Пример #1
def mapsd_thread():
    global last_gps
    context = zmq.Context()
    poller = zmq.Poller()
    gps_external_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context,
    map_data_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context, 8065)
    traffic_data_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context,

    cur_way = None
    curvature_valid = False
    curvature = None
    upcoming_curvature = 0.
    dist_to_turn = 0.
    road_points = None
    speedLimittraffic = 0
    speedLimittraffic_prev = 0
    max_speed = None
    max_speed_ahead = None
    max_speed_ahead_dist = None

    max_speed_prev = 0
    speedLimittrafficvalid = False

    while True:
        gps_ext = None
        traffic = None
        for socket, event in poller.poll(0):
            if socket is gps_external_sock:
                gps_ext = messaging.recv_one(socket)
            elif socket is traffic_data_sock:
                traffic = arne182.LiveTrafficData.from_bytes(socket.recv())
        if traffic is not None:
            if traffic.speedLimitValid:
                speedLimittraffic = traffic.speedLimit
                if abs(speedLimittraffic_prev - speedLimittraffic) > 0.1:
                    speedLimittrafficvalid = True
                    speedLimittraffic_prev = speedLimittraffic
            if traffic.speedAdvisoryValid:
                speedLimittrafficAdvisory = traffic.speedAdvisory
                speedLimittrafficAdvisoryvalid = True
                speedLimittrafficAdvisoryvalid = False
            speedLimittrafficAdvisoryvalid = False
            speedLimittrafficvalid = False
        if gps_ext is not None:
            gps = gps_ext.gpsLocationExternal


        last_gps = gps

        fix_ok = gps.flags & 1

        if gps.accuracy > 2.0:
            fix_ok = False
        if not fix_ok or last_query_result is None or not cache_valid:
            cur_way = None
            curvature = None
            max_speed_ahead = None
            max_speed_ahead_dist = None
            curvature_valid = False
            upcoming_curvature = 0.
            dist_to_turn = 0.
            road_points = None
            map_valid = False
            map_valid = True
            lat = gps.latitude
            lon = gps.longitude
            heading = gps.bearing
            speed = gps.speed

            cur_way = Way.closest(last_query_result, lat, lon, heading,
            if cur_way is not None:
                pnts, curvature_valid = cur_way.get_lookahead(
                    lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)
                if pnts is not None:
                    xs = pnts[:, 0]
                    ys = pnts[:, 1]
                    road_points = [float(x)
                                   for x in xs], [float(y) for y in ys]

                    if speed < 5:
                        curvature_valid = False
                    if curvature_valid and pnts.shape[0] <= 3:
                        curvature_valid = False
                    curvature_valid = False
                    upcoming_curvature = 0.
                    curvature = None
                    dist_to_turn = 0.
                # The curvature is valid when at least MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE of road is found
                if curvature_valid:
                    # Compute the curvature for each point
                    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
                        circles = [
                            for p in zip(pnts, pnts[1:], pnts[2:])
                        circles = np.asarray(circles)
                        radii = np.nan_to_num(circles[:, 2])
                        radii[radii < 15.] = 10000

                        if cur_way.way.tags['highway'] == 'trunk':
                            radii = radii * 1.6  # https://media.springernature.com/lw785/springer-static/image/chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-658-01689-0_21/MediaObjects/298553_35_De_21_Fig65_HTML.gif
                        if cur_way.way.tags[
                                'highway'] == 'motorway' or cur_way.way.tags[
                                    'highway'] == 'motorway_link':
                            radii = radii * 2.8

                        curvature = 1. / radii

                    # Index of closest point
                    closest = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(pnts, axis=1))
                    dist_to_closest = pnts[
                        0]  # We can use x distance here since it should be close

                    # Compute distance along path
                    dists = list()
                    for p, p_prev in zip(pnts, pnts[1:, :]):
                        dists.append(dists[-1] + np.linalg.norm(p - p_prev))
                    dists = np.asarray(dists)
                    dists = dists - dists[closest] + dist_to_closest
                    dists = dists[1:-1]

                    close_idx = np.logical_and(dists > 0, dists < 500)
                    dists = dists[close_idx]
                    curvature = curvature[close_idx]

                    if len(curvature):
                        # TODO: Determine left or right turn
                        curvature = np.nan_to_num(curvature)

