Пример #1
def memberLookup(qDict, maxResults=50, distinct=0, api="Web"):
	# Setup so that the bottle call to this API doesn't need to know parameters we accept explicitly
	name = qDict["name"] if "name" in qDict else ""
	icpsr = qDict["icpsr"] if "icpsr" in qDict else ""
	state_abbrev = qDict["state_abbrev"] if "state_abbrev" in qDict else ""
	congress = qDict["congress"] if "congress" in qDict else ""
	chamber = qDict["chamber"] if "chamber" in qDict else ""
	party_code = qDict["party_code"] if "party_code" in qDict else ""
	bioguide_id = qDict["bioguide_id"] if "bioguide_id" in qDict else ""
	district_code = qDict["district_code"] if "district_code" in qDict else ""
	id = qDict["id"] if "id" in qDict else ""
	speaker = qDict["speaker"] if "speaker" in qDict else ""
	freshman = qDict["freshman"] if "freshman" in qDict else ""
	idIn = qDict["idIn"] if "idIn" in qDict else []
	biography = qDict["biography"] if "biography" in qDict else ""

	if api == "R":
		maxResults = 5000

	# Check to make sure there's a query
	if not name and not icpsr and not state_abbrev and not congress and not district_code and not chamber and not id and not party_code and not bioguide_id and not speaker and not idIn and not freshman and not biography:
		return({'errormessage': 'No search terms provided'})

	# Fold search query into dict
	searchQuery = {}
	if api=="districtLookup":
		searchQuery["id"] = {"$in": qDict["idIn"]}

	if icpsr:
			icpsr = int(icpsr)
			searchQuery["icpsr"] = icpsr
				if icpsr[0]=="M":
					for r in db.voteview_members.find({'id': icpsr}, {'icpsr': 1, '_id': 0}):
						searchQuery["icpsr"] = r["icpsr"]
				return({"errormessage": "Invalid ICPSR number supplied."})

	if id:
			if id.upper().startswith("MH") or id.upper().startswith("MS"):
				searchQuery["id"] = id
				return({"errormessage": "Invalid ID supplied1."})
			return({"errormessage": "Invalid ID supplied2."})

	if state_abbrev:
		state = str(state_abbrev)
		if len(state) == 2 or state.upper() == "USA":
			searchQuery["state_abbrev"] = state.upper() # States are all stored upper-case
			searchQuery["state_abbrev"] = stateNameToAbbrev(state.upper())

	if biography:
		searchQuery["biography"] = {"$regex": biography, "$options": i}

	if congress:
			if isinstance(congress, int): # already a number
				searchQuery["congress"] = congress
			elif not " " in congress: # congress is just a number
				congress = int(congress)
				searchQuery["congress"] = congress
			elif "[" in congress and "]" in congress and "to" in congress: # congress is a range
				valText = congress[1:-1]
				min, maxC = valText.split(" to ")
				searchQuery["congress"] = {}
				if len(min):
					searchQuery["congress"]["$gte"] = int(min) # From min
				if len(maxC):
					searchQuery["congress"]["$lte"] = int(maxC) # To max
			else: # congress is a series of integers, use $in
				vals = [int(val) for val in congress.split(" ")]
				searchQuery["congress"] = {}
				searchQuery["congress"]["$in"] = vals
			print traceback.format_exc()
			return({"errormessage": "Invalid congress ID supplied."})

	if name:
		if ", " in name: # Last, First
			last, rest = name.split(", ",1)
			searchQuery["$text"] = {"$search": rest+" "+last}
			searchQuery["$text"] = {"$search": name}

	if speaker:
		searchQuery["served_as_speaker"] = 1

	if freshman:
			maxCongress = json.load(open("static/config.json","r"))["maxCongress"]
				maxCongress = json.load(open("../static/config.json","r"))["maxCongress"]
				maxCongress = 116

		searchQuery["congresses.0.0"] = maxCongress

	if party_code:
		if isinstance(party_code, dict):
			searchQuery["party_code"] = party_code
			searchQuery["party_code"] = int(party_code)

	if bioguide_id:
		searchQuery["bioguide_id"] = bioguide_id

	if district_code and state_abbrev:
		searchQuery["district_code"] = district_code

	if chamber:
		chamber = chamber.capitalize()
		if chamber=="Senate" or chamber=="House" or chamber=="President":
			searchQuery["chamber"] = chamber
			return({"errormessage": "Invalid chamber provided. Please select House or Senate."})

