Пример #1
	def test_generate_yaml(self):
		# To do - this test does not work
		id = "AT-3"
		c = SecControl(id)
		c_yaml = yaml.load(c.get_control_yaml())
		# print c_yaml
		self.assertTrue(c_yaml["id"] == c.id)
		self.assertTrue(c_yaml["title"] == c.title)
		self.assertTrue(c_yaml["description"] == c.description)
		self.assertTrue(c_yaml["responsible"] == c.responsible)
		self.assertTrue(c_yaml["supplemental_guidance"] == c.supplemental_guidance)
Пример #2
 def test_generate_yaml(self):
     # To do - this test does not work
     id = "AT-3"
     c = SecControl(id)
     c_yaml = yaml.load(c.get_control_yaml())
     # print c_yaml
     self.assertTrue(c_yaml["id"] == c.id)
     self.assertTrue(c_yaml["title"] == c.title)
     self.assertTrue(c_yaml["description"] == c.description)
     self.assertTrue(c_yaml["responsible"] == c.responsible)
         c_yaml["supplemental_guidance"] == c.supplemental_guidance)
Пример #3
    def test_responsible(self):
        # test "organization"
        id = "AT-3"
        c = SecControl(id)
        self.assertTrue(c.responsible == "organization")

        id = "AU-8"
        c = SecControl(id)
        self.assertTrue(c.responsible == "information system")

        # test "[Withdrawn"
        id = "SA-7"
        c = SecControl("SA-7")
        self.assertTrue(c.responsible == "withdrawn")
Пример #4
 def test_supplemental_guidance(self):
     id = "AC-16"
     c = SecControl(id)
         c.supplemental_guidance ==
         "Information is represented internally within information systems using abstractions known as data structures. Internal data structures can represent different types of entities, both active and passive. Active entities, also known as subjects, are typically associated with individuals, devices, or processes acting on behalf of individuals. Passive entities, also known as objects, are typically associated with data structures such as records, buffers, tables, files, inter-process pipes, and communications ports. Security attributes, a form of metadata, are abstractions representing the basic properties or characteristics of active and passive entities with respect to safeguarding information. These attributes may be associated with active entities (i.e., subjects) that have the potential to send or receive information, to cause information to flow among objects, or to change the information system state. These attributes may also be associated with passive entities (i.e., objects) that contain or receive information. The association of security attributes to subjects and objects is referred to as binding and is typically inclusive of setting the attribute value and the attribute type. Security attributes when bound to data/information, enables the enforcement of information security policies for access control and information flow control, either through organizational processes or information system functions or mechanisms. The content or assigned values of security attributes can directly affect the ability of individuals to access organizational information.\nOrganizations can define the types of attributes needed for selected information systems to support missions/business functions. There is potentially a wide range of values that can be assigned to any given security attribute. Release markings could include, for example, US only, NATO, or NOFORN (not releasable to foreign nationals). By specifying permitted attribute ranges and values, organizations can ensure that the security attribute values are meaningful and relevant. The term security labeling refers to the association of security attributes with subjects and objects represented by internal data structures within organizational information systems, to enable information system-based enforcement of information security policies. Security labels include, for example, access authorizations, data life cycle protection (i.e., encryption and data expiration), nationality, affiliation as contractor, and classification of information in accordance with legal and compliance requirements. The term security marking refers to the association of security attributes with objects in a human-readable form, to enable organizational process-based enforcement of information security policies. The AC-16 base control represents the requirement for user-based attribute association (marking). The enhancements to AC-16 represent additional requirements including information system-based attribute association (labeling). Types of attributes include, for example, classification level for objects and clearance (access authorization) level for subjects. An example of a value for both of these attribute types is Top Secret."
Пример #5
 def node_options_by_id(self, node):
     """ return options for single node id """
     # Pass in options to method
     options = {}
     sc = SecControl(node)
     sc_title = sc.title
     options['label'] = "%s\n%s" % (node, sc_title.title())
     options['shape'] = "egg"
     options['fontname'] = "arial"
     options['fontsize'] = "12"
     # options['fontcolor'] = "blue"
     # tooltip and clickable URL links (svg)
     options['tooltip'] = "(%s) %s" % (node, sc.title.title())
     options['URL'] = "/control?id=%s" % sc.id
     # color code by responsibility
     options['fontcolor'] = {
         'organization': 'cornflowerblue',
         'information system': 'palevioletred',
         'withdrawn': 'gray'
     options['color'] = {
         'organization': 'cornflowerblue',
         'information system': 'palevioletred',
         'withdrawn': 'gray'
     return options
	def test_resolve_control_to_list(self):
		id = "AU-3"
		c = SecControl(id)
		cv = SecControlViz(id)
		cv.dep_resolve(cv.dep_dict, id, cv.resolved)
		# print "precursors: ", cv.resolved
		self.assertTrue(cv.resolved == ['RA-3', 'AU-2', 'AU-3'])
Пример #7
 def test_no_existing_control(self):
     id = "XY-3000"
     c = SecControl(id)
     self.assertTrue(c.title == None)
     self.assertTrue(c.description == None)
     self.assertTrue(c.supplemental_guidance == None)
     self.assertTrue(c.responsible == None)
     self.assertTrue(c.details == {})
Пример #8
 def test_details_control_enhancement(self):
     id = "AU-3 (1)"
     c = SecControl(id)
     self.assertTrue(c.title == "ADDITIONAL AUDIT INFORMATION")
         c.description ==
         "The information system generates audit records containing the following additional information: [Assignment: organization-defined additional, more detailed information]."
Пример #9
    def controllist(self, ids="AU-4,AU-6", format="html"):
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        controllist = []
        j = dict()
        y = dict()
        # return ids.split(',')
        for id in ids.split(','):
            id = id.upper()
            sc = SecControl(id)
            if sc.title is None and sc.description is None and format == "html":
                # control does not exist, return 404
                print "\n*** control does not exist"
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404 Not Found", "The requested resource does not exist")
            j[id] = sc.get_control_json()
            y[id] = sc.get_control_yaml()

