Пример #1
    def test_init_with_empty_list(self):
        nd = NodesData([], {})

        self.assertEqual(len(nd._nodes_data), 0)
        num_diverstions = sum([len(d) for d in nd._divertions])
        self.assertEqual(num_diverstions, 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(nd._curvature_speed_sections_data), 0)
Пример #2
    def test_init_with_less_than_4_nodes(self):
        wr_t = WayRelation(mockOSMWay_02_03_Short_3_node_way)

        nd = NodesData([wr_t], {})

        self.assertEqual(len(nd._nodes_data), 0)
        num_diverstions = sum([len(d) for d in nd._divertions])
        self.assertEqual(num_diverstions, 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(nd._curvature_speed_sections_data), 0)
Пример #3
    def test_count(self):
        way_relations = mockRouteData_02_01.wrs
        wr_index = mockRouteData_02_01.way_collection.wr_index
        num_n = sum([len(wr.way.nodes)
                     for wr in way_relations]) - len(way_relations) + 1

        nd = NodesData(way_relations, wr_index)

        self.assertEqual(nd.count, num_n)
Пример #4
    def test_speed_limits_ahead(self):
        way_relations = mockRouteData_02_03.wrs
        wr_index = mockRouteData_02_03.way_collection.wr_index

        nd = NodesData(way_relations, wr_index)

        # empty when ahead_idx is none.
        self.assertEqual(len(nd.speed_limits_ahead(None, 10.)), 0)

        # All limist from 0
        all_limits = nd.speed_limits_ahead(1, nd.get(NodeDataIdx.dist_next)[0])
        self.assertEqual(len(all_limits), 4)  # 4 limits on this mock road.
        self.assertListEqual([sl.value for sl in all_limits],
                             [v * CV.KPH_TO_MS for v in [50, 100, 50, 100]])
        for idx, sl in enumerate(all_limits):
            self.assertTrue(sl.end > sl.start)
            self.assertTrue(sl.value > 0.)
            if idx == 0:
                self.assertEqual(sl.start, 0.)
                self.assertEqual(sl.start, all_limits[idx - 1].end)
                self.assertNotEqual(sl.value, all_limits[idx - 1].value)
Пример #5
    def test_distance_to_end(self):
        way_relations = mockRouteData_02_03.wrs
        wr_index = mockRouteData_02_03.way_collection.wr_index

        nd = NodesData(way_relations, wr_index)

        # none when ahead_idx is none.
        self.assertIsNone(nd.distance_to_end(None, 10.))

        # From the begining
        expected = np.sum(nd.get(NodeDataIdx.dist_next))
                               nd.get(NodeDataIdx.dist_next)[0]), expected)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nd.get(NodeDataIdx.dist_route)[-1], expected)

        # From the node next to last
        expected = nd.get(NodeDataIdx.dist_next)[-2]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nd.distance_to_end(nd.count - 2, 0.), expected)
Пример #6
    def test_init_with_multiple_wr(self):
        way_relations = mockRouteData_02_01.wrs
        wr_index = mockRouteData_02_01.way_collection.wr_index

        nd = NodesData(way_relations, wr_index)

        self.assertListEqual(nd._divertions, mockRouteData_02_01._divertions)
        self.assertEqual(len(nd._curvature_speed_sections_data), 9)
        num_diverstions = sum([len(d) for d in nd._divertions])
        self.assertEqual(num_diverstions, 14)
Пример #7
    def test_init_with_single_wr_includes_all_wr_nodes(self):
        way_relations = mockRouteData_02_02_single_wr.wrs
        wr_index = mockRouteData_02_02_single_wr.way_collection.wr_index

        nd = NodesData(way_relations, wr_index)

        self.assertEqual(len(nd._nodes_data), len(way_relations[0].way.nodes))
        self.assertEqual(len(nd._curvature_speed_sections_data), 6)
        num_diverstions = sum([len(d) for d in nd._divertions])
        self.assertEqual(num_diverstions, 6)
Пример #8
    def test_distance_to_node(self):
        way_relations = mockRouteData_02_03.wrs
        wr_index = mockRouteData_02_03.way_collection.wr_index

        nd = NodesData(way_relations, wr_index)
        dist_to_node_ahead = 10.
        node_id = 1887995486  # Some node id in the middle of the way. idx 50
        node_idx = np.nonzero(nd.get(NodeDataIdx.node_id) == node_id)[0][0]

