Пример #1
def run_following_distance_simulation(v_lead, t_end=200.0):
    dt = 0.2
    t = 0.

    x_lead = 200.0

    x_ego = 0.0
    v_ego = v_lead
    a_ego = 0.0

    v_cruise_setpoint = v_lead + 10.

    pm = FakePubMaster()
    mpc = LongitudinalMpc(1)

    first = True
    while t < t_end:
        # Run cruise control
        accel_limits = [
            float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, False)
        jerk_limits = [min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]), max(0.1, accel_limits[1])]
        v_cruise, a_cruise = speed_smoother(v_ego, a_ego, v_cruise_setpoint,
                                            accel_limits[1], accel_limits[0],
                                            jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0], dt)

        # Setup CarState
        CS = messaging.new_message('carState')
        CS.carState.vEgo = v_ego
        CS.carState.aEgo = a_ego

        # Setup lead packet
        lead = log.RadarState.LeadData.new_message()
        lead.status = True
        lead.dRel = x_lead - x_ego
        lead.vLead = v_lead
        lead.aLeadK = 0.0

        # Run MPC
        mpc.set_cur_state(v_ego, a_ego)
        if first:  # Make sure MPC is converged on first timestep
            for _ in range(20):
                mpc.update(CS.carState, lead)
        mpc.update(CS.carState, lead)

        # Choose slowest of two solutions
        if v_cruise < mpc.v_mpc:
            v_ego, a_ego = v_cruise, a_cruise
            v_ego, a_ego = mpc.v_mpc, mpc.a_mpc

        # Update state
        x_lead += v_lead * dt
        x_ego += v_ego * dt
        t += dt
        first = False

    return x_lead - x_ego
Пример #2
class Planner():
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP
        self.op_params = opParams()

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2)

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0
        self.v_model = 0.0
        self.a_model = 0.0
        self.osm = True

        self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.path_x = np.arange(192)

        self.params = Params()
        self.first_loop = True
        self.offset = 0
        self.last_time = 0

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled):
        if enabled:
            solutions = {'cruise': self.v_cruise}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest
            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == 'mpc1':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'mpc2':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'cruise':
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise

        self.v_acc_future = min([
            self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint

    def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM, PP):
        """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()

        # we read offset value every 5 seconds
        fixed_offset = 0.0
        fixed_offset = op_params.get('speed_offset')
        if self.last_time > 5:
                #self.offset = int(self.params.get("SpeedLimitOffset", encoding='utf8'))
                self.offset = 0
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                self.offset = 0
            self.osm = self.params.get("LimitSetSpeed", encoding='utf8') == "1"
            self.last_time = 0
        self.last_time = self.last_time + 1

        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo

        long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
        force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel

        v_cruise_kph = min(v_cruise_kph, V_CRUISE_MAX)
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
        lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        speed_ahead_distance = default_brake_distance
        v_speedlimit = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_curvature_map = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_speedlimit_ahead = 0
        now = datetime.now()
            if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitValid and osm and self.osm and (
                    sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                    time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000 and (
                        smart_speed or smart_speed_max_vego > v_ego):
                speed_limit = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimit
                if speed_limit is not None:
                    v_speedlimit = speed_limit
                    # offset is in percentage,.
                    if v_ego > offset_limit:
                        v_speedlimit = v_speedlimit * (1. +
                                                       self.offset / 100.0)
                    if v_speedlimit > fixed_offset:
                        v_speedlimit = v_speedlimit + fixed_offset
                speed_limit = None
            if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadValid and osm and self.osm and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance < speed_ahead_distance and (
                        sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                        time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000 and (
                            smart_speed or smart_speed_max_vego > v_ego):
                distanceatlowlimit = 50
                if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead < 21 / 3.6:
                    distanceatlowlimit = speed_ahead_distance = (
                        v_ego - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * 3.6 * 2
                    if distanceatlowlimit < 50:
                        distanceatlowlimit = 0
                    distanceatlowlimit = min(distanceatlowlimit, 100)
                    speed_ahead_distance = (
                        v_ego - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * 3.6 * 5
                    speed_ahead_distance = min(speed_ahead_distance, 300)
                    speed_ahead_distance = max(speed_ahead_distance, 50)
                if speed_limit is not None and sm[
                        'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance > distanceatlowlimit and v_ego + 3 < sm[
                            'liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead + (
                                speed_limit - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead
                            ) * sm[
                                'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance / speed_ahead_distance:
                    speed_limit_ahead = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead + (
                        speed_limit - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * (
                            sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance -
                            distanceatlowlimit) / (speed_ahead_distance -
                    speed_limit_ahead = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead
            if sm['liveMapData'].curvatureValid and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].distToTurn < speed_ahead_distance and osm and self.osm and (
                        sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                        time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000:
                curvature = abs(sm['liveMapData'].curvature)
                radius = 1 / max(1e-4, curvature) * curvature_factor
                if radius > 500:
                    c = 0.9  # 0.9 at 1000m = 108 kph
                elif radius > 250:
                    c = 3.5 - 13 / 2500 * radius  # 2.2 at 250m 84 kph
                    c = 3.0 - 2 / 625 * radius  # 3.0 at 15m 24 kph
                v_curvature_map = math.sqrt(c * radius)
                v_curvature_map = min(NO_CURVATURE_SPEED, v_curvature_map)
        except KeyError:

        decel_for_turn = bool(v_curvature_map < min(
            [v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit, v_ego + 1.]))

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled and not self.first_loop and not sm[
                'carState'].brakePressed and not sm['carState'].gasPressed:
            accel_limits = [
                float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, following)
            jerk_limits = [
                min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]),
                max(0.1, accel_limits[1])
            ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
            accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(
                v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngle, accel_limits, self.CP)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1],
                accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0],

            if decel_for_turn and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].distToTurn < speed_ahead_distance and not following:
                time_to_turn = max(
                    1.0, sm['liveMapData'].distToTurn / max(
                        (v_ego + v_curvature_map) / 2, 1.))
                required_decel = min(0,
                                     (v_curvature_map - v_ego) / time_to_turn)
                accel_limits[0] = max(accel_limits[0], required_decel)
            #if v_speedlimit_ahead < v_speedlimit and v_ego > v_speedlimit_ahead and sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance > 1.0 and not following:
            #  required_decel = min(0, (v_speedlimit_ahead*v_speedlimit_ahead - v_ego*v_ego)/(sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance*2))
            #  required_decel = max(required_decel, -3.0)
            #  decel_for_turn = True
            #  accel_limits[0] = required_decel
            #  accel_limits[1] = required_decel
            #  self.a_acc_start = required_decel
            #  v_speedlimit_ahead = v_ego

            if (v_ego * 3.6) <= 50:
                if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead and sm[
                        'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance < (v_ego * 3.6 *
                    v_speedlimit_ahead = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead
            elif (v_ego * 3.6) <= 70:
                if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead and sm[
                        'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance < (v_ego * 3.6 *
                    v_speedlimit_ahead = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead
            elif (v_ego * 3.6) > 70:
                if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead and sm[
                        'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance < (v_ego * 3.6 *
                    v_speedlimit_ahead = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead

            #v_cruise_setpoint = min([v_cruise_setpoint, v_curvature_map, v_speedlimit, v_speedlimit_ahead])
            v_cruise_setpoint = min(
                [v_cruise_setpoint, v_curvature_map, v_speedlimit])

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)

            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = self.CP.minSpeedCan if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_1)
        self.mpc2.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_2)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, sm['controlsState'].active,
            v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo, lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead,
            lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat, lead_1.fcw,
            blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
        if fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        radar_dead = not sm.alive['radarState']

        radar_errors = list(sm['radarState'].radarErrors)
        radar_fault = car.RadarData.Error.fault in radar_errors
        radar_can_error = car.RadarData.Error.canError in radar_errors

        # **** send the plan ****
        plan_send = messaging.new_message('plan')

        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(
            service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

        plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['model']
        plan_send.plan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

        # longitudal plan
        plan_send.plan.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.aCruise = float(self.a_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.vStart = float(self.v_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.aStart = float(self.a_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.vTarget = float(self.v_acc)
        plan_send.plan.aTarget = float(self.a_acc)
        plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = float(self.v_acc_future)
        plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

        plan_send.plan.vCurvature = float(v_curvature_map)
        plan_send.plan.decelForTurn = bool(decel_for_turn)
        plan_send.plan.mapValid = True

        radar_valid = not (radar_dead or radar_fault)
        plan_send.plan.radarValid = bool(radar_valid)
        plan_send.plan.radarCanError = bool(radar_can_error)

        plan_send.plan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime /
                                          1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

        # Send out fcw
        plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw

        # Send radarstate(dRel, vRel, yRel)
        plan_send.plan.dRel1 = lead_1.dRel
        plan_send.plan.yRel1 = lead_1.yRel
        plan_send.plan.vRel1 = lead_1.vRel
        plan_send.plan.dRel2 = lead_2.dRel
        plan_send.plan.yRel2 = lead_2.yRel
        plan_send.plan.vRel2 = lead_2.vRel
        plan_send.plan.status2 = lead_2.status
        plan_send.plan.targetSpeed = v_cruise_setpoint * CV.MS_TO_KPH
        plan_send.plan.targetSpeedCamera = v_speedlimit_ahead * CV.MS_TO_KPH

        pm.send('plan', plan_send)

        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (CP.radarTimeStep / LON_MPC_STEP) * (
            self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + CP.radarTimeStep * (
            a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol

        self.first_loop = False
Пример #3
class Planner(object):
  def __init__(self, CP, fcw_enabled):
    self.CP = CP

    self.plan = messaging.pub_sock(service_list['plan'].port)
    self.live_longitudinal_mpc = messaging.pub_sock(service_list['liveLongitudinalMpc'].port)

    self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1, self.live_longitudinal_mpc)
    self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2, self.live_longitudinal_mpc)

    self.v_acc_start = 0.0
    self.a_acc_start = 0.0

    self.v_acc = 0.0
    self.v_acc_future = 0.0
    self.a_acc = 0.0
    self.v_cruise = 0.0
    self.a_cruise = 0.0
    self.v_model = 0.0
    self.a_model = 0.0

    self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
    self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
    self.fcw_enabled = fcw_enabled

    self.model_v_kf = KF1D([[0.0],[0.0]], _MODEL_V_A, _MODEL_V_C, _MODEL_V_K)
    self.model_v_kf_ready = False

    self.params = Params()

  def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled):
    if enabled:
      solutions = {'cruise': self.v_cruise, 'model': self.v_model}
      if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
        solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
      if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
        solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc

      slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

      self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest

      # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
      if slowest == 'mpc1':
        self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
        self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
      elif slowest == 'mpc2':
        self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
        self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
      elif slowest == 'cruise':
        self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
        self.a_acc = self.a_cruise
      elif slowest == 'model':
        self.v_acc = self.v_model
        self.a_acc = self.a_model

    self.v_acc_future = min([self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint])

  def update(self, sm, CP, VM, PP):
    """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
    cur_time = sec_since_boot()
    v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo

    long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
    v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
    force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel
    v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

    lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
    lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

    enabled = (long_control_state == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state == LongCtrlState.stopping)
    following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

    if not self.model_v_kf_ready:
      self.model_v_kf.x = [[v_ego],[0.0]]
      self.model_v_kf_ready = True

    if len(sm['model'].speed):

    if self.params.get("LimitSetSpeedNeural") == "1":
      model_speed = self.model_v_kf.x[0][0]
      model_speed = MAX_SPEED

    # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
    if enabled:
      accel_limits = [float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, following)]
      jerk_limits = [min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]), max(0.1, accel_limits[1])]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
      accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngle, accel_limits, self.CP)

      if force_slow_decel:
        # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
        accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1], AWARENESS_DECEL)
        accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0], accel_limits_turns[1])

      self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start,
                                                    accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0],
                                                    jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0],

      # accel and jerk up limits are higher here to make model not limiting accel
      # mainly done to prevent flickering of slowdown icon
      self.v_model, self.a_model = speed_smoother(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start,
                                                    2*accel_limits[1], 3*accel_limits[0],
                                                    2*jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0],

      # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
      self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
      starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
      a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
      reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else v_ego
      reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
      self.v_acc = reset_speed
      self.a_acc = reset_accel
      self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
      self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
      self.v_cruise = reset_speed
      self.a_cruise = reset_accel

    self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
    self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

    self.mpc1.update(sm['carState'], lead_1, v_cruise_setpoint)
    self.mpc2.update(sm['carState'], lead_2, v_cruise_setpoint)

    self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

    # determine fcw
    if self.mpc1.new_lead:

    blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
    fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time,
                                  v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo,
                                  lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead, lead_1.aLeadK,
                                  lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat,
                                  lead_1.fcw, blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
    if fcw:
      cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

    radar_dead = not sm.alive['radarState']

    radar_errors = list(sm['radarState'].radarErrors)
    radar_fault = car.RadarData.Error.fault in radar_errors
    radar_can_error = car.RadarData.Error.canError in radar_errors

    # **** send the plan ****
    plan_send = messaging.new_message()

    plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

    plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['model']
    plan_send.plan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

    # longitudal plan
    plan_send.plan.vCruise = self.v_cruise
    plan_send.plan.aCruise = self.a_cruise
    plan_send.plan.vStart = self.v_acc_start
    plan_send.plan.aStart = self.a_acc_start
    plan_send.plan.vTarget = self.v_acc
    plan_send.plan.aTarget = self.a_acc
    plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = self.v_acc_future
    plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
    plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

    radar_valid = not (radar_dead or radar_fault)
    plan_send.plan.radarValid = bool(radar_valid)
    plan_send.plan.radarCanError = bool(radar_can_error)

    plan_send.plan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime / 1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

    # Send out fcw
    fcw = fcw and (self.fcw_enabled or long_control_state != LongCtrlState.off)
    plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw


    # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
    a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (DT_PLAN / LON_MPC_STEP) * (self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
    v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + DT_PLAN * (a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
    self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
    self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol
Пример #4
class Planner():
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2)

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0

        self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.path_x = np.arange(192)

        self.params = Params()
        self.kegman = kegman_conf()
        self.mpc_frame = 0
        self.first_loop = True

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled):
        if enabled:
            solutions = {'cruise': self.v_cruise}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest
            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == 'mpc1':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'mpc2':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'cruise':
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise

        self.v_acc_future = min([
            self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint

    def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM, PP):
        """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo

        long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
        force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel

        v_cruise_kph = min(v_cruise_kph, V_CRUISE_MAX)
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
        lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        if self.mpc_frame % 1000 == 0:
            self.kegman = kegman_conf()
            self.mpc_frame = 0

        self.mpc_frame += 1

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled and not self.first_loop and not sm['carState'].gasPressed:
            accel_limits = [
                float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(
                    v_ego, following, self.kegman.conf['accelerationMode'])
            jerk_limits = [
                min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]),
                max(0.1, accel_limits[1])
            ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
            accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(
                v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngle, accel_limits, self.CP)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1],
                accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0],

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)

            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_1)
        self.mpc2.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_2)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, sm['controlsState'].active,
            v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo, lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead,
            lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat, lead_1.fcw,
            blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
        if fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        radar_dead = not sm.alive['radarState']

        radar_errors = list(sm['radarState'].radarErrors)
        radar_fault = car.RadarData.Error.fault in radar_errors
        radar_can_error = car.RadarData.Error.canError in radar_errors

        # **** send the plan ****
        plan_send = messaging.new_message('plan')

        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(
            service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

        plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['model']
        plan_send.plan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

        # longitudal plan
        plan_send.plan.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.aCruise = float(self.a_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.vStart = float(self.v_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.aStart = float(self.a_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.vTarget = float(self.v_acc)
        plan_send.plan.aTarget = float(self.a_acc)
        plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = float(self.v_acc_future)
        plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

        radar_valid = not (radar_dead or radar_fault)
        plan_send.plan.radarValid = bool(radar_valid)
        plan_send.plan.radarCanError = bool(radar_can_error)

        plan_send.plan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime /
                                          1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

        # Send out fcw
        plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw

        pm.send('plan', plan_send)

        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (CP.radarTimeStep / LON_MPC_STEP) * (
            self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + CP.radarTimeStep * (
            a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol

        self.first_loop = False
Пример #5
class Planner(object):
    def __init__(self, CP, fcw_enabled):

        context = zmq.Context()
        self.CP = CP
        self.poller = zmq.Poller()
        self.lat_Control = messaging.sub_sock(context,

        self.plan = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['plan'].port)
        self.live_longitudinal_mpc = messaging.pub_sock(
            context, service_list['liveLongitudinalMpc'].port)

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1, self.live_longitudinal_mpc)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2, self.live_longitudinal_mpc)

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0

        self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.fcw_enabled = fcw_enabled

        self.lastlat_Control = None

        self.params = Params()

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled):
        if enabled:
            solutions = {'cruise': self.v_cruise}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest

            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == 'mpc1':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'mpc2':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'cruise':
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise

        self.v_acc_future = min([
            self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint

    def update(self, CS, CP, VM, PP, live20, live100, md, live_map_data):
        """Gets called when new live20 is available"""
        cur_time = live20.logMonoTime / 1e9
        v_ego = CS.carState.vEgo
        gasbuttonstatus = CS.carState.gasbuttonstatus

        long_control_state = live100.live100.longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = live100.live100.vCruise
        force_slow_decel = live100.live100.forceDecel
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        for socket, event in self.poller.poll(0):
            if socket is self.lat_Control:
                self.lastlat_Control = messaging.recv_one(socket).latControl

        self.lead_1 = live20.live20.leadOne
        self.lead_2 = live20.live20.leadTwo

        lead_1 = live20.live20.leadOne
        lead_2 = live20.live20.leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        v_speedlimit = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_curvature = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        map_valid = live_map_data.liveMapData.mapValid

        # Speed limit and curvature
        set_speed_limit_active = self.params.get(
            "LimitSetSpeed") == "1" and self.params.get(
                "SpeedLimitOffset") is not None
        if set_speed_limit_active:
            if live_map_data.liveMapData.speedLimitValid:
                speed_limit = live_map_data.liveMapData.speedLimit
                offset = float(self.params.get("SpeedLimitOffset"))
                v_speedlimit = speed_limit + offset

            if live_map_data.liveMapData.curvatureValid:
                curvature = abs(live_map_data.liveMapData.curvature)
                a_y_max = 2.975 - v_ego * 0.0375  # ~1.85 @ 75mph, ~2.6 @ 25mph
                v_curvature = math.sqrt(
                    a_y_max / max(1e-4, curvature)) / 1.3 * _brake_factor
                v_curvature = min(NO_CURVATURE_SPEED, v_curvature)

        decel_for_turn = bool(
            v_curvature < min([v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit, v_ego + 1.]))
        v_cruise_setpoint = min([v_cruise_setpoint, v_curvature, v_speedlimit])

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled:
            accel_limits = map(
                calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, following, gasbuttonstatus))
            if gasbuttonstatus == 0:
                accellimitmaxdynamic = -0.0018 * v_ego + 0.2
                jerk_limits = [
                    min(-0.1, accel_limits[0] * 0.5),
                    max(accellimitmaxdynamic, accel_limits[1])
                ]  # dynamic
            elif gasbuttonstatus == 1:
                accellimitmaxsport = -0.002 * v_ego + 0.4
                jerk_limits = [
                    min(-0.25, accel_limits[0]),
                    max(accellimitmaxsport, accel_limits[1])
                ]  # sport
            elif gasbuttonstatus == 2:
                accellimitmaxeco = -0.0015 * v_ego + 0.1
                jerk_limits = [
                    min(-0.1, accel_limits[0] * 0.5),
                    max(accellimitmaxeco, accel_limits[1])
                ]  # eco

            if not CS.carState.leftBlinker and not CS.carState.rightBlinker:
                steering_angle = CS.carState.steeringAngle
                if self.lastlat_Control and v_ego > 11:
                    angle_later = self.lastlat_Control.anglelater
                    angle_later = 0
                angle_later = 0
                steering_angle = 0
            accel_limits = limit_accel_in_turns(
                v_ego, steering_angle, accel_limits, self.CP,
                angle_later * self.CP.steerRatio)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits[1] = min(accel_limits[1], AWARENESS_DECEL)
                accel_limits[0] = min(accel_limits[0], accel_limits[1])

            # Change accel limits based on time remaining to turn
            if decel_for_turn:
                time_to_turn = max(
                    1.0, live_map_data.liveMapData.distToTurn /
                    max(self.v_cruise, 1.))
                required_decel = min(0, (v_curvature - self.v_cruise) /
                accel_limits[0] = max(accel_limits[0], required_decel)

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits[1], accel_limits[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], _DT_MPC)
            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(CS.carState.aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(CS, lead_1, v_cruise_setpoint)
        self.mpc2.update(CS, lead_2, v_cruise_setpoint)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = CS.carState.leftBlinker or CS.carState.rightBlinker
        fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, v_ego, CS.carState.aEgo,
            lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead, lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat,
            lead_1.fcw, blinkers) and not CS.carState.brakePressed
        if fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        model_dead = cur_time - (md.logMonoTime / 1e9) > 0.5

        # **** send the plan ****
        plan_send = messaging.new_message()

        # TODO: Move all these events to controlsd. This has nothing to do with planning
        events = []
        if model_dead:
                create_event('modelCommIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))

        radar_errors = list(live20.live20.radarErrors)
        if 'commIssue' in radar_errors:
                create_event('radarCommIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
        if 'fault' in radar_errors:
                create_event('radarFault', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))

        plan_send.plan.events = events
        plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = md.logMonoTime
        plan_send.plan.l20MonoTime = live20.logMonoTime

