def plotAll(): gROOT.SetBatch(True) hists = {} # file = TFile(NTUPLEDIR + "DYJetsToLL.root", 'READ') # # # Looping over file content # for key in file.GetListOfKeys(): # obj = key.ReadObj() # # Histograms # if obj.IsA().InheritsFrom('TH1'): continue # # hists.append(obj.GetName()) # # Tree # elif obj.IsA().InheritsFrom('TTree'): continue # # Directories # if obj.IsFolder() and obj.GetName() in ['0l', '1e', '1m', '2e', '2m', '1e1m']: # subdir = obj.GetName() # hists[subdir] = [] # # for subkey in file.GetDirectory(subdir).GetListOfKeys(): # subobj = subkey.ReadObj() # if subobj.IsA().InheritsFrom('TH1'): # hists[subdir].append(subobj.GetName()) #'..') # file.Close() # # for c, l in hists.iteritems(): # #if not os.path.exists("plots/"+c): # # os.mkdir("plots/"+c) # for h in l: # plot(h, c) for r in selection.keys(): #for v in ['Lepton1_pt', 'Lepton1_pfIso', 'Lepton2_pt', 'Lepton2_pfIso', 'Jet1_pt', 'Jet1_csv', 'Jet2_pt', 'Jet2_csv', 'Jet3_pt', 'Jet3_csv', 'Jet4_pt', 'Jet4_csv', 'JetF_pt', 'mZ', 'V_pt', 'mT', 'mT2', 'MinDPhi', 'MinDPhi12', 'MET_pt', 'MET_sign', 'FakeMET_pt', 'nPV', 'nJets', 'nForwardJets', 'nBTagJets', 'nElectrons', 'nMuons', 'nTaus', 'HT', 'ST']: for v in [ 'MET_pt', 'MET_sign', 'MinDPhi12', 'mTb', 'mT', 'ratio_jet1pt_HT', 'mT2' ]: #for v in ['MET_pt','MET_sign', 'FakeMET_pt']: # plot(v, r) p = multiprocessing.Process(target=plot, args=( v, r, )) jobs.append(p) p.start() p.join()
def plot(var, cut, nm1=False): ### Preliminary Operations ### treeRead = True channel = cut BTagAK4deepup = False BTagAK4deepdown = False BTagAK4deep = False BTagAK8deepup = False BTagAK8deepdown = False BTagAK8deep = False if 'inc' in cut: eventWeightLuminame = 'eventWeightLumi_nobtag' else: eventWeightLuminame = 'eventWeightLumi' if "SB" in cut or "SR" in cut: channel_name = cut[:-2] else: channel_name = cut isBlind = BLIND and 'SR' in channel if year in ['2016', '2017', '2018']: NTUPLEDIR = "/work/pbaertsc/heavy_resonance/Ntuples%s/" % (year) else: NTUPLEDIR = "/work/pbaertsc/heavy_resonance/" #showSignal = False if 'SB' in cut or 'TR' in cut else True #'SR' in channel or channel=='qqqq'#or len(channel)==5 if var in [ 'dijet_VBF_mass', 'deltaR_VBF', 'deltaR_HVBFjet1', 'deltaR_HVBFjet2' ]: showSignal = False else: showSignal = True if "cutflow" in var: showSignal = False if var in [ 'X_mass_jesUp', 'X_mass_jesDown', 'X_mass_jerUp', 'X_mass_jerDown', 'X_mass_nom', 'X_mass_MET_jesUp', 'X_mass_MET_jesDown', 'X_mass_MET_jerUp', 'X_mass_MET_jerDown', 'X_mass_MET_nom', 'H_mass_jmsUp', 'H_mass_jmsDown', 'H_mass_jmrUp', 'H_mass_jmrDown', 'H_mass_nom' ]: back = ["VV"] else: back = [ "VV", "ST", "TTbarSL", "WJetsToLNu_HT", "DYJetsToNuNu_HT", "DYJetsToLL_HT" ] stype = "HVT model B" if channel.endswith('up'): TopBTagAK4deepup = True channel = channel[:-2] cut = channel if channel.endswith('down'): TopBTagAK4deepdown = True channel = channel[:-4] cut = channel if treeRead: for k in sorted(selection.keys(), key=len, reverse=True): if k in cut: cut = cut.replace(k, selection[k]) # Determine Primary Dataset pd = [] if var == 'BTagAK4Weightdeep_up': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK4deepup = True elif var == 'BTagAK4Weight_deep_down': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK4deepdown = True elif var == 'BTagAK4Weight_deep': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK4deep = True elif var == 'BTagAK8Weight_deep_up': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK8deepup = True elif var == 'BTagAK8Weight_deep_down': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK8deepdown = True elif var == 'BTagAK8Weight_deep': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK8deep = True print "Plotting from", ("tree" if treeRead else "file"), var, "in", channel, "channel with:" print " dataset:", pd print " cut :", cut ### Create and fill MC histograms ### # Create dict file = {} tree = {} hist = {} ### Create and fill MC histograms ### for i, s in enumerate(back + sign + sign_VBF): if treeRead: # Project from tree tree[s] = TChain("tree") for j, ss in enumerate(sample[s]['files']): if not 'data' in s or ('data' in s and ss in pd): tree[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if variable[var]['nbins'] > 0: if 'X_mass' in var: min_value = 0.0 max_value = 6000. else: min_value = variable[var]['min'] max_value = variable[var]['max'] title = variable[var]['title'] hist[s] = TH1F( s, ";" + title + ";Events;" + ('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), variable[var]['nbins'], min_value, max_value) else: hist[s] = TH1F(s, ";" + variable[var]['title'], len(variable[var]['bins']) - 1, array('f', variable[var]['bins'])) hist[s].Sumw2() cutstring = "%s" % eventWeightLuminame + ("*(" + cut + ")") if var == 'LeptonWeightUp': cutstring = "(%s * LeptonWeightUp/LeptonWeight)" % eventWeightLuminame + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif var == 'LeptonWeightDown': cutstring = "(%s * LeptonWeightDown/LeptonWeight)" % eventWeightLuminame + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif var == 'TriggerWeightUp': cutstring = "(%s * TriggerWeightUp/TriggerWeight)" % eventWeightLuminame + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif var == 'TriggerWeightDown': cutstring = "(%s * TriggerWeightDown/TriggerWeight)" % eventWeightLuminame + ( "*(" + cut + ")") #division by BTagAk8Weight_deep is because the weighted samples are used elif BTagAK4deep: cutstring = "(%s * BTagAK4Weight_deep)" % eventWeightLuminame + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif BTagAK4deepup: cutstring = "(%s * BTagAK4Weight_deep_up)" % eventWeightLuminame + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif BTagAK4deepdown: cutstring = "(%s * BTagAK4Weight_deep_down)" % eventWeightLuminame + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif BTagAK8deepup: cutstring = "(%s * BTagAK8Weight_deep_up/BTagAK8Weight_deep)" % eventWeightLuminame + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif BTagAK8deepdown: cutstring = "(%s * BTagAK8Weight_deep_down/BTagAK8Weight_deep)" % eventWeightLuminame + ( "*(" + cut + ")") tree[s].Project(s, var, cutstring) if not tree[s].GetTree() == None: hist[s].SetOption("%s" % tree[s].GetTree().GetEntriesFast()) #print tree[s].GetTree().GetEntriesFast() hist[s].Scale(sample[s]['weight'] if hist[s].Integral() >= 0 else 0) hist[s].SetFillColor(sample[s]['fillcolor']) hist[s].SetFillStyle(sample[s]['fillstyle']) hist[s].SetLineColor(sample[s]['linecolor']) hist[s].SetLineStyle(sample[s]['linestyle']) hist['BkgSum'] = hist['data_obs'].Clone( "BkgSum") if 'data_obs' in hist else hist[back[0]].Clone("BkgSum") hist['BkgSum'].Reset("MICES") hist['BkgSum'].SetFillStyle(3003) hist['BkgSum'].SetFillColor(1) for i, s in enumerate(back): hist['BkgSum'].Add(hist[s]) # Set histogram style for i, s in enumerate(back + sign + sign_VBF + ['BkgSum']): addOverflow(hist[s], False) # Add overflow for i, s in enumerate(sign + sign_VBF): hist[s].SetLineWidth(3) for i, s in enumerate(sign + sign_VBF): sample[s][ 'plot'] = True #sample[s]['plot'] and s.startswith(channel[:2]) # Create stack bkg = THStack("Bkg", ";" + hist['BkgSum'].GetXaxis().GetTitle() + ";Events") for i, s in enumerate(back): bkg.Add(hist[s]) return hist