        # none when ahead_idx is none.
            nd.distance_to_node(node_id, None, dist_to_node_ahead))

        # From the begining
        expected = nd.get(NodeDataIdx.dist_route)[node_idx]
            nd.distance_to_node(node_id, 1,
                                nd.get(NodeDataIdx.dist_next)[0]), expected)

        # From the end
        expected = -np.sum(nd.get(NodeDataIdx.dist_next)[node_idx:])
                                len(nd.get(NodeDataIdx.node_id)) - 1, 0.),

        # From some node behind including dist to node ahead
        ahead_idx = node_idx - 10
        expected = np.sum(nd.get(
            NodeDataIdx.dist_next)[ahead_idx:node_idx]) + dist_to_node_ahead
            nd.distance_to_node(node_id, ahead_idx, dist_to_node_ahead),

        # From some node ahead including dist to node ahead
        ahead_idx = node_idx + 10
        expected = -np.sum(nd.get(
            NodeDataIdx.dist_next)[node_idx:ahead_idx]) + dist_to_node_ahead
            nd.distance_to_node(node_id, ahead_idx, dist_to_node_ahead),
Пример #9
    def test_distance_to_end_from_empty(self):
        wr_t = WayRelation(mockOSMWay_02_03_Short_3_node_way)

        nd = NodesData([wr_t], {})
        self.assertIsNone(nd.distance_to_end(1, 10.))
Пример #10
    def test_speed_limits_ahead_from_empty(self):
        wr_t = WayRelation(mockOSMWay_02_03_Short_3_node_way)

        nd = NodesData([wr_t], {})
        self.assertEqual(len(nd.speed_limits_ahead(1, 10.)), 0)
Пример #11
    def test_get_values(self):
        way_relations = mockRouteData_02_01.wrs
        wr_index = mockRouteData_02_01.way_collection.wr_index

        nd = NodesData(way_relations, wr_index)

                                  mockRouteData_02_01._nodes_data[:, 0])
                                  mockRouteData_02_01._nodes_data[:, 1])
                                  mockRouteData_02_01._nodes_data[:, 2])
                                  mockRouteData_02_01._nodes_data[:, 3])
                                  mockRouteData_02_01._nodes_data[:, 4])
                                  mockRouteData_02_01._nodes_data[:, 5])
                                  mockRouteData_02_01._nodes_data[:, 6])
                                  mockRouteData_02_01._nodes_data[:, 7])
                                  mockRouteData_02_01._nodes_data[:, 8])
                                  mockRouteData_02_01._nodes_data[:, 9])
Пример #12
    def test_get_on_empty(self):
        wr_t = WayRelation(mockOSMWay_02_03_Short_3_node_way)

        nd = NodesData([wr_t], {})
        assert_array_almost_equal(nd.get(NodeDataIdx.node_id), np.array([]))
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, current, wr_index, way_collection_id, query_center):
        """Create a Route object from a given `wr_index` (Way relation index)

        current (WayRelation): The Way Relation that is currently located. It must be active.
        wr_index (Dict(NodeId, [WayRelation])): The index of WayRelations by node id of an edge node.
        way_collection_id (UUID): The id of the Way Collection that created this Route.
        query_center (Numpy Array): lat, lon] numpy array in radians indicating the center of the data query.
        self.way_collection_id = way_collection_id
        self._ordered_way_relations = []
        self._nodes_data = None

        # An active current way is needed to be able to build a route
        if not current.active:

        # Build the route by finding iteratavely the best matching ways continuing after the end of the
        # current (last_wr) way. Use the index to find the continuation posibilities on each iteration.
        last_wr = current
        ordered_way_ids = []
        while True:
            # - Append current element to the route list of ordered way relations.

