Пример #1
    def __init__(self, mpc_id, TR_override=None):
        self.mpc_id = mpc_id

        self.dynamic_follow = DynamicFollow(mpc_id)
        self.v_mpc = 0.0
        self.v_mpc_future = 0.0
        self.a_mpc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.prev_lead_status = False
        self.prev_lead_x = 0.0
        self.new_lead = False

        self.last_cloudlog_t = 0.0
        self.n_its = 0
        self.duration = 0

        self.TR_override = TR_override

        self.input_queue = Queue()
        self.input_thread = Thread(target=input_loop,
                                   args=(self.input_queue, ))

        self.output_queue = Queue()
        self.output_thread = Thread(target=output_loop,
                                    args=(self.output_queue, ))
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, mpc_id):
        self.mpc_id = mpc_id
        self.dynamic_follow = DynamicFollow(mpc_id)
        self.v_mpc = 0.0
        self.v_mpc_future = 0.0
        self.a_mpc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.prev_lead_status = False
        self.prev_lead_x = 0.0
        self.new_lead = False

        self.last_cloudlog_t = 0.0
Пример #3
class LongitudinalMpc():
    def __init__(self, mpc_id):
        self.mpc_id = mpc_id
        self.dynamic_follow = DynamicFollow(mpc_id)
        self.v_mpc = 0.0
        self.v_mpc_future = 0.0
        self.a_mpc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.prev_lead_status = False
        self.prev_lead_x = 0.0
        self.new_lead = False

        self.last_cloudlog_t = 0.0

    def send_mpc_solution(self, pm, qp_iterations, calculation_time):
        qp_iterations = max(0, qp_iterations)
        dat = messaging.new_message('liveLongitudinalMpc')
        dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.xEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_ego)
        dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.vEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)
        dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.aEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].a_ego)
        dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.xLead = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_l)
        dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.vLead = list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_l)
        dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
        dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.aLeadTau = self.a_lead_tau
        dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.qpIterations = qp_iterations
        dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.mpcId = self.mpc_id
        dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.calculationTime = calculation_time
        pm.send('liveLongitudinalMpc', dat)

    def setup_mpc(self):
        ffi, self.libmpc = libmpc_py.get_libmpc(self.mpc_id)
        self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LONG.TTC, MPC_COST_LONG.DISTANCE,

        self.mpc_solution = ffi.new("log_t *")
        self.cur_state = ffi.new("state_t *")
        self.cur_state[0].v_ego = 0
        self.cur_state[0].a_ego = 0
        self.a_lead_tau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU

    def set_cur_state(self, v, a):
        self.cur_state[0].v_ego = v
        self.cur_state[0].a_ego = a

    def update(self, pm, CS, lead):
        v_ego = CS.vEgo

        # Setup current mpc state
        self.cur_state[0].x_ego = 0.0

        if lead is not None and lead.status:
            x_lead = lead.dRel
            v_lead = max(0.0, lead.vLead)
            a_lead = lead.aLeadK

            if (v_lead < 0.1 or -a_lead / 2.0 > v_lead):
                v_lead = 0.0
                a_lead = 0.0

            self.a_lead_tau = lead.aLeadTau
            self.new_lead = False
            if not self.prev_lead_status or abs(x_lead -
                                                self.prev_lead_x) > 2.5:
                self.libmpc.init_with_simulation(self.v_mpc, x_lead, v_lead,
                                                 a_lead, self.a_lead_tau)
                self.new_lead = True

            self.dynamic_follow.update_lead(v_lead, a_lead, x_lead,
                                            lead.status, self.new_lead)
            self.prev_lead_status = True
            self.prev_lead_x = x_lead
            self.cur_state[0].x_l = x_lead
            self.cur_state[0].v_l = v_lead
            self.prev_lead_status = False
            # Fake a fast lead car, so mpc keeps running
            self.cur_state[0].x_l = 50.0
            self.cur_state[0].v_l = v_ego + 10.0
            a_lead = 0.0
            self.a_lead_tau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU

