def save(self, dict, path, parameters=['vp','vs','rho'], prefix='', suffix=''): """ Saves SPECFEM2D/3D models or kernels :input dict :: model stored as a dictionary or Container :input path :: directory to which model is written :input parameters :: list of material parameters to be written :input prefix :: optional filename prefix :input suffix :: optional filename suffix, eg '_kernel' """ unix.mkdir(path) # fill in any missing parameters missing_keys = diff(parameters, dict.keys()) for iproc in range(self.mesh_properties.nproc): for key in missing_keys: dict[key] += PATH.MODEL_INIT, prefix+key+suffix, iproc) # write slices to disk for iproc in range(self.mesh_properties.nproc): for key in parameters: dict[key][iproc], path, prefix+key+suffix, iproc)
def setup(self): """ Sets up nonlinear optimization machinery """ unix.mkdir(PATH.OPTIMIZE) # prepare output writers self.writer = Writer( path=PATH.OUTPUT) self.stepwriter = StepWriter( path=PATH.SUBMIT) # prepare algorithm machinery if PAR.SCHEME in ['NLCG']: self.NLCG = NLCG( path=PATH.OPTIMIZE, maxiter=PAR.NLCGMAX, thresh=PAR.NLCGTHRESH, precond=self.precond()) elif PAR.SCHEME in ['LBFGS']: self.LBFGS = LBFGS( path=PATH.OPTIMIZE, memory=PAR.LBFGSMEM, maxiter=PAR.LBFGSMAX, thresh=PAR.LBFGSTHRESH, precond=self.precond()) # write initial model if exists(PATH.MODEL_INIT): import solver src = PATH.MODEL_INIT dst = join(PATH.OPTIMIZE, 'm_new') savenpy(dst, solver.merge(solver.load(src)))
def smooth(self, path='', parameters=[], span=0.): """ Smooths kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian. Wrapper over xsmooth_sem utility. """ assert exists(path) assert len(parameters) > 0 # apply smoothing operator for name in parameters or self.parameters: print ' smoothing', name call_solver( system.mpiexec(), PATH.SPECFEM_BIN +'/'+ 'xsmooth_sem ' + str(span) + ' ' + str(span) + ' ' + name + '_kernel' + ' ' + path + '/ ' + path + '/ ', output='/dev/null') print '' # move input files src = path dst = path + '_nosmooth' unix.mkdir(dst) for name in parameters or self.parameters:'/*'+name+'_kernel.bin'), dst) # rename output files unix.rename('_smooth', '', glob(src+'/*'))
def _launch(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all'): unix.mkdir(PATH.SYSTEM) # prepare sbatch arguments if hosts == 'all': args = ('--array=%d-%d ' % (0, PAR.NTASK - 1) + '--output %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.slurm/' + '%A_%a')) elif hosts == 'head': args = ('--array=%d-%d ' % (0, 0) + '--output=%s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.slurm/' + '%j')) #+('--export=SEISFLOWS_TASK_ID=%s ' % 0 # submit job with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_id', 'w') as f: 'sbatch ' + '--job-name=%s ' % PAR.TITLE + '--nodes=%d ' % math.ceil(PAR.NPROC / float(PAR.NODESIZE)) + '--ntasks-per-node=%d ' % PAR.NODESIZE + '--time=%d ' % PAR.STEPTIME + args + findpath('system') + '/' + 'slurm/wrapper_srun ' + PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname + ' ', shell=1, stdout=f) # retrieve job ids with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_id', 'r') as f: line = f.readline() job = line.split()[-1].strip() if hosts == 'all' and PAR.NTASK > 1: nn = range(PAR.NTASK) return [job + '_' + str(ii) for ii in nn] else: return [job]
def smooth(self, input_path='', output_path='', parameters=[], span=0.): """ Smooths kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian. Wrapper over xsmooth_sem utility. """ if not exists(input_path): raise Exception if not exists(output_path): unix.mkdir(output_path) # apply smoothing operator for name in parameters or self.parameters: print ' smoothing', name call_solver( system.mpiexec(), PATH.SPECFEM_BIN +'/'+ 'xsmooth_sem ' + str(span) + ' ' + str(span) + ' ' + name + '_kernel' + ' ' + input_path + '/ ' + output_path + '/ ', output='/dev/null') print '' # rename output files files = glob(output_path+'/*') unix.rename('_smooth', '', files)
