Пример #1
def hotelbookingpaymet(request):
    checkIn = request.GET.get('checkin', '')
    checkOut = request.GET.get('checkout', '')
    roomCount = request.GET.get('room', '')
    dateCount = daysBetween(checkIn, checkOut)
    hotelRoomID = request.GET.get('hrid', '')
    adultCount = request.GET.get('adult', '')
    hotelID = request.GET.get('hid', '')
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT R.RoomType, R.SingleBedCount, R.DoubleBedCount,HR.Room_id as 'roomID',HR.Price*%s as "
                   "'NPrice',HR.Price*%s*%s as 'Price',R.AirConditioner,HR.Complimentary_Breakfast,HR.wifi FROM "
                   "database_hotel_room HR JOIN database_room R ON HR.Room_id=R.id "
                   "WHERE HR.id=%s",
                   [int(roomCount), int(roomCount), dateCount, int(hotelRoomID)])
    room = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)
    cursor.execute("SELECT H.Hotel_Name, H.Hotel_Location, H.Hotel_Country,H.Address,H.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' FROM "
                   "database_hotel_room HR JOIN database_hotel H ON HR.Hotel_id=H.id WHERE HR.id=%s",
    hotel = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)
    price = Hotel_Room.objects.get(id=int(hotelRoomID)).Price
    percentage = Hotel.objects.get(id=int(hotelID)).Percentage / 100
    paidMoney = percentage * price * int(roomCount) * dateCount
    form = HotelBookingForm()
    hotelForm = SearchHotelForm()
    flightForm = SearchFlightForm()
    # setting initial values for room and adult
    hotelForm.fields['room'].initial = int(roomCount)
    hotelForm.fields['adult'].initial = int(adultCount)
    return render(request, "booking/bookingpayment.html",
                  {'room': room[0], 'hotel': hotel[0], 'form': form, 'hotelForm': hotelForm, 'flightForm': flightForm,
                   'daysCount': dateCount, 'paidMoney': paidMoney})
Пример #2
def hotelbookingpage(request):
    dest = request.GET.get('hoteldest', '')
    checkin = request.GET.get('checkin', '')
    checkout = request.GET.get('checkout', '')
    roomcount = request.GET.get('room', '')
    adultcount = request.GET.get('adult', '')
    hid = request.GET.get('hid', '')
    huid = request.GET.get('huid', '')
    hrid = request.GET.get('hrid', '')
    hrid = int(hrid)
    roomcount = int(roomcount)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT R.RoomType, R.SingleBedCount, R.DoubleBedCount,HR.Room_id as 'roomID',"
                   "HR.Price*%s as 'Price',R.AirConditioner,HR.Complimentary_Breakfast,HR.wifi FROM "
                   "database_hotel_room HR JOIN database_room R ON HR.Room_id=R.id "
                   "WHERE HR.id=%s",
                   [roomcount, hrid])
    room = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)
    cursor.execute("SELECT H.Hotel_Name, H.Hotel_Location, H.Hotel_Country,H.Address,H.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' FROM "
                   "database_hotel_room HR JOIN database_hotel H ON HR.Hotel_id=H.id WHERE HR.id=%s",
    hotel = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)
    form = HotelBookingForm()
    hotelform = SearchHotelForm()
    flightform = SearchFlightForm()
    return render(request, "booking/hotelbooking.html",
                  {'room': room[0], 'hotel': hotel[0], 'form': form, 'hotelform': hotelform, 'flightform': flightform})
Пример #3
def BookingConfirmationPage(request):
    checkIn = request.GET.get('checkin', '')
    checkOut = request.GET.get('checkout', '')
    roomCount = request.GET.get('room', '')
    dateCount = daysBetween(checkIn, checkOut)
    hotelRoomID = request.GET.get('hrid', '')
    adultCount = request.GET.get('adult', '')
    FirstName = request.GET.get('first_name', '')
    LastName = request.GET.get('last_name', '')
    Email = request.GET.get('email', '')
    Phone = request.GET.get('phone', '')
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT R.RoomType, R.SingleBedCount, R.DoubleBedCount,HR.Room_id as 'roomID',HR.Price*%s as "
                   "'NPrice',HR.Price*%s*%s as 'Price',R.AirConditioner,HR.Complimentary_Breakfast,HR.wifi FROM "
                   "database_hotel_room HR JOIN database_room R ON HR.Room_id=R.id "
                   "WHERE HR.id=%s",
                   [int(roomCount), int(roomCount), dateCount, int(hotelRoomID)])
    room = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)
    cursor.execute("SELECT H.Hotel_Name, H.Hotel_Location, H.Hotel_Country,H.Address,H.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' FROM "
                   "database_hotel_room HR JOIN database_hotel H ON HR.Hotel_id=H.id WHERE HR.id=%s",
    hotel = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)
    form = HotelBookingForm()
    hotelForm = SearchHotelForm()
    flightForm = SearchFlightForm()
    firstName = request.GET.get('first_name', '')
    lastName = request.GET.get('last_name', '')
    email = request.GET.get('email', '')
    hotelID = request.GET.get('hid', '')
    userID = request.GET.get('uid', '')
    price = Hotel_Room.objects.get(id=int(hotelRoomID)).Price
    percentage = Hotel.objects.get(id=int(hotelID)).Percentage / 100
    paidMoney = percentage * price * int(roomCount) * dateCount
    moneyToPay = price * (1 - percentage) * int(roomCount) * dateCount
    percentageRefunding = Cancellation_Policy.objects.get(
        id=Hotel_Room.objects.get(id=int(hotelRoomID)).Cancellation_Policy_id).Percentage_refunding / 100
    moneyToRefund = paidMoney * percentageRefunding
    today = datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    bookingObject = Booking(MoneyToPay=moneyToPay, MoneyToRefund=moneyToRefund, DateOfBooking=today,
                            DateOfCancellation=today, User_id=userID, PaidMoney=paidMoney, isCancelled=False,
    hotelBookingObject = Hotel_Booking(Booking=bookingObject, Hotel_Room_id=hotelRoomID, Checkin_Date=checkIn,
                                       Checkout_Date=checkOut, TotalRooms=roomCount, isApproved=False,
    hotelRoomObject = Hotel_Room.objects.get(id=hotelRoomID)
    hotelRoomObject.FreeRoomCount -= int(roomCount)