        # Calculate mpc
        t = sec_since_boot()
        TR = self.dynamic_follow.update(CS,
                                        self.libmpc)  # update dynamic follow
        n_its = self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                                    self.a_lead_tau, a_lead, TR)
        duration = int((sec_since_boot() - t) * 1e9)

        if LOG_MPC:
            self.send_mpc_solution(pm, n_its, duration)

        # Get solution. MPC timestep is 0.2 s, so interpolation to 0.05 s is needed
        self.v_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[1]
        self.a_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].a_ego[1]
        self.v_mpc_future = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[10]

        # Reset if NaN or goes through lead car
        crashing = any(lead - ego < -50 for (
            ego) in zip(self.mpc_solution[0].x_l, self.mpc_solution[0].x_ego))
        nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)
        backwards = min(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego) < -0.01

        if ((backwards or crashing) and self.prev_lead_status) or nans:
            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                    "Longitudinal mpc %d reset - backwards: %s crashing: %s nan: %s"
                    % (self.mpc_id, backwards, crashing, nans))

            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LONG.TTC, MPC_COST_LONG.DISTANCE,
                             MPC_COST_LONG.ACCELERATION, MPC_COST_LONG.JERK)
            self.cur_state[0].v_ego = v_ego
            self.cur_state[0].a_ego = 0.0
            self.v_mpc = v_ego
            self.a_mpc = CS.aEgo
            self.prev_lead_status = False
Пример #4
class LongitudinalMpc():
    def __init__(self, mpc_id, TR_override=None):
        self.mpc_id = mpc_id

        self.dynamic_follow = DynamicFollow(mpc_id)
        self.v_mpc = 0.0
        self.v_mpc_future = 0.0
        self.a_mpc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.prev_lead_status = False
        self.prev_lead_x = 0.0
        self.new_lead = False

        self.last_cloudlog_t = 0.0
        self.n_its = 0
        self.duration = 0

        self.TR_override = TR_override

        self.input_queue = Queue()
        self.input_thread = Thread(target=input_loop,
                                   args=(self.input_queue, ))

        self.output_queue = Queue()
        self.output_thread = Thread(target=output_loop,
                                    args=(self.output_queue, ))

    def publish(self, pm):
        if LOG_MPC:
            qp_iterations = max(0, self.n_its)
            dat = messaging.new_message('liveLongitudinalMpc')
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.xEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_ego)
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.vEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.aEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].a_ego)
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.xLead = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_l)
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.vLead = list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_l)
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.aLeadTau = self.a_lead_tau
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.qpIterations = qp_iterations
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.mpcId = self.mpc_id
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.calculationTime = self.duration
            pm.send('liveLongitudinalMpc', dat)

    def setup_mpc(self):
        ffi, self.libmpc = libmpc_py.get_libmpc(self.mpc_id)
        self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LONG.TTC, MPC_COST_LONG.DISTANCE,

        self.mpc_solution = ffi.new("log_t *")
        self.cur_state = ffi.new("state_t *")
        self.cur_state[0].v_ego = 0
        self.cur_state[0].a_ego = 0
        self.a_lead_tau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU

    def set_cur_state(self, v, a):
        self.cur_state[0].v_ego = v
        self.cur_state[0].a_ego = a

    def update(self, CS, lead):
            input_event = self.input_queue.get_nowait()

            if input_event == InputEvent.LONG_PRESS:
                self.TR_override = 1.8 if self.TR_override is None else None