	response = []
	errormessage = ""
	i = 0

	# Field return specifications, allows us to return less than all our data to searches.
	if api=="Web_PI":
		fieldSet = {"nominate.dim1": 1, "party_code": 1, "district_code": 1, "icpsr": 1, "chamber":1, "nvotes_yea_nay": 1, "nvotes_against_party": 1, "nvotes_abs": 1, "_id": 0}
	elif api=="Web_FP_Search":
		fieldSet = {"bioname": 1, "party_code": 1, "icpsr": 1, "state_abbrev": 1, "congress": 1, "_id": 0, "congresses": 1, "chamber": 1, "bioguide_id": 1}
	elif api == "Check_Party_Switch":
		fieldSet = {"icpsr": 1, "_id": 0}
	elif api=="Web_Congress":
		if chamber:
			fieldName = "elected_"+chamber.lower()
			fieldSet = {"bioname": 1, "party_code": 1, "icpsr": 1, "state_abbrev": 1, "congress": 1, "_id": 0, "bioImgURL": 1, "minElected": 1, "nominate.dim1": 1, "nominate.dim2": 1, "congresses": 1, fieldName: 1}
			fieldSet = {"bioname": 1, "party_code": 1, "icpsr": 1, "state_abbrev": 1, "congress": 1, "_id": 0, "bioImgURL": 1, "minElected": 1, "nominate.dim1": 1, "nominate.dim2": 1, "congresses": 1, "state_abbrev": 1, "elected_senate": 1, "elected_house": 1}
	elif api=="Web_Party":
		fieldSet = {"bioname": 1, "party_code": 1, "icpsr": 1, "state_abbrev": 1, "congress": 1, "_id": 0, "bioImgURL": 1, "minElected": 1, "nominate.dim1": 1, "nominate.dim2": 1, "congresses": 1, "chamber": 1}
	elif api=="R":
		fieldSet = {"bioname": 1, "party_code": 1, "icpsr": 1, "state_abbrev": 1, "congress": 1, "id": 1, "_id": 0, "nominate.dim1": 1, "nominate.dim2": 1, "nominate.geo_mean_probability": 1, "cqlabel": 1, "district_code": 1, "chamber": 1, "congresses": 1}
        elif api=="exportCSV" or api == "exportORD":
                fieldSet = {"bioname": 1, "party_code": 1, "icpsr": 1, "state_abbrev": 1, "congress": 1, "id": 1, "_id": 0, "nominate": 1, "district_code": 1, "chamber": 1, "state_name_trunc": 1, "last_means": 1, "occupancy": 1, "name": 1}
	elif api=="districtLookup":
		fieldSet = {"bioname": 1, "party_code": 1, "icpsr": 1, "state_abbrev": 1, "congress": 1, "id": 1, "nominate.dim1": 1, "nominate.dim2": 1, "district_code": 1, "_id": 0, "chamber": 1, "congresses": 1}
		fieldSet = {"_id": 0, "personid": 0}
	if "$text" in searchQuery:
		fieldSet["score"] = {"$meta": "textScore"}

	res = db.voteview_members.find(searchQuery, fieldSet)
	# Try to induce regex if a name search fails?
	hypotheticalCount = res.count()
	if "$text" in searchQuery and hypotheticalCount==0:
		print "No results from a name search, fall back to regex"
		del searchQuery["$text"]
		searchQuery["bioname"] = {'$regex': name, '$options': 'i'}
		res = db.voteview_members.find(searchQuery, fieldSet)

        if "$text" in searchQuery:
		sortedRes = res.sort([('score', {'$meta': 'textScore'})])
	elif api=="exportORD":
                db.voteview_members.ensure_index([('state_abbrev', 1), ('district_code', 1), ('icpsr', 1)], name="ordIndex")
                sortedRes = res.sort([('state_abbrev', 1), ('district_code', 1), ('icpsr', 1)])
		sortedRes = res.sort('congress', -1)
		if sortedRes.count()>1000 and api != "R" and api!= "Web_Party":
			return({"errormessage": "Too many results found."})
		elif sortedRes.count()>5000 and api!= "Web_Party":
			return({"errormessage": "Too many results found."})

	currentICPSRs = []
	for m in sortedRes:
		if m["icpsr"] in currentICPSRs and distinct==1:
		newM = m

		if "state_abbrev" in newM:
			newM["state"] = stateName(newM["state_abbrev"])
                        if api=="exportORD":
                                newM["state_icpsr"] = stateIcpsr(newM["state_abbrev"])
		if "district_code" in newM and "state_abbrev" in newM:
                        newM["cqlabel"] = cqlabel(newM["state_abbrev"], newM["district_code"])

		if "party_code" in newM:
                        newM["party_name"] = partyName(newM["party_code"])
                        if api not in ["exportORD", "exportCSV", "R"]:
			        newM["party_noun"] = noun(newM["party_code"])
			        newM["party_color"] = partyColor(newM["party_code"])
			        newM["party_short_name"] = shortName(newM["party_code"])