        # longitudal plan
        plan_send.plan.vCruise = self.v_cruise
        plan_send.plan.aCruise = self.a_cruise
        plan_send.plan.vStart = self.v_acc_start
        plan_send.plan.aStart = self.a_acc_start
        plan_send.plan.vTarget = self.v_acc
        plan_send.plan.aTarget = self.a_acc
        plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = self.v_acc_future
        plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        plan_send.plan.hasrightLaneDepart = bool(
            PP.r_poly[3] > -1.1 and not CS.carState.rightBlinker)
        plan_send.plan.hasleftLaneDepart = bool(
            PP.l_poly[3] < 1.05 and not CS.carState.leftBlinker)
        plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

        plan_send.plan.vCurvature = v_curvature
        plan_send.plan.decelForTurn = decel_for_turn
        plan_send.plan.mapValid = map_valid

        # Send out fcw
        fcw = fcw and (self.fcw_enabled
                       or long_control_state != LongCtrlState.off)
        plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw


        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        dt = 0.05  # s
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (dt / _DT_MPC) * (self.a_acc -
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + dt * (a_acc_sol +
                                             self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol
Пример #6
class Planner():
  def __init__(self, CP):
    self.CP = CP

    self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1)
    self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2)
    self.mpc_model = LongitudinalMpcModel()
    self.model_mpc_helper = ModelMpcHelper()

    self.v_acc_start = 0.0
    self.a_acc_start = 0.0
    self.v_acc_next = 0.0
    self.a_acc_next = 0.0

    self.v_acc = 0.0
    self.v_acc_future = 0.0
    self.a_acc = 0.0
    self.v_cruise = 0.0
    self.a_cruise = 0.0

    self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
    self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
    self.path_x = np.arange(192)

    self.fcw = False

    self.params = Params()
    self.first_loop = True

    self.target_speed_map = 0.0
    self.target_speed_map_counter = 0
    self.target_speed_map_counter_check = False
    self.target_speed_map_counter1 = 0
    self.target_speed_map_counter2 = 0
    self.target_speed_map_counter3 = 0
    self.target_speed_map_dist = 0
    self.target_speed_map_block = False
    self.target_speed_map_sign = False
    self.tartget_speed_offset = int(self.params.get("OpkrSpeedLimitOffset", encoding="utf8"))
    self.vego = 0

  def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled, model_enabled):
    possible_futures = [self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint]
    if enabled:
      solutions = {'cruise': self.v_cruise}
      if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
        solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
      if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
        solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc
      if self.mpc_model.valid and model_enabled:
        solutions['model'] = self.mpc_model.v_mpc
        possible_futures.append(self.mpc_model.v_mpc_future)  # only used when using model

      slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

      self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest
      # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
      if slowest == 'mpc1':
        self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
        self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
      elif slowest == 'mpc2':
        self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
        self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
      elif slowest == 'cruise':
        self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
        self.a_acc = self.a_cruise
      elif slowest == 'model':
        self.v_acc = self.mpc_model.v_mpc
        self.a_acc = self.mpc_model.a_mpc

    self.v_acc_future = min(possible_futures)

  def update(self, sm, CP):
    """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
    cur_time = sec_since_boot()
    v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
    self.vego = v_ego

    long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
    if self.params.get_bool("OpenpilotLongitudinalControl"):
      v_cruise_kph = sm['carState'].vSetDis
      v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
    force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel

    v_cruise_kph = min(v_cruise_kph, V_CRUISE_MAX)
    v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

    lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
    lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

    enabled = (long_control_state == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state == LongCtrlState.stopping)
    following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

    self.v_acc_start = self.v_acc_next
    self.a_acc_start = self.a_acc_next

    if self.params.get_bool("OpkrMapEnable"):
      self.target_speed_map_counter += 1
      if self.target_speed_map_counter >= (50+self.target_speed_map_counter1) and self.target_speed_map_counter_check == False:
        self.target_speed_map_counter_check = True
        os.system("logcat -d -s opkrspdlimit,opkrspd2limit | grep opkrspd | tail -n 1 | awk \'{print $7}\' > /data/params/d/LimitSetSpeedCamera &")
        os.system("logcat -d -s opkrspddist | grep opkrspd | tail -n 1 | awk \'{print $7}\' > /data/params/d/LimitSetSpeedCameraDist &")
        self.target_speed_map_counter3 += 1
        if self.target_speed_map_counter3 > 2:
          self.target_speed_map_counter3 = 0
          os.system("logcat -c &")
      elif self.target_speed_map_counter >= (75+self.target_speed_map_counter1):
        self.target_speed_map_counter1 = 0
        self.target_speed_map_counter = 0
        self.target_speed_map_counter_check = False
        mapspeed = self.params.get("LimitSetSpeedCamera", encoding="utf8")
        mapspeeddist = self.params.get("LimitSetSpeedCameraDist", encoding="utf8")
        if mapspeed is not None and mapspeeddist is not None:
          mapspeed = int(float(mapspeed.rstrip('\n')))
          mapspeeddist = int(float(mapspeeddist.rstrip('\n')))
          if mapspeed > 29:
            self.target_speed_map = mapspeed
            self.target_speed_map_dist = mapspeeddist
            if self.target_speed_map_dist > 1001:
              self.target_speed_map_block = True
            self.target_speed_map_counter1 = 80
            os.system("logcat -c &")
            self.target_speed_map = 0
            self.target_speed_map_dist = 0
            self.target_speed_map_block = False
        elif mapspeed is None and mapspeeddist is None and self.target_speed_map_counter2 < 2:
          self.target_speed_map_counter2 += 1
          self.target_speed_map_counter = 51
          self.target_speed_map = 0
          self.target_speed_map_dist = 0
          self.target_speed_map_counter_check = True
          self.target_speed_map_block = False
          self.target_speed_map_sign = False
          self.target_speed_map_counter = 49
          self.target_speed_map_counter2 = 0
          self.target_speed_map = 0
          self.target_speed_map_dist = 0
          self.target_speed_map_counter_check = False
          self.target_speed_map_block = False
          self.target_speed_map_sign = False

    # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
    if enabled and not self.first_loop and not sm['carState'].brakePressed and not sm['carState'].gasPressed:
      accel_limits = [float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, following)]
      jerk_limits = [min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]), max(0.1, accel_limits[1])]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
      accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngleDeg, accel_limits, self.CP)

      if force_slow_decel and False: # awareness decel is disabled for now
        # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
        accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1], AWARENESS_DECEL)
        accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0], accel_limits_turns[1])

      self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start,
                                                    accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0],
                                                    jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0],

      # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
      self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
      starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
      a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
      reset_speed = self.CP.minSpeedCan if starting else v_ego
      reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
      self.v_acc = reset_speed
      self.a_acc = reset_accel
      self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
      self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
      self.v_cruise = reset_speed
      self.a_cruise = reset_accel

    self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
    self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
    self.mpc_model.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

    self.mpc1.update(sm['carState'], lead_1)
    self.mpc2.update(sm['carState'], lead_2)

    distances, speeds, accelerations = self.model_mpc_helper.convert_data(sm)
    self.mpc_model.update(sm['carState'].vEgo, sm['carState'].aEgo,

    self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled, self.params.get_bool("ModelLongEnabled"))

    # determine fcw
    if self.mpc1.new_lead:

    blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
    self.fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time,
                                       v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo,
                                       lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead, lead_1.aLeadK,
                                       lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat,
                                       lead_1.fcw, blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
    if self.fcw:
      cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

    # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
    a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (CP.radarTimeStep / LON_MPC_STEP) * (self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
    v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + CP.radarTimeStep * (a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
    self.v_acc_next = v_acc_sol
    self.a_acc_next = a_acc_sol

    self.first_loop = False

  def publish(self, sm, pm):

    plan_send = messaging.new_message('longitudinalPlan')

    plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

    longitudinalPlan = plan_send.longitudinalPlan
    longitudinalPlan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['modelV2']
    longitudinalPlan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

    longitudinalPlan.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise)
    longitudinalPlan.aCruise = float(self.a_cruise)
    longitudinalPlan.vStart = float(self.v_acc_start)
    longitudinalPlan.aStart = float(self.a_acc_start)
    longitudinalPlan.vTarget = float(self.v_acc)
    longitudinalPlan.aTarget = float(self.a_acc)
    longitudinalPlan.vTargetFuture = float(self.v_acc_future)
    longitudinalPlan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
    longitudinalPlan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource
    longitudinalPlan.fcw = self.fcw

    longitudinalPlan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime / 1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

    # Send radarstate(dRel, vRel, yRel)
    lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
    lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo
    longitudinalPlan.dRel1 = float(lead_1.dRel)
    longitudinalPlan.yRel1 = float(lead_1.yRel)
    longitudinalPlan.vRel1 = float(lead_1.vRel)
    longitudinalPlan.dRel2 = float(lead_2.dRel)
    longitudinalPlan.yRel2 = float(lead_2.yRel)
    longitudinalPlan.vRel2 = float(lead_2.vRel)
    longitudinalPlan.status2 = bool(lead_2.status)
    cam_distance_calc = 0
    cam_distance_calc = interp(self.vego*CV.MS_TO_KPH, [30,60,100,160], [3.75,5.5,6,7])
    consider_speed = interp((self.vego*CV.MS_TO_KPH - self.target_speed_map), [10, 30], [1, 1.3])
    if self.target_speed_map > 29 and self.target_speed_map_dist < cam_distance_calc*consider_speed*self.vego*CV.MS_TO_KPH:
      longitudinalPlan.targetSpeedCamera = float(self.target_speed_map)
      longitudinalPlan.targetSpeedCameraDist = float(self.target_speed_map_dist)
      self.target_speed_map_sign = True
    elif self.target_speed_map > 29 and self.target_speed_map_dist >= cam_distance_calc*consider_speed*self.vego*CV.MS_TO_KPH and self.target_speed_map_block:
      longitudinalPlan.targetSpeedCamera = float(self.target_speed_map)
      longitudinalPlan.targetSpeedCameraDist = float(self.target_speed_map_dist)
      self.target_speed_map_sign = True
    elif self.target_speed_map > 29 and self.target_speed_map_sign:
      longitudinalPlan.targetSpeedCamera = float(self.target_speed_map)
      longitudinalPlan.targetSpeedCameraDist = float(self.target_speed_map_dist)
      longitudinalPlan.targetSpeedCamera = 0
      longitudinalPlan.targetSpeedCameraDist = 0

    pm.send('longitudinalPlan', plan_send)
Пример #7
class Planner():
  def __init__(self, CP):
    self.CP = CP

    self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1)
    self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2)

    self.v_acc_start = 0.0
    self.a_acc_start = 0.0

    self.v_acc = 0.0
    self.v_acc_future = 0.0
    self.a_acc = 0.0
    self.v_cruise = 0.0
    self.a_cruise = 0.0
    self.v_model = 0.0
    self.a_model = 0.0

    self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
    self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
    self.path_x = np.arange(192)

    self.params = Params()
    self.kegman = KegmanConf()
    self.mpc_frame = 0

  def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled):
    if enabled:
      solutions = {'model': self.v_model, 'cruise': self.v_cruise}
      if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
        solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
      if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
        solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc

      slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

      self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest
      # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
      if slowest == 'mpc1':
        self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
        self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
      elif slowest == 'mpc2':
        self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
        self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
      elif slowest == 'cruise':
        self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
        self.a_acc = self.a_cruise
      elif slowest == 'model':
        self.v_acc = self.v_model
        self.a_acc = self.a_model

    self.v_acc_future = min([self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint])

  def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM, PP):
    """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
    cur_time = sec_since_boot()
    v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo

    long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
    v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
    force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel
    v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

    lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
    lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

    enabled = (long_control_state == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state == LongCtrlState.stopping)

    if self.mpc_frame % 1000 == 0:
      self.kegman = KegmanConf()
      self.mpc_frame = 0
    self.mpc_frame += 1
    if len(sm['model'].path.poly) and int(self.kegman.conf['slowOnCurves']):
      path = list(sm['model'].path.poly)