            # - Get the id of the node at the end of the way and then fetch the way relations that share the end node id.
            last_node_id = last_wr.last_node.id
            way_relations = wr_index[last_node_id]

            # - If no more way_relations than last_wr, we got to the end.
            if len(way_relations) == 1:

            # - Get the coordinates for the edge node and build the array of coordinates for the nodes before the edge node
            # on each of the common way relations, then get the vectors in cartesian plane for the end sections of each way.
            ref_point = last_wr.last_node_coordinates
            points = np.array(
                        lambda wr: wr.node_before_edge_coordinates(
                            last_node_id), way_relations)))
            v = ref_vectors(ref_point, points) * R

            # - Calculate the bearing (from true north clockwise) for every end section of each way.
            b = np.arctan2(v[:, 0], v[:, 1])

            # - Find index of las_wr section and calculate deltas of bearings to the other sections.
            last_wr_idx = way_relations.index(last_wr)
            b_ref = b[last_wr_idx]
            delta = b - b_ref

            # - Update the direction of the possible route continuation ways as starting from last_node_id.
            # Make sure to exclude any ways already included in the ordered list as to not modify direction when there
            # are looping roads (like roundabouts). A way will never be included twice in a route anyway.
            for wr in way_relations:
                if wr.id not in ordered_way_ids:

            # - Filter the possible route continuation way relations:
            #   - exclude any way already added to the ordered list.
            #   - exclude all way relations that are prohibited due to traffic direction.
            mask = [
                wr.id not in ordered_way_ids and not wr.is_prohibited
                for wr in way_relations
            way_relations = list(compress(way_relations, mask))
            delta = delta[mask]

            # if no options left, we got to the end.
            if len(way_relations) == 0:

            # - The cosine of the bearing delta will aid us in choosing the way that continues. The cosine is
            # minimum (-1) for a perfect straight continuation as delta would be pi or -pi.
            cos_delta = np.cos(delta)

            def pick_best_idx(cos_delta):
                """Selects the best index on `cos_delta` array for a way that continues the route.
        In principle we want to choose the way that continues as straight as possible.
        Bue we need to make sure that if there are 2 or more ways continuing relatively straight, then we
        need to disambiguate, either by matching the `ref` or `name` value of the continuing way with the
        last way selected.
        This can prevent cases where the chosen route could be for instance an exit ramp of a way due to the fact
        that the ramp has a better match on bearing to previous way. We choose to stay on the road with the same `ref`
        or `name` value if available.
        If there is no ambiguity or there are no `name` or `ref` values to disambiguate, then we pick the one with
        the straightest following direction.
                # Find the indexes of the cosine of the deltas that are considered straight enough to continue.
                idxs = np.nonzero(
                    cos_delta < _ACCEPTABLE_BEARING_DELTA_COSINE)[0]

                # If no amiguity or no way to break it, just return the straightest line.
                if len(idxs) <= 1 or (last_wr.ref is None
                                      and last_wr.name is None):
                    # The section with the best continuation is the one with a bearing delta closest to pi. This is equivalent
                    # to taking the one with the smallest cosine of the bearing delta, as cosine is minimum (-1) on both pi
                    # and -pi.
                    return np.argmin(cos_delta)

                wrs = [way_relations[idx] for idx in idxs]

                # If we find a continuation way with the same reference we just choose it.
                refs = list(map(lambda wr: wr.ref, wrs))
                if last_wr.ref is not None:
                    idx = next((idx for idx, ref in enumerate(refs)
                                if ref == last_wr.ref), None)
                    if idx is not None:
                        return idxs[idx]

