def testBrowser(self):'Testing browser capabilities') self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() # construct the browser capabilities test page l_pageTemplate = EcTemplate(EcRequestHandler.cm_templateString) l_oldPath = self.path while'&y=.*&', l_oldPath): l_oldPath = re.sub('&y=.*&', '&', self.path) while'\?y=.*&', l_oldPath): l_oldPath = re.sub('\?y=.*&', '?', self.path) l_oldPath = re.sub('[&\?]y=.*$', '', l_oldPath) l_response = l_pageTemplate.substitute( NewTarget=re.sub('/&y', '/?y', '.' + l_oldPath + '&y={0}'.format(self.m_terminalID)), NewTargetRestart=re.sub('/&y', '/?y', '.' + l_oldPath + '&y=restart'), TestingBrowserMsg=se3_utilities.get_user_string(self.m_contextDict, 'TestingBrowserMsg'), GainAccess1Msg=se3_utilities.get_user_string(self.m_contextDict, 'GainAccess1Msg'), ThisLinkMsg=se3_utilities.get_user_string(self.m_contextDict, 'ThisLinkMsg') ) # In NewTarget the re.sub above is there to handle the case where the path is a bare "/" self.m_logger.debug('l_response: {0}'.format(l_response)) l_bytes = bytes(l_response, 'utf-8') self.m_logger.debug('Bytes to send: {0}'.format(len(l_bytes))) # and send it self.wfile.write(l_bytes)
def badBrowserMessage(self, p_dbConnection):'Sending bad browser message') self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() # since the browser is bad, delete the terminal ID (and the test terminal ID if different) if 'y' in self.m_contextDict.keys(): l_testTID = self.m_contextDict['y'] else: l_testTID = '' l_query = """ DELETE FROM `TB_TERMINAL` WHERE `TERMINAL_ID` = '{0}' or `TERMINAL_ID` = '{1}' ;""".format(self.m_terminalID, l_testTID) self.m_logger.debug('l_query: {0}'.format(l_query)) try: l_cursor = p_dbConnection.cursor() l_cursor.execute(l_query) # the cursor is executed and THEN, the connection is committed p_dbConnection.commit() l_cursor.close() except Exception as l_exception: self.m_logger.warning(self.pack_massage('Something went wrong while attempting ' + 'to execute this query: {0} Error: {1}'.format( l_query, l_exception.args))) # construct the bad browser page l_pageTemplate = EcTemplate(EcRequestHandler.cm_badBrowserPage) l_oldPath = self.path while'&y=.*&', l_oldPath): l_oldPath = re.sub('&y=.*&', '&', self.path) while'\?y=.*&', l_oldPath): l_oldPath = re.sub('\?y=.*&', '?', self.path) l_oldPath = re.sub('[&\?]y=.*$', '', l_oldPath) l_response = l_pageTemplate.substitute( LinkPrevious='.' + l_oldPath, NewTargetRestart=re.sub('/&y', '/?y', '.' + l_oldPath + '&y=restart'), BadBrowserMsg=se3_utilities.get_user_string(self.m_contextDict, 'BadBrowserMsg'), GainAccessMsg=se3_utilities.get_user_string(self.m_contextDict, 'GainAccessMsg'), ThisLinkMsg=se3_utilities.get_user_string(self.m_contextDict, 'ThisLinkMsg') ) # In NewTarget the re.sub above is there to handle the case where the path is a bare "/" # In NewTargetRestart the re.sub() removes the y=xxxxx parameter (terminal ID used to test browser # capabilities). It handles both the case where y is at the end of several parameters (&y=) and # the case where y is directly located after / (/?y=) # and send it self.wfile.write(bytes(l_response, 'utf-8'))
def get_toc(p_previousContext, p_context, p_dbConnectionPool):"Getting TOC response") g_loggerSE3.debug("p_previousContext: {0}".format(p_previousContext)) g_loggerSE3.debug("p_context: {0}".format(p_context)) l_dbConnection = p_dbConnectionPool.getConnection() l_response = "" # Ta1 : Quran, surah number order # Ta2 : Quran, revelation order # Tb : NT # Tc : OT # T : all scripture # For Quran, chapter ordering based on ST_ORDER (Surah number) or ST_ORDER_ALT (Revelation order) if p_context["K"] == "Ta1": # Query for Quran only: long chapter names + Translit. No need for the Book ID l_query = """ select N_CHAPTER , ST_NAME_OR , ST_NAME_OR2 , ST_NAME_EN , ST_NAME_FR from TB_CHAPTER where ID_BOOK = 'Qur' order by ST_ORDER ;""" elif p_context["K"] == "Ta2": l_query = """ select N_CHAPTER , ST_NAME_OR , ST_NAME_OR2 , ST_NAME_EN , ST_NAME_FR from TB_CHAPTER where ID_BOOK = 'Qur' order by ST_ORDER_ALT ;""" else: if p_context["K"] == "Tb": l_cond = 'ID_GROUP_0 = "NT"' # title for NT l_response += '<h1 class="TocTitle">{0}</h1>\n'.format( se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_tocNTTitle") ) elif p_context["K"] == "Tc": l_cond = 'ID_GROUP_0 = "OT"' # title for OT l_response += '<h1 class="TocTitle">{0}</h1>\n'.format( se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_tocOTTitle") ) else: l_cond = "true" # title for All scripture l_response += '<h1 class="TocTitle">{0}</h1>\n'.format( se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_tocAllTitle") ) # Query