        # render yaml
        if format == "yaml":
            if sc.title is None and sc.description is None:
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404 Not Found", "The requested resource does not exist")
            cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/yaml'
            return yaml.safe_dump(y, default_flow_style=False)

        #  render for 18F's control-masonry YAML format with separate subsections
        if format == "control-masonry":
            cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/yaml'
            tmpl = env.get_template('control-masonry.yaml')
            return tmpl.render(controllist=controllist)

        # render json
        if format == "json":
            cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
            if sc.title is None and sc.description is None:
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404 Not Found", "The requested resource does not exist")
            return json.dumps(controllist)
            # render html
            cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
            tmpl = env.get_template('controllist.html')
            return tmpl.render(controllist=controllist)
Пример #10
def node_options(node):
	options = {}
	sc = SecControl(node)
	options['label'] = "%s\n%s" % (node, sc.title)
	options['shape'] = "box3d"
	options['fontname'] = "arial"
	options['fontsize'] = "12"
	# options['fontcolor'] = "blue"
	# color code by responsibility
	options['fontcolor'] = {'organization': 'blue', 'information system': 'red', 'withdrawn': 'gray'}[sc.responsible]
	options['color'] = {'organization': 'blue', 'information system': 'red', 'withdrawn': 'gray'}[sc.responsible]
	return options
Пример #11
def dep_resolve(graph, node, resolved):
	if node in graph:
		# print node 
		sc = SecControl(node)
		print "%s - %s (%s)" % (node, sc.title, sc.responsible)
		# print "      edgees: %s" % (graph[node])
		for edge in graph[node]:
			if edge not in resolved:
				dep_resolve(graph, edge, resolved)
		print "%s not found in graph" % (node)
Пример #12
    def family(self, id="AC", format="html"):
        id = id.upper()
        family_control_count =  {"AC": 25, "AU": 16, "AT": 5, "CM": 11, "CP": 13, "IA": 11, "IR": 10, "MA": 6, "MP": 8,
            "PS": 8, "PE": 20, "PL": 9, "PM": 16, "RA": 6, "CA": 9, "SC": 44, "SI": 17, "SA": 22}
        families = {"AC": "Access Control", "AU": "Audit and Accountability", "AT": "Awareness and Training", "CM": "Configuration Management",
            "CP": "Contingency Planning", "IA": "Identification and Authentication", "IR": "Incident Response", "MA": "Maintenance",
            "MP": "Media Protection", "PS": "Personnel Security", "PE": "Physical and Environmental Protection", "PL": "Planning",
            "PM": "Program Management", "RA": "Risk Assessment", "CA": "Security Assessment and Authorization",
            "SC": "System and Communications Protection", "SI": "System and Information Integrity", "SA": "System and Services Acquisition"}

        control_list = []
        for control in range(1,family_control_count[id]+1):
            sc = SecControl("%s-%d" % (id, control))
            control_list.append('<div><a href="/control?id=%s-%d">%s-%d</a> - %s</div>' % (id, control, id, control, sc.title.title()))

        return """<html>
            <title>800-53 Controls - {sc_id}</title>
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/css/main.css">

