Пример #1
def compare_passwd(plain_passwd, hashed_passwd):
    """Return True if hashed_passwd is plain_passwd hashed, False othervise."""
    (method, salt, _) = hashed_passwd.split('$')

    if sec.compare(hashed(plain_passwd, method=method, salt=salt), hashed_passwd):
        return True
        return False
Пример #2
def compare_passwd(plain_passwd, hashed_passwd):
    """Return True if hashed_passwd is plain_passwd hashed, False othervise."""
    (method, salt, _) = hashed_passwd.split('$')

    if sec.compare(hashed(plain_passwd, method=method, salt=salt),
        return True
        return False
Пример #3
def decrypt_and_mac(key, message):
    # This works because hmac is hex-encoded, thus the '$' preceeding it is always
    # the last '$' in message
    encrypted, hmac = message.rsplit("$", 1)
    if not sec.compare(hmac, hmac_sha512(key, encrypted)):
        # Usually this means the key is wrong
        raise ValueError("Invalid HMAC")
    ciphertext, nonce, iv = message.split("$")[:3]
    plain = aes_decrypt(key, ciphertext, nonce, iv)
    return plain
Пример #4
def decrypt_and_mac(key, message):
    # This works because hmac is hex-encoded, thus the '$' preceeding it is always
    # the last '$' in message
    encrypted, hmac = message.rsplit("$", 1)
    if not sec.compare(hmac, hmac_sha512(key, encrypted)):
        # Usually this means the key is wrong
        raise ValueError("Invalid HMAC")
    ciphertext, nonce, iv = message.split("$")[:3]
    plain = aes_decrypt(key, ciphertext, nonce, iv)
    return plain
Пример #5
def dalpay():
    # Since deciding to create lokun-billing, this got a
    # bit.. hacky. 
        passwd = request.forms["SilentPostPassword"]
        if not sec.compare(passwd, config.dalpay_passwd):
            log("DalPay: Invalid SilentPostPassword")
            abort(401, "Unauthorized")
        message = request.forms["user1"]

        dalpay = DalPay.read(message, key=config.dalpay_key)
        cardtype = request.forms["pay_type"]
        fees = calculate_fees(cardtype, dalpay.amount)

        model.Deposit.new(dalpay.username, dalpay.amount, cardtype,
                          vsk=25.5, fees=fees, deposit=True)

        logger.email("DalPay: {0},{1}".format(dalpay.username, dalpay.amount))

        return config.dalpay_return
    except ValueError as ve:
        logger.email("DalPay: " + str(ve))
        # Do i need to log something more? BK 22.03.2014
        return "<!-- error: {0} -->".format(str(ve))