                        upcoming_curvature = np.amax(curvature)
                        dist_to_turn = np.amin(dists[np.logical_and(
                            curvature >= np.amax(curvature),
                            curvature <= np.amax(curvature))])

                        upcoming_curvature = 0.
                        dist_to_turn = 999


        dat = messaging.new_message()

        if last_gps is not None:
            dat.liveMapData.lastGps = last_gps

        if cur_way is not None:
            dat.liveMapData.wayId = cur_way.id

            # Speed limit
            max_speed = cur_way.max_speed(heading)
            max_speed_ahead = None
            max_speed_ahead_dist = None
            if max_speed is not None:
                max_speed_ahead, max_speed_ahead_dist = cur_way.max_speed_ahead(
                    max_speed, lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)
                max_speed_ahead, max_speed_ahead_dist = cur_way.max_speed_ahead(
                    speed * 1.1, lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)
            # TODO: anticipate T junctions and right and left hand turns based on indicator

            if max_speed_ahead is not None and max_speed_ahead_dist is not None:
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadValid = True
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAhead = float(max_speed_ahead)
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadDistance = float(
            if max_speed is not None:
                if abs(max_speed - max_speed_prev) > 0.1:
                    speedLimittrafficvalid = False
                    max_speed_prev = max_speed
            advisory_max_speed = cur_way.advisory_max_speed()
            if speedLimittrafficAdvisoryvalid:
                dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisoryValid = True
                dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisory = speedLimittrafficAdvisory / 3.6
                if advisory_max_speed is not None:
                    dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisoryValid = True
                    dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisory = advisory_max_speed

            # Curvature
            dat.liveMapData.curvatureValid = curvature_valid
            dat.liveMapData.curvature = float(upcoming_curvature)
            dat.liveMapData.distToTurn = float(dist_to_turn)
            if road_points is not None:
                dat.liveMapData.roadX, dat.liveMapData.roadY = road_points
            if curvature is not None:
                dat.liveMapData.roadCurvatureX = [float(x) for x in dists]
                dat.liveMapData.roadCurvature = [float(x) for x in curvature]

        if speedLimittrafficvalid:
            if speedLimittraffic > 0.1:
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimitValid = True
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimit = speedLimittraffic / 3.6
                map_valid = False
                speedLimittrafficvalid = False
            if max_speed is not None and map_valid:
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimitValid = True
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimit = max_speed

        dat.liveMapData.mapValid = map_valid

Пример #2
def mapsd_thread():
    global last_gps

    context = zmq.Context()
    poller = zmq.Poller()
    gps_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context,
    gps_external_sock = messaging.sub_sock(
    map_data_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context,
    traffic_data_sock = messaging.sub_sock(

    cur_way = None
    curvature_valid = False
    curvature = None
    upcoming_curvature = 0.
    dist_to_turn = 0.
    road_points = None
    speedLimittraffic = 0
    speedLimittraffic_prev = 0
    max_speed = None
    max_speed_ahead = None
    max_speed_ahead_dist = None

    max_speed_prev = 0
    speedLimittrafficvalid = False

    while True:
        gps = messaging.recv_one(gps_sock)
        gps_ext = None
        traffic = None
        for socket, event in poller.poll(0):
            if socket is gps_external_sock:
                gps_ext = messaging.recv_one(socket)
            elif socket is traffic_data_sock:
                traffic = messaging.recv_one(socket)
        if traffic is not None:
            if traffic.liveTrafficData.speedLimitValid:
                speedLimittraffic = traffic.liveTrafficData.speedLimit
                if abs(speedLimittraffic_prev - speedLimittraffic) > 0.1:
                    speedLimittrafficvalid = True
                    speedLimittraffic_prev = speedLimittraffic
            if traffic.liveTrafficData.speedAdvisoryValid:
                speedLimittrafficAdvisory = traffic.liveTrafficData.speedAdvisory
                speedLimittrafficAdvisoryvalid = True
                speedLimittrafficAdvisoryvalid = False
            speedLimittrafficAdvisoryvalid = False
            speedLimittrafficvalid = False
        if gps_ext is not None:
            gps = gps_ext.gpsLocationExternal
            gps = gps.gpsLocation