def initialize_io_machinery(self): """ Writes mesh files expected by input/output methods """ if system.getnode() == 0: model_set = set(self.model_parameters) inversion_set = set(self.inversion_parameters) parts = self.load(PATH.MODEL_INIT) try: path = PATH.GLOBAL + '/' + 'mesh' except: raise Exception if not exists(path): for key in list(setdiff(model_set, inversion_set)) + ['x', 'z']: unix.mkdir(path + '/' + key) for proc in range(PAR.NPROC): with open(path + '/' + key + '/' + '%06d' % proc, 'w') as file:, parts[key][proc]) try: path = PATH.OPTIMIZE + '/' + 'm_new' except: return if not exists(path): savenpy(path, self.merge(parts))
def smooth(self, input_path='', output_path='', parameters=[], span=0.): """ Smooths kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian. Wrapper over xsmooth_sem utility. """ if not exists(input_path): raise Exception if not exists(output_path): unix.mkdir(output_path) # apply smoothing operator files = [] files += glob(PATH.MODEL_INIT + '/proc??????_x.bin') files += glob(PATH.MODEL_INIT + '/proc??????_z.bin') files += glob(PATH.MODEL_INIT + '/proc??????_NSPEC_ibool.bin') files += glob(PATH.MODEL_INIT + '/proc??????_jacobian.bin') for file in files: unix.cp(file, input_path) for name in parameters or self.parameters: print(' smoothing', name) call_solver(system.mpiexec(), PATH.SPECFEM_BIN + '/' + 'xsmooth_sem ' + str(span) + ' ' + str(span) + ' ' + name + '_kernel' + ' ' + input_path + '/ ' + output_path + '/ F', output=output_path + '/smooth_' + name + '.log') print('') # rename output files files = glob(output_path + '/*') unix.rename('_smooth', '', files)
def clip(self, path='', parameters=[], minval=-np.inf, maxval=np.inf): """ Clips kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian. Wrapper over xclip_sem utility. """ assert exists(path) assert len(parameters) > 0 for name in parameters or self.parameters: call_solver( system.mpiexec, PATH.SPECFEM_BIN +'/'+ 'xclip_sem ' + str(minval) + ' ' + str(maxval) + ' ' + name + '_kernel' + ' ' + path + '/ ' + path + '/ ') # move input files src = path dst = path + '_noclip' unix.mkdir(dst) for name in parameters or self.parameters:'/*'+name+'.bin'), dst) # rename output files unix.rename('_clip', '', glob(src+'/*'))
def apply_hessian(self, m, dm, h): """ Computes the action of the Hessian on a given vector through solver calls """ system = sys.modules['seisflows_system'] solver = sys.modules['seisflows_solver'] postprocess = sys.modules['seisflows_postprocess']'m_lcg', m + h * dm) + h * dm), PATH.HESS + '/' + 'model')'optimize', 'apply_hess', path=PATH.HESS) postprocess.write_gradient(path=PATH.HESS) 'g_lcg', solver.merge( solver.load(PATH.HESS + '/' + 'gradient', suffix='_kernel'))) # uncomment for debugging #if True: # unix.rm(PATH.HESS+'_debug') #, PATH.HESS+'_debug') # unix.mkdir(PATH.HESS) unix.rm(PATH.HESS) unix.mkdir(PATH.HESS) return self.hessian_product(h)
def submit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Submits job """ # create scratch directories if not exists(PATH.SCRATCH): path = '/scratch/gpfs' + '/' + getuser( ) + '/' + 'seisflows' + '/' + str(uuid4()) unix.mkdir(path) unix.ln(path, PATH.SCRATCH) unix.mkdir(PATH.SYSTEM) # create output directories unix.mkdir(PATH.OUTPUT) unix.mkdir(PATH.WORKDIR + '/' + 'output.slurm') self.checkpoint() if not exists(PATH.SCRATCH): path = '/scratch/gpfs' + '/' + getuser( ) + '/' + 'seisflows' + '/' + str(uuid4()) unix.mkdir(path) unix.ln(path, PATH.SCRATCH) call('sbatch ' + '%s ' % PAR.SLURMARGS + '--job-name=%s ' % PAR.TITLE + '--output=%s ' % (PATH.WORKDIR + '/' + 'output.log') + '--ntasks-per-node=%d ' % 28 + '--gres=gpu:%d ' % 4 + '--nodes=%d ' % 1 + '--time=%d ' % PAR.WALLTIME + pkgpath('seisflows') + '/' + 'system/wrappers/submit ' + PATH.OUTPUT)