for All scripture or Bible: only chapter names + Book ID l_query = """ select ID_BOOK , N_CHAPTER_COUNT , ST_NAME_EN , ST_NAME_FR from TB_BOOK where {0} order by ID_GROUP_0, N_ORDER ;""".format( l_cond ) g_loggerSE3.debug("l_query: {0}".format(l_query)) try: l_cursor = l_dbConnection.cursor(buffered=True) l_cursor.execute(l_query) # Quran only (2 columns with Surah names) if p_context["K"][0:2] == "Ta": # title for Quran (depending on Surah order) l_response += '<h1 class="TocTitle">{0}</h1><div class="QuranToc"><div class="QuranTocCol1">\n'.format( se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_tocQuranTitle") if p_context["K"] == "Ta1" else se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_tocQuranTitleRev") ) l_chapterCount = 1 for l_chapter, l_nameOr, l_nameOr2, l_nameEn, l_nameFr in l_cursor: l_tocLink = se3_utilities.makeLinkCommon( p_context, "Qur", l_chapter, "1", l_chapter, p_command="P", p_class="TocLink", p_v2="x" ) l_response += ('<p class="QuranSurah">' + l_tocLink + ": {0} - {1}</p>\n").format( l_nameFr if p_context["z"] == "fr" else l_nameEn, l_nameOr2 ) # column break 1-57 / 58-114 if l_chapterCount == 57: l_response += '</div><div class="QuranTocCol2">\n' l_chapterCount += 1 l_response += "</div></div>\n" # Bible & All scripture (Book name + list of chapter numbers) else: for l_bookId, l_chapterCount, l_nameEn, l_nameFr in l_cursor: l_chapLinks = " ".join( [ se3_utilities.makeLinkCommon( p_context, l_bookId, i, "1", i, p_command="P", p_class="TocLink", p_v2="x" ) for i in range(1, l_chapterCount + 1) ] ) l_response += '<p class="TocBook">{0}: {1}</p>\n'.format( l_nameFr if p_context["z"] == "fr" else l_nameEn, l_chapLinks ) l_cursor.close() except Exception as l_exception: g_loggerSE3.warning("Something went wrong {0}".format(l_exception.args)) p_dbConnectionPool.releaseConnection(l_dbConnection) return l_response, p_context, ec_app_params.g_appTitle
def internal_get_header_controls(p_context): # number of version selection checkboxes per column l_segmentLength = 10 # Max number of versions to display in the status display l_selectedLimit = 4 # Bible version list for the status display (beginning) l_statusDisplay = "<b>{0}</b>: ".format(se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_bible")) # Bible versions selection checkboxes (beginning) l_bibleVersionControl = '<div class="VersionSegment">' + '<div class="VersionSelector"><b>{0}</b>:</div>'.format( se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_bibleVersions") ) # produce both the status display Bible version list and the Bible version selection checkbox block l_segmentCount = 1 l_verMask = 1 l_selectedCount = 0 l_selectedList = [v[0] for v in se3_utilities.get_version_list(p_context, False, "B")] for l_versionId, l_language, l_default, l_labelShort, l_labelTiny, l_basmalat in se3_utilities.getVersionList("B"): # Bible selection checkboxes # Each checkbox row is enclosed in a <div class="VersionSelector"> together with its label # The checkbox format is: # # <input type="checkbox" value="" class="ToggleVersion" name="" ver_mask="xx" bible_quran="B" yy> # # xx = hexadecimal bit mask indicating the version # yy = 'checked' if version selected or nothing otherwise l_bibleVersionControl += ( '<div class="VersionSelector">' + '<input type="checkbox" value="" ' + 'class="ToggleVersion ToggleVersionBible" name="" ver_mask="{2}" ' + 'bible_quran="B" {1}> {0}</div>\n' ).format(l_labelShort, "checked" if l_versionId in l_selectedList else "", l_verMask) # status display Bible version list if l_versionId in l_selectedList and l_selectedCount < l_selectedLimit: l_statusDisplay += l_labelTiny + ", " l_selectedCount += 1 l_segmentCount += 1 l_verMask *= 2 # column break if column height reached if l_segmentCount % l_segmentLength == 0: l_segmentCount = 0 l_bibleVersionControl += '</div><div class="VersionSegment">' l_statusDisplay = re.sub(",\s$", "", l_statusDisplay) # adding ... at the end of the status display if there are more Bible versions than the limit if len(l_selectedList) > l_selectedLimit: l_statusDisplay += ", ... " else: l_statusDisplay += " " l_bibleVersionControl += ' <input type="button" id="UnselectAllBible" value="{0}"></div>\n'.format( se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_unselectAll") ) l_bibleVersionControl = re.sub('<div class="VersionSegment"></div>$', "", l_bibleVersionControl) # Quran versions selection checkboxes (beginning) l_quranVersionControl = '<div class="VersionSegment">' + '<div class="VersionSelector"><b>{0}</b>:</div>'.format( se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_quranVersions") ) # Quran