		# Check if an image exists.
		if os.path.isfile("/var/www/voteview/static/img/bios/"+str(newM["icpsr"]).zfill(6)+".jpg"):
			newM["bioImgURL"] = str(newM["icpsr"]).zfill(6)+".jpg"
			newM["bioImgURL"] = "silhouette.png"

                if api in ["exportCSV", "exportORD"]:
                        if 'bioname' in newM:
                                newM['bioname'] = newM['bioname'].encode('utf-8')
                        if "nominate" in newM:
                                for k,v in newM["nominate"].iteritems():
                                        if k == 'log_likelihood':
                                                newM[k] = round(v, 5)
                                                newM[k] = round(v, 3)
                                del newM["nominate"]

			newM["seo_name"] = slugify(newM["bioname"])

		if i>=maxResults:

	if len(response)>maxResults and maxResults>1: # For regular searches get mad if we have more than max results.
		errormessage = "Capping number of responses at "+str(maxResults)+"."

	if len(response)==0:
		return({'errormessage': 'No members found matching your search query.', 'query': qDict})
	elif errormessage:
		return({'errormessage': errormessage, 'results': response})
		return({'results': response})
Пример #2
def downloadAPI(rollcall_id, apitype="Web", voterId=0):
	starttime = time.time()
	# Setup API version response
        webexportapis = ["Web", "Web_Person", "exportJSON", "exportCSV"]

	if apitype in webexportapis:
		apiVersion = "Web 2016-10"
	elif apitype=="R":
		apiVersion = "R 2016-10"

	if not rollcall_id or len(rollcall_id)==0:
		response = {'errormessage': 'No rollcall id specified.', 'apitype': apiVersion}
		return response

	 # Split multiple ID requests into list
	if type(rollcall_id)==type([""]):
		rollcall_ids = rollcall_id
	elif "," in rollcall_id:
		rollcall_ids = [x.strip() for x in rollcall_id.split(",")]
		rollcall_ids = [rollcall_id]

	 # Abuse filter
	maxVotes = 100
	if apitype in ["exportJSON", "exportCSV"]:
		maxVotes = 500
	if len(rollcall_ids)>maxVotes:
		response = {'errormessage': 'API abuse. Too many votes.', 'apitype': apiVersion}
		return response

	rollcall_results = [] # Stores top level rollcall results, one per vote
	errormessage = "" # String storing error text
	errormeta = [] # List storing failed IDs

	found = {}
	for rid in rollcall_ids:
		found[rid] = 0

	setupTime = time.time()
	# Do we need to fold in members?
	peopleIds = []
	memberSet = []
	if apitype=="Web_Person": # I need to fold in one specific member
		needPeople=-1 # Just one specific member
		peopleIds = [voterId]
	elif apitype=="exportCSV":
		needPeople=0 # No members at all
		peopleIds = db.voteview_rollcalls.distinct("votes.icpsr", {"id": {"$in": rollcall_ids}}) # All relevant members

	congresses = []
	for rollcall_id in rollcall_ids:

	memberTime1 = time.time()
	# Now fetch the members
	memberSet = []
	if len(peopleIds):
		memberFields = {"icpsr":1, "nominate":1, "bioname":1, "party_code":1, "state_abbrev":1, "chamber":1, "district_code": 1, "congress": 1, "id":1} 
		members = db.voteview_members.find({"icpsr": {"$in": peopleIds}, "congress": {"$in": congresses}}, memberFields)
		for m in members:

