Пример #1
 def clean_repo_name(self):
     repo_name = self.cleaned_data['repo_name']
     if not is_valid_dirent_name(repo_name):
         error_msg = _('"%s" is not a valid name') % repo_name
         raise forms.ValidationError(error_msg)
         return repo_name
Пример #2
 def clean_repo_name(self):
     repo_name = self.cleaned_data['repo_name']
     if not is_valid_dirent_name(repo_name):
         error_msg = _(u'"%s" is not a valid name') % repo_name
         raise forms.ValidationError(error_msg)
         return repo_name
Пример #3
 def clean_dirent_name(self):
     dirent_name = self.cleaned_data['dirent_name']
         if not is_valid_dirent_name(dirent_name):
             error_msg = _(u'Name "%s" is not valid') % dirent_name
             raise forms.ValidationError(error_msg)
             return dirent_name
     except SearpcError, e:
         raise forms.ValidationError(str(e))
Пример #4
 def clean_newname(self):
     newname = self.cleaned_data['newname']
         if not is_valid_dirent_name(newname):
             error_msg = _('Name "%s" is not valid') % newname
             raise forms.ValidationError(error_msg)
             return newname
     except SearpcError as e:
         raise forms.ValidationError(str(e))
Пример #5
 def clean_dirent_name(self):
     dirent_name = self.cleaned_data['dirent_name']
         if not is_valid_dirent_name(dirent_name):
             error_msg = _(u'Name "%s" is not valid') % dirent_name
             raise forms.ValidationError(error_msg)
             return dirent_name
     except SearpcError, e:
         raise forms.ValidationError(str(e))
Пример #6
    def post(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
        """ create file/folder in a library

        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        if not can_view_sys_admin_repo(repo):
            error_msg = 'Feature disabled.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        parent_dir = request.GET.get('parent_dir', '/')
        if not parent_dir:
            error_msg = 'parent_dir invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        if parent_dir[-1] != '/':
            parent_dir = parent_dir + '/'

        dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, parent_dir)
        if not dir_id:
            error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % parent_dir
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        obj_name = request.data.get('obj_name', None)
        if not obj_name or not is_valid_dirent_name(obj_name):
            error_msg = 'obj_name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        obj_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, parent_dir, obj_name)

        username = request.user.username
            seafile_api.post_dir(repo_id, parent_dir, obj_name, username)
        except SearpcError as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        dirent_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, obj_name)
        dirent = seafile_api.get_dirent_by_path(repo_id, dirent_path)
        dirent_info = get_dirent_info(dirent)

        return Response(dirent_info)
Пример #7
def validate_filename(request):
    repo_id = request.GET.get('repo_id')
    filename = request.GET.get('filename')

    if not (repo_id and filename):
        return render_error(request)

    result = {'ret': 'yes'}

        ret = is_valid_dirent_name(filename)
    except SearpcError:
        result['ret'] = 'error'
        result['ret'] = 'yes' if ret == 1 else 'no'

    content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type=content_type)
Пример #8
    def put(self, request, group_id, repo_id):
        """ Rename a library.

        Permission checking:
        1. is group admin;

        # argument check
        new_repo_name = request.data.get('name', '')
        if not new_repo_name:
            error_msg = 'name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_repo_name):
            error_msg = 'name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        # permission check
        group_id = int(group_id)
        username = request.user.username
        if not is_group_admin(group_id, username):
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        # rename repo
            repo_owner = get_repo_owner(request, repo_id)
            # desc is ''
            seafile_api.edit_repo(repo_id, new_repo_name, '', repo_owner)
        except Exception as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        repo_info = get_group_owned_repo_info(request, repo_id)
        return Response(repo_info)
Пример #9
    def post(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
        """ create file/folder in a library

        if not request.user.admin_permissions.can_manage_library():
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, 'Permission denied.')

        parent_dir = request.GET.get('parent_dir', '/')
        parent_dir = normalize_dir_path(parent_dir)
        dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, parent_dir)
        if not dir_id:
            error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % parent_dir
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        obj_name = request.data.get('obj_name', None)
        if not obj_name or not is_valid_dirent_name(obj_name):
            error_msg = 'obj_name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        is_file = request.data.get('is_file', 'false')
        is_file = is_file.lower()
        if is_file not in ('true', 'false'):
            error_msg = 'is_file invalid.'

        username = request.user.username
        obj_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, parent_dir, obj_name)
            if is_file == 'true':
                seafile_api.post_empty_file(repo_id, parent_dir, obj_name,
                seafile_api.post_dir(repo_id, parent_dir, obj_name, username)
        except SearpcError as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        dirent_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, obj_name)
        dirent = seafile_api.get_dirent_by_path(repo_id, dirent_path)
        dirent_info = get_dirent_info(dirent)

        return Response(dirent_info)
Пример #10
    def put(self, request, group_id, repo_id):
        """ Rename a library.

        Permission checking:
        1. is group admin;
        # argument check
        new_repo_name = request.data.get('name', '')
        if not new_repo_name:
            error_msg = 'name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_repo_name):
            error_msg = 'name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        # permission check
        group_id = int(group_id)
        username = request.user.username
        if not is_group_admin(group_id, username):
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        # rename repo
            # desc is ''
            seafile_api.edit_repo(repo_id, new_repo_name, '', username)
        except Exception as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        repo_info = get_group_owned_repo_info(request, repo_id)
        return Response(repo_info)
Пример #11
    def post(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
        """ create file/folder in a library

        parent_dir = request.GET.get('parent_dir', '/')
        parent_dir = normalize_dir_path(parent_dir)
        dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, parent_dir)
        if not dir_id:
            error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % parent_dir
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        obj_name = request.data.get('obj_name', None)
        if not obj_name or not is_valid_dirent_name(obj_name):
            error_msg = 'obj_name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        is_file = request.data.get('is_file', 'false')
        is_file = is_file.lower()
        if is_file not in ('true', 'false'):
            error_msg = 'is_file invalid.'

        username = request.user.username
        obj_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, parent_dir, obj_name)
            if is_file == 'true':
                seafile_api.post_empty_file(repo_id, parent_dir, obj_name, username)
                seafile_api.post_dir(repo_id, parent_dir, obj_name, username)
        except SearpcError as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        dirent_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, obj_name)
        dirent = seafile_api.get_dirent_by_path(repo_id, dirent_path)
        dirent_info = get_dirent_info(dirent)

        return Response(dirent_info)
Пример #12
    def post(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
        """ Create, rename, move, copy, revert file

        Permission checking:
        1. create: user with 'rw' permission for current parent dir;
        2. rename: user with 'rw' permission for current file;
        3. move  : user with 'rw' permission for current file, 'rw' permission for dst parent dir;
        4. copy  : user with 'r' permission for current file, 'rw' permission for dst parent dir;
        4. revert: user with 'rw' permission for current file's parent dir;

