def test_filter_rules():

    rule1 = {
        'applies': {
            'positive': ['nasal']
        'conditions': {
            'negative': ['nasal'],
            'positive': ['syllabic']
        'name': 'nasalization'

    rule2 = {
        'applies': {
            'positive': ['tonal']
        'conditions': {
            'positive': ['syllabic']
        'name': 'valid'

    word1 = Word(
        [Segment(['consonantal'], ['tonal']),
         Segment(['sonorant'], ['high'])])

    word2 = Word(
        [Segment(['syllabic', 'low'], []),
         Segment(['high'], ['sonorant'])])

    assert filter_rules([word1, word2], [rule1, rule2]) == [rule2]
 def test_triangulation(self):
     list_of_points = [Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(0, 1)]
     list_of_triangulations1 = [[Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1))],
                                [Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))]]
Пример #3
    def generate_segments(self):
        segments = []
        list_of_segments_in_rows = []
        list_of_segments_in_columns = []
        size = self.board.size

        for line_type, segment_direction, list_of_segments_in_line in [
            (Utils.ROW, Segment.horizontal, list_of_segments_in_rows),
            (Utils.COLUMN, Segment.vertical, list_of_segments_in_columns)
            for index in range(size):
                cells_in_current_segment = set()
                segments_in_line = []
                for pos in Utils.get_positions_in_line(index, self.board.size,
                    cell = self.board.get_cell(pos)
                    if cell.is_blocked:
                        if len(cells_in_current_segment) > 0:
                            new_segment = Segment(cells_in_current_segment,
                                                  segment_direction, size)
                            cells_in_current_segment = set()
                if len(cells_in_current_segment) > 0:
                    new_segment = Segment(cells_in_current_segment,
                                          segment_direction, size)
        return segments, list_of_segments_in_rows, list_of_segments_in_columns
    def __initialize_snakes(self):
		Creates the snake that will be used in the game
        self.live_snakes = self.snake_pop

        for i in range(self.snake_pop):

            snake = None

            if self.first_run:
                snake = Neat_Snake(self.seg_size, NN_Scratch(12, 1, [30], 4),

                #snake = Neat_Snake(self.seg_size, NN_Scratch(8, 2, [20,50], 4),Snake)# network_filename = "Neat_Snake_Network_i8_h20_o4__2018-10-17_13.49.26"), Snake)

                for key in
                    if any(i in key for i in ["w", "b"]):
              [key] += np.random.uniform(
                            -1, 1,[key].shape)

                de = ("%02x" % np.random.randint(0, 255))
                re = ("%02x" % np.random.randint(0, 255))
                we = ("%02x" % np.random.randint(0, 255))
                snake.color = "#" + de + re + we

                #snake = Neat_Snake(self.seg_size, NN_Scratch(8, 1, [50], 4), Snake)
                snake = self.snakelist[i]

            # print(self.WIDTH - self.edge_buffer - 20)
            # print(self.edge_buffer)

            #Snake head creation at some random middle point (multiple of the seg_size)
            snake_head = Segment(450, 450)

            #Create snake by starting with head

            #Everything references the location before it
            for i in range(1, self.snake_length):
                for j in self.seg_opts:
                    #print(self.snake.body[i-1].x + j[0]*15)
                    #print(self.snake.body[i-1].y + j[1]*15)
                    if (self.__valid_position(snake.body[i - 1].x + j[0] * 15,
                                              snake.body[i - 1].y + j[1] * 15,
                        newSeg = Segment(snake.body[i - 1].x + j[0] * 15,
                                         snake.body[i - 1].y + j[1] * 15)
                        #print("GOOD SPOT!")

