async def answer_question(question, original_answers): print("Searching") start = time.time() answers = [] for ans in original_answers: answers.append(ans.translate(punctuation_to_none)) answers.append(ans.translate(punctuation_to_space)) answers = list(dict.fromkeys(answers)) print(answers) question_lower = question.lower() reverse = "NOT" in question or\ ("least" in question_lower and "at least" not in question_lower) or\ "NEVER" in question quoted = re.findall('"([^"]*)"', question_lower) # Get all words in quotes no_quote = question_lower for quote in quoted: no_quote = no_quote.replace(f"\"{quote}\"", "1placeholder1") question_keywords = search.find_keywords(no_quote) for quote in quoted: question_keywords[question_keywords.index("1placeholder1")] = quote print(question_keywords) search_results = await search.search_google("+".join(question_keywords), 5) print(search_results) search_text = [x.translate(punctuation_to_none) for x in await search.get_clean_texts(search_results)] best_answer = await __search_method1(search_text, answers, reverse) if best_answer == "": best_answer = await __search_method2(search_text, answers, reverse) print(f"{Fore.GREEN}{best_answer}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") # Get key nouns for Method 3 key_nouns = set(quoted) if len(key_nouns) == 0: q_word_location = -1 for q_word in ["what", "when", "who", "which", "whom", "where", "why", "how"]: q_word_location = question_lower.find(q_word) if q_word_location != -1: break if q_word_location > len(question) // 2 or q_word_location == -1: key_nouns.update(search.find_nouns(question, num_words=5)) else: key_nouns.update(search.find_nouns(question, num_words=5, reverse=True)) key_nouns -= {"type"} key_nouns = [noun.lower() for noun in key_nouns] print(f"Question nouns: {key_nouns}") answer3 = await __search_method3(list(set(question_keywords)), key_nouns, original_answers, reverse) print(f"{Fore.GREEN}{answer3}{Style.RESET_ALL}") print(f"Search took {time.time() - start} seconds")
async def search_method3_stub(question_keywords, quoted, question_lower, question, original_answers, reverse): start = time.time() # Get key nouns for Method 3 key_nouns = set(quoted) q_word_location = search.find_q_word_location(question_lower) if len(key_nouns) == 0: if q_word_location > len(question) // 2 or q_word_location == -1: key_nouns.update(search.find_nouns(question, num_words=5)) else: key_nouns.update(search.find_nouns(question, num_words=5, reverse=True)) key_nouns -= {"type"} # Add consecutive capitalised words (Thanks talentoscope!) key_nouns.update(re.findall("([A-Z][a-z]+(?=\s[A-Z])(?:\s[A-Z][a-z]+)+)", " ".join([w for idx, w in enumerate(question.split(" ")) if idx != q_word_location]))) key_nouns = {noun.lower() for noun in key_nouns} print(f"Question nouns: {key_nouns}") answer3 = await __search_method3(list(set(question_keywords)), key_nouns, original_answers, reverse) print(f"{Fore.GREEN}method3: {answer3}{Style.RESET_ALL}") print(f"Search method3 took {time.time() - start} seconds")
async def answer_question(question, original_answers, q_number, q_count): print("Searching") start = time.time() answers = [] for ans in original_answers: answers.append(ans.translate(punctuation_to_none)) answers.append(ans.translate(punctuation_to_space)) answers = list(dict.fromkeys(answers)) print(answers) question_lower = question.lower() reverse = "NOT" in question or\ ("least" in question_lower and "at least" not in question_lower) or\ "NEVER" in question quoted = re.findall('"([^"]*)"', question_lower) # Get all words in quotes no_quote = question_lower for quote in quoted: no_quote = no_quote.replace(f"\"{quote}\"", "1placeholder1") question_keywords = search.find_keywords(no_quote) for quote in quoted: question_keywords[question_keywords.index("1placeholder1")] = quote