        # argument check
        path = request.GET.get('p', None)
        if not path or path[0] != '/':
            error_msg = 'p invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = request.data.get('operation', None)
        if not operation:
            error_msg = 'operation invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = operation.lower()
        if operation not in ('create', 'rename', 'move', 'copy', 'revert'):
            error_msg = "operation can only be 'create', 'rename', 'move', 'copy' or 'revert'."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        username = request.user.username
        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)

        if operation == 'create':
            # resource check
                parent_dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, parent_dir)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if not parent_dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % parent_dir
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, parent_dir) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # create new empty file
            new_file_name = os.path.basename(path)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_file_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
                                 'name invalid.')

            new_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, parent_dir, new_file_name)

                seafile_api.post_empty_file(repo_id, parent_dir, new_file_name, username)
            except SearpcError, e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            # update office file by template
            if new_file_name.endswith('.xlsx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.xlsx')
            elif new_file_name.endswith('.pptx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.pptx')
            elif new_file_name.endswith('.docx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.docx')
                empty_file_path = ''

            if empty_file_path:
                # get file server update url
                update_token = seafile_api.get_fileserver_access_token(
                        repo_id, 'dummy', 'update', username)
                update_url = gen_file_upload_url(update_token, 'update-api')

                # update file
                        data={'filename': new_file_name, 'target_file': path},
                        files={'file': open(empty_file_path, 'rb')}
                except Exception as e:

            new_file_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_file_name)
            file_info = self.get_file_info(username, repo_id, new_file_path)
            return Response(file_info)
Пример #13
class FileView(APIView):
    Support uniform interface for file related operations,
    including create/delete/rename/view, etc.

    authentication_classes = (TokenAuthentication, SessionAuthentication)
    permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated, )
    throttle_classes = (UserRateThrottle, )

    def get_file_info(self, username, repo_id, file_path):

        file_obj = seafile_api.get_dirent_by_path(repo_id, file_path)
        is_locked, locked_by_me = check_file_lock(repo_id, file_path, username)
        file_info = {
            'type': 'file',
            'repo_id': repo_id,
            'parent_dir': os.path.dirname(file_path),
            'obj_name': file_obj.obj_name,
            'obj_id': file_obj.obj_id,
            'size': file_obj.size,
            'mtime': timestamp_to_isoformat_timestr(file_obj.mtime),
            'is_locked': is_locked,

        return file_info

    def get(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
        """ Get file info.

        Permission checking:
        1. user with either 'r' or 'rw' permission.

        # argument check
        path = request.GET.get('p', None)
        if not path:
            error_msg = 'p invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            file_id = seafile_api.get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
        except SearpcError as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        if not file_id:
            error_msg = 'File %s not found.' % path
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        # permission check
        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
        if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, parent_dir) is None:
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        file_info = self.get_file_info(request.user.username, repo_id, path)
        return Response(file_info)

    def post(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
        """ Create, rename, move, copy, revert file

        Permission checking:
        1. create: user with 'rw' permission for current parent dir;
        2. rename: user with 'rw' permission for current file;
        3. move  : user with 'rw' permission for current file, 'rw' permission for dst parent dir;
        4. copy  : user with 'r' permission for current file, 'rw' permission for dst parent dir;
        4. revert: user with 'rw' permission for current file's parent dir;

        # argument check
        path = request.GET.get('p', None)
        if not path or path[0] != '/':
            error_msg = 'p invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = request.data.get('operation', None)
        if not operation:
            error_msg = 'operation invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = operation.lower()
        if operation not in ('create', 'rename', 'move', 'copy', 'revert'):
            error_msg = "operation can only be 'create', 'rename', 'move', 'copy' or 'revert'."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        username = request.user.username
        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)

        if operation == 'create':
            # resource check
                parent_dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, parent_dir)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if not parent_dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % parent_dir
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, parent_dir) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # create new empty file
            new_file_name = os.path.basename(path)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_file_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
                                 'name invalid.')

            new_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, parent_dir, new_file_name)

                seafile_api.post_empty_file(repo_id, parent_dir, new_file_name, username)
            except SearpcError, e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            # update office file by template
            if new_file_name.endswith('.xlsx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.xlsx')
            elif new_file_name.endswith('.pptx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.pptx')
            elif new_file_name.endswith('.docx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.docx')
                empty_file_path = ''

            if empty_file_path:
                # get file server update url
                update_token = seafile_api.get_fileserver_access_token(
                        repo_id, 'dummy', 'update', username)
                update_url = gen_file_upload_url(update_token, 'update-api')

                # update file
                        data={'filename': new_file_name, 'target_file': path},
                        files={'file': open(empty_file_path, 'rb')}
                except Exception as e:

            new_file_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_file_name)
            file_info = self.get_file_info(username, repo_id, new_file_path)
            return Response(file_info)

        if operation == 'rename':
            # argument check
            new_file_name = request.data.get('newname', None)
            if not new_file_name:
                error_msg = 'newname invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_file_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
                                 'name invalid.')

            if len(new_file_name) > MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME_LEN:
                error_msg = 'newname is too long.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            oldname = os.path.basename(path)
            if oldname == new_file_name:
                error_msg = 'The new name is the same to the old'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            # resource check
                file_id = seafile_api.get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if not file_id:
                error_msg = 'File %s not found.' % path
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, parent_dir) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # rename file
            new_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, parent_dir,
                seafile_api.rename_file(repo_id, parent_dir, oldname,
                        new_file_name, username)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            new_file_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_file_name)
            file_info = self.get_file_info(username, repo_id, new_file_path)
            return Response(file_info)

        if operation == 'move':
            # argument check
            dst_repo_id = request.data.get('dst_repo', None)
            dst_dir = request.data.get('dst_dir', None)
            if not dst_repo_id:
                error_msg = 'dst_repo invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if not dst_dir:
                error_msg = 'dst_dir invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            # resource check for source file
                file_id = seafile_api.get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if not file_id:
                error_msg = 'File %s not found.' % path
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # resource check for dst repo and dir
            dst_repo = seafile_api.get_repo(dst_repo_id)
            if not dst_repo:
                error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % dst_repo_id
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            dst_dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(dst_repo_id, dst_dir)
            if not dst_dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % dst_dir
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check for source file
            src_repo_id = repo_id
            src_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
            if check_folder_permission(request, src_repo_id, src_dir) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # permission check for dst dir
            if check_folder_permission(request, dst_repo_id, dst_dir) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # move file
            if dst_dir[-1] != '/': # Append '/' to the end of directory if necessary
                dst_dir += '/'

