments.  Ignore a comment if it's not ROOT
            if not c.is_root:
                print("Found a non root comment (%s)" % c.permalink)

            # loop thru the replies to a ROOT comment
            for reply in c.replies:

                # we should not be getting a MoreComments object.  Ignore if found
                if isinstance(reply, praw.objects.MoreComments):
                    print("\nFOUND MORE COMMENTS")
                    #moreComments = reply.comments(update=True)
                    #recData = doMoreComments(recData, moreComments, c.fullname, wayrFullname[3:])

                # This reply's parent ID should be the ROOT comment ID
                # and verify the reply hasn't been deleted
                if reply.parent_id == c.fullname and reply.author and reply.author.name:

                    # ignore mod distinguished comments
                    if reply.distinguished:

                    # verify the comment is in the time window
                    if reply.created_utc > startTimeLimit and reply.created_utc < endTimeLimit:

                        # if a new author, set the data type as a 'list'
                        if reply.author.name not in users:
                            # recData[reply.author.name] = []
                            users[reply.author.name], xtotals[reply.author.name] = newUser()

                        count += 1
                        print ("%d " % (count), end="")
                        # recData[reply.author.name].append("https://www.reddit.com/comments/%s/_/%s" % (recFullname[3:], reply.id))
                        users[reply.author.name]['rec'].append("https://www.reddit.com/comments/%s/_/%s" % (recFullname[3:], reply.id))
                        xtotals[reply.author.name]['rec'] += 1

    txt="###### %s\n###### http://redd.it/%s \n###### %d\n---\n" % ("Recommendation Threads", recFullname[3:], count)
    for i in users:
        if len(users[i]['rec']) > 0:
            txt += "* [**%s**](/u/%s) " % (i.replace("_", "\_"), i)
            for j in users[i]['rec']:
                txt += "[Link](%s) " % (j)
            txt += "\n"

    r.submit("booksawardslog", "REC <%s> %s" % (CURRENTDATE, recFullname[3:]), text=txt)
    print("\nREC: Done")
Пример #5
    initialRunDate = calendar.timegm(datetime.date(2015,8,24).timetuple())
    weekNumber = 0

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print ("Not testing or running.  You know what to do.\n")

    if sys.argv[1] == "testing":
        testing = True
    if sys.argv[1] != "running" and not testing:
        print ("Not testing or running.  You know what to do.\n")

    r = init()
    if time.time() > nextOAuthUpdate:
        sdsOAuth2Util.refresh(r, MYUSERNAME)
        nextOAuthUpdate = time.time() + (45*60)


    # get the time window
    # get the most recent monday, 12am UTC
    # what's today?  0=monday, 6=sunday
    weekday = datetime.date.weekday(datetime.date.today())

    # subtract weekday from todays date to get most recent monday
    monday = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=weekday)

    # get the 12am UTC for the most recent monday
    mostRecentMondayUTC = calendar.timegm(monday.timetuple())