      # Curvature of polynomial https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curvature#Curvature_of_the_graph_of_a_function
      # y = a x^3 + b x^2 + c x + d, y' = 3 a x^2 + 2 b x + c, y'' = 6 a x + 2 b
      # k = y'' / (1 + y'^2)^1.5
      # TODO: compute max speed without using a list of points and without numpy
      y_p = 3 * path[0] * self.path_x**2 + 2 * path[1] * self.path_x + path[2]
      y_pp = 6 * path[0] * self.path_x + 2 * path[1]
      curv = y_pp / (1. + y_p**2)**1.5

      a_y_max = 2.975 - v_ego * 0.0375  # ~1.85 @ 75mph, ~2.6 @ 25mph
      v_curvature = np.sqrt(a_y_max / np.clip(np.abs(curv), 1e-4, None))
      model_speed = np.min(v_curvature)
      model_speed = max(20.0 * CV.MPH_TO_MS, model_speed) # Don't slow down below 20mph
      model_speed = MAX_SPEED

    # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
    if enabled:
      accel_limits = [float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego)]
      jerk_limits = [min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]), max(0.1, accel_limits[1])]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
      accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngle, accel_limits, self.CP)

      if force_slow_decel:
        # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
        accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1], AWARENESS_DECEL)
        accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0], accel_limits_turns[1])

      self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start,
                                                    accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0],
                                                    jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0],

      self.v_model, self.a_model = speed_smoother(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start,
                                                    2*accel_limits[1], accel_limits[0],
                                                    2*jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0],

      # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
      self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
      starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
      a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
      reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else v_ego
      reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
      self.v_acc = reset_speed
      self.a_acc = reset_accel
      self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
      self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
      self.v_cruise = reset_speed
      self.a_cruise = reset_accel

    self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
    self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

    self.mpc1.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_1, v_cruise_setpoint)
    self.mpc2.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_2, v_cruise_setpoint)

    self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

    # determine fcw
    if self.mpc1.new_lead:

    blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
    fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time,
                                  v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo,
                                  lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead, lead_1.aLeadK,
                                  lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat,
                                  lead_1.fcw, blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
    if fcw:
      cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

    radar_dead = not sm.alive['radarState']

    radar_errors = list(sm['radarState'].radarErrors)
    radar_fault = car.RadarData.Error.fault in radar_errors
    radar_can_error = car.RadarData.Error.canError in radar_errors

    # **** send the plan ****
    plan_send = messaging.new_message()

    plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

    plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['model']
    plan_send.plan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

    # longitudal plan
    plan_send.plan.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise)
    plan_send.plan.aCruise = float(self.a_cruise)
    plan_send.plan.vStart = float(self.v_acc_start)
    plan_send.plan.aStart = float(self.a_acc_start)
    plan_send.plan.vTarget = float(self.v_acc)
    plan_send.plan.aTarget = float(self.a_acc)
    plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = float(self.v_acc_future)
    plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
    plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

    radar_valid = not (radar_dead or radar_fault)
    plan_send.plan.radarValid = bool(radar_valid)
    plan_send.plan.radarCanError = bool(radar_can_error)

    plan_send.plan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime / 1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

    # Send out fcw
    plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw

    pm.send('plan', plan_send)

    # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
    a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (CP.radarTimeStep / LON_MPC_STEP) * (self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
    v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + CP.radarTimeStep * (a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
    self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
    self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol
Пример #8
class Planner():
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP
        self.poller = zmq.Poller()
        self.arne182Status = messaging.sub_sock(

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2)

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0
        self.v_model = 0.0
        self.a_model = 0.0

        self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.path_x = np.arange(192)

        self.params = Params()

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled):
        if enabled:
            solutions = {'model': self.v_model, 'cruise': self.v_cruise}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest
            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == 'mpc1':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'mpc2':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'cruise':
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise
            elif slowest == 'model':
                self.v_acc = self.v_model
                self.a_acc = self.a_model

        self.v_acc_future = min([
            self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint

    def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM, PP):
        self.arne182 = None
        for socket, _ in self.poller.poll(0):
            if socket is self.arne182Status:
                self.arne182 = arne182.Arne182Status.from_bytes(socket.recv())
        if self.arne182 is None:
            gasbuttonstatus = 0
            gasbuttonstatus = self.arne182.gasbuttonstatus
        """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo

        if gasbuttonstatus == 1:
            speed_ahead_distance = 150
        elif gasbuttonstatus == 2:
            speed_ahead_distance = 350
            speed_ahead_distance = 250

        long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
        force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
        lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        v_speedlimit = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_curvature_map = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_speedlimit_ahead = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED

        if len(sm['model'].path.poly):
            path = list(sm['model'].path.poly)

            # Curvature of polynomial https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curvature#Curvature_of_the_graph_of_a_function
            # y = a x^3 + b x^2 + c x + d, y' = 3 a x^2 + 2 b x + c, y'' = 6 a x + 2 b
            # k = y'' / (1 + y'^2)^1.5
            # TODO: compute max speed without using a list of points and without numpy
            y_p = 3 * path[0] * self.path_x**2 + 2 * path[
                1] * self.path_x + path[2]
            y_pp = 6 * path[0] * self.path_x + 2 * path[1]
            curv = y_pp / (1. + y_p**2)**1.5

            a_y_max = 2.975 - v_ego * 0.0375  # ~1.85 @ 75mph, ~2.6 @ 25mph
            v_curvature = np.sqrt(a_y_max / np.clip(np.abs(curv), 1e-4, None))
            model_speed = np.min(v_curvature)
            model_speed = max(20.0 * CV.MPH_TO_MS,
                              model_speed)  # Don't slow down below 20mph
            model_speed = MAX_SPEED
        now = datetime.now()

            if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitValid and osm and (
                    sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                    time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000:
                speed_limit = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimit
                v_speedlimit = speed_limit + offset
                speed_limit = None
            if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadValid and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance < speed_ahead_distance and (
                        sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                        time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000:
                distanceatlowlimit = 50
                if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead < 21 / 3.6:
                    distanceatlowlimit = speed_ahead_distance = (
                        v_ego - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * 3.6 * 2
                    if distanceatlowlimit < 50:
                        distanceatlowlimit = 0
                    distanceatlowlimit = min(distanceatlowlimit, 100)
                    speed_ahead_distance = (
                        v_ego - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * 3.6 * 5
                    speed_ahead_distance = min(speed_ahead_distance, 300)
                    speed_ahead_distance = max(speed_ahead_distance, 50)
                if speed_limit is not None and sm[
                        'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance > distanceatlowlimit and v_ego + 3 < sm[
                            'liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead + (
                                speed_limit - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead
                            ) * sm[
                                'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance / speed_ahead_distance:
                    speed_limit_ahead = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead + (
                        speed_limit - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * (
                            sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance -
                            distanceatlowlimit) / (speed_ahead_distance -
                    speed_limit_ahead = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead
                v_speedlimit_ahead = speed_limit_ahead + offset
            if sm['liveMapData'].curvatureValid and osm and (
                    sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                    time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000:
                curvature = abs(sm['liveMapData'].curvature)
                radius = 1 / max(1e-4, curvature)
                if radius > 500:
                    c = 0.7  # 0.7 at 1000m = 95 kph
                elif radius > 250:
                    c = 2.7 - 1 / 250 * radius  # 1.7 at 264m 76 kph
                    c = 3.0 - 13 / 2500 * radius  # 3.0 at 15m 24 kph
                v_curvature_map = math.sqrt(c * radius)
                v_curvature_map = min(NO_CURVATURE_SPEED, v_curvature_map)
        except KeyError:

        decel_for_turn = bool(v_curvature_map < min(
            [v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit, v_ego + 1.]))
        v_cruise_setpoint = min([
            v_cruise_setpoint, v_curvature_map, v_speedlimit,

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled:
            accel_limits = [
                float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(
                    v_ego, following, gasbuttonstatus)
            jerk_limits = [
                min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]),
                max(0.1, accel_limits[1])
            ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
            accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(
                v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngle, accel_limits, self.CP)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1],
                accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0],

            if decel_for_turn and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].distToTurn < speed_ahead_distance:
                time_to_turn = max(
                    1.0, sm['liveMapData'].distToTurn / max(
                        (v_ego + v_curvature_map) / 2, 1.))
                required_decel = min(0,
                                     (v_curvature_map - v_ego) / time_to_turn)
                accel_limits[0] = max(accel_limits[0], required_decel)
            if v_speedlimit_ahead < v_speedlimit and self.longitudinalPlanSource == 'cruise' and v_ego > v_speedlimit_ahead:
                required_decel = min(
                    (v_speedlimit_ahead * v_speedlimit_ahead - v_ego * v_ego) /
                    (sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance * 2))
                required_decel = max(required_decel, -3.0)
                accel_limits[0] = required_decel
                accel_limits[1] = required_decel
                self.a_acc_start = required_decel

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)

            self.v_model, self.a_model = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, model_speed,
                2 * accel_limits[1], accel_limits[0], 2 * jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)

            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_1, v_cruise_setpoint)
        self.mpc2.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_2, v_cruise_setpoint)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, sm['controlsState'].active,
            v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo, lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead,
            lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat, lead_1.fcw,
            blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
        if fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        radar_dead = not sm.alive['radarState']

        radar_errors = list(sm['radarState'].radarErrors)
        radar_fault = car.RadarData.Error.fault in radar_errors
        radar_can_error = car.RadarData.Error.canError in radar_errors

        # **** send the plan ****
        plan_send = messaging.new_message()

        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(
            service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

        plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['model']
        plan_send.plan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

        # longitudal plan
        plan_send.plan.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.aCruise = float(self.a_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.vStart = float(self.v_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.aStart = float(self.a_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.vTarget = float(self.v_acc)
        plan_send.plan.aTarget = float(self.a_acc)
        plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = float(self.v_acc_future)
        plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

        plan_send.plan.vCurvature = float(v_curvature_map)
        plan_send.plan.decelForTurn = bool(
            or v_speedlimit_ahead < min([v_speedlimit, v_ego + 1.]))
        plan_send.plan.mapValid = True

        radar_valid = not (radar_dead or radar_fault)
        plan_send.plan.radarValid = bool(radar_valid)
        plan_send.plan.radarCanError = bool(radar_can_error)

        plan_send.plan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime /
                                          1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

        # Send out fcw
        plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw

        pm.send('plan', plan_send)

        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (DT_PLAN / LON_MPC_STEP) * (
            self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + DT_PLAN * (a_acc_sol +
                                                  self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol
Пример #9
class Planner():
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2)

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0
        self.v_acc_next = 0.0
        self.a_acc_next = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0

        self.source = Source.cruiseCoast
        self.cruise_source = Source.cruiseCoast

        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.path_x = np.arange(192)

        self.fcw = False

        self.params = Params()
        self.kegman = kegman_conf()
        self.mpc_frame = 0
        self.first_loop = True

        self.coast_enabled = True

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled):
        if enabled:
            solutions = {self.cruise_source: self.v_cruise}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
                solutions[Source.mpc1] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
                solutions[Source.mpc2] = self.mpc2.v_mpc

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.source = slowest
            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == Source.mpc1:
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
            elif slowest == Source.mpc2:
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
            elif slowest == self.cruise_source:
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise

        self.v_acc_future = min([
            self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint

    def choose_cruise(self, v_ego, a_ego, v_cruise_setpoint,
                      accel_limits_turns, jerk_limits, gasbrake):
        # WARNING: Logic is carefully verified. On change, review test_longitudinal.py output!