            if src_repo_id == dst_repo_id and src_dir == dst_dir:
                file_info = self.get_file_info(username, repo_id, path)
                return Response(file_info)

            filename = os.path.basename(path)
            new_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(dst_repo_id, dst_dir, filename)
                seafile_api.move_file(src_repo_id, src_dir, filename,
                        dst_repo_id, dst_dir, new_file_name, replace=False,
                        username=username, need_progress=0, synchronous=1)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            dst_file_path = posixpath.join(dst_dir, new_file_name)
            dst_file_info = self.get_file_info(username, dst_repo_id, dst_file_path)
            return Response(dst_file_info)

        if operation == 'copy':
            # argument check
            dst_repo_id = request.data.get('dst_repo', None)
            dst_dir = request.data.get('dst_dir', None)
            if not dst_repo_id:
                error_msg = 'dst_repo_id invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if not dst_dir:
                error_msg = 'dst_dir invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            # resource check for source file
                file_id = seafile_api.get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if not file_id:
                error_msg = 'File %s not found.' % path
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # resource check for dst repo and dir
            dst_repo = seafile_api.get_repo(dst_repo_id)
            if not dst_repo:
                error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % dst_repo_id
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            dst_dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(dst_repo_id, dst_dir)
            if not dst_dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % dst_dir
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check for source file
            src_repo_id = repo_id
            src_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
            if not check_folder_permission(request, src_repo_id, src_dir):
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # permission check for dst dir
            if check_folder_permission(request, dst_repo_id, dst_dir) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # copy file
            if dst_dir[-1] != '/': # Append '/' to the end of directory if necessary
                dst_dir += '/'

            if src_repo_id == dst_repo_id and src_dir == dst_dir:
                file_info = self.get_file_info(username, repo_id, path)
                return Response(file_info)

            filename = os.path.basename(path)
            new_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(dst_repo_id, dst_dir, filename)
                seafile_api.copy_file(src_repo_id, src_dir, filename, dst_repo_id,
                          dst_dir, new_file_name, username, 0, synchronous=1)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            dst_file_path = posixpath.join(dst_dir, new_file_name)
            dst_file_info = self.get_file_info(username, dst_repo_id, dst_file_path)
            return Response(dst_file_info)

        if operation == 'revert':
            commit_id = request.data.get('commit_id', None)
            if not commit_id:
                error_msg = 'commit_id invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if seafile_api.get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path):
                # file exists in repo
                if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, parent_dir) != 'rw':
                    error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

                is_locked, locked_by_me = check_file_lock(repo_id, path, username)
                if (is_locked, locked_by_me) == (None, None):
                    error_msg = _("Check file lock error")
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

                if is_locked and not locked_by_me:
                    error_msg = _("File is locked")
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

                # file NOT exists in repo
                if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, '/') != 'rw':
                    error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

                seafile_api.revert_file(repo_id, commit_id, path, username)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            return Response({'success': True})
Пример #14
    def post(self, request, group_id):
        """ Add a group library.

        Permission checking:
        1. role permission, can_add_repo;
        1. is group member;

        # argument check
        repo_name = request.data.get("repo_name", None)
        if not repo_name or \
                not is_valid_dirent_name(repo_name):
            error_msg = "repo_name invalid."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        password = request.data.get("password", None)
        if password and not config.ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY:
            error_msg = 'NOT allow to create encrypted library.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        permission = request.data.get('permission', PERMISSION_READ)
        if permission not in get_available_repo_perms():
            error_msg = 'permission invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # permission check
        if not request.user.permissions.can_add_repo():
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        if not is_group_member(group_id, request.user.username):
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        # create group repo
        org_id = -1
        group_id = int(group_id)
        username = request.user.username

        is_org = False
        if is_org_context(request):
            is_org = True
            org_id = request.user.org.org_id
            repo_id = seafile_api.create_org_repo(repo_name, '', username,
                                                  password, org_id)
            repo_id = seafile_api.create_repo(repo_name, '', username,

        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        share_dir_to_group(repo, '/', username, username, group_id, permission,
                           org_id if is_org else None)

        # for activities
        library_template = request.data.get("library_template", '')

        # for notification

        # for perm audit
        send_perm_audit_msg('add-repo-perm', username, group_id, repo_id, '/',

        group_repo = seafile_api.get_group_shared_repo_by_path(
            repo_id, None, group_id, is_org)
        group_repo_info = get_group_repo_info(request, group_repo)

        group_repo_info['owner_email'] = username
        group_repo_info['owner_name'] = email2nickname(username)
        group_repo_info['owner_contact_email'] = email2contact_email(username)

        modifier = group_repo.last_modifier
        group_repo_info['modifier_email'] = modifier
        group_repo_info['modifier_name'] = email2nickname(modifier)
        group_repo_info['modifier_contact_email'] = email2contact_email(

        return Response(group_repo_info)
Пример #15
    def post(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
        """ Create, rename, move, copy, revert file

        Permission checking:
        1. create: user with 'rw' permission for current parent dir;
        2. rename: user with 'rw' permission for current file;
        3. move  : user with 'rw' permission for current file, 'rw' permission for dst parent dir;
        4. copy  : user with 'r' permission for current file, 'rw' permission for dst parent dir;
        4. revert: user with 'rw' permission for current file's parent dir;

        # argument check
        path = request.GET.get('p', None)
        if not path:
            error_msg = 'p invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        path = normalize_file_path(path)

        operation = request.data.get('operation', None)
        if not operation:
            error_msg = 'operation invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = operation.lower()
        if operation not in ('create', 'rename', 'move', 'copy', 'revert'):
            error_msg = "operation can only be 'create', 'rename', 'move', 'copy' or 'revert'."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        username = request.user.username
        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)

        is_draft = request.POST.get('is_draft', '')

        if operation == 'create':
            # resource check
                parent_dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, parent_dir)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if not parent_dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % parent_dir
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, parent_dir) != PERMISSION_READ_WRITE:
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            if is_draft.lower() == 'true':
                file_name = os.path.basename(path)
                file_dir = os.path.dirname(path)

                draft_type = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0][-7:]
                file_type = os.path.splitext(file_name)[-1]

                if draft_type != '(draft)':
                    f = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]
                    path = file_dir + '/' + f + '(draft)' + file_type

            # create new empty file
            new_file_name = os.path.basename(path)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_file_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
                                 'name invalid.')

            new_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, parent_dir, new_file_name)

                seafile_api.post_empty_file(repo_id, parent_dir, new_file_name, username)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if is_draft.lower() == 'true':
                Draft.objects.add(username, repo, path, file_exist=False)