def launch(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all'): unix.mkdir(PATH.SYSTEM) # submit job with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_id', 'w') as f:'bsub ' + '%s ' % PAR.LSFARGS + '-n %d ' % PAR.NPROC + '-R "span[ptile=%d]" ' % PAR.NODESIZE + '-W %d:00 ' % PAR.STEPTIME + '-J "%s' %PAR.TITLE + self.launch_args(hosts) + findpath('seisflows.system') +'/'+ 'wrapper/run ' + PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname + ' ', shell=True, stdout=f) # retrieve job ids with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_id', 'r') as f: # reads one entire line from the file line = f.readline() job_buf = line.split()[1].strip() job = job_buf[1:-1] if hosts == 'all' and PAR.NSRC > 1: nn = range(1,PAR.NSRC+1) #return [job+'_'+str(ii) for ii in nn] return [job+'['+str(ii)+']' for ii in nn] else: return [job]
def export_traces(self, path, prefix='traces/obs'): unix.mkdir(join(path)) src = join(self.cwd, prefix) dst = join(path, self.source_name) print self.source_name unix.cp(src, dst)
def combine(self, path=''): """ combines SPECFEM3D kernels """ # create temporary files and directories dirs = with open('kernels_list.txt', 'w') as file: file.write('\n'.join(dirs) + '\n') unix.mkdir('INPUT_KERNELS') unix.mkdir('OUTPUT_SUM') for dir in dirs: src = path + '/' + dir dst = 'INPUT_KERNELS' + '/' + dir unix.ln(src, dst) # sum kernels self.mpirun(PATH.SOLVER_BINARIES + '/' + 'xsum_kernels')'OUTPUT_SUM', path + '/' + 'sum') # remove temporary files and directories unix.rm('INPUT_KERNELS') unix.rm('kernels_list.txt')
def smooth(self, path='', tag='gradient', span=0.): """ smooths SPECFEM3D kernels """ # list kernels kernels = [] for name in self.model_parameters: if name in self.inversion_parameters: flag = True else: flag = False kernels = kernels + [[name, flag]] # smooth kernels for name, flag in kernels: if flag: print ' smoothing', name self.mpirun(PATH.SOLVER_BINARIES + '/' + 'xsmooth_sem ' + str(span) + ' ' + str(span) + ' ' + name + ' ' + path + '/' + tag + '/ ' + path + '/' + tag + '/ ') # move kernels src = path + '/' + tag dst = path + '/' + tag + '_nosmooth' unix.mkdir(dst) for name, flag in kernels: if flag: + '/*' + name + '.bin'), dst) else: unix.cp(glob(src + '/*' + name + '.bin'), dst) unix.rename('_smooth', '', glob(src + '/*')) print ''
def run(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all', **kwargs): """ Runs tasks in serial or parallel on specified hosts """ name = task.__name__ if PAR.VERBOSE >= 2: print 'running', name # save current state save_objects(join(PATH.OUTPUT, 'SeisflowsObjects')) # save keyword arguments kwargspath = join(PATH.OUTPUT, 'SeisflowsObjects', classname + '_kwargs') kwargsfile = join(kwargspath, funcname + '.p') unix.mkdir(kwargspath) saveobj(kwargsfile, kwargs) if hosts == 'all': # run on all available nodes args = ('pbsdsh ' + findpath('system') + '/' + 'pbs/wrapper_pbsdsh ' + PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname) elif hosts == 'head': # run on head node args = ('pbsdsh ' + findpath('system') + '/' + 'slurm/wrapper_pbsdsh ' + PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname) else: raise Exception, shell=1)
def submit(self, workflow): """Submits job """ unix.mkdir(PATH.OUTPUT) # save current state save_objects('SeisflowsObjects') save_parameters('SeisflowsParameters.json') save_paths('SeisflowsPaths.json') nodes = PAR.NTASK / 16 cores = PAR.NTASK % 16 hours = PAR.WALLTIME / 60 minutes = PAR.WALLTIME % 60 # construct resource list resources = 'walltime=%02d:%02d:00 ' % (hours, minutes) if nodes == 0: resources += ',nodes=1:ppn=%d' % cores elif cores == 0: resources += ',nodes=%d:ppn=16' % nodes else: resources += ',nodes=%d:ppn=16+1:ppn=%d' % (nodes, cores) args = ('qsub ' + '-N %s ' % PAR.TITLE + '-o %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.log') + '-l %s ' % resources + '-j %s ' % 'oe' + findpath('system') + '/' + 'pbs/wrapper_qsub ' + PATH.OUTPUT) print args # DEBUG, shell=1)