            # Output current status
            output_event = OutputEvent.LONG_DIM if self.TR_override is None else OutputEvent.SHORT_DIM
            except Full:
                log_f = open('/data/openpilot-patch/mpc_update_log.txt', 'a')
                log_f.write(f"{datetime.now()} Output queue is full\n")
                    ['python', '/data/openpilot-patch/util/error.py'])
        except TimeoutError:
        except Empty:

        v_ego = CS.vEgo

        # Setup current mpc state
        self.cur_state[0].x_ego = 0.0

        if lead is not None and lead.status:
            x_lead = lead.dRel
            v_lead = max(0.0, lead.vLead)
            a_lead = lead.aLeadK

            if (v_lead < 0.1 or -a_lead / 2.0 > v_lead):
                v_lead = 0.0
                a_lead = 0.0

            self.a_lead_tau = lead.aLeadTau
            self.new_lead = False
            if not self.prev_lead_status or abs(x_lead -
                                                self.prev_lead_x) > 2.5:
                self.libmpc.init_with_simulation(self.v_mpc, x_lead, v_lead,
                                                 a_lead, self.a_lead_tau)
                self.new_lead = True

            self.dynamic_follow.update_lead(v_lead, a_lead, x_lead,
                                            lead.status, self.new_lead)
            self.prev_lead_status = True
            self.prev_lead_x = x_lead
            self.cur_state[0].x_l = x_lead
            self.cur_state[0].v_l = v_lead
            self.prev_lead_status = False
            # Fake a fast lead car, so mpc keeps running
            self.cur_state[0].x_l = 50.0
            self.cur_state[0].v_l = v_ego + 10.0
            a_lead = 0.0
            self.a_lead_tau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU

        if self.TR_override:
            TR = self.TR_override
            TR = self.dynamic_follow.update(
                CS, self.libmpc)  # update dynamic follow

        # Calculate mpc
        t = sec_since_boot()
        self.n_its = self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                                         self.a_lead_tau, a_lead, TR)
        self.duration = int((sec_since_boot() - t) * 1e9)

        # Get solution. MPC timestep is 0.2 s, so interpolation to 0.05 s is needed
        self.v_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[1]
        self.a_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].a_ego[1]
        self.v_mpc_future = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[10]

        # Reset if NaN or goes through lead car
        crashing = any(lead - ego < -50 for (
            ego) in zip(self.mpc_solution[0].x_l, self.mpc_solution[0].x_ego))
        nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)
        backwards = min(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego) < -0.01

        if ((backwards or crashing) and self.prev_lead_status) or nans:
            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                    "Longitudinal mpc %d reset - backwards: %s crashing: %s nan: %s"
                    % (self.mpc_id, backwards, crashing, nans))

            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LONG.TTC, MPC_COST_LONG.DISTANCE,
                             MPC_COST_LONG.ACCELERATION, MPC_COST_LONG.JERK)
            self.cur_state[0].v_ego = v_ego
            self.cur_state[0].a_ego = 0.0
            self.v_mpc = v_ego
            self.a_mpc = CS.aEgo
            self.prev_lead_status = False
Пример #5
class LongitudinalMpc():
    def __init__(self, mpc_id):
        self.mpc_id = mpc_id
        self.dynamic_follow = DynamicFollow(mpc_id)
        self.v_mpc = 0.0
        self.v_mpc_future = 0.0
        self.a_mpc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.prev_lead_status = False
        self.prev_lead_x = 0.0
        self.new_lead = False
        self.v_rel = 0

        self.last_cloudlog_t = 0.0
        self.n_its = 0
        self.duration = 0
        self.cruise_gap = 0

    def publish(self, pm):
        if LOG_MPC:
            qp_iterations = max(0, self.n_its)
            dat = messaging.new_message('liveLongitudinalMpc')
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.xEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_ego)
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.vEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.aEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].a_ego)
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.xLead = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_l)
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.vLead = list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_l)
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.aLeadTau = self.a_lead_tau
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.qpIterations = qp_iterations
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.mpcId = self.mpc_id
            dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.calculationTime = self.duration
            pm.send('liveLongitudinalMpc', dat)

    def setup_mpc(self):
        ffi, self.libmpc = libmpc_py.get_libmpc(self.mpc_id)
        self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LONG.TTC, MPC_COST_LONG.DISTANCE,