            #add the snake to the snakelist
            if self.first_run:

        if self.first_run:
            self.first_run = False
Пример #5
def create_segments(segment, ref=None):
    """Creates Segment list breaking the segment if direction [1, 0] intersects
    it. This function is used to avoid the case in which the points are sorted
    counterclockwise with reference to ref and theta1 > theta2.
    if ref is None:
        ref = np.array([0, 0])

    p1 = segment.p1
    p2 = segment.p2
    x1 = p1[0] - ref[0]
    y1 = p1[1] - ref[1]
    x2 = p2[0] - ref[0]
    y2 = p2[1] - ref[1]

    if x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 < 0:
        p1, p2 = p2, p1
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = x2, y2, x1, y1

    theta1 = my_atan2(y1, x1)
    theta2 = my_atan2(y2, x2)

    hor = np.array([1, 0])
    intersects, intersection = segment.intersect(ref, hor)
    if intersects:
        if abs(theta2) < EPS and abs(theta1) > EPS:
            return [Segment(p1, p2, theta1, 2 * math.pi, ref)]
        elif abs(theta1) < EPS and abs(theta2) > EPS:
            return [Segment(p1, p2, 0, theta2, ref)]
        return [
            Segment(intersection, p2, 0, theta2, ref),
            Segment(p1, intersection, theta1, 2 * math.pi, ref),
    return [Segment(p1, p2, theta1, theta2, ref)]
Пример #6
    def processReceiveAndSendRespond(self):
        segmentAck = Segment()  # Segment acknowledging packet(s) received

        # This call returns a list of incoming segments (see Segment class)...
        listIncoming = self.receiveChannel.receive()

        # get the ack number for the last segment sent and save a copy of the data received
        # in a new list
        if (len(listIncoming) != 0):
            acknum = 0
            incomingData = []
            for item in listIncoming:
                acknum = item.seqnum + self.DATA_LENGTH
                boolChecksum = item.checkChecksum()
                if (boolChecksum == False):
                    print("checksums don't match")
                    #send back sequence number of corrupted segment for selective retransmission

            #create the ack segment with a copy of the list of data received and an cumulative ack number
            ack = Segment()

            for item in incomingData:

            # Use the unreliable sendChannel to send the ack packet
            print("sending ack:")
Пример #7
 def test_linejoin(self):
     points = [
         Point(Fraction(0), Fraction(0)),
         Point(Fraction(0), Fraction(1)),
         Point(Fraction(0), Fraction(2)),
         Point(Fraction(0), Fraction(3)),
         Point(Fraction(1), Fraction(1)),
         Point(Fraction(2), Fraction(2)),
         Point(Fraction(3), Fraction(3))
     tests = [
          [Segment(points[0], points[1]),
           Segment(points[2], points[3])]),
         (Segment(points[0], points[2]),
          [Segment(points[0], points[1]),
           Segment(points[1], points[2])]),
         (Segment(points[0], points[5]),
          [Segment(points[0], points[4]),
           Segment(points[4], points[5])]),
          [Segment(points[0], points[4]),
           Segment(points[5], points[6])])
     for (t_outcome, t_segments) in tests:
         got = solution.createLargerSegment(t_segments[0], t_segments[1])
         print 'want', t_outcome, 'got', got, 'from', t_segments
         assert t_outcome == got
Пример #8
 def resetRoad(self, variable):
     for x in range(1, 501):
         if math.floor(x / variable.rumbleLength) % 2 == 0:
             variable.segments.append(Segment(x, variable, "dark"))
             variable.segments.append(Segment(x, variable, "light"))
     variable.trackLength = len(variable.segments) * variable.segmentLength
def create_non_intersecting_segments(pts1, pts2, segs2, angles, ref):
    """Creates list with the Segments that are visible from ref for the case
    when the line segment in pts1 is in front of the line segment in pts2.

        pts1 (list[list]): list of 2D points that are the intersection of
            the rays from ref in the directions indicated by angles with the
            Segment closest to ref
        pts2 (list[list]): list of 2D points that are the intersection of
            the rays from ref in the directions indicated by angles with the
            Segment farthest to ref
        segs2 (list[Segment]): list of Segment between the points in pts2
        angles (list[float]): list of directions (radians) of the rays from ref
            the angles are obtained from the two extremes of each original
            Segment. The list always has 4 elements (even if repeated)
        ref (list): reference point
    segments = []
    segment = Segment(pts1[1], pts1[2], angles[1], angles[2], ref)
    if pts1[0] is not None:
        segment.merge(Segment(pts1[0], pts1[1], angles[0], angles[1], ref))
    if pts1[3] is not None:
        segment.merge(Segment(pts1[2], pts1[3], angles[2], angles[3], ref))
    if segs2[0] is not None and segs2[0].length_sq > EPS_SQ:
        segments = [segs2[0]] + segments
    if segs2[2] is not None and segs2[2].length_sq > EPS_SQ:
    return segments
Пример #10
	def __initialize_snake(self):
		Creates the snake that will be used in the game
		self.snake = Snake(self.seg_size)
		# print(self.WIDTH - self.edge_buffer - 20)
		# print(self.edge_buffer)