            # update office file by template
            if new_file_name.endswith('.xlsx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.xlsx')
            elif new_file_name.endswith('.pptx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.pptx')
            elif new_file_name.endswith('.docx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.docx')
                empty_file_path = ''

            if empty_file_path:
                # get file server update url
                update_token = seafile_api.get_fileserver_access_token(
                        repo_id, 'dummy', 'update', username)

                if not update_token:
                    error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

                update_url = gen_inner_file_upload_url('update-api', update_token)
                # update file
                new_file_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_file_name)
                        data={'filename': new_file_name, 'target_file': new_file_path},
                        files={'file': open(empty_file_path, 'rb')}
                except Exception as e:

            new_file_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_file_name)
            file_info = self.get_file_info(username, repo_id, new_file_path)
            return Response(file_info)

        if operation == 'rename':
            # argument check
            new_file_name = request.data.get('newname', None)
            if not new_file_name:
                error_msg = 'newname invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_file_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
                                 'name invalid.')

            if len(new_file_name) > MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME_LEN:
                error_msg = 'newname is too long.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            oldname = os.path.basename(path)
            if oldname == new_file_name:
                error_msg = 'The new name is the same to the old'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            # resource check
                file_id = seafile_api.get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if not file_id:
                error_msg = 'File %s not found.' % path
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, parent_dir) != PERMISSION_READ_WRITE:
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # check file lock
                is_locked, locked_by_me = check_file_lock(repo_id, path, username)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if is_locked and not locked_by_me:
                error_msg = _("File is locked")
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # rename file
            new_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, parent_dir,
                seafile_api.rename_file(repo_id, parent_dir, oldname,
                        new_file_name, username)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            new_file_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_file_name)

            # rename draft file
            filetype, fileext = get_file_type_and_ext(new_file_name)
            if filetype == MARKDOWN or filetype == TEXT:
                is_draft = is_draft_file(repo.id, path)
                review = get_file_draft(repo.id, path, is_draft)
                draft_id = review['draft_id']
                if is_draft:
                        draft = Draft.objects.get(pk=draft_id)
                        draft.draft_file_path = new_file_path
                    except Draft.DoesNotExist:

            file_info = self.get_file_info(username, repo_id, new_file_path)
            return Response(file_info)

        if operation == 'move':
            # argument check
            dst_repo_id = request.data.get('dst_repo', None)
            dst_dir = request.data.get('dst_dir', None)
            if not dst_repo_id:
                error_msg = 'dst_repo invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if not dst_dir:
                error_msg = 'dst_dir invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            dst_dir = normalize_dir_path(dst_dir)

            # resource check for source file
                file_id = seafile_api.get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if not file_id:
                error_msg = 'File %s not found.' % path
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # resource check for dst repo and dir
            dst_repo = seafile_api.get_repo(dst_repo_id)
            if not dst_repo:
                error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % dst_repo_id
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            dst_dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(dst_repo_id, dst_dir)
            if not dst_dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % dst_dir
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check for source file
            src_repo_id = repo_id
            src_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
            if check_folder_permission(request, src_repo_id, src_dir) != PERMISSION_READ_WRITE:
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # permission check for dst dir
            if check_folder_permission(request, dst_repo_id, dst_dir) != PERMISSION_READ_WRITE:
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # check file lock
                is_locked, locked_by_me = check_file_lock(repo_id, path, username)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if is_locked and not locked_by_me:
                error_msg = _("File is locked")
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # move file
            if src_repo_id == dst_repo_id and src_dir == dst_dir:
                file_info = self.get_file_info(username, repo_id, path)
                return Response(file_info)

            filename = os.path.basename(path)
            new_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(dst_repo_id, dst_dir, filename)
                seafile_api.move_file(src_repo_id, src_dir, filename,
                        dst_repo_id, dst_dir, new_file_name, replace=False,
                        username=username, need_progress=0, synchronous=1)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            dst_file_path = posixpath.join(dst_dir, new_file_name)
            dst_file_info = self.get_file_info(username, dst_repo_id, dst_file_path)
            return Response(dst_file_info)

        if operation == 'copy':
            # argument check
            dst_repo_id = request.data.get('dst_repo', None)
            dst_dir = request.data.get('dst_dir', None)
            if not dst_repo_id:
                error_msg = 'dst_repo_id invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if not dst_dir:
                error_msg = 'dst_dir invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            dst_dir = normalize_dir_path(dst_dir)

            # resource check for source file
                file_id = seafile_api.get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if not file_id:
                error_msg = 'File %s not found.' % path
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # resource check for dst repo and dir
            dst_repo = seafile_api.get_repo(dst_repo_id)
            if not dst_repo:
                error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % dst_repo_id
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            dst_dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(dst_repo_id, dst_dir)
            if not dst_dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % dst_dir
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check for source file
            src_repo_id = repo_id
            src_dir = os.path.dirname(path)

            if parse_repo_perm(check_folder_permission(
                            request, src_repo_id, src_dir)).can_copy is False:
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # permission check for dst dir
            if check_folder_permission(request, dst_repo_id, dst_dir) != PERMISSION_READ_WRITE:
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            filename = os.path.basename(path)
            new_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(dst_repo_id, dst_dir, filename)
                seafile_api.copy_file(src_repo_id, src_dir, filename, dst_repo_id,
                          dst_dir, new_file_name, username, 0, synchronous=1)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            dst_file_path = posixpath.join(dst_dir, new_file_name)
            dst_file_info = self.get_file_info(username, dst_repo_id, dst_file_path)
            return Response(dst_file_info)

        if operation == 'revert':
            commit_id = request.data.get('commit_id', None)
            if not commit_id:
                error_msg = 'commit_id invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if seafile_api.get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path):
                # file exists in repo
                if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, parent_dir) != PERMISSION_READ_WRITE:
                    error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

                # check file lock
                    is_locked, locked_by_me = check_file_lock(repo_id, path, username)
                except Exception as e:
                    error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

                if is_locked and not locked_by_me:
                    error_msg = _("File is locked")
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

                # file NOT exists in repo
                if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, '/') != PERMISSION_READ_WRITE:
                    error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

                seafile_api.revert_file(repo_id, commit_id, path, username)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            return Response({'success': True})
Пример #16
    def post(self, request, group_id, org_id):
        """ Add a group owned library.