def plot(var, cut, norm=False, nm1=False): ### Preliminary Operations ### doBinned = False if options.mode == "binned": doBinned = True fileRead = os.path.exists("combinedCards_" + + "/fitDiagnostics_" + options.file + ".root") treeRead = not any( x == cut for x in ['0l', '1e', '1m', '2e', '2m', '1e1m', 'Gen', 'Trigger' ]) #(var in variable.keys()) # Read from tree #signal definition if fileRead: sign = ['ttDM_MChi1_MPhi200_scalar', 'tDM_MChi1_MPhi200_scalar'] #for postfit plot if not fileRead and not options.limit: sign = ['ttDM_MChi1_MPhi100_scalar', 'tDM_MChi1_MPhi100_scalar'] #for normal plotting #bkg definition if fileRead or options.limit: back = [ "QCD", "DYJetsToNuNu_HT", "DYJetsToLL_HT", "VV", "ST", "WJetsToLNu_HT", "TTbarSL" ] #for postfit or limit if (cut).find('>250') or (cut).startswith('AH'): #for hadronic selections back = [ "QCD", "DYJetsToLL_HT", "VV", "ST", "WJetsToLNu_HT", "TTbarV", "TTbar2L", "TTbar1L", "DYJetsToNuNu_HT" ] if fileRead or options.limit: back = [ "QCD", "DYJetsToLL_HT", "VV", "ST", "WJetsToLNu_HT", "TTbarSL", "DYJetsToNuNu_HT" ] #for postfit or limit binLow = "" binHigh = "" binName = "" if "binned" in cut: binLow = cut[cut.find("LowVal") + 6:cut.find("HighVal") - 1] binHigh = cut[cut.find("HighVal") + 7:] binName = "bin_" + binLow + "_" + binHigh cut = cut[:cut.find("binned")] useformula = False if 'formula' in variable[var]: useformula = True channel = cut plotdir = cut plotname = var weight = "eventWeightLumi" #*(2.2/35.9) isBlind = BLIND and ('SR' in channel or 'ps' in channel) if fileRead: isBlind = False options.saveplots = True RESIDUAL = True elif isBlind: RATIO = 0 SIGNAL = 20 else: RATIO = 4 SIGNAL = 1 RESIDUAL = False showSignal = True #('SR' in channel) cutSplit = cut.split() for s in cutSplit: if s in selection.keys(): plotdir = s cut = cut.replace(s, selection[s]) if not binLow == "": cut = cut + " && " + var + " > " + binLow + " && " + var + " < " + binHigh #if treeRead and cut in selection: cut = cut.replace(cut, selection[cut]) # Determine Primary Dataset pd = [] if any(w in cut for w in ['1l', '1m', '2m', 'isWtoMN', 'isZtoMM', 'isTtoEM']): pd += [x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if 'SingleMuon' in x] if any(w in cut for w in ['1l', '1e', '2e', 'isWtoEN', 'isZtoEE']): pd += [x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if 'SingleElectron' in x] if any(w in cut for w in ['0l', 'isZtoNN']): pd += [x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if 'MET' in x] if len(pd) == 0: raw_input("Warning: Primary Dataset not recognized, continue?") print "Plotting from", ("tree" if treeRead else "file"), var, "in", channel, "channel with:" print " dataset:", pd print " cut :", cut print " cut :", weight ### Create and fill MC histograms ### # Create dict file = {} tree = {} hist = {} ### Create and fill MC histograms ### for i, s in enumerate(data + back + sign): if fileRead: var = 'MET_pt' if channel.startswith('SL'): var = 'MET_sign' if channel.endswith('ZR'): var = 'FakeMET_pt' plotname = var hist[s] = TH1F( s, ";" + variable[var]['title'] + ";Events;" + ('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), variable[var]['nbins'], variable[var]['min'], variable[var]['max']) if doBinned: bins = np.array([]) if 'bins' in variable[var].keys(): bins = np.array(variable[var]['bins']) else: binsize = (variable[var]['max'] - variable[var]['min']) / variable[var]['nbins'] bins = np.arange(variable[var]['min'], variable[var]['max'] + binsize, binsize) bins = np.append(bins, 10000) for i in range(0, len(bins) - 1): rbin = str(bins[i]) + "_" + str(bins[i + 1]) fileName = "combinedCards_" + + "/fitDiagnostics_" + options.file + ".root" if not any( t in s for t in ['data', 'tDM'] ) else "rootfiles_" + + "/" + channel + "bin_" + rbin + ".root" histName = "shapes_fit_b/" + channel + "bin_" + rbin + "/" + s if not any( t in s for t in ['data', 'tDM']) else s file[s] = TFile(fileName, "READ") tmphist = file[s].Get(histName) if 'data' not in s: hist[s].SetMarkerSize(0) if tmphist: hist[s].SetBinContent(i + 1, tmphist.GetBinContent(1)) hist[s].SetBinError(i + 1, tmphist.GetBinError(1)) else: hist[s].SetBinContent(i + 1, 0.) hist[s].SetBinError(i + 1, 0.) else: fileName = "combinedCards_" + + "/fitDiagnostics_" + options.file + ".root" if not s == 'data_obs' else "rootfiles_" + + "/" + channel + binName + ".root" histName = "shapes_fit_b/" + channel + "/" + s if not s == 'data_obs' else s file[s] = TFile(fileName, "READ") tmphist = file[s].Get(histName) if tmphist == None: tmphist = hist[back[0]].Clone(s) tmphist.Reset("MICES") print "Histogram", histName, "not found in file", fileName if s == 'data_obs': hist[s] = tmphist else: hist[s] = hist['data_obs'].Clone(s) hist[s].SetMarkerSize(0) for i in range(tmphist.GetNbinsX() + 1): hist[s].SetBinContent(i + 1, tmphist.GetBinContent(i + 1)) elif treeRead: # Project from tree tree[s] = TChain("tree") for j, ss in enumerate(sample[s]['files']): if not 'data' in s or ('data' in s and ss in pd): tree[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if not binLow == "": hist[s] = TH1F( s, ";" + variable[var]['title'] + ";Events;" + ('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), 1, float(binLow), float(binHigh)) elif binLow == "" and variable[var]['nbins'] > 0: hist[s] = TH1F( s, ";" + variable[var]['title'] + ";Events;" + ('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), variable[var]['nbins'], variable[var]['min'], variable[var]['max']) else: hist[s] = TH1F( s, ";" + variable[var]['title'] + ";Events;" + ('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), len(variable[var]['bins']) - 1, array('f', variable[var]['bins'])) hist[s].Sumw2() redFactorString = "" redFactorValue = "" #if isBlind and 'data' in s: if isBlind and 'data' in s and options.limit: redFactorString = " && Entry$ % 15 == 1" #if isBlind and 'data' not in s: if isBlind and 'data' not in s and options.limit: redFactorValue = " / 15" cutstring = "(" + weight + redFactorValue + ")" + ( "*(" + cut + redFactorString + ")" if len(cut) > 0 else "") if '-' in s: cutstring = cutstring.replace( cut, cut + "&& nBQuarks==" + s.split('-')[1][0]) if useformula == True: tree[s].Project(s, variable[var]['formula'], cutstring) else: tree[s].Project(s, var, cutstring) if not tree[s].GetTree() == None: hist[s].SetOption("%s" % tree[s].GetTree().GetEntriesFast()) else: # Histogram written to file for j, ss in enumerate(sample[s]['files']): if not 'data' in s or ('data' in s and ss in pd): file[ss] = TFile(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root", "R") if file[ss].IsZombie(): print "WARNING: file", NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root", "does not exist" continue tmphist = file[ss].Get(cut + "/" + var) if tmphist == None: continue if not s in hist.keys(): hist[s] = tmphist else: hist[s].Add(tmphist) if hist[s].Integral() < 0: hist[s].Scale(0) hist[s].SetFillColor(sample[s]['fillcolor']) hist[s].SetFillStyle(sample[s]['fillstyle']) hist[s].SetLineColor(sample[s]['linecolor']) hist[s].SetLineStyle(sample[s]['linestyle']) #if 'WJetsToLNu' in s and 'SL' in channel and 'WR' in channel: hist[s].Scale(1.30) #if 'TTbar' in s and 'SL' in channel and 'TR' in channel: hist[s].Scale(0.91) hist['BkgSum'] = hist[back[0]].Clone("BkgSum") hist['BkgSum'].Reset("MICES") for i, s in enumerate(back): hist['BkgSum'].Add(hist[s], 1) if fileRead: hist['PreFit'] = hist['BkgSum'].Clone("PreFit") if doBinned: for i in range(0, len(bins) - 1): rbin = str(bins[i]) + "_" + str(bins[i + 1]) tmphist = file[back[0]].Get("shapes_prefit/" + channel + "bin_" + rbin + "/" + "total_background") if tmphist: hist['PreFit'].SetBinContent(i + 1, tmphist.GetBinContent(1)) else: hist['PreFit'].SetBinContent(i + 1, 0.) else: tmphist = file[back[0]].Get("shapes_prefit/" + channel + "/" + "total_background") for i in range(tmphist.GetNbinsX() + 1): hist['PreFit'].SetBinContent(i + 1, tmphist.GetBinContent(i + 1)) addOverflow(hist['PreFit'], False) hist['PreFit'].SetLineStyle(2) hist['PreFit'].SetLineColor(617) #923 hist['PreFit'].SetLineWidth(3) hist['PreFit'].SetFillStyle(0) hist['BkgSum'].SetFillStyle(3002) hist['BkgSum'].SetFillColor(1) # Create data and Bkg sum histograms # if options.blind or 'SR' in channel: # hist['data_obs'] = hist['BkgSum'].Clone("data_obs") # hist['data_obs'].Reset("MICES") # Set histogram style hist[data[0]].SetMarkerStyle(20) hist[data[0]].SetMarkerSize(1.25) for i, s in enumerate(data + back + sign + ['BkgSum']): addOverflow(hist[s], False) # Add overflow for i, s in enumerate(sign): hist[s].SetLineWidth(3) #for i, s in enumerate(sign): sample[s]['plot'] = True#sample[s]['plot'] and s.startswith(channel[:2]) if norm: for i, s in enumerate(sign): hist[s].Scale(hist['BkgSum'].Integral() / hist[s].Integral()) # for i, s in enumerate(back): # hist[s].SetFillStyle(3005) # hist[s].SetLineWidth(2) # #for i, s in enumerate(sign): # # hist[s].SetFillStyle(0) # if not var=="Events": # sfnorm = hist[data[0]].Integral()/hist['BkgSum'].Integral() # print "Applying SF:", sfnorm # for i, s in enumerate(back+['BkgSum']): hist[s].Scale(sfnorm) if SIGNAL > 1: if not var == "Events": for i, s in enumerate(sign): hist[s].Scale(SIGNAL) # Create stack bkg = THStack("Bkg", ";" + hist['BkgSum'].GetXaxis().GetTitle() + ";Events") for i, s in enumerate(back): bkg.Add(hist[s]) # Legend #leg = TLegend(0.65, 0.6, 0.95, 0.9) leg = TLegend(0.45, 0.63, 0.93, 0.92) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) #1001 leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetNColumns(3) leg.SetTextFont(42) if len(data) > 0: leg.AddEntry(hist[data[0]], sample[data[0]]['label'], "pe") for i, s in reversed(list(enumerate(back))): leg.AddEntry(hist[s], sample[s]['label'], "f") if 'PreFit' not in hist: leg.AddEntry(hist['BkgSum'], sample['BkgSum']['label'], "f") else: leg.AddEntry(hist['BkgSum'], 'MC unc.', "l") leg.AddEntry(hist['PreFit'], sample['PreFit']['label'], "l") if showSignal: for i, s in enumerate(sign): if SIGNAL > 1: if sample[s]['plot']: leg.AddEntry(hist[s], '%s (x%d)' % (sample[s]['label'], SIGNAL), "l") else: if sample[s]['plot']: leg.AddEntry(hist[s], sample[s]['label'], "l") leg.SetY1(0.9 - leg.GetNRows() * 0.05) # --- Display --- c1 = TCanvas("c1", hist.values()[0].GetXaxis().GetTitle(), 800, 800 if RATIO else 600) if RATIO: if RESIDUAL: c1.Divide(1, 3) setFitTopPad(c1.GetPad(1), RATIO) setFitBotPad(c1.GetPad(2), RATIO) setFitResPad(c1.GetPad(3), RATIO) else: c1.Divide(1, 2) setTopPad(c1.GetPad(1), RATIO) setBotPad(c1.GetPad(2), RATIO) c1.GetPad(bool(RATIO)).SetTopMargin(0.06) c1.GetPad(bool(RATIO)).SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.GetPad(bool(RATIO)).SetTicks(1, 1) log = ("log" in hist['BkgSum'].GetZaxis().GetTitle()) if log: c1.GetPad(bool(RATIO)).SetLogy() # Draw bkg.Draw("HIST") # stack hist['BkgSum'].Draw("SAME, E2") # sum of bkg if not isBlind and len(data) > 0: graph = fixData(hist[data[0]], USEGARWOOD) graph.Draw("SAME, PE") #data_graph.Draw("SAME, PE") if 'PreFit' in hist: hist['PreFit'].Draw("SAME, HIST") if showSignal: for i, s in enumerate(sign): if sample[s]['plot']: hist[s].Draw( "SAME, HIST" ) # signals Normalized, hist[s].Integral()*sample[s]['weight'] bkg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(bkg.GetYaxis().GetTitleOffset() * 1.075) bkg.SetMaximum((5. if log else 1.25) * max( bkg.GetMaximum(), hist[data[0]].GetBinContent(hist[data[0]].GetMaximumBin()) + hist[data[0]].GetBinError(hist[data[0]].GetMaximumBin()))) if len(sign) > 0 and bkg.GetMaximum() < max(hist[sign[0]].GetMaximum(), hist[sign[-1]].GetMaximum()): bkg.SetMaximum( max(hist[sign[0]].GetMaximum(), hist[sign[-1]].GetMaximum()) * 1.25) bkg.SetMinimum( max( min(hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(hist['BkgSum'].GetMinimumBin( )), hist[data[0]].GetMinimum()), 5.e-1) if log else 0.) if log: #bkg.GetYaxis().SetNoExponent(bkg.GetMaximum() < 1.e4) bkg.GetYaxis().SetNoExponent(bkg.GetMaximum() < 1.e3) bkg.GetYaxis().SetMoreLogLabels(True) else: bkg.GetYaxis().SetNoExponent(bkg.GetMaximum() < 1.e3) leg.Draw() if fileRead and 'SR' in channel: drawCMS(LUMI / 15., "Preliminary") else: drawCMS(LUMI, "Preliminary") drawRegion(channel, True) drawAnalysis("DM" + channel[:2]) drawOverflow() setHistStyle(bkg, 1.2 if RATIO else 1.1) setHistStyle(hist['BkgSum'], 1.2 if RATIO else 1.1) if RATIO: err = hist['BkgSum'].Clone("BkgErr;") err.SetTitle("") err.