def FirstPlot(): algo_name = "Selection sort" input_data = [] exec_time = [] Arr = [] for n in range(100, 1100, 100): Arr = range(n, -1, -1) start_time = time.clock() selection.selectionSort(Arr) end_time = time.clock() exec_time.append((end_time - start_time) * 1000) input_data.append(n) CreatePlot(input_data, exec_time, algo_name)
def testSelectionSort(self): self.assertEqual(selectionSort([2, 65, 12, 35, 78, 95, 15, 4]), [2, 4, 12, 15, 35, 65, 78, 95]) self.assertEqual(selectionSort([1, 5, 9, 12, 56, 89, 94, 102]), [1, 5, 9, 12, 56, 89, 94, 102]) self.assertEqual(selectionSort([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]), [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]) self.assertEqual(selectionSort([]), []) self.assertEqual(selectionSort([100, 25]), [25, 100]) self.assertEqual(selectionSort([2]), [2]) self.assertEqual(selectionSort([3, 5, 6, 84, 21, 65]), [3, 5, 6, 21, 65, 84]) self.assertEqual(selectionSort([3, 5, 6, 21, 65]), [3, 5, 6, 21, 65])
for i in range(999,-1,-1): testArr2.append(i) testArr3 = [] for i in range(9999,-1,-1): testArr3.append(i) Arr1 = range(0,100) Arr2 = range(0,1000) Arr3 = range(0,10000) selection.selectionSort(testArr1) selection.selectionSort(testArr2) selection.selectionSort(testArr3) pass1 = 1 pass2 = 1 pass3 = 1 for i in range(0,100): if testArr1[i] != Arr1[i]: pass1 = 0 break for i in range(0,1000): if testArr2[i] != Arr2[i]:
print("---------------------------------------") print("1 - Selection Sort") print("2 - Bubble Sort") print("3 - Shell Sort") # print("4 - gera gráfico") print("0 - Sair") print("---------------------------------------") opt = input("Digite uma Opção: ") return opt opt = 0 while opt != '4': opt = menu() if opt == '1': selectionSort(values) print(values) elif opt == '2': bubbleSort(values) print(values) elif opt == '3': shellSort(values) print(values) # elif opt == '4': # sentinelSearch(vector) elif opt == '0': print('\n' + 'Obrigado =)' + '\n' + 'Leonardo dos Santos') break else: print('Opção Invalida!') break
def main(): window.fill((255, 255, 255)) query = [random.randrange(20, 400) for i in range(100)] c = [135, 206, 235] start = 100 i = start j = 0 while i < 1000 + start: pygame.draw.line(window, c, (i, 500), (i, 500 - query[j]), 5) j += 1 i += 10 pygame.display.update() s = 80 quick = button(mnt, 10 + s, 520, 180, 50, "quickSort") button.draw(quick, window) merge = button(mnt, 210 + s, 520, 180, 50, "mergeSort") button.draw(merge, window) selection = button(mnt, 400 + s, 520, 200, 50, "selectionSort") button.draw(selection, window) insertion = button(mnt, 610 + s, 520, 200, 50, "insertionSort") button.draw(insertion, window) bubble = button(mnt, 820 + s, 520, 200, 50, "bubbleSort") button.draw(bubble, window) speed = Slider("Speed", 0.025, 0.05, 0, 630) pygame.display.update() pause = button(mnt, 450, 520, 160, 50, "start/stop") run = True while run: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if quick.isOver(pos): clearinstruction(window, pause) #message("illustrating ..quickSort",window) quickSort(query, 0, 99, window, pause, speed, 0.025) run = False elif merge.isOver(pos): clearinstruction(window, pause) #message("illustrating ..mergeSort",window) mergeSort(query, 0, 99, window, pause, speed) run = False elif selection.isOver(pos): clearinstruction( window, pause) #message("illustrating ..selectionSort",window) selectionSort(query, 0, 99, window, pause, speed) run = False elif insertion.isOver(pos): clearinstruction( window, pause) #message("illustrating ..insertionSort",window) insertionSort(query, 0, 99, window, pause, speed) run = False elif bubble.isOver(pos): #message("illustrating ..bubbleSort",window) clearinstruction(window, pause) bubbleSort(query, window, pause, speed) run = False elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() clearInstruction(window) restart = button(mnt, 550, 520, 120, 50, "restart") button.draw(restart, window) pygame.display.update() run = True while run: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False break if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1 and restart.isOver( pygame.mouse.get_pos()): try: main() except: pass pygame.quit()
def plot(): '''Plottet die Laufzeiten der Sortierverfahren in einem Diagramm ''' fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Initialliste ogLst = listsGenerator(MAX_NUMBERS_IN_LIST) # Kopie fuer Bubblesort bubbleLst = copy.deepcopy(ogLst) # Kopie fuer InsertionSort insertionLst = copy.deepcopy(ogLst) # Kopie fuer SelectionSort selectionLst = copy.deepcopy(ogLst) # Kopie fuer MergeSort mergeLst = copy.deepcopy(ogLst) # Kopie fuer QuickSort quickLst = copy.deepcopy(ogLst) quickLst2 = copy.deepcopy(ogLst) # Funktion [x ; y] # x: Anzahl der Elemente -- y: Zeit zum sortieren ax.plot( [i for i in range(0, MAX_NUMBERS_IN_LIST)], [bubble.bubbleSort(j) for j in bubbleLst], '-', color='c', ) ax.plot([i for i in range(0, MAX_NUMBERS_IN_LIST)], [insertion.insertionSort(j) for j in insertionLst], '-', color='m') ax.plot( [i for i in range(0, MAX_NUMBERS_IN_LIST)], [selection.selectionSort(j) for j in selectionLst], '-', color='r', ) ax.plot( [i for i in range(0, MAX_NUMBERS_IN_LIST)], measureTime(mergeLst), '-', color='y', ) ax.plot( [i for i in range(0, MAX_NUMBERS_IN_LIST)], [quick.quickSort(j) for j in quickLst], '-', color='b', ) # ax.plot([i for i in range(0, MAX_NUMBERS_IN_LIST)], [quick_alt.quickSort(j) for j in quickLst2], '.') # Legende ax.set_title("Elemente in Liste im Intervall (0, %d)" % MAX_INTERV) ax.legend([ 'BubbleSort', 'InsertionSort', 'SelectionSort', 'MergeSort', 'QuickSort' ]) ax.set_xlabel('Anzahl Elemente in Liste') ax.set_ylabel('Sortierzeit in s')
elif op == 5: print("Você escolheu o algoritmo QuickSort\n") array_quic = array.copy() n = len(array_quic) inicio = timeit.default_timer() result_quic = quickSort(array_quic, 0, n - 1) fim = timeit.default_timer() result = fim - inicio print("Tempo de execução: {:.8f} \n".format(result)) elif op == 6: print("Você escolheu o algoritmo SelectionSort\n") array_selec = array.copy() inicio = timeit.default_timer() result_selec = selectionSort(array_selec) fim = timeit.default_timer() result = fim - inicio print("Tempo de execução: {:.8f} \n".format(result)) elif op == 7: print("Você escolheu o algoritmo ShellSort\n") array_shel = array.copy() inicio = timeit.default_timer() result_shel = shellSort(array_shel) fim = timeit.default_timer() result = fim - inicio print("Tempo de execução: {:.8f} \n".format(result)) else: print("Opção Inválida\n")