        last_gps = gps

        fix_ok = gps.flags & 1
        if not fix_ok or last_query_result is None or not cache_valid:
            cur_way = None
            curvature = None
            max_speed_ahead = None
            max_speed_ahead_dist = None
            curvature_valid = False
            upcoming_curvature = 0.
            dist_to_turn = 0.
            road_points = None
            map_valid = False
            map_valid = True
            lat = gps.latitude
            lon = gps.longitude
            heading = gps.bearing
            speed = gps.speed

            cur_way = Way.closest(last_query_result, lat, lon, heading,
            if cur_way is not None:
                pnts, curvature_valid = cur_way.get_lookahead(
                    lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)

                xs = pnts[:, 0]
                ys = pnts[:, 1]
                road_points = [float(x) for x in xs], [float(y) for y in ys]

                if speed < 10:
                    curvature_valid = False
                if curvature_valid and pnts.shape[0] <= 3:
                    curvature_valid = False

                # The curvature is valid when at least MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE of road is found
                if curvature_valid:
                    # Compute the curvature for each point
                    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
                        circles = [
                            for p in zip(pnts, pnts[1:], pnts[2:])
                        circles = np.asarray(circles)
                        radii = np.nan_to_num(circles[:, 2])
                        radii[radii < 10] = np.inf
                        curvature = 1. / radii

                    # Index of closest point
                    closest = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(pnts, axis=1))
                    dist_to_closest = pnts[
                        0]  # We can use x distance here since it should be close

                    # Compute distance along path
                    dists = list()
                    for p, p_prev in zip(pnts, pnts[1:, :]):
                        dists.append(dists[-1] + np.linalg.norm(p - p_prev))
                    dists = np.asarray(dists)
                    dists = dists - dists[closest] + dist_to_closest
                    dists = dists[1:-1]

                    close_idx = np.logical_and(dists > 0, dists < 500)
                    dists = dists[close_idx]
                    curvature = curvature[close_idx]

                    if len(curvature):
                        # TODO: Determine left or right turn
                        curvature = np.nan_to_num(curvature)

                        # Outlier rejection
                        new_curvature = np.percentile(curvature,

                        k = 0.6
                        upcoming_curvature = k * upcoming_curvature + (
                            1 - k) * new_curvature
                        in_turn_indices = curvature > 0.8 * new_curvature

                        if np.any(in_turn_indices):
                            dist_to_turn = np.min(dists[in_turn_indices])
                            dist_to_turn = 999
                        upcoming_curvature = 0.
                        dist_to_turn = 999


        dat = messaging.new_message()

        if last_gps is not None:
            dat.liveMapData.lastGps = last_gps

        if cur_way is not None:
            dat.liveMapData.wayId = cur_way.id

            # Speed limit
            max_speed = cur_way.max_speed()
            if max_speed is not None:
                #new_latitude  = gps.latitude + (MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE * cos(heading/180*3.14159265358979) / (6371010 + gps.altitude)) * (180 / 3.14159265358979)
                #new_longitude = gps.longitude + (MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE * sin(heading/180*3.14159265358979) / (6371010 + gps.altitude)) * (180 / 3.14159265358979) / cos(gps.latitude * 3.14159265358979/180)
                ahead_speed = None
                max_speed_ahead = None
                max_speed_ahead_dist = None
                #ahead_speed = Way.closest(last_query_result, new_latitude, new_longitude, heading, ahead_speed)
                #if ahead_speed is not None and ahead_speed < max_speed:
                #  max_speed_ahead = ahead_speed.max_speed()
                #  print "speed ahead found"
                #  print max_speed_ahead
                #  max_speed_ahead_dist = cur_way.distance_to_closest_node(lat, lon, heading, pnts)
                #  print "distance"
                #  print max_speed_ahead_dist

                if abs(max_speed - max_speed_prev) > 0.1:
                    speedLimittrafficvalid = False
                    max_speed_prev = max_speed