        Permission checking:
        1. role permission, can_add_repo;
        1. is group admin;

        # argument check
        repo_name = request.data.get("name", None)
        if not repo_name or \
                not is_valid_dirent_name(repo_name):
            error_msg = "name invalid."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        password = request.data.get("passwd", None)
        if password and not config.ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY:
            error_msg = 'NOT allow to create encrypted library.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        permission = request.data.get('permission', PERMISSION_READ_WRITE)
        if permission not in [PERMISSION_READ, PERMISSION_READ_WRITE]:
            error_msg = 'permission invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # permission check
        if not request.user.permissions.can_add_repo():
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        if not is_group_admin(group_id, request.user.username):
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        group_quota = seafile_api.get_group_quota(group_id)
        group_quota = int(group_quota)
        if group_quota <= 0 and group_quota != -2:
            error_msg = 'No group quota.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        # create group owned repo
        group_id = int(group_id)
        if is_pro_version() and ENABLE_STORAGE_CLASSES:


                storages = get_library_storages(request)
                storage_id = request.data.get("storage_id", None)
                if storage_id and storage_id not in [s['storage_id'] for s in storages]:
                    error_msg = 'storage_id invalid.'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

                repo_id = seafile_api.add_group_owned_repo(group_id, repo_name,
                        password, permission, storage_id)
                repo_id = SeafileAPI.add_group_owned_repo(
                    group_id, repo_name, password, permission, org_id=org_id)
            repo_id = SeafileAPI.add_group_owned_repo(
                group_id, repo_name, password, permission, org_id=org_id)

        # for activities
        username = request.user.username
        library_template = request.data.get("library_template", '')
        repo_created.send(sender=None, org_id=org_id, creator=username,
                repo_id=repo_id, repo_name=repo_name,

        # for notification
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        share_repo_to_group_successful.send(sender=None, from_user=username,
                group_id=group_id, repo=repo, path='/', org_id=org_id)

        info = get_group_owned_repo_info(request, repo_id)
        # TODO
        info['permission'] = permission
        return Response(info)
Пример #17
    def post(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
        """ Create, rename, revert dir.

        Permission checking:
        1. create: user with 'rw' permission for current dir's parent dir;
        2. rename: user with 'rw' permission for current dir;
        3. revert: user with 'rw' permission for current dir's parent dir;

        # argument check
        path = request.GET.get('p', None)
        if not path or path[0] != '/':
            error_msg = 'p invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        if path == '/':
            error_msg = 'Can not operate root dir.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = request.data.get('operation', None)
        if not operation:
            error_msg = 'operation invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = operation.lower()
        if operation not in ('mkdir', 'rename', 'revert'):
            error_msg = "operation can only be 'mkdir', 'rename' or 'revert'."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        path = path.rstrip('/')
        username = request.user.username
        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
        if operation == 'mkdir':
            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, parent_dir) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            # resource check
            parent_dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, parent_dir)
            if not parent_dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % parent_dir
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            new_dir_name = os.path.basename(path)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_dir_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'name invalid.')

            new_dir_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, parent_dir,
                seafile_api.post_dir(repo_id, parent_dir, new_dir_name,
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,

            new_dir_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_dir_name)
            dir_info = self.get_dir_info(repo_id, new_dir_path)
            resp = Response(dir_info)

            return resp

        if operation == 'rename':
            # resource check
            dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
            if not dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % path
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, path) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            old_dir_name = os.path.basename(path)
            new_dir_name = request.data.get('newname', None)

            if not new_dir_name:
                error_msg = 'newname invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_dir_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'name invalid.')

            if new_dir_name == old_dir_name:
                dir_info = self.get_dir_info(repo_id, path)
                resp = Response(dir_info)
                return resp

                # rename duplicate name
                new_dir_name = check_filename_with_rename(
                    repo_id, parent_dir, new_dir_name)
                # rename dir
                seafile_api.rename_file(repo_id, parent_dir, old_dir_name,
                                        new_dir_name, username)

                new_dir_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_dir_name)
                dir_info = self.get_dir_info(repo_id, new_dir_path)
                resp = Response(dir_info)
                return resp
            except SearpcError, e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
Пример #18
    def post(self, request, group_id, org_id):
        """ Add a group owned library.

        Permission checking:
        1. role permission, can_add_repo;
        1. is group admin;

        # argument check
        repo_name = request.data.get("name", None)
        if not repo_name or \
                not is_valid_dirent_name(repo_name):
            error_msg = "name invalid."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        password = request.data.get("passwd", None)
        if password and not config.ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY:
            error_msg = 'NOT allow to create encrypted library.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        permission = request.data.get('permission', PERMISSION_READ_WRITE)
        if permission not in [PERMISSION_READ, PERMISSION_READ_WRITE]:
            error_msg = 'permission invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # permission check
        if not request.user.permissions.can_add_repo():
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        if not is_group_admin(group_id, request.user.username):
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        group_quota = seafile_api.get_group_quota(group_id)
        group_quota = int(group_quota)
        if group_quota <= 0 and group_quota != -2:
            error_msg = 'No group quota.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        # create group owned repo
        group_id = int(group_id)
        if is_pro_version() and ENABLE_STORAGE_CLASSES:


                storages = get_library_storages(request)
                storage_id = request.data.get("storage_id", None)
                if storage_id and storage_id not in [s['storage_id'] for s in storages]:
                    error_msg = 'storage_id invalid.'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

                repo_id = seafile_api.add_group_owned_repo(group_id, repo_name,
                        password, permission, storage_id)
                repo_id = SeafileAPI.add_group_owned_repo(
                    group_id, repo_name, password, permission, org_id=org_id)
            repo_id = SeafileAPI.add_group_owned_repo(
                group_id, repo_name, password, permission, org_id=org_id)

        # for activities
        username = request.user.username
        library_template = request.data.get("library_template", '')
        repo_created.send(sender=None, org_id=org_id, creator=username,
                repo_id=repo_id, repo_name=repo_name,

        # for notification
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        share_repo_to_group_successful.send(sender=None, from_user=username,
                group_id=group_id, repo=repo, path='/', org_id=org_id)

        info = get_group_owned_repo_info(request, repo_id)
        # TODO
        info['permission'] = permission
        return Response(info)
Пример #19
    def post(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
        """ Create, rename, revert dir.