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data / Bkg") for i in range(1, err.GetNbinsX() + 1): err.SetBinContent(i, 1) if hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i) > 0: err.SetBinError( i, hist['BkgSum'].GetBinError(i) / hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) if RESIDUAL: setFitBotStyle(err) else: setBotStyle(err) errLine = err.Clone("errLine") errLine.SetLineWidth(1) errLine.SetFillStyle(0) res = hist[data[0]].Clone("Residues") for i in range(0, res.GetNbinsX() + 1): if hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i) > 0: res.SetBinContent( i, res.GetBinContent(i) / hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) res.SetBinError( i, res.GetBinError(i) / hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) if RESIDUAL: setFitBotStyle(res) else: setBotStyle(res) #err.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(err.GetXaxis().GetLabelOffset()*5) #err.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(err.GetXaxis().GetTitleOffset()*2) err.Draw("E2") if 'PreFit' in hist: respre = hist[data[0]].Clone("ResiduesPreFit") respre.Divide(hist['PreFit']) respre.SetLineStyle(2) respre.SetLineColor(617) #923 respre.SetLineWidth(3) respre.SetFillStyle(0) respre.Draw("SAME, HIST") errLine.Draw("SAME, HIST") if not isBlind and len(data) > 0: res.Draw("SAME, PE0") #res_graph.Draw("SAME, PE0") if len(err.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel( 1)) == 0: # Bin labels: not a ordinary plot drawRatio(hist['data_obs'], hist['BkgSum']) drawStat(hist['data_obs'], hist['BkgSum']) c1.Update() if RATIO and RESIDUAL: c1.SetGrid(1, 0) resFit = hist[data[0]].Clone("Residues") resFit.Reset("MICES") resFit.SetTitle("") #resFit.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Residuals") resFit.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#frac{Data - Bkg}{#sqrt{#sigma_{Data}^{2}+#sigma_{Bkg}^{2}}}") for i in range(0, res.GetNbinsX() + 1): if hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i) > 0: resFit.SetBinContent( i, (hist[data[0]].GetBinContent(i) - hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) / (math.sqrt( math.pow(hist['BkgSum'].GetBinError(i), 2) + math.pow(hist[data[0]].GetBinError(i), 2)))) setFitResStyle(resFit) resFit.SetLineColor(15) resFit.SetFillColor(15) resFit.SetFillStyle(1001) resFit.Draw("HIST") resFitLine = resFit.Clone("resFitLine") resFitLine.SetLineWidth(1) resFitLine.SetFillStyle(0) resFitLine.Draw("SAME, HIST") c1.Update() if gROOT.IsBatch( ) and options.saveplots: # and (treeRead and channel in selection.keys()): AddString = "" if not os.path.exists("plots_" + + "/" + plotdir): os.makedirs("plots_" + + "/" + plotdir) if fileRead: if RESIDUAL: AddString = "_PostFit_Residual" else: AddString = "_PostFit" #c1.Print("plots_""/"+plotdir+"/"+plotname+binName+AddString+".png") c1.Print("plots_" + + "/" + plotdir + "/" + plotname + binName + AddString + ".pdf") # Print table printTable(hist, sign) if not gROOT.IsBatch(): raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") if gROOT.IsBatch() and not fileRead and ( var == 'MET_pt' or (channel.startswith('SL') and var == 'MET_sign') or (channel.endswith('ZR') and var == 'FakeMET_pt')): saveHist(hist, channel + binName)
def plot(var, cut, norm=False, nm1=False): ### Preliminary Operations ### fileRead = os.path.exists(options.file) treeRead = not any(x==cut for x in ['0l', '1e', '1m', '2e', '2m', '1e1m', 'Gen', 'Trigger'])#(var in variable.keys()) # Read from tree binLow = "" binHigh = "" binName = "" if "binned" in cut: binLow = cut[cut.find("LowVal")+6:cut.find("HighVal")-1] binHigh = cut[cut.find("HighVal")+7:] binName = "bin_"+binLow+"_"+binHigh cut = cut[:cut.find("binned")] useformula = True if 'formula' in variable[var]: print variable[var]['formula'] useformula = True channel = cut plotdir = cut plotname = var weight = "eventWeightLumi" #*(2.2/35.9) isBlind = BLIND and 'SR' in channel showSignal = True#('SR' in channel) cutSplit = cut.split() for s in cutSplit: if s in selection.keys(): plotdir = s cut = cut.replace(s, selection[s]) if not binLow == "": cut = cut + " && " + var + " > " + binLow + " && " + var + " < " + binHigh #if treeRead and cut in selection: cut = cut.replace(cut, selection[cut]) # Determine Primary Dataset pd = [] print cut if any(w in cut for w in ['1l', '1m', '2m', 'isWtoMN', 'isZtoMM', 'isTtoEM']): pd += [x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if 'SingleMuon' in x] if any(w in cut for w in ['1l', '1e', '2e', 'isWtoEN', 'isZtoEE']): pd += [x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if 'SingleElectron' in x] if any(w in cut for w in ['0l', 'isZtoNN']): pd += [x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if 'MET' in x] if len(pd)==0: raw_input("Warning: Primary Dataset not recognized, continue?") print "Plotting from", ("tree" if treeRead else "file"), var, "in", channel, "channel with:" print " dataset:", pd print " cut :", cut print " cut :", weight ### Create and fill MC histograms ### # Create dict file = {} tree = {} hist = {} ### Create and fill MC histograms ### for i, s in enumerate(data+back+sign): if fileRead: fileName = options.file if not s=='data_obs' else "rootfiles_""/"+channel+binName+".root" histName = "shapes_fit_b/"+channel+"/"+s if not s=='data_obs' else s file[s] = TFile(fileName, "READ") tmphist = file[s].Get(histName) if tmphist==None: tmphist = hist[back[0]].Clone(s) tmphist.Reset("MICES") print "Histogram", histName, "not found in file", fileName if s=='data_obs': hist[s] = tmphist else: hist[s] = hist['data_obs'].Clone(s) #hist[s].Reset("MICES") hist[s].SetMarkerSize(0) for i in range(tmphist.GetNbinsX()+1): hist[s].SetBinContent(i+1, tmphist.GetBinContent(i+1)) elif treeRead: # Project from tree tree[s] = TChain("tree") for j, ss in enumerate(sample[s]['files']): if not 'data' in s or ('data' in s and ss in pd): tree[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if not binLow == "": hist[s] = TH1F(s, ";"+variable[var]['title']+";Events;"+('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), 1, float(binLow), float(binHigh)) elif binLow == "" and variable[var]['nbins']>0: hist[s] = TH1F(s, ";"+variable[var]['title']+";Events;"+('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), variable[var]['nbins'], variable[var]['min'], variable[var]['max']) else: hist[s] = TH1F(s, ";"+variable[var]['title']+";Events;"+('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), len(variable[var]['bins'])-1, array('f', variable[var]['bins'])) hist[s].Sumw2() redFactorString = "" redFactorValue = "" if isBlind and 'data' in s: redFactorString = " && Entry$ % 15 == 0" if isBlind and 'data' not in s: redFactorValue = " / 15" cutstring = "("+weight+redFactorValue+")" + ("*("+cut+redFactorString+")" if len(cut)>0 else "") if '-' in s: cutstring = cutstring.replace(cut, cut + "&& nBQuarks==" + s.split('-')[1][0]) if useformula == True: tree[s].Project(s, variable[var]['formula'], cutstring) else: tree[s].Project(s, var, cutstring) if not tree[s].GetTree()==None: hist[s].SetOption("%s" % tree[s].GetTree().GetEntriesFast()) else: # Histogram written to file for j, ss in enumerate(sample[s]['files']): if not 'data' in s or ('data' in s and ss in pd): file[ss] = TFile(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root", "R") if file[ss].IsZombie(): print "WARNING: file", NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root", "does not exist" continue tmphist = file[ss].Get(cut+"/"+var) if tmphist==None: continue if not s in hist.keys(): hist[s] = tmphist else: hist[s].Add(tmphist) if hist[s].Integral() < 0: hist[s].Scale(0) hist[s].SetFillColor(sample[s]['fillcolor']) hist[s].SetFillStyle(sample[s]['fillstyle']) hist[s].SetLineColor(sample[s]['linecolor']) hist[s].SetLineStyle(sample[s]['linestyle']) #if 'WJetsToLNu' in s and 'SL' in channel and 'WR' in channel: hist[s].Scale(1.30) #if 'TTbar' in s and 'SL' in channel and 'TR' in channel: hist[s].Scale(0.91) hist['BkgSum'] = hist[back[0]].Clone("BkgSum") hist['BkgSum'].Reset("MICES") for i, s in enumerate(back): hist['BkgSum'].Add(hist[s], 1) if fileRead: #hist['BkgSum'] = file[back[0]].Get("shapes_fit_b/"+channel+"/"+"total_background") tmphist = file[back[0]].Get("shapes_prefit/"+channel+"/"+"total_background") hist['PreFit'] = hist['BkgSum'].Clone("PreFit") for i in range(tmphist.GetNbinsX()+1): hist['PreFit'].SetBinContent(i+1, tmphist.GetBinContent(i+1)) hist['PreFit'].SetLineStyle(2) hist['PreFit'].SetLineColor(923) hist['PreFit'].SetLineWidth(3) hist['PreFit'].SetFillStyle(0) hist['BkgSum'].SetFillStyle(3003) hist['BkgSum'].SetFillColor(1) # Create data and Bkg sum histograms # if options.blind or 'SR' in channel: # hist['data_obs'] = hist['BkgSum'].Clone("data_obs") # hist['data_obs'].Reset("MICES") # Set histogram style hist[data[0]].SetMarkerStyle(20) hist[data[0]].SetMarkerSize(1.25) for i, s in enumerate(data+back+sign+['BkgSum']): addOverflow(hist[s], False) # Add overflow for i, s in enumerate(sign): hist[s].SetLineWidth(3) #for i, s in enumerate(sign): sample[s]['plot'] = True#sample[s]['plot'] and s.startswith(channel[:2]) if norm: for i, s in enumerate(sign): hist[s].Scale(hist['BkgSum'].Integral()/hist[s].Integral()) # for i, s in enumerate(back): # hist[s].SetFillStyle(3005) # hist[s].SetLineWidth(2) # #for i, s in enumerate(sign): # # hist[s].SetFillStyle(0) # if not var=="Events": # sfnorm = hist[data[0]].Integral()/hist['BkgSum'].Integral() # print "Applying SF:", sfnorm # for i, s in enumerate(back+['BkgSum']): hist[s].Scale(sfnorm) # Create stack bkg = THStack("Bkg", ";"+hist['BkgSum'].GetXaxis().GetTitle()+";Events") for i, s in enumerate(back): bkg.Add(hist[s]) # Legend leg = TLegend(0.65, 0.6, 0.95, 0.9) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) #1001 leg.SetFillColor(0) if len(data) > 0: leg.AddEntry(hist[data[0]], sample[data[0]]['label'], "pe") for i, s in reversed(list(enumerate(['BkgSum']+back))): leg.AddEntry(hist[s], sample[s]['label'], "f") if 'PreFit' in hist: leg.AddEntry(hist['PreFit'], sample['PreFit']['label'], "l") if showSignal: for i, s in enumerate(sign): if sample[s]['plot']: leg.AddEntry(hist[s], sample[s]['label'], "fl") leg.SetY1(0.9-leg.GetNRows()*0.05) # --- Display --- c1 = TCanvas("c1", hist.values()[0].GetXaxis().GetTitle(), 800, 800 if RATIO else 600) if RATIO: c1.Divide(1, 2) setTopPad(c1.GetPad(1), RATIO) setBotPad(c1.GetPad(2), RATIO) c1.GetPad(bool(RATIO)).SetTopMargin(0.06) c1.GetPad(bool(RATIO)).SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.GetPad(bool(RATIO)).SetTicks(1, 1) log = ("log" in hist['BkgSum'].GetZaxis().GetTitle()) if log: c1.GetPad(bool(RATIO)).SetLogy() # Draw bkg.Draw("HIST") # stack hist['BkgSum'].Draw("SAME, E2") # sum of bkg if not isBlind and len(data) > 0: hist[data[0]].Draw("SAME, PE") # data #data_graph.Draw("SAME, PE") if 'PreFit' in hist: hist['PreFit'].Draw("SAME, HIST") if showSignal: for i, s in enumerate(sign): if sample[s]['plot']: hist[s].Draw("SAME, HIST") # signals Normalized, hist[s].Integral()*sample[s]['weight'] bkg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(bkg.GetYaxis().GetTitleOffset()*1.075) bkg.SetMaximum((5. if log else 1.25)*max(bkg.GetMaximum(), hist[data[0]].GetBinContent(hist[data[0]].GetMaximumBin())+hist[data[0]].GetBinError(hist[data[0]].GetMaximumBin()))) if len(sign) > 0 and bkg.GetMaximum() < max(hist[sign[0]].GetMaximum(), hist[sign[-1]].GetMaximum()): bkg.SetMaximum(max(hist[sign[0]].GetMaximum(), hist[sign[-1]].GetMaximum())*1.25) bkg.SetMinimum(max(min(hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(hist['BkgSum'].GetMinimumBin()), hist[data[0]].GetMinimum()), 5.e-1) if log else 0.) if log: bkg.GetYaxis().SetNoExponent(bkg.GetMaximum() < 1.e4) bkg.GetYaxis().SetMoreLogLabels(True) leg.Draw() drawCMS(LUMI, "Preliminary") drawRegion(channel, True) drawAnalysis("DM"+channel[:2]) drawOverflow() setHistStyle(bkg, 1.2 if RATIO else 1.1) setHistStyle(hist['BkgSum'], 1.2 if RATIO else 1.1) if RATIO: err = hist['BkgSum'].Clone("BkgErr;") err.SetTitle("") err.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data / Bkg") for i in range(1, err.GetNbinsX()+1): err.SetBinContent(i, 1) if hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i) > 0: err.SetBinError(i, hist['BkgSum'].GetBinError(i)/hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) setBotStyle(err) errLine = err.Clone("errLine") errLine.SetLineWidth(1) errLine.SetFillStyle(0) res = hist[data[0]].Clone("Residues") for i in range(0, res.GetNbinsX()+1): if hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i) > 0: res.SetBinContent(i, res.GetBinContent(i)/hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) res.SetBinError(i, res.GetBinError(i)/hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) setBotStyle(res) #err.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(err.GetXaxis().GetLabelOffset()*5) #err.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(err.GetXaxis().GetTitleOffset()*2) err.Draw("E2") if 'PreFit' in hist: respre = hist['PreFit'].Clone("ResiduesPreFit") respre.Divide(hist['BkgSum']) respre.Draw("SAME, HIST") errLine.Draw("SAME, HIST") if not isBlind and len(data) > 0: res.Draw("SAME, PE0") #res_graph.Draw("SAME, PE0") if len(err.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(1))==0: # Bin labels: not a ordinary plot drawRatio(hist['data_obs'], hist['BkgSum']) drawStat(hist['data_obs'], hist['BkgSum']) c1.Update() if gROOT.IsBatch() and options.saveplots: # and (treeRead and channel in selection.keys()): if not os.path.exists("plots_""/"+plotdir): os.makedirs("plots_""/"+plotdir) c1.Print("plots_""/"+plotdir+"/"+plotname+binName+".png") c1.Print("plots_""/"+plotdir+"/"+plotname+binName+".pdf") # Print table printTable(hist, sign) if not gROOT.IsBatch(): raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") if gROOT.IsBatch() and not fileRead and (var == 'MET_pt' or (channel.startswith('SL') and var == 'MET_sign') or (channel.endswith('ZR') and var == 'FakeMET_pt')): saveHist(hist, channel+binName)
