Пример #1
def __interp2_thread(rx, ry, data, zx, zy, pmap, weight, nx, ny, mask):
    internal routine: 2D interpolation thread for parallel interpolation
    data = np.ma.fix_invalid(data, copy=False)

    # Convolve the water over the land
    ksize = 2 * np.round(
        np.sqrt((nx / np.ma.median(np.ma.diff(rx)))**2 +
                (ny / np.ma.median(np.ma.diff(ry.T)))**2)) + 1
    if ksize < _ksize_range[0]:
        warn("nx or ny values are too small for stable OA, {:f}".format(ksize))
        ksize = _ksize_range[0]
    elif ksize > _ksize_range[1]:
        warn("nx or ny values are too large for stable OA, {:f}".format(ksize))
        ksize = _ksize_range[1]
    data = seapy.convolve_mask(data, ksize=ksize, copy=False)

    # Interpolate the field and return the result
    with timeout(minutes=30):
        res, pm = seapy.oasurf(rx, ry, data, zx, zy, pmap, weight, nx, ny)

    return np.ma.masked_where(np.logical_or(mask == 0,
                                            np.abs(res) > 9e4),
Пример #2
def __interp2_thread(rx, ry, data, zx, zy, pmap, weight, nx, ny, mask):
    internal routine: 2D interpolation thread for parallel interpolation
    data = np.ma.fix_invalid(data, copy=False)

    # Convolve the water over the land
    ksize = 2 * np.round(np.sqrt((nx / np.median(np.diff(rx)))**2 +
                                 (ny / np.median(np.diff(ry.T)))**2)) + 1
    if ksize < _ksize_range[0]:
        warn("nx or ny values are too small for stable OA, {:f}".format(ksize))
        ksize = _ksize_range[0]
    elif ksize > _ksize_range[1]:
        warn("nx or ny values are too large for stable OA, {:f}".format(ksize))
        ksize = _ksize_range[1]
    data = seapy.convolve_mask(data, ksize=ksize, copy=False)

    # Interpolate the field and return the result
    with timeout(minutes=30):
        res, pm = seapy.oasurf(rx, ry, data, zx, zy, pmap, weight, nx, ny)

    return np.ma.masked_where(np.logical_or(mask == 0, np.abs(res) > 9e4), res,
Пример #3
def __interp3_thread(rx, ry, rz, data, zx, zy, zz, pmap,
                     weight, nx, ny, mask, up_factor=1.0, down_factor=1.0):
    internal routine: 3D interpolation thread for parallel interpolation
    # Make the mask 3D
    mask = seapy.adddim(mask, zz.shape[0])
    data = np.ma.fix_invalid(data, copy=False)

    # To avoid extrapolation, we are going to convolve ocean over the land
    # and add a new top and bottom layer that replicates the data of the
    # existing current and top. 1) iteratively convolve until we have
    # filled most of the points, 2) Determine which way the
    # depth goes and add/subtract new layers, and 3) fill in masked values
    # from the layer above/below.
    gradsrc = (rz[0, 1, 1] - rz[-1, 1, 1]) > 0

    # Convolve the water over the land
    ksize = 2 * np.round(np.sqrt((nx / np.median(np.diff(rx)))**2 +
                                 (ny / np.median(np.diff(ry.T)))**2)) + 1
    if ksize < _ksize_range[0]:
        warn("nx or ny values are too small for stable OA, {:f}".format(ksize))
        ksize = _ksize_range[0]
    elif ksize > _ksize_range[1]:
        warn("nx or ny values are too large for stable OA, {:f}".format(ksize))
        ksize = _ksize_range[1]

    # Iterate at most 5 times, but we will hopefully break out before that by
    # checking if we have filled at least 40% of the bottom to be like
    # the surface
    bot = -1 if gradsrc else 0
    top = 0 if gradsrc else -1
    topmask = np.maximum(1, np.ma.count_masked(data[top, :, :]))
    if np.ma.count_masked(data[bot, :, :]) > 0:
        for iter in range(5):
            # Check if we have most everything by checking the bottom
            data = seapy.convolve_mask(data, ksize=ksize + iter, copy=False)
            if topmask / np.maximum(1, np.ma.count_masked(data[bot, :, :])) > 0.4:

    # Now fill vertically
    nrz = np.zeros((data.shape[0] + 2, data.shape[1], data.shape[2]))
    nrz[1:-1, :, :] = rz
    nrz[bot, :, :] = rz[bot, :, :] - 5000
    nrz[top, :, :] = 1

    if not gradsrc:
        # The first level is the bottom
        # factor = down_factor
        levs = np.arange(data.shape[0], 0, -1) - 1
        # The first level is the top
        # factor = up_factor
        levs = np.arange(0, data.shape[0])