                # If we find a continuation way with the same name we just choose it.
                names = list(map(lambda wr: wr.name, wrs))
                if last_wr.name is not None:
                    idx = next((idx for idx, name in enumerate(names)
                                if name == last_wr.name), None)
                    if idx is not None:
                        return idxs[idx]

                # We did not manage to deambiguate, choose straightest path.
                return np.argmin(cos_delta)

            # Get the index of the continuation way.
            best_idx = pick_best_idx(cos_delta)

            # - Make sure to not select as route continuation a way that turns too much if we are close to the border of
            # map data queried. This is to avoid building a route that takes a sharp turn just because we do not have the
            # data for the way that actually continues straight.
            if cos_delta[best_idx] > _MAX_ALLOWED_BEARING_DELTA_COSINE_AT_EDGE:
                dist_to_center = distance_to_points(query_center,
                if dist_to_center > QUERY_RADIUS - _MAP_DATA_EDGE_DISTANCE:

            # - Select next way.
            last_wr = way_relations[best_idx]

        # Build the node data from the ordered list of way relations
        self._nodes_data = NodesData(self._ordered_way_relations, wr_index)

        # Locate where we are in the route node list.
Пример #14
class Route():
    """A set of consecutive way relations forming a default driving route.
    def __init__(self, current, wr_index, way_collection_id, query_center):
        """Create a Route object from a given `wr_index` (Way relation index)

        current (WayRelation): The Way Relation that is currently located. It must be active.
        wr_index (Dict(NodeId, [WayRelation])): The index of WayRelations by node id of an edge node.
        way_collection_id (UUID): The id of the Way Collection that created this Route.
        query_center (Numpy Array): lat, lon] numpy array in radians indicating the center of the data query.
        self.way_collection_id = way_collection_id
        self._ordered_way_relations = []
        self._nodes_data = None

        # An active current way is needed to be able to build a route
        if not current.active:

        # Build the route by finding iteratavely the best matching ways continuing after the end of the
        # current (last_wr) way. Use the index to find the continuation posibilities on each iteration.
        last_wr = current
        ordered_way_ids = []
        while True:
            # - Append current element to the route list of ordered way relations.

            # - Get the id of the node at the end of the way and then fetch the way relations that share the end node id.
            last_node_id = last_wr.last_node.id
            way_relations = wr_index[last_node_id]

            # - If no more way_relations than last_wr, we got to the end.
            if len(way_relations) == 1:

            # - Get the coordinates for the edge node and build the array of coordinates for the nodes before the edge node
            # on each of the common way relations, then get the vectors in cartesian plane for the end sections of each way.
            ref_point = last_wr.last_node_coordinates
            points = np.array(
                        lambda wr: wr.node_before_edge_coordinates(
                            last_node_id), way_relations)))
            v = ref_vectors(ref_point, points) * R

            # - Calculate the bearing (from true north clockwise) for every end section of each way.
            b = np.arctan2(v[:, 0], v[:, 1])

            # - Find index of las_wr section and calculate deltas of bearings to the other sections.
            last_wr_idx = way_relations.index(last_wr)
            b_ref = b[last_wr_idx]
            delta = b - b_ref

            # - Update the direction of the possible route continuation ways as starting from last_node_id.
            # Make sure to exclude any ways already included in the ordered list as to not modify direction when there
            # are looping roads (like roundabouts). A way will never be included twice in a route anyway.
            for wr in way_relations:
                if wr.id not in ordered_way_ids:

            # - Filter the possible route continuation way relations:
            #   - exclude any way already added to the ordered list.
            #   - exclude all way relations that are prohibited due to traffic direction.
            mask = [
                wr.id not in ordered_way_ids and not wr.is_prohibited
                for wr in way_relations
            way_relations = list(compress(way_relations, mask))
            delta = delta[mask]