def plot(var, cut, norm=False, nm1=False): ### Preliminary Operations ### fileRead = os.path.exists(options.file) treeRead = not any( x == cut for x in ['0l', '1e', '1m', '2e', '2m', '1e1m', 'Gen', 'Trigger' ]) # Read from tree channel = cut plotdir = cut plotname = var weight = "eventWeightLumi" #*(2.2/35.9) isBlind = BLIND and 'SR' in channel showSignal = True #('SR' in channel) cutSplit = cut.split() for s in cutSplit: if s in selection.keys(): plotdir = s cut = cut.replace(s, selection[s]) #if treeRead and cut in selection: cut = cut.replace(cut, selection[cut]) # Determine Primary Dataset pd = [] #print cut if any(w in cut for w in ['1l', '1m', '2m', 'isWtoMN', 'isZtoMM', 'isTtoEM']): pd += [x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if 'SingleMuon' in x] if any(w in cut for w in ['1l', '1e', '2e', 'isWtoEN', 'isZtoEE']): pd += [x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if 'SingleElectron' in x] if any(w in cut for w in ['0l', 'isZtoNN']): pd += [x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if 'MET' in x] if len(pd) == 0: raw_input("Warning: Primary Dataset not recognized, continue?") print "Plotting from", ("tree" if treeRead else "file"), var, "in", channel, "channel with:" print " dataset:", pd print " cut :", cut print " cut :", weight print "preparing cut grid" # fillCutValues(0.,0.2,4,1, # 0.,0.4,4,1, # 0.,0.5,5,1, # 0.,1.,5,1, # 0.,0.2,4,1 # ) # fillCutValues(0.,3.2,4,2, # 0.,3.2,4,1, # 0.,3.2,4,2, # 0.,3.2,4,1, # 0.,1.,5,2 # ) # fillCutValues(0.,3.2,4,1, # 0.,3.2,4,1, # 0.,3.2,4,2, # 0.,3.2,4,2, # 0.,400.,4,2 # ) fillCutValues(100., 400, 30, 1, 0., 0., 1, 1, 0., 0., 1, 1, 0., 0., 1, 1, 0., 0., 1, 1) ### Create and fill MC histograms ### # Create dict file = {} tree = {} hist = {} #variables = ["mTb","mT2","mT","MinLepMetDPhi","MinLepJetDPhi"] #'mTb','topMass','WMass','HT','Dphi_topb','Dphi_Wb','Dphi_topMET','Dphi_WMET' #variables = ["mTb","WdRMass","topdRMass","MET_pt","MET_pt"] #variables = ["Dphi_topb","Dphi_Wb","Dphi_topMET","Dphi_WMET","MET_pt"] #variables = ["aplanarityFT","CFT","circularityFT","sphericity_AZFT","DFT"] #variables = ["Dphi_topb","Dphi_topMET","Dphi_Wb","Dphi_WMET","Jet1_pt/HT"] #variables = ["MaxBJetMetDPhi","MinBJetMetDPhi","minDphiJet1BJet","minDphiJet2BJet","pt_bjet"] #variables = ["cosTheta_bb","topdRMass","topdRMass","WdRMass","WdRMass"] #variables = ["Jet1_pt/HT","MET_pt","MET_pt","MET_pt","MET_pt"] #variables = ["MinDPhi12","MET_pt","MET_pt","MET_pt","MET_pt"] variables = ["mT2", "MET_pt", "MET_pt", "MET_pt", "MET_pt"] #variables = ["MET_pt","MET_pt","MET_pt","MET_pt","MET_pt"] ### Create and fill MC histograms ### for i, s in enumerate(data + back + sign): print "reading tree" tree[s] = TChain("tree") for j, ss in enumerate(sample[s]['files']): if not 'data' in s or ('data' in s and ss in pd): tree[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if variable[var]['nbins'] > 0: hist[s] = TH1F( s, ";" + variable[var]['title'] + ";Events;" + ('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), variable[var]['nbins'], variable[var]['min'], variable[var]['max']) else: hist[s] = TH1F( s, ";" + variable[var]['title'] + ";Events;" + ('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), len(variable[var]['bins']) - 1, array('f', variable[var]['bins'])) hist[s].Sumw2() cutstring = "(" + weight + ")" + ("*(" + cut + ")" if len(cut) > 0 else "") if '-' in s: cutstring = cutstring.replace( cut, cut + "&& nBQuarks==" + s.split('-')[1][0]) if s.startswith("tDM") or s.startswith("ttDM"): isSignal = True fillSigBkgArrays(isSignal, variables, tree[s], weight, s, cut) elif not (s.startswith("data")): isSignal = False fillSigBkgArrays(isSignal, variables, tree[s], weight, s, cut) print "searching for best cuts" searchBestCut()
def plot(var, cut, signal): sign = signal ### Preliminary Operations ### treeRead = not 'cutflow' in var #treeRead = False channel = cut if 'inc' in cut: eventWeightLuminame = 'eventWeightLumi_nobtag' else: eventWeightLuminame = 'eventWeightLumi' if "SB" in cut or "SR" in cut: channel_name = cut[:-2] else: channel_name = cut if year in ['2016', '2017', '2018']: NTUPLEDIR = "/work/pbaertsc/heavy_resonance/Ntuples%s/" % (year) else: NTUPLEDIR = "/work/pbaertsc/heavy_resonance/" #showSignal = False if 'SB' in cut or 'TR' in cut else True #'SR' in channel or channel=='qqqq'#or len(channel)==5 if var in [ 'dijet_VBF_mass', 'deltaR_VBF', 'deltaR_HVBFjet1', 'deltaR_HVBFjet2' ]: showSignal = False else: showSignal = True if treeRead: for k in sorted(selection.keys(), key=len, reverse=True): if k in cut: cut = cut.replace(k, selection[k]) print "Plotting from", ("tree" if treeRead else "file"), var, "in", channel, "channel with:" print " cut :", cut ### Create and fill MC histograms ### # Create dict file = {} tree = {} hist = {} ### Create and fill MC histograms ### tree[sign] = TChain("tree") for j, ss in enumerate(sample[sign]['files']): tree[sign].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if variable[var]['nbins'] > 0: min_value = variable[var]['min'] max_value = variable[var]['max'] title = variable[var]['title'] hist[sign] = TH1F( sign, ";" + title + ";Events;" + ('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), variable[var]['nbins'], min_value, max_value) else: hist[s] = TH1F(sign, ";" + variable[var]['title'], len(variable[var]['bins']) - 1, array('f', variable[var]['bins'])) hist[sign].Sumw2() cutstring = "%s" % eventWeightLuminame + ("*(" + cut + ")") tree[sign].Project(sign, var, cutstring) if not tree[sign].GetTree() == None: hist[sign].SetOption("%s" % tree[sign].GetTree().GetEntriesFast()) hist[sign].SetFillColor(sample[sign]['fillcolor']) hist[sign].SetFillStyle(sample[sign]['fillstyle']) hist[sign].SetLineColor(sample[sign]['linecolor']) hist[sign].SetLineStyle(sample[sign]['linestyle']) hist[sign].SetLineWidth(3) sample[sign]['plot'] = True # Legend leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.6, 0.9, 0.9) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) #1001 leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.AddEntry(hist[sign], sample[sign]['label'], "fl") leg.SetY1(0.9 - leg.GetNRows() * 0.05) # --- Display --- c1 = TCanvas("c1", hist.values()[0].GetXaxis().GetTitle(), 800, 800) c1.SetTopMargin(0.06) c1.SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.SetTicks(1, 1) hist[sign].Draw("HIST") leg.Draw() drawCMS(LUMI, year, "Preliminary") drawRegion('XVH' + channel, True) drawAnalysis(channel) c1.Update() if gROOT.IsBatch(): varname = var.replace('.', '_').replace('()', '') if not os.path.exists(OUTPUTDIR + channel_name): os.makedirs(OUTPUTDIR + channel_name) c1.Print("%s" % OUTPUTDIR + channel_name + "/" + varname + sign + ".png") c1.Print("%s" % OUTPUTDIR + channel_name + "/" + varname + sign + ".pdf")