                # TODO: use the function below to anticipate upcoming speed limits
                max_speed_ahead, max_speed_ahead_dist = cur_way.max_speed_ahead(
                    max_speed, lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)
                if max_speed_ahead is not None and max_speed_ahead_dist is not None:
                    dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadValid = True
                    dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAhead = float(max_speed_ahead)
                    dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadDistance = float(

            advisory_max_speed = cur_way.advisory_max_speed()
            if speedLimittrafficAdvisoryvalid:
                dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisoryValid = True
                dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisory = speedLimittrafficAdvisory / 3.6
                if advisory_max_speed is not None:
                    dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisoryValid = True
                    dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisory = advisory_max_speed

            # Curvature
            dat.liveMapData.curvatureValid = curvature_valid
            dat.liveMapData.curvature = float(upcoming_curvature)
            dat.liveMapData.distToTurn = float(dist_to_turn)
            if road_points is not None:
                dat.liveMapData.roadX, dat.liveMapData.roadY = road_points
            if curvature is not None:
                dat.liveMapData.roadCurvatureX = [float(x) for x in dists]
                dat.liveMapData.roadCurvature = [float(x) for x in curvature]

        if speedLimittrafficvalid:
            if speedLimittraffic > 0.1:
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimitValid = True
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimit = speedLimittraffic / 3.6
                map_valid = False
                speedLimittrafficvalid = False
            if max_speed is not None:
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimitValid = True
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimit = max_speed

        #print "speedLimittraffic_prev"
        #print speedLimittraffic_prev
        #print "speedLimittraffic"
        #print speedLimittraffic
        #print "max_speed_prev"
        #print max_speed_prev
        #print "max_speed"
        #print max_speed
        #print "speedLimittrafficvalid"
        #if speedLimittrafficvalid:
        #  print "True"
        #  print "False"
        dat.liveMapData.mapValid = map_valid

Пример #3
def mapsd_thread():
  global last_gps

  context = zmq.Context()
  gps_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['gpsLocation'].port, conflate=True)
  gps_external_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['gpsLocationExternal'].port, conflate=True)
  map_data_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['liveMapData'].port)

  cur_way = None
  curvature_valid = False
  curvature = None
  upcoming_curvature = 0.
  dist_to_turn = 0.
  road_points = None

  while True:
    gps = messaging.recv_one(gps_sock)
    gps_ext = messaging.recv_one_or_none(gps_external_sock)

    if gps_ext is not None:
      gps = gps_ext.gpsLocationExternal
      gps = gps.gpsLocation

    last_gps = gps

    fix_ok = gps.flags & 1
    if not fix_ok or last_query_result is None or not cache_valid:
      cur_way = None
      curvature = None
      curvature_valid = False
      upcoming_curvature = 0.
      dist_to_turn = 0.
      road_points = None
      map_valid = False
      map_valid = True
      lat = gps.latitude
      lon = gps.longitude
      heading = gps.bearing
      speed = gps.speed

      cur_way = Way.closest(last_query_result, lat, lon, heading, cur_way)
      if cur_way is not None:
        pnts, curvature_valid = cur_way.get_lookahead(lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)

        xs = pnts[:, 0]
        ys = pnts[:, 1]
        road_points = [float(x) for x in xs], [float(y) for y in ys]

        if speed < 10:
          curvature_valid = False
        if curvature_valid and pnts.shape[0] <= 3:
          curvature_valid = False

        # The curvature is valid when at least MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE of road is found
        if curvature_valid:
          # Compute the curvature for each point
          with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            circles = [circle_through_points(*p) for p in zip(pnts, pnts[1:], pnts[2:])]
            circles = np.asarray(circles)
            radii = np.nan_to_num(circles[:, 2])
            radii[radii < 10] = np.inf
            curvature = 1. / radii

          # Index of closest point
          closest = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(pnts, axis=1))
          dist_to_closest = pnts[closest, 0]  # We can use x distance here since it should be close

          # Compute distance along path
          dists = list()
          for p, p_prev in zip(pnts, pnts[1:, :]):
            dists.append(dists[-1] + np.linalg.norm(p - p_prev))
          dists = np.asarray(dists)
          dists = dists - dists[closest] + dist_to_closest
          dists = dists[1:-1]

          close_idx = np.logical_and(dists > 0, dists < 500)
          dists = dists[close_idx]
          curvature = curvature[close_idx]

          if len(curvature):
            # TODO: Determine left or right turn
            curvature = np.nan_to_num(curvature)