	memberTime2 = time.time()
	# Now iterate through the rollcalls
	fieldSetNeed = {"votes": 1, "nominate": 1, "id": 1, "codes": 1, "key_flags": 1, "yea_count": 1, "nay_count": 1, "congress": 1, "chamber": 1, "rollnumber": 1, "date": 1, "vote_desc": 1, "vote_document_text": 1, "description": 1, "shortdescription": 1, "short_description": 1, "vote_question": 1, "question": 1, "party_vote_counts": 1, 'vote_result': 1, 'vote_title':1, 'vote_question_text':1, 'amendment_author':1}
	rollcalls = db.voteview_rollcalls.find({'id': {'$in': rollcall_ids}}, fieldSetNeed).sort('id')
	for rollcall in rollcalls:
		result = [] # Hold new votes output, start blank
			# If we need some people, let's iterate through the voters and fill them out
			if needPeople!=0:
				metaMembers = [m for m in memberSet if m["congress"] == rollcall["congress"]]
				for v in rollcall["votes"]:
					newV = {}
					# Only add the person if they're in our validated list of people we want.
					if v["icpsr"] in peopleIds:
						#print "In here"
						# Do the match from the member list
							memberMap = next((m for m in metaMembers if m["icpsr"]==v["icpsr"]), None)
							if memberMap is None:
								print v["icpsr"], "Error! We don't have a member with this icpsr. Skipping"
							print v["icpsr"], "Error! We don't have a member with this icpsr. Skipping"

						# Now assemble the matching.
						if apitype=="Web" or apitype=="Web_Person" or apitype=="exportJSON":
							newV["vote"] = _get_yeanayabs(newV["cast_code"])
							del newV["cast_code"] # We are not returning cast code.
								newV["x"] = memberMap["nominate"]["dim1"]
								newV["y"] = memberMap["nominate"]["dim2"]

							if "prob" in newV:
								newV["prob"] = int(round(newV["prob"]))
							newV["name"] = memberMap["bioname"]
							newV["party"] = partyName(memberMap["party_code"])
							newV["party_short_name"] = shortName(memberMap["party_code"])
							newV["party_code"] = memberMap["party_code"]
							newV["state_abbrev"] = memberMap["state_abbrev"]
							if memberMap["state_abbrev"] == "USA":
								newV["district"] = "POTUS"
							elif memberMap["district_code"] > 70:
								newV["district"] = "%s00" % memberMap["state_abbrev"]
							elif memberMap["district_code"] and memberMap["district_code"] <= 70:
								newV["district"] = "%s%02d" % (memberMap["state_abbrev"], memberMap["district_code"])
								newV["district"] = ""
						# And for the R API
						elif apitype=="R" or apitype=="exportXLS":
								del newV["prob"]

							if "nominate" in memberMap and "dim1" in memberMap["nominate"]:
								newV["dim1"] = memberMap["nominate"]["dim1"]
								newV["dim2"] = memberMap["nominate"]["dim2"]
                                                        newV["id"] = memberMap["id"]
							newV["name"] = memberMap["bioname"]
							newV["party_code"] = memberMap["party_code"]
							newV["state_abbrev"] = memberMap["state_abbrev"]
							newV["cqlabel"] = cqlabel(memberMap["state_abbrev"], memberMap["district_code"])
                                                        newV['district_code'] = memberMap['district_code']
						# Append the new voter to the list of voters.

			# Top level nominate metadata
			# Debug code to delete nominate data so we can regenerate it.
			if "nominate" in rollcall and "slope" in rollcall["nominate"]:
				del rollcall["nominate"]["slope"]
			if "nominate" in rollcall and "intercept" in rollcall["nominate"]:
				del rollcall["nominate"]["intercept"]
			if "nominate" in rollcall and "x" in rollcall["nominate"]:
				del rollcall["nominate"]["x"]
			if "nominate" in rollcall and "y" in rollcall["nominate"]:
				del rollcall["nominate"]["y"]

			# Generate other nominate fields
			if "nominate" in rollcall and "mid" in rollcall["nominate"] and "spread" in rollcall["nominate"] and rollcall["nominate"]["spread"][0] is not None:
				rollcall["nominate"]["slope"], rollcall["nominate"]["intercept"], rollcall["nominate"]["x"], rollcall["nominate"]["y"] = add_endpoints(rollcall["nominate"]["mid"], rollcall["nominate"]["spread"])
			# Ensure everything has at least some nominate field.
			elif "nominate" not in rollcall:
				rollcall["nominate"] = {}

			# Flatten nominate for the R API.
			if apitype in webexportapis:
				nominate = rollcall['nominate']
                                checkNom = ['classified', 'pre', 'log_likelihood']
                                for f in checkNom:
                                        if f not in nominate:
                                                nominate[f] = ''
			elif apitype=="R":
				if "nominate" in rollcall:
					nominate = {"mid1": rollcall["nominate"]["mid"][0], "mid2": rollcall["nominate"]["mid"][1],
						    "spread1": rollcall["nominate"]["spread"][0], "spread2": rollcall["nominate"]["spread"][1],
                                                    "nomslope": rollcall['nominate']['slope'], 'nomintercept': rollcall['nominate']['intercept']}
					nominate = {}