def combine(self, input_path='', output_path='', parameters=[]): """ Sums individual source contributions. Wrapper over xcombine_sem utility. """ if not exists(input_path): raise Exception if not exists(output_path): unix.mkdir(output_path) names = self.check_source_names() subset = [names[isrc] for isrc in self._source_subset] with open('kernel_paths', 'w') as f: f.writelines([join(input_path, dir) + '\n' for dir in subset]) # SAGA component - include contributions from reference gradient remainder = list(set(self._source_names) - set(subset)) with open('kernel_paths', 'a') as f: f.writelines( [join(PATH.GRAD_AGG, dir) + '\n' for dir in remainder]) for name in parameters or self.parameters: call_solver( system.mpiexec(), PATH.SPECFEM_BIN + '/' + 'xcombine_sem ' + name + '_kernel' + ' ' + 'kernel_paths' + ' ' + output_path)
def combine(self, input_path='', output_path='', parameters=[]): """ Sums individual source contributions. Wrapper over xcombine_sem utility. """ if not exists(input_path): raise Exception if not exists(output_path): unix.mkdir(output_path) names = self.check_source_names() subset = [names[isrc] for isrc in self._source_subset] with open('kernel_paths', 'w') as f: f.writelines([join(input_path, dir)+'\n' for dir in subset]) # SAGA component - include contributions from reference gradient remainder = list(set(self._source_names) - set(subset)) with open('kernel_paths', 'a') as f: f.writelines([join(PATH.GRAD_AGG, dir)+'\n' for dir in remainder]) for name in parameters or self.parameters: call_solver( system.mpiexec(), PATH.SPECFEM_BIN +'/'+ 'xcombine_sem ' + name + '_kernel' + ' ' + 'kernel_paths' + ' ' + output_path)
def save(self, path, model, prefix='', suffix='', solver_parameters=['vp', 'vs']): """ writes SPECFEM model or kernels """ unix.mkdir(path) for iproc in range(self.mesh_properties.nproc): # write parameters required to update model for key in self.parameters: sem.write(model[key][iproc], path, prefix + key + suffix, iproc) # kernels not required for model updates need not be written if suffix == '_kernel': continue # write any parameters not required for model updates but still # expected by solver for key in solver_parameters: if key not in self.parameters: src = PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + 'model_init' dst = path sem.copy(src, dst, iproc, prefix + key + suffix) # density is treated as a special case if self.density_scaling: rho = self.density_scaling(*model[iproc].items()) sem.write(rho, path, prefix + 'rho' + suffix, iproc)
def save(self, path): """ Save objects to disk for later reference """ fullpath = self.fullpath(path) unix.mkdir(fullpath) for key in self.objects: saveobj(fullpath +'/'+ key+'.p', sys.modules[key])
def submit(self, workflow): """Submits job """ unix.mkdir(PATH.OUTPUT) # save current state self.checkpoint() # construct resource list nodes = PAR.NTASK/PAR.NODESIZE cores = PAR.NTASK%PAR.NODESIZE hours = PAR.WALLTIME/60 minutes = PAR.WALLTIME%60 resources = 'walltime=%02d:%02d:00 '%(hours, minutes) if nodes == 0: resources += ',nodes=1:ppn=%d'%cores elif cores == 0: resources += ',nodes=%d:ppn=16'%nodes else: resources += ',nodes=%d:ppn=16+1:ppn=%d'%(nodes, cores) # construct arguments list'qsub ' + '-N %s '%PAR.TITLE + '-o %s '%(PATH.SUBMIT +'/'+ 'output.log') + '-l %s '%resources + '-j %s '%'oe' + findpath('system') +'/'+ 'pbs/wrapper_qsub ' + PATH.OUTPUT, shell=True)
def _launch(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all'): unix.mkdir(PATH.SYSTEM) # submit job with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_id', 'w') as f: hours = PAR.WALLTIME/60 minutes = PAR.WALLTIME%60 resources = 'walltime=%02d:%02d:00 '%(hours, minutes) args = ('/opt/pbs/ ' + '-l select=1:ncpus=32:mpiprocs=32 ' + '-l %s '%resources + '-q standard ' + '-A ERDCH38424KSC ' + '-J 0-%s ' % PAR.NTASK + '-N %s ' % PAR.TITLE + ' -- ' + findpath('system') +'/'+ 'wrappers/runpbsdsh ' + PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname + ' '), shell=1, stdout=f) # retrieve job ids with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_id', 'r') as f: line = f.readline() job = line.split()[-1].strip() if hosts == 'all' and PAR.NTASK > 1: nn = range(PAR.NTASK) return [job+'_'+str(ii) for ii in nn] else: return [job]