        Permission checking:
        1. create: user with 'rw' permission for current dir's parent dir;
        2. rename: user with 'rw' permission for current dir;
        3. revert: user with 'rw' permission for current dir's parent dir;

        # argument check
        path = request.GET.get('p', None)
        if not path or path[0] != '/':
            error_msg = 'p invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        if path == '/':
            error_msg = 'Can not operate root dir.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = request.data.get('operation', None)
        if not operation:
            error_msg = 'operation invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = operation.lower()
        if operation not in ('mkdir', 'rename', 'revert'):
            error_msg = "operation can only be 'mkdir', 'rename' or 'revert'."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        path = path.rstrip('/')
        username = request.user.username
        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
        if operation == 'mkdir':
            # resource check
            parent_dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, parent_dir)
            if not parent_dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % parent_dir
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, parent_dir) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            new_dir_name = os.path.basename(path)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_dir_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
                                 'name invalid.')

            retry_count = 0
            while retry_count < 10:
                new_dir_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id,
                        parent_dir, new_dir_name)
                            parent_dir, new_dir_name, username)
                except SearpcError as e:
                    if str(e) == 'file already exists':
                        retry_count += 1
                        error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                        return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,

            new_dir_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_dir_name)
            dir_info = self.get_dir_info(repo_id, new_dir_path)
            resp = Response(dir_info)

            return resp

        if operation == 'rename':
            # resource check
            dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
            if not dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % path
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, path) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            old_dir_name = os.path.basename(path)
            new_dir_name = request.data.get('newname', None)

            if not new_dir_name:
                error_msg = 'newname invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_dir_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
                                 'name invalid.')

            if new_dir_name == old_dir_name:
                dir_info = self.get_dir_info(repo_id, path)
                resp = Response(dir_info)
                return resp

                # rename duplicate name
                new_dir_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, parent_dir, new_dir_name)
                # rename dir
                seafile_api.rename_file(repo_id, parent_dir, old_dir_name,
                                        new_dir_name, username)

                new_dir_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_dir_name)
                dir_info = self.get_dir_info(repo_id, new_dir_path)
                resp = Response(dir_info)
                return resp
            except SearpcError, e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)
Пример #20
    def post(self, request, group_id):
        """ Add a group owned library by system admin.

        # argument check
        repo_name = request.data.get("repo_name", None)
        if not repo_name or \
                not is_valid_dirent_name(repo_name):
            error_msg = "repo_name invalid."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        password = request.data.get("password", None)

        permission = request.data.get('permission', PERMISSION_READ_WRITE)
        if permission not in get_available_repo_perms():
            error_msg = 'permission invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # permission check
        group_quota = seafile_api.get_group_quota(group_id)
        group_quota = int(group_quota)
        if group_quota <= 0 and group_quota != -2:
            error_msg = 'No group quota.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        if is_org_context(request):
            # request called by org admin
            org_id = request.user.org.org_id
            org_id = -1

        # create group owned repo
        group_id = int(group_id)
        if is_pro_version() and ENABLE_STORAGE_CLASSES:


                storages = get_library_storages(request)
                storage_id = request.data.get("storage_id", None)
                if storage_id and storage_id not in [s['storage_id'] for s in storages]:
                    error_msg = 'storage_id invalid.'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

                repo_id = seafile_api.add_group_owned_repo(group_id, repo_name,
                        password, permission, storage_id)
                if org_id > 0:
                    repo_id = seafile_api.org_add_group_owned_repo(
                        org_id, group_id, repo_name, password, permission)
                    repo_id = seafile_api.add_group_owned_repo(
                        group_id, repo_name, password, permission)
            if org_id > 0:
                repo_id = seafile_api.org_add_group_owned_repo(
                    org_id, group_id, repo_name, password, permission)
                repo_id = seafile_api.add_group_owned_repo(group_id, repo_name,
                                                           password, permission)

        # for activities
        username = request.user.username
        library_template = request.data.get("library_template", '')
        repo_created.send(sender=None, org_id=org_id, creator=username,
                repo_id=repo_id, repo_name=repo_name,

        # for notification
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        share_repo_to_group_successful.send(sender=None, from_user=username,
                group_id=group_id, repo=repo, path='/', org_id=org_id)

        info = get_group_owned_repo_info(request, repo_id)
        # TODO
        info['permission'] = permission
        return Response(info)
Пример #21
    def post(self, request):
        """create a table file

        1. owner
        2. group member
        # argument check
        table_owner = request.POST.get('owner')
        if not table_owner:
            error_msg = 'owner invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        table_name = request.POST.get('name')
        if not table_name:
            error_msg = 'name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        table_file_name = table_name + FILE_TYPE
        if not is_valid_dirent_name(table_file_name):
            error_msg = 'name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        workspace = Workspaces.objects.get_workspace_by_owner(table_owner)
        if not workspace:
            if not request.user.permissions.can_add_repo():
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            org_id = -1
            if is_org_context(request):
                org_id = request.user.org.org_id

                if org_id > 0:
                    repo_id = seafile_api.create_org_repo(
                        _("My Workspace"), _("My Workspace"), "dtable@seafile",
                    repo_id = seafile_api.create_repo(_("My Workspace"),
                                                      _("My Workspace"),
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,

                workspace = Workspaces.objects.create_workspace(
                    table_owner, repo_id)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,

        repo_id = workspace.repo_id
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        # permission check
        username = request.user.username
        if not check_dtable_permission(username, table_owner):
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        # repo status check
        repo_status = repo.status
        if repo_status != 0:
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        # create new empty table
        table_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, '/',

            seafile_api.post_empty_file(repo_id, '/', table_file_name,
        except SearpcError as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            dtable = DTables.objects.create_dtable(username, workspace,
        except Exception as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        return Response({"table": dtable.to_dict()},
Пример #22
    def post(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
        """ Create, rename, move, copy, revert file

        Permission checking:
        1. create: user with 'rw' permission for current parent dir;
        2. rename: user with 'rw' permission for current file;
        3. move  : user with 'rw' permission for current file, 'rw' permission for dst parent dir;
        4. copy  : user with 'r' permission for current file, 'rw' permission for dst parent dir;
        4. revert: user with 'rw' permission for current file's parent dir;

        # argument check
        path = request.GET.get('p', None)
        if not path:
            error_msg = 'p invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        path = normalize_file_path(path)

        operation = request.data.get('operation', None)
        if not operation:
            error_msg = 'operation invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = operation.lower()
        if operation not in ('create', 'rename', 'move', 'copy', 'revert'):
            error_msg = "operation can only be 'create', 'rename', 'move', 'copy' or 'revert'."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        username = request.user.username
        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)

        is_draft = request.POST.get('is_draft', '')

        if operation == 'create':
            # resource check
                parent_dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, parent_dir)
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if not parent_dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % parent_dir
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, parent_dir) != PERMISSION_READ_WRITE:
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            if is_draft.lower() == 'true':
                file_name = os.path.basename(path)
                file_dir = os.path.dirname(path)

                draft_type = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0][-7:]
                file_type = os.path.splitext(file_name)[-1]

                if draft_type != '(draft)':
                    f = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]
                    path = file_dir + '/' + f + '(draft)' + file_type

            # create new empty file
            new_file_name = os.path.basename(path)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_file_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
                                 'name invalid.')

            new_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(repo_id, parent_dir, new_file_name)

                seafile_api.post_empty_file(repo_id, parent_dir, new_file_name, username)
            except SearpcError, e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if is_draft.lower() == 'true':
                Draft.objects.add(username, repo, path, file_exist=False)