			# Top level rollcall item.
			found[rollcall["id"]] = 1

			# Get the best available description.
			description = waterfallText(rollcall)
			# Truncate the description for the R API.
			if apitype=="R" or apitype=="exportCSV":
				if len(description)<=255:
					baseDesc = description[0:254]
					rest = description[255:]
						cutoff = rest.index(". ")
						if cutoff<255:
							baseDesc = baseDesc + rest[0:cutoff]
							baseDesc = baseDesc + rest[0:255]+"..."
						if len(rest)<255:
							baseDesc = baseDesc+rest
							baseDesc = baseDesc + rest[0:255]+"..."
					description = baseDesc

                        # Get the best available question
                        question = waterfallQuestion(rollcall)
                        if 'vote_result' not in rollcall:
                                rollcall['vote_result'] = None

			# Collapse codes for R
                        if apitype == "exportCSV" or apitype == "exportXLS":
                                codeFields = {"Clausen1": "" , "Issue1": "", "Issue2": "", "Peltzman1": "", "Peltzman2": ""}
                                if 'codes' in rollcall:
                                        for key, value in rollcall["codes"].iteritems():
                                                if len(value) == 1:
                                                        codeFields[key + '1'] = value[0]
                                                        codeFields[key + '1'] = value[0]
                                                        codeFields[key + '2'] = value[1]
                        elif apitype in webexportapis:
				if "codes" in rollcall:
					codes = rollcall["codes"]
					codes = {}
			elif apitype=="R":
				if "codes" in rollcall:
					codes = rollcall["codes"]
					for key, value in codes.iteritems():
						codes[key] = '; '.join(value)
					codes = {}

			# Pre-allocate keyvote flags.
			if not "key_flags" in rollcall:
				rollcall["key_flags"] = []
			# Output object:
                        z = {'id': rollcall['id'], 'chamber': rollcall['chamber'], 'congress': rollcall['congress'], 'date': rollcall['date'],
                             'rollnumber': rollcall['rollnumber'], 'yea': rollcall["yea_count"],
                             'nay': rollcall["nay_count"], 'vote_result': rollcall['vote_result']}
                        if apitype == "exportCSV" or apitype == "exportXLS":
                                z.update({k:v for k,v in codeFields.iteritems()})
                                z.update({'keyvote': ''.join(rollcall['key_flags']), 
                                          'spread.dim1': nominate['spread'][0], 'spread.dim2': nominate['spread'][1],
                                          'mid.dim1': nominate['mid'][0], 'mid.dim2': nominate['mid'][1],
                                          'slope': nominate['slope'], 'intercept': nominate['intercept'],
                                          'log_likelihood': nominate['log_likelihood'], 'classified': nominate['classified'], 'pre': nominate['pre'], 'description': description.encode('utf-8')})
                        if apitype != "exportCSV":
                                z.update({'key_flags': rollcall["key_flags"], 'votes': result, 'codes': codes, 'nominate': nominate, 'description': description, 'question': question})

			# Get other people's results from the party results aggregate.
			if apitype=="Web_Person":
				z["party_vote_counts"] = rollcall["party_vote_counts"]


		except: # Invalid vote id
			print traceback.format_exc()
			errormessage = "Invalid Rollcall ID specified."

	if rollcalls.count() != len(rollcall_ids):
		errormessage = "Invalid Rollcall ID specified."
		for voteID, num in found.iteritems():
			if num==0:

	endtime = time.time()
	#print round(setupTime-starttime,2), round(memberTime1-setupTime,2), round(memberTime2-memberTime1,2), round(endtime-memberTime2,2)
	response = {}
	if len(rollcall_results):
		response["rollcalls"] = rollcall_results
	if len(errormessage):
		response["errormessage"] = errormessage
		if len(errormeta):
			response["errormeta"] = errormeta
	response["apitype"] = apiVersion
	response["elapsedTime"] = round(endtime - starttime,3)
	return response
def downloadAPI(rollcall_id, apitype="Web", voterId=0):
    starttime = time.time()
    # Setup API version response
    webexportapis = ["Web", "Web_Person", "exportJSON", "exportCSV"]

    if apitype in webexportapis:
        apiVersion = "Web 2016-10"
    elif apitype == "R":
        apiVersion = "R 2016-10"

    if not rollcall_id or len(rollcall_id) == 0:
        response = {'errormessage': 'No rollcall id specified.',
                    'apitype': apiVersion}
        return response