def submit(self, workflow): """Submits job """ unix.mkdir(PATH.OUTPUT) # save current state self.checkpoint() # construct resource list nodes = int(PAR.NTASK / PAR.NODESIZE) cores = PAR.NTASK % PAR.NODESIZE hours = int(PAR.WALLTIME / 60) minutes = PAR.WALLTIME % 60 resources = 'walltime=%02d:%02d:00' % (hours, minutes) if nodes == 0: resources += ',mem=%dgb,nodes=1:ppn=%d' % (PAR.MEMORY, cores) elif cores == 0: resources += ',mem=%dgb,nodes=%d:ppn=%d' % (PAR.MEMORY, nodes, PAR.NODESIZE) else: resources += ',mem=%dgb,nodes=%d:ppn=%d+1:ppn=%d' % ( PAR.MEMORY, nodes, PAR.NODESIZE, cores) # construct arguments list call('qsub ' + '%s ' % PAR.PBSARGS + '-N %s ' % PAR.TITLE + '-o %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.log') + '-l %s ' % resources + '-j %s ' % 'oe' + findpath('seisflows.system') + '/' + 'wrappers/submit ' + '-F %s ' % PATH.OUTPUT)
def save(self, dict, path, parameters=['vp', 'vs', 'rho'], prefix='', suffix=''): """ Saves SPECFEM2D/3D models or kernels :input dict :: model stored as a dictionary or Container :input path :: directory from which model is read :input parameters :: list of material parameters to be read, :input prefix :: optional filename prefix :input suffix :: optional filename suffix, eg '_kernel' """ unix.mkdir(path) # fill in any missing parameters missing_keys = diff(parameters, dict.keys()) for iproc in range(self.mesh_properties.nproc): for key in missing_keys: dict[key] +=, prefix + key + suffix, iproc) # write slices to disk for iproc in range(self.mesh_properties.nproc): for key in parameters:[key][iproc], path, prefix + key + suffix, iproc)
def smooth(self, path='', parameters=[], span=0.): """ Smooths kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian. Wrapper over xsmooth_sem utility. """ assert exists(path) assert len(parameters) > 0 # apply smoothing operator for name in parameters: print ' smoothing', name + '/' + 'xsmooth_sem ' + str(span) + ' ' + str(span) + ' ' + name + '_kernel' + ' ' + path + '/ ' + path + '/ ', output=self.getpath + '/' + 'OUTPUT_FILES/output_smooth_sem.txt') print '' # move input files src = path dst = path + '_nosmooth' unix.mkdir(dst) for name in self.parameters: + '/*' + name + '.bin'), dst) # rename output files unix.rename('_smooth', '', glob(src + '/*'))
def export_residuals(self, path): # hack deals with problems on parallel filesystem unix.mkdir(join(path, 'residuals'), noexit=True) src = join(self.getpath, 'residuals') dst = join(path, 'residuals', basename(self.getpath)), dst)
def export_traces(self, path, prefix='traces/obs'): # hack deals with problems on parallel filesystem unix.mkdir(join(path, 'traces'), noexit=True) src = join(self.getpath, prefix) dst = join(path, 'traces', basename(self.getpath)) unix.cp(src, dst)
def submit(self, workflow): """ Submits workflow """ unix.mkdir(PATH.OUTPUT) unix.mkdir(PATH.SUBMIT+'/'+'output.pbs') self.checkpoint() hours = PAR.WALLTIME/60 minutes = PAR.WALLTIME%60 walltime = 'walltime=%02d:%02d:00 ' % (hours, minutes) ncpus = PAR.NODESIZE mpiprocs = PAR.NODESIZE # prepare qsub arguments 'qsub ' + '%s ' % PAR.PBSARGS + '-l select=1:ncpus=%d:mpiprocs=%d ' % (ncpus, mpiprocs) + '-l %s ' % walltime + '-N %s ' % PAR.TITLE + '-j %s '%'oe' + '-o %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT+'/'+'output.log') + '-V ' + ' -- ' + findpath('seisflows.system') +'/'+ 'wrappers/submit ' + PATH.OUTPUT)
def export_kernels(self, path): # work around conflicting name conventions files = [] files += glob('*proc??????_alpha_kernel.bin') files += glob('*proc??????_alpha[hv]_kernel.bin') files += glob('*proc??????_reg1_alpha_kernel.bin') files += glob('*proc??????_reg1_alpha[hv]_kernel.bin') unix.rename('alpha', 'vp', files) files = [] files += glob('*proc??????_beta_kernel.bin') files += glob('*proc??????_beta[hv]_kernel.bin') files += glob('*proc??????_reg1_beta_kernel.bin') files += glob('*proc??????_reg1_beta[hv]_kernel.bin') unix.rename('beta', 'vs', files) # hack to deal with problems on parallel filesystem unix.mkdir(join(path, 'kernels'), noexit=True) unix.mkdir(join(path, 'kernels', basename(self.getpath))) src = join(glob('*_kernel.bin')) dst = join(path, 'kernels', basename(self.getpath)), dst)