print(question_keywords) search_results = await search.search_google("+".join(question_keywords), 5) print(search_results) search_text = [ x.translate(punctuation_to_none) for x in await search.get_clean_texts(search_results) ] best_answer, c = await __search_method1(search_text, answers, reverse) if best_answer == "": best_answer, c = await __search_method2(search_text, answers, reverse) if best_answer != "": print(f"{Fore.GREEN}{best_answer}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") title = f"Question {q_number} out of {q_count} ============ Method1==============" answer = f"{c}\n **best answer: {best_answer}**" ans = Webhook( "", color=111111) ans.set_title(title=title) ans.set_desc(answer) # Get key nouns for Method 3 key_nouns = set(quoted) q_word_location = search.find_q_word_location(question_lower) if len(key_nouns) == 0: if q_word_location > len(question) // 2 or q_word_location == -1: key_nouns.update(search.find_nouns(question, num_words=5)) else: key_nouns.update( search.find_nouns(question, num_words=5, reverse=True)) key_nouns -= {"type"} # Add consecutive capitalised words (Thanks talentoscope!) key_nouns.update( re.findall( "([A-Z][a-z]+(?=\s[A-Z])(?:\s[A-Z][a-z]+)+)", " ".join([ w for idx, w in enumerate(question.split(" ")) if idx != q_word_location ]))) key_nouns = {noun.lower() for noun in key_nouns} print(f"Question nouns: {key_nouns}") answer3, k, n = await __search_method3(list(set(question_keywords)), key_nouns, original_answers, reverse) title = f"Question {q_number} out of {q_count} ============ Method2==============" answer = f"{k}\n{n}\n **best answer: {answer3}**" ans2 = Webhook( "", color=111111) ans2.set_title(title=title) ans2.set_desc(answer) print(f"{Fore.GREEN}{answer3}{Style.RESET_ALL}") print(f"Search took {time.time() - start} seconds")
async def answer_question(question, original_answers): print("Searching") start = time.time() answers = [] for ans in original_answers: answers.append(ans.translate(punctuation_to_none)) answers.append(ans.translate(punctuation_to_space)) answers = list(dict.fromkeys(answers)) print(answers) question_lower = question.lower() reverse = "NOT" in question or\ ("least" in question_lower and "at least" not in question_lower) or\ "NEVER" in question quoted = re.findall('"([^"]*)"', question_lower) # Get all words in quotes no_quote = question_lower for quote in quoted: no_quote = no_quote.replace(f"\"{quote}\"", "1placeholder1") question_keywords = search.find_keywords(no_quote) for quote in quoted: question_keywords[question_keywords.index("1placeholder1")] = quote print(question_keywords) search_results = await search.search_google("+".join(question_keywords), 5) print(search_results) search_text = [ x.translate(punctuation_to_none) for x in await search.get_clean_texts(search_results) ] awnser1 = await __search_method2(search_text, answers, reverse) if awnser1 != "": print(f"{Fore.GREEN}{awnser1}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") # Get key nouns for Method 3 key_nouns = set(quoted) q_word_location = search.find_q_word_location(question_lower) if len(key_nouns) == 0: if q_word_location > len(question) // 2 or q_word_location == -1: key_nouns.update(search.find_nouns(question, num_words=5)) else: key_nouns.update( search.find_nouns(question, num_words=5, reverse=True)) key_nouns -= {"type"} # Add consecutive capitalised words (Thanks talentoscope!) key_nouns.update( re.findall( "([A-Z][a-z]+(?=\s[A-Z])(?:\s[A-Z][a-z]+)+)", " ".join([ w for idx, w in enumerate(question.split(" ")) if idx != q_word_location ]))) key_nouns = {noun.lower() for noun in key_nouns} print(f"Question nouns: {key_nouns}") answer3 = await __search_method3(list(set(question_keywords)), key_nouns, original_answers, reverse) print(f"{Fore.GREEN}{answer3}{Style.RESET_ALL}") print(f"Search took {time.time() - start} seconds")