 # Split multiple ID requests into list
    if type(rollcall_id) == type([""]):
        rollcall_ids = rollcall_id
    elif "," in rollcall_id:
        rollcall_ids = [x.strip() for x in rollcall_id.split(",")]
        rollcall_ids = [rollcall_id]

 # Abuse filter
    maxVotes = 100
    if apitype in ["exportJSON", "exportCSV"]:
        maxVotes = 500
    if len(rollcall_ids) > maxVotes:
        response = {'errormessage': 'API abuse. Too many votes.',
                    'apitype': apiVersion}
        return response

    rollcall_results = []  # Stores top level rollcall results, one per vote
    errormessage = ""  # String storing error text
    errormeta = []  # List storing failed IDs

    found = {}
    for rid in rollcall_ids:
        found[rid] = 0

    setupTime = time.time()
    # Do we need to fold in members?
    peopleIds = []
    memberSet = []
    if apitype == "Web_Person":  # I need to fold in one specific member
        needPeople = -1  # Just one specific member
        peopleIds = [voterId]
    elif apitype == "exportCSV":
        needPeople = 0  # No members at all
        needPeople = 1
        peopleIds = db.voteview_rollcalls.distinct(
            "votes.icpsr", {"id": {"$in": rollcall_ids}})  # All relevant members

    congresses = []
    for rollcall_id in rollcall_ids:

    memberTime1 = time.time()
    # Now fetch the members
    memberSet = []
    if len(peopleIds):
        memberFields = {"icpsr": 1, "nominate": 1, "bioname": 1, "party_code": 1,
                        "state_abbrev": 1, "chamber": 1, "district_code": 1, "congress": 1, "id": 1}
        members = db.voteview_members.find(
            {"icpsr": {"$in": peopleIds}, "congress": {"$in": congresses}}, memberFields)
        for m in members:

    memberTime2 = time.time()
    # Now iterate through the rollcalls
    fieldsNeeded = [
        'party_vote_counts', 'vote_title',
        'vote_desc', 'key_flags', 'yea_count', 'sponsor',
        'bill_number', 'id', 'description', 'tie_breaker', 'votes',
        'codes', 'dtl_desc', 'question', 'vote_description',
        'short_description', 'nay_count', 'congress',
        'vote_question_text', 'rollnumber', 'date',
        'vote_document_text', 'nominate', 'amendment_author',
        'chamber', 'vote_result', 'shortdescription', 'vote_question',
        'tie_breaker', 'cg_summary', 'cg_official_titles',
        'cg_short_titles_for_portions', 'dtl_sources', 'congress_url',
    rollcalls = (
            {'id': {'$in': rollcall_ids}},
            {field: 1 for field in fieldsNeeded}
    for rollcall in rollcalls:
        result = []  # Hold new votes output, start blank
            # If we need some people, let's iterate through the voters and fill
            # them out
            if needPeople != 0:
                metaMembers = [m for m in memberSet if m[
                    "congress"] == rollcall["congress"]]
                for v in rollcall["votes"]:
                    newV = {}
                    # Only add the person if they're in our validated list of
                    # people we want.
                    if v["icpsr"] in peopleIds:
                        # print "In here"

                        # Do the match from the member list
                            memberMap = next((m for m in metaMembers if m[
                                             "icpsr"] == v["icpsr"]), None)
                            if memberMap is None:
                                print v["icpsr"], "Error! We don't have a member with this icpsr. Skipping"
                            print v["icpsr"], "Error! We don't have a member with this icpsr. Skipping"

                        # Now assemble the matching.
                        if apitype == "Web" or apitype == "Web_Person" or apitype == "exportJSON":
                            newV["vote"] = _get_yeanayabs(newV["cast_code"])
                            # We are not returning cast code.
                            del newV["cast_code"]
                                newV["x"] = memberMap["nominate"]["dim1"]
                                newV["y"] = memberMap["nominate"]["dim2"]

                            if "prob" in newV:
                                    newV["prob"] = int(round(newV["prob"]))
                                    newV["prob"] = 0
                            newV["name"] = memberMap["bioname"]
                                newV["seo_name"] = slugify(newV["name"])
                                print "error can't slugify"
                                print traceback.format_exc()

                            newV["party"] = partyName(memberMap["party_code"])
                            newV["party_short_name"] = shortName(
                            newV["party_code"] = memberMap["party_code"]
                            newV["state_abbrev"] = memberMap["state_abbrev"]
                            if os.path.isfile("./static/img/bios/" + str(memberMap["icpsr"]).zfill(6) + ".jpg") or os.path.isfile("../static/img/bios/" + str(memberMap["icpsr"]).zfill(6) + ".jpg"):
                                newV["img"] = str(
                                    memberMap["icpsr"]).zfill(6) + ".jpg"
                                newV["img"] = "silhouette.png"