    # generate confirmation mail
    p = canvas.Canvas('./booking/pdfs/Itinerary.pdf')
    p.drawString(250, 700, "Itinerary")
    Fname = "First Name: " + FirstName
    Lname = "Last Name: " + LastName
    Contact = "Contact No.: " + Phone
    HotelName = "Hotel Name: " + hotel[0].Hotel_Name
    InDate = "Check In: " + checkIn
    OutDate = "Check Out: " + checkOut
    TotalNights = "Total Night(s): " + str(dateCount)
    RoomType = "Room Type: " + room[0].RoomType
    RoomPrice = "Price per Room: " + str(price)
    TotalRoom = "Total Room(s): " + str(roomCount)
    TotalAmount = int(price) * int(dateCount) * int(roomCount)
    TotalPrice = "Total Amount: " + str(price) + "x" + str(dateCount) + "x" + str(roomCount) + "= " + str(TotalAmount)
    BookAmount = "Booking Amount: " + str(paidMoney)
    RestAmount = "More to Pay: " + str(moneyToPay)
    p.drawString(100, 620, "Personal Information")
    p.drawString(100, 600, Fname)
    p.drawString(100, 580, Lname)
    p.drawString(100, 560, Contact)
    p.drawString(100, 510, "Booking Information")
    p.drawString(100, 480, HotelName)
    p.drawString(100, 460, InDate)
    p.drawString(100, 440, OutDate)
    p.drawString(100, 420, TotalNights)
    p.drawString(100, 400, RoomType)
    p.drawString(100, 380, RoomPrice)
    p.drawString(100, 360, TotalRoom)
    p.drawString(100, 340, TotalPrice)
    p.drawString(100, 320, BookAmount)
    p.drawString(100, 300, RestAmount)
    p.drawString(100, 280, "This booking has been confirmed.")
    p.drawImage('./HotelFlight/static/booking/barcode.jpg', 400, 750, 6 * cm, 2 * cm)
    p.drawImage('./HotelFlight/static/booking/logo.jpg', 100, 750, 2 * cm, 2 * cm)
    # create message object instance
    msg = MIMEMultipart()
    message = "Your booking has been confirmed! Thanks for staying with us!!"
    # setup the parameters of the message
    password = "******"
    msg['From'] = "*****@*****.**"
    msg['To'] = Email
    msg['Subject'] = "Response to Hotel/Flight Booking"
    # add in the message body
    msg.attach(MIMEText(message, 'plain'))
    filename = "Itinerary.pdf"
    attachment = open("./booking/pdfs/Itinerary.pdf", "rb")
    p = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
    p.add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename= %s" % filename)
    # create server
    server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com: 587')
    # Login Credentials for sending the mail
    server.login(msg['From'], password)
    # send the message via the server.
    server.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'], msg.as_string())
    print("email sent")