            # if no options left, we got to the end.
            if len(way_relations) == 0:

            # - The cosine of the bearing delta will aid us in choosing the way that continues. The cosine is
            # minimum (-1) for a perfect straight continuation as delta would be pi or -pi.
            cos_delta = np.cos(delta)

            def pick_best_idx(cos_delta):
                """Selects the best index on `cos_delta` array for a way that continues the route.
        In principle we want to choose the way that continues as straight as possible.
        Bue we need to make sure that if there are 2 or more ways continuing relatively straight, then we
        need to disambiguate, either by matching the `ref` or `name` value of the continuing way with the
        last way selected.
        This can prevent cases where the chosen route could be for instance an exit ramp of a way due to the fact
        that the ramp has a better match on bearing to previous way. We choose to stay on the road with the same `ref`
        or `name` value if available.
        If there is no ambiguity or there are no `name` or `ref` values to disambiguate, then we pick the one with
        the straightest following direction.
                # Find the indexes of the cosine of the deltas that are considered straight enough to continue.
                idxs = np.nonzero(
                    cos_delta < _ACCEPTABLE_BEARING_DELTA_COSINE)[0]

                # If no amiguity or no way to break it, just return the straightest line.
                if len(idxs) <= 1 or (last_wr.ref is None
                                      and last_wr.name is None):
                    # The section with the best continuation is the one with a bearing delta closest to pi. This is equivalent
                    # to taking the one with the smallest cosine of the bearing delta, as cosine is minimum (-1) on both pi
                    # and -pi.
                    return np.argmin(cos_delta)

                wrs = [way_relations[idx] for idx in idxs]

                # If we find a continuation way with the same reference we just choose it.
                refs = list(map(lambda wr: wr.ref, wrs))
                if last_wr.ref is not None:
                    idx = next((idx for idx, ref in enumerate(refs)
                                if ref == last_wr.ref), None)
                    if idx is not None:
                        return idxs[idx]

                # If we find a continuation way with the same name we just choose it.
                names = list(map(lambda wr: wr.name, wrs))
                if last_wr.name is not None:
                    idx = next((idx for idx, name in enumerate(names)
                                if name == last_wr.name), None)
                    if idx is not None:
                        return idxs[idx]

                # We did not manage to deambiguate, choose straightest path.
                return np.argmin(cos_delta)

            # Get the index of the continuation way.
            best_idx = pick_best_idx(cos_delta)

            # - Make sure to not select as route continuation a way that turns too much if we are close to the border of
            # map data queried. This is to avoid building a route that takes a sharp turn just because we do not have the
            # data for the way that actually continues straight.
            if cos_delta[best_idx] > _MAX_ALLOWED_BEARING_DELTA_COSINE_AT_EDGE:
                dist_to_center = distance_to_points(query_center,
                if dist_to_center > QUERY_RADIUS - _MAP_DATA_EDGE_DISTANCE:

            # - Select next way.
            last_wr = way_relations[best_idx]

        # Build the node data from the ordered list of way relations
        self._nodes_data = NodesData(self._ordered_way_relations, wr_index)

        # Locate where we are in the route node list.

    def __repr__(self):
        count = self._nodes_data.count if self._nodes_data is not None else None
        return f'Route: {self.way_collection_id}, idx ahead: {self._ahead_idx} of {count}'

    def _reset(self):
        self._limits_ahead = None
        self._cuvature_limits_ahead = None
        self._curvatures_ahead = None
        self._ahead_idx = None
        self._distance_to_node_ahead = None

    def located(self):
        return self._ahead_idx is not None

    def _locate(self):
        """Will resolve the index in the nodes_data list for the node ahead of the current location.
       It updates as well the distance from the current location to the node ahead.
        current = self.current_wr
        if current is None:

        node_ahead_id = current.node_ahead.id
        self._distance_to_node_ahead = current.distance_to_node_ahead
        start_idx = self._ahead_idx if self._ahead_idx is not None else 1
        self._ahead_idx = None