            # update office file by template
            if new_file_name.endswith('.xlsx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.xlsx')
            elif new_file_name.endswith('.pptx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.pptx')
            elif new_file_name.endswith('.docx'):
                empty_file_path = os.path.join(OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT, 'empty.docx')
                empty_file_path = ''

            if empty_file_path:
                # get file server update url
                update_token = seafile_api.get_fileserver_access_token(
                        repo_id, 'dummy', 'update', username)

                if not update_token:
                    error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

                update_url = gen_inner_file_upload_url('update-api', update_token)
                # update file
                new_file_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_file_name)
                        data={'filename': new_file_name, 'target_file': new_file_path},
                        files={'file': open(empty_file_path, 'rb')}
                except Exception as e:

            new_file_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_file_name)
            file_info = self.get_file_info(username, repo_id, new_file_path)
            return Response(file_info)
Пример #23
    def put(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
        """ update a library status, transfer a library, rename a library

        Permission checking:
        1. only admin can perform this action.
        # argument check
        new_status = request.data.get('status', None)
        if new_status:
            if new_status not in ('normal', 'read-only'):
                error_msg = 'status invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        new_repo_name = request.data.get('name', None)
        if new_repo_name:
            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_repo_name):
                error_msg = 'name invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        new_owner = request.data.get('owner', None)
        if new_owner:
            if not is_valid_email(new_owner):
                error_msg = 'owner invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        if new_status:
                seafile_api.set_repo_status(repo_id, normalize_repo_status_str(new_status))
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        if new_repo_name:
                res = seafile_api.edit_repo(repo_id, new_repo_name, '', None)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            if res == -1:
                e = 'Admin rename failed: ID of library is %s, edit_repo api called failed.' % \
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        if new_owner:
                new_owner_obj = User.objects.get(email=new_owner)
            except User.DoesNotExist:
                error_msg = 'User %s not found.' % new_owner
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            if not new_owner_obj.permissions.can_add_repo():
                error_msg = _('Transfer failed: role of %s is %s, can not add library.') % \
                        (new_owner, new_owner_obj.role)
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            if MULTI_TENANCY:
                    if seafile_api.get_org_id_by_repo_id(repo_id) > 0:
                        error_msg = 'Can not transfer organization library.'
                        return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

                    if ccnet_api.get_orgs_by_user(new_owner):
                        error_msg = 'Can not transfer library to organization user %s' % new_owner
                        return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)
                except Exception as e:
                    error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            repo_owner = seafile_api.get_repo_owner(repo_id)

            if new_owner == repo_owner:
                error_msg = _("Library can not be transferred to owner.")
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            # get repo shared to user/group list
            shared_users = seafile_api.list_repo_shared_to(
                    repo_owner, repo_id)
            shared_groups = seafile_api.list_repo_shared_group_by_user(
                    repo_owner, repo_id)

            # get all pub repos
            pub_repos = []
            if not request.cloud_mode:
                pub_repos = seafile_api.list_inner_pub_repos_by_owner(repo_owner)

            # transfer repo
            seafile_api.set_repo_owner(repo_id, new_owner)

            # reshare repo to user
            for shared_user in shared_users:
                shared_username = shared_user.user

                if new_owner == shared_username:

                seafile_api.share_repo(repo_id, new_owner,
                        shared_username, shared_user.perm)

            # reshare repo to group
            for shared_group in shared_groups:
                shared_group_id = shared_group.group_id

                if not is_group_member(shared_group_id, new_owner):

                seafile_api.set_group_repo(repo_id, shared_group_id,
                        new_owner, shared_group.perm)

            # reshare repo to links
                UploadLinkShare.objects.filter(username=repo_owner, repo_id=repo_id).update(username=new_owner)
                FileShare.objects.filter(username=repo_owner, repo_id=repo_id).update(username=new_owner)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            # check if current repo is pub-repo
            # if YES, reshare current repo to public
            for pub_repo in pub_repos:
                if repo_id != pub_repo.id:

                seafile_api.add_inner_pub_repo(repo_id, pub_repo.permission)


            # send admin operation log signal
            admin_op_detail = {
                "id": repo_id,
                "name": repo.name,
                "from": repo_owner,
                "to": new_owner,
            admin_operation.send(sender=None, admin_name=request.user.username,
                    operation=REPO_TRANSFER, detail=admin_op_detail)

        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        repo_info = get_repo_info(repo)

        return Response(repo_info)
Пример #24
    def post(self, request, format=None):
        repo_id = request.repo_api_token_obj.repo_id
        # argument check
        path = request.GET.get('path', None)
        if not path or path[0] != '/':
            error_msg = 'path invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        if path == '/':
            error_msg = 'Can not operate root dir.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = request.data.get('operation', None)
        if not operation:
            error_msg = 'operation invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        operation = operation.lower()
        if operation not in ('mkdir', 'rename', 'revert'):
            error_msg = "operation can only be 'mkdir', 'rename' or 'revert'."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        path = path.rstrip('/')
        username = request.user.username
        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
        if operation == 'mkdir':
            # resource check
            parent_dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, parent_dir)
            if not parent_dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % parent_dir
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission_by_repo_api(request, repo_id,
                                                   parent_dir) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            new_dir_name = os.path.basename(path)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_dir_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'name invalid.')

            retry_count = 0
            while retry_count < 10:
                new_dir_name = check_filename_with_rename(
                    repo_id, parent_dir, new_dir_name)
                    seafile_api.post_dir(repo_id, parent_dir, new_dir_name,
                except SearpcError as e:
                    if str(e) == 'file already exists':
                        retry_count += 1
                        error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                        return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,

            new_dir_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_dir_name)
            dir_info = self.get_dir_info(repo_id, new_dir_path)
            resp = Response(dir_info)

            return resp

        if operation == 'rename':
            # resource check
            dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
            if not dir_id:
                error_msg = 'Folder %s not found.' % path
                return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

            # permission check
            if check_folder_permission_by_repo_api(request, repo_id,
                                                   path) != 'rw':
                error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

            old_dir_name = os.path.basename(path)
            new_dir_name = request.data.get('newname', None)

            if not new_dir_name:
                error_msg = 'newname invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_dir_name):
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'name invalid.')

            if new_dir_name == old_dir_name:
                dir_info = self.get_dir_info(repo_id, path)
                resp = Response(dir_info)
                return resp

                # rename duplicate name
                new_dir_name = check_filename_with_rename(
                    repo_id, parent_dir, new_dir_name)
                # rename dir
                seafile_api.rename_file(repo_id, parent_dir, old_dir_name,
                                        new_dir_name, username)

                new_dir_path = posixpath.join(parent_dir, new_dir_name)
                dir_info = self.get_dir_info(repo_id, new_dir_path)
                resp = Response(dir_info)
                return resp
            except SearpcError as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,

        if operation == 'revert':
            commit_id = request.data.get('commit_id', None)
            if not commit_id:
                error_msg = 'commit_id invalid.'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

            if seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, path):
                # dir exists in repo
                if check_folder_permission_by_repo_api(request, repo_id,
                                                       path) != 'rw':
                    error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)
                # dir NOT exists in repo
                if check_folder_permission_by_repo_api(request, repo_id,
                                                       '/') != 'rw':
                    error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

                seafile_api.revert_dir(repo_id, commit_id, path, username)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
                return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,

            return Response({'success': True})
Пример #25
    def post(self, request, group_id):
        """ Add a group owned library by system admin.