        <form id="form_lookup" method="get" action="control">
          800-53 control id: <input type="text" value="" name="id" />
              <button type="submit">Show me!</button>
              <a href="/">families</a>

        <div id="container_index">
            <h2>{sc_id} - {sc_family}</h2>

            <div class="control_list">

    </html>""".format(sc_id = id, sc_family = families[id], sc_list = "\n".join(control_list))
Пример #13
 def test_id(self):
     id = "AT-3"
     c = SecControl(id)
     self.assertTrue(id == c.id)
	def test_get_title(self):
		id = "CA-5"
		c = SecControl(id)
		cv = SecControlViz(id)
		self.assertTrue("PLAN OF ACTION AND MILESTONES" == c.title)
Пример #15
    def control(self, id="AU-4", format="html"):
        id = id.upper()
        sc = SecControl(id)
        if sc.title is None and sc.description is None and format == "html":
            # control does not exist, return 404
            print "\n*** control does not exist"
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/error404")
        cv = SecControlViz(id)

        # create graphviz file
        cv.precursor_list(cv.dep_dict, id, cv.nodes)
        # create edges
        for node in cv.nodes:
            cv.precursor_edges(cv.dep_dict, node, cv.edges)
        digraph = cv.add_nodes(cv.digraph(), cv.node_options_tuples(cv.nodes))
        # print "<%s>" % digraph

        # determine graph image size
        node_count = len(cv.nodes)
        if node_count <= 5:
            cv.width, cv.height = 2.5, 2.5
        if node_count <= 2:
            cv.width, cv.height = 2.5, 2.5
        if node_count >= 6:
            cv.width, cv.height = 2.75, 2.75
        if node_count >= 10:
            cv.width, cv.height = 3, 3
        if node_count >= 20:
            cv.width, cv.height = 3, 3
        if node_count >= 40:
            cv.width, cv.height = 4, 4
        if node_count >= 100:
            cv.width, cv.height = 12, 10
        print "node_count", node_count
        print "w, h", cv.width, cv.height

        # weak test, first delete file if exists
            os.remove("output/img/%s-precursors" % id)
            os.remove("output/img/%s-precursors.%s" % (id, cv.vizformat))
        except OSError:
        # generate graphviz file
        graph_label = "%s Control Chain" % (id)
                    body={'size ="%d,%d";' % (cv.width, cv.height)},
                        "label": graph_label,
                        "labelloc": "bottom",
                        "labeljust": "center",
                        "fontcolor": "slategray",
                        "fontname": "Arial",
                        "fontsize": "14",
                        "K": "4.6",
        ).render("output/img/%s-precursors" % id)

        # read contents of svg file into variable
        with open("output/img/%s-precursors.svg" % id, "r") as svg_file:
            svg_content = svg_file.read()

        # render json
        if format == "json":
            cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
            if sc.title is None and sc.description is None:
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404 Not Found", "The requested resource does not exist")
            return json.dumps(sc.get_control_json())

        # render html page
        return """<html>
            <title>800-53 Control {sc_id}</title>
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/css/main.css">
                svg {{
                    height: {sc_graph_height};
                    width: 1800px;

        <form id="form_lookup" method="get" action="control">
          800-53 control id: <input type="text" value="" name="id" />
              <button type="submit">Show me!</button>
              <a href="/">families</a>

        <h2>({sc_id}) {sc_title}</h2>

        <!-- Graph image by adding svg block into html page -->
        <!--h4>Control Dependency Chain</h4-->
        <div id="graph">
        <div id="graphkey">
            <div style="color: cornflowerblue">blue is organization responsibility</div>
            <div style="color: palevioletred">light red is information system responsibility</div>
        <h3>Control Description</h3>
        <p style="width:800;">{sc_desc}</p>