        # Standard cruise
        if not self.coast_enabled:
            self.cruise_source = Source.cruiseGas
            return speed_smoother(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start,
                                  v_cruise_setpoint, accel_limits_turns[1],
                                  accel_limits_turns[0], jerk_limits[1],
                                  jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)

        # If coasting, reset starting state for gas and brake plans
        if self.source == Source.cruiseCoast:
            self.v_acc_start = v_ego
            self.a_acc_start = a_ego
        elif self.source in [Source.mpc1, Source.mpc2]:
            self.cruise_source = Source.cruiseGas if gasbrake >= 0 else Source.cruiseBrake

        # Coast to (current state)
        v_coast, a_coast = v_ego, a_ego
        # Gas to (v_cruise_setpoint)
        v_gas, a_gas = speed_smoother(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start,
                                      v_cruise_setpoint, accel_limits_turns[1],
                                      accel_limits_turns[0], jerk_limits[1],
                                      jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)
        # Brake to (v_cruise_setpoint + COAST_SPEED)
        v_brake, a_brake = speed_smoother(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start,
                                          v_cruise_setpoint + COAST_SPEED,
                                          jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0],

        cruise = {
            Source.cruiseCoast: (v_coast, a_coast),
            Source.cruiseGas: (v_gas, a_gas),
            Source.cruiseBrake: (v_brake, a_brake),

        # Entry conditions
        if gasbrake == 0:
            if a_brake <= a_coast:
                self.cruise_source = Source.cruiseBrake
            elif a_gas >= a_coast:
                self.cruise_source = Source.cruiseGas
            elif (a_brake >= a_coast >= a_gas):
                self.cruise_source = Source.cruiseCoast

        return cruise[self.cruise_source]

    def update(self, sm, CP, VM, PP):
        """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
        a_ego = sm['carState'].aEgo
        gasbrake = sm['carControl'].actuators.gas - sm[

        long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
        force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel

        v_cruise_kph = min(v_cruise_kph, V_CRUISE_MAX)
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
        lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

        enabled = long_control_state in [
            LongCtrlState.pid, LongCtrlState.stopping
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        if self.mpc_frame % 1000 == 0:
            self.kegman = kegman_conf()
            self.mpc_frame = 0

        self.mpc_frame += 1

        self.v_acc_start = self.v_acc_next
        self.a_acc_start = self.a_acc_next

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled and not self.first_loop and not sm['carState'].gasPressed:
            accel_limits = [
                float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(
                    v_ego, following, self.kegman.conf['accelerationMode'])
            jerk_limits = [
                min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]),
                max(0.1, accel_limits[1])
            ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
            accel_limits_turns = accel_limits  # limit_accel_in_turns(v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngleDeg, accel_limits, self.CP)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1],
                accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0],

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = self.choose_cruise(
                v_ego, a_ego, v_cruise_setpoint, accel_limits_turns,
                jerk_limits, gasbrake)

            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(a_ego, 0.0)
            reset_speed = self.CP.minSpeedCan if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel
            self.cruise_source = Source.cruiseCoast

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(sm['carState'], lead_1)
        self.mpc2.update(sm['carState'], lead_2)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        self.fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, sm['controlsState'].active,
            v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo, lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead,
            lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat, lead_1.fcw,
            blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
        if self.fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (CP.radarTimeStep / LON_MPC_STEP) * (
            self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + CP.radarTimeStep * (
            a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_next = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_next = a_acc_sol

        self.first_loop = False

    def publish(self, sm, pm):

        plan_send = messaging.new_message('longitudinalPlan')

        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(
            service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

        longitudinalPlan = plan_send.longitudinalPlan
        longitudinalPlan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['modelV2']
        longitudinalPlan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

        longitudinalPlan.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise)
        longitudinalPlan.aCruise = float(self.a_cruise)
        longitudinalPlan.vStart = float(self.v_acc_start)
        longitudinalPlan.aStart = float(self.a_acc_start)
        longitudinalPlan.vTarget = float(self.v_acc)
        longitudinalPlan.aTarget = float(self.a_acc)
        longitudinalPlan.vTargetFuture = float(self.v_acc_future)
        longitudinalPlan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        longitudinalPlan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.source
        longitudinalPlan.fcw = self.fcw

        longitudinalPlan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime /
                                            1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

        pm.send('longitudinalPlan', plan_send)
Пример #10
class Planner(object):
    def __init__(self, CP, fcw_enabled):
        self.CP = CP
        self.poller = zmq.Poller()

        self.plan = messaging.pub_sock(service_list['plan'].port)
        self.live_longitudinal_mpc = messaging.pub_sock(

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1, self.live_longitudinal_mpc)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2, self.live_longitudinal_mpc)

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0

        self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.fcw_enabled = fcw_enabled

        self.params = Params()

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled):
        if enabled:
            solutions = {'cruise': self.v_cruise}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest

            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == 'mpc1':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'mpc2':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'cruise':
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise

        self.v_acc_future = min([
            self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint

    def update(self, sm, CP, VM, PP, live_map_data):
        """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo

        long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
        force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
        lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        v_speedlimit = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_curvature = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED

        #map_age = cur_time - rcv_times['liveMapData']
        map_valid = False  # live_map_data.liveMapData.mapValid and map_age < 10.0

        # Speed limit and curvature
        set_speed_limit_active = self.params.get(
            "LimitSetSpeed") == "1" and self.params.get(
                "SpeedLimitOffset") is not None
        if set_speed_limit_active and map_valid:
            if live_map_data.liveMapData.speedLimitValid:
                speed_limit = live_map_data.liveMapData.speedLimit
                offset = float(self.params.get("SpeedLimitOffset"))
                v_speedlimit = speed_limit + offset

            if live_map_data.liveMapData.curvatureValid:
                curvature = abs(live_map_data.liveMapData.curvature)
                a_y_max = 2.975 - v_ego * 0.0375  # ~1.85 @ 75mph, ~2.6 @ 25mph
                v_curvature = math.sqrt(a_y_max / max(1e-4, curvature))
                v_curvature = min(NO_CURVATURE_SPEED, v_curvature)

        decel_for_turn = bool(
            v_curvature < min([v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit, v_ego + 1.]))
        v_cruise_setpoint = min([v_cruise_setpoint, v_curvature, v_speedlimit])

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled:
            accel_limits = [
                float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, following)
            jerk_limits = [
                min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]),
                max(0.1, accel_limits[1])
            ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
            accel_limits = limit_accel_in_turns(v_ego,
                                                accel_limits, self.CP)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits[1] = min(accel_limits[1], AWARENESS_DECEL)
                accel_limits[0] = min(accel_limits[0], accel_limits[1])

            # Change accel limits based on time remaining to turn
            if decel_for_turn:
                time_to_turn = max(
                    1.0, live_map_data.liveMapData.distToTurn /
                    max(self.v_cruise, 1.))
                required_decel = min(0, (v_curvature - self.v_cruise) /
                accel_limits[0] = max(accel_limits[0], required_decel)

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits[1], accel_limits[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)
            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(sm['carState'], lead_1, v_cruise_setpoint)
        self.mpc2.update(sm['carState'], lead_2, v_cruise_setpoint)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo,
            lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead, lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat,
            lead_1.fcw, blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
        if fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        radar_dead = not sm.alive['radarState']

        radar_errors = list(sm['radarState'].radarErrors)
        radar_fault = car.RadarData.Error.fault in radar_errors
        radar_can_error = car.RadarData.Error.canError in radar_errors

        # **** send the plan ****
        plan_send = messaging.new_message()

        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(
            service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

        plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['model']
        plan_send.plan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

        # longitudal plan
        plan_send.plan.vCruise = self.v_cruise
        plan_send.plan.aCruise = self.a_cruise
        plan_send.plan.vStart = self.v_acc_start
        plan_send.plan.aStart = self.a_acc_start
        plan_send.plan.vTarget = self.v_acc
        plan_send.plan.aTarget = self.a_acc
        plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = self.v_acc_future
        plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

        plan_send.plan.vCurvature = v_curvature
        plan_send.plan.decelForTurn = decel_for_turn
        plan_send.plan.mapValid = map_valid

        radar_valid = not (radar_dead or radar_fault)
        plan_send.plan.radarValid = bool(radar_valid)
        plan_send.plan.radarCanError = bool(radar_can_error)

        plan_send.plan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime /
                                          1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

        # Send out fcw
        fcw = fcw and (self.fcw_enabled
                       or long_control_state != LongCtrlState.off)
        plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw


        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (DT_PLAN / LON_MPC_STEP) * (
            self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + DT_PLAN * (a_acc_sol +
                                                  self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol
Пример #11
class Planner():
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP
        self.op_params = opParams()

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2)
        self.mpc_model = LongitudinalMpcModel()
        self.model_mpc_helper = ModelMpcHelper()

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0
        self.v_acc_next = 0.0
        self.a_acc_next = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0
        self.solution = Solution(0., 0.)

        self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.path_x = np.arange(192)

        self.fcw = False

        self.params = Params()
        self.first_loop = True

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled, model_enabled,
        possible_futures = [
            self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint
        if enabled:
            solutions = {'cruise': self.v_cruise}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc
            if self.mpc_model.valid and model_enabled:
                solutions['model'] = self.mpc_model.v_mpc
                    self.mpc_model.v_mpc_future)  # only used when using model

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest

            if self.op_params.get('accel_lag_compensation'):
                #accel_delay = interp(speed * CV.MS_TO_MPH, [10, 80], [0.2, 0.4])    #Original
                #accel_delay = interp(speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH, [10, 150], [1.6, 1.7])   # Last value, worked OK
                accel_delay = interp(speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH, [10, 80], [.6, .8])
                accel_delay = 0.