    # setting initial values for room and adult
    hotelForm.fields['room'].initial = int(roomCount)
    hotelForm.fields['adult'].initial = int(adultCount)
    return render(request, "booking/bookingconfirmation.html",
                  {'room': room[0], 'hotel': hotel[0], 'form': form, 'hotelForm': hotelForm, 'flightForm': flightForm,
                   'daysCount': dateCount})
Пример #4
def FlightBookingConfirmationPage(request):
    FirstName = request.GET.get('first_name', '')
    LastName = request.GET.get('last_name', '')
    Email = request.GET.get('email', '')
    Phone = request.GET.get('phone', '')
    Passport = request.GET.get('passport', '')
    print("confirmation page")
    Source = request.GET.get('source', '')
    Dest = request.GET.get('dest', '')
    Departure_Date = request.GET.get('depart', '')
    frid = request.GET.get('FRID', '')
    id1 = request.GET.get('ID1', '')
    id2 = request.GET.get('ID2', '')
    uid = request.GET.get('uid', '')
    adultCount = request.GET.get('adult', '')
    fids = request.GET.get('FIDS', '')
    fidm1 = request.GET.get('FIDM1', '')
    fidm2 = request.GET.get('FIDM2', '')
    print("FIDS ->")
    print("FIDM1 ->")
    print("FIDM2 ->")
    form = FlightBookingForm()
    hotelform = SearchHotelForm()
    flightform = SearchFlightForm()
    if frid == "":
        print("Single hop  empty")
        print("Single hop not empty")
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(id) from database_booking")
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        id = 1
        if results[0] is None:
            id = 1
            id = results[0] + 1
        cursor.execute("SELECT Price FROM database_flight_route where id=%s", [frid])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        print("price is ")
        Price = results[0]
        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Percentage from database_air_company A JOIN database_flight F "
                       "ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) JOIN database_flight_route FR "
                       "ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id=%s", [frid])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        Percentage = results[0] / 100
        PaidMoney = Percentage * Price * float(adultCount)
        MoneyToPay = Price * float(adultCount) * (1 - Percentage)
            "SELECT Percentage_refunding FROM database_cancellation_policy WHERE id =(SELECT Cancellation_Policy_id FROM database_flight_route where id=%s)",
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        Percentage_refunding = results[0] / 100

        MoneyToRefund = PaidMoney * Percentage_refunding
            "INSERT INTO database_booking (id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, DateOfBooking, DateOfCancellation, User_id,PaidMoney,isCancelled,Status) "
            "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE,  %s,%s,0,0)",
            [id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, uid, PaidMoney])
        cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(id) from database_flight_booking")
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        new_id = 1
        if results[0] is None:
            new_id = 1
            new_id = results[0] + 1
            "INSERT INTO database_flight_booking (id, Booking_id, Flight_id,TotalSeats,isApproved,isCancellationApproved) "
            "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,0,0)", [new_id, id, frid, adultCount])
        cursor.execute("UPDATE database_flight_route "
                       "SET TotalSeatsBooked = TotalSeatsBooked + %s "
                       "WHERE id=%s", [adultCount, frid])
        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Aircompany_Name as 'Airlines' ,A.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' "
                       "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id )  "
                       "JOIN database_air_company A ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) "
                       "WHERE FR.id = %s", [frid])
        aircompany = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

            "SELECT F.Airplane_Number as 'Plane' , FR.Source_Airport as 'Src_Airport', R.Source as 'Src' ,FR.Destination_Airport as 'Dest_Airport',R.Destination as 'Dest', "
            "FR.Time as 'Time', FR.Date as 'Date', FR.Price*%s as 'Price' , FR.Duration as 'Duration' "
            "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_route R ON (FR.Route_id = R.id) JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id = %s",
            [adultCount, frid])

        flight = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

        return render(request, "booking/flightbookingconfirmation.html",
                      {'flight': flight[0], 'aircompany': aircompany[0], 'form': form, 'hotelform': hotelform,
                       'flightform': flightform, 'multi': 'False'})

    if id1 == "" and id2 == "":
        print("Multi hop empty")
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(id) from database_booking")
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        id = 1
        if results[0] is None:
            id = 1
            id = results[0] + 1
        Price = 0
        cursor.execute("SELECT Price FROM database_flight_route where id=%s", [id1])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        print("price is ")
        Price1 = results[0]
        cursor.execute("SELECT Price FROM database_flight_route where id=%s", [id2])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        print("price is ")
        Price2 = results[0]
        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Percentage from database_air_company A JOIN database_flight F "
                       "ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) JOIN database_flight_route FR "
                       "ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id=%s", [id1])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        Percentage = results[0] / 100
        PaidMoney = Percentage * Price1 * float(adultCount)
        MoneyToPay = Price1 * float(adultCount) * (1 - Percentage)
            "SELECT Percentage_refunding FROM database_cancellation_policy WHERE id =(SELECT Cancellation_Policy_id FROM database_flight_route where id=%s)",
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        Percentage_refunding = results[0] / 100

        MoneyToRefund = PaidMoney * Percentage_refunding

            "INSERT INTO database_booking (id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, DateOfBooking, DateOfCancellation,  User_id, PaidMoney,isCancelled,Status) "
            "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE,  %s,%s,0,0)",
            [id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, uid, PaidMoney])

        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Percentage from database_air_company A JOIN database_flight F "
                       "ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) JOIN database_flight_route FR "
                       "ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id=%s", [id2])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        Percentage = results[0] / 100
        PaidMoney = Percentage * Price2 * float(adultCount)
        MoneyToPay = Price2 * float(adultCount) * (1 - Percentage)
            "SELECT Percentage_refunding FROM database_cancellation_policy WHERE id =(SELECT Cancellation_Policy_id FROM database_flight_route where id=%s)",
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        Percentage_refunding = results[0] / 100