    # Fill in missing values where we have them from the shallower layer
    for k in levs[1:]:
        if np.ma.count_masked(data[k, :, :]) == 0:
        idx = np.nonzero(np.logical_xor(data.mask[k, :, :],
                                        data.mask[k - 1, :, :]))
        data.mask[k, idx[0], idx[1]] = data.mask[k - 1, idx[0], idx[1]]
        data[k, idx[0], idx[1]] = data[k - 1, idx[0], idx[1]] * down_factor

    # Add upper and lower boundaries
    ndat = np.zeros((data.shape[0] + 2, data.shape[1], data.shape[2]))
    ndat[bot, :, :] = data[bot, :, :].filled(np.nan) * down_factor
    ndat[1:-1, :, :] = data.filled(np.nan)
    ndat[top, :, :] = data[top, :, :].filled(np.nan) * up_factor

    # Interpolate the field and return the result
    with timeout(minutes=30):
        if gradsrc:
            res, pm = seapy.oavol(rx, ry, nrz[::-1, :, :], ndat[::-1, :, :],
                                  zx, zy, zz, pmap, weight, nx, ny)
            res, pm = seapy.oavol(rx, ry, nrz, ndat, zx, zy, zz,
                                  pmap, weight, nx, ny)

    return np.ma.masked_where(np.logical_or(mask == 0, np.abs(res) > 9e4), res,
Пример #4
def __interp3_thread(rx, ry, rz, data, zx, zy, zz, pmap,
                     weight, nx, ny, mask, up_factor=1.0, down_factor=1.0):
    internal routine: 3D interpolation thread for parallel interpolation
    # Make the mask 3D
    mask = seapy.adddim(mask, zz.shape[0])
    data = np.ma.fix_invalid(data, copy=False)

    # To avoid extrapolation, we are going to convolve ocean over the land
    # and add a new top and bottom layer that replicates the data of the
    # existing current and top. 1) iteratively convolve until we have
    # filled most of the points, 2) Determine which way the
    # depth goes and add/subtract new layers, and 3) fill in masked values
    # from the layer above/below.
    gradsrc = (rz[0, 1, 1] - rz[-1, 1, 1]) > 0

    # Convolve the water over the land
    ksize = 2 * np.round(np.sqrt((nx / np.median(np.diff(rx)))**2 +
                                 (ny / np.median(np.diff(ry.T)))**2)) + 1
    if ksize < _ksize_range[0]:
        warn("nx or ny values are too small for stable OA, {:f}".format(ksize))
        ksize = _ksize_range[0]
    elif ksize > _ksize_range[1]:
        warn("nx or ny values are too large for stable OA, {:f}".format(ksize))
        ksize = _ksize_range[1]

    # Iterate at most 5 times, but we will hopefully break out before that by
    # checking if we have filled at least 40% of the bottom to be like
    # the surface
    bot = -1 if gradsrc else 0
    top = 0 if gradsrc else -1
    topmask = np.maximum(1, np.ma.count_masked(data[top, :, :]))
    if np.ma.count_masked(data[bot, :, :]) > 0:
        for iter in range(5):
            # Check if we have most everything by checking the bottom
            data = seapy.convolve_mask(data, ksize=ksize + iter, copy=False)
            if topmask / np.maximum(1, np.ma.count_masked(data[bot, :, :])) > 0.4:

    # Now fill vertically
    nrz = np.zeros((data.shape[0] + 2, data.shape[1], data.shape[2]))
    nrz[1:-1, :, :] = rz
    nrz[bot, :, :] = rz[bot, :, :] - 5000
    nrz[top, :, :] = 1

    if not gradsrc:
        # The first level is the bottom
        # factor = down_factor
        levs = np.arange(data.shape[0], 0, -1) - 1
        # The first level is the top
        # factor = up_factor
        levs = np.arange(0, data.shape[0])

    # Fill in missing values where we have them from the shallower layer
    for k in levs[1:]:
        if np.ma.count_masked(data[k, :, :]) == 0:
        idx = np.nonzero(np.logical_xor(data.mask[k, :, :],
                                        data.mask[k - 1, :, :]))
        data.mask[k, idx[0], idx[1]] = data.mask[k - 1, idx[0], idx[1]]
        data[k, idx[0], idx[1]] = data[k - 1, idx[0], idx[1]] * down_factor

    # Add upper and lower boundaries
    ndat = np.zeros((data.shape[0] + 2, data.shape[1], data.shape[2]))
    ndat[bot, :, :] = data[bot, :, :].filled(np.nan) * down_factor
    ndat[1:-1, :, :] = data.filled(np.nan)
    ndat[top, :, :] = data[top, :, :].filled(np.nan) * up_factor

    # Interpolate the field and return the result
    with timeout(minutes=30):
        if gradsrc:
            res, pm = seapy.oavol(rx, ry, nrz[::-1, :, :], ndat[::-1, :, :],
                                  zx, zy, zz, pmap, weight, nx, ny)
            res, pm = seapy.oavol(rx, ry, nrz, ndat, zx, zy, zz,
                                  pmap, weight, nx, ny)

    return np.ma.masked_where(np.logical_or(mask == 0, np.abs(res) > 9e4), res,