Пример #1
def response(resp):
    """Get response from google's search request"""
    results = []


    # convert the text to dom
    dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
    vidthumb_imgdata = scrap_out_thumbs(dom)

    # parse results
    for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, results_xpath):

        # google *sections*
        if extract_text(eval_xpath(result, g_section_with_header)):
            logger.debug("ingoring <g-section-with-header>")

        title = extract_text(eval_xpath_getindex(result, title_xpath, 0))
        url = eval_xpath_getindex(result, href_xpath, 0)
        c_node = eval_xpath_getindex(result, content_xpath, 0)

        # <img id="vidthumb1" ...>
        img_id = eval_xpath_getindex(c_node,
        if img_id is None:
        img_src = vidthumb_imgdata.get(img_id, None)
        if not img_src:
            logger.error("no vidthumb imgdata for: %s" % img_id)
            img_src = eval_xpath_getindex(c_node, './div[1]//a/g-img/img/@src',

        length = extract_text(eval_xpath(c_node, './/div[1]//a/div[3]'))
        content = extract_text(eval_xpath(c_node, './/div[2]/span'))
        pub_info = extract_text(eval_xpath(c_node, './/div[2]/div'))

            'url': url,
            'title': title,
            'content': content,
            'length': length,
            'author': pub_info,
            'thumbnail': img_src,
            'template': 'videos.html',

    # parse suggestion
    for suggestion in eval_xpath_list(dom, suggestion_xpath):
        # append suggestion
        results.append({'suggestion': extract_text(suggestion)})

    for correction in eval_xpath_list(dom, spelling_suggestion_xpath):
        results.append({'correction': extract_text(correction)})

    return results
Пример #2
def response(resp):
    """Get response from google's search request"""
    results = []


    # which subdomain ?
    # subdomain = resp.search_params.get('google_subdomain')

    # convert the text to dom
    dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)

    # parse results
    for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, '//div[@class="gs_ri"]'):

        title = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './h3[1]//a'))

        if not title:
            # this is a [ZITATION] block

        url = eval_xpath(result, './h3[1]//a/@href')[0]
        content = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './div[@class="gs_rs"]')) or ''

        pub_info = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './div[@class="gs_a"]'))
        if pub_info:
            content += "[%s]" % pub_info

        pub_type = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './/span[@class="gs_ct1"]'))
        if pub_type:
            title = title + " " + pub_type

            'url':      url,
            'title':    title,
            'content':  content,

    # parse suggestion
    for suggestion in eval_xpath(dom, '//div[contains(@class, "gs_qsuggest_wrap")]//li//a'):
        # append suggestion
        results.append({'suggestion': extract_text(suggestion)})

    for correction in eval_xpath(dom, '//div[@class="gs_r gs_pda"]/a'):
        results.append({'correction': extract_text(correction)})

    return results
Пример #3
def response(resp):
    """Get response from google's search request"""
    results = []


    # convert the text to dom
    dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
    img_bas64_map = scrap_out_thumbs(dom)
    img_src_script = eval_xpath_getindex(
        dom, '//script[contains(., "AF_initDataCallback({key: ")]', 1).text

    # parse results
    # root element::
    #     <div id="islmp" ..>
    # result div per image::
    #     <div jsmodel="tTXmib"> / <div jsaction="..." data-id="..."
    #     The data-id matches to a item in a json-data structure in::
    #         <script nonce="I+vqelcy/01CKiBJi5Z1Ow">AF_initDataCallback({key: 'ds:1', ... data:function(){return [ ...
    #     In this structure the link to the origin PNG, JPG or whatever is given
    # first link per image-div contains a <img> with the data-iid for bas64 encoded image data::
    #      <img class="rg_i Q4LuWd" data-iid="0"
    # second link per image-div is the target link::
    #      <a class="VFACy kGQAp" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sacrament_of_the_Last_Supper">
    # the second link also contains two div tags with the *description* and *publisher*::
    #      <div class="WGvvNb">The Sacrament of the Last Supper ...</div>
    #      <div class="fxgdke">en.wikipedia.org</div>