            # Some notes: a_acc_start should always be current timestep (or delayed)
            # a_acc should be a_acc_start but +0.2 seconds so controlsd interps properly (a_acc_start to a_acc_start+0.05sec)
            # If planner lags for up to ~0.15 seconds, controlsd can interp from 0.05 to 0.21 seconds

            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == 'mpc1':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
                cur, fut = interp([accel_delay, accel_delay + 0.2],
                self.solution = Solution(a_acc_start=cur, a_acc=fut)
            elif slowest == 'mpc2':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
                cur, fut = interp([accel_delay, accel_delay + 0.2],
                self.solution = Solution(a_acc_start=cur, a_acc=fut)
            elif slowest == 'cruise':
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise
                self.solution = Solution(
                    a_acc=self.a_cruise)  # cruise doesn't matter
            elif slowest == 'model':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc_model.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc_model.a_mpc
                cur, fut = interp([accel_delay, accel_delay + 0.2],
                self.solution = Solution(a_acc_start=cur, a_acc=fut)

        self.v_acc_future = min(possible_futures)

    def update(self, sm, CP, VM, PP):
        """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo

        long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
        force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel

        v_cruise_kph = min(v_cruise_kph, V_CRUISE_MAX)
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
        lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        self.v_acc_start = self.v_acc_next
        self.a_acc_start = self.a_acc_next

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled and not self.first_loop and not sm['carState'].gasPressed:
            accel_limits = [
                float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, following)
            jerk_limits = [
                min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]),
                max(0.1, accel_limits[1])
            ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
            accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(
                v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngleDeg, accel_limits, self.CP)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1],
                accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0],

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)

            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = self.CP.minSpeedCan if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc_model.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(sm['carState'], lead_1)
        self.mpc2.update(sm['carState'], lead_2)

        distances, speeds, accelerations = self.model_mpc_helper.convert_data(
        self.mpc_model.update(sm['carState'].vEgo, sm['carState'].aEgo,
                              distances, speeds, accelerations)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled,
                             sm['modelLongButton'].enabled, v_ego)

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        self.fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, sm['controlsState'].active,
            v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo, lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead,
            lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat, lead_1.fcw,
            blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
        if self.fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (CP.radarTimeStep / LON_MPC_STEP) * (
            self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + CP.radarTimeStep * (
            a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_next = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_next = a_acc_sol

        self.first_loop = False

    def publish(self, sm, pm):

        plan_send = messaging.new_message('longitudinalPlan')

        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(
            service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

        longitudinalPlan = plan_send.longitudinalPlan
        longitudinalPlan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['modelV2']
        longitudinalPlan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

        longitudinalPlan.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise)
        longitudinalPlan.aCruise = float(self.a_cruise)
        longitudinalPlan.vStart = float(self.v_acc_start)
        longitudinalPlan.aStart = float(self.solution.a_acc_start)
        longitudinalPlan.vTarget = float(self.v_acc)
        longitudinalPlan.aTarget = float(self.solution.a_acc)
        longitudinalPlan.vTargetFuture = float(self.v_acc_future)
        longitudinalPlan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        longitudinalPlan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource
        longitudinalPlan.fcw = self.fcw

        longitudinalPlan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime /
                                            1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

        pm.send('longitudinalPlan', plan_send)
Пример #12
class Planner():
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2)
        self.mpc_model = LongitudinalMpcModel()

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0

        self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.path_x = np.arange(192)

        self.params = Params()
        self.first_loop = True

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled, model_enabled):
        if enabled:
            solutions = {'cruise': self.v_cruise}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc
            if self.mpc_model.valid and model_enabled:
                solutions['model'] = self.mpc_model.v_mpc

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest
            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == 'mpc1':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'mpc2':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'cruise':
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise
            elif slowest == 'model':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc_model.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc_model.a_mpc

        self.v_acc_future = min([
            self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future,
            self.mpc_model.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint

    def parse_modelV2_data(self, sm):
        modelV2 = sm['modelV2']
        distances, speeds, accelerations = [], [], []
        if not sm.updated['modelV2'] or len(modelV2.position.x) == 0:
            return distances, speeds, accelerations

        model_t = modelV2.position.t
        mpc_times = list(range(10))

        model_t_idx = [
                   key=[abs(idx - t) for t in model_t].__getitem__)[0]
            for idx in mpc_times
        ]  # matches 0 to 9 interval to idx from t

        for t in model_t_idx:  # everything is derived from x position since velocity is outputting weird values
            if model_t_idx.index(
            ) > 0:  # skip first since we can't calculate (and don't want to use v_ego)
                accelerations.append((speeds[-1] - speeds[-2]) / model_t[t])

            0, accelerations[1] - (accelerations[2] - accelerations[1])
        )  # extrapolate back first accel from second and third, less weight
        return distances, speeds, accelerations

    def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM, PP):
        """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo

        long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
        force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel

        v_cruise_kph = min(v_cruise_kph, V_CRUISE_MAX)
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
        lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled and not self.first_loop and not sm['carState'].gasPressed:
            accel_limits = [
                float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, following)
            jerk_limits = [
                min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]),
                max(0.1, accel_limits[1])
            ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
            accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(
                v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngle, accel_limits, self.CP)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1],
                accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0],

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)

            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc_model.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_1)
        self.mpc2.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_2)

        distances, speeds, accelerations = self.parse_modelV2_data(sm)
        self.mpc_model.update(sm['carState'].vEgo, sm['carState'].aEgo,
                              distances, speeds, accelerations)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled,

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, sm['controlsState'].active,
            v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo, lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead,
            lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat, lead_1.fcw,
            blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
        if fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        radar_dead = not sm.alive['radarState']

        radar_errors = list(sm['radarState'].radarErrors)
        radar_fault = car.RadarData.Error.fault in radar_errors
        radar_can_error = car.RadarData.Error.canError in radar_errors

        # **** send the plan ****
        plan_send = messaging.new_message('plan')

        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(
            service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

        plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['model']
        plan_send.plan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

        # longitudal plan
        plan_send.plan.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.aCruise = float(self.a_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.vStart = float(self.v_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.aStart = float(self.a_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.vTarget = float(self.v_acc)
        plan_send.plan.aTarget = float(self.a_acc)
        plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = float(self.v_acc_future)
        plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

        radar_valid = not (radar_dead or radar_fault)
        plan_send.plan.radarValid = bool(radar_valid)
        plan_send.plan.radarCanError = bool(radar_can_error)

        plan_send.plan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime /
                                          1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

        # Send out fcw
        plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw

        pm.send('plan', plan_send)

        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (CP.radarTimeStep / LON_MPC_STEP) * (
            self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + CP.radarTimeStep * (
            a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol

        self.first_loop = False
Пример #13
class Planner():
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2)
        self.mpc_model = LongitudinalMpcModel()

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0
        self.osm = True

        self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.path_x = np.arange(192)

        self.params = Params()
        self.first_loop = True
        self.offset = 0
        self.last_time = 0

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled, lead_1, lead_2,
        center_x = -2.5  # Wheel base 2.5m
        lead1_check = True
        mpc_offset = opParams().get('mpc_offset', default=5.0)
        lead2_check = True
        if steeringAngle > 100:  # only at high angles
            center_y = -1 + 2.5 / math.tan(
                steeringAngle / 1800. * math.pi
            )  # Car Width 2m. Left side considered in left hand turn
            lead1_check = math.sqrt(
                (lead_1.dRel - center_x)**2 +
                (lead_1.yRel - center_y)**2) < abs(
                    2.5 / math.sin(steeringAngle / 1800. * math.pi)
                ) + 1.  # extra meter clearance to car
            lead2_check = math.sqrt(
                (lead_2.dRel - center_x)**2 +
                (lead_2.yRel - center_y)**2) < abs(
                    2.5 / math.sin(steeringAngle / 1800. * math.pi)) + 1.
        elif steeringAngle < -100:  # only at high angles
            center_y = +1 + 2.5 / math.tan(
                steeringAngle / 1800. * math.pi
            )  # Car Width 2m. Right side considered in right hand turn
            lead1_check = math.sqrt(
                (lead_1.dRel - center_x)**2 +
                (lead_1.yRel - center_y)**2) < abs(
                    2.5 / math.sin(steeringAngle / 1800. * math.pi)) + 1.
            lead2_check = math.sqrt(
                (lead_2.dRel - center_x)**2 +
                (lead_2.yRel - center_y)**2) < abs(
                    2.5 / math.sin(steeringAngle / 1800. * math.pi)) + 1.
        if enabled:
            solutions = {}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status and lead1_check:
                solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status and lead2_check:
                solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc
            if self.mpc_model.valid:
                if self.mpc_model.v_mpc > 13.0:
                    solutions['model'] = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
                    solutions['model'] = self.mpc_model.v_mpc + mpc_offset
            solutions['cruise'] = self.v_cruise

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest
            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == 'mpc1':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'mpc2':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'cruise':
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise
            elif slowest == 'model':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc_model.v_mpc + mpc_offset
                self.a_acc = self.mpc_model.a_mpc
                print("Model Speed kph")
                print(self.mpc_model.v_mpc * 3.6)

        self.v_acc_future = v_cruise_setpoint
        if lead1_check:
            self.v_acc_future = min([
                self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.v_acc_future,
                self.mpc_model.v_mpc_future + mpc_offset
        if lead2_check:
            self.v_acc_future = min([
                self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, self.v_acc_future,
                self.mpc_model.v_mpc_future + mpc_offset

    def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM, PP, arne_sm):
        """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()

        # we read offset value every 5 seconds
        fixed_offset = 0.0
        if not travis:
            fixed_offset = op_params.get('speed_offset', 0.0)
            if self.last_time > 5:
                    self.offset = int(
                        self.params.get("SpeedLimitOffset", encoding='utf8'))
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    self.offset = 0
                self.osm = self.params.get("LimitSetSpeed",
                                           encoding='utf8') == "1"
                self.last_time = 0
            self.last_time = self.last_time + 1

        gas_button_status = arne_sm['arne182Status'].gasbuttonstatus
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
        blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        if blinkers:
            steering_angle = sm['carState'].steeringAngle * 0.8
            if v_ego < 11:
                angle_later = 0.
                angle_later = arne_sm['latControl'].anglelater * 0.8
            steering_angle = sm['carState'].steeringAngle
            if v_ego < 11:
                angle_later = 0.
                angle_later = arne_sm['latControl'].anglelater

        long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
        force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
        lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)

        following = (lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 40.0
                     and lead_1.vRel < 0.0) or (lead_2.status
                                                and lead_2.dRel < 40.0
                                                and lead_2.vRel < 0.0)

        if gas_button_status == 1:
            speed_ahead_distance = 150
        elif gas_button_status == 2:
            speed_ahead_distance = 350
            speed_ahead_distance = default_brake_distance