        MoneyToRefund = PaidMoney * Percentage_refunding
            "INSERT INTO database_booking (id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, DateOfBooking, DateOfCancellation, User_id,PaidMoney,isCancelled,Status) "
            "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE, %s, %s,0,0)",
            [id + 1, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, uid, PaidMoney])

        cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(id) from database_flight_booking")
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        new_id = 1
        if results[0] is None:
            new_id = 1
            new_id = results[0] + 1
            "INSERT INTO database_flight_booking (id, Booking_id, Flight_id,TotalSeats,isApproved,isCancellationApproved) "
            "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,0,0)", [new_id, id, id1, adultCount])
        new_id = new_id + 1
            "INSERT INTO database_flight_booking (id, Booking_id, Flight_id,TotalSeats,isApproved,isCancellationApproved) "
            "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,0,0)", [new_id, id + 1, id2, adultCount])
        cursor.execute("UPDATE database_flight_route "
                       "SET TotalSeatsBooked = TotalSeatsBooked + %s "
                       "WHERE id=%s", [adultCount, id1])
        cursor.execute("UPDATE database_flight_route "
                       "SET TotalSeatsBooked = TotalSeatsBooked + %s "
                       "WHERE id=%s", [adultCount, id2])
        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Aircompany_Name as 'Airlines' ,A.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' "
                       "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id )  "
                       "JOIN database_air_company A ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) "
                       "WHERE FR.id = %s", [id1])
        aircompany = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

            "SELECT F.Airplane_Number as 'Plane' , FR.Source_Airport as 'Src_Airport', R.Source as 'Src' ,FR.Destination_Airport as 'Dest_Airport',R.Destination as 'Dest', "
            "FR.Time as 'Time', FR.Date as 'Date', FR.Price*%s as 'Price' , FR.Duration as 'Duration' "
            "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_route R ON (FR.Route_id = R.id) JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id = %s",
            [adultCount, id1])

        flight = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Aircompany_Name as 'Airlines' ,A.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' "
                       "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id )  "
                       "JOIN database_air_company A ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) "
                       "WHERE FR.id = %s", [id2])
        aircompany2 = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

            "SELECT F.Airplane_Number as 'Plane' , FR.Source_Airport as 'Src_Airport', R.Source as 'Src' ,FR.Destination_Airport as 'Dest_Airport',R.Destination as 'Dest', "
            "FR.Time as 'Time', FR.Date as 'Date', FR.Price*%s as 'Price' , FR.Duration as 'Duration' "
            "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_route R ON (FR.Route_id = R.id) JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id = %s",
            [adultCount, id2])

        flight2 = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)
        return render(request, "booking/flightbookingconfirmation.html",
                      {'flight': flight[0], 'aircompany': aircompany[0], 'flight2': flight2[0],
                       'aircompany2': aircompany2[0], 'form': form, 'hotelform': hotelform,
                       'flightform': flightform, 'multi': 'True'})
Пример #5
def flightbookingpayment(request):
    print("flight booking page")
    Source = request.GET.get('source', '')
    Dest = request.GET.get('dest', '')
    Departure_Date = request.GET.get('depart', '')
    frid = request.GET.get('FRID', '')
    id1 = request.GET.get('ID1', '')
    id2 = request.GET.get('ID2', '')
    adultCount = request.GET.get('adult', '')
    fids = request.GET.get('FIDS', '')
    fidm1 = request.GET.get('FIDM1', '')
    fidm2 = request.GET.get('FIDM2', '')
    print("Source: " + Source)
    print("Destination: " + Dest)
    print("Departure date: " + Departure_Date)
    print("Multiple hop flight route 1: " + id1)
    print("Multiple hop flight route 2: " + id2)
    print("Single hop 1: " + frid)
    print("Adult count: " + adultCount)
    print("FIDS ->")
    print("FIDM1 ->")
    print("FIDM2 ->")

    if id1 == "" and id2 == "":
        cursor = connection.cursor()

        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Aircompany_Name as 'Airlines' ,A.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' "
                       "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id )  "
                       "JOIN database_air_company A ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) "
                       "WHERE FR.id = %s", [frid])
        aircompany = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

            "SELECT F.Airplane_Number as 'Plane' , FR.Source_Airport as 'Src_Airport', R.Source as 'Src' ,FR.Destination_Airport as 'Dest_Airport',R.Destination as 'Dest', "
            "FR.Time as 'Time', FR.Date as 'Date', FR.Price*%s as 'Price' , FR.Duration as 'Duration' "
            "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_route R ON (FR.Route_id = R.id) JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id = %s",
            [adultCount, frid])

        flight = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)
        form = FlightBookingForm()
        hotelform = SearchHotelForm()
        flightform = SearchFlightForm()
        cursor.execute("SELECT Price FROM database_flight_route where id=%s", [frid])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        print("price is ")
        Price = results[0]
        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Percentage from database_air_company A JOIN database_flight F "
                       "ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) JOIN database_flight_route FR "
                       "ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id=%s", [frid])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        Percentage = results[0] / 100
        PaidMoney = Percentage * Price * float(adultCount)

        return render(request, "booking/flightbookingpayment.html",
                      {'flight': flight[0], 'aircompany': aircompany[0], 'form': form, 'hotelform': hotelform,
                       'flightform': flightform, 'multi': 'False', 'paidMoney': PaidMoney})
        cursor = connection.cursor()

