Пример #1
    objects = UserLastLoginManager()

def update_last_login(sender, user, **kwargs):
    A signal receiver which updates the last_login date for
    the user logging in.
    user_last_login = UserLastLogin.objects.get_by_username(user.username)
    if user_last_login is None:
        user_last_login = UserLastLogin(username=user.username)
    user_last_login.last_login = timezone.now()


class CommandsLastCheck(models.Model):
    """Record last check time for Django/custom commands.
    command_type = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    last_check = models.DateTimeField()

###### Deprecated
class InnerPubMsg(models.Model):
    Model used for leave message on inner pub page.
    from_email = models.EmailField()
Пример #2
When an admin visist to the syadmin related pages, seahub would ask him to
confirm his/her password to ensure security. The admin only need to provide
the password once for several hours.

See https://help.github.com/articles/sudo-mode/ for an introduction to
github's sudo mode.

import time
from seahub.auth.signals import user_logged_in
from seahub.settings import ENABLE_SUDO_MODE

_SUDO_EXPIRE_SECONDS = 2 * 3600 # 2 hours
_SUDO_MODE_SESSION_KEY = 'sudo_expire_ts'

def sudo_mode_check(request):
    return request.session.get(_SUDO_MODE_SESSION_KEY, 0) > time.time()

def update_sudo_mode_ts(request):
    request.session[_SUDO_MODE_SESSION_KEY] = time.time() + _SUDO_EXPIRE_SECONDS

def update_sudo_ts_when_login(**kwargs):
    request = kwargs['request']
    if request.user.is_staff and not getattr(request, 'client_token_login', False):

Пример #3
class UserLastLogin(models.Model):
    username = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True)
    last_login = models.DateTimeField(default=timezone.now)
    objects = UserLastLoginManager()

def update_last_login(sender, user, **kwargs):
    A signal receiver which updates the last_login date for
    the user logging in.
    user_last_login = UserLastLogin.objects.get_by_username(user.username)
    if user_last_login is None:
        user_last_login = UserLastLogin(username=user.username)
    user_last_login.last_login = timezone.now()

class CommandsLastCheck(models.Model):
    """Record last check time for Django/custom commands.
    command_type = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    last_check = models.DateTimeField()

###### Deprecated
class InnerPubMsg(models.Model):
    Model used for leave message on inner pub page.
    from_email = models.EmailField()
    message = models.CharField(max_length=500)
    timestamp = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
Пример #4
    if (user is not None) and (device is not None) and (device.user_id
                                                        == user.id):
        request.session[DEVICE_ID_SESSION_KEY] = device.persistent_id
        request.user.otp_device = device

def _handle_auth_login(sender, request, user, **kwargs):
    Automatically persists an OTP device that was set by an OTP-aware
    if hasattr(user, 'otp_device'):
        login(request, user.otp_device)


def match_token(user, token):
    Attempts to verify a :term:`token` on every device attached to the given
    user until one of them succeeds. When possible, you should prefer to verify
    tokens against specific devices.

    :param user: The user supplying the token.
    :type user: :class:`~seahub.auth.models.User`

    :param string token: An OTP token to verify.

    :returns: The device that accepted ``token``, if any.
    :rtype: :class:`~django_otp.models.Device` or ``None``