        v_speedlimit = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_curvature_map = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_speedlimit_ahead = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        now = datetime.now()
            if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitValid and osm and self.osm and (
                    sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                    time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000 and (
                        smart_speed or smart_speed_max_vego > v_ego):
                speed_limit = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimit
                if speed_limit is not None:
                    v_speedlimit = speed_limit
                    # offset is in percentage,.
                    if v_ego > offset_limit:
                        v_speedlimit = v_speedlimit * (1. +
                                                       self.offset / 100.0)
                    if v_speedlimit > fixed_offset:
                        v_speedlimit = v_speedlimit + fixed_offset
                speed_limit = None
            if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadValid and osm and self.osm and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance < speed_ahead_distance and (
                        sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                        time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000 and (
                            smart_speed or smart_speed_max_vego > v_ego):
                distanceatlowlimit = 50
                if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead < 21 / 3.6:
                    distanceatlowlimit = speed_ahead_distance = (
                        v_ego - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * 3.6 * 2
                    if distanceatlowlimit < 50:
                        distanceatlowlimit = 0
                    distanceatlowlimit = min(distanceatlowlimit, 100)
                    speed_ahead_distance = (
                        v_ego - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * 3.6 * 5
                    speed_ahead_distance = min(speed_ahead_distance, 300)
                    speed_ahead_distance = max(speed_ahead_distance, 50)
                if speed_limit is not None and sm[
                        'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance > distanceatlowlimit and v_ego + 3 < sm[
                            'liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead + (
                                speed_limit - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead
                            ) * sm[
                                'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance / speed_ahead_distance:
                    speed_limit_ahead = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead + (
                        speed_limit - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * (
                            sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance -
                            distanceatlowlimit) / (speed_ahead_distance -
                    speed_limit_ahead = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead
                if speed_limit_ahead is not None:
                    v_speedlimit_ahead = speed_limit_ahead
                    if v_ego > offset_limit:
                        v_speedlimit_ahead = v_speedlimit_ahead * (
                            1. + self.offset / 100.0)
                    if v_speedlimit_ahead > fixed_offset:
                        v_speedlimit_ahead = v_speedlimit_ahead + fixed_offset
            if sm['liveMapData'].curvatureValid and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].distToTurn < speed_ahead_distance and osm and self.osm and (
                        sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                        time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000:
                curvature = abs(sm['liveMapData'].curvature)
                radius = 1 / max(1e-4, curvature) * curvature_factor
                if gas_button_status == 1:
                    radius = radius * 2.0
                elif gas_button_status == 2:
                    radius = radius * 1.0
                    radius = radius * 1.5
                if radius > 500:
                    c = 0.9  # 0.9 at 1000m = 108 kph
                elif radius > 250:
                    c = 3.5 - 13 / 2500 * radius  # 2.2 at 250m 84 kph
                    c = 3.0 - 2 / 625 * radius  # 3.0 at 15m 24 kph
                v_curvature_map = math.sqrt(c * radius)
                v_curvature_map = min(NO_CURVATURE_SPEED, v_curvature_map)
        except KeyError:

        decel_for_turn = bool(v_curvature_map < min(
            [v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit, v_ego + 1.]))

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled and not self.first_loop and not sm[
                'carState'].brakePressed and not sm['carState'].gasPressed:
            accel_limits = [
                float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(
                    v_ego, following and
                    (self.longitudinalPlanSource == 'mpc1' or
                     self.longitudinalPlanSource == 'mpc2'), gas_button_status)
            jerk_limits = [
                min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]),
                max(0.1, accel_limits[1])
            ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
            accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(v_ego, steering_angle,
                                                      accel_limits, self.CP,

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1],
                accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0],

            if decel_for_turn and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].distToTurn < speed_ahead_distance and not following:
                time_to_turn = max(
                    1.0, sm['liveMapData'].distToTurn / max(
                        (v_ego + v_curvature_map) / 2, 1.))
                required_decel = min(0,
                                     (v_curvature_map - v_ego) / time_to_turn)
                accel_limits[0] = max(accel_limits[0], required_decel)
            if v_speedlimit_ahead < v_speedlimit and v_ego > v_speedlimit_ahead and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance > 1.0 and not following:
                required_decel = min(
                    (v_speedlimit_ahead * v_speedlimit_ahead - v_ego * v_ego) /
                    (sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance * 2))
                required_decel = max(required_decel, -3.0)
                decel_for_turn = True
                accel_limits[0] = required_decel
                accel_limits[1] = required_decel
                self.a_acc_start = required_decel
                v_speedlimit_ahead = v_ego

            v_cruise_setpoint = min([
                v_cruise_setpoint, v_curvature_map, v_speedlimit,
            #if (self.mpc1.prev_lead_status and self.mpc1.v_mpc < v_ego*0.99) or (self.mpc2.prev_lead_status and self.mpc2.v_mpc < v_ego*0.99):
            #  v_cruise_setpoint = v_ego

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)

            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc_model.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_1, v_cruise_setpoint)
        self.mpc2.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_2, v_cruise_setpoint)
        self.mpc_model.update(sm['carState'].vEgo, sm['carState'].vEgo,

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled, lead_1, lead_2,

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, sm['controlsState'].active,
            v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo, lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead,
            lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat, lead_1.fcw,
            blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
        if fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        radar_dead = not sm.alive['radarState']

        radar_errors = list(sm['radarState'].radarErrors)
        radar_fault = car.RadarData.Error.fault in radar_errors
        radar_can_error = car.RadarData.Error.canError in radar_errors

        # **** send the plan ****
        plan_send = messaging.new_message('plan')

        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(
            service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

        plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['model']
        plan_send.plan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

        # longitudal plan
        plan_send.plan.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.aCruise = float(self.a_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.vStart = float(self.v_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.aStart = float(self.a_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.vTarget = float(self.v_acc)
        plan_send.plan.aTarget = float(self.a_acc)
        plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = float(self.v_acc_future)
        plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

        plan_send.plan.vCurvature = float(v_curvature_map)
        plan_send.plan.decelForTurn = bool(decel_for_turn)
        plan_send.plan.mapValid = True

        radar_valid = not (radar_dead or radar_fault)
        plan_send.plan.radarValid = bool(radar_valid)
        plan_send.plan.radarCanError = bool(radar_can_error)

        plan_send.plan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime /
                                          1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

        # Send out fcw
        plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw

        pm.send('plan', plan_send)

        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (CP.radarTimeStep / LON_MPC_STEP) * (
            self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + CP.radarTimeStep * (
            a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol

        self.first_loop = False
Пример #14
class Planner():
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP
        self.op_params = opParams()

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2)
        self.mpc_model = LongitudinalMpcModel()

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0
        self.v_model = 0.0
        self.a_model = 0.0
        self.osm = False
        self.osm_curv = False
        self.osm_camera = False

        self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.path_x = np.arange(192)

        self.params = Params()
        self.first_loop = True
        self.offset = 0
        self.last_time = 0

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled, model_enabled):
        possible_futures = [
            self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint
        if enabled:
            solutions = {'cruise': self.v_cruise}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc
            if self.mpc_model.valid and model_enabled:
                solutions['model'] = self.mpc_model.v_mpc
                    self.mpc_model.v_mpc_future)  # only used when using model

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest
            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == 'mpc1':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'mpc2':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'cruise':
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise
            elif slowest == 'model':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc_model.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc_model.a_mpc

        self.v_acc_future = min(possible_futures)

    def parse_modelV2_data(self, sm):
        modelV2 = sm['modelV2']
        distances, speeds, accelerations = [], [], []
        if not sm.updated['modelV2'] or len(modelV2.position.x) == 0:
            return distances, speeds, accelerations

        model_t = modelV2.position.t
        mpc_times = list(range(10))

        model_t_idx = [
                   key=[abs(idx - t) for t in model_t].__getitem__)[0]
            for idx in mpc_times
        ]  # matches 0 to 9 interval to idx from t

        for t in model_t_idx:  # everything is derived from x position since velocity is outputting weird values
            if model_t_idx.index(
            ) > 0:  # skip first since we can't calculate (and don't want to use v_ego)
                accelerations.append((speeds[-1] - speeds[-2]) / model_t[t])

            0, accelerations[1] - (accelerations[2] - accelerations[1])
        )  # extrapolate back first accel from second and third, less weight
        return distances, speeds, accelerations

    def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM, PP):
        """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()

        # we read offset value every 5 seconds
        fixed_offset = 0.0
        fixed_offset = op_params.get('speed_offset')
        if self.last_time > 5:
                self.offset = int(
                    self.params.get("SpeedLimitOffset", encoding='utf8'))
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                self.offset = 0
            self.osm = self.params.get("LimitSetSpeed", encoding='utf8') == "1"
            self.osm_curv = self.params.get("LimitSetSpeedCurv",
                                            encoding='utf8') == "1"
            self.osm_camera = self.params.get("LimitSetSpeedCamera",
                                              encoding='utf8') == "1"
            self.last_time = 0
        self.last_time = self.last_time + 1

        gas_button_status = int(self.params.get('OpkrAccMode'))
        if eco_mode and gas_button_status == 0:
            gas_button_status = 2
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo

        long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
        force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel

        v_cruise_kph = min(v_cruise_kph, V_CRUISE_MAX)
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
        lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 50.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        if gas_button_status == 1:
            speed_ahead_distance = 150
        elif gas_button_status == 2:
            if eco_mode:
                speed_ahead_distance = default_brake_distance
                speed_ahead_distance = 350
            speed_ahead_distance = default_brake_distance

        v_speedlimit = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_curvature_map = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_speedlimit_ahead = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        now = datetime.now()
            if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitValid and osm and (
                    sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                    time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000 and (
                        smart_speed or smart_speed_max_vego > v_ego):
                speed_limit = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimit
                if speed_limit is not None:
                    v_speedlimit = speed_limit
                    # offset is in percentage,.
                    if v_ego > offset_limit:
                        v_speedlimit = v_speedlimit * (1. +
                                                       self.offset / 100.0)
                    if v_speedlimit > fixed_offset:
                        v_speedlimit = v_speedlimit + fixed_offset
                speed_limit = None
            if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadValid and osm and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance < speed_ahead_distance and (
                        sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                        time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000 and (
                            smart_speed or smart_speed_max_vego > v_ego):
                distanceatlowlimit = 50
                if sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead < 21 / 3.6:
                    distanceatlowlimit = speed_ahead_distance = (
                        v_ego - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * 3.6 * 2
                    if distanceatlowlimit < 50:
                        distanceatlowlimit = 0
                    distanceatlowlimit = min(distanceatlowlimit, 100)
                    speed_ahead_distance = (
                        v_ego - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * 3.6 * 5
                    speed_ahead_distance = min(speed_ahead_distance, 300)
                    speed_ahead_distance = max(speed_ahead_distance, 50)
                if speed_limit is not None and sm[
                        'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance > distanceatlowlimit and v_ego + 3 < sm[
                            'liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead + (
                                speed_limit - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead
                            ) * sm[
                                'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance / speed_ahead_distance:
                    speed_limit_ahead = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead + (
                        speed_limit - sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead) * (
                            sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance -
                            distanceatlowlimit) / (speed_ahead_distance -
                    speed_limit_ahead = sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAhead
                if speed_limit_ahead is not None:
                    v_speedlimit_ahead = speed_limit_ahead
                    if v_ego > offset_limit:
                        v_speedlimit_ahead = v_speedlimit_ahead * (
                            1. + self.offset / 100.0)
                    if v_speedlimit_ahead > fixed_offset:
                        v_speedlimit_ahead = v_speedlimit_ahead + fixed_offset
            if sm['liveMapData'].curvatureValid and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].distToTurn < speed_ahead_distance and osm and (
                        sm['liveMapData'].lastGps.timestamp -
                        time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000) < 10000:
                curvature = abs(sm['liveMapData'].curvature)
                radius = 1 / max(1e-4, curvature) * curvature_factor
                if gas_button_status == 1:
                    radius = radius * 2.0
                elif gas_button_status == 2:
                    radius = radius * 1.0
                    radius = radius * 1.5
                if radius > 500:
                    c = 0.9  # 0.9 at 1000m = 108 kph
                elif radius > 250:
                    c = 3.5 - 13 / 2500 * radius  # 2.2 at 250m 84 kph
                    c = 3.0 - 2 / 625 * radius  # 3.0 at 15m 24 kph
                v_curvature_map = math.sqrt(c * radius)
                v_curvature_map = min(NO_CURVATURE_SPEED, v_curvature_map)
        except KeyError:

        decel_for_turn = bool(v_curvature_map < min(
            [v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit, v_ego + 1.]))