def systematics(sys, isShape=False, antiCorr=False): treeRead = True file = {} hist = {} tree = {} histUp = {} histDown = {} up = {} down = {} gUp = TGraph() gDown = TGraph() gUp.SetLineWidth(3) gDown.SetLineWidth(3) gUp.SetLineColor(632) gDown.SetLineColor(602) BTagAK4deepup = False BTagAK4deepdown = False BTagAK4deep = False BTagAK8deepup = False BTagAK8deepdown = False BTagAK8deep = False # g.SetMarkerStyle(20) # g.SetMarkerColor(418) # g.SetMarkerSize(1.25) var = sys cut = 'nnbbSR' if var == 'BTagAK4Weight_deep_up': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK4deepup = True elif var == 'BTagAK4Weight_deep_down': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK4deepdown = True elif var == 'BTagAK4Weight_deep': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK4deep = True elif var == 'BTagAK8Weight_deep_up': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK8deepup = True elif var == 'BTagAK8Weight_deep_down': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK8deepdown = True elif var == 'BTagAK8Weight_deep': var = 'X_mass' BTagAK8deep = True upAvg, downAvg, upMin, downMin, upMax, downMax = 0., 0., 2., 2., 0., 0. for k in sorted(selection.keys(), key=len, reverse=True): if k in cut: cut = cut.replace(k, selection[k]) for i, s in enumerate(sign): if '_MZ' in s: m = int((s.split('_MZ')[1]).split('_MA')[0]) elif '_M' in s: m = int(s.split('_M')[1]) else: m = 0 if treeRead: # Project from tree tree[s] = TChain("tree") for j, ss in enumerate(sample[s]['files']): if not 'data' in s or ('data' in s and ss in pd): tree[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if variable[var]['nbins'] > 0: min_value = variable[var]['min'] max_value = variable[var]['max'] title = variable[var]['title'] if 'isZtoNN' in cut: if var == 'MET': min_value = 200 max_value = 2000 elif var == 'DPhi': title = "#Delta #varphi (AK8 jet-#slash{E}_{T})" elif var == 'VH_deltaR': title = "#Delta R (#slash{E}_{T}, AK8 jet)" hist[s] = TH1F( s, ";" + title + ";Events;" + ('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), variable[var]['nbins'], min_value, max_value) else: hist[s] = TH1F(s, ";" + variable[var]['title'], len(variable[var]['bins']) - 1, array('f', variable[var]['bins'])) hist[s].Sumw2() cutstring = "(eventWeightLumi)" + ("*(" + cut + ")") if var == 'LeptonWeightUp': cutstring = "(eventWeightLumi * LeptonWeightUp/LeptonWeight)" + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif var == 'LeptonWeightDown': cutstring = "(eventWeightLumi * LeptonWeightDown/LeptonWeight)" + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif var == 'TriggerWeightUp': cutstring = "(eventWeightLumi * TriggerWeightUp/TriggerWeight)" + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif var == 'TriggerWeightDown': cutstring = "(eventWeightLumi * TriggerWeightDown/TriggerWeight)" + ( "*(" + cut + ")") #division by BTagAk4Weight_deep is because the weighted samples are used elif BTagAK4deepup: cutstring = "(eventWeightLumi * BTagAK4Weight_deep_up/BTagAK4Weight_deep)" + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif BTagAK4deepdown: cutstring = "(eventWeightLumi * BTagAK4Weight_deep_down/BTagAK4Weight_deep)" + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif BTagAK8deep: cutstring = "(eventWeightLumi * BTagAK8Weight_deep)" + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif BTagAK8deepup: cutstring = "(eventWeightLumi * BTagAK8Weight_deep_up)" + ( "*(" + cut + ")") elif BTagAK8deepdown: cutstring = "(eventWeightLumi * BTagAK8Weight_deep_down)" + ( "*(" + cut + ")") tree[s].Project(s, var, cutstring) if not tree[s].GetTree() == None: hist[s].SetOption("%s" % tree[s].GetTree().GetEntriesFast()) """ for j, ss in enumerate(sample[s]['files']): file[ss] = TFile(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root", "READ") tmp = file[ss].Get("Sys/"+sys) if tmp == None: continue if not s in hist.keys(): hist[s] = tmp else: if antiCorr: for x in range(1, hist[s].GetNbinsX()+1): hist[s].SetBinContent(x, hist[s].GetBinContent(x)+tmp.GetBinContent(tmp.GetNbinsX()+1-x)) else: hist[s].Add( tmp ) if isShape: tmp = file[ss].Get("Sys/"+sys+"_up") print "Sys/"+sys+"_up" if tmp == None: continue if not s in histUp.keys(): histUp[s] = tmp else: histUp[s].Add( tmp ) # tmp = file[ss].Get("Sys/"+sys+"_down") if tmp == None: continue if not s in histDown.keys(): histDown[s] = tmp else: histDown[s].Add( tmp ) if 'accept' in sys: norm = None for j, ss in enumerate(sample[s]['files']): tmp = file[ss].Get("Sys/PDF_scale") if tmp == None: continue if norm == None: norm = tmp else: norm.Add( tmp ) hist[s].Divide(norm) """ if (isShape): shape = TF1("shape", "gaus", 0, 5000) shapeUp = TF1("shapeUp", "gaus", 0, 5000) shapeDown = TF1("shapeDown", "gaus", 0, 5000) hist[s].Fit(shape, "Q0", "") histUp[s].Fit(shapeUp, "Q0", "") histDown[s].Fit(shapeDown, "Q0", "") if 'scale' in sys or 'unc' in sys: up[s] = histUp[s].GetMean() / hist[s].GetMean() down[s] = histDown[s].GetMean() / hist[s].GetMean() # up[s] = shapeUp.GetParameter(1)/shape.GetParameter(1) # down[s] = shapeDown.GetParameter(1)/shape.GetParameter(1) elif 'res' in sys: up[s] = histUp[s].GetRMS() / hist[s].GetRMS() down[s] = histDown[s].GetRMS() / hist[s].GetRMS() # up[s] = shapeUp.GetParameter(2)/shape.GetParameter(2) # down[s] = shapeDown.GetParameter(2)/shape.GetParameter(2) else: up[s] = hist[s].GetBinContent( hist[s].FindBin(+1)) / hist[s].GetBinContent( hist[s].FindBin(0)) down[s] = hist[s].GetBinContent( hist[s].FindBin(-1)) / hist[s].GetBinContent( hist[s].FindBin(0)) gUp.SetPoint(i, m, up[s]) gDown.SetPoint(i, m, down[s]) #if mass < 1000: continue upAvg += up[s] downAvg += down[s] if abs(up[s]) > upMax: upMax = abs(up[s]) if abs(up[s]) < upMin: upMin = abs(up[s]) if abs(down[s]) > downMax: downMax = abs(down[s]) if abs(down[s]) < downMin: downMin = abs(down[s]) upAvg /= len(sign) downAvg /= len(sign) print " ---", sys, "--- | up: %.3f, down: %.3f, average: %.3f" % ( upAvg, downAvg, abs(upAvg - 1 + 1. - downAvg) / 2.), "|", "^{%.1f-%.1f}_{%.1f-%.1f}" % (100. * (1. - upMin), 100. * (1. - upMax), 100. * (downMin - 1.), 100. * (downMax - 1.)) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Signals", 800, 600) c1.GetPad(0).SetTicky(2) gUp.Draw("AL") gDown.Draw("SAME, L") gUp.