            # Outlier rejection
            new_curvature = np.percentile(curvature, 90, interpolation='lower')

            k = 0.6
            upcoming_curvature = k * upcoming_curvature + (1 - k) * new_curvature
            in_turn_indices = curvature > 0.8 * new_curvature

            if np.any(in_turn_indices):
              dist_to_turn = np.min(dists[in_turn_indices])
              dist_to_turn = 999
            upcoming_curvature = 0.
            dist_to_turn = 999


    dat = messaging.new_message()

    if last_gps is not None:
      dat.liveMapData.lastGps = last_gps

    if cur_way is not None:
      dat.liveMapData.wayId = cur_way.id

      # Seed limit
      max_speed = cur_way.max_speed()
      if max_speed is not None:
        dat.liveMapData.speedLimitValid = True
        dat.liveMapData.speedLimit = max_speed

        # TODO: use the function below to anticipate upcoming speed limits
        #max_speed_ahead, max_speed_ahead_dist = cur_way.max_speed_ahead(max_speed, lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)
        #if max_speed_ahead is not None and max_speed_ahead_dist is not None:
        #  dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadValid = True
        #  dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAhead = float(max_speed_ahead)
        #  dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadDistance = float(max_speed_ahead_dist)

      advisory_max_speed = cur_way.advisory_max_speed()
      if advisory_max_speed is not None:
        dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisoryValid = True
        dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisory = advisory_max_speed

      # Curvature
      dat.liveMapData.curvatureValid = curvature_valid
      dat.liveMapData.curvature = float(upcoming_curvature)
      dat.liveMapData.distToTurn = float(dist_to_turn)
      if road_points is not None:
        dat.liveMapData.roadX, dat.liveMapData.roadY = road_points
      if curvature is not None:
        dat.liveMapData.roadCurvatureX = [float(x) for x in dists]
        dat.liveMapData.roadCurvature = [float(x) for x in curvature]

    dat.liveMapData.mapValid = map_valid

Пример #4
    def run(self):
        self.logger.debug("Entered run method for thread :" + str(self.name))
        cur_way = None
        curvature_valid = False
        curvature = None
        upcoming_curvature = 0.
        dist_to_turn = 0.
        road_points = None
        max_speed = None
        max_speed_ahead = None
        max_speed_ahead_dist = None
        max_speed_prev = 0
        start = time.time()
        while True:
            if time.time() - start > 2.5:
                print("Mapd MapsdThread lagging by: %s" %
                      str(time.time() - start - 0.1))
            if time.time() - start < 1.5:
                start = time.time()
            self.logger.debug("starting new cycle in endless loop")
            query_lock = self.sharedParams.get('query_lock', None)
            gps = self.sharedParams['last_gps']
            if gps is None:
            fix_ok = gps.flags & 1
            self.logger.debug("fix_ok = %s" % str(fix_ok))

            if not fix_ok or self.sharedParams[
                    'last_query_result'] is None or not self.sharedParams[
                self.logger.debug("fix_ok %s" % fix_ok)
                self.logger.error("Error in fix_ok logic")
                cur_way = None
                curvature = None
                max_speed_ahead = None
                max_speed_ahead_dist = None
                curvature_valid = False
                upcoming_curvature = 0.
                dist_to_turn = 0.
                road_points = None
                map_valid = False
                map_valid = True
                lat = gps.latitude
                lon = gps.longitude
                heading = gps.bearing
                speed = gps.speed

                cur_way = Way.closest(self.sharedParams['last_query_result'],
                                      lat, lon, heading, cur_way)

                if cur_way is not None:
                    self.logger.debug("cur_way is not None ...")
                    pnts, curvature_valid = cur_way.get_lookahead(
                        lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)
                    if pnts is not None:
                        xs = pnts[:, 0]
                        ys = pnts[:, 1]
                        road_points = [float(x)
                                       for x in xs], [float(y) for y in ys]