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled and not self.first_loop and not sm[
                'carState'].brakePressed and not sm['carState'].gasPressed:
            accel_limits = [
                float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(
                    v_ego, following, int(self.params.get('OpkrAccMode')))
            jerk_limits = [
                min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]),
                max(0.1, accel_limits[1])
            ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
            accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(
                v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngle, accel_limits, self.CP)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1],
                accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0],

            if decel_for_turn and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].distToTurn < speed_ahead_distance and not following:
                time_to_turn = max(
                    1.0, sm['liveMapData'].distToTurn / max(
                        (v_ego + v_curvature_map) / 2, 1.))
                required_decel = min(0,
                                     (v_curvature_map - v_ego) / time_to_turn)
                accel_limits[0] = max(accel_limits[0], required_decel)
            if v_speedlimit_ahead < v_speedlimit and v_ego > v_speedlimit_ahead and sm[
                    'liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance > 1.0 and not following:
                required_decel = min(
                    (v_speedlimit_ahead * v_speedlimit_ahead - v_ego * v_ego) /
                    (sm['liveMapData'].speedLimitAheadDistance * 2))
                required_decel = max(required_decel, -3.0)
                decel_for_turn = True
                accel_limits[0] = required_decel
                accel_limits[1] = required_decel
                self.a_acc_start = required_decel
                v_speedlimit_ahead = v_ego

            if (
                    v_speedlimit_ahead * CV.MS_TO_KPH
            ) >= 30 and self.osm_camera and not self.osm_curv and not self.osm:
                v_cruise_setpoint = min(
                    [v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit_ahead])
            elif self.osm_curv and not self.osm_camera and not self.osm:
                v_cruise_setpoint = min([v_cruise_setpoint, v_curvature_map])
            elif self.osm and not self.osm_curv and not self.osm_camera:
                v_cruise_setpoint = min([v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit])
            elif self.osm_camera and self.osm_curv and not self.osm:
                v_cruise_setpoint = min(
                    [v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit_ahead, v_curvature_map])
            elif self.osm_camera and not self.osm_curv and self.osm:
                v_cruise_setpoint = min(
                    [v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit_ahead, v_speedlimit])
            elif not self.osm_camera and self.osm_curv and self.osm:
                v_cruise_setpoint = min(
                    [v_cruise_setpoint, v_curvature_map, v_speedlimit])
            elif self.osm_camera and self.osm_curv and self.osm:
                v_cruise_setpoint = min([
                    v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit_ahead, v_curvature_map,
                v_cruise_setpoint = min([v_cruise_setpoint])

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)

            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = self.CP.minSpeedCan if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc_model.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_1)
        self.mpc2.update(pm, sm['carState'], lead_2)

        distances, speeds, accelerations = self.parse_modelV2_data(sm)
        self.mpc_model.update(sm['carState'].vEgo, sm['carState'].aEgo,
                              distances, speeds, accelerations)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled,

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, sm['controlsState'].active,
            v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo, lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead,
            lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat, lead_1.fcw,
            blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
        if fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        radar_dead = not sm.alive['radarState']

        radar_errors = list(sm['radarState'].radarErrors)
        radar_fault = car.RadarData.Error.fault in radar_errors
        radar_can_error = car.RadarData.Error.canError in radar_errors

        # **** send the plan ****
        plan_send = messaging.new_message('plan')

        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(
            service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

        plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['model']
        plan_send.plan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

        # longitudal plan
        plan_send.plan.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.aCruise = float(self.a_cruise)
        plan_send.plan.vStart = float(self.v_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.aStart = float(self.a_acc_start)
        plan_send.plan.vTarget = float(self.v_acc)
        plan_send.plan.aTarget = float(self.a_acc)
        plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = float(self.v_acc_future)
        plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

        a_error = round(self.a_acc - sm['carState'].aEgo, 2)
        if abs(a_error) > 0.2:
            print(f"-------- a_error: {a_error} --------")

        plan_send.plan.vCurvature = float(v_curvature_map)
        plan_send.plan.decelForTurn = bool(decel_for_turn)
        plan_send.plan.mapValid = True

        radar_valid = not (radar_dead or radar_fault)
        plan_send.plan.radarValid = bool(radar_valid)
        plan_send.plan.radarCanError = bool(radar_can_error)

        plan_send.plan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime /
                                          1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

        # Send out fcw
        plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw

        # Send radarstate(dRel, vRel, yRel)
        plan_send.plan.dRel1 = lead_1.dRel
        plan_send.plan.yRel1 = lead_1.yRel
        plan_send.plan.vRel1 = lead_1.vRel
        plan_send.plan.dRel2 = lead_2.dRel
        plan_send.plan.yRel2 = lead_2.yRel
        plan_send.plan.vRel2 = lead_2.vRel
        plan_send.plan.status2 = lead_2.status
        plan_send.plan.targetSpeed = v_cruise_setpoint * CV.MS_TO_KPH
        plan_send.plan.targetSpeedCamera = v_speedlimit_ahead * CV.MS_TO_KPH

        pm.send('plan', plan_send)

        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (CP.radarTimeStep / LON_MPC_STEP) * (
            self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + CP.radarTimeStep * (
            a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol

        self.first_loop = False
class Planner():
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2)

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0
        self.v_acc_next = 0.0
        self.a_acc_next = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0

        self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.path_x = np.arange(192)

        self.fcw = False

        self.params = Params()
        self.first_loop = True

        self.input_queue = Queue()
        self.input_thread = Thread(target=input_loop,
                                   args=(self.input_queue, ))

        self.output_queue = Queue()
        self.output_thread = Thread(target=output_loop,
                                    args=(self.output_queue, ))

        self.TR_override = None

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled):
        if enabled:
            solutions = {'cruise': self.v_cruise}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest
            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == 'mpc1':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'mpc2':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'cruise':
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise

        self.v_acc_future = min([
            self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint

    def update(self, sm, CP):
        """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()

            input_event = self.input_queue.get_nowait()

            if input_event == InputEvent.LONG_PRESS:
                self.TR_override = 1.8 if self.TR_override is None else None

            # Output current status
            output_event = OutputEvent.LONG_DIM if self.TR_override is None else OutputEvent.SHORT_DIM
            except Full:
                log_f = open('/data/openpilot-patch/mpc_update_log.txt', 'a')
                log_f.write(f"{datetime.now()} Output queue is full\n")
                    ['python', '/data/openpilot-patch/util/error.py'])
        except TimeoutError:
        except Empty:

        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo

        long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
        force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel

        v_cruise_kph = min(v_cruise_kph, V_CRUISE_MAX)
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
        lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        self.v_acc_start = self.v_acc_next
        self.a_acc_start = self.a_acc_next

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled and not self.first_loop and not sm['carState'].gasPressed:
            accel_limits = [
                float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, following)
            jerk_limits = [
                min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]),
                max(0.1, accel_limits[1])
            ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
            accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(
                v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngleDeg, accel_limits, self.CP)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1],
                accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0],

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], LON_MPC_STEP)

            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = self.CP.minSpeedCan if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(sm['carState'], lead_1, self.TR_override)
        self.mpc2.update(sm['carState'], lead_2, self.TR_override)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        self.fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, sm['controlsState'].active,
            v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo, lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead,
            lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat, lead_1.fcw,
            blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
        if self.fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (CP.radarTimeStep / LON_MPC_STEP) * (
            self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + CP.radarTimeStep * (
            a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_next = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_next = a_acc_sol

        self.first_loop = False

    def publish(self, sm, pm):

        plan_send = messaging.new_message('longitudinalPlan')

        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(
            service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

        longitudinalPlan = plan_send.longitudinalPlan
        longitudinalPlan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['modelV2']
        longitudinalPlan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

        longitudinalPlan.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise)
        longitudinalPlan.aCruise = float(self.a_cruise)
        longitudinalPlan.vStart = float(self.v_acc_start)
        longitudinalPlan.aStart = float(self.a_acc_start)
        longitudinalPlan.vTarget = float(self.v_acc)
        longitudinalPlan.aTarget = float(self.a_acc)
        longitudinalPlan.vTargetFuture = float(self.v_acc_future)
        longitudinalPlan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        longitudinalPlan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource
        longitudinalPlan.fcw = self.fcw

        longitudinalPlan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime /
                                            1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

        pm.send('longitudinalPlan', plan_send)
Пример #16
def run_following_distance_simulation(TR_override, v_lead, t_end=200.0):
    dt = 0.2
    t = 0.

    lead_pos = LeadPos(v_lead)

    x_ego = 0.0
    v_ego = v_lead
    a_ego = 0.0

    v_cruise_setpoint = v_lead + 10.

    pm = FakePubMaster()
    mpc = LongitudinalMpc(1, TR_override)

    datapoints = [{'t': t, 'x_ego': x_ego, 'x_lead': lead_pos.x}]

    first = True
    while t < t_end:
        # Run cruise control
        accel_limits = [
            float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, False)
        jerk_limits = [min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]), max(0.1, accel_limits[1])]
        v_cruise, a_cruise = speed_smoother(v_ego, a_ego, v_cruise_setpoint,
                                            accel_limits[1], accel_limits[0],
                                            jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0], dt)

        # Setup CarState
        CS = messaging.new_message('carState')
        CS.carState.vEgo = v_ego
        CS.carState.aEgo = a_ego

        # Setup lead packet
        lead = log.RadarState.LeadData.new_message()
        lead.status = True
        lead.dRel = lead_pos.x - x_ego
        lead.vLead = lead_pos.v
        lead.aLeadK = 0.0

        # Run MPC
        mpc.set_cur_state(v_ego, a_ego)
        if first:  # Make sure MPC is converged on first timestep
            for _ in range(20):
                mpc.update(CS.carState, lead)
        mpc.update(CS.carState, lead)

        # Choose slowest of two solutions
        if v_cruise < mpc.v_mpc:
            v_ego, a_ego = v_cruise, a_cruise
            v_ego, a_ego = mpc.v_mpc, mpc.a_mpc

        # Update state
        lead_pos.update(t, dt)
        x_ego += v_ego * dt
        t += dt
        first = False

        datapoints.append({'t': t, 'x_ego': x_ego, 'x_lead': lead_pos.x})

    filename = f'test_out/{v_lead}_{TR_override}.json'
    with open(filename, 'w') as datafile:
        json.dump(datapoints, datafile)
    return lead_pos.x - x_ego