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.65, 1.35) gUp.GetXaxis().SetTitle("m_{X} (GeV)") gUp.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Uncertainty") leg = TLegend(0.5, 0.90 - 0.20, 0.9, 0.90) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) #1001 leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetHeader(sys.replace('_', ' ')) leg.AddEntry(gUp, "+1 s. d. (%.1f%%)" % (100. * (upAvg - 1.)), "l") leg.AddEntry(gDown, " -1 s. d. (%.1f%%)" % (100. * (1. - downAvg)), "l") leg.Draw() drawCMS(-1, "Simulation", False) c1.Update() filename = sys if sys.startswith('W_mass') or sys.startswith('Z_mass'): filename += "_" + sign[0][:3] # c1.Print("plots/Systematics/"+filename+".png") # c1.Print("plots/Systematics/"+filename+".pdf") if not gROOT.IsBatch(): raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") if 'doubleB' in sys or 'subjet' in sys or 'mass' in sys: print sys + " = {", for m in [ 800, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500 ]: print "%d : [%.3f, %.3f], " % (m, gUp.Eval(m), gDown.Eval(m)), print "}" if 'extr' in sys or 'tagging' in sys: print sys + " = {", for m in [800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500]: print "%d : [%.3f, %.3f], " % (m, gUp.Eval(m), gDown.Eval(m)), print "}" if 'QCD_scale' in sys or 'PDF_scale' in sys: print sys + " = {", for m in range(800, 4500 + 1, 10): print "%d : [%.3f, %.3f], " % (m, gUp.Eval(m), gDown.Eval(m)), print "}"
def plot(var, cut): ### Preliminary Operations ### treeRead = not 'cutflow' in var #treeRead = False channel = cut if 'inc' in cut: eventWeightLuminame = 'eventWeightLumi_nobtag' else: eventWeightLuminame = 'eventWeightLumi' if "SB" in cut or "SR" in cut: channel_name = cut[:-2] else: channel_name = cut cut = 'mmincSB_noisocut' isBlind = BLIND and 'SR' in channel if year in ['2016', '2017', '2018']: NTUPLEDIR = "/work/pbaertsc/heavy_resonance/Ntuples%s/" % (year) else: NTUPLEDIR = "/work/pbaertsc/heavy_resonance/" stype = "HVT model B" if treeRead: for k in sorted(selection.keys(), key=len, reverse=True): if k in cut: cut = cut.replace(k, selection[k]) # Determine Primary Dataset pd = [] if any(w in cut for w in ['mn', 'mm', 'isZtoMM', 'isWtoMN']): pd += [x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if 'SingleMuon' in x] if any(w in cut for w in ['en', 'ee', 'isWtoEN', 'isZtoEE', 'emqq', 'isTtoEM']): pd += [ x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if ('SingleElectron' in x or 'EGamma' in x) ] if any(w in cut for w in ['nn', 'isZtoNN']): pd += [x for x in sample['data_obs']['files'] if 'MET' in x] if len(pd) == 0: raw_input("Warning: Primary Dataset not recognized, continue?") if var == "PrefireWeight": pd = [] print "Plotting from", ("tree" if treeRead else "file"), var, "in", channel, "channel with:" print " dataset:", pd print " cut :", cut ### Create and fill MC histograms ### # Create dict file = {} tree_noisocut = {} tree_isocut = {} hist_noisocut = {} hist_isocut = {} cutstring_noisocut = "%s" % eventWeightLuminame + ("*(Mu1_highPtId==2 &&" + cut + ")") cutstring_isocut = "%s" % eventWeightLuminame + ( "*(Mu1_relIso!=-1. && Mu1_relIso < 0.1 && Mu1_highPtId==2 &&" + cut + ")") #cutstring_noisocut = "%s" % eventWeightLuminame + ("*(Mu1_highPtId==1 &&"+cut+")") #cutstring_isocut = "%s" % eventWeightLuminame + ("*(Mu1_relIso!=-1. && Mu1_relIso < 0.1 && Mu1_highPtId==1 &&"+cut+")") """ if var == 'Mu1_pt': cutstring_noisocut = "%s" % eventWeightLuminame + ("*(Mu1_highPtId==2 &&"+cut+")") cutstring_isocut = "%s" % eventWeightLuminame + ("*(Mu1_relIso!=-1. && Mu1_relIso < 0.1 && Mu1_highPtId==2 &&"+cut+")") elif var == 'Mu2_pt': cutstring_noisocut = "%s" % eventWeightLuminame + ("*(Mu2_highPtId==1 &&"+cut+")") cutstring_isocut = "%s" % eventWeightLuminame + ("*(Mu2_relIso!=-1. && Mu2_relIso < 0.1 && Mu2_highPtId==1 &&"+cut+")") """ ### Create and fill MC histograms ### for i, s in enumerate(sign): if treeRead: # Project from tree tree_noisocut[s] = TChain("tree") for j, ss in enumerate(sample[s]['files']): if not 'data' in s or ('data' in s and ss in pd): tree_noisocut[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if variable[var]['nbins'] > 0: min_value = variable[var]['min'] max_value = variable[var]['max'] title = variable[var]['title'] hist_noisocut[s] = TH1F( s, ";" + title + ";Events;" + ('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), variable[var]['nbins'], min_value, max_value) else: hist_noisocut[s] = TH1F(s, ";" + variable[var]['title'], len(variable[var]['bins']) - 1, array('f', variable[var]['bins'])) hist_noisocut[s].Sumw2() tree_noisocut[s].Project(s, var, cutstring_noisocut) hist_noisocut[s].Scale( sample[s]['weight'] if hist_noisocut[s].Integral() >= 0 else 0) for i, s in enumerate(sign): if treeRead: # Project from tree tree_isocut[s] = TChain("tree") for j, ss in enumerate(sample[s]['files']): if not 'data' in s or ('data' in s and ss in pd): tree_isocut[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if variable[var]['nbins'] > 0: min_value = variable[var]['min'] max_value = variable[var]['max'] title = variable[var]['title'] hist_isocut[s] = TH1F( s, ";" + title + ";Events;" + ('log' if variable[var]['log'] else ''), variable[var]['nbins'], min_value, max_value) else: hist_isocut[s] = TH1F(s, ";" + variable[var]['title'], len(variable[var]['bins']) - 1, array('f', variable[var]['bins'])) hist_isocut[s].Sumw2() tree_isocut[s].Project(s, var, cutstring_isocut) hist_isocut[s].Scale( sample[s]['weight'] if hist_isocut[s].Integral() >= 0 else 0) for i, s in enumerate(sign): addOverflow(hist_noisocut[s], False) # Add overflow for i, s in enumerate(sign): addOverflow(hist_isocut[s], False) # Add overflow for i, s in enumerate(sign): hist_noisocut[s].SetLineWidth(3) for i, s in enumerate(sign): hist_isocut[s].SetLineWidth(3) for i, s in enumerate(sign): sample[s][ 'plot'] = True #sample[s]['plot'] and s.startswith(channel[:2]) # Create stack SigSum_noisocut = hist_noisocut[sign[0]].Clone("SigSum_noisocut") SigSum_noisocut.Reset("MICES") for i, s in enumerate(sign): SigSum_noisocut.Add(hist_noisocut[s], 1) SigSum_isocut = hist_isocut[sign[0]].Clone("SigSum_isocut") SigSum_isocut.Reset("MICES") for i, s in enumerate(sign): SigSum_isocut.Add(hist_isocut[s], 1) SigSum_noisocut.Divide(SigSum_isocut) SigSum_noisocut.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.98, 1.05) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Efficiency Mu Iso", 800, 800) SigSum_noisocut.Draw("HIST") drawCMS(LUMI, year, "Preliminary") drawRegion('XVH' + channel, True) drawAnalysis(channel) c1.Print("plotsSF/MuIsoEff_highPtId.png") c1.Print("plotsSF/MuIsoEff_highPtId.pdf")