		#Snake head creation at some random middle point (multiple of the seg_size)
		snake_head = Segment(450,450)

		#Create snake by starting with head

		#Create options for where the snake can attach
		seg_opts = [(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]
		#Everything references the location before it
		for i in range(1,self.snake_length):
			for j in seg_opts:
				#print(self.snake.body[i-1].x + j[0]*15)
				#print(self.snake.body[i-1].y + j[1]*15)
				if (self.__valid_position(self.snake.body[i-1].x + j[0]*15,self.snake.body[i-1].y + j[1]*15)):
					newSeg = Segment(self.snake.body[i-1].x + j[0]*15,self.snake.body[i-1].y + j[1]*15)
					#print("GOOD SPOT!")
Пример #11
 def extent(self):
     """Timeline extent
     The extent of a timeline is the segment of minimum duration that
     contains every segments of the timeline. It is unique, by definition.
     The extent of an empty timeline is an empty segment.
     extent : Segment
         Timeline extent
         >>> timeline = Timeline(video="MyVideo.avi")
         >>> timeline += [Segment(0, 1), Segment(9, 10)]
         >>> print timeline.extent()
         [0 --> 10]
     if self:
         # The extent of a timeline ranges from the start time
         # of the earliest segment to the end time of the latest one.
         start_time = self.__segments[0].start
         end_time = self.__rsegments[-1].end
         return Segment(start=start_time, end=end_time)
         # The extent of an empty timeline is an empty segment
         return Segment()
Пример #12
    def __intersecting(self, segment):
        """Sorted list of intersecting segments"""

        # if segment is empty, it intersects nothing.
        if not segment:
            return []

        # any intersecting segment starts before segment ends
        # and ends after it starts

        dummy_end = Segment(segment.end-SEGMENT_PRECISION, \
        index = self.__search(dummy_end, self.__segments)
        # property 1:
        # every segment in __segments[:index] starts before key ends

        dummy_start = RevSegment(Segment(segment.start+SEGMENT_PRECISION, \
        xedni = self.__search(dummy_start, self.__rsegments)
        # property 2:
        # every segment in __rsegments[xedni:] ends after key starts

        # get segments with both properties
        both = set(self.__segments[:index]) & set(self.__rsegments[xedni:])

        # make sure every RevSegment is converted to Segment
        # and return their sorted list
        return sorted([rsegment.copy() for rsegment in both])
Пример #13
    def handshake(self):

        # make + send SYN packet
        syn = Segment(self.c_port, self.s_port, self.win_size, self.next_seq)
        self.client_socket.sendto(syn.pkt.bytes, self.server)
        self.next_seq += 1

        # advance TCP machine from CLOSED to SYN-SENT

        # receive SYN-ACK packet, write SEQ number to y
        syn_ack = (self.client_socket.recvfrom(1472))[0]
        self.next_ack_num = PktReader.get_seq_num(syn_ack)
        y = PktReader.get_seq_num(syn_ack)

        # make ACK packet with ACK number = y + 1
        ack = Segment(self.c_port, self.s_port, self.win_size, self.next_seq)
        ack.set_ack_num(y + 1)
        self.client_socket.sendto(syn.pkt.bytes, self.server)

        # advance TCP machine from SYN-SENT to ESTABLISHED
Пример #14
def isUnitSquare(rational_points):
    # xxx rpoints and points must correspond xxx    
    points = [ p.toFloat() for p in rational_points ]
    hull = ConvexHull(points)
    hull_points = [ rational_points[i] for i in hull.vertices ]
    line1 = Segment(Point(hull_points[0][0],hull_points[0][1]), Point(hull_points[1][0], hull_points[1][1]))
    line2 = Segment(Point(hull_points[1][0],hull_points[1][1]), Point(hull_points[2][0], hull_points[2][1]))