        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Aircompany_Name as 'Airlines' ,A.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' "
                       "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id )  "
                       "JOIN database_air_company A ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) "
                       "WHERE FR.id = %s", [id1])
        aircompany = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

            "SELECT F.Airplane_Number as 'Plane' , FR.Source_Airport as 'Src_Airport', R.Source as 'Src' ,FR.Destination_Airport as 'Dest_Airport',R.Destination as 'Dest', "
            "FR.Time as 'Time', FR.Date as 'Date', FR.Price*%s as 'Price' , FR.Duration as 'Duration' "
            "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_route R ON (FR.Route_id = R.id) JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id = %s",
            [adultCount, id1])

        flight = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Aircompany_Name as 'Airlines' ,A.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' "
                       "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id )  "
                       "JOIN database_air_company A ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) "
                       "WHERE FR.id = %s", [id2])
        aircompany2 = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

            "SELECT F.Airplane_Number as 'Plane' , FR.Source_Airport as 'Src_Airport', R.Source as 'Src' ,FR.Destination_Airport as 'Dest_Airport',R.Destination as 'Dest', "
            "FR.Time as 'Time', FR.Date as 'Date', FR.Price*%s as 'Price' , FR.Duration as 'Duration' "
            "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_route R ON (FR.Route_id = R.id) JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id = %s",
            [adultCount, id2])

        flight2 = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)
        form = FlightBookingForm()
        hotelform = SearchHotelForm()
        flightform = SearchFlightForm()
        cursor.execute("SELECT Price FROM database_flight_route where id=%s", [id1])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        print("price is ")
        Price1 = results[0]
        cursor.execute("SELECT Price FROM database_flight_route where id=%s", [id2])

        results = cursor.fetchone()
        print("price is ")
        Price2 = results[0]
        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Percentage from database_air_company A JOIN database_flight F "
                       "ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) JOIN database_flight_route FR "
                       "ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id=%s", [id1])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        Percentage = results[0] / 100
        PaidMoney1 = Percentage * Price1 * float(adultCount)

        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Percentage from database_air_company A JOIN database_flight F "
                       "ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) JOIN database_flight_route FR "
                       "ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id=%s", [id2])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        Percentage = results[0] / 100
        PaidMoney2 = Percentage * Price2 * float(adultCount)
        Total = PaidMoney1 + PaidMoney2
        return render(request, "booking/flightbookingpayment.html",
                      {'flight': flight[0], 'aircompany': aircompany[0], 'flight2': flight2[0],
                       'aircompany2': aircompany2[0], 'form': form, 'hotelform': hotelform,
                       'flightform': flightform, 'multi': 'True', 'paidMoney': Total
Пример #6
def BookingConfirmationPage(request):
    # mine
    roomcount = request.GET.get('room', '')
    hrid = request.GET.get('hrid', '')
    hrid = int(hrid)
    roomcount = int(roomcount)
    print('Room ID')
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT R.RoomType, R.SingleBedCount, R.DoubleBedCount,HR.Room_id as 'roomID',"
                   "HR.Price*%s as 'Price',R.AirConditioner,HR.Complimentary_Breakfast,HR.wifi FROM "
                   "database_hotel_room HR JOIN database_room R ON HR.Room_id=R.id "
                   "WHERE HR.id=%s",
                   [roomcount, hrid])
    room = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)
    cursor.execute("SELECT H.Hotel_Name, H.Hotel_Location, H.Hotel_Country,H.Address,H.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' FROM "
                   "database_hotel_room HR JOIN database_hotel H ON HR.Hotel_id=H.id WHERE HR.id=%s",
    hotel = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)
    form = HotelBookingForm()
    hotelform = SearchHotelForm()
    flightform = SearchFlightForm()
    # mine

    FirstName = request.GET.get('first_name', '')
    LastName = request.GET.get('last_name', '')
    Email = request.GET.get('email', '')
    Phone = request.GET.get('phone', '')
    dest = request.GET.get('hoteldest', '')
    checkin = request.GET.get('checkin', '')
    checkout = request.GET.get('checkout', '')
    roomcount = request.GET.get('room', '')
    adultcount = request.GET.get('adult', '')
    hid = request.GET.get('hid', '')
    huid = request.GET.get('huid', '')
    hrid = request.GET.get('hrid', '')
    uid = request.GET.get('uid', '')