def clip(self, path='', parameters=[], minval=-np.inf, maxval=np.inf): """ Clips kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian. Wrapper over xclip_sem utility. """ assert exists(path) assert len(parameters) > 0 for name in self.parameters: self.mpirun( PATH.SPECFEM_BIN +'/'+ 'xclip_sem ' + str(minval) + ' ' + str(maxval) + ' ' + name + '_kernel' + ' ' + path + '/ ' + path + '/ ') # move input files src = path dst = path + '_noclip' unix.mkdir(dst) for name in self.parameters:'/*'+name+'.bin'), dst) # rename output files unix.rename('_clip', '', glob(src+'/*'))
def smooth(self, path='', parameters=[], span=0.): """ Smooths kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian. Wrapper over xsmooth_sem utility. """ assert exists(path) assert len(parameters) > 0 # apply smoothing operator for name in parameters: print ' smoothing', name self.mpirun( PATH.SPECFEM_BIN +'/'+ 'xsmooth_sem ' + str(span) + ' ' + str(span) + ' ' + name + '_kernel' + ' ' + path + '/ ' + path + '/ ', output=self.getpath+'/'+'OUTPUT_FILES/output_smooth_sem.txt') print '' # move input files src = path dst = path + '_nosmooth' unix.mkdir(dst) for name in self.parameters:'/*'+name+'.bin'), dst) # rename output files unix.rename('_smooth', '', glob(src+'/*'))
def save(self, dict, path, parameters=['vp', 'vs', 'rho'], prefix='', suffix=''): """ Writes SPECFEM model or kernels INPUT DICT - ModelDict object containing model PATH - the directory to which model is saved PARAMETERS - list of material parameters to be loaded PREFIX - optional filename prefix SUFFIX - optional filename suffix, eg '_kernel' """ unix.mkdir(path) # fill in any missing parameters missing_keys = diff(parameters, dict.keys()) for iproc in range(self.mesh_properties.nproc): for key in missing_keys: dict[key] +=, prefix + key + suffix, iproc) # write slices to disk for iproc in range(self.mesh_properties.nproc): for key in parameters:[key][iproc], path, prefix + key + suffix, iproc)
def submit(self, workflow): """Submits job """ unix.mkdir(PATH.OUTPUT) # save current state self.checkpoint() # construct resource list nodes = PAR.NTASK / PAR.NODESIZE cores = PAR.NTASK % PAR.NODESIZE hours = PAR.WALLTIME / 60 minutes = PAR.WALLTIME % 60 resources = 'walltime=%02d:%02d:00 ' % (hours, minutes) if nodes == 0: resources += ',nodes=1:ppn=%d' % cores elif cores == 0: resources += ',nodes=%d:ppn=16' % nodes else: resources += ',nodes=%d:ppn=16+1:ppn=%d' % (nodes, cores) # construct arguments list'qsub ' + '-N %s ' % PAR.TITLE + '-o %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.log') + '-l %s ' % resources + '-j %s ' % 'oe' + findpath('system') + '/' + 'pbs/wrapper_qsub ' + PATH.OUTPUT, shell=True)
def setup(self): """ Sets up nonlinear optimization machinery """ unix.mkdir(PATH.OPTIMIZE) # prepare output writers self.writer = Writer(path=PATH.OUTPUT) self.stepwriter = StepWriter(path=PATH.SUBMIT) # prepare algorithm machinery if PAR.SCHEME in ["NLCG"]: self.NLCG = NLCG(path=PATH.OPTIMIZE, maxiter=PAR.NLCGMAX, thresh=PAR.NLCGTHRESH, precond=self.precond) elif PAR.SCHEME in ["LBFGS"]: self.LBFGS = LBFGS( path=PATH.OPTIMIZE, memory=PAR.LBFGSMEM, maxiter=PAR.LBFGSMAX, thresh=PAR.LBFGSTHRESH, precond=self.precond, ) # write initial model if exists(PATH.MODEL_INIT): src = PATH.MODEL_INIT dst = join(PATH.OPTIMIZE, "m_new") savenpy(dst, solver.merge(solver.load(src)))
def _launch(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all'): unix.mkdir(PATH.SYSTEM) with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_id', 'w') as f:'sbatch ' + '%s ' % PAR.SLURMARGS + '--job-name=%s ' % PAR.TITLE + '--nodes=%d ' % math.ceil(PAR.NPROC/float(PAR.NODESIZE)) + '--ntasks-per-node=%d ' % PAR.NODESIZE + '--ntasks=%d ' % PAR.NPROC + '--time=%d ' % PAR.STEPTIME + self._launch_args(hosts) + findpath('seisflows.system') +'/'+ 'wrappers/run ' + PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname + ' ', shell=1, stdout=f) # retrieve job ids with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_id', 'r') as f: line = f.readline() job = line.split()[-1].strip() if hosts == 'all' and PAR.NTASK > 1: return [job+'_'+str(ii) for ii in range(PAR.NTASK)] else: return [job]