version list for the status display (beginning) l_statusDisplay += "<b>{0}</b>: ".format(se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_quran")) # produce both the status display Quran version list and the Quran version selection checkbox block l_segmentCount = 1 l_verMask = 1 l_selectedCount = 0 l_selectedList = [v[0] for v in se3_utilities.get_version_list(p_context, False, "Q")] for l_versionId, l_language, l_default, l_labelShort, l_labelTiny, l_basmalat in se3_utilities.getVersionList("Q"): # Quran selection checkboxes # Each checkbox row is enclosed in a <div class="VersionSelector"> together with its label # The checkbox format is: # # <input type="checkbox" value="" class="ToggleVersion" name="" ver_mask="xx" bible_quran="B" yy> # # xx = hexadecimal bit mask indicating the version # yy = 'checked' if version selected or nothing otherwise l_quranVersionControl += ( '<div class="VersionSelector"><input type="checkbox" value="" ' + 'class="ToggleVersion ToggleVersionQuran" name="" ver_mask="{2}" ' + 'bible_quran="Q" {1}> {0}</div>\n' ).format(l_labelShort, "checked" if l_versionId in l_selectedList else "", l_verMask) # status display Quran version list if l_versionId in l_selectedList and l_selectedCount < l_selectedLimit: l_statusDisplay += l_labelTiny + ", " l_selectedCount += 1 l_segmentCount += 1 l_verMask *= 2 # column break if column height reached if l_segmentCount % l_segmentLength == 0: l_segmentCount = 0 l_quranVersionControl += '</div><div class="VersionSegment">' l_statusDisplay = re.sub(",\s$", "", l_statusDisplay) # adding ... at the end of the status display if there are more Quran versions than the limit if len(l_selectedList) > l_selectedLimit: l_statusDisplay += ", ... " l_quranVersionControl += ' <input type="button" id="UnselectAllQuran" value="{0}"></div>\n'.format( se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_unselectAll") ) l_quranVersionControl = re.sub('<div class="VersionSegment"></div>$', "", l_quranVersionControl) # parameter checkboxes (same formatting as version checkboxes) l_paramControl = '<div class="VersionSegment">' + '<div class="VersionSelector"><b>{0}</b>:</div>'.format( se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_paramControl") ) # list of tuples used to feed the loop below. Contains all the necessary elements for each parameter checkbox l_tmpList = [ # the substitution is because some labels have '·' instead of ' ' in order to separate words (se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "sv_AllVersions"), p_context["a"], se3_utilities.g_svAllVersions), (se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_DisplayLxx"), p_context["x"], se3_utilities.g_svDisplayLxx), (se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_DisplayNasb"), p_context["n"], se3_utilities.g_svDisplayNasb), (se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_DisplayKJV"), p_context["k"], se3_utilities.g_svDisplayKjv), (se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "p_displayGround"), p_context["g"], se3_utilities.g_pDisplayGround), (se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "p_parallelVersions"), p_context["r"], se3_utilities.g_pParallel), ] for l_label, l_condition, l_mask in l_tmpList: l_paramControl += ( '<div class="VersionSelector"><input type="checkbox" value="" ' + 'class="ToggleParameter" name="" param_mask="{2}" ' + "{1}> {0}</div>\n" ).format( # the substitution is because some labels have '·' instead of ' ' in order to separate words re.sub("·", " ", l_label), "checked" if l_condition else "", l_mask, ) l_paramControl += "</div>" return l_bibleVersionControl, l_quranVersionControl, l_paramControl, l_statusDisplay
def internal_get_labels(p_context): l_substituteVar = dict() # Search form labels and current values l_substituteVar["label_search"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearch") l_substituteVar["label_wholeWords"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelWholeWords") l_substituteVar["label_caseSensitive"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelCaseSensitive") l_substituteVar["label_exclude"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelExclude") l_substituteVar["label_searchScope"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScope") # Search mode value labels l_substituteVar["label_searchMode"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchMode") l_substituteVar["label_searchMode0"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchMode0") l_substituteVar["label_searchMode1"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchMode1") l_substituteVar["label_searchMode2"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchMode2") # Search