    hrid = int(hrid)
    uid = int(uid)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(id) from database_booking")
    results = cursor.fetchone()
    id = 1
    if results[0] is None:
        id = 1
        id = results[0] + 1
    cursor.execute("SELECT Price FROM database_hotel_room where id=%s", [hrid])
    results = cursor.fetchone()
    Price = results[0]
    cursor.execute("SELECT Percentage FROM database_hotel where id=%s", [hid])
    results = cursor.fetchone()
    rooms = int(roomcount)
    date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
    a = datetime.strptime(checkout, date_format)
    b = datetime.strptime(checkin, date_format)
    delta = a - b
    Percentage = results[0] / 100
    TotalAmount = Price * rooms * delta.days
    PaidMoney = Percentage * Price * rooms * delta.days
    MoneyToPay = Price * (1 - Percentage) * rooms * delta.days
    # ei percentage should come from cancellation policy\
        "SELECT Percentage_refunding FROM database_cancellation_policy WHERE id =(SELECT Cancellation_Policy_id FROM database_hotel_room where id=%s)",
    results = cursor.fetchone()
    Percentage_refunding = results[0] / 100
    MoneyToRefund = PaidMoney * Percentage_refunding
        "INSERT INTO database_booking (id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, DateOfBooking, DateOfCancellation, User_id,PaidMoney,isCancelled,Status) "
        "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE, %s, %s,0,0)", [id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, uid, PaidMoney])
    cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(id) from database_hotel_booking")
    results = cursor.fetchone()
    new_id = 1
    if results[0] is None:
        new_id = 1
        new_id = results[0] + 1
        "INSERT INTO database_hotel_booking (id, Booking_id, Hotel_Room_id, Checkin_Date, Checkout_Date,TotalRooms,isApproved) "
        "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,0)", [new_id, id, hrid, checkin, checkout, roomcount])
    cursor.execute("UPDATE database_hotel_room "
                   "SET FreeRoomCount = FreeRoomCount - %s "
                   "WHERE id=%s", [roomcount, hrid])

    # generate confirmation mail
    # create message object instance

    p = canvas.Canvas('./booking/pdfs/ex.pdf')
    p.drawString(250, 700, "Itinerary")
    Fname = "First Name: " + FirstName
    Lname = "Last Name: " + LastName
    Contact = "Contact No.: " + Phone
    HotelName = "Hotel Name: " + hotel[0].Hotel_Name
    InDate = "Check In: " + checkin
    OutDate = "Check Out: " + checkout
    TotalNights = "Total Night(s): " + str(delta.days)
    RoomType = "Room Type: " + room[0].RoomType
    RoomPrice = "Price per Room: " + str(Price)
    TotalRoom = "Total Room(s): " + str(rooms)
    TotalPrice = "Total Amount: " + str(Price) + "x" + str(delta.days) + "x" + str(rooms) + "= " + str(TotalAmount)
    BookAmount = "Booking Amount: " + str(PaidMoney)
    RestAmount = "More to Pay: " + str(MoneyToPay)

    p.drawString(100, 620, "Personal Information")
    p.drawString(100, 600, Fname)
    p.drawString(100, 580, Lname)
    p.drawString(100, 560, Contact)

    p.drawString(100, 510, "Booking Information")
    p.drawString(100, 480, HotelName)
    p.drawString(100, 460, InDate)
    p.drawString(100, 440, OutDate)
    p.drawString(100, 420, TotalNights)
    p.drawString(100, 400, RoomType)
    p.drawString(100, 380, RoomPrice)
    p.drawString(100, 360, TotalRoom)
    p.drawString(100, 340, TotalPrice)
    p.drawString(100, 320, BookAmount)
    p.drawString(100, 300, RestAmount)

    p.drawString(100, 280, "This booking has been confirmed.")

    p.drawImage('./HotelFlight/static/booking/barcode.jpg', 400, 750, 6 * cm, 2 * cm)
    p.drawImage('./HotelFlight/static/booking/logo.jpg', 100, 750, 2 * cm, 2 * cm)

    # create message object instance
    '''msg = MIMEMultipart()

    message = "Your booking has been confirmed! Thanks for staying with us!!"

    # setup the parameters of the message
    password = "******"
    msg['From'] = "*****@*****.**"
    msg['To'] = Email
    msg['Subject'] = "Response to Hotel/Flight Booking"

    # add in the message body
    msg.attach(MIMEText(message, 'plain'))

    filename = "ex.pdf"
    attachment = open("./booking/pdfs/ex.pdf", "rb")
    p = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')

    p.add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename= %s" % filename)
    # create server
    server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com: 587')


    # Login Credentials for sending the mail
    server.login(msg['From'], password)

    # send the message via the server.
    server.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'], msg.as_string())

    print("email sent")'''