                            if memberMap["state_abbrev"] == "USA":
                                newV["district"] = "POTUS"
                            elif memberMap["district_code"] > 70:
                                newV["district"] = "%s00" % memberMap[
                            elif memberMap["district_code"] and memberMap["district_code"] <= 70:
                                newV["district"] = "%s%02d" % (
                                    memberMap["state_abbrev"], memberMap["district_code"])
                                newV["district"] = ""
                        # And for the R API
                        elif apitype == "R" or apitype == "exportXLS":
                                del newV["prob"]

                            if "nominate" in memberMap and "dim1" in memberMap["nominate"]:
                                newV["dim1"] = memberMap["nominate"]["dim1"]
                                newV["dim2"] = memberMap["nominate"]["dim2"]
                            newV["id"] = memberMap["id"]
                            newV["name"] = memberMap["bioname"]
                            newV["party_code"] = memberMap["party_code"]
                            newV["state_abbrev"] = memberMap["state_abbrev"]
                            newV["cqlabel"] = cqlabel(
                                memberMap["state_abbrev"], memberMap["district_code"])
                            newV['district_code'] = memberMap['district_code']
                        # Append the new voter to the list of voters.

            # Sort by ideology, and then identify the median and pivots
            if apitype == "Web":
                median = []
                pivotCopy = [
                    x for x in result if "x" in x and x["x"] is not None]
                pivotCopy = sorted(pivotCopy, key=lambda x: x["x"])
                if len(pivotCopy) % 2:
                    median = [
                        pivotCopy[int(math.ceil(len(pivotCopy) / 2)) - 1]["icpsr"]]
                    median = [pivotCopy[
                        (len(pivotCopy) / 2) - 1]["icpsr"], pivotCopy[(len(pivotCopy) / 2)]["icpsr"]]

                # Filibuster pivot
                fbPivot = []
                if rollcall["chamber"] == "Senate" and rollcall["congress"] >= 94 and len(pivotCopy) >= 60:
                    fbPivot = [pivotCopy[59]["icpsr"],
                               pivotCopy[len(pivotCopy) - 60]["icpsr"]]
                # Veto Override pivot
                numVotes = len(
                    [x for x in result if "vote" in x and x["vote"] != "Abs"])
                voPivotNum = int(
                    math.ceil(float(numVotes) * float(2) / float(3)))
                voPivot = [pivotCopy[voPivotNum]["icpsr"], pivotCopy[
                    len(pivotCopy) - voPivotNum - 1]["icpsr"]]

                for i in xrange(len(result)):
                    if result[i]["icpsr"] in median:
                        result[i]["flags"] = "median"
                    if result[i]["icpsr"] in fbPivot:
                        result[i]["flags"] = "fbPivot"
                    if result[i]["icpsr"] in voPivot:
                        result[i]["flags"] = "voPivot"

            # Top level nominate metadata
            # Debug code to delete nominate data so we can regenerate it.
            if "nominate" in rollcall and "slope" in rollcall["nominate"]:
                del rollcall["nominate"]["slope"]
            if "nominate" in rollcall and "intercept" in rollcall["nominate"]:
                del rollcall["nominate"]["intercept"]
            if "nominate" in rollcall and "x" in rollcall["nominate"]:
                del rollcall["nominate"]["x"]
            if "nominate" in rollcall and "y" in rollcall["nominate"]:
                del rollcall["nominate"]["y"]

            # Generate other nominate fields
            if "nominate" in rollcall and "mid" in rollcall["nominate"] and "spread" in rollcall["nominate"] and rollcall["nominate"]["spread"][0] is not None:
                rollcall["nominate"]["slope"], rollcall["nominate"]["intercept"], rollcall["nominate"]["x"], rollcall[
                    "nominate"]["y"] = add_endpoints(rollcall["nominate"]["mid"], rollcall["nominate"]["spread"])
            # Ensure everything has at least some nominate field.
            elif "nominate" not in rollcall:
                rollcall["nominate"] = {}

            # Flatten nominate for the R API.
            if apitype in webexportapis:
                nominate = rollcall['nominate']
                checkNom = ['classified', 'pre',
                            'log_likelihood', 'geo_mean_probability']
                for f in checkNom:
                    if f not in nominate:
                        nominate[f] = ''
            elif apitype == "R":
                if "nominate" in rollcall:
                    nominate = {"mid1": rollcall["nominate"]["mid"][0], "mid2": rollcall["nominate"]["mid"][1],
                                "spread1": rollcall["nominate"]["spread"][0], "spread2": rollcall["nominate"]["spread"][1],
                                "nomslope": rollcall['nominate']['slope'], 'nomintercept': rollcall['nominate']['intercept']}
                    nominate = {}