    # hull_points are guaranteed to be in counterclockwise order
    angle = None
    if line1.no_slope() and (not line2.no_slope() and line2.slope() == 0):
        angle = pi / 2
    elif line2.no_slope() and (not line1.no_slope() and line1.slope() == 0):
        angle = pi / 2
        l1f = line1.toFloat()
        l2f = line2.toFloat()
        print "lines %s %s" % (l1f, l2f)
        l1d = FloatPoint(l1f[1][0]-l1f[0][0],l1f[1][1]-l1f[0][1])
        l2d = FloatPoint(l2f[1][0]-l2f[0][0],l2f[1][1]-l2f[0][1])
        angle = atan2(l2d[1], l2d[0]) - atan2(l1d[1], l1d[0])
    area = poly_area_indexed(rational_points, hull.vertices)
    num_points = len(hull_points)
    angle_delta = fmod(angle - (pi/2), 2*pi)
    print "IsSquare: area:", area, "Num Points: ", num_points, "Angle Delta from 90 degrees, in radians: ", angle_delta
    return area == 1 and num_points == 4 and abs(angle_delta) < epsilon
Пример #15
    def test_variable_turn_offset(self):
        arc = Segment(arc=math.radians(90), radius=10.0, end_radius=20.0)
        self.assertEqual(arc.get_offset((0, 0, 0)), (0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(arc.get_offset((20, 10, math.radians(90))), (0, 0))

        arc = Segment(arc=math.radians(-90), radius=10.0, end_radius=20.0)
        self.assertEqual(arc.get_offset((0, 0, 0)), (0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(arc.get_offset((20, -10, math.radians(-90))), (0, 0))
Пример #16
    def test_draw(self):
        line = Segment(length=100.0)
        arc = Segment(arc=math.radians(90), radius=50.0)

        track = Track([line, arc] * 4, width=20)
        fig = draw(track)
        with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
            fig.savefig(f, format='png')
Пример #17
 def _create_segments(self):
     """ Internal function to create Segment objects from entries in
         node list.
     # eliminate existing segments
     # unlink nodes from any existing segments
     for n in self.node_list:
         n.segment = None
     # clear segment list
     self._segment_lists = []
     # assign nodes to segments
     # algorithm here should be resistant to poorly structured SWCs
     # segments are assigned based on a node's parent, and a parent
     #   must be present before a node is, so nodes belonging to
     #   a segment don't have to be listed sequentially in the SWC
     # branch order is calculated by traversing back to the soma
     #   once all segments are created, so there's no dependency on
     #   order or when segments are defined
     for tree in self._tree_list:
         seg_list = []
         # add each non-soma node to its parent's segment unless
         #   the parent is soma or a bifurcation, in which case
         #   create a new segment
         for n in tree:
             if n.t == 1:
             if n.parent < 0:
                 seg = Segment()
                 par = self.node(n.parent)
                 if par.t == 1 or len(par.children) > 1:
                     seg = Segment()
                     seg = par.segment
             n.segment = seg # tell node what segment it belongs to
         # put each segment in proper order and calculate size
         for seg in seg_list:
         # assign branch order
         # trace back through segment hierarchy to get depth. count 
         #   number of jumps required to get to soma
         for seg in seg_list:
             order = 1
             cur_seg = seg
             lead_node = self.node(cur_seg.node_list[0])
             while lead_node.parent > 0 or lead_node.t != 1:
                 par = self.node(lead_node.parent)
                 if par is None or par.t == 1:
                 cur_seg = par.segment
                 lead_node = self.node(cur_seg.node_list[0])
                 order += 1
Пример #18
def find_path(img, segments, roots, queue, seg_counter):
    # add Segments to segments list
    # return 1 if successfully added Segment object to segments
    # return 0 if there are no more paths in the image
    # return -1 if no more Segment objects to be found
    [rowMax, colMax] = img.shape