        ids = self._nodes_data.get(NodeDataIdx.node_id)
        for idx in range(start_idx, len(ids)):
            if ids[idx] == node_ahead_id:
                self._ahead_idx = idx

    def current_wr(self):
        return self._ordered_way_relations[0] if len(
            self._ordered_way_relations) else None

    def update(self, location_rad, bearing_rad, accuracy):
        """Will update the route structure based on the given `location_rad` and `bearing_rad` assuming progress on the
    route on the original direction. If direction has changed or active point on the route can not be found, the route
    will become invalid.
        if len(self._ordered_way_relations
               ) == 0 or location_rad is None or bearing_rad is None:

        # Skip if no update on location or bearing.
        if np.array_equal(
                location_rad) and self.current_wr.bearing_rad == bearing_rad:

        # Transverse the way relations on the actual order until we find an active one. From there, rebuild the route
        # with the way relations remaining ahead.
        for idx, wr in enumerate(self._ordered_way_relations):
            active_direction = wr.direction
            wr.update(location_rad, bearing_rad, accuracy)

            if not wr.active:

            if wr.direction != active_direction:
                # Driving direction on the route has changed. stop.

            # We have now the current wr. Repopulate from here till the end and locate
            self._ordered_way_relations = self._ordered_way_relations[idx:]

            # If the active way is diverting, check whether there are posibilities to divert from the route in the
            # vecinity of the current location. If there are possibilities, then stop here to loose the route as we are
            # most likely driving away. If there are no possibilites, then stick to the route as the diversion is probably
            # just a matter of GPS accuracy. (It can happen after driving under a bridge)
            if wr.diverting and len(
                        self._ahead_idx, self._distance_to_node_ahead)) > 0:

            # The current location in route is valid, return.

        # if we got here, there is no new active way relation or driving direction has changed. Reset.

    def speed_limits_ahead(self):
        """Returns and array of SpeedLimitSection objects for the actual route ahead of current location
        if self._limits_ahead is not None:
            return self._limits_ahead

        if self._nodes_data is None or self._ahead_idx is None:
            return []

        self._limits_ahead = self._nodes_data.speed_limits_ahead(
            self._ahead_idx, self._distance_to_node_ahead)
        return self._limits_ahead

    def curvature_speed_limits_ahead(self):
        """Returns and array of TurnSpeedLimitSection objects for the actual route ahead of current location due
    to curvatures
        if self._cuvature_limits_ahead is not None:
            return self._cuvature_limits_ahead

        if self._nodes_data is None or self._ahead_idx is None:
            return []

        self._cuvature_limits_ahead = self._nodes_data. \
          curvatures_speed_limit_sections_ahead(self._ahead_idx, self._distance_to_node_ahead)

        return self._cuvature_limits_ahead

    def current_speed_limit(self):
        if not self.located:
            return None

        limits_ahead = self.speed_limits_ahead
        if len(limits_ahead) == 0 or limits_ahead[0].start != 0:
            return None

        return limits_ahead[0].value

    def current_curvature_speed_limit_section(self):
        if not self.located:
            return None

        limits_ahead = self.curvature_speed_limits_ahead
        if len(limits_ahead) == 0 or limits_ahead[0].start != 0:
            return None

        return limits_ahead[0]

    def next_speed_limit_section(self):
        if not self.located:
            return None

        limits_ahead = self.speed_limits_ahead
        if len(limits_ahead) == 0:
            return None

        # Find the first section that does not start in 0. i.e. the next section
        for section in limits_ahead:
            if section.start > 0:
                return section

        return None

    def next_curvature_speed_limit_sections(self, horizon_mts):
        if not self.located:
            return []

        # Provide the curvature speed sections that start ahead (> 0) and up to horizon
        return list(
            filter(lambda la: la.start > 0 and la.start <= horizon_mts,

    def distance_to_end(self):
        if not self.located:
            return None

        return self._nodes_data.distance_to_end(self._ahead_idx,