mode current value l_substituteVar["inputValue_e0"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_e1"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_e2"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_e" + p_context["e"]] = "selected" # Quran scope value labels l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeQ"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeQ") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeQ0"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeQ0") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeQ1"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeQ1") # Quran scope current value l_substituteVar["inputValue_h0"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_h1"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_h" + p_context["h"]] = "selected" # NT scope value labels l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeNT"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeNT") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeNT0"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeNT0") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeNT1"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeNT1") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeNT2"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeNT2") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeNT3"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeNT3") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeNT4"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeNT4") # NT scope current value l_substituteVar["inputValue_i0"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_i1"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_i2"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_i3"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_i4"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_i" + p_context["i"]] = "selected" # OT scope value labels l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeOT"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeOT") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeOT0"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeOT0") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeOT1"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeOT1") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeOT2"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeOT2") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeOT3"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeOT3") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeOT4"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeOT4") l_substituteVar["label_searchScopeOT5"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeOT5") # OT scope current value l_substituteVar["inputValue_j0"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_j1"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_j2"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_j3"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_j4"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_j5"] = "" l_substituteVar["inputValue_j" + p_context["j"]] = "selected" # TOC labels l_substituteVar["toc_allScripture"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_tocAllScripture") l_substituteVar["toc_Quran"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_quran") l_substituteVar["toc_QuranRev"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_tocQuranRev") l_substituteVar["toc_NT"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeNT") l_substituteVar["toc_OT"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_labelSearchScopeOT") l_substituteVar["toc_toc"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_tocToc") # Lexicon labels l_substituteVar["lex_Arabic"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_lexArabic") l_substituteVar["lex_Greek"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_lexGreek") l_substituteVar["lex_Hebrew"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_lexHebrew") l_substituteVar["lex_lex"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_lexLex") # Apply button label l_substituteVar["ApplyLabel"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_ApplyLabel") # Left panel section collapse buttons in open and closed positions l_substituteVar["CollapsarShow"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_CollapsarShow") l_substituteVar["CollapsarHide"] = se3_utilities.get_user_string(p_context, "m_CollapsarHide") return l_substituteVar