    # initial seed heuristic to find start of blood vessels
    # start at (rowMax, 0)
    # move to (rowMax, colMax), then move to (rowMax -1, 0)...
    # stop at (0, colMax)
    if not queue:
        for r in xrange(rowMax - 2, 1, -1):
            for c in xrange(2, colMax - 2, 1):
                if img[r][c] == 1:
                    seg = Segment(seg_counter)
                    seg.add_to_path(r, c)
                    if debug:
                        print "seg_counter: %i" % (seg_counter)
                        print "inside find_path double for loop: r: %i, c: %i" % (
                            r, c)
                    # recursively add to seg until complete, erase paths from image
                    search(seg, img, queue, r, c)
                    if debug:
                        print "size of seg: %i; seg.seg_id: %i" % (len(
                            seg.path), seg.seg_id)
                    segments[seg_counter] = seg
                    seg_counter = seg_counter + 1
                    return [1, seg_counter]
        return [0, seg_counter]
        # perform BFS by popping queue
        while (queue):
            fork = queue.popleft()
            if debug:
                print "Parent: %i" % (fork["parent"])
            seg = Segment(seg_counter)
            r = fork["point"][0]
            c = fork["point"][1]
            seg.add_to_path(r, c)
            if debug:
                print "seg.seg_id in find_path: %i" % (seg.seg_id)
            if debug:
                print "fork['id'] in find_path: %i" % (fork["id"])
            search(seg, img, queue, r, c)

            # add children back to parent seg
            # add children's first coords to parent
            segments[fork["parent"]].add_to_path(r, c)
            # add current seg to segments dict
            segments[seg_counter] = seg
            seg_counter = seg_counter + 1
        return [-1, seg_counter]
Пример #19
def test_add_two_segments():
    visible = IntersectionFinder()
    segment1 = Segment(np.array([1, 0]), np.array([1, 1]))
    segment2 = Segment(np.array([-1, 0]), np.array([-1, -1]))
    segments = visible.segments
    assert len(segments) == 2
    assert segments[0] == segment1
    assert segments[1] == segment2
Пример #20
def test_equality():
    word1 = Word(
        [Segment(['nasal'], ['syllabic']),
         Segment(['syllabic'], ['nasal'])])

    word2 = Word(
        [Segment(['nasal'], ['syllabic']),
         Segment(['syllabic'], ['nasal'])])

    assert word1 == word2
Пример #21
    def read_Matrice(self, m, **kw):
        """Build from Matrice m, keeping at each position the
descriptor number that is selected by a function. A segment is made
for each run of identical descriptors numbers.
The value of the each segment is the prediction of its descriptor.

Keyword argument:
func -- function func has two arguments, a Matrice and a position, and
        returns a tuple "descriptor number, floating point value"
        (default: returns the tuple best descriptor,best value  (the first
           of the bests descriptors is returned if there are several bests)).

        if kw.has_key('func'):
            f = kw['func']

            def f(m, i):
                d = m.line(i)
                mx = max(d.values())
                for j in d:
                    if mx == d[j]:
                        return j, mx

        l = len(m)
        deb = 0
        x, v = f(m, 0)
        i = 1
        while i < l:
            y, w = f(m, i)
            if x != y:
                if len(self.__tab) != 0:

                if len(x) == 1:
                    num = ord(x)
                    num = int(x[1:])
                v = w
                self.__tab.append(Segment(deb=deb, fin=i - 1, num=[num],
                x = y
                deb = i
                v += w
            i += 1

        if len(x) == 1:
            num = ord(x)
            num = int(x[1:])
        self.__tab.append(Segment(deb=deb, fin=i - 1, num=[num], val=v))
        self.__val = sum([s.val() for s in self.__tab])
Пример #22
    def test_variable_turn_step(self):
        s = Segment(arc=math.radians(90.0), radius=5.0, end_radius=6.0)
        x, y, heading = s.step()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(x, 6.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(y, 5.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(heading, math.radians(90.0))