        self.mpc_solution = ffi.new("log_t *")
        self.cur_state = ffi.new("state_t *")
        self.cur_state[0].v_ego = 0
        self.cur_state[0].a_ego = 0
        self.a_lead_tau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU

    def set_cur_state(self, v, a):
        self.cur_state[0].v_ego = v
        self.cur_state[0].a_ego = a

    def update(self, CS, lead):
        v_ego = CS.vEgo
        v_lead = 0

        # Setup current mpc state
        self.cur_state[0].x_ego = 0.0

        if lead is not None and lead.status:
            x_lead = max(0, lead.dRel - STOPPING_DISTANCE)
            v_lead = max(0.0, lead.vLead)
            a_lead = lead.aLeadK

            if (v_lead < 0.1 or -a_lead / 2.0 > v_lead):
                v_lead = 0.0
                a_lead = 0.0

            self.a_lead_tau = lead.aLeadTau
            self.new_lead = False
            if not self.prev_lead_status or abs(x_lead -
                                                self.prev_lead_x) > 2.5:
                self.libmpc.init_with_simulation(self.v_mpc, x_lead, v_lead,
                                                 a_lead, self.a_lead_tau)
                self.new_lead = True

            self.dynamic_follow.update_lead(v_lead, a_lead, x_lead,
                                            lead.status, self.new_lead)
            self.prev_lead_status = True
            self.prev_lead_x = x_lead
            self.cur_state[0].x_l = x_lead
            self.cur_state[0].v_l = v_lead
            self.prev_lead_status = False
            # Fake a fast lead car, so mpc keeps running
            self.cur_state[0].x_l = 50.0
            self.cur_state[0].v_l = v_ego + 10.0
            a_lead = 0.0
            v_lead = 0.0
            self.a_lead_tau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU
        # Calculate conditions
        self.v_rel = v_lead - v_ego  # calculate relative velocity vs lead car

        # Calculate mpc
        t = sec_since_boot()
        cruise_gap = int(clip(CS.cruiseGap, 1., 3.))
        baseTR = interp(float(cruise_gap), [1., 2., 3.], [1.0, 1.3, 1.8])
        if v_ego <= 20.0:
            if cruise_gap == 1:
                TR = self.dynamic_follow.update(CS, self.libmpc)
                TR = interp(-self.v_rel, [-0.1, 2.0 + cruise_gap * 0.25],
                            [baseTR, 2.1])
            TR = interp(-self.v_rel, [0, 3.5], [baseTR, 1.8])

        if self.cruise_gap != cruise_gap:
            self.cruise_gap = cruise_gap
            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LONG.TTC, MPC_COST_LONG.DISTANCE,
                             MPC_COST_LONG.ACCELERATION, MPC_COST_LONG.JERK)

        self.n_its = self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                                         self.a_lead_tau, a_lead, TR)
        self.duration = int((sec_since_boot() - t) * 1e9)

        # Get solution. MPC timestep is 0.2 s, so interpolation to 0.05 s is needed
        self.v_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[1]
        self.a_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].a_ego[1]
        self.v_mpc_future = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[10]

        # Reset if NaN or goes through lead car
        crashing = any(lead - ego < -50 for (
            ego) in zip(self.mpc_solution[0].x_l, self.mpc_solution[0].x_ego))
        nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)
        backwards = min(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego) < -0.01

        if ((backwards or crashing) and self.prev_lead_status) or nans:
            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                    "Longitudinal mpc %d reset - backwards: %s crashing: %s nan: %s"
                    % (self.mpc_id, backwards, crashing, nans))

            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LONG.TTC, MPC_COST_LONG.DISTANCE,
                             MPC_COST_LONG.ACCELERATION, MPC_COST_LONG.JERK)
            self.cur_state[0].v_ego = v_ego
            self.cur_state[0].a_ego = 0.0
            self.v_mpc = v_ego
            self.a_mpc = CS.aEgo
            self.prev_lead_status = False