    root = eval_xpath(dom, '//div[@id="islmp"]')
    if not root:
        logger.error("did not find root element id='islmp'")
        return results

    root = root[0]
    for img_node in eval_xpath_list(root, './/img[contains(@class, "rg_i")]'):

        img_alt = eval_xpath_getindex(img_node, '@alt', 0)

        img_base64_id = eval_xpath(img_node, '@data-iid')
        if img_base64_id:
            img_base64_id = img_base64_id[0]
            thumbnail_src = img_bas64_map[img_base64_id]
            thumbnail_src = eval_xpath(img_node, '@src')
            if not thumbnail_src:
                thumbnail_src = eval_xpath(img_node, '@data-src')
            if thumbnail_src:
                thumbnail_src = thumbnail_src[0]
                thumbnail_src = ''

        link_node = eval_xpath_getindex(img_node, '../../../a[2]', 0)
        url = eval_xpath_getindex(link_node, '@href', 0)

        pub_nodes = eval_xpath(link_node, './div/div')
        pub_descr = img_alt
        pub_source = ''
        if pub_nodes:
            pub_descr = extract_text(pub_nodes[0])
            pub_source = extract_text(pub_nodes[1])

        img_src_id = eval_xpath_getindex(img_node, '../../../@data-id', 0)
        src_url = scrap_img_by_id(img_src_script, img_src_id)
        if not src_url:
            src_url = thumbnail_src

            'url': url,
            'title': img_alt,
            'content': pub_descr,
            'source': pub_source,
            'img_src': src_url,
            # 'img_format': img_format,
            'thumbnail_src': thumbnail_src,
            'template': 'images.html'

    return results
Пример #4
def response(resp):
    """Get response from google's search request"""
    results = []


    # which subdomain ?
    # subdomain = resp.search_params.get('google_subdomain')

    # convert the text to dom
    dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)

    for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, '//div[@class="xrnccd"]'):

        # The first <a> tag in the <article> contains the link to the
        # article The href attribute of the <a> is a google internal link,
        # we can't use.  The real link is hidden in the jslog attribute:
        #   <a ...
        #      jslog="95014; 4:https://www.cnn.com/.../index.html; track:click"
        #      href="./articles/CAIiENu3nGS...?hl=en-US&amp;gl=US&amp;ceid=US%3Aen"
        #      ... />

        jslog = eval_xpath_getindex(result, './article/a/@jslog', 0)
        url = re.findall('http[^;]*', jslog)
        if url:
            url = url[0]
            # The real URL is base64 encoded in the json attribute:
            # jslog="95014; 5:W251bGwsbnVsbCxudW...giXQ==; track:click"
            jslog = jslog.split(";")[1].split(':')[1].strip()
                padding = (4 -(len(jslog) % 4)) * "="
                jslog = b64decode(jslog + padding)
            except binascii.Error:
                # URL cant be read, skip this result

            # now we have : b'[null, ... null,"https://www.cnn.com/.../index.html"]'
            url = re.findall('http[^;"]*', str(jslog))[0]

        # the first <h3> tag in the <article> contains the title of the link
        title = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './article/h3[1]'))

        # the first <div> tag in the <article> contains the content of the link
        content = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './article/div[1]'))

        # the second <div> tag contains origin publisher and the publishing date

        pub_date = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './article/div[2]//time'))
        pub_origin = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './article/div[2]//a'))

        pub_info = []
        if pub_origin:
        if pub_date:
            # The pub_date is mostly a string like 'yesertday', not a real
            # timezone date or time.  Therefore we can't use publishedDate.
        pub_info = ', '.join(pub_info)
        if pub_info:
            content = pub_info + ': ' + content

        # The image URL is located in a preceding sibling <img> tag, e.g.:
        # "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/DjhQh7DMszk.....z=-p-h100-w100"
        # These URL are long but not personalized (double checked via tor).

        img_src = extract_text(result.xpath('preceding-sibling::a/figure/img/@src'))

            'url':      url,
            'title':    title,
            'content':  content,
            'img_src':  img_src,

    # return results
    return results