            # Top level rollcall item.
            found[rollcall["id"]] = 1

            # Get the best available description.
            description = waterfallText(rollcall)
            # Truncate the description for the R API.
            if apitype == "R" or apitype == "exportCSV":
                if len(description) <= 255:
                    baseDesc = description[0:254]
                    rest = description[255:]
                        cutoff = rest.index(". ")
                        if cutoff < 255:
                            baseDesc = baseDesc + rest[0:cutoff]
                            baseDesc = baseDesc + rest[0:255] + "..."
                        if len(rest) < 255:
                            baseDesc = baseDesc + rest
                            baseDesc = baseDesc + rest[0:255] + "..."
                    description = baseDesc

            # Get the best available question
            question = waterfallQuestion(rollcall)
            if 'vote_result' not in rollcall:
                rollcall['vote_result'] = None

            # Collapse codes for R
            if apitype == "exportCSV" or apitype == "exportXLS":
                codeFields = {"Clausen1": "", "Issue1": "",
                              "Issue2": "", "Peltzman1": "", "Peltzman2": ""}
                if 'codes' in rollcall:
                    for key, value in rollcall["codes"].iteritems():
                        if len(value) == 1:
                            codeFields[key + '1'] = value[0]
                            codeFields[key + '1'] = value[0]
                            codeFields[key + '2'] = value[1]
            elif apitype in webexportapis:
                if "codes" in rollcall:
                    codes = rollcall["codes"]
                    codes = {}
            elif apitype == "R":
                if "codes" in rollcall:
                    codes = rollcall["codes"]
                    for key, value in codes.iteritems():
                        codes[key] = '; '.join(value)
                    codes = {}

            # Pre-allocate keyvote flags.
            if not "key_flags" in rollcall:
                rollcall["key_flags"] = []

            # Output object:
            z = {key: rollcall.get(key)
                 for key in fieldsNeeded if key in rollcall}
            if "sponsor" in rollcall:
                z["sponsor"] = rollcall["sponsor"]
            if "bill_number" in rollcall:
                z["bill_number"] = rollcall["bill_number"]
            if "tie_breaker" in rollcall:
                z["tie_breaker"] = rollcall["tie_breaker"]
            if apitype == "exportCSV" or apitype == "exportXLS":
                z.update({k: v for k, v in codeFields.iteritems()})
                z.update({'keyvote': ''.join(rollcall['key_flags']),
                          'spread.dim1': nominate['spread'][0], 'spread.dim2': nominate['spread'][1],
                          'mid.dim1': nominate['mid'][0], 'mid.dim2': nominate['mid'][1],
                          'slope': nominate['slope'], 'intercept': nominate['intercept'],
                          'log_likelihood': round(nominate['log_likelihood'], 5),
                          'classified': nominate['classified'], 'pre': nominate['pre'],
                          'question': None if not question else question.encode('utf-8'),
                          'description': description.encode('utf-8'),
                          'geo_mean_probability': None if nominate['geo_mean_probability'] == '' else round(nominate['geo_mean_probability'], 3)})

            if apitype != "exportCSV":
                z.update({'key_flags': rollcall["key_flags"], 'votes': result, 'codes': codes,
                          'nominate': nominate, 'description': description, 'question': question})

            # Get other people's results from the party results aggregate.
            if apitype == "Web_Person":
                z["party_vote_counts"] = rollcall["party_vote_counts"]


        except:  # Invalid vote id
            print traceback.format_exc()
            errormessage = "Invalid Rollcall ID specified."

    if rollcalls.count() != len(rollcall_ids):
        errormessage = "Invalid Rollcall ID specified."
        for voteID, num in found.iteritems():
            if num == 0:

    endtime = time.time()
    # print round(setupTime-starttime,2), round(memberTime1-setupTime,2),
    # round(memberTime2-memberTime1,2), round(endtime-memberTime2,2)
    response = {}
    if len(rollcall_results):
        response["rollcalls"] = rollcall_results
    if len(errormessage):
        response["errormessage"] = errormessage
        if len(errormeta):
            response["errormeta"] = errormeta
    response["apitype"] = apiVersion
    response["elapsedTime"] = round(endtime - starttime, 3)
    return response