Пример #1
def cluster_points_draw_export(dict_row, params, path_out=None):
    """ cluster points into centers and export visualisations

    :param {} dict_row:
    :param {str: ...} params:
    :param str path_out:
    assert all(n in dict_row for n in ['path_points', 'path_image', 'path_segm']), \
        'missing some required fields: %s' % repr(dict_row)
    name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(dict_row['path_points']))[0]
    points = tl_io.load_landmarks_csv(dict_row['path_points'])
    if len(points) == 0:
        logging.debug('no points to cluster for "%s"', name)
    points = tl_io.swap_coord_x_y(points)

    centres, clust_labels = cluster_center_candidates(
    path_csv = os.path.join(path_out, FOLDER_CENTER, name + '.csv')
    tl_io.save_landmarks_csv(path_csv, tl_io.swap_coord_x_y(centres))

    path_visu = os.path.join(path_out, FOLDER_CLUSTER_VISUAL)

    img, segm = None, None
    if dict_row['path_image'] is not None and os.path.isfile(
        img = np.array(Image.open(dict_row['path_image']))
    if dict_row['path_segm'] is not None and os.path.isfile(
        segm = np.array(Image.open(dict_row['path_segm']))

    export_draw_image_centers_clusters(path_visu, name, img, centres, points,
                                       clust_labels, segm)
        'image': name,
        'path_centers': path_csv,
        'nb_centres': len(centres)
    return dict_row
def detect_center_candidates(name, image, segm, centers_gt, slic, points,
                             features, feature_names, params, path_out,
    """ for loaded or computer all necessary data, classify centers_gt candidates
    and if we have annotation validate this results

    :param str name:
    :param ndarray image:
    :param ndarray seg:
    :param centers_gt:
    :param slic: np.array
    :param [(int, int)] points:
    :param features:
    :param [str] feature_names:
    :param {} params:
    :param paths: path
    :param classif: obj
    labels = classif.predict(features)
    # proba = classif.predict_proba(features)

    candidates = np.asarray(points)[np.asarray(labels) == 1]

    path_points = os.path.join(path_out, FOLDER_POINTS)
    path_visu = os.path.join(path_out, FOLDER_POINTS_VISU)

    path_csv = os.path.join(path_points, name + '.csv')
    tl_io.save_landmarks_csv(path_csv, tl_io.swap_coord_x_y(candidates))
    export_show_image_points_labels(path_visu, name, image, segm, points,
                                    labels, slic, centers_gt)

    dict_centers = {'image': name, 'path_points': path_csv}
    if centers_gt is not None:
        dict_centers = compute_statistic_centers(dict_centers, image, segm,
                                                 centers_gt, slic, points,
                                                 labels, params, path_visu)
    return dict_centers
def image_segmentation(idx_row, params, debug_export=DEBUG_EXPORT):
    """ image segmentation which prepare inputs (segmentation, centres)
    and perform segmentation of various segmentation methods

    :param (int, str) idx_row: input image and centres
    :param {str: ...} params: segmentation parameters
    :return str: image name
    _, row_path = idx_row
    for k in dict(row_path):
        if isinstance(k, str) and k.startswith('path_'):
            row_path[k] = tl_data.update_path(row_path[k], absolute=True)
    logging.debug('segmenting image: "%s"', row_path['path_image'])
    name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(row_path['path_image']))[0]

    img = load_image(row_path['path_image'])
    # make the image like RGB
    img_rgb = np.rollaxis(np.tile(img, (3, 1, 1)), 0, 3)
    seg = load_image(row_path['path_segm'], 'segm')
    assert img_rgb.shape[:2] == seg.shape, \
        'image %s and segm %s do not match' \
         % (repr(img_rgb.shape[:2]), repr(seg.shape))
    if not os.path.isfile(row_path['path_centers']):
        logging.warning('no center was detected for "%s"', name)
        return name
    centers = tl_data.load_landmarks_csv(row_path['path_centers'])
    centers = tl_data.swap_coord_x_y(centers)
    if len(centers) == 0:
        logging.warning('no center was detected for "%s"', name)
        return name
    # img = seg / float(seg.max())
    slic = seg_spx.segment_slic_img2d(img_rgb,

    path_segm = os.path.join(params['path_exp'], 'input', name + '.png')
    export_draw_image_segm(path_segm, img_rgb, segm_obj=seg, centers=centers)

    seg_simple = simplify_segm_3cls(seg)
    path_segm = os.path.join(params['path_exp'], 'simple', name + '.png')
    export_draw_image_segm(path_segm, seg_simple - 1.)