    return render(request, "booking/bookingconfirmation.html",
                  {'room': room[0], 'hotel': hotel[0], 'form': form, 'hotelform': hotelform, 'flightform': flightform})
Пример #7
def FlightBookingConfirmationPage(request):
    FirstName = request.GET.get('first_name', '')
    LastName = request.GET.get('last_name', '')
    Email = request.GET.get('email', '')
    Phone = request.GET.get('phone', '')
    Passport = request.GET.get('passport', '')
    print("confirmation page")
    Source = request.GET.get('source', '')
    Dest = request.GET.get('dest', '')
    Departure_Date = request.GET.get('depart', '')
    frid = request.GET.get('FRID', '')
    id1 = request.GET.get('ID1', '')
    id2 = request.GET.get('ID2', '')
    uid = request.GET.get('uid', '')
    adultCount = request.GET.get('adult', '')
    fids = request.GET.get('FIDS', '')
    fidm1 = request.GET.get('FIDM1', '')
    fidm2 = request.GET.get('FIDM2', '')
    print("FIDS ->")
    print("FIDM1 ->")
    print("FIDM2 ->")
    form = FlightBookingForm()
    hotelform = SearchHotelForm()
    flightform = SearchFlightForm()
    if frid == "":
        print("Single hop  empty")
        print("Single hop not empty")
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(id) from database_booking")
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        id = 1
        if results[0] is None:
            id = 1
            id = results[0] + 1
        cursor.execute("SELECT Price FROM database_flight_route where id=%s", [frid])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        print("price is ")
        Price = results[0]
        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Percentage from database_air_company A JOIN database_flight F "
                       "ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) JOIN database_flight_route FR "
                       "ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id=%s", [frid])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        Percentage = results[0] / 100
        PaidMoney = Percentage * Price * float(adultCount)
        MoneyToPay = Price * float(adultCount) * (1 - Percentage)
            "SELECT Percentage_refunding FROM database_cancellation_policy WHERE id =(SELECT Cancellation_Policy_id FROM database_flight_route where id=%s)",
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        Percentage_refunding = results[0] / 100

        MoneyToRefund = PaidMoney * Percentage_refunding
        MoneyToRefund = PaidMoney * .8
            "INSERT INTO database_booking (id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, DateOfBooking, DateOfCancellation, User_id,PaidMoney,isCancelled,Status) "
            "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE,  %s,%s,0,0)",
            [id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, uid, PaidMoney])
        cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(id) from database_flight_booking")
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        new_id = 1
        if results[0] is None:
            new_id = 1
            new_id = results[0] + 1
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO database_flight_booking (id, Booking_id, Flight_id,TotalSeats,isApproved) "
                       "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,0)", [new_id, id, frid, adultCount])
        cursor.execute("UPDATE database_flight_route "
                       "SET TotalSeatsBooked = TotalSeatsBooked + %s "
                       "WHERE id=%s", [adultCount, frid])
        cursor.execute("SELECT A.Aircompany_Name as 'Airlines' ,A.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' "
                       "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id )  "
                       "JOIN database_air_company A ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) "
                       "WHERE FR.id = %s", [frid])
        aircompany = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

            "SELECT F.Airplane_Number as 'Plane' , FR.Source_Airport as 'Src_Airport', R.Source as 'Src' ,FR.Destination_Airport as 'Dest_Airport',R.Destination as 'Dest', "
            "FR.Time as 'Time', FR.Date as 'Date', FR.Price*%s as 'Price' , FR.Duration as 'Duration' "
            "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_route R ON (FR.Route_id = R.id) JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id = %s",
            [adultCount, frid])

        flight = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

        return render(request, "booking/flightbookingconfirmation.html",
                      {'flight': flight[0], 'aircompany': aircompany[0], 'form': form, 'hotelform': hotelform,
                       'flightform': flightform, 'multi': 'False'})

    if id1 == "" and id2 == "":
        print("Multi hop empty")
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(id) from database_booking")
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        id = 1
        if results[0] is None:
            id = 1
            id = results[0] + 1
            Price = 0
            cursor.execute("SELECT Price FROM database_flight_route where id=%s", [id1])
            results = cursor.fetchone()
            print("price is ")
            Price1 = results[0]
            cursor.execute("SELECT Price FROM database_flight_route where id=%s", [id2])

            results = cursor.fetchone()
            print("price is ")
            Price2 = results[0]
            cursor.execute("SELECT A.Percentage from database_air_company A JOIN database_flight F "
                           "ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) JOIN database_flight_route FR "
                           "ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id=%s", [id1])
            results = cursor.fetchone()
            Percentage = results[0] / 100
            PaidMoney = Percentage * Price1 * float(adultCount)
            MoneyToPay = Price1 * float(adultCount) * (1 - Percentage)
                "SELECT Percentage_refunding FROM database_cancellation_policy WHERE id =(SELECT Cancellation_Policy_id FROM database_flight_route where id=%s)",
            results = cursor.fetchone()
            Percentage_refunding = results[0] / 100

            MoneyToRefund = PaidMoney * Percentage_refunding

                "INSERT INTO database_booking (id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, DateOfBooking, DateOfCancellation,  User_id, PaidMoney,isCancelled,Status) "
                "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE,  %s,%s,0,0)",
                [id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, uid, PaidMoney])

            cursor.execute("SELECT A.Percentage from database_air_company A JOIN database_flight F "
                           "ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) JOIN database_flight_route FR "
                           "ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id=%s", [id2])
            results = cursor.fetchone()
            Percentage = results[0] / 100
            PaidMoney = Percentage * Price2 * float(adultCount)
            MoneyToPay = Price2 * float(adultCount) * (1 - Percentage)
                "SELECT Percentage_refunding FROM database_cancellation_policy WHERE id =(SELECT Cancellation_Policy_id FROM database_flight_route where id=%s)",
            results = cursor.fetchone()
            Percentage_refunding = results[0] / 100