def apply_hessian(self, m, dm, h): """ Computes the action of the Hessian on a given vector through solver calls """ system = sys.modules['seisflows_system'] solver = sys.modules['seisflows_solver'] postprocess = sys.modules['seisflows_postprocess']'m_lcg', m + h*dm) + h*dm), PATH.HESS+'/'+'model')'optimize', 'apply_hess', path=PATH.HESS) postprocess.write_gradient( path=PATH.HESS)'g_lcg', solver.merge(solver.load( PATH.HESS+'/'+'gradient', suffix='_kernel'))) # uncomment for debugging #if True: # unix.rm(PATH.HESS+'_debug') #, PATH.HESS+'_debug') # unix.mkdir(PATH.HESS) unix.rm(PATH.HESS) unix.mkdir(PATH.HESS) return self.hessian_product(h)
def save(self, path): """ Save objects to disk for later reference """ unix.mkdir(_full(path)) for name in self.names: fullfile = join(_full(path), name + '.p') saveobj(fullfile, sys.modules[name])
def save(self, path, model, prefix='reg1_', suffix=''): """ writes SPECFEM3D_GLOBE transerverly isotropic model """ unix.mkdir(path) for iproc in range(self.mesh_properties.nproc): for key in ['vpv', 'vph', 'vsv', 'vsh', 'eta']: if key in self.parameters: savebin(model[key][iproc], path, iproc, prefix + key + suffix) elif 'kernel' in suffix: pass else: src = PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + 'model_init' dst = path copybin(src, dst, iproc, prefix + key + suffix) if 'rho' in self.parameters: savebin(model['rho'][iproc], path, iproc, prefix + 'rho' + suffix) elif 'kernel' in suffix: pass else: src = PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + 'model_init' dst = path copybin(src, dst, iproc, prefix + 'rho' + suffix)
def save(self, path): """ Save objects to disk for later reference """ unix.mkdir(_full(path)) for name in self.names: fullfile = join(_full(path), name+'.p') saveobj(fullfile, sys.modules[name])
def export_model(self, path): if system.getnode() == 0: for name in self.model_parameters: src = glob(join(self.databases, '*_' + name + '.bin')) dst = path unix.mkdir(dst) unix.cp(src, dst)
def smooth(self, input_path='', output_path='', parameters=[], span=0.): """ Smooths kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian. Wrapper over xsmooth_sem utility. """ if not exists(input_path): raise Exception if not exists(output_path): unix.mkdir(output_path) # apply smoothing operator for name in parameters or self.parameters: print ' smoothing', name call_solver(system.mpiexec(), PATH.SPECFEM_BIN + '/' + 'xsmooth_sem ' + str(span) + ' ' + str(span) + ' ' + name + '_kernel' + ' ' + input_path + '/ ' + output_path + '/ ', output='/dev/null') print '' # rename output files files = glob(output_path + '/*') unix.rename('_smooth', '', files)
def _launch(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all'): unix.mkdir(PATH.SYSTEM) nodes = math.ceil(PAR.NTASK / float(PAR.NODESIZE)) ncpus = PAR.NPROC mpiprocs = PAR.NPROC hours = PAR.STEPTIME / 60 minutes = PAR.STEPTIME % 60 walltime = 'walltime=%02d:%02d:00 ' % (hours, minutes) # submit job with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_id', 'w') as f: call( 'qsub ' + '%s ' % PAR.PBSARGS + '-l select=%d:ncpus=%d:mpiprocs=%d ' (nodes, ncpus, mpiprocs) + '-l %s ' % walltime + '-J 0-%s ' % (PAR.NTASK - 1) + '-N %s ' % PAR.TITLE + '-o %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.pbs/' + '$PBS_ARRAYID') + '-r y ' + '-j oe ' + '-V ' + self.launch_args(hosts) + PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname + ' ' + findpath('seisflows.system'), stdout=f) # retrieve job ids with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_id', 'r') as f: line = f.readline() job = line.split()[-1].strip() if hosts == 'all' and PAR.NTASK > 1: nn = range(PAR.NTASK) job0 = job.strip('[].sdb') return [job0 + '[' + str(ii) + '].sdb' for ii in nn] else: return [job]