                        if speed < 5:
                            curvature_valid = False
                        if curvature_valid and pnts.shape[0] <= 3:
                            curvature_valid = False
                        curvature_valid = False
                        upcoming_curvature = 0.
                        curvature = None
                        dist_to_turn = 0.
                    # The curvature is valid when at least MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE of road is found
                    if curvature_valid:
                        # Compute the curvature for each point
                        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
                            circles = [
                                circle_through_points(*p, direction=True)
                                for p in zip(pnts, pnts[1:], pnts[2:])
                            circles = np.asarray(circles)
                            radii = np.nan_to_num(circles[:, 2])
                            radii[abs(radii) < 15.] = 10000

                            if cur_way.way.tags[
                                    'highway'] == 'trunk_link' or cur_way.way.tags[
                                        'highway'] == 'motorway_link':
                                radii = radii * 1.6  # https://media.springernature.com/lw785/springer-static/image/chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-658-01689-0_21/MediaObjects/298553_35_De_21_Fig65_HTML.gif
                            elif cur_way.way.tags['highway'] == 'motorway':
                                radii = radii * 2.8

                            curvature = 1. / radii
                        rate = [
                            for p in zip(pnts[1:], pnts[2:], curvature[0:],
                        rate = ([0] + rate)

                        curvature = np.abs(curvature)
                        curvature = np.multiply(
                            np.minimum(np.multiply(rate, 4000) + 0.7, 1.1),
                        # Index of closest point
                        closest = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(pnts, axis=1))
                        dist_to_closest = pnts[
                            0]  # We can use x distance here since it should be close

                        # Compute distance along path
                        dists = list()
                        for p, p_prev in zip(pnts, pnts[1:, :]):
                            dists.append(dists[-1] +
                                         np.linalg.norm(p - p_prev))
                        dists = np.asarray(dists)
                        dists = dists - dists[closest] + dist_to_closest
                        dists = dists[1:-1]

                        close_idx = np.logical_and(dists > 0, dists < 500)
                        dists = dists[close_idx]
                        curvature = curvature[close_idx]

                        if len(curvature):
                            curvature = np.nan_to_num(curvature)
                            upcoming_curvature = np.amax(curvature)
                            dist_to_turn = np.amin(dists[np.logical_and(
                                curvature >= upcoming_curvature,
                                curvature <= upcoming_curvature)])
                            upcoming_curvature = 0.
                            dist_to_turn = 999

            dat = messaging.new_message()

            last_gps = self.sharedParams.get('last_gps', None)

            if last_gps is not None:
                dat.liveMapData.lastGps = last_gps

            if cur_way is not None:
                dat.liveMapData.wayId = cur_way.id
                self.sharedParams['osm_way_id'] = cur_way.id

                # Speed limit
                max_speed = cur_way.max_speed(heading)
                max_speed_ahead = None
                max_speed_ahead_dist = None
                if max_speed is not None:
                    max_speed_ahead, max_speed_ahead_dist = cur_way.max_speed_ahead(
                        max_speed, lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)
                    max_speed_ahead, max_speed_ahead_dist = cur_way.max_speed_ahead(
                        speed * 1.1, lat, lon, heading,
                    # TODO: anticipate T junctions and right and left hand turns based on indicator

                if max_speed_ahead is not None and max_speed_ahead_dist is not None:
                    dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadValid = True
                    dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAhead = float(max_speed_ahead)
                    dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadDistance = float(
                if max_speed is not None:
                    if abs(max_speed - max_speed_prev) > 0.1:
                        max_speed_prev = max_speed

                # Curvature
                dat.liveMapData.curvatureValid = curvature_valid
                dat.liveMapData.curvature = float(upcoming_curvature)
                dat.liveMapData.distToTurn = float(dist_to_turn)
                if road_points is not None:
                    dat.liveMapData.roadX, dat.liveMapData.roadY = road_points
                if curvature is not None:
                    dat.liveMapData.roadCurvatureX = [float(x) for x in dists]
                    dat.liveMapData.roadCurvature = [
                        float(x) for x in curvature
                self.sharedParams['osm_way_id'] = 0
            if max_speed is not None and map_valid:
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimitValid = True
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimit = max_speed

            dat.liveMapData.mapValid = map_valid
            self.logger.debug("Sending ... liveMapData ... %s", str(dat))
            self.pm.send('liveMapData', dat)