            MoneyToRefund = PaidMoney * Percentage_refunding
                "INSERT INTO database_booking (id, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, DateOfBooking, DateOfCancellation, User_id,PaidMoney,isCancelled) "
                "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE, %s, %s,0)",
                [id + 1, MoneyToPay, MoneyToRefund, uid, PaidMoney])

            cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(id) from database_flight_booking")
            results = cursor.fetchone()
            new_id = 1
            if results[0] is None:
                new_id = 1
                new_id = results[0] + 1
            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO database_flight_booking (id, Booking_id, Flight_id,TotalSeats,isApproved) "
                           "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,0)", [new_id, id, id1, adultCount])
            new_id = new_id + 1
            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO database_flight_booking (id, Booking_id, Flight_id,TotalSeats,isApproved) "
                           "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,0)", [new_id, id + 1, id2, adultCount])
            cursor.execute("UPDATE database_flight_route "
                           "SET TotalSeatsBooked = TotalSeatsBooked + %s "
                           "WHERE id=%s", [adultCount, id1])
            cursor.execute("UPDATE database_flight_route "
                           "SET TotalSeatsBooked = TotalSeatsBooked + %s "
                           "WHERE id=%s", [adultCount, id2])
            cursor.execute("SELECT A.Aircompany_Name as 'Airlines' ,A.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' "
                           "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id )  "
                           "JOIN database_air_company A ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) "
                           "WHERE FR.id = %s", [id1])
            aircompany = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

                "SELECT F.Airplane_Number as 'Plane' , FR.Source_Airport as 'Src_Airport', R.Source as 'Src' ,FR.Destination_Airport as 'Dest_Airport',R.Destination as 'Dest', "
                "FR.Time as 'Time', FR.Date as 'Date', FR.Price*%s as 'Price' , FR.Duration as 'Duration' "
                "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_route R ON (FR.Route_id = R.id) JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id = %s",
                [adultCount, id1])

            flight = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

            cursor.execute("SELECT A.Aircompany_Name as 'Airlines' ,A.CompanyAdmin_id as 'uid' "
                           "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id )  "
                           "JOIN database_air_company A ON (A.id = F.AirCompany_id) "
                           "WHERE FR.id = %s", [id2])
            aircompany2 = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)

                "SELECT F.Airplane_Number as 'Plane' , FR.Source_Airport as 'Src_Airport', R.Source as 'Src' ,FR.Destination_Airport as 'Dest_Airport',R.Destination as 'Dest', "
                "FR.Time as 'Time', FR.Date as 'Date', FR.Price*%s as 'Price' , FR.Duration as 'Duration' "
                "FROM database_flight_route FR JOIN database_route R ON (FR.Route_id = R.id) JOIN database_flight F ON (FR.Flight_id = F.id) where FR.id = %s",
                [adultCount, id2])

            flight2 = namedtuplefetchall(cursor)


            p = canvas.Canvas('./booking/pdfs/ex2.pdf')
            p.drawString(250, 700, "Itinerary")
            Fname = "First Name: " + FirstName
            Lname = "Last Name: " + LastName
            Contact = "Contact No.: " + Phone
            HotelName = "Hotel Name: " + hotel[0].Hotel_Name
            InDate = "Check In: " + checkin
            OutDate = "Check Out: " + checkout
            TotalNights = "Total Night(s): " + str(delta.days)
            RoomType = "Room Type: " + room[0].RoomType
            RoomPrice = "Price per Room: " + str(Price)
            TotalRoom = "Total Room(s): " + str(rooms)
            TotalPrice = "Total Amount: " + str(Price) + "x" + str(delta.days) + "x" + str(rooms) + "= " + str(
            BookAmount = "Booking Amount: " + str(PaidMoney)
            RestAmount = "More to Pay: " + str(MoneyToPay)

            p.drawString(100, 620, "Personal Information")
            p.drawString(100, 600, Fname)
            p.drawString(100, 580, Lname)
            p.drawString(100, 560, Contact)

            p.drawString(100, 510, "Booking Information")
            p.drawString(100, 480, HotelName)
            p.drawString(100, 460, InDate)
            p.drawString(100, 440, OutDate)
            p.drawString(100, 420, TotalNights)
            p.drawString(100, 400, RoomType)
            p.drawString(100, 380, RoomPrice)
            p.drawString(100, 360, TotalRoom)
            p.drawString(100, 340, TotalPrice)
            p.drawString(100, 320, BookAmount)
            p.drawString(100, 300, RestAmount)

            p.drawString(100, 280, "This booking has been confirmed.")

            p.drawImage('./HotelFlight/static/booking/barcode.jpg', 400, 750, 6 * cm, 2 * cm)
            p.drawImage('./HotelFlight/static/booking/logo.jpg', 100, 750, 2 * cm, 2 * cm)

            return render(request, "booking/flightbookingconfirmation.html",
                          {'flight': flight[0], 'aircompany': aircompany[0], 'flight2': flight2[0],
                           'aircompany2': aircompany2[0], 'form': form, 'hotelform': hotelform,
                           'flightform': flightform, 'multi': 'True'})