        s1 = Segment(arc=1.23, radius=10.0)
        s2 = Segment(arc=1.23, radius=10.0, end_radius=10.0)
        for a, b in zip(s1.step(), s2.step()):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(a, b)
Пример #23
def test_add_split():
    visible = IntersectionFinder()
    p1 = np.array([1, -1])
    p2 = np.array([1, 0])
    p3 = np.array([1, 1])
    segment = Segment(p3, p1)
    segments = visible.segments
    assert len(segments) == 2
    assert segments[0] == Segment(p2, p3)
    assert segments[1] == Segment(p1, p2)
Пример #24
 def add_segment(self, n=0, **keyargs):
     last_segment = self.segments[-1] if len(
         self.segments) > 1 else self.segments[0]
     if len(self.segments) > 1:
                     np.add(last_segment.pos, -last_segment.direction)))
             Segment(last_segment.direction, last_segment.pos))  # If
     if n > 1:
         self.add_segment(n - 1)
Пример #25
    def test_turn_step(self):
        s = Segment(arc=math.radians(90.0), radius=5.0)
        x, y, heading = s.step()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(x, 5.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(y, 5.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(heading, math.radians(90.0))

        s = Segment(arc=math.radians(-90.0), radius=5.0)
        x, y, heading = s.step()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(x, 5.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(y, -5.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(heading, math.radians(-90.0))
Пример #26
 def handshake(self):
     while True:
         seq = Segment(source_port=self.client_port, SYN='b1', ACK='b1')
         res_seq = self.sendSeqment(seq)
         if res_seq.SYN == 'b1' and res_seq.ACK == 'b1':
             print 'send ACK for SYN'
             seq = Segment(source_port=self.client_port, SYN='b0', ACK='b1')
             self.establishConnection = True
Пример #27
 def generateBoard(self, rows: int, columns: int):
     _id = 0
     for x in range(rows + 1):
         for y in range(columns + 1):
             if x < rows:
                     Segment((x, y), (x + 1, y), _id))
                 _id += 1
             if y < columns:
                     Segment((x, y), (x, y + 1), _id))
                 _id += 1
Пример #28
 def __init__(self, leg_name, offset, servos):
     self.leg_name = leg_name
     if not path.exists("config/" + leg_name):
     self.offset = offset
     self.upper_hip = Joint(servos["upper_hip"], "config/" + leg_name + "/upper_hip.json")
     self.hip = Segment("config/" + leg_name + "/hip.json")
     self.lower_hip = Joint(servos["lower_hip"], "config/" + leg_name + "/lower_hip.json")
     self.femur = Segment("config/" + leg_name + "/femur.json")
     self.knee = Joint(servos["knee"], "config/" + leg_name + "/knee.json")
     self.tibia = Segment("config/" + leg_name + "/tibia.json")
Пример #29
    def test_arc_offset(self):
        arc = Segment(arc=math.radians(90), radius=10.0)
        self.assertEqual(arc.get_offset((0, 0, 0)), (0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(arc.get_offset((10, 0, 0)),
                (-(math.sqrt(2)*10 - 10), math.radians(-45)))
        self.assertEqual(arc.get_offset((-1, 0, 0)), (None, None))
        self.assertEqual(arc.get_offset((11, 11, 0)), (None, None))

        arc = Segment(arc=math.radians(-90), radius=10.0)
        self.assertEqual(arc.get_offset((0, 0, 0))[0], 0)
        self.assertEqual(arc.get_offset((10, 0, 0))[0], math.sqrt(2)*10 - 10)
        self.assertEqual(arc.get_offset((-1, 0, 0))[0], None)
Пример #30
def test_index_applicable_boundaries():
    start_boundary = {'conditions': {'positive': ['syllabic']}, 'first': True}

    word = Word(
        [Segment(['syllabic'], ['nasal']),
         Segment(['syllabic'], ['nasal'])])

    assert word.index_applicable(0, start_boundary)
    assert not word.index_applicable(1, start_boundary)

    end_boundary = {'conditions': {'positive': ['syllabic']}, 'last': True}

    assert not word.index_applicable(0, end_boundary)
    assert word.index_applicable(1, end_boundary)