def submit(self, workflow): """Submits job """ unix.mkdir(PATH.OUTPUT) # save current state self.checkpoint() # construct resource list nodes = int(PAR.NTASK / PAR.NODESIZE) cores = PAR.NTASK % PAR.NODESIZE hours = int(PAR.WALLTIME / 60) minutes = PAR.WALLTIME % 60 resources = 'walltime=%02d:%02d:00'%(hours, minutes) if nodes == 0: resources += ',mem=%dgb,nodes=1:ppn=%d'%(PAR.MEMORY, cores) elif cores == 0: resources += ',mem=%dgb,nodes=%d:ppn=%d'%(PAR.MEMORY, nodes, PAR.NODESIZE) else: resources += ',mem=%dgb,nodes=%d:ppn=%d+1:ppn=%d'%(PAR.MEMORY, nodes, PAR.NODESIZE, cores) # construct arguments list'qsub ' + '-N %s '%PAR.TITLE + '-o %s '%(PATH.SUBMIT +'/'+ 'output.log') + '-l %s '%resources + '-j %s '%'oe' + findpath('system') +'/'+ 'wrappers/submit ' + '-F %s '%PATH.OUTPUT)
def _launch(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all'): unix.mkdir(PATH.SYSTEM) with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_id', 'w') as f: call('sbatch ' + '%s ' % PAR.SLURMARGS + '--job-name=%s ' % PAR.TITLE + '--nodes=%d ' % math.ceil(PAR.NPROC/float(PAR.NODESIZE)) + '--ntasks-per-node=%d ' % PAR.NODESIZE + '--ntasks=%d ' % PAR.NPROC + '--time=%d ' % PAR.STEPTIME + self._launch_args(hosts) + findpath('seisflows.system') +'/'+ 'wrappers/run ' + PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname + ' ', stdout=f) # retrieve job ids with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_id', 'r') as f: line = f.readline() job = line.split()[-1].strip() if hosts == 'all' and PAR.NTASK > 1: return [job+'_'+str(ii) for ii in range(PAR.NTASK)] else: return [job]
def write_gradient(self, path): """ Reads kernels and writes gradient of objective function """ if not exists(path): unix.mkdir(path) self.combine_kernels(path, solver.parameters) self.process_kernels(path, solver.parameters)
def checkpoint(self, path, classname, method, args, kwargs): """ Writes information to disk so tasks can be executed remotely """ argspath = join(path, 'kwargs') argsfile = join(argspath, classname+'_'+method+'.p') unix.mkdir(argspath) saveobj(argsfile, kwargs) save()
def submit(self, workflow): """ Submits job """ unix.mkdir(PATH.OUTPUT) self.checkpoint() workflow.main()
def write_model(self, path='', suffix=''): """ Writes model in format used by solver """ unix.mkdir(path) src = PATH.OPTIMIZE +'/'+ 'm_' + suffix dst = path +'/'+ 'model' parts = solver.split(loadnpy(src)), parts)
def clean(self): """ Cleans directories in which function and gradient evaluations were carried out """ unix.rm(PATH.GRAD) unix.rm(PATH.FUNC) unix.mkdir(PATH.GRAD) unix.mkdir(PATH.FUNC)
def clean_directory(self, path): """ If dir exists clean otherwise make """ if not exists(path): unix.mkdir(path) else: unix.rm(path) unix.mkdir(path)
def submit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Submits job """ if not exists(PATH.SCRATCH): path = '/scratch/gpfs'+'/'+getuser()+'/'+'seisflows'+'/'+str(uuid4()) unix.mkdir(path) unix.ln(path, PATH.SCRATCH) super(tiger_lg, self).submit(*args, **kwargs)
def write_model(self, path='', suffix=''): """ Writes model in format used by solver """ unix.mkdir(path) src = PATH.OPTIMIZE +'/'+ 'm_' + suffix dst = path +'/'+ 'model' unix.mkdir(dst) unix.cp(glob(join(PATH.MODEL, '*.bin')), dst) solver.split(src, dst, '.bin')
def export_kernels(self, path): # work around conflicting name conventions self.rename_kernels() src = glob('*_kernel.bin') dst = join(path, 'kernels', self.source_name) unix.mkdir(dst), dst)
def clean(self): isready = self.solver_status() if isready: unix.rm(PATH.GRAD), PATH.GRAD) unix.mkdir(PATH.FUNC) unix.rm(PATH.SOLVER)'_best', PATH.SOLVER) else: super(thrifty_inversion, self).clean()
def clean(self): # can forward simulations from line search be carried over? self.update_status() if self.status==1: unix.rm(PATH.GRAD), PATH.GRAD) unix.mkdir(PATH.FUNC) else: super(thrifty_inversion, self).clean()
def setup(cls): unix.mkdir(cls.path) optimize.check() optimize.setup() m = problem.model_init() savenpy('m_new',m)