        # argument check
        repo_name = request.data.get("repo_name", None)
        if not repo_name or \
                not is_valid_dirent_name(repo_name):
            error_msg = "repo_name invalid."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        password = request.data.get("password", None)

        permission = request.data.get('permission', PERMISSION_READ_WRITE)
        if permission not in get_available_repo_perms():
            error_msg = 'permission invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # permission check
        group_quota = seafile_api.get_group_quota(group_id)
        group_quota = int(group_quota)
        if group_quota <= 0 and group_quota != -2:
            error_msg = 'No group quota.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        if is_org_context(request):
            # request called by org admin
            org_id = request.user.org.org_id
            org_id = -1

        # create group owned repo
        group_id = int(group_id)
        if is_pro_version() and ENABLE_STORAGE_CLASSES:


                storages = get_library_storages(request)
                storage_id = request.data.get("storage_id", None)
                if storage_id and storage_id not in [
                        s['storage_id'] for s in storages
                    error_msg = 'storage_id invalid.'
                    return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

                repo_id = seafile_api.add_group_owned_repo(
                if org_id > 0:
                    repo_id = seafile_api.org_add_group_owned_repo(
                        org_id, group_id, repo_name, permission, password,
                    repo_id = seafile_api.add_group_owned_repo(
                        group_id, repo_name, permission, password,
            if org_id > 0:
                repo_id = seafile_api.org_add_group_owned_repo(
                    org_id, group_id, repo_name, permission, password,
                repo_id = seafile_api.add_group_owned_repo(
                    group_id, repo_name, permission, password,

        # for activities
        username = request.user.username
        library_template = request.data.get("library_template", '')

        # for notification
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)

        info = get_group_owned_repo_info(request, repo_id)
        # TODO
        info['permission'] = permission
        return Response(info)
Пример #26
    def put(self, request, workspace_id):
        """rename a table

        1. owner
        2. group member
        # argument check
        old_table_name = request.data.get('old_name')
        if not old_table_name:
            error_msg = 'old_name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        new_table_name = request.data.get('new_name')
        if not new_table_name:
            error_msg = 'new_name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        new_table_file_name = new_table_name + FILE_TYPE
        if not is_valid_dirent_name(new_table_file_name):
            error_msg = 'new_name invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        if len(new_table_file_name) > MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME_LEN:
            error_msg = 'new_name is too long.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # resource check
        workspace = Workspaces.objects.get_workspace_by_id(workspace_id)
        if not workspace:
            error_msg = 'Workspace %s not found.' % workspace_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        repo_id = workspace.repo_id
        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        dtable = DTables.objects.get_dtable(workspace, old_table_name)
        if not dtable:
            error_msg = 'dtable %s not found.' % old_table_name
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        old_table_file_name = old_table_name + FILE_TYPE
        old_table_path = normalize_file_path(old_table_file_name)
        table_file_id = seafile_api.get_file_id_by_path(
            repo_id, old_table_path)
        if not table_file_id:
            error_msg = 'file %s not found.' % old_table_file_name
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        # permission check
        username = request.user.username
        owner = workspace.owner
        if not check_dtable_permission(username, owner):
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        # repo status check
        repo_status = repo.status
        if repo_status != 0:
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        # rename table
        new_table_file_name = check_filename_with_rename(
            repo_id, '/', new_table_file_name)
            seafile_api.rename_file(repo_id, '/', old_table_file_name,
                                    new_table_file_name, username)
        except SearpcError as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

            dtable.name = new_table_name
            dtable.modifier = username
        except Exception as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        return Response({"table": dtable.to_dict()}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
Пример #27
    def post(self, request, group_id):
        """ Add a group library.

        Permission checking:
        1. role permission, can_add_repo;
        1. is group member;

        # argument check
        repo_name = request.data.get("repo_name", None)
        if not repo_name or \
                not is_valid_dirent_name(repo_name):
            error_msg = "repo_name invalid."
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        password = request.data.get("password", None)
        if password and not config.ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY:
            error_msg = 'NOT allow to create encrypted library.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        permission = request.data.get('permission', PERMISSION_READ)
        if permission not in get_available_repo_perms():
            error_msg = 'permission invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        # permission check
        if not request.user.permissions.can_add_repo():
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        if not is_group_member(group_id, request.user.username):
            error_msg = 'Permission denied.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, error_msg)

        # create group repo
        org_id = -1
        group_id = int(group_id)
        username = request.user.username

        is_org = False
        if is_org_context(request):
            is_org = True
            org_id = request.user.org.org_id
            repo_id = seafile_api.create_org_repo(repo_name,
                    '', username, password, org_id)
            repo_id = seafile_api.create_repo(repo_name,
                    '', username, password)

        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        share_dir_to_group(repo, '/', username, username, group_id,
                permission, org_id if is_org else None)

        # for activities
        library_template = request.data.get("library_template", '')
        repo_created.send(sender=None, org_id=org_id, creator=username,
                repo_id=repo_id, repo_name=repo_name,

        # for notification
        share_repo_to_group_successful.send(sender=None, from_user=username,
                group_id=group_id, repo=repo, path='/', org_id=org_id)

        # for perm audit
        send_perm_audit_msg('add-repo-perm', username, group_id,
                repo_id, '/', permission)

        group_repo = seafile_api.get_group_shared_repo_by_path(repo_id,
                None, group_id, is_org)
        group_repo_info = get_group_repo_info(request, group_repo)

        group_repo_info['owner_email'] = username
        group_repo_info['owner_name'] = email2nickname(username)
        group_repo_info['owner_contact_email'] = email2contact_email(username)

        modifier = group_repo.last_modifier
        group_repo_info['modifier_email'] = modifier
        group_repo_info['modifier_name'] = email2nickname(modifier)
        group_repo_info['modifier_contact_email'] = email2contact_email(modifier)

        return Response(group_repo_info)