        <h3>Supplemental Guidance</h3>

        <h3>Control Enhancements</h3>
                replace_line_breaks(sc.description.encode("utf-8"), "\n", "<br /><br />"),
            sc_graph_height=cv.height * 96,
Пример #16
# resolved = []
# showEdges(dep_dict, "CA-2")

# print " "
# resolved = []
# dep_resolve(dep_dict, "CA-2", resolved)
# print "Resolve ", "AU-4"
# resolved = []
# dep_resolve(dep_dict, "AU-4", resolved)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    while (1==1):
		control_input = raw_input("Resolve which control? ")
		if control_input == "q":
		sc = SecControl(control_input)
		# print "%s - %s " % (sc.id, sc.title)
		print "===================================="
		print sc.id, ": ", dep_dict[sc.id]
		resolved = []
		# dep_resolve(dep_dict, sc.id, resolved)
		precursor_list(dep_dict, sc.id, resolved)
		print resolved
		edges = []
		for node in resolved:
			precursor_edges(dep_dict, node, edges)
		print edges

		print "    "

Пример #17
 def test_details_nonexistent_control(self):
     id = "AX-3"
     c = SecControl(id)
     self.assertTrue(c.title == None)
Пример #18
    def control(self, id="AU-4", format="html"):
        id = id.upper()
        sc = SecControl(id)
        if sc.title is None and sc.description is None and format == "html":
            # control does not exist, return 404
            print "\n*** control does not exist"
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/error404")
        cv = SecControlViz(id)

        # create graphviz file
        cv.precursor_list(cv.dep_dict, id, cv.nodes)
        # create edges
        for node in cv.nodes:
            cv.precursor_edges(cv.dep_dict, node, cv.edges)
        digraph = cv.add_nodes(cv.digraph(), cv.node_options_tuples(cv.nodes))
        # print "<%s>" % digraph

        # determine graph image size
        node_count = len(cv.nodes)
        if node_count <= 5: cv.width,cv.height = 2.5,2.5
        if node_count <= 2: cv.width,cv.height = 2.5,2.5
        if node_count >= 6: cv.width,cv.height = 2.75,2.75
        if node_count >= 10: cv.width,cv.height = 3,3
        if node_count >= 20: cv.width,cv.height = 3,3
        if node_count >= 40: cv.width,cv.height = 4,4
        if node_count >= 100: cv.width,cv.height = 12,10
        print "node_count", node_count
        print "w, h", cv.width, cv.height

        # weak test, first delete file if exists
            os.remove("output/img/%s-precursors" % id)
            os.remove("output/img/%s-precursors.%s" % (id, cv.vizformat))
        except OSError:
        # generate graphviz file
        graph_label = "%s Control Chain" % (id)
        cv.add_edges(cv.add_nodes(cv.digraph(engine='dot', body={'size ="%d,%d";' % (cv.width, cv.height)}, graph_attr={'label': graph_label, 'labelloc': 'bottom', 'labeljust': 'center', 'fontcolor':'slategray', 'fontname':'Arial', 'fontsize': '14', 'K': '4.6'}), cv.node_options_tuples(cv.nodes)),
        ).render("output/img/%s-precursors" % id)

        # read contents of svg file into variable
        with open("output/img/%s-precursors.svg" % id, "r") as svg_file:
            svg_content = svg_file.read()

        # render json
        if format == "json":
            cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
            if sc.title is None and sc.description is None:
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404 Not Found", "The requested resource does not exist")
            return json.dumps(sc.get_control_json())

        with open('compliance/system/project_info.yml', 'r') as f:
            project = yaml.load(f)

        sc_desc = use_org_name(sc.description.encode('utf-8'), project['organization']['name'])
        sc_desc = replace_assignments(sc_desc, project)
        sc_desc = replace_line_breaks(replace_line_breaks(sc_desc, "\n", "<br /><br />"), "\t", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;")
        # render html page
        tmpl = env.get_template('control.html', project)
        return tmpl.render( sc_id = id, sc_title = sc.title, sc_desc = sc_desc,
            sc_svg = svg_content, sc_graph_height = cv.height*96,
            path=os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) )
Пример #19
 def test_details(self):
     id = "AT-3"
     c = SecControl(id)
     self.assertTrue(c.title == "ROLE-BASED SECURITY TRAINING")