    dict_segment = create_dict_segmentation(params, slic, seg, img, centers)

    image_name = name + '.png'
    centre_name = name + '.csv'

    # iterate over segmentation methods and perform segmentation on this image
    for method in dict_segment:
        (fn, args) = dict_segment[method]
        logging.debug(' -> %s on "%s"', method, name)
        path_dir = os.path.join(params['path_exp'], method)  # n.split('_')[0]
        path_segm = os.path.join(path_dir, image_name)
        path_centre = os.path.join(path_dir + DIR_CENTRE_POSIX, centre_name)
        path_fig = os.path.join(path_dir + DIR_VISUAL_POSIX, image_name)
        path_debug = os.path.join(path_dir + DIR_DEBUG_POSIX, name)
        # assuming that segmentation may fail
            t = time.time()
            if debug_export and 'rg2sp' in method:
                segm_obj, centers, dict_export = fn(*args,
                segm_obj, centers, dict_export = fn(*args)

            # also export ellipse params here or inside the segm fn
            if dict_export is not None:
                for k in dict_export:
                    export_partial(k, dict_export[k], path_dir, name)

            logging.info('running time of %s on image "%s" is %d s',
                         repr(fn.__name__), image_name,
                         time.time() - t)
            export_draw_image_segm(path_fig, img_rgb, seg, segm_obj, centers)
            # export also centers
            centers = tl_data.swap_coord_x_y(centers)
            tl_data.save_landmarks_csv(path_centre, centers)
            logging.error('segment fail for "%s" via %s with \n %s', name,
                          method, traceback.format_exc())

    return name
def dataset_load_images_segms_compute_features(params, df_paths,
    """ create whole dataset composed from loading input data, computing features
    and label points by label wether its positive or negative center candidate

    :param {str: str} paths:
    :param {str: any} params:
    :param df_paths: DF
    :param int nb_jobs:
    :return {str: any}:
    dict_imgs, dict_segms, dict_center = dict(), dict(), dict()
    logging.info('loading input data (images, segmentation and centers)')
    path_show_in = os.path.join(params['path_expt'], FOLDER_INPUT)
    tqdm_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(df_paths), desc='loading input data')
    wrapper_load_data = partial(load_image_segm_center, path_out=path_show_in,
    pool = mproc.Pool(nb_jobs)
    for name, img, seg, center in pool.imap(wrapper_load_data, df_paths.iterrows()):
        dict_imgs[name] = img
        dict_segms[name] = seg
        dict_center[name] = center

    dict_slics, dict_points, dict_features = dict(), dict(), dict()
    logging.info('estimate candidate points and compute features')
    tqdm_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(dict_imgs),
                         desc = 'estimate candidates & features')
    gene_name_img_seg = ((name, dict_imgs[name], dict_segms[name])
                          for name in dict_imgs)
    wrapper_points_features = partial(wrapper_estim_points_compute_features,
    feature_names = None
    pool = mproc.Pool(nb_jobs)
    for name, slic, points, features, feature_names \
            in pool.imap_unordered(wrapper_points_features, gene_name_img_seg):
        dict_slics[name] = slic
        dict_points[name] = points
        dict_features[name] = features
    logging.debug('computed features:\n %s', repr(feature_names))

    dict_labels = dict()
    logging.info('assign labels according close distance to center')
    path_points_train = os.path.join(params['path_expt'], FOLDER_POINTS_TRAIN)
    tqdm_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(dict_center), desc='labels assignment')
    for name in dict_center:
        dict_labels[name] = label_close_points(dict_center[name],
                                               dict_points[name], params)
        points = np.asarray(dict_points[name])[np.asarray(dict_labels[name]) == 1]
        path_csv = os.path.join(path_points_train, name + '.csv')
        tl_io.save_landmarks_csv(path_csv, points)


    return dict_imgs, dict_segms, dict_slics, dict_points, dict_center, \
           dict_features, dict_labels, feature_names