Пример #1
 def setUp(self):
     self.firstState   = State("First")
     self.secondState  = State("Second")
     self.thirdState   = State("Third")
     self.fourthState  = State("Fourth")
     self.fifthState   = State("Fifth")
     self.sixthState   = State("Sixth")
     self.seventhState = State("Seventh")
     self.firstAction  = Action("<Action One>")
     self.secondAction = Action("<Action Two>")
     self.thirdAction  = Action("<Action Three>")
     self.fourthAction = Action("<Action Four>")
     self.successorFunction = SuccessorFunction()
     self.successorFunction.addMapping(self.firstState, self.firstAction,\
     self.successorFunction.addMapping(self.firstState, self.secondAction,\
     self.successorFunction.addMapping(self.firstState, self.thirdAction,\
     self.searchProblem = SearchProblem(self.firstState,\
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, n=3):
     SearchProblem.__init__(self)  # to placate pylint
     self.goal = tuple([r for r in range(0, n * n)])
     self.n = n
Пример #3
class Test(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.firstState   = State("First")
        self.secondState  = State("Second")
        self.thirdState   = State("Third")
        self.fourthState  = State("Fourth")
        self.fifthState   = State("Fifth")
        self.sixthState   = State("Sixth")
        self.seventhState = State("Seventh")
        self.firstAction  = Action("<Action One>")
        self.secondAction = Action("<Action Two>")
        self.thirdAction  = Action("<Action Three>")
        self.fourthAction = Action("<Action Four>")
        self.successorFunction = SuccessorFunction()
        self.successorFunction.addMapping(self.firstState, self.firstAction,\
        self.successorFunction.addMapping(self.firstState, self.secondAction,\
        self.successorFunction.addMapping(self.firstState, self.thirdAction,\
        self.searchProblem = SearchProblem(self.firstState,\

    def tearDown(self):

    def testStateNameEquality(self):
        left    = State("Left")
        leftToo = State("Left")
        right   = State("Right")
        self.assertEqual(left, leftToo, "States should be equal")
        self.assertNotEqual(left, right, "States should not be equal")
    def testStateConditionsEquality(self):
        allLeft    = State("AllLeft", {'L':{'3m','3c','b'}, 'R':{'0m','0c'}})
        allLeftToo = State("AllLeft", {'L':{'3m','3c','b'}, 'R':{'0m','0c'}})
        allRight   = State("AllRight", {'L':{'0m','0c'}, 'R':{'3m','3c','b'}})
        self.assertEqual(allLeft, allLeftToo, "These two States have identical\
         names and conditions")
        self.assertNotEqual(allLeft, allRight, "These two States have different\
         names and conditions")
    def testSuccessorFunctionDefinition(self):
        simpleFunction = SuccessorFunction()
        simpleFunction.addMapping(self.firstState, self.firstAction, self.secondState)
        simpleFunctionString = str(simpleFunction)
        #Verbose output:
#        print(simpleFunctionString)
#        print("--------------------------------------------\n")
#        print("Trying to execute:\naddMapping((State First with conditions: \
#        (None)) ->\n\t(Action <Action One>, State Second with conditions: (None)))\n")
#        print("This is a duplicate of the first mapping in a Successor Function \
#        and should not be reflected at all.\n")
        simpleFunction.addMapping(self.firstState, self.firstAction, self.secondState)
        simpleFunctionDupString = str(simpleFunction)
#        print(simpleFunctionDupString)
        self.assertEqual(simpleFunctionString, simpleFunctionDupString, \
                         "Duplicate mappings in a Successor Function should not \
                          be reflected at all.")
#        print("--------------------------------------------\n")
#        print("Trying to execute:\naddMapping((State First with conditions: \
#        (None)) ->\n\t(Action <Action One>, State Third with conditions: (None)))\n")
#        print("Applying the same action in the same state should not be allowed to\
#        result in two different states.\n")
#        print("Adding this mapping should replace the original mapping.\n")
        simpleFunction.addMapping(self.firstState, self.firstAction, self.thirdState)
        simpleFunctionReplaceString = str(simpleFunction)
        self.assertNotEqual(simpleFunctionString, simpleFunctionReplaceString, \
                            "Mapping one State to one Action with multiple \
                            resulting States keeps only the last-most State.")
    def testGettingApplicableActionsForStates(self):
        applicable_actions = \
        self.assertTrue(type(applicable_actions)==type(set()), \
                        "The returned value should be a Set")
        for action in applicable_actions:
            self.assertTrue(type(action)==Action, \
                             "Each element of the Set should be an Action")
        self.assertIn(self.firstAction, applicable_actions, \
                      "<Action One> should be in the returned Set")
        self.assertNotIn(self.fourthAction, applicable_actions, \
                         "<Action Four> should not be in the returned Set")
    def testResolveActionInState(self):
        resulting_state = \
        self.successorFunction.resolveActionInState(self.firstState, self.firstAction)
        self.assertTrue(type(resulting_state)==State, \
                        "Resulting state should be a State")
        self.assertEqual(resulting_state, self.firstState, \
                         "Correct State is returned for applying corresponding Action")
        self.assertIsNone(self.successorFunction.resolveActionInState(self.thirdState, \
                                                                      self.firstAction), \
                          "If State is not mapped, resulting State is None")
        self.assertIsNone(self.successorFunction.resolveActionInState(self.firstState, \
                                                                      self.fourthAction), \
                          "If State is not mapped to given Action, resulting State is None")
    def testGoalTest(self):
        secondStateNode = SearchNode(self.secondState)
        self.assertTrue(self.searchProblem.goalTest(secondStateNode), \
                        "The SearchNode for the second State is the goal of this toy Search Problem")
        self.assertFalse(self.searchProblem.goalTest(self.secondState), \
                         "The Second State should be the goal of this toy Search Problem, \
                         but we're passing in a State, not a Node")
        self.assertFalse(self.searchProblem.goalTest(self.firstState), \
                         "The First State should not be the goal of this toy Search Problem")
        self.assertFalse(self.searchProblem.goalTest(1), "A number is not a State!  This should be False")
    def testPathTo(self):
        root  = SearchNode(self.firstState)
        child = SearchNode(self.secondState, root)
        grandchild = SearchNode(self.thirdState, child)
        true_path = [root, child, grandchild]
        test_path = path_to(grandchild)
        self.assertEqual(test_path, true_path, "Test and True Paths should be equal")
    def testExpand(self):
        #the expand function can actually have repeated nodes, so this is normal.
        true_expanded_nodes = [SearchNode(self.firstState,SearchNode(self.firstState),self.firstAction,0,1),
        test_expanded_nodes = expand(self.searchProblem, SearchNode(self.firstState))
        self.assertEqual(len(test_expanded_nodes), 3, "There should be three nodes in the Test Expansion")
        self.assertEqual(test_expanded_nodes[0], true_expanded_nodes[0], "Test and True Expansions should be the same")
        self.assertEqual(test_expanded_nodes[1], true_expanded_nodes[1], "Test and True Expansions should be the same")
        self.assertEqual(test_expanded_nodes[2], true_expanded_nodes[2], "Test and True Expansions should be the same")